Josiah staggered Inlo the llttle cabin, -ttettre,1 with the heavy cod lines and the bucket ot mussels and watched while the curtain "bailed tsp." "All ready!" laid the skipper. "Two llnel apiece, on. over each Bide.. “mum." The "able mailman" took the reeklng, nlcollne soaked "air, placed it ginger- ty between his teeth. held a match to the bowl and coughingly emitted a cloud ot lll smelllng smoke. The pipe wheeze-d 1nd gurgled. and the Mary Ellen rocked and rolled. "Now. then." said Captain in. I "we've layered long enough. Go below t and bring up the bait bucket and the ' lingo." l . Captain Bri wiped, the crumbs tron: his moqth. leisurely produced his plpe um proceeded to tut It with tobacco unwed from a chunky plug. "Nerer you mind 'bout me. I‘ve got two or three more below there BtmMtr ’em. Take it and light up." “What d' you smoke them tttire for?" he asked ctmtemptttomtV, refer- ring to the clgaretto. "'Nobody but dudes out! “we: mote that Had of truck. Here. an thll pipe and snack. like a mm" “on, no," he and unanimously. "you'll want It yourself. I'll git along with the" thit- all I (It ashore. than n: (my "ttre or my own? » Josiah looked um n the prot- Iered pipe. cracker. Nothing heavy or doqhyattoutthernbutsob'ght "tderisptUtthey new my. Mooney: bixuiswil by-ltrdi1hetrtyourtutu '11"??le Tho “able wanna" did not Keel very hungry. but he managed to swallow a hard boiled egg and n sandwich and than, just to - that be had reached "at dignity or manhood. loaned back against the slde'ot the cockplt. lit I cigarette and obletved cheerfully. “This In hot mm, ttit1't it, can?" " was after sunrise when they reach- ed the ledge where codfistt moat do con- gregate. The land was I more yellow streak on the horlzon. The stur east- crly blow of the day before had left a smooth. heavy swell that, trlpplng over the submerged ledge, alternately tossed the Mary Ellen high in nlr and dropped her toward the bottom. " was cold, lad the newly risen Decent bar gun am not mm to have much warmth In tt. Anchor over the aide, (he captaitt proposed breakfast. "It'll be kind of era: for a spell." replied Captain Erl. “but I wouldn't wonder If we had some wind Toro nlgm. Here, you. fo'mast hand," be aided, turning to Josiah, “stand by to sit the canvas on her,†and cold and raw. Lanterns showed I on two or three of the other boats near by, and n Josiah and the captain pun- " up the eelgrau covered anchor tt dim Ihlpe glide-l put in the hlackneu. It was the You and I. bound out. In Sparrow was " the helm, and he hall- ed the Mary Ellen. laying something “not the weather. Awaits come! with eating and each square of crisp de. liciousness seems but to make room for more. The captain laurel-ed In the very word- ot " crew. “You bet.'" he laid (menu: and went away whistling. Cnpunn Pote- ulept better that night. T CHAPTER XIV. ROMPâ€): at n quarter to 4 JC'] the next morning Captalv Er! ‘ rapped on the parlor door. ‘ J, Josiah. who had been dressed nut-e 3. appeared almost instantly. They walked down to the shore togeth- er, and the captnlu‘s eyes twinned as he noted the elaborate roll in the boy’s walk. The Mary Ellen was anchored be- tween the beaches. and they rowed " to her In a do". " was pitch dark "Now, an." be whlcpend. “be on! a you can with him. won't no?" thump out Mount water In" an an. of that proud youth. “You'n my nun. input". We In!) tomorwr mornin' at 6, all: of dune. I’ll cal} you st quarter of. B. may." . “You bet. " an!†qaitt Jonah. Captain Pm. met In: friend as tho, CMget out o! the parlor. “In one." In an. “I‘ve put you [on u nu. ma 'clun than what you’ll be when I att through with you. Now “a." so Joan “and. Ind that Cum!