The mer M Izallastim; the Imv bom Grtrtth to Elmira i, almnsl rumplvml and Imam-n- Macklin wage that hr hupul In hare it opened tor Italic by July Ist. The girders; tot Ualt, Jum- lti.--Mtssts. Henry Hun- ter and A. "mg. oft Toronto, were in Gait this week, having aka tisitel Hamilton and Western "ntariocitivs with the "Meet at stwttrittg a site hr the estatrrtshmrnt ol-a large plant hr the manuraiture of sand and “mu- Hone brick. They are wry lavoruhly impressed with Halt A vislt was paid to the gravel pits in .the migh- borhood ot the station, as welt as the itteshattstiirky tkpos'tts of “mt-strum along "w riwr to the north ot thtviogrtt. The visitors were um- u-n about the mm: by Mayor Thomp- son. l’residrnt Fry-rt and -Su-n'1ary Dottaidsott, ot the Ihmnl of Trade. l, the Contstogo Hr.†bttdce are hm: when out and will he plat-ml pron-all next not . Pulls Md Everywhenc. la base: M cents. Don‘t lie awake with the frmmh' " your elbow, To harm!) mum. nus. nermm 'tart-. Ml "rrw,trn.. _ to deep Mundlj. and wako n- 'reshed-takc Beechath's bear hunting. C The doirs now took a hand in the game. the smaller dog doing the best execution by bin..g the hind legs oi me bear while she Was paying the most, attention to the larger dog. “may tinaliy bummed the bear sc much that she moved oft. Mr. Scott, who became uneasy at the absence of the bays, started out to hunt (or them, and heard thet'" calls tor help. On Monday a large number at the neighbors we!!!) _QUt ttrmse of thes boy's teat, and had it Bot been that he succeeded in kicking her with the other mot in web a way that she lost her balance 3nd [all down, the 'male might have new serious. _ EXCITISG EXPERIENCE " t'RO BOYS AT (3083 BAY. them. and they had the misfortum- to run across an old she hear and ter two cubs. The dogs made for "he bear and the Year made lor ths 4ogs. The larger dog Mrs. Brut- mocked almost hots tie combat. Sm has getting too close to the boys t" ac comtortabie, and they started lo dimh a tree, which they did, [ hut 'he vicious brute started up any them, trod in her rage tore the boot . _ V..... .._. """"t0 wnwu Will, " usual, be the chic! musical organi- zation in camp. The two weeks' stea- dy practice of tour hours each day will put the band in splendid shaoe lor the balance of the season. u _.....--- _ . _.. nu‘u' tel, who is also adjumlu ot tlie larg- inunt. Altogether there were im men on parade, and tor the next ten days they will under-r J, mil. that will be of benefit To we young t. en in Fears to come. _ We take him Irpm the city (it the trom, 77 V Or what his parents fancied tor '1.“ muted that thestrenttttt ot this camp will benhout 1,800. The three Berlin and Waterloo com- puiu were headed by the Mth Reg- inuat Band M strong, which will, ‘is ._.‘..-I . AI - A Company No. I was in charge ot Captain G. P. Ziegler, and Company No. 6. was looked after by Captain Geo. T. Spoil. Both ot these vom- pallics had weir full quota 'it mm Company No. 5, ot Waterloo 20 men, was in charge at Captain C. H. Pawh- d." __I., . . -r- plow, H _ And we drill him aiml dress- him up so neat; _ . T . We teach him 10 unzmicl his mainly brow, _ And how to nor-c, and when! to gm his loot. It doesn't matter where we took him Gore Bay, June 18.--'rhe two! younger sims ot John Scott, of the Township ot Mills, went om into [hot woods on Sunday evening to hunt. the cattle. They had tno dogs will†ve _ _ -e-c8 v. su‘ out"; " Waterloo, the 3uth Regime: hasten Rittes, the 32nd, Bu the 33rd Huron; one,hatt of Company, Canadian Army Corps trom threir.h; No. I Permanent Army Medical Cor lioned at Wolseley Barracks, a " Field Ambulance tutit. It mated that thestremrth ot an nut-L, stationed " Wotsehry 'uar'. ranch, London; the and lnlanuy Ihi. pile, consisting ot tht 28th Rogimml Inn-“M .. ..