Zoellner's , German Remedies 8 f h‘n‘u. [muncunt In. Bunn- BISCBOFF’S POWDER . RED CHEER PILLS GOI'I‘RE OINTHENT, ETC. A fail line of the late Mr. Zoollnot'a Gamma Medicines may in “out; “no a Urge "net of German Medicines, Herbs, Roots, Barks, Berries, etc. , AT _ Your Gel-ID. Latin or Engmh Recipes will be accurntoly compound- ed " ttttg roll-bio drug "ore-E. ll. Dnvrrr. [ _ , Phone 2l7. Duutache Apothelo. WWW A successful dance was held in the Orpheus Hall Thursday evening. A large number were present. WANTTD.-1ttttvr tee .to we WWW Rev. A. L. and Mrs. Murray are spending the Week in Rochester, N. Saturday was the best day in the history of Hagen's shoe store. The low prices at the Jrig sale make the people My. d&w Mr. Andrew McIntyre came to Wa- terloo 15 years ago Friday, and has been caretaker ot the park lor that length ot time. _ Mrs. N. S. Bowman, of Conestoga who undorwvnt an operation " he Beriitt-Waterioo Hospital reEcntlx, is progressing favorably. The death occurred near ‘Elmira on Tuesday at the home ot Mr. Chttrles Stroll. ot Mr. Justus "reidenh.ammer, trged ll rears, 6 months and 9 days, WANT'ED.-.mmtrrrri-tsttt. Apply bt Edwtrrd tmtyth, corner Yongo “(I Wundrr uroou. Berlin. _ Mr. Joel Good has removed to the borne ot his son, Mr. Elias Good, where he will remain tor some time. He is rccnvcring nicely trom his re- cent illness., Prmintial Commander Trusslrr, ol Camlaehic, Ont., addressed a largely t,Tti',-egt"tl,"p, of Progress Tent, and the embers of Lily Hire, K.O, T.M., Wednesday owning. Dr. W. J. Sterling went to Toronto Wednesday' morning io look after the horses or Mr. Seagram. He is also operatingon one ol the horses of Hue Eirkl‘nld stable. Tho Palace pool mum, King street, In: changed hands. Mr. Martin Rei- on having sold It to Mr. Charles Fischer. He takes possession immed- hwy. The Seagnm Plum, "nuke and Slaughter, worked a mite uml n quar- tee In 2.27. The work w" likely dam. lnlcnxo, trom the samo stable, worked smut in Lrg, with lots tell at the end. Devitt's Drug Store Work on the new band stand being tMit by Mr. J. E. Seagram was com- menced on Monday and it is expected to be complctrd In less than two wonky. It will be modern in every re- we“. -. Three men were seen u the mt of Bricker & Colt More on Thursday evening. hut hum] damned when ngtvntchmm Clark appeared on the we. It is supposed that they um (tying to tom: an entrance to the “on. Mitts Annie Reichert, Toronto, and "is: Card, "than ol the Old Folks‘ Home. University “emit. Toronto. have taken plunge on the steam" Ameriet to so“ trom New York on June “h. by the Ihmhutg-Amnlcan tme. They ttttend going to Gummy, Hwilutlnnd, 1iaty, Holland “(I Fume. _ out West. B. (Nigerian, Erb mm Waterloo. A ralopayrr desires to call the ml trillion ot the Bond ot Works to the) "Rubin condition oi Herbert street brim-m (worn Ami Allan lira-is. This is rxmstderattte of o business thoroughinrr, which ought lo he un- der drained and put into I better, Mate ot repair. Willow - Alto in About u wretched A F ttget u it possibly on be m- to. mutton. I BAYIB’S LIST REAL ESTATE. Local News. unto BME, iTi Allen" "M Brick [)in on B. but Stud. m. Irs" Prick d'. Nina-In Brhk Dwelling. all con- nniencev. wt, and Bell- view. Brick Div-[ling Come. ot All": and loan Avenue. Double Brick Dwelling on Alba and. low Street. U" held it George Street. Buick Dinning. All Con “aimâ€. earner John 5nd Allan Streets. -..4 'r. LENGTHY SESSION Petitions tor Cement Walks 6rtutted.Mtesoht. tion Re lnterswitching Passede6.rant of $I00 to Chronicle-Telegraph Souvenir. I A letter was received trom a num- il11 ot residents on Herbert sue-ct, calling attention to the lamennhle condition