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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 17 May 1906, p. 5

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$1075 1:11.931 $1300 35,15" $1600 ','tilei'i'ci)i 81800 31:13.11" 81850 tpa?" d s 2200 11mm; 82800 ':'iliiy2'n 82800 'lite, 11.1.1: 88000 th1Utl 88800 l',ttlt.pl1 Ioelhmr's _ German Remedies BISCHOFF’S POWDEBS BED CREEK PILLS GOITBE OINTIIENT, ETC. A tall lino of the In. Mr. Zoollnor’o Gem-p Medicine: than in “out; lino _'. lugs mock of . German Medicines, Herbs, Roots, Barks, Berries, etc. AT 84200 Burl. Fuuxcux. & In. BRORIIB . Your German, Latin or English Realpo- will be accurately compound- od " thin roiinblo drug tbtorrt..-E. ll. DIVITI‘. MW“... Phone 217. Mr. F. W. Wegenast, of Brampton, will render a solo in the Methodist' church on Sunday evening, May 20th. WANTED.-" hnvy hone- to take out. Wart. 3. Mngovtch, Erb um; Wster.rtoo. Watch the Thornton & Douglas ads. on the 2nd page ot this paper. It will pay you it you have men‘s or boys' clothing to buy. 2t&wk The band stand on the market square has been moved to the park. Work on the new band stand ‘is rrogrestrittg rapidly. _ The little German band is again playing about town. A meeting ot the Quarterly Hoard or .the Methodist Church washcld on Monday evening. The market Saturday morning was well attmyied. Butler sold at .20»- a tb. and eggs al He‘per doz. ' Wait to buy your new spring suit Irom thcnew store-you will certain- ly got a new one there for everything is going to be new. Thornton a; Dou- glas, Limited. _' may» Rev. Min-d Vale was surprised by . number oi,his Twin-City friends on Thursday evening at the residence of Mr. J. Addison Taylor. 1lili') hours were pleasantly spent in games and q charades. I Dr. W. J. Sterling recently pur- chased two 1horoughtrrcd spotted, hounds, which are especially useful in hunting loses, wolves and deer. They; Were purchased in Missouri, United sum. I WANT'ED.--0ar oral "rum. Applyl to 1-2de amyih, corner Yon,e and Foundiynloev, Berlin. The loss sustained by Mr. Joseph Snider, ot near Waterloo, whose barn was struck by lightning and burned on' Saturday morning, including some' stock, trnd implements, is esiimatodl at about $2500. I Rev. Alfred Vale acceptably occu pied the pulpit of St. Saviour' Church Sunday morning. Me leaves on Wednesday for Lindsay, to which place he has hep: appointed as curate. Mm. Louis Winkler was taken to the Berlin-Waterloo Hospital Thun- day sum-ring with a. severe attack at ulceration of the stomach.” The friends, however, are all hopeful that the treatment It the llospilal will bring “out a speedy recovery, The Club Fortshrilt were up to the park on Wednesday evening to plant the twelve trees on the part ot the grounds recently decided upon along- side the east side ot the orchard. The lot is made up ot maple, walnut, mountain ash, elm, and othertrcea, The marriage ol Mr. Albert Micki]: non ot Mr. Jos. Mir-tux, ot WMertoo, and Miss May Grant, ot Toronto. took ptace " that city on Wednes- dar. Mr. ml Mrs. Mickus will re- side in Waterloo _ Invitations no out for the marriage' at Mr.o Gro. Ernest Cork, youngest m ot Mr. (loo. 1'ork, Waterloo, “in Miss Pearle Mercedes Baku. Mumm- " of Mr. ”NLMYR. Wm. It "akcr, of Hamilton, on Trdnrsda.r, May Mull, m 2.30 o'clock, at the home of We bride's puma. , WAN'rBD.--Tmr human: young‘ mo. who hm tod undone! in hon-mi, '0 an mum to par-' 10:“de anti-upm- -ftitrer66e.adttits. Mm My mtg. long “got Devitt’s Drug Store "aw" tie, you: oh” not! ”ply. In. and annoy, M In" MM, Toronto. BAYIO’S LIST REAL ESTATE. Local News. MYIO II08.. iiri Anon" 8m Brick Drama. on u. but. Strut. It". Bars Wk dw. Nietoeia Street. l Brick dirt. on 'ro.htq. at M and Victorh Much ' Brick Dwelling. all con» ‘ "ultimo-I. lib and Boll- View. Brick Dwelling an" ot Attan an! loom Avonuc. Douhln Brick Dwelling an “an - , Buck Dialling on Wit low Street. . head o Brick W110 and [and Iattoa 'a'l'lfd bunt, George _ Bligh Dwelling. all pqn GiharrA cor?" John and Allan Streets. Pun. F,t'd"g std m 09. my!" ., " Bantu-he A pr (bet Itn; on up till Unlo- E The songs and oorisesuroughout the first