-.s. -- A The rorF= lemming this camp will I. '.-0th Battery, Canadian Fit-1d Ar, tiller), London; the lat Brigade Can. “in Fish! Artillery, Guelph; No. I section RAhe., and No. Mt Company “.08., stationed " Wotselry liar. new. and quite; military "rear- serq - hot!â€- , an. " o'clock, I". the volunteers ot ttte 2m aw: were uttering at their “quarters lid [sliding the are! uniting the command at Lie-n. Cot. H. Martin, who looked new inch amulet on his thte grey mom“. to "tatt in" and atardt to the (LT. R. duct. trom win-m1 they bonded the such! train [or London, where the annual camp will he held on Car- ting Heights. UN MUNIMY Yon: Son of John Steinberg, - Berlin Struck by P. t B. and: “but Bud and Three Freight Motor. _ Cum From Berlin - . “Waterloo. ' tht ye.tu" Ufpp' ttte M"! LEFT FOR CAMP ON MONDAY Once He's pocketed the shilling, Anda uniform he's felling, We call him Tommy Atkins all an Sleep Like EL Top 'tttit Regiment", tfed the 32nd, Bruce an] woman at No. t an Army Service ir.h; No. 1 section Medical Corps, sta- INDUSTRY and No. t is est- Thr an“; Railway Art, mm sections rrmldv'i was as-tttttet I May It, and cam min â€In! on , I. The In provided I " “New than “mgr. no! l “Him ot Pertin, an! in In". an! rnv- Mu ix "mum," to and a treal on an nrrn slrm‘l our run by the P. k P, (Runway and B, & W. Mt. Rr. "It, in" henwrorth have to "(M all and walk." . q Thts new rule will be "North? in mam wltlt melon " sub-m- tion 5 o'tte any 01.. "" PM“ . Art. I‘Livh prmllrs that C . "No Irv-rum stall stand 'tlott thr 'ride strips of any I'll" tot a groan! lrnzlh ot lime "an la mvssary In Mable "no to “NET or In" the sum- pttd any form" ottrnding “aim! i";') [random of the mama-Hun shall le Math ton Me of to» dctiarrs, Imam“ male, to hr rtroitttrd on summary coqttist'totr" I "Witt your machine wash the out- . side of the upstnir windows?" ex- claimed the woman. (I "No; hut----" :1 “Will it wash, stretch and iron the curtains, take, them down and put i them up again y' i "No; bub--" f "Will it paper the little room in the ' hall and elem the wallpaper in the : bathroom?" , "No, it is not intended---" l "Rilt it prevent my husband Iroml walking over ttclean fioor with, ttisl dirty teat?" "No, madam; but--" "Till it take down the parlor store and put up the ice chest?" _ "No, but we are prepared-" t “Will it wash the winter bed clothes put canuhor in my furs; make my daughter help with the dishes; keep my hcsrand trom grumbling about the cold meals; persuade him to do the gardening; keen “the dog oyt_rrr_the ’lulnr; prevent callers Iron: coming r in to tea; paint the kitchen floor; gild the gas ftrtttres and the picture Names; hang new portieres; earry the ashes out at theeellat and find lime to make. new dresses lot three girls} 1"dyt,trnmt'r nightshirts tor my hus- Mme beforo you mon'll make: mn- whim In 1a'ra woman‘s place or (m hall the work. tTomrday."