‘THE BIG STORE‘S NEWS. ‘ Boys‘ Tauned Bais, sizes 1 to 5, reg. $1.75, Ohoice for $1.25. * _ THE CHRONICLEâ€"TELEGRAPH. VOL 50«â€"NO. 31 Quality, finish and price are some of our Big Inducements. If you are one of our patrons you already know our strong pointsâ€"the best in the market, the lowest prices and prompt delivery. LONG KID GLOVES We have them in all‘ sizes from 5¢ to 7, colors of white, giey and tan guarrateed value at per pair...... . $2 FANCY COTTON HOSE With colored stitching, every pair good quality, worth reg. 25¢, sale ptieoperpnirlflo SUMMER CORSETS at every department. . Whatever you buy here you it that our prices are absolutely the lowest. â€" (‘whe best on the PesW.id sizes, white only, worth sc and 95¢ fOR., . ... ..0.... 6068 ++ CLEARING SALE OF PR!§1: the m go quickly: & f 6 doz. print waists, each ...... . . 292 18 doz print waists, each ...... 850C 12 doz print waists, each ...... .5oe LADIES‘ AND MISSES‘ SKIRTS. Colors are blue, grev and brown. new, nâ€"at and nobby o@yles. a y Real Estate monthly if you are interested in the Purchase Jor Exchange of Real Estate, _ It describes Hundreds of choice properties. The Berlin Little Gent‘s T aimned I 8 to 10, for 98c. B iys‘ Tanned Lace Boots, sizes 11 to 13, Choice for 99c. Boys‘ Tanned Calf Bal«., Goodyear welt s les. sizes 24 to 54, regular $3.°0 for $2.00. $225 Shoes for $1.59 Women‘s $2.% and $2,00 Chocolate Lace Boots for $1,50. . _ At reduced prices on all Summer Shoes. Bargains. THE HORTON STAVELAT ROTARY WASKER _ Worth reg. $3, special each . . .$1.75 ;Worth reg. 5.53, special each $3.50 Gwl Stylese and at prices We Want You to Read Our Worth reg. 2 50, special each $1.50 Store Opens 8 a m. Noxt to Sovereign Bank and Post Office, soOLK AGENT FOR WATERLOO covnTty. The new store opposite M. Erh & Co‘s. King St., Berlin $3 00 Shoes for $2.00 $125 Shoes for $1 75 Shoes for $1 25 $1.35 Shoes for 99c PETER HYMMEN, est on the Market. A few reasons why : 1. â€" {t is made of Louisiana Cyérress. %. ~It has n~ complicated gearing. R 3. It is handsome and durable * 4. |t is the casiest running machine on the market Great Shoe Sale A. WESELOH & CO. wing ara a fow F. E. Shantz & Co Frederick Stroot. Opposite Market. Beriin Ont. Creat Saving Chances j A / e a real estate magazine paishod is amch complc‘e foom : If, aft»> a care Mercantile Co. Lace Boots, sizes PRICE $7.00 wWAISTS. to make You will find here shephard checks, Scotch Plaids, navy, grey, myrtle, cardinal and brown lustre, also a few pieces of tweed (come errly) worth reg. 35¢ to 0c yd., spacial price.. .220 BLACK TAFFETA SILK, 30¢ a yd 03 yds. Taffeta Silk in ‘black only, extra nicely finished and wo iderful value for the money, reg. 5)c, sÂ¥ e price per yd ..... srikr ears ++ ++ s PGG DRE 8 GCODS SALE, 2 JUST VALUES (Millinery Dept.) 1 table of untrimmed shapes, worth reg. 90c and $1, your choice for ° 5oc 1 table of reaiyâ€"toâ€"wear Hats for both ladies and children, worth reg. from 1.75 to $4, your choice, ... .%$1. 50 1 table of Trimmed Hats; there mu t be seen to be appreciated; worth reg. from $3, to $5.60, your cho‘ice for:i{ ririi: Men‘s Tanned Calf, Goodyear Welt Lawce Boot and B‘ucher Cut Lace, all sizes, 6 to 104, reg. 5 for $2.99 $2.00 Misses‘ Shoes for $1 49 M sses‘ Chocolate Boots, sizes 11 to 2, choice for $1.49. ; Mi~ses‘ and Children‘s W hite Slij pers at special piices. Ch.tdren‘s Chocolate __SJippers. eizc:' 8 to 10}, reg. 1.00 for T5¢. Children‘s Slippers, sizes 4 to 74, reg. 85¢, for 59c. ; Mh}' and Girls‘ Chocolatse Gil