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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 19 Jul 1906, p. 5

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”" Doh'l (ail to Me the clothing bar- _gains M. Wilding is offering. Sec Slur t'tothing Store advl. on page 6., 81075 tlt? $1300 1'i"iij' $1000 i,'i'ir, $1300 2.3:: 81350 ttat 82200 'tttt $2300 953.: 82800 Eiiii'e $3000 932: $3 800 33's.°m'°“'2{ 3.3"" Gem. $tt mt. o 84200 'd,tt,er.flt,g alt Gon and .1... £335: John 2oellner's German Remedies BISCIIOFF’S POWDEBS RED CREEK PILLS GOlTBE OINTIENT, BTC. A ml lino of the In. Mr. anlnor’; quau Medicines Alway- mutual I In [up no“ of German Medicines, 1-1;er Rtots Barks, Berries, ‘etc. ur Your German, Latin or English II olpel will be accuracy], compound- ed as thin roll-bio drug Mom.-E. I. Dun-n: Phone 2I7. $31.“; Funnel". & In. Bnoxm WWW Rev. Mr. Murray, rector of St. Saviour‘s church, preached very ef- 'et'tively Sunday evening on the sub- yrct, "Prolanity." Mr. M. E. Connor reireived a post card from his son, Dr. E.Connor, who holds a position as head surgeon on a. steamship which sails trom Eng- land to joints in West Africa. ' A man's suit tor $4.98, a youth‘s suit at $2.50 and a boy's suit at $1, at the'Star clothing Store, Berlin. See advt. on page 6. FOR salE.-Practica1ly new two horse power gasoline engine, price $50. Apply P. o. Box 63, Water- loo. 19.3t ' The band of the. Waterloo Musical Society will give a series ot tour concerts at Bridgeport within the next two months. The band concert on the Market Square Friday evening was largely attended. A splendid programme was rendered and . the drtterent numbers were much appreciated by the large number present. . ', ' t , I l The friends ot Mr. J. B. Martin will be pleased to learn that he has successfully passed his rumination ih Higher Accounting. and is now a member oriThe International Ac- cotmtants' Society." _ _ The regular Saturday morning mar- ket was largely attended. Butter sold at Hie to 180 . pound, while eggs sold trom 160 to lite. Vege- tables were plentiful and sold at cttr- rent prices. Fruits, including rasp-f berries, eurranis and cherries, were! " ottercd. - l Mr. Michael River, of Brantford, who recently tumult the grocery bus- iurss of Mr. "my Reuel, takes pos- sxssion today Mr. “our! purposes sthrting a butrhcr business in the building next to Mr. Bates' grocery Mote. King street. o IlhTlgl'8 LIST Mr. Julius German. who has wu- duttml a hon-I business in Waterloo tor the past In yours, has sold out to Mr. John Mayer. lormorly ot Wei- lesley. The price paid was 512.000. Mr. Mayer takes possession ahoul August 9111. 0n.Sunday morning Mr. llrlnmlh Krtautt treactwd a wry earnest and mun-sling M'tnt0R in St. John's Lu- theran Ctturrtt. In the rvr'ning Rex. Kin-bu, oi t4trattord, mur- a wry im- Presario and powerful sermon which was “xterm! to byl large mamma- Mort. it a meeting ot the Guelph Presby- tery in Chaimcr's Church, Guelph, on Tut-34h} ImTPt the rumination ol Rev. J. R. Gilchrist, pastor at thit Waterloo Presbyterian church tor the past sewn yc-nrs, was received. It is his intention to tio West. The Grtt Kittte Band, numbering helium " and Mt mcn, and the Wat- nlon Band, will give 3 joint concert in the Nut-rho Park on b'riday to" rning. The (hit band will 3pm“ in tte" new mummies and no doubt I bitt crowd will attend as this in their find app-armor here. Rev. R. J, F.moti, mslur ot the Methodist church, prvaclml two very able sermons Sunday. In the evertitm be - the sn'umrl ot his stairs of summer sumons. his whim being, "Flowers." The "ttttrn was charm, praeueal and Mlptul, and In: IMMI- ed.to “\mnwiy by n good mug» “Hon. The pulp“ was Mummy ”and um. qtttlte lilies, "at you and "not. _ Devitt's Drug Store REAL ESTATE. Local Howl’s. DAY” "03.. “(can - Brick Ming m at Annual loom Atomic. Dom-Io Brick Dwelling on Al'nn Street. tuiumy.yttt.r.se,.oe “in“, mi. by.