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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 Jun 1906, p. 10

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ANNUAL REPORT THE SOVEREIGN BANK The loath mu! meeting at shareholders ot The Sovereign Ink cl Panda was held at the mu Glee, Ton-to, 12m but, and var iargeir gum. . _ The lollov'm‘ reports were new» ted:-- ' Hour Quarterly Dividends at 6 per Cent. per' 'annum “02,923.90 Transferred to Reserve Fund ...... t""'r..... te.... mp"... '.. 330,000.00 Wtittcn on Bartk Premises o.........: ......... ....t. ..Fr.. ... to,ttoo.tm ’lh-sl-rve for Rehaic ot Discount on Bills ....__ ... p.. ... 5,000,00 "unations u, Iluspuals, out, including Soul]. Afri- ' can Memorial Fund w..... .r......re.....""...... ...... .r.... ... 1,500.00 tireuratiott .w. ... . Deposits ... pr. pr. ... . Balances due to other "an ....e. ... ._. ... . Capital Stuck Paid I' tieseree Fund and Un- liividul Profits _.. ...' Prom 1nd Loss Account Int the year ended 301h April, MNW.- llalancc at credit at Profit and Loss Account on 29m April, Net Profits tor the year ended Mtth April, IMm, aim tituluciing Charges of Management, Provincial} Govetument and Munici- pal Taxes, Advertising Bunnies, and accrued Interest on Ite- posits, and after making lull provision tor all Haul and Doubt- Prrntitun on New Stock issued " $125 per share t $1,250.00 I'n-n-iuin on New Stock issued at $t30 per sham: 686,550.00 Notes ol the Bank in “alum: at Credit ot Account, 29th April, 1905 Transferred trom Profit and Loss Acmum o.....'. Premium on New Stuck, as shown above tPP"' .. year :~--~ 'lite must important Mont during the year was the - _ sale of a tar C block of stock to the Drummer Bank at mm per share net to the. Bani Thir., with the new stock issued ih Canada, increased the‘lhuk's paid-m; cap'nlal to $3,585,1In (n mun April. The Directors recorded their gratifi- cation at the unanimity "pressed by the shareholders. Out at 1040 share- holders there wt're but "two dissvntients and their' total holdi _ u s a r gated “My " slaves. . g " o- _ ' - _ _. AL- In»... If“... _..N_-_.-. ...~.‘_ -..I....:IIA.I and The numhm‘ ot sharchoMers inllu- Bank as conwareul with bti7 in 1905 and tlil in and the tact that the shareholders include tinancial interests in the world, afford the lic, and all who do business with the Bank, curity of im-alrulahlr value. The Prrsiient spoke as 1oliows:- ln addtvssinr, the shareholders a '_\'t‘ar ago, win-n I also had the ptvas- ure ul announcing an lnrrraso In the.tlividend, I remarked that own with the iurriva.sed capital then being issued, wr' anticipall'tt nu tlitricutty in paying a ti per cent. dividend and still making Ivandsomd adylitiorcs to the Reserve Fund and otherwise strengthvning Iln- Bank. Yon will nndrrxlaml how Iullrthese anticipations have been realized when I tell you that we paid some ammonia in dividends during the past year, and, andr skiing this, had a surplus tram-thr- ordinary net earnings ot t84,Mo, asiompared with a. surplus of $63,900 the year before over' dividends aggregating only $55,000. On this basis. we could easily have paid 7 Tier (TM. and still have hail as much to appropriate tor Reserve Fund,-Bank Premises, etc., as we had at the end at April, 1905. _ -r-r-wmrz.iz-rTtz-r-irariir3mmgrrtritsmrvrmre-zsTim'itteitt submitted to you, and belon- doing so, I wish to state that in Mr. Stewart. we haven gt'ntlrman of prim-n ability and sound judgmrn't, and ttnder his mama‘- mont. the shareholders may look tor ward to even greater results in the a»-.. ...., .7V -e Comparative statements ol the past font years were suhmiHml and wvrc highly satisrat'trrry lo the shareholders. The increase ot Gyii.u; in the dcposits, which now aggregate "early $13.00!! 