at the road trom George to i Allen streets reuniting from want of ‘proper drainage. They also petition- ed that the street trom Weber to Allen street be grave0ed. The mat- tes will be looked into by the Chair- man ot the Board of Works. _ t A letter was received front Mr. Gol- die regarding expense incurred in hav- ing the recent meeting in Gait m re- gard to Niagara Power, and asking tor I donation oi " to assist in de-' traying expenses, the other munici- palitits also contributing their share. I " was granted. The Waterloo Ton Council not in "re" to give their “out. The clerk regular union on Monday "all". will write lid acum- the cost. oi The" were mount Mayor E. P. Be.- dllexut ma ot pave-nun, um nun and Mess“. A. Nelle-homer. which a speck] will; ot the Coun- C. J. lueller. L. Shula. 0. Soy ell will he held to thoroughly discuss gilt, L. (inyblll and D. C. luau. ithe gnaw. . The union proved u lengthy owl Resolution to autumn-g. considerable discussion being held tttt ll tolerance to the annulment to the diluent. questions baton the tho Runway Act reaming compuls- Council. or] interoritehtng the lollovin; res- -Atat--- olutiu was - '.-. Petitions. I loved try in. Greyhill, seconded by A letter wee received signed by B. Mr. Kuntz: Resolved that the Gov.. E. Bechtel, Moves Beuer. and other ernment ineorporate in the Railway ratepayers on Allen street north, re Act e provision that in st! out“. minding theCouncil ot the petition towns end Vinson where there trre: tor e cement wells iron Park to King two or more competing reilwsy lines,‘ street. which ems presented about the Railway. Commission hsve power two years ego end laid over [or now to order such reiltvey: to c0mtruct s sideretion. The petigon will hsve to line or lines of reilwsys connecting he presented in the lam betore these respective lines of reilwey so as the Council can take eetion upon it. l to provide [utilities tor an interchange Ratepayers on the north side of Un- ot can end freight between such nil- ion street petitioned tor e 4 root ce-' weys. end to operate such connecting ment well! on that portion of the line or lines on such terms u say street. The petition we: signed by seem proper end that acopy at this A. K. Roesch. W. H. Joyce, w. Pelt; resolution heeent to the Minister at and others. " wu grented. fifty/eye end to Mr. J. E. Sesgrem. Ratepayers on the south side at Un- M.P. ion street iron: Herbert to Bowminl The [allowing resolution iron the‘ streets petitioned tor Brour-toot ce- Board of Trade In! read _ - 1 merit walk, the petition being signed Moved by J. B. Hugues, seconded by by Geo. Moore and other ratepayers Mr. W. G. Weichel, and resonvd, that on that street. This petition was al- thin Board of Trade heartily onion- ro granted and the work on this or the souvenir and loo-year history street will he proceeded with under ot Waterloo County which the Chron- the tsupervision oi the Chairman oi icle.Tetegrqh newspaper is preparing the Board of Works. 'to issue-s its tgenti<mttetutia1 num- A petition was received trom J.’ her, and that the Town Count-ii shod Flynn and other! asking tor a sewer consider the matter (monthly and on Park avenue. It was laid over provide tor tangible assistant-c being tor turther consideration. t gram to the scheme. Carried unanim- Communications. ' mtsir. Mr. Cieason Shunt: wrote accepting q one: ot $100 made at a previous Accounts Passed. Council meeting tor a strip oi land oil The [gnawing accounts were pass- the trout ot his tarm, 600 teet in ed _ hngth, in order to widen Erh street. W. Snider, electric light... ......$Zu. 0,. 