act were all splendidly ren- F tiered. In this act the plot begins, Dolly devising various plans to do ( feat the purposes ol General Knicker- bocker. who desires his daughter, Violet, to marry Lord Dolphin, while his daughter loves Alvin Barry and wishes to marry him instead. Many amusing situations present them- Selves. among others being the on- trance of the customs omeer, who i searches their trunks. i A distinguished 'party ot tourists' are returning from Europe. The party consists of General Knickerbocker, ot the old stock oi blue blood knickers, his daughter, Violet, and her college -trimut,HhdirHrtmple, Miss Hurricane, who is chaperon, and general overseer 'ot Violet, and her lady friends, and a select party of college tourists, am- ong whom is Alvrn Barry, a young New York stock broker. General Knickerbocker in common with all Americans is very fond of titles and high sounding names, and has on board with him Lord Dolphin and his mother Lady Pullhimback. General Knickerbocker has set his heart on securing Lord Dolphin as his son-in- law, toprhidt the latter is not aw. erse. in the meantime an attachment springs up between Alvin Barry and Violet, the General's daughter. His friend Ruins Ready, assisted by col- lege tourists disguised as brigands. assist Alvin and Violet to elope. Miss [ Hurricane falls in love with the Gen- eral and wishes to become Mrs. Gen- eral Knickerbocker, but the General can't see it that way. The opera opens wrth a stirr"ing ov- erture and ihe rise at the curtain discloses to view the touring party on deck of an ocean steamer, follow- ed by the opening chorus, "On the Sea-3' which was sung in line style. THE LITTLE TYCOON Ali, UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS. The Japanese Comic Opera Given " Admir- able presetttttthttteoCrevded Houses Present at Three Performances. Bright and inspiring Innate. briL [lent choruses. witty WW. amusing situations end glove! titti- cinnis, these ell contributed to ink- in; the first perlornnnce ot the Jap. nnet comic open, “The Little Ty- eoon," given in the Town Hell, Wot- erloo, on Thursday evening under the auspices ot the Waterloo lasted So- ciety, an instnntnneous success. which was plainly evident in the very enthusiastic reception encoded the performer. by on nudienee which tax- ed the hall to it: utmolt espaeitr. Some, perchnnee, were ht tirtst duh? ions and unwilling to believe that the necessary talent could be lound in Waterloo tor the production ot such on open, but it wu clearly demon- stated to those present an ThttrsthV evening that we have among us some who have the attributes ot successful nctors. who are quite capable ot ear- rying through their parts in . men- ner highly crediteble to themselves. When it in considered _ that n little over three months was entailed in the getting up ot this open. and the work involved in its preparation it will perhaps he better seen how hith- lul end persistent must hue been the chart that has deservedly culmlnnted in the open being . grand success. The principals took their parts splendidly indeed and with the as- sistance of well Minced choruses and m onectivc orchestra 'won tor themselves an enthusiastic reception. The production ot the opera my truly be characterized cs a veritable triumph. . Alvin and Violet also try to elopc but the customs other finds two small kid gloves, a. lace handkerchief marked "Violet," and I. tan in Al- vin‘s trunk, upon which evidence he arrests Alvin as a smuggler. General Knickerbocker refuses to believe that his dau Mer is trying to dope and ii tl',%t,ll fd tind that such has been the case. This brings to a close the tirat not. The scenery ol the second act to- presents the drtoritttt room of Knick- erbocker's elegant Vina " Newport, where Violet is locked in a room be- cause of her recent misconduct. She comes lorwud and sings, “Sn l Heart of Mine," which was given g very pathetic rendering. In this part ot the second an a anm-sw serum is depicted, the dio- rus and principals bring all dud In anncsc malumo. Alvin Barry re wagons "w Gm" Turin: M .hpih. n owns with a Japanese dam-v and song. whlrh was wry gun‘mlly done try