000, 'a/iirii"iii' most satisfactory evidence of the "ver-increasing Jiiiaulii of llw public in the F.ovvreiyn Bank of Canada. The Directors rerttr.d llw stati, through whose ant dimensions. The First 1'iev-Presirtrnt, said:-- One thing I have noticed which has pleased me wry much tsuat, thrs rntirgrrmrnt ul tite Bank is attracting a more important and iMueniial class at businvss than "tight have come to us if we continued to be a comparator-small tnsttrtnrotr. ' _ in --e-'-" VVVL‘WM¥ --___--___ ,‘._._.,- _ .._ ‘. . .._ A . ...»-.l.....' ...:l'. c. 'l., .--.t.., " nu... Tttture comparator-snr'" a mmmrnn. q _ T" --e-'-" ___,--.--------"- --___--___ 7 The greatest Illmrully “1. have io cityivnd with is the securing of pre- "mm to accorttnioGle our business, as in a short time after We open at any important centre, the business outgrown the building. The General Manager'snhl the siaten1rnts submitted wnro as complete as it was possible lo make thy", and han that with a few explanaiory remarks the shareholders might turn! a fairly accurate conclusion as to the present position at the Bank and an inivlligent ides or its future pros- trect-s 7, A, . _ . d__,___.. "I‘A..." u... -_....n.. no u... .......'.. Lug, The toutirrr, "guns Mum !hat th" bank's stan and um vllll‘l's chmblnl within the pas! two ymls: _ N". of omeetc nu the stat, _ No, of tVpo.ttots No. ot dismal“ (“alumna Total number at "warm" Maw Hm prextot" \umml Meeting, "w "ank hart mum! into in haml- mtttte “WV-slurry mummy. In “mutual. In xthwit [any other was n-nhnl, This building. allot charging a mmlvvnh- n-uml in the mink. " mm m- an a that c, wt vent, ott the Iota! ittvvs1ntettl, "um [manu- ot the "m, umh-r this had-"g rvprrsrn'ml unly M,mm um "lawn tor lurnllun‘. sate, wattlt uh ttty, Mr . all of whim urn- M ttamt Emit M m,“ In"? hurl: ,rrittem on thtvt' assptc, to date, ' The (hm-HI Martaeet sun-44h.“ mum: ttw pa,t fvat the Bank had Simm- Hm pro-Hum 1nnma? Min-tine, "w Hank hart some wry-slurry budding m 1bmirrat, In “huh t'YPl This building. who! charging a mmlvvah- n-uml in t “In. a vtear c, wt was. an the Intal ittustntettt, . Tho Gemrral Hanan“ statvd Hm duum: Uw ps,t _w.n the Raul had rerrirrd 'tttttttrations tot 2,893 div‘mm! “minus. ot which IJII were do- etinrrt. "r aim Winn-d lo "w tart that wlwn tttr Rank "pram its than an In! May, 100:. the Huron-Inn Hank mu 32nd M the "a! ot chatter"! banks. mm on the 30th Aprit, rum, il had moved up mm my. ptare ttt mm ot asst-M, and to Mh pure In trotnt ot paid-up “punt He did ttot mm. how". Int no mm M the an! M" be conveyed to the W. by ml mum. in “an " limit; their mum at- This has been appropriated as {allows All the "ranches alum Hauk have been 11de inspected during the Balance carried lorward . Total, 30th April, was LIABILITIES GENERAL STATEMENT (Condensed.) 7 un- "rit "" J.OiRA l. MAN AC, I'IR'S A "DRESS " 1316,0501!“ mums .'. ...... ... " 3,615,387.50 .w. ",tmt,3s6.3tBoetds, [Mn-Mums. etc. “1,653.59 'r Call and Demand Loans, ' MPP 431,851.29 secured by Bonds, rp 3,353,1mm Smelt». etc. ...... 'rr .._ 3,9tr'3,23t.13 " Commercial Loans and tttt,sti'3.00'J.75 DIRECTORS REPORT 1,277,100.15 Discnunts 11st'ir appreciation of the 'Iral and ('(l'lcicM'y ot Mutts the Bank has now grown to such import- OF CANADA RESERVE FUND. Cash on “and and at Bank Premises and other Asst-ls ..rP.. ...... ... ... an 30th April, was, was 1.120 PMH. This wide distribution some ot the inust powerful investing and borrowing pub- a bulwark ol strcngth and sc- ASSETS. 21 “NIL m ‘75!" .131 2tt 2ti. 131 $ttt,S69.000.75 hull“: 32.9"” I 905 11.59:,73135 $1,230,000.00 ' 10,113.32 2l7 $905,355.67 $100,000.00 02,200.00 _ 'i67,800.00 417,555.53 767,800,00 949,423.90 137,437.35 $15,931.11 1mm mm m I' . m: use: 1 hard mm II!” " I? 103 weaned n l. c. amen. “and." ot III.