«3 How to be Well Dressed VOL 50 â€"NO. 25 THE BlG STORE‘S NEWS. TREMENDOUS CUT â€" SILKS AND DRESS CGOODS YOU FROM BERLIN! It makes no difference whetber you‘re frouw R+rl}in or not, we wi ut you to come to the DRESS GNODS COUNTER, Main §lmr. and see for yoursel{f how much you can save. This Sile Shines With Big argains. Come and Buy, and in buyicg, save money. £7ROYG STATEMENT,@AUT A, ABTBA]GBT FPACT. * IHONEY IX TBE POCKET SALE 600 yarda Dress Goode, made up of Rectch PJards,81 ept eard Checks,navy pres, myitle, cardingl and brown Lusâ€" ir.; slso a few pattorms in Tweed, evitab‘e for chi‘d:en‘s dresses,separate walats or full dresses, every yard gord value, worth reg 45 and 50¢, special cut price &aâ€"urday, yd. 25¢. (See West Window.) These Bargains will keep things Bozzing in the Silk Dspartmsnt : 399° yardacf Shantorg Silk, navy and white check, black and white check (Black Taffeta), and the now Fiorentine Silk in navy, grev, bssuir pale blue, n yrtle, cresm, white and black, worth reg. from 50 to Toc a yard, speâ€" clal cut price Saturday 390. s 36 in BLACK CHIFFON TAFFETA 64 yards black Ch:iff»n Taffo‘s 1 y4. wide, cxtra five finisb, ng’uaunvord Wtc ME ie Bhe c Bh e ks goud value, worth reg. 1.235 j4., Sat urdsy bargain price, yd., 98e. 3 pieces EOLIENNE DRESS GoOoDs. In fawn, reseda and black, very light weigh!, worith reg. #1, special cut price per yd. Saturday 6O6. The Berlin ~_â€"Forget the weather and avoid thermometers and the suo. Live one day at a time, eat little and drink moderately of water not too eold. _ Aveid havy meatsâ€"be a vegetarian if you can. Eut above ull dres in €COOL CLOTHES, COUL HATS and SHOES and have them fit. . Uuc infortable clothes though they are thin are worse than heavy cluothes when uncomfortable. . Our line of cool Suits, od t Coats, Hats and Cuol Foot Wear and o ber accessoâ€"ies oue and all at your services. yo Eol ts #: es â€"â€"â€" nesges« KEEP COOL! Sign of GOLD STAR We offer you conifort at mo ‘est prices, COME, . WESELOH & CO. . WILDFANG 42â€"44â€"46 King Street East. Don‘t Fret Creat Savings in Silks THE CHRONICLEâ€"TELEGRAPH. Mercantile Co. IN And at a small cost All Goods Reduced SUITS, a wide rang~ of fancy tweeds at 5.00 and 800, all to Men‘s Clothing SUITS, a wide range of fancy twpeds and worsted : at 810 and $12 all to go at sa'oo go at 430 vyords silk finish Henrietta Lasâ€" tree, Cord de Sole, Wool Taff ta Cloths, Paramas ard Popiirs; we bave not every color in »l} the lines here mentioned, but you wil} find nearâ€" ly every shade, including cream ard black, worth reg 75, 65 and 50c, speâ€" clal cut price per yd. Saturdsy 386. OUR PRICEY MAKE IT EXPEN®â€" IVE FOR YOU TO BUY ELSEâ€" WBERE j G piecer silk and wool Crepe de Chene dresa gooda, colors are grey, fawp, brow~, green, cream and black, wide widih, choice material, worth reg. 85¢, Saturday per yd. 63¢. ~â€"_â€"~ $5.00 BERLIN tOu‘r Busy Neighbor_si The Evangelical Ladies‘ Aid held their annual picnic on Thursday . afâ€" tcrnoon in Victoria Park, Berlin, About eightcen members went . from this place and all reported a â€"good time. Nr. and Mrs. Geo. Letson, of Winâ€" tertourne, paid & visit to Mr. _ and M:s. J. Pautler on Sunday. Mr. Chas. Henrich and family spent Sunday in Bloomingdale. Mr. August Henrich spent Satur: day and Sunday with relatives in Our village is still improving.. A cement walk is being laid from the main street almost» to tke G.D.KR. station. This will be a great imâ€" provement on plank walks, as the stree®@.is not lighted. Mr. and Miss Geiser are spending a Iew days with their sister, Mrs. (irenzebach. Nr. Menno Shantz _ and daughter Clara were Sunday visitors at _ the home of Mr., N. Bergey. §:f* .Football.