3.1. Taylor and. H. Ziegler regard in; the dangergus condition or I pop- lar tree which stands on town prop- erty intront ot their dwellings, and asked to have it removed. The mat- ter was referred to the Chairman 'ot the Board ot Works. . A letter was received trom the Hon. 's'ecy.-Treas. ot the Canadian Municipalities, calling attention to tho Hamilton, Waterloo and Guelph St. Ry. Co. bill below Parliament. hii" 1:115:31, ot the corporation lab- orers that they be paid twice a month was acceded to. _ Mr. Knmmer asked that he no al-f lowed to connect a drain with the' town culvert 'on Queen street. He was given the necessary permission on the understanding that the town is not responsible in case the water in culvert backs into his drain and in- jures his property. The work will he done under the supervision ol the Board of Works. Mr. Scip asked that the Council ar.: low him some earth to NI up his lot on King street, which work was ne ccssary through the building of the cement sidewalk. A specified numhe ot loads ol earth eftt be .taken all an adjoining street to fB1 the lot, the Gre tous done under the supervision ot the Chtirmu: o! the Board ot Works. _ the Council to the condition of th J north end ot King street. It was de- cided to use the road scraper on this portion ot the road and have the small stones on the road raked or, so as to put it in proper condition. Mr. J. Mlckus appeared micro the Council Ind asked that something he done to prevent the water which came down Princess street Irom running in- to hislnts. The Council will invest ignite Itts mailer. I A very happy event In which a ttttm-l In"! “In". I you. \""tV'"'""- Iver of Watcrloo'a most prom NM Nb; tiomt. lens were intended. was "w "I: "tTTNMtF.L.--tn Bertin, on May 9, hratitttt u Mum-met on Monaayl to Mr. Ind Mrs. John Winn-M. 8ast of the (“mom wedding mun nn.; Mucus street. a dimmer. Japan) ot the manhge ot Mr. Andi . In "night Nr. ther “only of "wi ' up. n ot. the - um Imam. An English service was held In at. t "jored a. "inâ€! to the Johm's bathtu- church on and†I cut. "entnq and us - -, .3-.- ...v "W Mr. Hastdlie again toptytredyretore the t‘nuncll in connection with an ex- tn grant ot $25 each to the auditors of the 1mm tor extra work done dur- Ing INK». Alter some discussion .1 motion to grant. the .mount asked hr VI! cum-d. i' le'ttcr was received from Messrs- Mr. J. Ttoittmut, who' was npmlnml lo do the street. sprinkling. was in- structctl as to the duties in connec- tion with the positiott. Some discussion was held on the subject ot roadmaking. Sevenlmmi- In: of the ('ouncil [growl holding: was meeting so u to IIIOW the nir- Rev. J. 0.1.“! lett lot Schwin- vlllr Saturday moral†and also ship- ped MI household mm: to "III ptare. He comm-ml his ttrM seniors there on Sunday. "is Vite and hm- ily left earlier in thr, work. 'Grayblll called tittrtten!iott ot J. 0.1.“: [on tor swim or “NH councu. tenturrs......... pm..-. p..... q..... â€its Ovens & Jacobi, town property 2P 6m J. HoTman, street sprinklingl ill-'23 G. E. Goldie...... ... Fmm.p. _..... .. 5.00 1-1. liacdke and C, llaehnel, grant tor extra work... ... .r-. 50.00 Council Grants 8100. I In taking up the resolution at the! IBoard at Trade regarding the Semi- ‘Centennial Souvenir edition or the Chronicle about to Unpublished, the lMayor called upon Mr. D. Alex Bean, I who was present, to give the Council at explanation of the work. It was pointed out that the Semi-Centennial Souvenir would be something entirely unique in its line, and was being is- , sued to commemorate the 50m ann- iversary ct the Chronicle-Telegraph. The purer was founded in Berlin in 1856, the fsrst issue being sent out t on January 0th ot that year. the pub- "slurs being Messrs. Jaitray ull‘l ' llett. A lew years later the purer was mobed to Waterloo and since I that time it has grown immensely in site and circulation. Where the pan- - er lormerly consisted of but. tour pa.