the ymmg ladies, Grnerat Knlvk- ethocker is grmtly' taken with the, Greet, Tyeoon, upon the Mum’s mu in him with all his ruin-o. Ind {Mulls him tt desirable match tor his" dtttqthter. He Matir must-nu to give his channel”: land to the Great Tycoon. and thus makes her the Lt.. tie hem". The Great Tycoon here the a oi his mm and diaehtea ',tt Bum. vb “2.9% Pl' A- new rase-rrtrtr6, Alvin being disguisrd as Lord nnlphiu. He and the real Lard Dam-tin enter- nntl the General has the two draw lots, In see which one shall re- main. Alvin gets the shortest slip tg therelore remains and us soon as l General ts gone discloses his iden- lily. In the meantime the General returns and carries on Violet, and their puns are once more {Inhaled The Little Tycoon is an original American Japanese comic open in two acts, the words and music being by Willard Spencer. . Loni bollriiin vans nun and this lime brings with him a diamond ring but Yiotrt what: lo “NM It. Short Resume ot Opera. ii’idu m Violet. hon.- Scone Tmt, Act Two. The Misses Lizzie Bruce, Jean Stuart, Gertie Ball, Decima Zim- merman, Jessie Stuart, Eda Con- rad, Annie Hortoti, Edith O‘Donnell, Maud 0'Donnell, Maud Hilliard, Flor- Cttee Hilliard, Helen Philp, Ida Con- rad, Irene Letter, Tina netwig,' Eltie Evil. ' Mrssrs. Norman Letter, George ioetzel, Albrrt 1lerres, Edward Lip- .ttardt and Norman Zick. L Sui "an ot Mise, my. Violet. 2. To See The. Duo. Violet and Alvin. . 8. Ah, Outlay! Soil and trio, " Met, AMI and 0.. KW. 7, Now When I Was a Boy. Gen. Knickerbocker and chorus. I'. “ml Ind Toe We Khan Go, Lord Dolphin ind Teddy. 8. The. Ella! Step, Ruins 'with cho- rus of maidens um! college loans“. 9. Dark Though My Fate May Be, So” and duo: Violet and Alvin. IO. lluhghblln dune Bttd charm. ll. Love Reigns, so" and duo. Vio- lot and Akin. M, 12. Valet', song and dance, Teddy, 13.0)! Don't You Soc How? Solo, “on. Knirkrrtrocker will: chorus. H. A Lament, ttOli and ensemble. liJ‘lnnlr, Art L-Ott, Why This ApprmTensfont Violet, mu ll. [lol- ly, Alvin, Gen. k., RIMS, Teddy ml chorus. No. I. Opening Cttotusa-On the scan. Miss "atrium, bony, Rufus, ant; chorus. eral adattiU defeat ad than!!! unb- In! to the tunable. -- In. tDr.) J. A. Hilliard n In: Harm. shoved Israel! to he an aunt. of high order, and her portray- II ot the role could not have heel better. Her can; and acting added very materially to the success ot the open and she In: accorded an en- thusiastic reception. Her zeal in u- nsung the other member: at the east in the preparation ot their roles is tho worthy ot mum. Misa Maud Zimmerman, in the role ol Violet, use won an enthusiastic reception. The you; My is the pos- 5630: ot a voice of appealing qullity an an" n alumna Illumination 'tt the role. Her singing added greatly to the Warm audience. A _ His: New; Conrad took the role ot Dolly Dimple, Violet's schgol friend, very weepubly. Mr. Herbert Smith as captain ot the steamer, also took his part Well as did also Mr. Alex. Schl. Miss Mary l'hilp presided at. the piano and played with Me judgment. The chorus was made up of the tol- lowing: The Iollowiné are the smms and choruses given In connection vwi'h the-opera: No. 2. We'11 watch tor the Whale, Rufus and chorus. 4, Doomed Am I to Marry a. Lord, solo. Violet and ensemble. - 6. Love Combs Like a Summer Nigh. Solo: Violet, ensemble., i. To Song Ind Dance, Gen. Knick- erbocker and chorus. Mr. Chas. H. Froelieh, u General Knickerbocker, took the role in splen- did style and acted the put ot the Mutt old general to perfection. His singing was also greatly enjoyed. In between acts he gavensong entitled "You ean't do it, you know," in which he got on some pretty good witticisms of local interest, which were heartily applnuded. Mr. William Milk: us Alvin Barry, the young stock broker, afterwards the Great Tycoon ot Japan, gave a very creditable portrayal ot the part as did also Mr. R. L. Dugit as Ru- tus Ready, Alvin's College friend, ul- terwards Gull-Gun, interpreter to the Great Tycoon; and Mr. F. G. Hughes as Lord Dolphin. Messrs. A. Uiteltttann and F. Heim- becker looked lypiga] sailors in their "0th suits. and Messrs. David Rum. and