for CHM and 'e-ttr Few care to wear the old style Spectacles. The Incl-u in the {Home for my man. thw anti-inn " the an Zen to say " and In union-No. 7_ P' chug. to: telling. Export op- Lautrer--At Elwin, March am, In Mr. and Mrs. J., Lauber. ason. tMrome--trt Peel, March tith, ta Mr. sud Mrs. “as. Stream. a son. Gruter -at Glanallan, March Ith, 2.. Mr, and Mrs. Peter Gruber. a son. Wilken-At Elmira. March llllh. to Mr. and MES. John Wilkvn. ason. Honuiuz-.At Waterloo, March 8, to Mr, and Mrs. T. J: Hofhcinz, a Fromm--At New Germany, March Hth, to Mr. and Mrs. P. Fromm, a daughter. , t'unningham--At Hawksttille, March 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cun- hingham, awn. McMillan-At Tavistock, March 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMillan, a Becker-At Wellesley, March 9th, In Mr, and Mri. Albert Brckor. a dan- ghler. Hoch-ht Berlin, March 10th, I.) M: and Mrs. Jos. Hoeh, ason. Otto-At New Hamburg, March 5tu, to Mr. and Mrs. John Otto, asom. 'itampf-Esarh-At _Pcnlland, March 14th, Albert Stump! of Honda!-' to Lena Matilda Esch. daughter on Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Esch. *'orttes--donasrIn Woolwiqh, Marth 11th, at the home of the trride's parents. Mr. and Mrs, Gottfried Jonas, George W. Forbes to Miss "'raierica Jonas. Lenr.-,tt Grand Rapids. Mar. 16th,i John Lenz, son oi Conrad Lent. ct' Waterloo, aged ll years. 1 month, and s‘day's. _ Bowman-At Berlin. Nirch Huh. Her. Menno Bowman, in his _ till!!! year. V _ . Keenan--." Detroit. March 1Qlth," Mr. J. Keenan. son-In-law ot the -la.le Sham Springer. _ Iranman--At Berlin. March 18, Mrs.| llallman, Wile OI Rev. Wendell Hall- man and mother ol Rev. H. Sf Hallmsh, in her 77th year. , Cherry-ln Peel; March 6th, George' Cherry, aged " years. 10 months and 4 days. i Fear-At Armetrong, BA'.. Februar l 22nd, Jcsenh Fear, formerly of nea ( Elmira. , . _ Roth-At New Hamburg. March Ill} Catharine Rath, relist oi, the lat" Benedict Roth, aged 7'., Years, 6 months and 9 dayl. Schmidt-At Waterloo. March 13th, the infant child ot Chas. Schmidt, Bowman-At Bowmansville, Latteas- ter k'o., Pa., March ith, Tobias . Bowman. Peters-At Berlin, March 116th, John Peters, in his 49th year. Ireiselmann--At New Hamtturg,iMar. llth, Theresia Buehel. relist it the late’Uuhn lleiselman. aged 78 years ll months and ti days, " Philip-At Galt, March Nth. the in lant child of Mr. and Mrs. Pl-ilip. Lew-At ‘Galt, Mar, llth. Mary A. Montgomery, relist of the late'Thos J K SHINN Funeral Dlroowr 3nd Embslmr Waterloo. on. Telephone " Ba Ildenco Young St. South 355, " store Mr, and Mrs. 1iiltrorn, of Blair, are visiting their son, Mr. A. llilhum, at present. Messrs. Norman terauel and F's. Elli ot Berlin were visitors here last ot I week Messrs. W. Hood and W. Em were busim'ss visitors to Hamilton lam wrek. Mr, and Mrs. A. Y. lull, ot Turnn- Io. visited a! the tormcr's home here last week. "Miss Agnes Bock visited retativvs at New Hamburg last week. Mrs. F.. Sham: was a visitor lo Waterloo last Sunday Mr. and Jtrr.Naetler visited thpir mm-m-law. Mr. L. Slut-rm". at Rcmwillv last Sunday. Mr. Mttter- mer, wv are party to report, is very tow at present. (Surlph. March H.t,--lt is siaiml hm“ In rrhnhlv attthorlty null the tIP " l will build a branch line front Hamil- ton to (hwlph .lmwliun during thc mming summer, Mr J. W. Leonard, “shut" to Gvnrral Maurgrr Mr- Nimll. of thr .CPW, innit-Her m Swrrlary Kim. “I thrs "mum". Board M Trade, stating thttt Hm mmpnny ttave nn than" to mum the "M. erh is the missing link M- ural tht hm poinls. In" lnllmalrs um It lt local mm got urban" in CP. . my “may: to construct an In. JANSEN BROS. Lea, aged 81 years. TIE WATCH HOUSE. -rZon Eyeglass Turn' SKI-ll? A CHAUTF." N ET DV N DE F. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. DEATHS Y. "all, of Tumu- it, â€tun. '15. Council no! " thrTp. Hatt,'t on Wetlandâ€. knell». may)“ no adioarttmettt. Members all no â€at. The Rave in the chit. ou.! ttteq ot preceding m ml and lwproved. I I Mr. Levi Snydet was “pointed " msor instead ot Mr. “emu “an†and Mr. Harte! Connect)! Into“ 1fl Mr. Snyder, tot Elecgoul Divisional No. 1. Frey; 8, Allen Kraft; o, 'tn, cte.,se Martin; ll, Menno Fyayder; 33, -.;;..s. Goetz; 13, William Snyder; 14, Jacob rCrcssman; 15, Jacdh Jana; 16, An- 'thoriy Gehl; 17, Anthony Frank; 18, ‘Christian Reinhardt;' 19, Alex. Feh- renbach; 20, Stephen Lauber; 21, Wm. Scheuerman; 22, Anthony Rollingcr; 23,M, Henry Reinhardt. It was moved and seconded that. Road Division No. b, in like. Div. s, be extended southerly on the new roid to the line lei. a between Simon Coho: and Wm. Ruthertord, md that Oscu Trunk: periorm all his stet- ute Inhor on aid division, intend.“ part in road division No. a; that di- vision No. " be extended northerly on the new road from the school house to said line lance between Rtt- therlord and Cotter, and that the ata- tute labor belonging to the term of Wm. Rutherlord he pertormed on irUTGt%eiowmait, seal be at- tached lo this motion. _ _ -fG" lollowiug appointments Were made:-- 0versecrs ot Highways. 'tn Elec. Div. No. L-t, Alex. Wal- lace; 2, Josiah Oberholtzer; 3. Abram Gimme: 4, Herman Hertel; 5, John Schnaeringcr; ti, Orphan Latseh; 'i', Henry llagey; 8, Henry Reick; Ill, .Uenrto Bechtel; 11, August Tuietair, 12, Jacob Cook; 13, John A. H.1- born; 14, Henry Ludwig; 15, Aaron Snyder; 16, Gottlieb Doehn, ii', Mull Snyder; 18, Isaiah Clemens; Pt, “am- uel Markie; 20, Absalom B. Snyder; 21, Wendel Buschart; 22. 23, Archie Newstead; 21.'Jonn Hooker; 25,, Ar- thur Meyers; 26, John Stage-r; 27, Nathaniel Wildlong; 28, Wesley L'atcr. 29, 30, ti, Abram Rudolf; ir', . M, Fred Schonleldl; M, Fred Wullu; 85, Thomas Slenhouse; 36, George tlas- tTJ,Gi,- cj/us, Gingrich; in, Lui'\\;1- mer; 39, John Cornell; 49, John Brown; '11, Amos Kasey. In Elec. Div. No.,Z.-l, Uzi; der; 2, John Gale; 3, Moses Cr -1, Wendel Clemens; 5, Gotttrie hardt; 6-, Jacob Herqott; I In Elev. Div. No. 3.--1, Jacob Wei- denhammer; 2, Andrew Hummel; 3, Allen Quicktall; 4, Charles Jacobi; 5, L. MJB. Webber; 6, Jonathan Sny- der; 7, Tilman S. Shanlz; 8, Manas- seh Martin; 9, Solomon Lichty; 10, Martin s. Bauman; ll, 'Cyrus Schmidt; 12, Jacob U. Ertr, 13, Ja- cob Bauman; 14, John Schaefer; Li, Wm. K. Knarr; 16, Henry Hchaeter; 17, Louis Koehler; 18, Louis llcrgoll p, Noah Snyder; 20, Noah B. Sny- der; 21, Mound Heckcrdorn. In Elec. Die. No. 4.