- Bet taxed In: on “suture with o "tftftAtetAtAttAtAtAANAtAflttftitAtt Hooneg's Perfection Cream Sodas “Then!" exclaimed tho 1artntts, Hutu " his palm am on m 3"an r". with I "Want to make agatnt Pip. right there on the "mm." "No: " you. In." It 'ttttf um we" "MIN more I me. Jan wu- m " iiGiiiGGGuViriLiiiiirG7il my in m. At I... at up "irate-i-tt_ l The boy nullmly turned'toward the cabin door. "Aw, go chase yourself!" be said "ontemptttotmV. A minute aft, er. when he picked himself tip from I the heap of slimy fitUt in the bottom of the bout. he saw the captain standing. solidly on one cowhide shod foot. while the other was drawn easily back and l rested on its toe. When Josiah recov- ered Ills hwnth the burst of bad lan- guage with which he ussnlled " com- panion dint credit to his street bring- ing up. " was as short as It was Berce, however, and ended amid the cod and the mussels from the over- I turned bait hut-km. But. as the cap. tain said afterward. be was “spunky" and rose again. Incoherent with rage. I "You-rut-rn kill you!" he shriek- ed. “You promised not to touch me. _ you lyin' oid"-- . l Ctrptttitt Eel, Handling " the NIH. "gunk-d him "rrnlr, hm (hm was the Inspiclrm of a twinkle In " ere. Whrn Josiah awoke the Mary Hut-u was '10"!!! am on lu-r Ride, her an“ " mm " I drumllmd. The wind mu wtttitttittg thronxh the may. and the bottt Was I'm-lug through was that worn Meet Mm and angry. VIII] ulna-raps on.their cm". The Inn was hMclun by "ttntmntr. dust colored clouds. The bor Mt we." and strange. Ir humbk. The dmdml um was mo. tumbled on the amt which encircled the cockpit and. trim: eomptetetr worn out. wont fast Mir-op. The captain watched him fur a mlnnte or two, mulled In I nut unkind†way Ind. 'to. lug Into the cabin. brought out an old pea Jacket and mm» other wraps wltlt which he cont-ed the sleeper. Then in went back to his tbtttntt. Well, 'twns a dreadful forenoon for Josiah. one no! to be forgotten. TheP boat rolled mmmsingly. hls head ached, and pulling the heavy cod made his baek and aluminium lame: also he 'ra, wet and mid. The other boats seat. trroll about the 1ishintt grounds trullctt up their anchors and started for home, but Captain Ert did not ‘bmlgu. Atl noon he openod his lunch basket an"! and munched serenely. The sight ot the greasy ham sandwiches was too much for the "able senmnn." Ite wt- tercd n relapse and when It wag over; He tried to get out of the way. but didn't ttweeeti. and this time merely sat up and sobbc-l us Captain Erl said tn even toumc 'H-t gums I won't nah any more. can. blind or slow npqrt. aln't itt Guess I'll go In there and take I snooze." ueluolnntly the boy obeyed and pulled with feverish energy. Also be swallowed with vigor. The cod smelled tttstty; so did the bait, and the cathoat Hula] and rolled. ‘Budtlenly Josiah pulled In his lines and took the plpo frotrtuislips. N guess you wott'tt You shipped to ash. and you‘re goln' to Bah. Piek up them lines." q “Wlmt'l the matter!†Inquired the watchful aklpper. "Bosh! If you want to be I met Bttil- or you must smoke all use tune. Light up." . . "The we cod bit almost maul-My. and for ten minutes [be watt In new In; and lively. The captain. Vim. from the corner at [all an. noticed am his assistant: pipe was than); In. retpt1ar'.y and that " line. is. turowtt on»:- more and man Hath-sly. At lenmh he said: "Haven't "ore' smukm' no quick. have rout What's tho matter-gone out? Here's a match." "t guess I’ve smoked enough to! new. I can't ttatt so arett when I'm nuakin’." "Vote-ttOtt-mt kill you!" I The catbont swung about on her tinll tack and stood in for the narrows. the route which the captain had spoken of as the “short out." From where " I slab eat the way seemed choked with lines of roaring, nothing breakers that nothing could approach and keep above water. But Captain Eri steered the . Mary Ellen through them " easily as a New York cab driver guides his ve- hicle, through your on Bro.txLwar, pick- ' in; out the smooth places