Wm. -Bo1ender in their The young ladies who composed the chorus made a handsome appearance, especially in their-Japanese costumes which were much admired. The young gentlemen of the chorus also looked well in appropriate suits. During the evening Mrs. (UL) J. A. Hilliard, Miss Zimmerman, Miss Conrad and Miss Philp were present,- ed with bouquets of lovely roses. A splendid orchestra, under the leadership at Mr. Oscar Ziegler, tur- nixhqd a number or excellent selec- tions, besides playing throughout the opera. s. As You Bee Them, Miss Harrie cane, Dolly and chorus, - 5.011. It td'strett An Unheard ot Proceeding to Murry "or to A Lord, Ruins. Mr. J. Laing as Teddy kept the audience in laughter by his funny an- tics, while Mr. E. Ilacdke made a splendid customs omcer. sitfikitrg '31 1173175530 a #631 Impres- sion and caused much merrhramt. The costumes ot the principals were obtained in Montreal. . A great deal ot credit is due Band- master Phiip, who had the oversight of the Pntire production and it is. mainly through his untirlng eitorts that the opera was given so success- fully. He had the training of the chorus and principals and also taught them their stage danced and intricate steps. . 5. Fotle're Immensely High-toned, Rufus and college tourists. Act II. Act I I And our reputation in bond on the quality, the " the 0!.on and a the very lowest MN. price. I Cmrsoinandteyahmr mitten and you will and what we 'gdurtiu in comet. I Our Ign’s Suits thug.. ht Price From l, the undersigned. bet lo announce that l have employed Mr. Louis Hallo iormcrly carpenter contractor and architect, ot Conestoga. lot my car- vrntcr ion-man, and I am therefore in a position to take all kinds ot car- penter work, either by day or CotF tract. in connection with my planing mill, And " will be to the interest oi those itttettditttt to build or hue rrpttiring to do, to call on me before letting your "which, as 1 am tmr ing my lumber right from the mills at wholesale prices and that pull me in amnion to save you the middle- man's prom. l can alto iurnlsn you plan: and trperitteathstir ior allkinds oi buildings at moderate prion. see our new lines just received. In price, qualiiy and style they are second to none. _ Yours for BEST Shoes at LOWEST price. moy,butuill iti-tho await-um; the and; ' _ . - ’7 Our Foya’ Suit. an the vet y beat quality do can buy and the pr about the tune in tho imerior grade. ' . low Cult. "on 81.10 to '0INt. “I’m an, tb full nag: ot Neu’tShirte, Collar- and Ctrfk ' the very latest styles. ' OUR MEN'S SHOCKS AND OVERALIS BEAT THEM ALL Opposite Zinttnermann House, h'rictw Evening. Another crowded house greeted the second performance of "The Little Tycoon," given in the Town Hall on Friday evening, stamrmtrroom being at a premium, in fact a number from Berlin were unable to gain admit- tance as all available room was tak- ed. The second presentation ot the opera was received with even greater enthusiasm than the previous even- ing. The principals and chorus, to- gether with the orchestra, again ac- quitted themselves in a manner high-. ly creditable. tt you have apple butler, MIP, lard or potatoes to sell, take them to llnllman's, Berlin. See his adv. in (his paper. Also WHEN READY FOR THAT PAIR OF The presentation of bougucts, made up of celery; cabbage and onion leaves, with radishes in the centre, to the two heralds, Messrs W. Bol- ender and David Kunu, who made such an imposing and striking ap- pearance in their costumes, caused much merriment. Although the outlay in conncrtirn with the giving ot the opFra was con- sideraMe, a. neat sum will be realized " the Waterloo Musical Smioty, un- dot whom: auspices it was gin-u. The committee are bndettted to Mr. Paul Guenllicr. whose suggestions in connection with panting the deck scene in the first act proved most helpful to the committee, he having done the painting tor the scene. 8. Sham, Great Tycoon, Jauanese Gen. Knickerbocker and chorus. chorus. 