- ' sex. it now avenge: trom " lo 16 , pages Weekly and the circulation has , now mounted up to over 3,000 sopies _ a week, eighty-tIves pet tent. at which ' is withi.n aradius ol 20 miles oi Wa- e terloo. The souvenir will be gotten , out in handsome form, being printed -) on fine book parer,-rrotumrly illustra- _ a ted with Me half-tone engravings and Ewill contain write-ups of the town's e public institutions, street Scenes. etc Moved by J. B. Hughes, seconded by Mr. w. G. Weichel, and resonvd, that this Board of Trade hearwy ea.tors- a the souvenir and loo-year history ot Waterloo County which the Chron- ieie.Tetegrtrph new/slap“ is preparing to issue-s its tgemi-eenterutia1 num- ber, and that the Town Count-ll sho " consider the matter (notably and provide lor tangible assistant-c being gram to the scheme. Carried uttanie.s ously. W. Snider, electric light-. ..... Daily thinkâ€... ...t.. _..... ..'.., C. A, HaehmtL..,,. Vs_'" -..Mt. . H. W, Roos...... ....r..r. ..t.t. ..... .00} C. HuehrteTgard...... ...... .m..r.e... 9.00i G.T.R. Mar. acc't and can... mm canadian Conlracl. Record, ad. 1.90’ Raymo Bros., ins. preish. ... ... 2.50't Waterloo Mutual Fire Ins. Co. 48.00 1 W. (Shiner. team to ftre alarm 10,00 1. Thoman, do. ...... ... ... ... 3.00 U. Kreutziger, lumber... .F.... ... .15 E. H. Zlck. rubber boots... ... 31.i3 W. E. Beagrave, appliances... ... 24.85 M.Wcichcl & Son, suppties-. 1.00 W. Hogg, coal... .re.rrrF. ...... -.. 9.85 J. C. Mueller, road list... ....e. 179.39 Bd. ot Health, Town Treas., JKrlin...... ..tr..... .t...e... ._....... 33.67 E. Dermul, mtshing sewers...‘.. 120 A.B.' McBride, delegate expense 3.0 A. Weidenhammer, do...... .-. .1 300 Conrad Bros., Fire Dept.., .e. 18.66 Conrad Bros., Bd. ot Works and Town Property...... ... ... ..r.'. Conrad Bros., water main mu- noctions...... ... F..... .m..t. .-.sr.. \ Chas. Mong, town property rig-. Mr. J. B. Hughes, who spoke in mp- port ot the resolution at the Bond ot Trade, was convinced tint this was I sphrmlid advertising proposition tor the town and was sure the Mme ot the publisher was I guanntcc that the work would-be well done. Attrr discussing the mullet at some longthjml expressing their entire ap- proval M the work and the enter- prise at its publisher, the (‘mmrll un- animously granted $100 to assist In drtraying the cost. ot enttrttvittrs,ete. in helm" ot the Town of Waterloo. t son. 1toFAtNKR.--Itt Berlin, on May Mb. to Mr. and Mrs. "any Boehmer, King street, a you. (fountain. Mons. TttTTN,tBEL.--tn Berlin, on May a, to Mr. mud Mrs. John "Wankel. KRruxF.R.--tn Berlin, on May uh, to Mr. and Mrs. Juob Kreiner, Jr. HORN. $20.. 0!- . 60.81 . 6.00 , 9.00 .37 13.00 31 And-mruutitt.ut-detnth-tiV,thoktt_rad unloveqlo'dpmihlop'm. Otaruisondterakqr nib on and you will itnd It“ to dutch-hooray. soul, but ail} it in the etreit spit. G 1.th ' eors' Suits In the 'vuy beat quality we can buy and the price. about the name a tho interior grade. . low “It: from 81.28 to " " We nut. any . full mg: of Men'n Shirts, Callus and Cull: the "V ' styles. OUR MEN’S SHOCKS AND OVERALIS BEAT THEM ALL I: Fast Making a Ioputatioil for Us (lllll (MflllN DEPARTMENT , a It doesn't. pay to buy cheap do hing toe Boy. salt. . bow. A mt suit. can Very l GiillGi WHEN READY FOR THAT PAIR OF see our new lines just received. In price, quality and style they are second to none. Wins for BEST Shoes at LOWEST price. . Opposite Zimmerman House, . The Railway Commission, compris- ing Hon. A. C. Kilian), Chief