and avoid- ' lug the rough ones until the last bar i was crossed and the boat entered the . sheltered waters of the bar. l "Then," went on the copulu. "when the two months I: up you'll be your own master again. You can go back to Web Saunden and Squealer Wlxou and tly Tucker and their trlbo. if you want to, and be a town nulsunce and a good-for-uuthln'. or you an do lulu: You can so to school for a few your: more and behave yoursels and then. it I've Rot any ttttttrenee with the [*conmmln from this dlBtriet--aud I sort ot b'lleve I have. secondhanded. l at any "te-rou can no to Aux-anon: Ind learn tube a navy ofBeer. That'- lny otter. You’ve got a couple " I months to than " over In." Mitt. Darla, her visit with her brother being over. was noting an companion to an old lady who lived In n little house up the shore. a mile or no than the station. This elderly lemme, whose name wu- Mayo, had a son who kept o grocery non tn the village and was. therefore. obliged to ho “my on any and not" Into In the evenlnz. mu Patience found Mn. Haydn erotdreta, I bit trylng. but the work was my md to her liking, Ind she wu. u III. and. “right new†the way, I. you might "r, from Luther." The "way†referred to was the otretch of water between the outer beach and the Illn- P F Josiah expected any relaxa- M, 'Ji, tion in Captain Eri's stem 'ghtrt discipline he was disappoint- 2151 ed. for he was held to the strict letter of the "shipping articles." The captain even went to the length of transferring Perez to the parlor cot and of compelling the boy to share his own room. This was. of course. a pre- caution ngaiust further attempts at running away. Morning after morning the pair rose before daylight and start- ed for the fishing grounds. There were two or three outbreaks on the part ot the “able â€amen." but they ended in but one way. complete submission. Atter awhile Josiah. being by no means dull, came to realise that when he behaved like a men he was treated like one. He learned to etc-er the Mary Ellen and to handle her in all weattr ere. Also his respect tor Captain EH developed into a liking. Captain Peres was grtttltied and do lighted at the change in his grand- nephew), behavior and manners, but " mind was too much occupied with anomer subject just " this time to allow him to be overhtterettted. The other subject was Miss Patience Davis. "Br gum!†exclaimed the enthusi- astic "able senman." "That In! 'rreat--er--trlr."' “That's part of what I'll run you In the next two months," and the eaptain. "’Twon't do you any harm tolrtow " when you're in the navy neither. Stand by to let go umber!" “Can’t help that. You shipped 'ioa; with me toa- two montha. and you’ll sail with me for two months. every time i so out. You won't run away again neither. I'll look out for that. You‘ll sail with me. and you’ll help clean Btrh, and you‘ll mind me, and you‘ll any ‘sir.’ You needn't amok: it you don't want to." with a smile. “I ain’t p'tlc‘lnr about that. ."Weit. you would. many St, and than in Met. Now, I'll all was thin' one. You wanted to calm In tho navy. I under-Mud. You couldn‘t bt In the navy, anyway: you're too young. But a'poaa you could. what then? You'd never at any “Mn 1 petty ottteer, ’cauao you don’t know enough. The only way to (it Into the navy In to so through Annapolis and an an education. I tell you, education count: Me and Pea-ea would have been some- thin' mora’n cheap nahln' and mum skipper-a It we'd had an education Don't fol-git that." "I guess I don't What to be I allot. my"). lit. This one (up u mush for me, thank you.†our“ (“I m - I an tutamthuldlhlvmtom than". no. JIIIII'I his too to no W his «I III had. " I'll an "tter at "a boy. who u- I'Iy Ind Inland I†II Anon-Illa cull-3 _ “a.