9. The Cats ot Our Back Fener, 10. Yes, I’ll he the Little Tycoon. Finale: Violet, Miss Ha, Dolly. Al- vin, Gen. K., Ruins. Teddy and en- semble. - Oscar Ziegler, leader ot orchestra. Miss Mary Pimp, pianisle. W. Philp, musical director. The Town Hall, Waterloo, was again ml 'd to its capacity on Monday exerting, whm lhcromic "ptra, 'she Little T'rtorm" Was given a third time. The hall prom: was cruwdul to the doors, there being only a tew unoccupied seals in the Kallrry. Boyd Suit up was s n It doeenit . hmm A It', 12.323: tt.t') mfol LLAB!:JRPWS¢ mum T. Tycoon march, enhance of Great Tycoon and suite, Gen. K., olet, Lord Dolphin, Teddy and Polo Club. _ At the conclusion of the por- iormanee a dance was held and dc- lcclablc and appetizing refreshments served. The production was gm. hum” splendid presentation, all taking their pans in a praiseworthy manner. 4. Checkmatcd We, Rufus, Alvin and chorus. 5. Tell Me, Daisy, song, Violet. 6. Yes, We've All Seen Sham, Dol- -ii"rs'rrFak Low, Walls Have Kars,i Miss H., Dolly and tourist maidens. , It Fast Making a Reputation for,, Us (lllll (Mflllll0 DEPARTMENT WhTHRL00 I’LAINING MILLS. Waterloo’s Moat Reliable Dry Goods Clothier. John Schondelmayer, CHAS. KRE1JT2WER, 177. In J. Uffelmann Maud" Evening. $3.98 to $15.00 SPRING SHOES Hall, Waterloo, was its capacity on Monday the comic "prrtt, 'she " was given a third 'tatertott. boy: Aioi" euitata dry " In) r The t l' i- I I he l Gold Filled Watch Chains and Loqusttes A good gold-tttted watch chain will {rean- as good In a solid Ford chain within the gonad» ed hmo. Oar chuin- are guaranteed for a, lo, " and 25 years. We haw- . nice line of chnins gumnntoed for 10 years which we all at _ 84.00 and $5.00 Each. Thu worth of 'told-till" alumina de- {ends upon the maker. and the manu- mzuu'u'a mumi upon 1 m- (Iv-it's is " ulc‘gw " worth and west- nnd no will ruplu-v any m-f. etive ch 'in, sold try Qt-, with a new one w.l.hin the gnar- antve lime, E. J . RODS Jeweller. CENTIML BLOCK WAT ERLOO. For Your Supply Summer Sausages WWO.” Remember H. B. DUEBING Danad’s Best Pref). ciir lieu. Market, WATERLOO, Waterloo, Ont. Ion Thursday, Friday and Saturday CHILDREN'S HYGIENE WAISTB. About three down "I good ain- m-II m-de 3nd good an». tor young- mn. Beg. 500, 3 any. "te...AB, Annual)" ot8L00 and 81.26 Cop A uuuu (0° noun; no", amount mm, odd .1ch, which bu been plated out of atttet I}! we would like to elm on on Ibo“ {or this ooounon. Sh s an notioo. The prion for tum dare. ... won " a good tittintt can» on ........................ 750 1 pair. " 3 DAYS.............. 580 Bl Our Enuro smk of the Eamon. P. D. Conan, our]: on do», worth 31.50 and 32 00. On ulo for than DAYS n..............tl.85 Oar Stork ttaa boen emlnlly Hammad up" Ind an»! “odd “not" vii“ we hub to discon'lcuo to cur: will be pm on: on Sun turing than a In". ANOTHER LOT OF ODD CORSETS To further introduce our Cone: Department e Souvenk in use an.” of I Ladies' Pure Irish Linen Beratatt'ethmt Handkerchief with hand Emblem.“ Inma- will be given to each ell-tamer who purehuee from thu Cornet am on the above mentioned 3 DAYS. . bi P" to be an inducement toyon to Tigit thin department, thah our hlM'llgll 'ilnllBMm FOB SATURDAY 8lllPNl8 (IIILY An lmmonoo order for a line of Punch lelu’ Cloth In «van (Blunt shade. In. placed six month. ago with tb French Hunt-Murat " I very clan prloo, Blunt, Nay, Myrtle, Cardinal an! Brown that!» to tttttto" tron. " bought In the regulsr wuy would b, worth 600 or 650 a. yd. Ott Ill. toe Sammy only..-... -t..-- o.-............-..-..' . yud. The locality at a Incl-140d spot for the all!" of Com“ and um institutional!“ I” terthettmttqriththi. Part at on: M" In. been and up In the no“ annulus I”. Compton: “W In In shun of this dirtmeatt and “Good Sonic." In gamma! " all I... _ In order to (am: “mod“. um No- We. to cm otttgdet I Ill. B. Ryan 8: tht.,' Berlin Bur Corset and hilmmr llapartmant Corset Sale Is New in Readiness on 2nd Floor. :25 A GOOD 75o CORSET ha been picked out of stock mall {or this coca-non. Sh s an " vol]... good 1min: our“: on 8d. fatsDAYS..............5803pnlr. ODD 0038th Tut-lot includes alt good cal-tn, but we style- no perhap- lot u - tmnat u an“ at an new ta; The original pm won 756 and " . pair. 3 duo‘s-lo, your glgolu..,. - ......‘.....‘.'..'.... “elm.

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