- Wilhelmina Schclhu and Mr. g. J. Ion- ug “Calm Tuesday. A very pretty Juno taking too'. whee u Bt. Inn's Itt. n, chm-h lulu. T Mod, a ' It“ Mita Wilhelmina. daughter ot Mr. and In. bore" scum. of nm town, was "ppitr mulled to Mr, Jones}: J. Huang, w- ot the Ian Mr. and Mrs. Noon“. ot tururtthe, Out. The numb] not Watt tied in the paw-we ot 1 [use lumbar at new: and, friends, by new. F. A. Minna“, twitter ot the groom, who also o'.rteiated at high mus, assisted by Rev. Fathers Pettretrtach and Simoni. The bride was given may by lm father, and was handsomely attired in rich cream satin ui'l mum!» .m-i, and wore. veil and wrath. and ur- ried n shower Mqulol bridal “mm, 'llu- bridesmaid, Miss Fecelia binning. wore: beautilul dress of white or- galulir, elaborately trimmed with 'aletwiermett lace and carried a lo:- ttet ul pink carnation. The f.ower girls were the Missy's Montag. Kuntn and Hard, who carrird bouquets o! mangl- blossoms. The groom was as- sisittd by his brother, Edward Mon tag. After the ceremony and the canal congratulations the bridal Qarly and ggtstilaaytuok oi ssuuwtuous Md- The bride was the recipient otnum- erous" bandsome "tttsd useful Kills, showing the high esteem in which she was twld by her many friends. The groom's giit- to the bride was a locket set with across ot diamonds, and to the bridesmaid a sunburst of pearls. ding yti,abtast The young couple leit on a briri honeymoon trip. The bride's travel- Iing suit was a prinetss dress ot Ant- erican blue broadcloth and a waist ot Irish crochet anon-r lace, and a becoming .hat to match. CA N ADI AN BREI‘IDERS' OPPOR- The establishing ot a line of steamers running trom Vancouwl to New anland and then to Australia, is likely to attcrd an opening tor tin): oughbred Canadian tttoch. The palm passages charactetistie oi the Pacific trom the month ot May to Octo’hcr' should chunk: animals in Le, carried more safely than they can; he brought aruuud the lung A.itat.tic pas-g sage. There is little doubt that ii the Canadiat, Lire Stock As:strciation,! would put to'rth an effort. mil iiii'dy inuwn the ability at the Vanadium; market to [Jrnish high grade horsvs,! cattle, pigs and Show, there wouldl be a steady demand tcr these anim-' als at rettumrriui,e tries. In the past there have but" attempts ty establish trade hvtwcev: this eoutiri-' cut and Australia, but the until “in" of summers had no Facilities tut car- rying stuck other than sheep, ot! which a " Mcrinus Wt'te sllippt‘d‘ [mm \‘crnmnt. In New inland. new slmuld Le a good mukct inr Lir,h bred sheep of the mutton type.! it isnot lilrly that the Austratiarvcl will seek our market until the slut-k} ot Canada is better known. Thus it becomes the duty ot the ('anadiancx- porter to take the initiative in open- ing up this trade. , ihiity-iive years ago the greatest ';reiiU.ri,rGioiripiiC"' value was attached to animals iin-i . T ported trom Britain lor breeding gum" f _ _ ' roses. imported sires and dams ot, Hl,14 LORDSIHP IS 11.1.. the horse kind were usually worihl - T ainywherc from one .to three dhousarl (inn-mi Ir:raW--When llis Lordship dollars a 1"'11 and In many itttitattces ' Bishop Bowling was in the.c.ilr last until; doll lireq.