â€"An interesting game . of fcotball was played on the Exhibition grounds in Elmira on <uesday evenâ€" ing, June 12th, between EJmira and St. Jacobs.: The lineâ€"up wast as folâ€" lows :â€"St. Jacobsâ€"Goal, Scheifele ; backs, Dr. Scrivener, _ O. Good, W. Berges; _ hallâ€"backs, W. Kruschesky, H. Stroh; forwards, Ed. Wabk, °C Peterson, H. Heller, €. Holst, Ed. Gingrich. Elâ€" miraâ€"Goal, Geo. Otto; backs, â€"Ed. Hcefflurer, J. Geiger,; hallâ€"backs, R. Terris, A,. Jeaneret, Chas. Millet, forwards, Maxwell, Roy Stewart, P. Helt aworth,. _ L. Leinberger, â€"O.â€"â€"M. Wachsmuth.. The game was well conâ€" trsted by both temas, put the nome team needs more,practice. The score was 2â€"1 in Elmira‘s favor. The St. Jacobs team has been beaten twice by Elmira in football, but is still game. They are not shortâ€"winded ciâ€" ther, and would like some of Etmira‘ fast runncrs to take up this challenge. A certain yqung man in this village will challenge anyone who is a resâ€" ident of Elmira for a footrace. Any distance from _ five . to twentyâ€"five miles will do. Let us bear from you in the near futare. § Winterbourne is billed for a . game of football with the team,of this place on Saturday night at 7 o‘clock sharp. The game will take place at Rrubacher‘s Grove. The Misses Shantz, accompanied by Mr. Herman Beier, of near Haysville were â€" renewing â€" old _ acquaintances around here. _Mr. T. W. Woods and Mr. A. Ware visited friends in Berlin on Sunday. A few cf our young people visited friends down south on Sunday. They report a good timc. [E ces" C004E #$000000°0008 OH0LO CO0CO8 AOPSRERORCOO® 40404 The people in this vicinity are putâ€" ting in their statute labor. Mr. H. Schmidt and Mr. E. Devitt are the resvective pathmasters. Rev. Sol. Gehman, of Roseville, asâ€" sisted by _Rev._O.Wismer,â€"ocenpied the pulpit of â€" the Old Mennonite Uhurch on Sunday in the:absence of the regular pastor, Rev. M. C. Bowâ€" man. Mr. B. F. Shantz is all smiles. It‘s & boy. 4 peprieyee f ‘The Dunkards held their semiâ€" anâ€" nual love feast on Satutrday and Sunâ€" day. Successful ~Meeting.â€" Th Edwardl VII Literary Meeting beld on Saturâ€" day night was a decided suceess. The programme . consisted of addresses, songs, essays, debate, etc. As it was reorganization . night, the following officersâ€" wore clected â€"Pres., Mr. 1. Bowman:; Secey., Miss Sylvia Shantz; Critic, Mr. W. Swartz. Our popular managpt of the Soverâ€" cirn Bank has joined the tanks of the benedicts and as congratulations are in order we extend the best of themn 10 Mr. and Mrs. P. Alloway. Our football boys journeyed to Ayr Our football boys journeyed to Ayr, last Saturday evening for a _ friendly game. The result was a tie and conâ€" se giently _ the game ended friendly. The teturn gange will be played herej rext woek, s ‘ Out band has been engaged to play at a lawn social to be. held by _ the Mctho«ist congregation at Ayr on the 36th. _ Quite aâ€" number of the farmers of this neighborhood are at present hayâ€" ing the telephone installed in _ their residences. ~ NMr. Moses (Clemens and family are visiting fritnds and relatives hete, Nr. David Knarr, of New Hamburg visited at the home of A. Maeder on Mrs. Robt. Knarr, of Bertin, is vis Jting relatives hore. © Fogal ‘ Mt. and Mrs. Ed, Poth, of Michiâ€" gan are visiting at the home of his parents. > £ News Notes Gathered by Industrious Correspondents in County and District. WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 21, 1906 ST. JACUBS. MANNHEIM NEW DUNDEE Mr. Reid and Mr. W. Houston of Berlin called on friends in the village on Sunday. ds + 2. in Mr. and Mrs. Badley of Glenallan and Mr. and Mrs. A. Heipel of mear Wellesley were the guests of Mr, Jno. Frame on Sunday. ; Misses Maggie Mundell aod Libbie Webster visited friends in Wellesley last Tuesday. v A garden party under the auspices of the public school will be held on the school grounds on Friday evening, June 