-1, Addison Shantz; 2, Allen Shoemaker; 3, Eph- rianvHilgartener; d, Alex. Stoltz; 5, Charles Fischer; 6, Charles Mosser; 7 John Kuukel; 8, John Shack-r; ll. Mex. schaeter, lit, Jacob S. Snyder; 11, Elias Kolb; 12, Jacob Snyder; 13 John' 1Iabermehl; rt, John Woolacr; 15, Ferdinand Lalsch; Hi, David Tha- ler; 17, S. S. Detweilér; 18, Henry Melitzcr. In Bloc. Div. No. 5.-1, John N. Sines; 2, Joseph llilborn; 3, Benja- min Wismer; 1, Isaac McNally; 5, Wm. banner; 6, Nathaniel Newstead; 7, Kirk. Deans; 8, Simon Cotter; 9, Philip Becker; 10, William Schneller; ll, William IIenhoeiier; 12, William Hwariz: 13, David Linton; ll, Neil Warner; 15, Josiah Cressman; 16, John Rancher; 17, Adam Schaiman; IR. Jonah Pear; 19, Aaron Rellinger; 20', Joshua Pedder; 21, John Welsh; 22, Edward llilgartner. The Treasurer was authorized to transfer $1,500 trom the Sheep Fund to the General Township Account. _ The following account; were passed and ordered to he paid: Michael Weiler, bonus tor wire _ h J. Bowers, gravel tr....... .......... Peter Meyer, gravel ...... ... .... John Amos, extra labor on street in Doon T"'"'"'. ..t....... ... 4.65 Jacob Kinzie, gravel ...... .tm....r. 1.65 John Casscls, filling wa.shout 17.37 J. M, Scully, auditing for 1906 25.00 Caspar Jacobs, binding assess- mint rolls .....r._. .rrFP" Isaiah Pressman, gravel and damage F'....... ....r.-T. ......... ..rem. 5.00 Ben. Horst. gravel ..rr.. ...e.. q.. 4.80 Municipal World, treasurcr's cash book ..-.r'_. P........ q.e.t....... 8.00 Council adjourned to meet again on Saturday, April 7th. " 9 o‘clock a. m., when nverseers at highways will receive their instructions. Mr. Jacob ll. Schaler. son ot Mr.. William Sehafet'. of Queen street south, Berlin. leaves tor Manitoba on Saturday. Mr. Schaler has bought lltiti “res ol splendid prairie land about thirty-fwe miles trom Wirtttis peg. lie has shipped seventeen horses in advance, which will be put to} work on the farm. The horses are till" tiry,1 class animals, niostlv of the: heavy dratt type, with a few generall purpose horses, and one driver. Mr. St-haler also taken with him three. ‘goml Ontario tarm hands to assist in operations as soon as the season 'npens. Eleven hundred aere larmers are not very plentilul in Waterloo township. hut with the experienee and energy olaman like Mr. Sehaler. there is little doubt but that it can he demonstrated that an old Waterloo Tp. troy can make a sums: ol tarm- ing on an exter,sixeocutie in the Ctttt- Minn Sorthwe-zt. mipEttiALTttotmt ar -o-. TuiehiG.Tuaiisihoie In. - -"" ifeoG.' inhuman. an. t%qdeteth--"." m a. tan. 'TJ,'t III-M an. A“. w"... m. - 4% "ilrii,riicF7triairr" I... - nun-u “M " an.“ WATEBW Tr. COUNCIL. LEA VI NO FOR MANITOBA GEO. A. Tum. Tp. Clerk. zf-l, ozias ."eisy- ' Moses Crussman i. Gotttried Run- ......38.00 ...... 1.44 .Lhn cte.pse 3.00 5.00 I A you-mar " mt. Berlin " " gum ‘ Ihal-i gut-nu hem mmlowni- nun-l are! Dupe", mt. keratin“: in "In. In in ve~lmcmn In is are ml. II". I In"; Inge mull pr noâ€. mo luau Ne public: tioo. urbane you on: than hom, we tit' n-m Irma Mr trill." Imam. whirl: or sell mm. Alum-mu “henna: build-nu! a 'tsscittergettt - not "moon. Halon yum Ill! null-purl! I "not tum-launched " In» suns this wring. l mun" ttt nn- with - bunch... my I "e 'ft. u?