son ie Oxford, reg. $1.75 and $2.00 Store Closes 6.15 p.m. for $5 00 Shoes for $2.99 «; Berlin _ Phone 149 can depend upon a few of the many Berlin. Mr.. E. Becker, who had the misâ€" fortune to fall and hurt his head a few weeks ago, is now slowly on the mend. He was removed from his moâ€" tler‘s to his own home yesterday. > [ Our Busy Neigï¬ï¬brsi Mrs. E. Hewitt has returned home, after a fortnights‘ visit with relatives in Berlin. â€" Miss Sara Obetholtzer, who spent the spring and part of the summer at Lindsay, Victoria Co., has returned to the home of her parents here. Miss Lily and Mr. Nelson Gottesiaâ€" ben called on Mr. Sam Hilborn‘s and Mrs. Hy. Bowers last week. Mrs. Rob. Rathbun _ has gone to Bullalo for a week‘s visit with friends On her return she will visit Smithâ€" ville, G'rimsb_v and other points in Lincoln County, among the scenes of her early childhood. Miss Lilian Bowman, of. Berlin, spent a few days at the home of her cousin, Miss Clara Detweiler. _ I #0OO# ©#090000000 #O09°0+ #000¢ QOC#OSODC® ehBete COOSD #090000000» OO060 GOC@® DOFODSCPDO® eO@vQ+e Wedding at New Hamburg.â€"Mr. and NMrs. A. Hallman and family were in New Hamburg on Wednesday, July 1tth, attending the wedding of tne latter‘s son, Mr. Ed,. Hunsperger, of Detroit, Mich., to Miss Mary Schildâ€" roth, of New â€" Hampurg. The bride, who was attired in white silk, . was attended by hber sister, Miss Minnic, while the duties of groomsman wcre'\ ably discharged by Mr. S. Lederman, of Berlin. Rev. Mr. Yager, ol New: liamburg, tied the knot, in the pres-‘ ence of about 80 guest‘s, after which a delectable wedding dejcuner was parâ€" ta‘scn of. The newly married coupl Acft the same evening for Toronto where they took the boat for a tri; through the Thousand Islands. _ Re turning from | these, they were th. gucsts of the groom‘s mother here, and will leave next wee‘k for Detroit, }whcre they will reside at. "present, Their many friends wish them . bot .oyage on the ocean of life. Mrs. Abram (Gichl has returned home from a month‘s prospecting tour near Humbcldt, Sask. While there she visâ€" ited Mr. and Mrs. Abr. Bichn, who atre well pleased with their new bome. Mrs. Gebl was also_ favorably _ imâ€" pressed with the country and may at some futureâ€"time remove to Saskatchâ€" ewan. Mr. Adrian Sfengel, of Berlin, callâ€" _ Mr. Adrian Sfengel, of Berlin, callâ€" ed â€"on Mr. â€"H.â€"Gimbel this week. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dopp, of Taâ€" vistock, spent two days last week at‘ the home of the latter‘s uncle, Mr.‘ Hy, Lutz. They also visited Berlin ‘riends en route for home. ‘ Mrs. Gosnell, nee Minnie Scherer,of Gould St., Toronto, passed through here last week en route for Preston, where she. will spend Sunday. . Mrs. Gosnell has many friends here, . who were glad to see her again. Her moâ€" ther, Mrs. Scherer, who moved from here to Davidson, Sask., a few ycars ‘a;v,o, and took up a homestead therte, is prospering, and likes her â€" Westers Mr.â€" Albert Gimble, of Toronto, spent last Saturday and Sunday a! his home here. +«Mr. Eph. Hunsperger, of Travers City, Mich., is spending his holidays at the home of his mother, Mrs. A. Hallman. Miss E. Lutz visited friends in Pres ton andâ€" Limcrick Jlast Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Geiger aad daughter of Toronto spent the past week with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kinzie and son Grant of Brantford are visitiig the latter‘s parents here at present. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz of Hanover, Mr. and Mrs. Doerbecker of Neustadt were visitors at Peter Hufner‘s on Saturday. Emma Lackner is visiting with friends im St. Mary‘s and Elmwood. Miss Scott of Berlin is the guest of Miss Nettie Donald. Mr, R. C. Dicfenbaketr of Berlin speat Sunday under the parental roof, ~Mrs. F. G. Lackner, accompaniced by her son George, is visiting with Graham Lackner‘s, in Essex. Mr. and Mrs. Engel of Alma paid a short visit to Miss M. Donald on Sunday. 4 Wm. Anderson of Boston is renew ing old acquaintances hore. _ Miss Oveas of Toronto is visiting friends here. Quarterly service was held in the Mcthodist church on Sunday evening, and was conducted by Rev. Mr. Roadâ€" house, of Elmira. Next Sunday serâ€" vice will be held in the morning inâ€" stead of the evening, as formerly. "Alex. Anderson has sold his farm to L. Beckler. Mr. Anderson internds going elsewhere. .. Mr. Zinkann of Neustadt, shoemakâ€" er, artived here last week and opened up a shop in Forwell‘s Hall, on Main street, where he is ready for busiâ€" ness. The hum of the thresher is beard in our midst and harvest is progtressing rapidty. ; News Notes Gathered by Industrious Correspondents in County and District. July 24.â€"All indications point to a WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 2, CRESSMAX, SAsSK. HAWKESVILLE FREEPORT. very heavy harvest and the glorious West is realizing the great prosperity and future before it. An early harâ€" vest is predicted. Barley and early wn wheat will sway to the harvesâ€" ters‘ scythes in a week or ten days. Not much hay has been put up yet, but haying will be general this week. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Moyer, Miss Laura Moyer of Innisfail, Alta., and Miss Louisa and Edwin and Stanley were visiting in the neighborhood ovâ€" er Sunday, Mr. E. E. Mostman and Jonathan Shantz were visiting Ben Shuh. Among the excursionists from the East that arrived on Saturday were Mr. ~Steiner‘of St. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis, Devitt, Manmnheim; the Misses Olivia Cressman, Lizzie Bean and Rebecca Shantz of near New Hamburg. â€" Mr. Isaac Lachman of Bridgeport, was visiting Levi Gross last week. Now that the C. N. R. have conâ€" trol of the Prince Albert, Regina, line, formerly operated by the C.P.R. all efforts are put forth by the C. P. R. to rush to ‘completion their Sheâ€" howestaskawin line. The G.T.P. are also putting forth special efforts to .complete their Jine, and men art scouring the country for teams and ‘men to put on grading. i. Mr. D. N. MacLeod, formerly supâ€" erintendent of the interior decorating department â€" of the Marshall _ Field Co., Chicago, but now of the T. Eaton Co., Winnipeg, spent Saturday with Sylvester Bichn. & _ Another monster pici;ic will be held on Wednesday ~ at Lake Xanitou by the Stover Sunday school.. ed on Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Snyder, above Waterloo, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Ward have left for their home in Toronto after spending some time at the residence of Mrs. Oberholtzer. â€"Mr. Tom: Puddicombe is Jeaving for the east this morring. Mr. and Mrs. Yost and Miss Louisa Yost of Elmira and Mrs. Gabel . of Youngstown, Ohio, were guests . of Mr. and Mrs. Menno Braendle . this week. â€" Mrs. Addison Shantz spent Monday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Weber. Miss Jessie Thomas returned home after holidaying with friends in Linâ€" wood. Mr. D.. Bemis, Toronto, called . on his mother, Mrs. Remis, last week, Miss Clara Wile, Berlin, called . on friends here on Sunday. Mr. Herb. _ Heintzmaa _ left for Hawkesville, where he has secured a position with Mr. McAllister in the saw mill. â€"Lawn Social.