Com- missioner; Hon. M. E. Denier, Dep- uty Commissioner; and Dr. James Mills, the latter' commissioner being absent. met at Waterloo on Monday morning. to hear the application oi the Preston, & Berlin Street Rail- way Co. tor a double crossing at Caroline and Er!) streets, near Mr. J. E. Seagram's warehouse. The other olhciais in connection with the Commission were T. A. Simmons. engineer, Jas. Hardweil, chief traitie expert; R. Richardson, acting secre- tary, and Nelson R. Butcher, oneial reporter, RAILWAY COMMISSION Inspect Site ot Proposed Double Crossing and Hear Evidence Re the Application of the Preston Berlin St. Ry. Co. The commissioners arrived in a Bpe- cial car over the G.T.R. about ten o'clock and accompanied by the May- or and several councillors inspected the site ot the proposed double croSs- ing on Ertt street. They atterieards proceeded to the town hall, where evidence was heard. The Chiel Commissioner, Hon. A. C. Killam, alter a tow brief remarks stated the object at the sitting and having been asked by the solicitor to' reserve their decision at the time of hearing evidence on the matter in Toronto in November last until they could personally see the locality, they had accordingly decided to visit. Wat- erloo, as they wished to lull)" con- sider the matter in every aspect. y Mr. C. R. Manning, solicitor tor the Preston & Berlin Street Rail- way Co., briefly reviewed the case, and the feasibility ol a double cross- ing at this point.' The company had been granted the privilege to run along Caroline and Ettt streets. and had spent considerable money in im- provements. He thought " would in vol no danger to. the residents and general public to have a double cross- ing at this point. is, comAission then heard (he ev- Home in ihe use. -_ . Mayor Sequin Ins first called uit- on by Mr. "Inning. lie did not consider that n crossing at that point would be any more dun- gerous than my other crossing in town, attttotmts-ire-mcr-athrarr more or loss danger. The G. T. R. truck had been shined about n loot nearer the warehouse. In reply to a question trom Mr. Running " to whether the municipolity had my other route whrrrby the compuny might ten-ll their terminus. Muyor Sengram said he thought that the nutter hot been all settled when the. innehiac not granted. t l, "iir.V.iiaif Mueller. A member at (be To" Come“ qtd Chum“ of “a Bond ot Works, In} pp rf- Our an’s Suits Walla Price From Waterloo's Moat Reliable Dry Goods Clothier. John Schondelmayer, J. Uffelmann fad Emu tiat than.» a $3.98 to $15.00 SPRING" SHOES ' " Wu P†- T" Itâ€, - -. - _ boy: Agog! "rl can Very “Manon MEET IN WATERLOO Mr. A. Weidenhammer, a member rof the Town Council, and Chairman . cl the Finance Committee, said he did not think the crossing would be l any more dangerous than the others about town, although the question of having a.watchma.n at this point had been under consideration. choosing a site in that portion. or] the town was that they could thus have access to -both roads, the G. '12] R. and Preston a Berlin road. He was oi the opinion that to have both crossingsso close together would be dangerous, although he did not think there was any greater danger than at other points in town. In reply to a question by Mr. M. K. Cowan, the G.T.R. solicitor, as to whether he had a contract regarding laying a switch by the Preston & Berlin St. Ry. Co., he said that such a contract had been presented to him within the last two or three weeks, but none had yet been signed. Mr. Geo. Moore said he had been Mayor ot Waterloo and concurred in the opinion expressed by several oth-' ers that there would be no more dan- ger in the crossing at this point than st any