-Detroit Ree Press, S "Mr.. Jenkins could not attend laul night's meeting at the Carprrulvrs ’l'liion. The presiden', in convening i the meeting, “pressed rirgret that 3 Mr. fenUns could not attend, as he had slipped and fallen in 1iruertreet, ' srrainintrone of his anklms." band' 'No, madam; ot coursr our marhinr has limitations." "I imitations , Ot "rlcrhN? it has. F.very machine has; Mt man Pitts a Woman to haro "our 1 'Limitarions. indeed; it Lind any litnittbrions it wouldn't be lung below this house Would go to ruin. " will bra long i The motor stopped intimately ad the boy was removed to his home Hm. Dr. Knuth-ma was cured. " . was found that the side ot the head [had been severely bruised and the ' cheek was gutted. The lad Iv“ con-1 l scious when he was picked up, and ! whiie his wounds were being and up l by the physician. NO LISurATroxs FOR A WOMAN “l hate called,†said the agent at the automatic houseeieanittx apparat- us, "to try to interest you in our method of cleaning house. We liavea machine Lore that will do all your work." i "F'roA_F'uIler said: " was Waris ing bthind Mr. Jenkins on Vine SI... .whm Isaw him slip and rail to Cae sidewalk. Winn I assisted him to rise he told me that he had strained _une of his ankles.’ . "Dr. Thomas Rich. who annulled Mr. Jenkins, said: 'Mr. Jenkins has a badly sprairied ankle, due to a fall in Vine street. He will he laid up iirr some time.' _ M1 ST Gr "tthen seen by a reporter. Int-mid: 'l was walling a!"':,' tru, RUTH, when In some way ,my feet ' slipped from under me, and I tell heavily to the walkl sprainiug 'one ot my ankles.' an.» wounded or III amusing ease that came within his own observntion. "There is one thing you must to- member above everything else,"said the city editor of 1 St. Louis paper to a new reporter. "and that is: Tell in the rtrst lew lines what your story is about-in other words, give the substance at once. Then follow with a recital ot the facts, and conclude with interviews With the people con- cerned. That is the only orderly war of writing your story." The new man gave close atten tion to this lesson, the result ot which was that he handed in that night a news item reading as follows: "Mt. Jenkins was walking along Vihe street, when suddenly his 'feet slipped from under him an! 1'p.,.Jeil, 'spraininir, one of his ankles. . "tthen seen by a reporter. Int-mid: 'l was walking Mun; Ire, strcrt. ;;Rufus Jenkins'," goatpentcl, slips cd and “I in Vine street ""sterduy, and sprained his .1le mm. William Allen Whit: itor, in telling of tt city editor in drillin; was reminded ot an I came within his own c. saturday "Chi" tho you; son at Mr. John Steilher. in phy- ‘mg in me “daily ol the Hill street crossing ol the P. &. B. height hue to Walerloo, not when have“. the rails he but! the hell d th. freight motor and below he could get on the Hack. he I" smack on the side of the head by onerornrro the motlw Ind thrown some distance into the and). ,1) l #AtTH6'UL REPORTER, A NARROW ESCAPE. iT' OFF AND WALK t White, the Rams ed- ' of the troubles or drilling - reporter an. 810 on Jams RUM is van m (New York Press.) . One of the accurate ways ot (min 1 the time is to use your hand as " Tiuur" than. Nothing W. A, I farmers not possessed of watches u clocks, and who have some practito notions at common utilities not in vtttie:1 by man but given to us my ir.. Creator, know the rule. lt is mops mary to krep in mind the hour 01mm rise an'l sumsri and to hold the urn 1t',i,'iti'ii,-ti':",s'r"rcii,r1 the shoulder. wi II the hand at right angles, bendin from the wrist forward. " the su scts at 7o'clock and is still high II the Iwavrns, rinse one eye an! ma'e three mparmr" of the width of llt palm roar "no "numb. Kart "wasnr means one hour. Three matures moan three hours, so that time thus obtained is 7 less 3, or , o'clock. Wish prttetice you can beat the are age watch. Guelph Mercury: American papers 'ot Saturday, announce the appoint" ment of IV. A. Heingartncr, Uttitty , States Consul at the port of Guelph I to {he Consulate at Riga, the