Youth'olong punt units in a rich, dark brown duped English tweed, undo slngle breasted mque style. tron-er out Indium width in has, well lined te, (gunned And lsplendid Br, ling. a m 'e: toN, spot-is mmâ€... .... ........ 8.00 7 Men‘s tim, negliguo shirts. fancy Mpg-pot- nnd Ilsa-1d card; and Menu hundsome new spring units. brown and buck mixtures and hen- ther-11min in neat checks and plaid Pauerryseut and made up in the latest. tingle Mama style with broad “ladder-fund vent. " WE "leery Bore' line English tweed three piece on"; in nhnndoome 'lt') grey cheek rum.wilh faint back inter mix. "rs-made, up in Pre breasted mm style and good Malian cloth [lying- yu Atrimnl‘ngn and-splendid tiiunirsixeot'to;i $1 SHIRTS FOR Me. The Stock of Millinery 65 men's all wool Canadian and Eng. lish tweed suits, consisting of brown. greenish, (mm and Oxford grey “who. in neat checks and broken ttld effects, “so flue black worsted Uhed temp, made up in the, correct single breairrd sat-clue style and lined P, and IT',','.',',','; farmer‘s satin. sizes to . r931. " price 38. â€and 810. Saturdav.. $5095 it} Ssturdsy a Come to the clothing tsection-Het in manila for that heavy winter overcoal. which makes your shoulders ache. that shabby suit which lea-en. {our wholesome and opinion of your self. Let u: replace that winter hunt: 'aded if you 1S',Yl'h' it. Let. us show you our spring shirts and ties. It: won't cost. you more than it should less a. good deal than experience elsewhere would have you believe it would. We‘ll he busy," nailers tomorrow from 8 a. m. sharp until its time to Bo home. Watm spying weather makes " mun realize how stsatrby he has gx-ownnlo be/ed. boy game-g loqking‘cthrr 't1ettt _ A SPRING SATURDAY Topper Coats av d Suite Underprieed, Shirts, Ties, Underwear, Barbies, Fedora, 1hrpts---85 Boot for 3.50. Our Small Profit System is a Great Success]- S. B. Ernst & Go. - __ It is B-tttatt-r-a-rt marirhe.iraftirqrditutratu' TiFtiti'i-caGarirti' a}??? airy wrong. trivial or great, or refund your money when you want it. _ The Berlin " 49-42 pairs men's Shoes. in tan. black and patent colt. high cut and Oxford ties, Goodvear walled, all oi or, regular 4.00 to 8tk00, for 82.49. 76e--N pairs men's Dongnlu Gaiters, Goodrear extension soles, sizes 6, 7 and 10 only, r-gular $1.75 quick price only Me. V "49--18 pairs l ulirs‘ light tan Oxford Tie Shoes. regular 210 and " 0", quick prim, per pair 81 49. 'i.W--24 pairs ladiea’ Dongo'a Lure Shoes Biuchcr cut, self tip, all sizes. regular 81.75. quark pvice, per pair $1.29. t19e-28 pairs girls’ Shoes, in p 19m, leather and dongola. in Lee or button, _ sizes 8 to 10;. ro-gular l 10 to 81 it), nsiith price, per pair 80c. 69o--17 pairs children's show. in taree or b Mun. patent tip, Big s 5 to 71, good wean-rs. regal " Irie, quick price, pal pair tNe. _ 89e--12 poi" little ttents' light tan Lace Shoes, sizes ti to 105. good values at. 81 tio, quick price, per pair 89c. _ To-tmoe Dressing, retpttar 10c, for 7c; regular aa, for 17e. 25 men'l all wool grey unsorted Tweed Suits. well undue, extra. good At that. reduced prices they am, wonduful Mugabe In the tallest Inns of the word. ‘nd it you have the a?igttteot need foe a really good tmrroertt. you cannot “fund to tmt thin one: with inditterenee. . Close Cut Prices on Men’s and Boys' Suits Everything in just as we say it in 3nd thereziu nothing in the list that iem't . value good enough to bring you here " eight o'clock .--bemkfaot or no breakfast THE BIG fm)lllil'8 NEWS. NON BEING DISPLAYS!) AT THE "OLD RELIABLE" outed. In tum, gm unwound. am at any other mo . A lug. twp In. of Batu HM! In. united, comm-Mn. the Into-{Now Yul models; aloe the In: Donnie. In about loot: nod braid; for an. gunning. '01:“th I 90mm! lupeouon by the India at the T'II tr. Bargains for Everybody MEN, I“!!! All) (MILDRED! Important Notice from the Shoe Dept. LNG ST. ':::f:_7::::’10.'00 $735": 500 42-44-46 King Street East IN THE OLOTHING SEGTIO Mercantile Co, THE cfilR0NllcLEaaTELE0RApft , that)!» It', r»; unlny .......... 