other level crossings. He thought that the extension ot tho Preston & Berlin line up Caroline and Ert, sheets would benefit all shippers and was in the interests oi the town. Mr. J. M. Muir, President of the) Bond of Trade, did not consider a crossing at this point more danger- ous than some or the other cross- ings. He WIS of the opinion that the crossing was necessary tor the'ettmd tinny to reach their terminus. As to their being some other pos- sihie route the Chief Commissioner, Rain. A. u. Kimmy, “strum Wir question had not been brought up at the previous sitting ol the Commis- sion, but he understood that there were no insurmountnhlc obstsclel in the way ot reaching the terminus try mother route. . "The Common then me. Judg- mentnus’ reserved. G. T. R. STATION REPAINTED. Waterloo is at least to trepainted, l gang at eight men bowing started, in on the work Thursday morning. Urg- ent representation: has been mode " to the need oi onâ€! Motion from time to time by thtt Board ot Trade, but nothing dethtito has rrtsulted,l "rough the. plum tor one are said to hue been drawn up. Citizens at Waterloo will no doubt rejoice that ting G.T.R._sllllon at Thc onhoriUrr, fltt0ts It impossi- ble 1o erect . new nation for Water- loo this yen. are dplng the next best "ling. Both the Interior and ester. " ot the sullen will he painted nntl things madly trixhtened up. That the mum presents nsotry upwar- nnce no onewill deny. and " in to be hoped that at no distant date Fa- GiiGitiiens will he ambled to rm their eye: upon a tttte up: sum», which will be. "on!“ (omgmfn. A Me. In being conducted “on; the luck on the norm side of the vacant lot on Whieh the old G. T. R. from†the! formerly stood, to no we“ at“. mm strariag on to a. Rush. Waterloo, Ont. our hilmmr and Dorset Departments “along tett vat ot . Secluded Plus for tho Min; of cone!- and Underwear u: at Iant boon tBud. For“. time put thee dopatmentn have Nor hon gin their propu- attention nod with thin CHANGE we con mu you that no_hing bu been hit nudge. - - _ - _ - MISS KELLY, neatly from w. A Haney- fomw. who he elmrge of them, two deputlnenu, hoe a. thorough kuowlodge of the. upecinlly in Conan; and will therefore be able to loll you the kind you need. ' Corsets. AsmGrot, opponitetbo Elena:- on the 2nd floor, has in. trua up with fine futures, My Chain and . full what of 'tetsriLeytryy1iHt Ir" pertain? to eNrrtft-Dus Dtrnrtmm_ _ G.B.Ryan&00.. tl, B. Ryan & thc, Berlin . variety of makes. . - At 81.00 we show seven! very popular lines. Many other Smut and New Corsets have slso been added to tho _ Smck. U nderwear. Glowing Reports VIOLET, MISS HURRICANE and DOLLY DIMPLE m “nous“ the Shining Stars. _ Ladies should see " _ For Your Supply ttr Slimmer Sausages Remember H. B. IhlElWltl Be sure md visit this, New Departure when in our . Thursday and Friday Evenings An eueeiver P'W! from Me, 500 sud tlie up is shown in a CHILDRENS, MISSES’ AND LADIES Cotton Undone-r canad’s Best Prop. City Inc. "and. WATIBWO are displayed " popular prices. The Stage Manager reports all mmgemcnta in Puma: aw. "We Do What We Say." "The Little Tycoon’ Are Now on hid Floor. PERFORMANCE ON SHIP SHAPE FOR, WATERLOO Gold Filled Watch Chains and 1.0tuth A good ttold-tmed watch chain will wear no good a a loud fold chal- within the gum-amped t me. Our Chaim are guiiranteed. for 5. lo. 15 and S6 yen-n. “In-havens!" "no!†gulmnleed for lo year- which In all " The worth of gold-fined chain. " rm“ upon the "In". and the III-- ncome" name upon our chain. In a nledge of worth and - on! we will replm II] defeeU" chub. I)!!! by In. with a new on. with“: the gut- who “we. CINTIAL BLOCK WM m. “.00 Int! 85.00 [MIL E. J. RODS