capita Io! Livonia, in the Baltic Provinces , Russia. ' mammoth-son. It your Stomach ls Weak, " your Food distresscs you, " 'you are Weak and Nervous Use Dr. Shoop's Restorative vom month and see what it does tor you. Sold try A. o. Haehnel, Waterloo. Riga is a manufacturing and com- mereial centre a short distance ist land from the Bathe Sm. coast. arc' hasa population of over 200,000. I; has been kept in the public eye in In. cable despatches during the new: disturbances, and it will be seen that Guelph’s retiring cimsui's new a,. pointment is an important one. Mr. L'eingartner has not received the official notification of his appoint ment but whcn he lioes he will acccp the appointment, and will probably leave for his new post shortly atter his ttnurv of ollicc comes to avian here, which will be on the 30th inst There is yet no intimation as '14» what consular agent will be appoint ed to look after United States inter ests in this district. New York, June 18.- James Con den, 25 years ot age. of Summit, A J., died yesterday in All Souls' Hos pital at Morristown from a bloke. nik, titer three weeks of treatmen in which c.cry recourse of modem surgery was exhausted. Condom called on a y0ung woman in Summit three weeks ago yesuerda, 'Ihe young woman, who weighs in ward of 250 pounds, was dressing and he sat down on the stairs in th hallway to wait. T it was decided last Friday to ta' him to the hospital hr an operatic! Satprday it was discovered mu. hi spinal cord had been iniured and ll surgaon was unable to save his Iii. " . . F .ho young woman Is mounted tron grief. The young tripped mar th top and fell squarely on Conduit, wh: was picked up unconscious and take; to his home, where physicians Ionn his neck had Loon Union. New Jersey Man Strangely Kil led and His Girl is Broken- The nice we, sum) gloom. is m highest e vr paid in Edmonton. o" .0019: Hourly, the Gram! Central sle for $45,000 lor the same [rout I I - . Ld "use; m k “all!“ hymn-1m i,itttistLftyiKGiEGa' iia, Age, Lut a ttvo-storey Building, Iicens ami Intel went with it. blight hum! ml tl_rllars a from loot is not only the td:,tu't" price ever paid tor prop my in Edmonton. truttit is the high" st e er pm in Alberta, or, tor that alter in annuity between Winnipeg nd \anciuvrr. Excepging in Winn: (5, no higher price was ever wal- F m on city property between Town to and Vancouver. WWI-WM; m “I I 'lldd'll1lll4 9! A}. Edwardian Prices m Bets . 'Pnio tur Property in the Alberta Canal. ll dunk! be home In mind that - cold we... the ham. m an an vitality and prep-m the tyne- tor the no" action dir nm along ilk. an the he - tthe: a! bum We. pin-oak mt-tim.. EDMONTON Elna-mu. Mu, June ll.- Th. .olm Ross proper†on Jasper tstreet his men said tor “8,000 m John a, Gunther, who is to he associatod‘ Colds Chamberlain', Cough Remedy FELL ON HER LOVER. WILL GO TO RUSSIA TELLING THE TIME. Hearted. REAL ESTATE Ctmtakkrfret-tt,'1rt-,rase 'lt, t9tt6-- A man Muir-ml a Topeka reMttttr- am, Winn! himset at the taMe, swimâ€; thr trm-of-tare, and m the WM!" s: d : "Bring men plate ot ity sparks" . "We dun" soru' ttr ands," indig- mmuy "with! "re Wttiiet. "tmt rd mason, ch?" said tlt? man. "they are not“ in scum here," runâ€! the waiter. _ “The: why don't you tag. than! a. Mil-d are!" and mm. At present, New Ontario is in the formative shite. What devel-qmwnt there is dates back only a. tow years, which mains the transiormat ion still more remarkable. Some day, ihey tell you. it will outstrip old Ontario. lts fteldg and its forests and its: mints will give of their weatln with 1 litrrality that pnssr-s all canton-l tion. There is a cotttldettce in their tone. " lit of drtrrmittatien thatr spells success. " is the same spint' that prompted their lorclnthors to “any: into thethen wiltli-rnous and emu-rt it into on? at the zuvirn spots at the rontinvnt. Yr: tutu-rsn the wild vountry with its yiptn. for. ylidding hills and its , cmw,atv "WW“- etrahlv lorrsts, I!