-din;.r.l 'ii,is:.ii),tii:.tl, week he consulted his Itliysicmn and W” t ttear F-as limel- Cours'.', was advised by him to return I St. there were thorough-bred prize anim-' Jcéeidt's "Whit“ at once and My- als, and their progeny 1r5.f. taought af- go another L‘mlISc of treatment. It is 'g'iatr,te'1',Atdlutie,'r'1/l)""1',t C “1;" Riot a return of the old troubre, which " ' an 0 atta0- was eshNtualry disposed of by a suc- 311 bra-edsl's ol [Lu stock i'll making cesstit operation alew months .120. ye so t't' IOIIS an paying e prtccs It is a new development and one that tor superior animals, t'hivh they did, may necessitate anutht't' opiration. has tht..':'..?, Within} its "sults. At “ls Lordship is expected to lakelu? “ICPXPWIUTMtOI 1": It, ',eg; his quarters at St. Joseph's hospital every “Into! an mun ry, In ewor: some dav this week. llis many has J't'l: T J"t"r,'r"difafa',ttl T‘s triendtt in Guelph will hope tor his more use a orniiiaie r ta or stared and immanent recover '. honors. and in many instances has l y Lljflll.'1'l.'.1'.L22,'. ' carried away tyell,'. pt"tzes 39“)“1 _,!yhciyl,zisofsrr_1l1er'rt, Last. NT"'. 1','i,T,"f.i,'..'//',,7 I tt WW Irma? 5 twtitit d in a Chicago court‘ that \\h.n turn " rea tht? ar3e lirtevs or tpt' at the height cl his court collt'rli'ww 'tli?,',,",",.:?':,"'.",",',',, tll/i': its“? voutlt- in his church ran trom $5litl,"tlll to rn-s sum as . us ra ta, la requ"N? $1 mmmm a rear. to cross' their native herds with thor- , ' oughhreds. ==-crg.r--r-r-"-"-""- It will pay Canada writ .in moe an organized Mon to introduce tlw Ii“; stock trade with Australia. Thr lhe minion Department ot Agriculture, togeiher with the Dominion Live Stock Association, should take this important tuatier'into consideration at UMP, and sew-urn "retrain! tnr t'anacla irtorv any other country talus advantage of the opportunity thus presented. . SHOE COMPANY FOR SIC Voting nu Monday on the hy-taw to, luau the W, H. Willis thr Co. 1m Ilmusauul dollars to vsh|hlish a thilJ‘ Inn‘s shun manutacttttirtg establish“ mm!" in Scsllurlh, was carriM almost unanimmmly, MG [or and lt5 againxni trntiotrta tho ttnvarttishrd [lumps and hard lat-ts laid trrtore them " the ttterlitut. Ite haul always had' large ideas, regarding the position the Nov- rrvign 1Unh should lakr in the ttttttttcial World. but that his ambition ran towards sittrttgth and erly "In" than In size. It was non? lhe loss pleasing, linwovrr. to tw able In say that hr hélin-vnl Ilw happy combina- tirrtt of trrtttt My mm mm Yuri ttH" with“! ’frarll. and h6ped "ml. wlu'n thr Mh Annual Marlin: was helvl ttmy would he ahlr- to wlvhmlo tho occasion in a. human muslin-hwy to the vharvhrtHvrs and lu'uuulng to a grval itc,tiutuott. "1:10.! of thatths Wt'rt' passed to the Din-clam; (hflrml Manager, au'l "tatt, and romptitttentary who: in rottttevtion thrrewith wrre made by Hott, Jam's Yotme, A. Claude Madam-II, Maior Arihtit o, ”when. Mr. W. J, Barr. and "HM-rs. . Thr Sunlinwn wrro Mus”. C. " A Gulclnnm am! A. I'. melumll. M Tln' 'oltorvttut “We dwh‘d Dirwhu's for the running “an: Randall»: MatMaM. A, ' Allan. D. M. Sunni, Hun. It MrMiitan, llnn, Peter Mrhatett, Ann t'arttptrrlt, at P., John l‘ngslvy. W. K. Mth'attyht, M. P. P., and A. H. Dtment, M. P. FrtRmtqttttttrt' at a meeting of the Dirrclnrs. Mr. Randolph Shalom“ was Norm! Pram-M. M, A. A. All". Find Ttre-president, and th. D. , M, sum: Second Wet-Pm“!!! "4 0mm Menu". TUB NITY. were clvvh'd mtretrrrs for the "mung unit: Knuth-loin Allan. D. M. Ntrtrntt, Hon. lt. .‘JrMillan. "on. Ptstet ’amphll. .u. P., John Pttstsh'y, W. K. Mtpiaatpht, M. P. l FORTH ' The procession then marched to [Mount Hope Cemetery, where I. sim.. ilar ceremony was reriormed " the Igrau-s at me tate Herman Heller and {Marlin Harth. . The atoms an: ap- ' magnate and beautiful, and each cost .in tttvmrii',hlrorltomt at two. I The Import)“ embraces a. farm val- ,urd at.$t.|)tm, whom)“ are buildings 'which cost. S2,!mn,and the persomri- l \ty argregated the sum at $7,500. 