“ not! In clu- mthlmmalhuhvod an. “VIII. AI I but“ toIeh tho uImtot and but an - but on In “In“ Ind “loved I dun Incl IcIr. Icon-k ttd I Mm" Ind I hum; pin. no â€not! up MI In- ad dun In". Ind unplug] I ought- lynhIhIpodlcftIm.brotenbyI kick tron I drunke- pruln Ind Inc]. V Bet by the am Individual. “Now." be and In continuous. " ear. IItI you think I VII pretty Inn! on M m- moeatin', but what do you n:- ger that you'd have got I! you who to I In†the way you done to mere _ "Doit know. - I'd have had killed. Mr." _, And Captain Porn wa- mnch tater mug-um . an. Baby’s Own Soap You don't wash with the box! mmmyu'lououm rug! scarab-71 Valium. mmumuwhmw. ii much imitatéd us to W“ m, but delicate skins noon “new the diffhertce. "Baby’s Own" cum YOU no m M the m... Both box and mapper ofBIby'I Own Soap are plain. basin!» like "Id their. All the money i: in the Snap itself, whkh in " "whoksometv" run an! fragrant a Monty can make it. CHAPTER XV. Chaotic-1w May, June " iiiirrr. "It wasn’t his (nun any more than 1an mine. We and a lltlle money. but not enough. " it turned out. Well, be was took down not and had to am up mln' to not. and we had a little place one In Nantucket and towed down on te Pun that. Job“ wu able to do I mus famln‘ And to on. and we so: "on; pretty well. but by and by he trot no he wl'n't an: to work. and chm "was mm. "but little we‘d and m for doctor: bill! and this. that and father. He didn't like to I": no lean Illa. no I will“! em much of “mug. and mm: no me to when â€mm- Ind to In done no: any. and In and the thing out and decide! to not!†the house. no my we gut on the m- mn Putt-d mm! M and. tt good tttmband-tttt better anywheros -ttttd he and I had u good Ilia togeth- or long as he was well. Pre lulled tt good many v‘ynge- with him Ind 1 (vol pretty nlgh " much " home on the mtter " t do on land. Our trouble was the same that I. good many (out: ttttre-ore didn't tytt'ltttq that fttir weath- er wouldn‘t last all tho umo, than all. Mm. Snow mused Mare she an. lweted. Then the mutually: "Welt, I'm formed you ain't and mt store. I haven't ma numb about myself Bertee Pre been here. for no p'tte%tr reason that I now of except that there wasn't much to tell and it wasn’t a very Interestin' yam to other folks. My husband'- name was Jubnl Bnow"- _ "Don't lay a word, Cap'n an." the protected. “If. been Jest n pleasure to me, boast. I‘ve had more comfort ttrtd--weli, peace. you might any. lance I've tteertinttMhotmtttttarxg'vetutd store tor years. I don’t know what you must think of In. mucrln' " ad- vertisement for a husband that way. " makes me 'nhnmad of - when We! It, {deem “hunt kind of a - too." _ "You don’t say!" otclalmed the cup- mm. “Why. Jerry med to know him." " showdn't I‘m "bat knew a lot of mm; on ttie Cape here. "a was “I've wondered not: time- than a ("new you evergrttqttttMorthat paper. "I'un’t one you'd no out: day mt’nlly. you know." "Now, take that marryin' idea," he went on. "I laughed " that a good deal " mat and didn't - take any Moek tn it. but I guess 'twan real hos- Ienae after all. Anyhow tt brought you down here, and what we'd done with- out you when John was took alck I don’: know. You've been Io mighty good and put up with Io many things that must have fretted you like the nation. and the way you’ve 'nt-tl-- comes to lavm’ things " loose am- always Ind I mighty nut venue! and had the name of makIn' his crew- too the Inn-k. I honestly b'llevo tt came at In bear on than an' mnnln' the the bang on . than and share nuke idea. It there'd been a skipper. a fuller to bos- tmnzs, we'd have done better, but when all hand: was but nohody felt like doin' anything. captain’s voice and. the housekeeper blush “to I. girl. "It does. don’t It? I've thought at that myself. Anybody 'd think we Wait the most shlt'leu lot that ever lived. but we wt'n't. Even JerrT--ae he? thewustaeterttetttettmserwheitt "Seems almost as if you'd always been here," replied Captain tm. “Queer how soon We git used to a change. I don't know how we got along More. but we did some way or other, " you call It gittln' along.