†you smile srepti- rally ay you listen to thor T.1ltl.l lint a reaiew oi the rrrogress math-I rmnmls 1wer.ourtrw at " purl'du or their sutrmrnts, hr here Is .u hr int-ml tanzibb, evidetwe in support of the claims advanced, Now Ontario is both gout and ha0. " is a land of possibilities my! im- t.ossi'tiliiies, Just now morphingâ€: looming. " is nnrrasmuhi» to sup- lost' that it will tau-aw tho wartiuu A correspondent ot the Detroit Free Press, who accompanied the Endive. mentary party on the trip to Saw Ontario, thus gives his impression: u! that part of the province :-- l The Jury had a long consultation be- tore bringing in the verdict, which is as follows: "We tind that William Walker was found the Rivet: Speed at Goldie's bridge, above the dam, on June 9th; that hehnd no marks ot violence on his body tttttti- cient to cause death, rHov'v or by what means the said man became drowned and sutiocated no evidence doth appear to the jurors.†l Guelph, June 18.--The adjoulled im. quest on William Walker, found drowned in Guldie's dam, was resum. ed this cvenims. The only important witness was Mrs. Horace A. Pass, who corroborated the evidence of her husbant! that the deceased was at their store on Paisley street at noon on the day of the proposed wedding. Prince of Wales........; .q.....q. ..4t00,00t) Duchy ot Cornwall revenue Ito Prince of Wales..:...... .m-..s ... 300,000 Prinecss of Wales...... .F.q.. .t.. 50,000 King's three daughtersâ€... ... 90,000 9ale of Connaught...... '"-... ... 125,000 Princess Christian..,... ..tert ... Per, [Indus of Argyle...... ....-. ...... 30.000. Princess Henry ot Battentnrrr 30,000 Duchess of Albany...... ...... q.. 30,000 Duke of ('ambridge...... ...... ... 60,000 Dttctuss cl Malckientrurgh-Strxr- I litz......... ._'rm"9.. ......... ..........' 15,000 With various other queer items,suc , as "Homage moneY" $2675, and “Royal Post Greats and White Runs" $81,080, the ascerthined total of the public money spent on royally, is jut, $6,337,810 yearly. I $2,395,700 The King also derives huge rental . trom his various estates. From the Duchy ot Lancaster he gets $300,000;f the Sandringham estate yields 835,00 I London rents trom royal estates am- ount to $1,110,000, and the sum of $3,665 comes trom the New Forest, which is worth $10,000,000. I Various other sums are drawn from the tieaaury for the rorat palaces and 'a.n's, and salaries for numerous roy- al appointments. The item ot 8535.000 appeared in the later list for the maintenance ot the new royal yacht for a rear. m The following members of the royal family draw salaries amounting alto- gether to $895,000: It is said that the King's privy purse, whiéh is really " Majesty's salary, is 3550.000 an", out at which his linen] mow: the Queen $165,000. l This salary, however. is not all his Mtjesiy derives Iron: the English peo- ple. The (allowing is the annual new value at the King, at admitted by pub- lie officials : It ( Privy pulse......... _..... ... ......tsg0,000 King's rusonal stall......... ...... 52,500 Lord Steward's department... 600,000 Lord tluuuberiaia'st depart- ment...... ... ......... ......o.. ...... 547.500 Master ot horse department.. 