“ dw. Vlctod. li-Ick dim on m oe M Ind VM SM Brtrk Dwelllng. All can. venirneasr, Ell: Ind Bets. hm Dye]!!! 0rd buo- comet J Pa and Alb. Stum- . Doutscha Apotheto RECENT . PROMOTION Tb [piloting is: "port of there cut promotion ambula- In the various division! at the school. The Ila-or list contains the umes ot than pupils who made " per cent. ot the total will obtainable, and the luau no arranged holder 0| mer- it. In the pass list the names are arranged atrttatteticalir : Hmutrs.-Arthur Huehmsrgard, Mar- old Braettdle, Ada Hun. Stem Lud- wig, 'Nettie Rocket, Doria“ McBride. Chum Snider, Intel Weber, Berti: Hohmeier, Hattie Muehn, Alex. Gil- christ, Arno Puma, untold Dobbin, Ethrt Hulk, Alma Kaufman, Norma Mothers“. Rosie least, Willie Brick- el'. Cora Jacobi, Hilda Heinrich, Lun- isa meinski, Norma Roos, Helen Philip, Lula autumn, Ethel Woll- trardt, Nora Hamel, Henry Gross, (nylon Martin, Melvin: Robertson, Waiter Hoga. Division 2, Junior 4th to Senior 4th l Another ot Trat.ttoo's respected cit. iu-ns passed away at 81.45 o'clock m. Sunday morning at his residence IN. Para strut. in tlt-mon of Mr. Con- rad Lautct. During Saturday night and early Sunday morning he con: praised of toning taint. He nose, however, at an early hour and Mter a short; walk had breaktasr, Shortly at.. ter which he became very weak, and (below medical a'id could be secured [he cxpind, death being due to heat. Elailutc. l I Deceased in; " years, 7 month and 18 days ot age. He was a 1'03ch Ital resident at Waterloo tor man) wears A sorruwing wile and lamil) lot sixrhildren are left to mourn tht loss ota kind “the: and loving Inns (ids. The children are: Conrad, Ttrt Gui, Joe. Hammond, In0.; Oscar. Mary, ttara and 'Cleaners, at honw I Fift- sisters and two brothers also 3 r i P, tir.: Mrs. Drew, Detroit, 'vblu-hx, Mrs. Wagner, London; Mrs. Wm. Christie and Mrs. T. Hurley F Guelrtr, Mrs. Stephen Hauser, Water ho, Ste-won, of New Germany, and "Andrew, of Berlin. Waller Hogg. PtMrs.--Ada Etsy, Vernon Etsy, Agnes Good, Frank "uuumi, Herbert Hott- nzan. Wild: Hogg, Gnome Mam. Neilie McBride, Beatrice ucvougall, Bessie Pwhlman, Rotor: Roos, Vil- m, Schick, Maggie Stewart. Hoaorsc--Adele Hasmllug, Nelson "at.s, George KaltAleisch, May 'Sch- neider, Em Devitt,. F Ion-nee Mctlav- in, Willie Rudow, Bruno Knauit, An- nie (luster, Charlie Mayer, . Willie Niel-in, Olive Kitten Burnice Roos, (hymn GHes, Aloilc Snider, Clayton Hollmln, Willie Wendell, Edwin Koer- ster, John Heinrich, buoy Devin, Otto Allemang. Pass.--") Alteman, James Bish Edwin Bowen, Luella Dolmen, liar- old Good, Louis Graff, Florence Heb- el, Norman Jscohi, Emil Kurke, Min- nie Merner, George Mielkie, Hannah Mussrlman, Albert Nahrgang, Jacob Rudy. . Division l, Junior 3rd ln.Stnior 3rd. Divisicn 3, Eenior 3rd to Junior 4th List of, Pupils Who were Successful in 1 ing at the Waterloo Central School. Pass-vow Rin'ile, Willie Braun, Glenwood Bricker, John Dechert, Floyd Frey, Edgar Hamel, Nollie 'Heinrich, Norman Hetwim Lloyd Hil- liard, Edward Kuntz, Clayton Plan, Wilfrid Schiedel, Clarence tsenmitt, Cornclia Sherman, Isaac T rask,.Shel- don Ut5elmann, Theo. Wrseloh, Harry iionurs.