209 pair of menh, box waif boomwith good Weight, of trole,mnde, by thouood- year welted process and by a ttrm who main " specialty of men a (inodyenr shoes; new y pair warranted to give the wearer satisfaction, regular price " per pier, all site, also a hunk ra‘ellt colt boots on new up! an "to of this season} t1ofuttciote: a." New Derby huts. nohhy shapes. fine English fur felt, made by Balningtou or King Inward luau. both at then makes I"! re inb e in even ptuticuur.ssturdtw special 2.oo In metrd and hors' caps vs have extra choice asst-tuner". or newest American patterns. price, 25c to " .. Men's double thread balbriggan un- derwear, sateen trimmed, pearl hut- Wnr, lined scat]. sizes 34 to 45 " special for Balm-thy. . c MEN'S " BOOTH, B50. plain bosons. detached cuffs and calf: tihta,le.",',;. “312?, Ttdigg', and dark s (mains to ' regu- lar price 81, 8tstuauar. . . .. . 69c lion'- oilk neckwm. new designs um! (timings. finn- in hand stile, unmet ing specia in re effects, 'tratl'f,fl;'..'."...T.'. 25c HATS AND CAPS. 13 boys' 2-piece Norfolk: and pluin Suits, "so: an lumen-nu, aim a 2 to 27. .rrtrular 310 and $1.00. for 81.â€. 19 boyu’ 3-piece Buit I. Ibort tron-Pu. good panel-m. in light and dab: k tweed. sixes gt to $2. regular 6.00 and 35.50, quick price, Bais was. liningl. line- as to 40, regular 810.00, for 05.3). s, m. " 'it).- 350 WATERLOO Serious Accident-A serious mi- dent occurred at the residence ot Mr. John 3mm, Wirtterbotrrne,, on Wod- nosrlny, May 2nd, at ' o'clock, vhr-n the hired nun â€hitched " horse: and was watering them in the barn yard, Mr. 3mm. Mule men-yar- old son, Elgin, 'uerttpted to drive the norm mo the mm with I whip. when one ot the horn! kicked him on the head um! tract-rel " “all, exposing the brain. Hope. an alarm-d to: In my. Je. Nun II ti. um "r'etaqstTcsc Grand Concert..-, ttrand concert will be given in the Methodist church " Witttertrourne, on Wedrtesdar even- ing at eight o'clock by up. ' Cure, Brothers at Hamilton. The proitram will consist of picture' and illustra- ed sun‘s, both' popular and sacred. Admission M coats. children " cents. An enjoyable time is expect- ed. Seriotts.Blaze Averted.-.What might have been a serious fire originated in the otrtee ol Mr. .e. n. Admson's general store on Thursday morning, the 3rd inst, about one o'elock. For- tunately Mr. Wm, Smith, who lives across the street nearly opposite the store, happened to Bee the "It and gave the alarm. A number ol vil- lagers got up trom their midnight slumhcrs and rushed to the scene tued extinguished the fumes. Had they been ton minutes later the tire would certainly have been beyond control. Mr. Adamson and lamily were away at the time attending the marriage feMivities at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horace Mann's, about. lk miles dis.. tant. The fire is supposed to be the work ot an incendiary " coal oil had been freely used on the window sud had run down on the ttoor. Mr. Ad-' nmson is insured in the Economical.‘ Narried.--on May Md, at the Manse, by Rev. A. M. Hamilton, M. A., Herbert Millard, second son of Mortimer Millard, Sr., to Miss Jen- nie Snuggle, On May 2nd, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horace Mann, Mr. Alexander Harrison. ot Pilkington, to Miss Ag- nes Marin, Rev. A. M. Hamiuon ot- fteiatintt clergyman. . F. S. Spies and family spent Sun- day with relatives in Floraqnlc. - The Crystal Spring Cheese Factory began operations on Monday morning and the milk handlers were seen out bright and early gathering (he milk. j Arbor Day was observed on Friday by lhe scholars and the teacher. All were busy planting trees and cleaning up the schoolyard. -Farmers irtAhis vicinity are nearly, finished with seeding. This has been an excellent spring tor the farmer. Mr. and Mrs. August Ahrcns and Mr, Frey spent Sunday in Berlin. Mr. Rennie and Miss Edna McKay, ot Linwood, spent a short time at David Donatd's on Sunday. Fannié Hillard, who' spent some time in Conestoga with friends, re- turned. home last week. Sadie Ahr‘ens is visiting irienita in the Twin-cur. Mrs. Jas. More is spending some time in Kirkton. Hotel. Mr. Ed. Schaub has been on the get: sick list m: several dart. o, Mrs. $92!! 