370,000 Maintenanée ot royal palaces 50,000 Mistress of robes' department 28,650 Royal boutty......... ...... ....... 45,000 Alms and trharities..a,...... ... ... 22.000 Unappropriated what it is. The present Radial Pullnnent is going to may the appropriation: toe tho maintenance at royalty mac elorr. I, than did an pros-din. Tory Fir, lumen. It is youth» on than“: heals will insist that ttm expense ol the maint-tem at royalty, directly or indirectly, mu be kept in nu;- ante ee'., so that the public my. The aim and can 01 ti: roral My to England is mretr dettBitet known. " In In: amulet cum- uily to be $6,MNt,tt.-a sun which, a u e'ate diplomat. ow. said, is Bot no ive, could-ring the tart um the America 'maltiautiiunaires, I.“ by their lune“, sum-cod ull "Ming the public mum out ot) that mud) tam "arty." I ltisBstiuaM Thatttreguauat Cost of the no"! Fanny wEthmM COST OF “RUBENS. THE OLD AND THE AH“! THE AN OPEN VERDICT. lo teit at n M i/ri/ea/fr .Ni'NT', 0F LU"! 'Gi iiiriniir"" A E. "tttti, IAIIILOI 300,000 50,000 90,000 125,000 30,000 30,000 . 30,000 30,000 60,000 In“: um» 01 llll'Sl' nouses IS not yet 54Oi00 known and cannot be determined until W!!!1Giiiir" are completed and the exact 50,000 cost has been ascertained. 28,650 The work of sttperintendrttee is in M,000 the hands ot Mr. Naaro, the scam- 23-000 trieal expert ot the Plymouth Cordage 40,00 iUompany, who is also associated -.._.. with the National Civic Federation 395,700 ot New York. He gives his undivided rental 'attention to the consideration of so- Mt the ciological problems and has had 'a $00,000;f wide experience in this line. Since 835,00 {last fall he has visited twcptrthree "s Bm- ditterertt, manufacturing centres to um of give expert advice regarding the hous- Forest, ing at workmen and the making of I their environments congenial. viral-III: |'I’I!T' tlt' lmnllhv ‘0- nhood. ulna â€scum...†tliti',% mum-n oh! F' ing women mum Donna-ml Mum A tMrothotro Ind me and mod cheer llIIIthr‘V! mum Mun. women but ttte, Hymn-11 NIGHTK‘I’IR with-om: u H "Um ot Mind Yort may run know your unmat- hr th" name gawk!“ ulw- it., but yumvmhnr tttt Numr 1 llu'le‘l'll may hr "lit-vi Iu-nn in :1th“er n! Wrtmttttireratiim. mum: ot "tr worntt gum“ in the Imam or orttrirr, Inwnrrhvv‘m nhnod, Mum-"Non. whoa. lrmnlnr or mm'nl lea-mum. '" tor Dr. Sir-or- â€IO-1' f..- "---------a__.Aw, The bert rrmrde which 1»:stwi know foe Frame Wnknmsuin Comprrc,r d of mum of g min will“ “iv. To "In urn whit-I1 rMhrr remedies 'tttirtt Gnu! out thr' ymimm and hvat the lunar-rd memhmnm. Thu momma mm- "tttte local nppHmNnn " knuwn In tfrnirrgintn Ind lulu-sienna -rhcrr ns Det Swmr's Niall" (‘nu-bt-r-unr- it "er while the N. Nem new and the morning mm- the â€in. the Inn-mmn- Non. the 'livch,arsrret. than“, 't'ttcIiveot mm)- wnmvn um veroni- ot mart)?- dom, Tttrw mar-r, they are nick. mm nnvrr know a well dur-ret aluminum-ring um Mount-sq rPrtntt-ary. Every Mllnl win-"Inn maybe made "rorttt m u ' ho Etude to :11 w drum "In Br. Shop's Night Cm South“. Heals . All Gunman mam Sleeps. lit JIrtdu2ga The Toronto. star's Japapvsc lane ine tuml has Mosul. 