-Ftiti Hutchinson, Mil- ton Kroegcr, (Ian. Conrad. Nclsille Ynider, Dvhord Snider, Emma Reuel, Fred H,eiber, Julius Phylum, Lillie Gceazler, Oscar Dahaters Alive Duet- iug, Laura liauman. Westlall 'DiVisiun ‘5, Senior 2tul to Junior My Honors.-Nrrda MeDougall, Harold Lent, Gertrude Mayer; Mabel Fcik, Mabel'l'ischer, Lizzie Froehlich," Ed- ith such-l, Harry Plan, Horizon. DEATH OF . 2i.,rh,Sh',e,y,y,v' CONRAD LAUBERH FOR I000fiT010 Passed Away Suddenly at His home Sunday. --Fuueral tras, Plate on Wednesday. Thr, sincere sympalhy ot the com- mrmity is extended to the family it their hour of heretvement. The Immoral was Mld'rn Wednesday morning al 10 o'rlock from his lute residence, Park ulrerl. to the R. C. church tor service, Ittowr, lo Motrnt Hope cemetery lor lnlcrmcnt. HORSE FELL THROUGH FLOOR An ”citing accident took place on the farm at Mr. Sidney Schick-lo, I tarmer living about two mites north ot Waterloo. on Thursday tvtotr) last. Mr. Schoitclr and some helpers were onga‘mt in unloading hay In the burn and when hacking out the team one hora!- 'tuddetttr broke through the ftoor, pulling the other horse with him. All" a struggle they succeed- M in morning the one horse, hut the other toll through to the ham!" ftoor, lo feet trrlow, Not In "only oi four rows in the Matt. Two women rugged in milling the cows were‘ badly frightened. The horse alter 1 ml do" med little the worse tot In “with: The hone be long to . ooh. a m. yho unfunny; It. m to if“! ii Bee'ar, Freddie Trotturdt, and" Blob-uh. Tuna Seoul, “not! Sutton. P-R-td Down, Howard Drum, Arthur toaster, Harvey (Hui-ox. Katie Quint, Harry Croce, that Harper, Elmore Heinrich, Alma. .Kirlcl, Willie bookie, Olive Rom, tleftrit' Sou, Rosie Seihel, Mitlatt, isnmn. Irene Statute, Alfred Trench. gDIvulcn C. Senior 2nd to Junior an; I Ho-Leila Reap Bernice Show. Hilda Knut-els, ML my“. Roo- Pasta-m Bub, Wilbur oteiser, Herman Gran. Russel Halstcld, Clayton Hnuch, T Adele Haunting. Ibtaltqc-Huealin, Martha KattrBeitett, amt. Kaufman, Hilda Kin-ll, Oscar Klan, Bella w, Vitus“ lull, Ar- thur lei-um. Robert Meyer, Gordon Mmlmu,‘ Venn; Ree-or. Gertie Sum. ie Bud. Ruddy McBride. Florence Wendell. Ella Wilts, Willla'Rockel, may Backer, “and Hittiard, 05- car hutch; Edna Kuhn“, Pearl Mic, Harold Haunting. up" Kumpl, LitrReturl, John Weber, Cal- m: Snyder, _ , Division 7, Junior 2nd to Senior and. Honors.-Fred McDouull, Hugh Van Every, Em Bruin, water Mlelkie, Vera Reid, Hilliard Flynn, Willie Froehliett, Norman Philip. -' ' - Paas.-Marguerite Bechtel, Gertie Bolduc, Arthur Bucholz, Willrid Doerr, Clayton Damn, Georgina En- gel, Ems Farmer, Lloyd Farmer, AV rin Risen“, Georgu Forbes, _urnnetta Sits, Joe man, Minnie Gutpel, Ed- win Hans, Hilda Hottman, Milton Koch, Emma Kuntz, Verna Schmitt, Harry Soehner, Leonard Short, Mar- tha Treturch, Rheinhardt Uitelmann, Arthur Vale, Ethel Weber, Emma Wolfhardt, Gordon Ziegler. Division a, Junior and to Senior Md. Hotcrs.-lrvine Hraun, Ada turni-i . mgr, Mary Yalentine, Minn Hawke,‘ m Him: Heinrich, nutm "asmttug,lSunday School of Knoz-Prcs- George 'ate, Ada nnider, It") brterian Ctturctr, Acton And Kaiser. . . . [Ln-u - Irv-Hr. TN,...