29th. A grand programme will be given. See posters for particulars, The Church of England purposes holding a picnic on July 2nd in Mr J. H. Campbell‘s woods. The Wellesâ€" ley Brass Band will be in attendance. A good time is expected. ; â€"Mr. John Piric, Sr., lost a valuâ€" able cow last week. The cause â€"was unknown. Miss M. Berdux of Wellesley visited her friend Alice Snider on Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Petch has returned from Berlin. Mrs. Geo. Mamser, of Linwood, and day with Mr. J. H. Campbell‘s last Mrs. R. Manser of Toronto spent â€" a week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Foster of near Hawkesville were guests of Mrs. Robt. Foster on Sunday: Mr.~ HMerbert Wilkinson who went out west about two mon:as aso, has located in Edmonton and has gone into the real estate business. He speaks in glowing terms of that city and surroundings, We anticipr‘¢ . a bright future for Mr. Witkinsoo as be is a yodng man of good sound busiâ€" ness principles and energy. Two fine herds of fat cattle belongâ€" ing to John A. Durrant and Wm Hemerick, were shipped at Broslau on Saturday by Hamilton & Co., _of Guelph, at $4.80 per hundred. 1% catâ€" tle were in each lot, the first averagâ€" ing 1278 pounds and the latter 1i06 pounds. pg Mr. James Mitchell‘s horse, which was reported as having the glanders, was ordered by the veterinary inspecâ€" tor a few days ago to be shot and buricd. Mrs, (Dr.) McEachern is visiting friends in Toronto. * Mr. Reuben Snider who hot the misfortune to break his an‘kis about a month ago, is able now to Wain around with the use of ccutches., Rev. W. N. Vollick will preaen his farewell sermon next Sabbath, ::1th inst., at 2.30 p.m., before icaving for his new field of labor at Bartorvil‘e, mear the city of Hamilton. M‘ir& Benjamin Millard is in quit? delicate health. 4 Mrs. M. Millard, Sr., has returned after visiting for five weeks in the Queen City.. She thinks city life is preferable to country life. . A number of our town people took in the S..S. Convention at Hawkes ville on Friday. â€" Dr. R. Faulds of HMarrictsville arâ€" rived in town Monday to take chatge of Dr. McEachern‘s practice white the latter is on an extended trip to Alâ€" berta. 7 ‘ A. S. Rennie spent. last week in London. Mr.. Emery Rennic and wife spent Sunday in Hawkesville. 7 Mrs. Schwartz leaves on Wodnesday with her daughter for Winnipeg,where she will reside. During her stay â€" in our. village she has made many friends, who are sorry . to see her leave. Mrs. N. S. Bowman, accompanied hy her nicce, Miss May Hyser, leaves toâ€"morrow for Toronto. Miss Emily Bowman goes with Mrs. Nash to Calgary, hoping the change of climate will improve her health. Messrs. Geo. Schinbein and Chas. Struck left last Tuesday for the West. NMr. Schinbein â€" is secking health, which his friends hope he will find, while Mr. Struck is faking up a homstead â€"adjoining Jhis sonâ€"inâ€"law‘s, Mr. Oliver Snider. _ Rev. W. N. Vollick will preach his farewell sermon in . the Methodist church on Sunday, Miss C. 4. MeKenzic returned from Forgus, where she had been staying with her aunt, Mrs. Rose. d Mrs. Jones leaves for Winnipeg on Wednesday, after spemding a month with her brother, Mr. B. Schwartz. Mr. Glover ich. Mrs. Ghiles, a former resident, . is tisiting among her old friends. Mr. and myrs. J. McKenzie are movâ€" int into Mr. G. Schinbein‘s Rouse. Ur. Glover has removed to Goderâ€" WINTERBOURNE. CROSSHILL, CONESTOGO LINWOOD. nie Halm, Hawkesville, acted | as bridesmaids. The wedding breakfast was partaken of at the home of the bride, 3 miles northwest of the vilâ€" lage, many guests being present. The afternoon and evening were spent in dancing and other enjoyments by young and old; _ We extend to the young couple our best wishes for their future welfare. Pretty â€" June Wedding.