'the, Iota) .am ount conccted is “1387.95. um- nl the largest amounts .vvru' raised by popular subscription in ('anmla. I Here are some or the new ways of spelling: . . . _iiltprhrfor blushed. . q Kist to0iiiiiiiif. "'"--t-e--e---m-, -re T'"' Sim. for sipped. . . _ Mist for missed. V F Jail is still to be spoiled in the good old Wayfalso odor and bull. r I “The problem of housing the work- i ing classes is one that is pressing for [Solution almost alt over the country" E he said. “investors do not seem to be -' putting their money into real estate, although why they should not is hard to determine. I may say, how- ever, that in my opinion the manu- facturers themselves must. put up houses for their workmen and, the sooner they realize this and do it, the better.. One of the chief reasons for this lies in the fact that rents are steadily advancing all over the country. It costs more to build to- day than it did some years ago and rents are of necessity higher. A works. ingman cannot pay more in rent than 'twenty per cent of his income. That 'is to say, a man getting tio ' week cannot anord more than " amonth [or rent. Now, it he has to pay $15 lor $16 it is quite evident that he has to receive higher wages or he may ,go behind and become dissatisfied. .The manufacturer on the other hand perhaps cannot pay him more wages, because the state ot the market and the competition he has to lace do not 'permit him to do so. Consequently it he. wishes to retain his men he has to find houses tor them that he can rent at a low rental." “on tar hinder twine. Naturally the _ small town “snot house the Inge number ol workmen who will and em- ployment. in the mills and the com- puly hue had themselves to furnish [houses for at least one hundred tam- 'ilies. These houses are in the natural lot double boosts and tenement houses., The; are built ol wood, the outside being of shingle, corresponding i; style with those seen in so many dil- lerent parts of the United States. The rent of these houses is not yet known and cannot be determined until .they are completed and the exact cost has been ascertained. New York, June 18.-Thousands of prominent men and women have pro- mised in writing to spell the English language as, recommended by Amirew Carnegie's simpliftea spelling board. Announcement to this ollecl was made yesterday by the board. "They him," says the board. " body " enlightened and determined public op- inion that cannot be disregarded. Mr. Nun) gave his visitors a great deal of inlormation otavory pmeti- cal nature on the subject ot house- building and before they left tor 1,'t,T,A,tt,t"if, the delegation that he woul come to Gait in the near N- ture Gut give an address on the sub- ject before the Board of Trade. His visit will be looked [onward towith interest. _ A deputation o! the out Board ot True visited Inna-d last Friday to Pt_uytt.ettttto-ttetuoiftei, there by the Plymouth Cordage Com- any tor their employer and to lake jallenquirtea regarding theeortotttve nine. and at that tuttrrs " " 'ro- posed they shall he rented. The Gait Reporter Inn: The Plymouth Cord- age Company In the lament cottage company in the world, Their head: quarters is at Plymouth. .88... Ant it is said that they nunulactnre ti.) their mills there enough twine every day to so three timer around thc earth. They are buitding their Cate adian hunch plant " Welland and on such . scale as to he an a position to meet the growing demand: ot the northwestern provinces ot the Domin- PlymouthCom-ge Co. ham. iet-o6Themisswettand. 3%me Built. .'", BUILDING 0F . CHEAP HOUSES in "“ in“ __ 'i'u'u'éu'i? FOLLOW CARNEGIE. WATCH T AND 9 WM r FOR . Ovcrw'elrm'nr, waving: Miles of Wml'h a..d Splendor. then De Dents, Heals of Elephants, Camels, Ponies, Horus. F', cf Music and all Exclusive New Novelties. """’.‘ T'r'i'ortrtA3rmN IN ALL SUN AND WATERPROOF um " . At") a P. In. bwn.‘ Ciara' 'Par, Moor Enum- 'oratourorttso Pqu'h-Tnm In. ‘4"£25321gaw£$°1£!1!2-ï¬c_elgwuv-I by lB3°£91§§!