1 h 'rerage person will imagine-just as Ithe tutti Justice was disposed ‘to 'icoroe-ilat there should re plenty liul' both the Indus, and he came? mucnlly directed that, the matter should hehrought to the attention ol the local master at Brockville, who I will arrange that Mrs. Manhard b given a home in teepiag with her E pat-vim: station- in lite. , T JUDGE ASKED To DEFINE A GOOD HUME. unwed" Census, hum u Guvuol Departed Wood men on and” UNVEILING " iii TOMB STONES It OI will” “term tho ne-has‘ oi Cusp ho. 73, Canadian Order at Woodmm ot the worm. iirieiLr:i.ii7 tutu ot Myrtle Cittle No. B, ,and‘ brethren trom New ttatrstutrg, Gal.‘ and other points, 'sited the In“: at three departed brethren, the Into Manon Krtr,at the but “at c'eutc- urn and the tate Human Helm amt‘ Martin llama at Mount Hope cettte- t.ry, what: the'tmprtstftvts ceremony ot unveiling the tombstones erected by the Camp tool place. _ The Woodmen gathered gt Ure! lodge-rooms ltou: the Bank ot Ham- tlot, where the tm'luuiuary ext-rus- cs new mm, tttttr which theylorm- ed a. procetssiots headed by the Degree Tram and proceviled to tlge East land cmuuttry, where the tombstone ow: the an“: ot the late Simon Eula was unveiled in thcprcscnce at the: lamily ot the deceased mail a very large crowd at mtmlnrs and uuu'ttdsi.) The lwautilul ritualistic service was tundwted by the omen-rs of the local tamp, assisted by II. U. C. llodgilul, " Luau, Dr. W. H. Harrison, "out Medical Examiner, Toronto; Heal Atlsisury Lieutenant “womb and Head ttcrs Wm. C. Fitzgerald, Lon- dun. I Mrs. Ellen Hannah! and Miss Elva- May Sturgcun reside on alarm near Broe'ivine. The tanner is the step- mother of the latter, and when Maw ttard died he Ml. properly equally t!isitletl bctween the two, on the an derstanding that his widow should be giurn a “comfortable home" with hts daungc-r. T But disagreements tetween the twat arising,_ Cttiet Justice Meredith, al' o.goodeHlall, was cztlled upon Mon 1 day lit dttcturine iuat .vhaz ccrui.n) ted a "comtortatsle home." Between the two litigants a considerable dr Tergenue of opinion seems to have ('X- itted on this score. Mrs. Manhunt is evidently a. woman or much resource and great force ot tharacter. When she found that he: suWier was indisposed to give last complete tun ol thehuusis she quietly loc ed the door and took absolun’. possession until such time as an un- dersrandog might Le reathed on tlic subject. _ ted a “I the two \ergencc itted on His hardship is expected to takeup his quarters at St. Joseph's hospital some day this week. llis many friends in Guelph will hope tor his spredy and permanent recovery. AVOID POOP. IMITATIONS. ARCHDALE WILSON HAMILTON, ONT. Sold by All Dragging and Genoa! Slam and by matt. . TIN CENTS PERFACKET PRO! Jul"! 1tzivgtst2ttoy,i':u2iyi1, IUT'i mum in a Chicago murr that tth/tt at the height cl his court t'olhwlirtrvt in his church ran trom SBMMIU In $1,000,000 " war. May, 1m " bttb--P- lo 00000000000 00000000000 There can be no doubt that tho South African War brought the Bris i.sh colonies closer together than ever belore, South Atria is keeping a dam: eye on canadian'atuirs, and the excellent reputation of our manulaet- um are attaining in the world are well known here. Recently Mr. R. C. Lloyd, who has been resident magis- trate and ciiiteommiasiotser ot Mark- 1y East, Natal, was transferred to a. more lucrative and important post in the Goternmcnt service. During his stay in Bandy East he has mad _ many triemis, despite the [act that tor a considerable time he was :ulmiu- istering martial law. It was thought only lilting " his friends, both Ani‘ curlers -and Englisg, that some tes-: timonial ot the regard in which he was held should be presented to him. Accordingly a committee was hum: ed, and it was decide! to present him ‘with weighty guinea piano. The tlt I strument'selected was a. "Gourlay," made in Toronto by the (inn olztiuur-{ lay, Winter and Let-min; This is In.