-," ll‘illin rrrwr, Joyed a Pleasant outing Carl Bollinger, Norman Bunsch, Gertrude Dahmer, Mildred Dickman, Wilfrid Dicrlamm. Louisa. Doerr, Joy Eby, Flora Grosz, Edith Hellman, Walter Koch, Emma Lanz, Alien Maid, May McGrun, lull-a Mother- all, Minnie Reiner, Martha ts'duiritt, Clinton Shun, Lime Shaun, Min- nie Sink-r, lit-m Snidrr, Harold Punches his Farewell Sermon Sunday, July 22. Will Leave on atth inst. Pass-Fritz Bergman, Willie Ldez- ina, Nellie Forbcs, Ema. (inner. no) Hunman, Lou's tsress, MarshaOLud- wig, Tillie Meyer, Arthur Mueller. DiVoision 9, Part 2nd Senior ti, Jun- ' tor and. . The Res. A. L. Murray, M. A., who has been in charge ot St. the viour's Church for t past few months, has beet. Jtd'l by the Bishop ot Huron to the Rectory ot Ridgctown. Sunday, July 22nd, will be Mr. Murrar's last Sunday in St. Saviour‘s Church. Mr. Wm. R. Westby, a student ot Huron College, will hue charge of St. Sayionr's Church for a. In Week: until an incunyenl. is wint- By the election this week oi Mr. Norman Seagram and Mr. D. S. ' sels, the membership at the Toronto Stock Exchange ha been increased tr Ihirtr-sevep. The membershipol this Exchange is restricted to lorty am consequently there are only tttree " canons. Mr. Seagram bought the sent ct Mr. J. W. Betty, who retired trom business about two years ago. The price paid was in the neighbor- hood ot 818,000. Mr. Sengrnm has been a member of the Brm ot Buchan- ‘al, Seagum a: ('0. for some years. ‘lleisa son of Mr. Joni-1. Seagram, the distinguished horseman ml win- ner ol the King's Plate, and son-in- law of Mr. Buchanan. Mr (‘asscls has been associated in business for some time with Mr. Jam”. and is a son ofthe late Mr. Waiter Camels, who was in the hrokenp business many years ago. The number of " ronto Stock Exchange items is M, One form has three seats, eight 1mm have two seats each, and the others have but one seat etsrh. It is said that Mr. C. R. Oxowaki .is about to retire (mm business, - in which us.- his seat would Mon the market. Rev. A. L. And Mrs. Murray will leave lor Ridgotown About. the 24th of the month. The (allowing article is taken trom "In investment column of Toronto Satunhy Night :- . __ A mwtlng ot the Wuletlm hunch ot the Retail mummy AnochHogI will he betd «Chunky emit} at 'tft EM Mr. Chas, Marlin in command moving his cooper-go lo his large In: gum-n on Ext: “not EAMINATIONS‘KEER PUBLIC ' RYAN'S ANNUAL EVENT gush] in Pass. 1jltllllilln'tllllf B SHOWN‘The il u ly . sale - " ow w‘nenLoo BOY. U.UFFELMANN t to . I .f"" Dig “I? '" I"". P"'r " "UT. Ull- [Du [lily “IV. we“ "Ilw ',d'ldttl'lr2':7a2r't,Tg'hu"cLt tiit tUlf/d ttt a: fer n. Do not ful to “he advantage of the [may money-nun; that G-tr-hr- a. ye-unm. hula. -ttudtiee ttUrett br than" this In}. Btrord. you. Below in given only . low of the - my bargains H-- 0 - t I _ 14 photo fltttt In". DHIITY Mt 3- Our Great M Idsum mar " ttt Want Me 8mm IANA, trith m4 tiorr9r m ' . am o! and. or IUSLIN populu uhndu. In Amorlcm 1 tN s I In um atttt at puma. att " deaiges Basal-r ulna 250 san " a 6 "all Hum. Regal» pliant”. JULY "" prlco per yd. Irs . . . IO, IS 1.2 and 150. . . JULY BALE who?“ " Ttr. 11 pm- or mum sumac with In." “In; Original pxlco 450. Bargains in Every Department “mm _ m m, Ilu. It hp You'to-Trade at Bur Store The Superintendent of the Sunday school of the church, Mr. Geo. Hynds expressed himself as highly. pleased with the Waterloo Park. This was their first visit to Waterloo, the pies nics having been held at Berlin the two preceding years. All those ac- companying the patty scented very [notably impressed with the ideal advantages of Watrrtoo's rme park as a picnic ground. and it is probable that they will