â€"A very pretty wedding took place in the loâ€" eal R. C. church on Tuesday, Jure 19th, when Miss Katie Rau was marâ€"‘ ried to Mr. Joseph Wey, both young people of St. Clements. Rev. M. S. Halm, the parish priest, °offictated. Messrs. Peter Wey and Henry Rau were groomsmen while Miss Veronica Dietrich, St. Clements, and Miss Anâ€", Corpus Christi Day. â€" Corpus Christi Day was cclebrated here with the usual pomp and splendor. High mass was celebrated in the R. C. church, with Rev. Brady, Hamilton, celebrating,. and Rev. Clemence Brohâ€" man, Macton, deacon and Rev, M. S. Halm subâ€"deacon. The holy sacramemt was carried in procession and a /leâ€" votional congregation was present. There were no alternoon services. Mr. Jonas Hergott, of Sundridge, Ont., paid St. Clements a visit on Sunday. $ a5 fsa) > _ Mrs. David C. Kuntz, Waterloo, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dietrich, * ~Miss Theresia Meyer returned _ to Guelph Tuesday after spending a few days here,. is n 4" Mrs. Louis Forwell and Mrs. Pierce Forwell spent the past week in Zurâ€" ich and other points in Huron Co.. Messrs. Theodore Meyer, Leo, Voiâ€" sin and friends spent Sunday in Mac ton. Miss Clara Weber is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Shocmaker, Guelph. _ Many St. Clementites.intend taking in the Heidelberg picnic, A local tugâ€" of war team is billed to test their strength against a team of Heidelâ€" berg heavy weights. Mr. and Mrs. Hilborn and little Gertrude, of Elmira, called on friends here Saturday and Sunday. _ . Miss Addic Weber, Berlin, and Miss Sims, Toronto, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd‘s om Wednesday last. Mrs. Elijah Thomas is spending some time with friends and relatives in â€"Linwood. Miss Mary Braendle is spending a few days at the residence of Mr. Menno Braendle. 8+ Mr. Wardan McCombes, of ‘Franâ€" conia, was the guest of Miss Beula Shepherd last week. _ _ 6 Mrs. Braendle st., who has ~been on the sick list for some time, is maâ€" king satisfactory progress toward reâ€" covery. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Weber and famâ€" ily passed Sunday with friends in Waterloo. ols Mr. and Mrs. Bachman, of Guelph, called on the latter‘s paremts, Mr. and Mrs. Rellinger, on Sunday. Preparations are being made for a monster picnic to be held. on < July 2nd at Oxbow Farm, at the river. © Baseball, football, races of all kinds will te the attractions of the day. Everybody is welcome to this public picnic, and no doubt an enjoyable time will be spent by all. _NMr. Jess. Martin is wearing a smile â€"It‘s a girl. £ 94 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Massel and famâ€" ily, of Spanish, Algoma, District, but formerly of our village, renewed acâ€" quaintances here this week,. Their many friends are glad to see them look so well. No doubt that counâ€" iry has agreed with them, as they inâ€" tend to return to their home next week. â€" The Centreville football team joutâ€" neyed to Williamsburg on Saturday last to play the Williamsburg tcam, Our boys had an casy victory, the score standing 9â€"1 in their favor. The Centreville school picric will be held on Friday, June 20th in Victoria Park, Berlin. [ > CS Mrs. F., Latsch and daughter, Miss Alice left toâ€"dayâ€"for. Rochester and Buflalo, N. Y., where they will spend a couple of weeks with Mrs, â€" Wm. Dolph and Mrs. Geo. Slipper. s A large number attended the dance given by Mr. Jacob Ebel Saturday night. It costs you nothing to know that this store sells the Best and Purest Miss Clara Jansen visited Miss Alice Latsch on Sunday. $ Mr. Herbert Hartel of Blair visited his father on Sunday. _ _ _ A. C. HAENNEL, The DPruggist Paris GQreen AND Hellebore 1 parcel and label it in 5, 10, 15 and 25¢ packages. !mw{ Zoellner‘s Remedies on sale here, FRE E BLOOMINGDALE. ST. CLEMENTS. CENTREVILLE. *9 | 10 Days 1 Baby Carriago, rubber tires, reg. selling price $11.50, cut price $10 2 Baby Carriages, rubber tires, reg. selling price $13.50 cut price $11.50 1 Baby Carriage, rubber tires, reg. selling price $14, out price......