- qulstionahly a splendid tribute to mi 1 tse,trgrade and teautilul instrument, and at the same time a. pit-noting red Closer Attention to Cantu um the Products ot This Country. has amend or this document has 'ceett single typewritten copies sent -1o_LtsurLustic:tya1 authorities ol the corrorations at whose instance the investigation was held. Yet no re, iort has tern prepared for a long time which is ot such 1ital import- ant' to the general public ot West- ern Ontario. _ "industrial Canada." has published a large extra. edition containing this report and will furnish copies (mm the Toronto otr.ee for Me each, Special interest is attached to the puilieation by “Industrial Canada" ot the rerun in lull ot the Ontari rower Commission. Hitherto all 1ha The report ot the engineers is 'very cunnltto, giving in the fullest detail the cost ot, development and distrinu- tion of power. V {kinking an hour, has again draw "LeiGie 1116’ "2" -, JU Jr" J. mutation to the question ot prisonl when you “5: a'1'i11ut,"gt'g.si,'vitit labor competition with outside labor Four muscle " And he rah!) .1 It is maniicst that no manufacture hook stuck it into tho 'dd it: l can compete with such a contract tut- yank, and went sprawling 's'i'l the loss he steals his goods ready-made gutter under the draw He t n In this connection it may he mention icoked at the hook and said .."'ec' p, ed that in the United States ther tound'it the handle comes 0d," on- aro more than tive hundred slate law "Yes ’sir said tho irri/ria re- designed to restrict the market tor spectiuily. "‘My brain told me ‘that cotwicb-rnado goods, but there is n and I didn‘t use it ,, law to present such goods beind ship L'r2.."i.2C.L......, ped out at those states to be sold t; , ." . , r , competition with tree labor. An cl. .ET """e5 WAGES. . tort is being made to have this dc- Ottawa n, , . . . T . , . no 1fr--k ommcncmg this tret remedied. WIN?” of tlie l. . ff month, a new schedule of wages has Bureau ot "Pr us "rat. m .q0tto gone into effect tor the motoran and times the, IPIJSQIIS h Va. "Manned !rrseli"i;iiiidiias" oi the Ottawa Writ heal conttuloi the old. It is arsfiiiiiiiiia' giving the men an increase (ed that. the whip-lash business, ex- of one cent irer hour. The DPW sched- c'M m tho baggy whip branch, 'ttet, is 16"ps per hour tor the first war been almost entirely abandonv" to with my: tor Sunday work: mc'and the. prisons. Ot saddle (revs, (-unvivts' my: per hour mt second 'var mun make 90 percent. of the “Hal out- and is; and we t6r those in the scr- wut, special humus only being at- vice-over two p?ars. (Hamilton Times.) The Central Prison woodroware con tract whrrcby the labor of the pris- uncrs is sold tor tin-w and three and cy-pt in the buggy whip branch, has been almost entirely abandoned to' the prisons. Ot saddle trees, convicts! make ill) per cent. at the total out- put; special patterns only being at- tempted by outside manuttu'turep. El per tent of the cheaper grade at M"e tles, shillcts and other stone hollow ware uc convict. made. in furniture, boat! and shoes. hinder twine, hronu and Muslim, thins, And overalls, the convicts compete with outside man. trfaetttrers, and, it is asserted, de. moralire the. markets. It is declare, by the U. 8. House Committee that "Nd "ttttt and long established in- duslrics are being; driven out of hust- nuls" try the competition of "w pri? mth. In this prminee Mr. Hanna is also driving the woodrnware men out ot husinvss hy this lnlamovsly unlair contract-the worst P'scr. l This u. H. House t'nmmilter douhts the mine ton prisoner ot learning i) laetnry trade, drvlarintt that a man with a prison record cannot, obtarn employment except when he can. my tar away and remain unidet1tifted. In its opinion a convict who has mash-r. ed u hand trade is better tthte to law the world on his discharge than nne