â€"The lawa sovial to be held on Thursday evening, August 2nd, at the home of Mrc." sbepherd, promises to he a good one. ~Great efforts are being put forth to make this the banner one ol the season. Come and bring your friends with you, V The recent rains are quite a drawâ€" back â€"to ~the housing of the farmer‘s crops. Quite a lot of wheat and barâ€" ley is on ‘the shock yet. Oats are badly tangled after the heavy shower of Sunday. £ ~Mr. Gc-ror;c \Schwindt of Elmwood is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. Rickâ€" ert, Sr. Th3 Mr. and Mrs. J. Nahrgang of E1â€" mira were visitors at the home . of Mr. N. Bergey on Thursday. _ Mr. and Mrs. David Bergey of New Dundec visited the former‘s mother on Sunday. Tds ~Rev. Mr. Sicvenpiper, of New Dun dee, called on Mr and Mrs. L. B Hallman on Friday of last week, Mrz. Harvey Rickert accompanied by the Misses Snider, all of New _ Dunâ€" dee, were . Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. T. Rickert. Miss Maggic Shantz left Tuesday for Detroit â€" after spending a | six weeks‘ vacation at home. Messts. M. Herner and A. Chapman and the Misses Swartz, Herner . and dee on Sunday. Rellinger, visited friends in New Dunâ€" wï¬-i‘sswlil-s'irï¬a â€"Hallman has resumed her dutics in Berlin after holidaying at home. SA #he Reiet Threshing Company have purchased a straw and ensilage cutter with all the modern improvements from the Bell works, St. Geotge, at a reasonable figure. This is certainly a great convenience to this vicimty, and anyone wishing. to have his sile filled should give them a eall. â€"NMr. J. E. Bergey was a business visitor to Strasburg on Monday. _ _ Messrs. E. Reier and J. Poll . and Miss S. Poll were visiting under the parental roof on Sunday last. Revy. Jacob Gingrich of Preston oc« cupied the pulpit of the ‘Old Menâ€" nonite church both morning and evenâ€" ing on Sunday last. Mr. Gingrich is an cloquent speaker. A large congreâ€" gation was presemt. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cressman callâ€" BLOOMINGDALE MANNHEIM. Dear Sir,â€"Perhaps some of your readers would be interested in readâ€" ing a few items from this new seeâ€" tion of the country, known as the Carrot River Valley. Well, 1, in comâ€" pany with Mrs. Durrant, left Breslau station, G.T.R., on the morning . of July 17th, at 10 a.m., arriving | at Union Station, Toronto, at 12.30 p. m., where three train loads were made up for the Northwest, éach train having nine or ten coaches and 1250 passengers in all, besides a great quantity of baggage. Our train left at 3.30. We had a very pleasant run up to North Bay, atvriving there about midnight. . Wednesday was a lovely© day with a fine bracing atâ€" mosphere. The road being in good condition we reached Fort William about midnight, stopping 45 minutes for some car changes, etc., and then we started for the meTropolis of the West, avrriving at Winnipeg at 5.30 p i. The construction of the new lines of railway, the Grand Trunk Pacific and C.N.R., are very visible throughâ€" out that section of the country, and the building is costly, owing to the mountainous and rocky surface of the land, and also the numerous lakes, rivers and ravines. Winnipeg is growing very rapidly, and is upâ€"toâ€"date. The C.P.R. buildâ€" ings are immense. The station, waitâ€" ing