“""""." " ..,. n laun- . q'tl'atet. ,.tehr ,trp,sEraytet't1tiilra" m“ AttBi m" .13“: tWit It. Rod-I ltd-WV o. to) and: some. and 'Mr, - aG"riGiriiiTiaiurr9yttAM.eMt (1 Tum Mard'ha Tow-0ND d Wash 5 I o-r." “ "W tyer. 3...... “It: 'W-'-U .N.' - _-_- i __ Eiii'it? cert... m. u- and an a ttttl/tl L; If... I." d Me.", . :n M" ' rfiflitiriih'h, “maxâ€. " a alpha-turd I» “will “a 9d...» of mudâ€..: awn-mun.“ (I: at Avril. I“. Heir cm gnd = Ind“! sandal-Ila. 'rat land iiGTeaaiG,uhti.ty-tqf or want- and It. nun“ Museum-Italy. bald nth... And truths “to nun “ 1m "L".r7GGirrtnaiauraiisudpt-.rtAt I. "iiGitia7tatiiiGtaireAithqttt_let nil-nu: luau-Mn 0-le a.“ Indy mMoabuthodnrud'vnhlyIn-MM have no baud MI. not in us...- "u" tor thy-"5Q le 'MeAePse In! "TE {PM "7.7m“ T's-RT; --_-e -e _ ir syna- " than an. m “la mu Fiiui.' Dull “it M I“ â€all! buys " “an. in buildings. not: Bun. MFR. I um: Ian-Iain. "no buy-I10 m. thin Non, ' mm- (no H r la. mode: . Mm, - buy-I 91 new gull: “Mn; hm. Incl. nut 'ut.ertott. » um hunt a an [Inn In William-burg. a _ In . W but um um an Gd!- m fun a In ,ryeAtC""thu' new Etna- lung A " [undid ft In. all» tugs! as a " (um mu Bur-Ian. - In. rm mm bun I70 more tum an: out. 8trh0,trorymsrra, Mmmnrklm Mug“ cu Iivskd. m but: :12 um (um. mu- Bru‘nu. I “II- ber one tum. . emu bung}?! tap hm our Bespoke. A bar Barley ---...-------... Branpenon ........ Mlddlingn, par ton .... Potatoes, [vol-bag .... Burnt, per lb ........ Ew,perdcz...--.... Lard .-..-......----. Dried Apple -------. 1Eotr_---,s Rosamund ......’.. Bar, per ton ........ 'BmV, potton....-..- ‘Wood,poroord -....... lExpou (hula ----..... Butchen’ Cutie ..-.- ' ._. aiEuu tifriliif - _ sewn te In 8894371959331! Down: Into - lnrn tsmt cutbulldingu. ttntl, my~ lawn-o hm Lou: Berlin. good f'IlIl and aloe]. mum ' mo Imp " an tum near Eris-vino. slau- WWI!- an acnrlgrln In“ Berlin-pl. did toil w u Ina-Km, may '0an 1'0. m f rm If" Rodin. tfit', buy- M can farm nur 6-". '5 I) bun m more (an: an: Winterboum blah om indol- no 750 [mu m can farm hm Wnlel'oo, itthe. summit-dings. mm [up no new fun lent Car-ttii'," _ V V _ ma, - hlyu 4 It! s we" oral-u. -sidmtet M".O bu)l It†“the: nu» Gilt. 3.00 ' “if, u new farm net: Wulurkxo. a, lendk‘ Po tutu I up: JR as gm mu Waterloo, sni- F"-'" in?! a/iGE%Aii." ISM buy; ImgmlnnnncuG-lt. Wheat ...-....-...-. New Whott----...... Box 422;‘phone 552. Ollioe Frederick St., opp. market. Flour, 0m ........ 2.50 F:onr,30!l -----.---. 24o Flour, Agate _ .. 2 60 Flour, swan Lilian .... 2 30 can .......--_...... .35 A petition has been circulated herel tor the signatures ot the German ole-' ment ot the village, praying the Gov- ernment to locate one ot the propos- ed Normal Schools in Berlin. As the centre of an important manufactur- ing distraict which has been ot late and is now gaining rapidly in popu- lation. and,†the county seat of one of the best counties in Ontario, Ber- lin has a claim for preference which it is to be hoped none ot the inhabi- tants of the county will ignore when approached to sign a petition.-El- mira Signet. . q "" Aid. Cr. L. lligglns. of Guelph, les- see at the Berlin Opera House, was in Berlin on Thursday alternoon and attended a meeting of the local capi-l, talists who are interested in the I'- eetion of a new opera house. Excel- lent progress it!