†he added. with a shrug. "1 should hate to have to try tt over ngaln." “It's always seemed (many to me," marked the lady. “that you men, all tailor. and used to doln' hr your- tel'es, Ibonld have had and! a time when rm come to try keepin' house.†One afternoon in January Mrs. Snow and Captain Eri were together In the sickroom. The rest of the household was absent on various 1t't','acg,t, min Perez paying a visit " the lite savers sister and Elsie staying after school to go over some "ttmiatatiott papers. Captain Baxter was apparent- ly asleep. [ "Let me Bee," said Mrs. Bt.tow mu lngly In a tow tone. “I've been here now two, three, over four month. Seems longer somehow." Chruttnt" was rather n failure. There were presents. of course. but the planned festivities were omitted owing to a change in John Baxter‘s condition. From growing gradually better he now grow slowly. but surely. worse. Dr. Palmer's calls were more frequent. and he did not conceal from Mn. Snow or the captains his anxiety. They hid much of this from Elsie, but she. toe. noticed the change and was evidently worried by it. Strange to lay. In his strength ehbed the patient'l mind grew clearer. His speech. that in his inter rain of consciousneu had heretofore' dealt with events of the past, was now more concerned with recent hap- penings. but Captain Ert had never heard him mention the are. better. no bad boon who can.) to In: nothing to his friend. concur-in; in interviews with Elsie and Ralph. but apparently ch. bucking ill be- hoeu tho pair was In]. Baum" culled occulomlly, tt is true. but In. "an wen than. and " the 31mm Inclination Mtown by the older pawl. to lure the room be let! the house. There was some comment by Eri and Mm. Snow on this luddeu change. but they were tar from Imam: the real noun. Elsie coutlmlod to be u reticent as line bad been or late. ETer Idiool work was easier now that Jonah In: no longer I pupil. The whole tooled "tniratttttt in tho myoWMu-ld “mammal-Mutant. can» Jury. whole-I‘m“. tttae-aa-tua-uk, macawdhhgbhu him. thi- pouacuuou. borne, tutti-on Mmmuhuhmmm can at which 17qu "MM, " his matchmaking â€an In! out “M an! I“ sitting down to M to whlch an and!“ would reply Imit- tr, "on. In MW out " itiV.GG rut and an." . . _ MI! In his Mil}! Cami! Jury - â€file-{Omaha‘s BE CONTINUED A writer in the Forum expressus alarm at the growing emigration ot Americans into Canada. Canada is {certainly an interrogation point for Uncle Sam at the present. "The Lady (li the Snows" was a misnomer serv- ing to prace Canada in a false light _,',:,,',','.,',',' the world, but people are be- coming enlightened and. now begin lo understand that Canada is not _ one barren stretch ot ble0ttess. They are beginning to understand that " is .a 'tair, lruitlul, ‘smiling land, teeming with the golden wealth of ntirarrals,. and the More granary ol the World, and eonseittently must become a pop. ulons country. A power among na- tions. A destiny that will "ttStott-tsh the world. A country so grand and great that she will not always be content to play the minor part, and as in domestic lite when in youth mn- looks up at the lullgrown, stalwart parents in the prime at lite and seems weak and small in comparisott,'the time comes when the sturdy youth attains the strength and vigor an! exrerienw ot manhood and the par- ent is glad to took to and lean upon the rhild whom he cared tor and kind- ly Insured in tender Pats'. Ho um England rely upon t‘anada. Tiourzh rapidly taUrts on strength and ticrtt, she will not towel the nrotertor nt her youth, and will yet. wow the strongrst. link in Great llritaiu's chain which already holds together such a large proportion ot the potm- latton