yin» Known only how to tend a ma- ehine, And it points nut. that men can and work making n-unirs where Hwy could not get. employment. in "Male lishments whose on new hired grunt numbers Mum. Rart Grey, along with his 011w prison retorm work, "MM Jaw up this uni-sum M "Na lahnt mum-- "lion. . Cottttty ('o'mrlllnr Wllliam Plum. of NH! "mama. ttas troittttd a runny public. Iargi 'ii SOUTH AFRICAN (01‘8le PRISON-Y ADE GOODS [C‘s-um a} than!” nu‘irl‘H bat M" The Misses Ida Martin and write} F Bechtel, ot Waterloo, also assisted in‘ F the programme, the tormer giving a piano number entitled "iiamminoi Ostrow," by Itubenstein. Her play- ling was characterized by a marked 'purily of tone and an artistic appre- ttiatictt ot the composition. A song, "Lullahr," by Kate Vaiinah, was sung _ by Miss Bechtel. The young lady is ,the possessor ot a contralto voice ot rich quality. and the number was giv- I on amost sympathetic rendering. , Another doctor was waited upon tel, a. man who conlesaed to playing in I brass band. Shortness ot breath was lthc trouble in his lease. "Ah, that ucounls tor it," said the' medical man. "That brass band is the very worst thing tor you, You'" have to I give it up at oncv. What instrumenl ,do you play?" "The big drum," I came the unexpected answer. TtMI MYERS IUSIC IETIIOD Demonstration by the Pupih or Mug Mar Wing. Berlin at the Y. M C A., Saturday. Tho merits cl the In“ Mimloq‘ M you clearly anon-trawl by thee-lun- at Miss brim; u ur, Y.H,ea. on Baud”. June 260. A goodly number ot puma and friends at thou taUng pan were present All the magnum. carried out tarnished an excellent .idea ot the work art-amp- lishol under this method. By this method melanin! sonar of the 1m. rill is deselupot In when: was. such as car Hauling, exercises in rythm at scale building. and . knowledge of musical slgns and ex- "anions in also gained. A luowlcdgo ot the Indium-nu at mute and the ability to read music quicHy at Light was dccuo"stratmt by the playing at short pin-11:1 by nem- hers o! the class. Thu time remained to la: e the Myers Music Method is one rear. The met-ms ot his» Wing as a teacher " this ttwtlrd was rn-Ilcclcd in the excellent Work slots., by the vu- tits mring the you, Mum": by the demonstralion ginn, and the mace“ ubich has attended her ellorts would be 1 mun-e ot tiatisaactiots and err. Couragernent to continue III the work. I The afternoon tltruttghottt was a most imttryretive aw! enjoyable one, not only for the pupils. but also lor the triettda in attculamy: . A hvadman ina manutactory was watching a. drayman tugging at tb, heavy case one day. T he draynun‘s lace was red, and the muscles of his neck were bulging. The overseer thought it was the right moment to otkr practical assistance. _ "Wait a minute them," he said. "Let me show you hhw easy it is when you use a. little brains with your muscle." And he grabheit a hook, stuck it into tho case, jiave a yank and wcnt sprawling into the gutter under the dray. He got up, lcokcd at the hook and said: "Con. luuntl‘it, the handle comps all!“ Young Doctor-t wonder why old Mr. Bjoues never came back to me. He complained ot shortness ot breath. The Provincial Licrnse Department has received llu' report ot the analy- sis ol so-railed regal beer sold in "at: Cobalt mining district as a. tempu- anon beverage', taryertsl bunks d which Wert sent to IM irepttttuurtd sump (in-r ago; The report says the liquid mntains more than the " por cent. of phrot spirits allowed by law, pl Fiillrllr1igit YOU TO T1“: 333‘ mmsows "was EDGE" hm: new 300nm: GOSSIP; tt in the one mot that is not Anetta! by but ind cold. lt never 1eraks--ttctwr hanlrnn or critcu-is rain. snow-ml tsrc.proot--and In!” “Mme. Cheaper than thinglu. . Yon will want it for every building f,) . , alter you know how Humvughiy " f. " ! Intishctory it Is A _ ; oy the booklet gives lots of I 'tttormettrm about u. thite for a copy and free ample of the best "mfrsttt In the would. ) "Ink-re drains cvoywhcre "I Paloma "Win his " or wilt get It tot you. 