320111; igst, Jim . the" tered well and prospects are bright Pt. IL. Herbert Mosberger, Robert lot a good hay crop. Dorste, Martha Dorste, Eugene Stef- The brick work ol the Kellerbom tter, Leah Lichty. block is tinished ind the roof is V on. Pt. 1., Clara Stealer. It is of modern structure and style. Class A., Willie Liehtyi Lydian Mr. M. Wilhelm had the contract. Mayer, George Saint, Annie Mosher- Fall wheat and meadows have win- tered well and prospects are bright lorr a good hay crop. A {netball club has been organized here. The club are practising hard in order to be able to accept my challenge trom other clubs in this district. .Farmerg are almost through seed- ing and are preparing the soil for roots. Mr. Reuben Clcghoin. who is em- ployed in Galt, in a large store, is spending a few days with his par- outs. Mr. Fred Fleischhaucr, ot Toronto, is_ltottte tot a few days. Mr. V A. Rodgers, Manager ot the Western Bank, St. Clements, spent Synday with friends here. The sad intelligence ot the death ot Widow Wilhelm, Iomerly ot Welles- ley, but latterly of Detroit, Mich, came " . surprise to this commun- ity, " no one Ind heard ot her ill- ness. She had been in delicate health tor some time. The romaine were interred in the Lutheran cemetery on Thesday afternoon, _ Miss%ermirt, Koehler is spending a week with her cousin. Mr. John Koehler, near Berlet’s Corners. Mr. Ahan _Bechtel, ot Baden, spent Sypday here. 7 §0ur 3115 .i.):iiii.iiiiicciii'ii' us"rFrrcth"trT" "H - e Mr, Collin Berdux har_syiertiusltia _ at en or at the Royal f00e0o0e0e0e0e0e0e0e00e0e0-0eteooee., News Notes Gathered by Mutt-Ions Col-respondents in County and District. WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING. MAY 10. 1906 RtNTERB0URNE. IIAWKSVILLE. WELLESLEY. 3%; . At a special meeting of the Milo- payers ol the Walt-non School Dist., um location or ltd whom Silt was - Milled. The vote In: 11mm man In building line school on the S.W. corner ot Sec. It, owned try Anon Blehn. The Board ol Trustees at! now calling lot mam lot mn- lu mum: at cot-trima- work. Th I!“ will I. '0BN ht with Jacob Ant andN. Biehtt were out moan-chm; south of the District In! Salamiâ€. Sundny School orginired.-A Sun- day School was organized last Sun- day and _ the lollowlng others and teachers elected: Mull Bowmnn, Suplu, Lest “roll. Asst. Supt; Ellis Rudy, chorislcr; N. Biotin Seer-Tw- nuuror; Lavina Nttrth, lira Shula, Alr- on Itietrn, lsncl (Tasman, trainers, and Mrs. J. Weber, Ella: Rudy and Levi ("on assistant Incl-on. Oliver Snyder, trom Que Angelle. Arrived last week with t car ot et- [ecu and Is moving into the neigh- borhood. Wild geexcducks and turkeys no quite plenum! um no keeping the local sports busy. Antelope: have been seen in ttoc" the Inst week. Elks Rudy was tortunate In JWhtr- ing two geese try one shot each. They weighed eight pounds each. Wheat Acreages sown.,-'rhe weath- " nontinnea very tine and seeding op- eratlons have continued uninterrupted since March 28. Most or the wheat, w†sown belore the 15th inst., eh cent. by some ot the newcomers, who still have small acreage: to sow. The early sown wheat‘ is covering the plowed fields with agreen mantle al- ready. The following are the "Te ages sown in wheat by some tn this distsict _ l Mich. Wurz, 100 acres. _ Mrs. Mary Wurz, 100 acres. Aaron Biclm, 100 acres. l Edwrnan Bros., Macros. l Devitt Bios, so acres. l Shanlz Bros., " acres. l Israel Pressman, " acres. Abraham Biotin, 45 acres. . J. Rudy. " acres. John Friesen, M) acres. Wm. Hall, 40 acres. Harry Puddicombe, 75 acres. Arthur Hawes, 30 acres. Titus Rosenberger. 