agaitrdecife to come to Waterloo next fear. The Knox Presbyterian church is one ot the lar- gest churches in Acton and has ghoul tso members. Rev. Mr. Wilson is the pastor. ' 1 Opposite Zimmerman House PICNICKED AT WATERLOO PARK The atternoorf was spent in various ways, football, baseball and cricket bring indulged in. The annual picnic ot the Sunday school of the Knox Presbyterian church ot Acton, was held " the Waterloo Park, on Tuesdar..The visi-. tors to the number ot about [our hum, died arrived shortly before twelve o’clock via the G.T.R., accompanied by ten members of the Acton Band, who furnished the music afternoon and evening and enlivened the occas- ion very materially by their selec- tions; Immediately after -tpeir' ar- rival " the park the party. partooli of the abundance of good things Pro' sided, tables ‘hemg arranged under the beautiful shade trees. The happy though tired picakkers emhsrked tor homtabout 8 o'clock after having enjoyed a. delightful out- ing. . ENJOYED h The excursion ot the Stratford Bra- con to Niagara Falls on Saturday proved a delightful one and those ac- companying the excursion all enjoyed . fine outing. The plenum oi the trip was greatly enhanced trom the hurt that, part ot it was made on wat- er via boat, tram Toronto to Lewis- ton and from Home to Niagara Falls. The weather was all that could be desired my. although sonkwhat hot the cool breezes " the lake served to etteetualty dispel any feeling 4tt dir. comfort. In spite ot the tact "at great pow- er houses have been erected the past " years. no appreciable lessening in the immense quantltles at utter pus» in; over the tell: is noted. The van- derlul attract still continues the "we: of thousands or visitors. In close proximity ttre, many places ot historic interest. which also prove 1 strong source ol attraction. The Mnnlhon lootball tam held I meeting on Monti” evening at the "nether Home m. thick"!!! mm was reorganized. The lollowing ow. corn were pterted: Prosidont-John Wmloh. vie-President-Ed. Prolss. ltunatter-F'A. Wilhelm. Captain-W. Mayor. humming l'ommittht-C. Young, 0. Roth, W. t'ierre. Mrs. FMmtrd Hilliard ot trest Mon- trose, " spending a few days in (on. In . kindly - ot howling Wed- .rsday Waterloo lost to Wrslon by three shots. _ Mm Perkins ot llnmllton returned Tue-lay IN" a "tit VIII! Waterloo man. . J ohp Schondelmayer, OFFICERS ELECTED. Beeauee a $1.00 buy: more. Because our stock in up-to-date. ' Became we. “ny3 try to please you. . Bee-use it is no trouble to rhow goods Because we buy the beat goods to be had. Become we okays do just a! we idvertiae. Because we have . large assortment to nelect. from. ' Because you an this): get your money back on any unsatis- PLEASANT OUTING Yours tde Equine dealing, factqry pitch}: ts.' m. B. nummu i Try f Duering's 'IJnexeelied , Wieners t,iifi'ifir SHERRI III "loo . ll to mounted THE CHRONICLES Any Chronicle reader or others de. slrous ol lining vlcws at their rul- denou or hue my plenum they think would be ot Interest up!“ In the Souvenir would confer u furor by writing this oflico u oBee, " the lime ls getting short end the work nlreuly well “Iva-ed. At a teetitttt M the Property Com- mittee of the Ptrtme School Bond on Tuesday evening the contract. tor con. shutting a drain 200 feet long ot l2- inch sewer pipe (inducing mun mic and cuts) across part ot m Sacha! gr? In: I'M to Mt. E. xr. a owcllor CENTRAL BLOCK WATERLOO DECIMAL “Eu-“vh-HhHu-u‘. Egg-cw“ IlultllIII A"1e'2Nfl"2e,efttec " can wall. Nd any Ill an. ,eh-nrs tan-WEN shamed..." he.» an... L'tte'gt,tt',ft,gt may” mthNh-n 1.0““ ' on. 1'tlh't."trrggfgtt'dt'i DEGIMAL WATCH lotion to Truman” WATCHES ‘Were 159 New 12 G2tt E. J. RODS b mthth-IIII. 