and wealth of the mum-I world. r I 'Queenic is singularly expert with her charges. Often when the old hen IS calling and the mile ones tan to heed, Queenie rounds them up one at atime. carrying each delicately in her mouth and placing it under the paternal wing. Then she mounts guard and woe to the slinking dog or prowling cal that comes near. Certainly no small brood ever was more fortunate in a 'Oster-mother, because thercat tribe every season ac- complishes the destruction of so many at the newly hatched may now air-l preach the brood at their peril. In tact, many tabbics heretofore regular] callers at the Russell back door howl make a wide detour to avoid the place. I . Now the hen and the terrier are en- gaged jointly in bringing up the brood. As soon as the chicks hear Queenie‘s cheerful Bark they run to her as last as their little legs and wings will carry them. When the hen is all duty she sits on the nest and the chicks seek protocticn and warm- th under her body. The hm, who had been mothering ovcr-time, -gave way to Queenie and in some subtle bird manner advised the brood that the little dog was their Mend and protector. V Thereafter Queenie and the hen tool turn about until the eggs hatched out three days ago. '.T'hen Mr. Russell thuught it high time to lock Queenie up, and so took her indoors and tried to keep her there. But the maternal instinct is stronger than locks and bars, so Qua-nu- straightway sltpped hrr moorings and sought out the little chicks tor which she was hall responsible. , Two weeks ago Mr. Russell missed Qucrnio. After stitching all about in vain he “on! to his lu-uhousc to visit sonre,sittirtg twas, Much to his sur- prise and somewhat to his chagrin, he beheld Queenie holding down a nest {all ot Plymouth Rock eggs. He spoke to her sharply, tearing ior his eggs. She got up caretttlty, one" paw owl-side at a time, and then immediately re-established herself. Mr. Russell' let it go at that. DOO HELPS TO HATCH CHICKS New York, June ".-Prottatrly the most versatile dog in or about New York is Queenie, a [ox terrier owned by Charles Russell ot Bay Ridge. In addition to guarding the premises and speaking tor sugar she has re- cently collaborated with a staid hen in hatching out and taking care at a brood of (hicks. FRUIT-A-TlVES are (mi: juice- with waits "ded-and are free item Ilcohol And dangerous drugs. MW. a box or 6 for 32.50. Sent on receipt of price, if your dmggist does not handle FRUIT-A-TIVES LIMITED, onnwa. No othm medicine known to science is so reliable and BO efieetive in curing 30mm Is these fruit liver tablets. Non-mmtirn do») let on the ther II all. y merely irritate the bomb. and "bed only tempoury "lid. Bat FRUIT-A-TIVES are the one true LIVER TONIC. They act directly on the liver-strengthen tad itwigorate this vital orgtttt-- and put it In (normal, healthy condition. - FRUIT-A-TIV’ES also stimulate the thud: oi the skin-and regain: the Idneyund sweets-n the staunch. When skin, liver and kidneys are unfunny balmy. there can he no biliomneu, no constipation, no kidney trouble, no impure blood, no headaches. THE FUTURE OF CANADA 'nrt-et, cue-to. has, Iron. In ad “I. aim] um 'tge?, to) P."..-' pod. _ When 3 person is biting. the liver is not giving up enough bile to move the bowels "tttsurly-and some of the bile is hcing absorbed by the blood. ' In other woods, the liver is in a weakened, Im- healthy condition. Whetttheliver igttttttti0riier he tilair The Mutation appointed by the ntarttiturers' mmmmes to go to perm Ind insmt the but an": â€Iâ€; luv-nit; I“. W‘WLMU‘u‘! w‘u'lml-W (-1 Ilfll"l,l'l'rna"a"G'G"ia",uWr. ttMr.yfS.ea"i nasal LONDON WILL NOT F _ GET SUGAR INDUSTRY The letter is trom Mr. Jas. Fowler who was present here at the meet- ing of the mamrtaeturers' committee, and represented the company. He slates that the company has ar- rived at . sauskctmy agxcemont with the my of Chatham, and that another by-law qtttt be voted tor there on July 5. Should this not be any more satistartory than the last rlrrlinn hold tor this purpose, Lon- don will but from the firm again. " ls tttought highly probatrte, however, that llw trr-hor will be car- rird, and that Chatham wot get the industry. _ w..