'ut" Wing as a was rn-Ilcclcd me. by the yu- ’ATIISON MFG. GO.LM. _ m .0 1m - ARREST 0F Little Freddie Math Deeoged From School by Form: T'ttitadetphia, Pa., June IC-Lit) Freddie lath, who was hiding“ torn school on Tuesday lest. we: 'F covered iron! his captors in a my tital manner this afternoon, For seven! stars the Ideniiq oi the kid- upper has lieu known to the police but. despite the elortn ot tour hand.. red men who lure been working on the can: he was not locuted until to- day. Accompanied by one ot his men Chief ot Detectives Douaghy went to 426 North 62nd street, in West. Phil- adelphia, and there toiled John Jos.. eph Kean with his captive. Kean et- templed to escape and was shot at by the detectives. The bullets missed their elm, but Kean surrendered and we: taken to police headquarters. The kidnappet, who is tony-We years old, is described as n former stockbroker who had recently been: reel estate agent. He balsa wile and three children. and it is honored that his desperate financial silusiion drove him to the crime. In conunuuicntious to the father ot the child hr: demaad- ed $5,000 tar its return, and in a let- ter writlu on Friday ueclared he would kill the child and himself n the money was not tortiscoming. Ken's terms were accede‘l to in a "personal" inserted in all of Satur- dny's papers. In a suhseq-iert letter Kean proposed new terms, and 1he..it were likewise accepted, and Mollie: "personal" was inserted in roster». day's newspapers. When she kidnap- per and his victim were brought he- tore Superintendent ot Potiee Taylor the little one still bad ia nis hand the school book which he carried when he was enticed from school by a decoy note purporting to be trom his mother. The house in whinh the): were lound is an unoccupied dwelling on the outskirts ot the cily. The boy, who is only seven years old, had been given bread and milk to out; and had not been mistreated After making , statement Ryan was. locked up. and the boy was taken to the home of his parents. Toronto Star :--x bricklayer living in the northern part ot the sity had on experience last night that may terminate in alaw suit. lie had de- cider! to send his troy lo a. Mime! spr- clalist to have his tonsils cut, and went to the residence ot a prominent specialist in the city to make the necessary arrangements. He rang the bell in the ordinary way and wasztold bra lady who came to the door that the doctor wasn't in, but would he in a low minutes. He stood on the door- step: tor a while and was surprised I tew minutes later to Spa a police- man approach and lead him away m the police station. lie ascertained that the may who came to the door had telephoned tor the policeman. The. eauseortho lady's action hedocs not. know, and he will tape the necessary steps to get an explanation. ---aur "eAne-ait walling blood and we Ere-iN quickly te the tonic; contained in In mien. m" -. ' Ther "tste"f the md ceqmcles 'r tho blood and "gain: the menu. Mo hcyplul in many forms, fend. whim. anaemia. aim in The but. in of s','rgSc:"d other ”if: mania". onadehiliutedco Honoldkbody. At 1lmiiti--30e. .4sox--6 for $2S0--or hm ..Thy giant; Ir. of curla. pulled. 'bia)d--hauT, Bail: Lde,,niriL NERVOUS DEBIIJTY 'ToriOi, A handsomely “In-mm-d unit”. I ttreogt em mtttttion " my M'lcllllllt‘ )unrmll. Turn“. " . m_:_gggr Emmi“. " Sold by ml Ermagaleq. $diiiiit'ehitiiivttittt. M. $§Pai°l $122.51?! J.t.rt A PECULIAR INCIDENT. minim minus». KIDNAPPER

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