'qt?e'l42d'i'ltll';.l'i';rs"hi'll'i Prop. City Meat Market, \VATERIDO SEMI-CENTENNIAL Waterloo. Ont, MINI? IUIIIOIIIIGS DEPT. WHITE WEAR Quick “max price: on CORSET COVERS: tl, B. RYAN tt In, BERLIN Hm oldyuda of tumult In lull: m aims. .110! this um. legal-r prion In. 10, 12 l .2 and Ilu. JULY SALE who pot " N. New Io tho thte what pronoun; of mm lo being done. Ono mm you ohonld poy mention to lo " paeporo mm ia 1 home that will not chip trffgrt on“: ad as: ia qrlttt tho mm. " ovoid tttiq no o "sunny" or " "Elite' IYe are now elearitsiiout mlot of ready to wear things for wmzen cheap. The following list will give you an idea of the trend of Indies' Grey Tweed Skirt. Worth 4.iiiuau.ajrdr.................Ab00 Indies' Newest Costs in Hand. and long lengths, special " .5. a to .10 WOM EN’S Ind es' V. bite and Colon-i Linen I """ J'"": Skirt“ rmratar tutor mn'lo. worth !i':'irti"l-,y/el andaiittor..................,..V ' . Ladies' Pretty Wbite Nualin and Lawn waists made in the nowest nylon. a1tteehued in prinv. special at .... ......TBo, t,tto,f.tt6atMrR00 Cloth Skirts . Indie,' Cloth Shh-h hi Blank and Tweak. north:i.7)fur.......... 2-50 values. Childrepy Barefcot Sandals, made of heavy tan leather, Good. {our stitched, on tanned sole. with two ump- nnd buckle d-xuclly Ike abovo cat, - Bias 5 to T " 8 tkr 10 or II to 'A regularly sold an. ' _ 90e, 8roo and $1.10. _ i . our Special Price Is 690 _ ou-o-oo-oo-o_o-t = tang Bros. & Go. " plou- ol (may and white Vanna. good tram], worth au I "rd for Ith. IrteBttotDrs'tttE8 Mum. not. an tom. at tho priests.:-. 8n Quilt! for 4a 100 QM)", tor Go 12 1-25 Quality tor " 15° Quin, for IN 20 and 220 - fee12 1-20 25 and Mo OtattV {or 170 Tho Pig "u, tt tu. P". in my 09. Ye. pray In" been ism-g 150 Line tor IN 250 Lan for IN MU Line for 121-20 650 Line for 33q " and 2N Line for 480 This Sale is now in full swing. Be among the timt to secure H. WOLFHARD & CO. BERLIN, July 12th, '06. $3.50 Shirts for $2.25 Ready To Wear Things Cheap Preserving Kettles Ladies' Blouses Ladies' Coats BERLIN, ONT, 14 pluc- nu vhm DIMITY nus- LINS, um. colored no": in papal" than. " Atneritutt data-I. locals: "mm JULY "" prico wyd. Us. CHECK CHAIBRAYS, no. uni-h in man. of blue and white and rod and vhlto. Regular 20o Sum who Ilu. Ton-axon ad Vulonolonnu LACES. worth from 6 to So I yard, the“ 16 plan. Your chalet g 1-20 yd. Others reduced to 4, 6, 9 Ind 100 . I yard, were 8, 12 1-2, 15 and 200. SILKS 1 One table (ttled with Prints, Mmlins ,9ml__G[nghnms worth {mm I210. no Swiss Dolled Muslin npecinl at. . . . .. . . .... .... ...... .‘.....190 and 250". yd, _ Silks Plain and Fancy Silks worth JV. CrCtt and 75c for........... .... ........BBo, White Muslins Fine, Whit" Striped Muslin war! II lbcfor.................. ...... ....ttht. Prptty Grey Tweed Dru-as (lands at special mice! .... .... Mhtnnd TBo, Muslims and Cotton Goods Cheap JOB LOT White VietorU Lawn special 1 t ......r..'...... ......,. 60. Sound tom A job lot of .COLLARS and mus of various styles, both " and cotton, worth formerly 20, 35 sud 506. Sate price Ilu. 20 pleas of {may Summer sun in dirk medium and light linden, worth from 60 to 600. Tweed Dress Goods Spot MuSlins Lawns 8-10 prlco 290.

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