35 aerrs. _ Even a. larger acreage will he put irto can _ - I Among the latest houses that how sprung up' are John Moyer's and Ma- nusa Thom-n3. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Stunner. of md. 'erloo, visited at the home of Dr. L. L.__Sta1:lier_ last Sadly: . - __ INTERESTXNG NEWS BUDGET FROM CRESSMAN SAS- KATCHEWAN. Funeral of L. Stoermer.-The fun- eral of Mr. L. Stunner, of Rose- ville, and son-in-law cl Mr. and Mrs. A. Maeder, was held in the Lutheran church here on Friday and was largely attended by friends and rela- tives. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Stocrmer and family. Messrs. G. KuntzUd F. W. Sny- der, of Waterloo, were the tishermen here last week. _ Mr, D. Ramsay, of Queen's Univ varsity, Kingston, was visiting at the home ot Mr. Wm. Halls last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Grand, ot Berlin visited at the, home ortheir daugh- ter, Mrs. Wm. Hood, last week. Messrs. P. Alloway and J. Buck Tefe visitors to Baden last Monday. -gr. H., Bertha Moshérger, Cornel- ius Wagner. Edgar Yenke, Margaret Gatsehene. Sr. IL. Allreda Gatsehene, Mary Salm, Agnes Gatseherte, Silvin Her- golt, @pdrew, Boissotm, School Report-The [allowing is the school report for the month ot April: . Sr. IV., Edward Wagntha. Jr: IV., Peter Ellett. Sr. IH., David Bteinmamt, Ludwig Gatscheue. Miss Clara Wagatha und her sister Louisa, ot Berlin, spent Sunday un- dtr, the parental root. Friday] being the tirst Friday in play, was Arbor Day st the school Miss V. o. Herrgott, our teacher spent Friday and Saturday wit! triestda in Berlin. Mr. Harry Wagdtha and " main. Mr. George Denier, ot St. Jerome’s College, Berlin, spent Sunday at the lormcr's home here. Mr. arid 3173 Eugene attache-no And Mr. Edmund (htachvue spent Synday with friends in town. Mr. and His. J. Marta, ot North Euthope, spent Sunday‘nt'lr. and My}. John Wagner's. Owing fo mg busy seeding time IV., Edward Wagntha. IV., Peter Ellen. IH., David steinmann, Ludwig " WPHSBURG. E cAusno soon. mmmg M. Weichel & Son, W. m.- I-b Waterloo " " - Elam "tre beat local soup when will tell you to buy our Caustic for quality and price at in bulk or in sttts. (in. from this The Hornistead Inspector was on a special trip through the tiisteict re- mtly. _ _ -- _ -- Mr. Ferguson and hmlly, of Grand Forks, arrived with sen ot eltects and Ire moving into the township. ('ressrnm, Suk., April 26th, 1906. Mr. Thus. Puddicombo arfived last Saturday (with lull intentions onlo- ing homcstnd duties We expect). He u staying with his sun Harry. Omit and Anni: “and have engaged tor the summer to RNA rtrfiffoyttrt. A ___ . u _ Noah Weber In; built nut-at. titite house,“ his clsiln. He has also a tok" of oxen. Noah is new t lull ttedged tarmer, only minug the cook. , basement under the whole building. John Mayor is occasionllly seen marching over the prairie with gun in hand Wer the his turkeys and Carew, 1589-1639. Now that the winter's gone, the earth hath lost Her snow-white robes, and now no more the frost Candies the grass, or calls an icy cream » ' Upon the silver lake, or crystal stream; _ But the warm sun thus the he- numb'd earth; And makes it tender; gives a second birth To the dead swallow; wakes in ttol-, ' low tree l The drowsy cuckoo, and the humble Now do a. choir ot chirping minslrels bring In triumph to the World the youth- iul spring, The valleys. hills, and woods, in rich array. _ Welcome the coming of the long’d- for May. Now all things smile. . The Madonna Institute, Guelph, will also have a summer school, the particulars for which may be obtain- ed from the president. of the Agricul- tural College, Guelph. ttattstTri-TtgtcTi-ot the courses, man- ual training, household science, na-, ture study and art. There will be no tees, nor will any special form ot application be asked trom the teach- ers. Full particulars may be obtain- ed