-*..,.......,.. a. task she is entitled to be paid tor that task exactly what a man would he paid. lndeed. she is under the tb- solute obligation to demand the same pay for the same work. She has Ito, moreright to underbid men than she has to steal a purse. She has no more right to accept unsanitary con- ditions, excessive hours of work, op- pressive treatment" at the hands ot employers and foremen, than she has to disregard quarantine ordinances or sanitary laws. The more intelligent Wage earners. men and women, have grasped these facts at, last. Instead of playing all around the problem it is our duty to take up seriously and exhaustively the study of the great problem at labor, not woman labor, but man and Woman labor. They are one and the same." London Free Press: From the tenor, of a communication received by City Clerk Baker yesterday, it Would look as though London is not to art. the Keystone Bert Sugar Company that was anxious to locate here. .Thc disgusting discharges trom the nose and throat, and the foul catn- rhal breath, are quickly dispensed with try using Dr. S'hoop's Catanh (Tum Such soothing antiseptic nan-Ms as Oil Eucalyptus, Thyme], Wild Indigo, out, have twen incorpor- ated into a snow white cream making a catarrhal balm tmexcelled. Sold by A. G. Hachnet, Waterloo. _ - . - --_i'_ -" are making necessary contributions to the family income. They are all wage earners' from necessity, and not Whim. They belong permanently, in the great class of toilets. "We used to hear a giant deal about women going to work in order to earn money to buy fmery, and many sermons were preached on the sin of these women. in ynderbidding men who were obliged to support families. Now none of these girls I speak ot are working for pin money. In ihe great majority ot cases they welfare work in shops and factories; and we have joined Consumers' Lea- gues. ptstroaizintr-as far as it was fotettient-only those shops where lair treatment is meted out to the working woman. This is all good, but it'is surlacu good. It does not get deep down into the causes ot industrial distress and discontent. It is necessary. it Fe are to understand this 'ruestion, that we drop all our philanthropic motives, all our match nal interest in the 'dear 1HP.ttr) girl," all nlll' scnInm-ntal sympathy for the toner, and bring to the con- sideration of the problem only rea- son and analysis. Mrs. Rheta Childe Don, ot New York,. chairman of the industrial committee ot the iederatiott, gave ao. Iual experiences on the east side of New York. She removes the question ol the working woman from charity, philanthropy, and sentiment. She said: "Now, we club women have al- ready played around the hinges ot this matter. Re know what a charm- mg ‘thing it is to form working girls clubs and brim: the sunshine ot cul- ture and good fellowship into llVes.ol toil. We have supported all eirorts at One at the working girls, asked try some St. Louis. club women, who have been coping with the servant: girl problem, "Why don't you come Into our homes, were you can get good wages, excellent hoard, . he home and easy hours?" replied that some at the working girls are: not competent to do housework, did not like to G-housework, and did not in- tend to run homes for women who are incompetent to run them them- selves." The women who works occupied the centre ot the stage at one at the meetings at the Genre! Federetioe ot 1teoeri', Clubs last week, end and the liveliest