rooms, freight departments, offiâ€" ces and hotel are all in one block, the hotel being 260x210 feet and seven stories high. The first two stories are built of concrete, the balance of white brick, which makes a very fine appearance. Editor Chronicleâ€"Telegraph Leaving Winnipeg, which was all astir preparing for the Western‘ Fair, which is now . in progress, we took the C. N. R. for Tisdale, 475. miles northwest, arriving at our destinaâ€" tion on Saturday morning, 21st inst.. at 7.25 for breakfast. This is a new‘ town, only two years old, on the Dog . Hide ~ River,‘ . about 125 miles south of Prince Albert. _ Now toâ€"be brief; lest I weary you, would menâ€" tion that we have 3 general stores, 1 hardware, flour and feed 2 impleâ€" ment, 2 blacksmiths, veterinary surâ€" geon, livery, 2 butchers, jeweler, 2 lund agents, 2 boarding houses, hotel, hbakery, sthool house, and 2 churches in course of erectionâ€"Methodist and Presbyterian. Both ministers of aforeâ€" said churches are living in this town. We have three mails per week. The Chronicleâ€"Telegraph is a welcome visâ€" itor here everyâ€" Thursday morning. ~ Yours truly, f Mrs. Geo. Manser, of Linwood, and the Misses Manser of Torcmto, spent a day last week at Mrs. J. H. Campâ€" bell‘s. * ~Mr. and Mrs. N. Shantz visited friends neat Floradale over Sunday. ' and Mrs. Jno. Webster spent Monday in Baden. Miss Gould of Berlin. v sited _ at Mr. A. Docting‘s last week. Good Goods If you intend using paint and don‘t know what colors to use to harmonize properly call on us for S. W. P. information card. _ It tells you how to do it. Waterloo TISDALE, SASKATCHEWAN,. M. DURRANT. CROSSHILL. Palnt. Weichel‘s Weekly Store News ~PAINTS z2s M. WEICHEL & SON., We are pricing these lines so very low that the lot should be out in a few hours. Mainy of these lines we so‘d at 25¢, 30c and 35¢, others were 18¢ and 20¢ all new and |:£' to dare. Our clearing price will be less thas half price. See our show window. _ Our wash goods harvest is nearing the cnd. We are now clearing the fie!d. â€" This is always a profitless task but its good business according to our + 0 iop... You wili want to do some hurry up shopping if you want first choice. We are cleamng out our entire stock of sammer wash goods and mustins. We do not want to move auy of these lines into our new store, __ 10 pieces extra fine Muslins, newcest patterns and collars, all this season‘s goods 18 and 20¢ clearing 10c.. _ % 5C 3 m F ___ 15 pieces of fine Musiin lovely patterne. Newest colorings regular selling price 25, 28, 30 and 35¢. Clearing price 10. f ce e ___Come early and secure first choice. ‘The prices named will clear out these tines in short order. Smyth Bros., South side King Street. 15 pieces of Fancy Muslin, lovely patterns, all this season‘s goods l5¢ per yd. Clearirg price J0c, _ _ hk t in e s § e 3 Red Card Sale Building Sale Wash Goods Clearing Sale Remarkable price concessions on Seasonable Footwear, Commences Toâ€"morrow PHoNE 307. CLEARING PRICE FOR THIS WEEK Cash only. One Price. . Cheap Cash Store. ~\ HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PAINTS IK THE WORLD #YJRA WATERLOO WHOLE NUMBER 2698 TIME to Paint. Make your buildâ€" ings bright and clean this Spring. We have the best and most ecoâ€" nomical paint for you to use. > Sucrwinâ€"WiILLIAMS a _ PAIWT, Preraneo, ~ the paint that spreads *" farthest, wears longâ€" *:. est, looks best, Made z;a of purest materials. " A record of forty years of good paint making behind it. Eimira. Prices BERLIN