by 'commtmieatitttt with the prin- cipals ol the institutions named. A course of instruction extending over a. period ot three weeks and commencing on July 3, will be given at the Normal College, Hamilton, and at each of the three normal sehoois-Toronto, Ottawa and Lon- don-under the supervitiorgLdlie A deepatch from Niagara Falls says: Detectives lrom this city made a latislactory capture last night when they took into custody Irving Warner, who is wanted in Berlin on a rqsrtre of highway robbery. The crime was committed in Berlin on March M, and the wonders have been searched for by police all over the country. Yesterday the local omeers learned that Warner was working on a farm for a man named Ellis, who lives on the Queenston mountain, near St. David's. Five others went out there last night, surrounded the house and took Warner prisoner. He was brought to the city and locked up " police headquarters awaiting arrival at an oliccr trom Berlin. His pal, a man munetrHailtnan, was ar-. rested in Toronto. High Constable‘ Huber of Berlin " l High Constable Huber, with the " aiatanem ot Ohio! O’Neill and Chiet Flynn. hue not. been altowtttg the gnu to you under their feet since the bold hold-up: and highway rob. beties were committee in Waterloo last Sound†evening, and u 3 re mu. they has caused the “rest ot C. Hollow: " Toronto, and Irving Wartter at Niagara Falls. Clayto- Hanmnn and TWO SUSPECTS ARE ARRESTED Instructing A. G. RAEHNEL'S To Buy Committing the Hold Ups IT PAYS WELCOME "TO MAY. SUMMER SCHOOLS. Tn 0!:me , and Hum " to (llr,'U2 Dru i britt't1t..l,!L11t1tf.iyt_t, for carpet: Every Lawn Mower we tell in vaunted. Sizes vuy from 14 to 19 inch. "1"} ~‘ an, . a: " arr. " V. Cil For a small outlay we mnzaupply you:wibh the Decency ti I to make summer p'eamsne - - . .. Good Goods. Be Comfortable This Summer am. only. One Price. Cheap aux: sum. South aide King Street. thrash-y Cumin, Burr grader, hunti- ful coloring. _ patterns. upcciil price, worth 55c. for. . . . ..400 Ba'mornl Coupe‘n. equal in denim! Ind oniorings 1o Bums: lo. a. tp'endid wearing earpte.:opeci-}. . .. . . ....75c Brussels Carpets, the newest. thorn. and oomhmalions of 12uflt in learpet Sale This Week. fray nrenrtmeat ot h' h suds Cm is the, hunt In he lit-WIS. w'l'otm, "ifl',i'2tS,'. Velvet... Bailout. TI N no var sped " tvires for Friday 1nd salinity. impact-y On to. nave-t pinata. 3mm. reds, {In Lee. tiiii!ir'i, in grams nod. ii) special thin week amt. spa-ch. rice or t is wee ' worth 40c. to: . .... .... .... ....aoc, In. Patterns You Got In the lowest From the I...“ 60 blown; to (115656 from, Weiehel’s Weekly Store News iliiliiitilitt Prices " to 7:15.00 Hardware, Stoves, Etc. WALPER BLOCK - tiiiilrilriliiriliili. H. WQLFHARD & cth, BUT ONE PROFIT TO PAY. SOLD BY WHEN YOU COME TO THIS STORE $13.1th Bros», (rtthtying From the Mill Mosttfaeworudoesasuimsstoftu world use: ne 8ttmrittaltt,Lutet I’ll"; ___ T “If: made to paint building: tutuI inside and otttsidec -tt-t-iiiii-de Fido for the brush. It's made/hr home use and firr practical painter: too. It's pure lead, fare zinc asraOasre linseed -oV, mixed b specially nude with") operated by 51M. Jt's m for you. Uve it in five sizes.) TrhitrostsiirT/i; has made such I upc- tation for itself this we import ovir 100 from Germany every spring. We 1rititiLi,iiiiiGl'iE "iVGUii'%i"'sW,Td WHOLE NUMBER Mh Size We can supply you 'rith. Re- frigerant: from 8900 upwind; Drop in and we will show you something ale: in this line. greens, reds, fawn- Ind two taut. speck! this rock for. . . .833. 81. 01.15 Velvet. Carpets. lovely W m coloring. . mm - to. pnr‘orl, special,†Wilt w 0:113:00;de aott pile. lovely (lo-i ttuagid color! . id who. ','Jl'lfl' 81.35. 'l','.".'.".'.'.'.'..".?.".?. ....â€B AU Ihi ment of Oriental '55:? with?“ gun. . bum - or nun: room or lot. Airgun, price. 816.50 00...?†I with 2 Banner: ' .75 T. -. WWW BERLIN. Ittftr. see-uh BERLIN 2.75 1.25