eminence o! the hie-ni- el. And " we: no endemic dinne- sion ot the lot at the working girl, no Bood at pletitudes. tor two work- Ing girls were brought trom Chicago to tell the women who he“ been undying their condition a low things et ttest hand. The biennial women got the point at View at the working girl end the working girl else got the point at View ot the bienniel women. White the hienniel women is interest- ed in the wages the shop girl gets and the way she lives, whet interests her more is the problem ot the cook in her own kitchen. So at the con- lcrence in the afternoon, when the working girl had told her grievance, the biennial woman told her grievart- cos, and envied them as a solution ot both. The working girl is unnamed with her lot; the biennial women is dissaUstied with her cook. when the has one. Let the working girl he the himniel woman's cook, and both pro- blems are solved. The solutim we: not eccepted. but each got the point ot View ot the other. "When a THE WORKING GIRL 0F TO-DAY Won-an act'otnplishes a Our ell-sum am much luv-arr Ihan tho, were, A Vl'll' nun Tho puhllc hare learned that this h the but place " the pmvluce no (main n comtnétrul or wtt"ithatrtd training. Stud-mm are 'i'gl'i'J,'a mh nah. Att and!†3901 moi-ions. Write now tor can "sue. . The members ot the Jekyll“: all and: of Berlin " one at the no“ numbing tttlr'" m n unlu- Spring Term Opens on Aprit and plan! there, rMurnM “wholly. and mm that this letter Is In,“ " hardly Mel, Untanpon ot then: my will be “banned. V mm and POWVBIIIIIBI. II]! no 'terta" arr-nuts for painting and an Max In. I. Town And Cunt" hm we: mun-i. Chum renewal-lo. Any st raid-ac. corner of Gun. “a I’d-oo- Sta, le'l‘OPHIR WOLFEMI. Palm‘- And p...» I... -ErCJS'?ree-e p' . v Lq.rw0rruaa. D. 0.3.. 0mm. wztarloo. WluvI-h mink:d 21111:: Moe, 'tggttrf, 2l'rttt',udf2ti tatht tle, m III] II I Mn. to Friday I p. or. tittdll','r'lyti'ii to Mtrts-xtaaittm"i m - amount. and “on may Afar-non mm... H. u. o. u. u. Th. “Mull. or 3 Chicago can. at Dunn angry ma Roy-l Coll no! Den'u Surgeons of Tor-uh Dania] one. chm. Mr. J. In mum'- “on. Vinita " J-ooba every lat nnd an End†a! the mn'h. mummy mum in All in human. J. B. my]. graduate of the Ontario Votorlntry oliego, one. and random. " r',',"f.'tu? Alexander Bonn, King " *ouo . All at“: by a†or in. mama)" memgny IUD anon. ECII . . S F,tPg,di,,2uth2. irc am am use... For mutual convenience patients tromadistunte are particularly " (muted to make appointments. . I'llklmll, Lita., ILDJ QM???" WMLD.8. Br _ 9.w.wr. I" u. HUGHES. Dentin. Oddfenow'l Block. Waterloo. .iiiia 24mm: DR, J DRE“: Y. WALLACE. an. H.111}. h Ere, ',tistur, aetd Pth" 1'P, to: 0m! . m.. ll! _ III onto. an Quar- gin-J. Wyn-Ila II. than Rouse. Benin. w vâ€"ml I itl.iiiiii'i?, '_a"ol/lUi"l'dt iili'i ii"i'fri ,o: i'l,tril?t,')i'tliiti'ii it 35",. Sum “flat-loo. I mad-hm. m ttf the hu Dr, wag... r mun-noun... ' "dforiii 'aiidiiiG ?.iiFrtltillltm'k, to u t gunman“ i1.'ii'ii'ti,iiv'J'e'cit'tt n 2."h't tp, Mt otth "I". “mg - 'ltd'ldtr, 'lit2 to 'lLt1'lt,t'e"uesu ttttt - n__, - -' WV-.__,__.‘_W - __ It . I†“C IM o P, " n “I. “Mun-h and name†5.1mm. one: Oil onAlbertSt t, mm W351. Phone 219.". he†hull} ' , . aim iSariit?ifye'at,tatxarve.. “In. Wit}. EMT-14.!!!)- g-un."â€' Boisiiiiiat WoW. 'mthPtiid an?" . â€at..." aii, uh.- Ji'Eiiatt'm"latM I. the A. cieett, a “tum, tkll4lltrf t'M'rssiri-i' Mataat.. P-wo. on. J o o i'r1tiid0'l'Evar.asma, swamâ€; No.0, a. 3114.qu t I. WIDErAK a I can If" . no...†Iâ€: on... an In»: Wd Lost. :10me Nod-Jun a: r u an 'rt1tt,ti,rrtEt'7iithl'kii'l"A'Lh'ieP,tt.ty. t Over Bank of Bamilton,Beritn. “I.“ “I ll . - m 5..-. - bit':',?,'?:'.. ta"a'aR'lidl'at t'l."It MISCELLANEOUS STRATFORD. ONT. {Lia-'wa rum" & mucumm r. HETT, "musIcuN AND summon, DENTIST. MEDICAL .515}; 11:..5'3- Linnea: and Ear. s. 95-91m- "