$12 1 Baby Carriage, rubber tires, reg. selling price $14.50 cut price..$12.50 1 Baby Carriage, plush upholstered, rubber tires, reg. selling price $18, CHt PHBO .+ c.s. c on r racrrrrraririerserrirrerrAiraveregrnesrcrrsr«s â€"BI0.90 1 Baby carriage, fiz0 upholsterin#, rubber tires, reg selling price $17, Dt PHMO«â€" « e« «s serfr‘ta rAUTETERIIETAA®I rrrsrrert2s+#s@eÂ¥% e«»r «* «« U O 1 exrtra fine Baby Carriage, rubber tires, bicycle wheels, reg. $20 cut PHIOQ« cArt: «ArtrtrahitrirtkrtÂ¥askÂ¥ca 24 atk o6r v¥¥rarrerrietertsrc«1¥«era@I@ 1 extra fins Baby{Carriage, rubber tires, bicycle wheels, reg. $18.50 cut $HOO _ sy «creacrrianrhclrr srRCIE*FRERE*R«rbsEA¥¥Areierz«tzrszr««s+« x«seil0 1 Baby Carriage, rubber tires, bicycle wheels, reg. price $15, c1t DMNIGJ.., :.i rkrÂ¥ranerrst s 24 iÂ¥ 20 rien ols awe oo en oc en ons e ieb P s sn sn Che Cash only. One Price. Cheap Cash Store. South side King Street. It will be money in your pocket if you take advantage of this clearing ul;, T; the goods must go regardless of price, in order to enable me to start to baild. . The Building Era has been ushered in under. most favorable circumstanâ€" ces. Our facilities for buying are such that we are in a position to quote the very lowest prices on Bullding Material. Below we quote prices on a fow mportant Supplies that Every builder requires. ‘They are not cut prices, but simply low quotations and are hints of what we can do for you in the Buildâ€" ling Line. , k Weichel‘s Weekly Store News 0. K. Building Paper 400 sq. ft. per roll at 85c per rolil. Lest Ye Forget to0 â€" KING ST. Mrs. C. Steuernagel‘s Here are prices on a few ."_‘,‘_"_l sizes of \Vug* Nails, 1} inth, $2.60 ‘;er keg;â€" 21 incb, $2.35 per keg: 4 inch, $2.2%5 per keg; 5 inch, $2.20 per keg. Net cash. strong key at $1.75 per dozen. Mortise Loocks 1 A first class inâ€" â€'.‘.:3“" side Door Set, conâ€" sisting of a steel *‘ inob and 1008 C5â€" cutcheons, strong mortise lock, comâ€" plete, all old copper finish, at 50c per PFnant Timan | _ We have a comâ€" Front Door h on wo sheptes Setts phu‘ lin? o:m these ranging in price at Ol.g. $1.3%5, . §$1.i5 Tar Paper Waterloo Knobs w& prices are for 10 days. Come rci 7 f CASH ONLY DURING THIS SALE. _ Come and be convinced. M. Weiche! & Son PHox® 307. BUILDING SALE! _ â€" BUILDING SALE! and $2.00 per set. Smyth Bros., Monday July 2nd, REUNION CGreat Reduction Baby GCarriages Porcelain or Jet Morâ€" tise Knobs with Japanâ€" ned Roses to fit ‘any door, $1.25 dozen, We repeat that the program of the Put up in rolls of 400 eq ft, and 36 in. wide. 50c per roll. (Cann_ahn Wheelmen‘s Association): A strong, clean and dnrable w a t ernroof paper, oderless, WATERLOO A good strong Mortice Knob Loo kn wit h zesX T WATERLOO WHOLE NUMBER 2687 womuurmmmurmmamemmmee, . C1388 S0SbD/ 108t8; holds window when tgcen and locks same wh closâ€" ed, at per dozen. Sash Lifts Screws, coppered $2.25 doz. pr. 3x 3â€"75¢ per dozen pr. Loose Pin steel loose Fin Butts Butts, polished. 4 x 4 â€"$1.25 per dozen pt. ~. _ _ 84 x 3;â€"00c per dozen Narrow Butts 35¢ per dozen pr, Cupboard Catohes 'rmnlglrni!:lm | Sash Fasts Hat and 8 inch Wire Hat Coat Hooks | and Coat Hooks, ETT TTZC P coppered, st 106 Narrow Steel Butts for Windows and Cu boards, etc. 3 in _a& per dozen pr. 2) is,â€" WATERLOO Screws, Noo ; (f)mlnmentinl Bukh ifts large size,packâ€" ed with gnvn, 2e per dozen. Knob, packed Soerews. m pe Steel Loose Pin per dozen. ElImira We bave a" first Three toot Transom| LMts, complete with BERLIN 10 Days wil