_.E&5§fl1§$.iéiï¬him 5... thtimnrt --eH v“ --. '"v" “llv-I" IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE PARADE AND AGAIN AT tr.r, P. M. Only living Woman who rides a Bicycle down a steep Incline into Space and ACROSS A 55-FOQT YAWNING DEATH TRAP. . tnlllll1l)lll IEATH'S like" SOMETHING REALLY NEW J=a.-=77Lir-------------" alTaNgl'v'h1y,'tr ll LA 0 It TI a E " t'ulWh'G'r'lhUilgrrogttagit on rm» zoos cont-An Spec!“ or roaming nun-I mm 0mm '"'"".""ANr'aNvrh'iiisiidiiirii'"i'iiiii%Uiit'ii'Wi BE 'i©UND Everything Wellâ€? ===rtt'"-""'"""-----------------. TIIE GREAT BUG! WELD META!!!“ GIIEI. ONLY ONE) EVER SEEN IN AMERICA. -eev- v - v v " V swam: ‘Jugcus‘stm" mime . \IUO. SENSATIONAI. . 'rw:T.5ts B4ODERN . Si?,,' S0tthtisV HEttrh, Wr. , "i's1i:?, HiPsioiiiiiitue, , "m"ll1hi1'kv5gg'rsgat, fi:i:'/g" 5f _7i'a":'fi'ijj?s? 'i'irijj)? . - ‘300 ' f ti. unit: Ole. -' -. I-tii'`,, _w)i'_:__"i_'_',,r8s'- lli'"_ir":','iii_rr'_'_'_'rrirrl, Janna: â€aromas, . otoranonsts t Kg - 4353;; 'r'f,? _,",):',:)",";.:);,') AHERICAS our: gun: mm mamas. k 'Cm. 'iii:: T ' 'i,),')?.',- Anusmtur Emanuel“: nuns! mum comm tij-ti; ;.a"rJsi WHOLE!†"WNW . onoocmn'w 5mm. cot?iqF, , THE GLOBE. all; nuts SUN AND nAiN‘Pnoor -'3:At5‘ron ".000 "no Magnum mrh-Auhlm oaGts,,eses In...“ Q ""titeaitit' “a emu-u. a%2cii"it lama. Dunn. I.» dun -tsna, Driven. Expert Bicycling. Irma-n.- V . _ __ _--- - "rr""'". an. Indus ma Driven. Expert Bicycling, Wanda-nu Jryrsrhtm, AIM-Mush Edmund Bio. war am]! PM! , on murmur I 'tt'2t'dYmu'2ii'2t2','ii2,iiii.i.c I 'rm tin." . tair. i; ",'"".75 V. s,:::,':,:?!.:':,!:),'::'),."::::-,"::),') W“ 'ist' _ , r", 'Tse?; “an - ':ii,r,j,"si',i,irr_ci,,8:,',': A 'jj'rc' 1iilhi..t 1'sr'ij'lssfstS'/ri"i'gi, C [ 4 Ct." ritsi,iir'i?: - _ cs- ’§A // cegg-ls't'a' STILL THERE ARE MORE t_myiiiiiisrrirFa.cow'. n1 amen luauuane‘; or the lumen rum-1 b - V V “v"â€" --_ rigor. manna": ammo: minimum. nus: nun. 0 trt", This "tatnatio double ah 'heonlrtootmssaauoe,"t, if “10h it supplied with - 48 inches high, 9 wires, up- rights 12 inches apart, hinge stay. Me a rod. Best Fence made, l E. POTTER, Sunsk Fur“ - T se' I NP _ V, ",r_ 'irLttcaii. s1'ititt;'i':' . 'i's'Ggirru"", . 4 Ttttttte . LlPHARDT BROS, SOLE AGENTS FBARFUL, FRIGHTFUL, "iitiiNatas, FLYING FLIGHT i3fSy, Miennggr "ar7iiriTri'Ti7' , m is supplied with our! "iff(fj8,'t'tiftllt t' um. . cff (34% Chan-m doors m phased in the . _'ji.'ff/j.j.)i.iiiit.i.").i)' ing, 'usdtubruatteanoaaurt,siaserteir. _ c. M you want the best {ammo made got the "Sunshine.†I Sold by enterprising deakm everywhere. Booklet free. r) It you ERIE STREET PARADE J,tiki.'it in heater iuat bristles with exam-in teuurx. such in tin can dunpon. large dbublo leed~doon. steal demo, “on and steal radiator. .4 THE MOST SENSATIONAL FEATURE - --- AC; EVER CONCEIVED llilhtii ll'tlttf TY "* P""'"": *9, L 'esuaiiTi;iis" n fEttrh, b. iTiiikrcctt_ -.Mt " _rsii's" t FI.'.' 'iiifj:rN, mpg EAT" fii'd Er),),iiirfyd"' 53:55:44“ -. f:ciiiisia,tvri'_,i"i,ii,_i8.,,'i: , 'iii, _:], jug: . 2‘â€.- 'fri :' . ' “‘1 ‘jiEEZ‘-â€;.,' .;.-.r:;?;: I ' " _I',?) TrN 'icCi',lCfs,' mu: In" Wssc'i: [j?i:'si:?9, ' 91an ‘34:qu 1150800110,» Valentina “Tam '""'"eet.tfty.trttotrtit- a 3.9!s'ziorz. fhrn Etna: lf Fierce WM Sinai T "(lb-clu- E hfcCllatg's MNDON. TORONTO. Mom Wmmma. $Urtcotnrmt. 8121mm. mum-mu. 41 do! orL.%iir rum. - '1'1'ull'A'stJlut't. 'ii),.),' means our! , "'ij'j'i/ij// mussncur ENTERPRISE V wmchs (Imam THE moo: . f 'uArs‘ron moon "mus. _ mate. '(a ‘MODERN . g' H'PQODBOME) 300 _) I-etrtt' Putnam, 1iii'ttiiii:iiiisi'i?sf, Berlin. lchUIIIKG Irfxrereorxt Growl". Ttie CHARMING PARISIAN BELLE . Amid-h." ANYBOM l Dlncl In. the 'lyeee om- @567