†reported end it is confidently expected that in 1 few weeks building operations will com- mence on the new building. (‘hicf ORV-ill received n letter from Julius A. Wilchh. Allen Siaiinn, Luz Co., Pa., who states that he tiv. ed in Berlin In your: aao,ettqtririrtit rounding the whereabouts of hix bro. ther, PM“ Willk'h, who he has um soon sim-c he licrd in. Hrrlin. The (Met has made mnny "tsiries, hut up lo thetrsettt han not {and my rerwn in n. rlin try the RIM of Pull Rittich. T Post ("Hm lnspn'tor llnpklrk, ot London, who his Been sumrnnnuatod cl his own "mm", and who win he rennet-d " Dr. Cot. T. I'tuttpttrtl on April l, In: pron-Mod with a' haml- oome bronze dork " his an! in when of nut-rum and mum. Cot. Fish" mar the prank“. in the no: chgin a- pm at no SCHEME IS FROG RESSING. WHERE IS PAUL ttrrTICtt ? FAVOR BERLIN'S CLAIM. Real Estate Waterloo, Ont. March WATERLOO MARKETS NOTICE I AUGTIOI SALE I , F. E. SHANTZ, Berlin, Ont plea ...---..‘ .05 ..-.......5. 625 and ........ 800 ton ........ 800 rmn........ 600 -oord ...... 450 min ----..... 450 Cattle ----.. 325 NANCY [out In»; A, to; A5 17,00 20 00 .18 .14 .09 "lst 1700 425 6 25) 8 0" .14 .09 Tbi may“ will - toe uh by public when. (I In pic-Ila, ttaiiiu.-teuoetrt.t9-ta, in the Tor-III, ot WM. on the to“ lending to lurks-ville. 0- eo-eteistg " out: o'clock Fen., m‘ lolloving nimble property, vim: l HORSES. CATTLE, ETC. -- Bay Inâ€. rising " you: old; and more; bar more in tool to Lord Tinto; rite ing 11 you: old; . good driver three you: old ' 4 cows. supp-ed to he in calf; one cow tresh in December; yesrling lune"; vending steer; all ' months old; 5 "In In lamb, maven breeding sows. somo with pedigree and some eligible tor mutation; 3 you; Yorkshire boon; 6 pigs ' lIPLEHENTS, GRAIN, ETC. s-.-! Binder, mower. seed drill, spring, tooth wltinlor, horse rake, z-lurrow‘ gang plow, sculller, new During scul- 'er,. steel plow, buggy, cutter, iron barrow. pig rack, land roller, hay rare. lumber wagon». botrsleigts, tan ning mill, straw cutter, pea harvestv er; double harness, single harness, plow harness, two double trees, three neck yokes. two chains, cow chains, tense wire,,hay knife, large milk can, root pulper, milk box crowbar, scald- ing trough, working bench, new man- ure tore, pair of By nets, 2 long lad- ders, grain cradle. A quantity ot W tatoes, quantity ot roots. 100 bush- els ot seed oats, 150 bushels ot mixed grain. Cooking stove, box stove, par- tor stove and pipes, cupboard, bench. scoop. tile spade, large table, spia- ning wheel and many other articles too numerous lo mention. Everything will be sold without m- serve, as the [arm is sold. The're-will also be sold at lhe samr place and date, the lollowing One pure bred Shorthorn bull, Fair- mont Jupiter Md, No. 61025, calved June"Snd, 1905; sire, Jupiter, 51576, dun Rosetta, 58671; Waterloo Hero, 37916, by Red Prince, 20656, etc:, trace to Beauty (imp.) 30, by Snow- ball 2647. _ One pure bred Shorthurn Miler, Kairmottt Moreton Nora; 71554, sire 58669, by Waterloo Hero, 37917, etc, Jupiter, 51576, dam Roan Mabel, trace to Beauty (imp.), 30. One _WAre bred _tr'horthoht heifer, Fairmont Agricola. 71555; sire Jupi- ter, 51576, dam Bright Daisy, 42047, by Bright Boy, 14767, ete., trace to Beauty (imp.), 30. _ _Â¥ié'r;rnie£é' Advocate, of March 8th, contains the lollowing:_ excel lent . "Beauty, 30, was a roan cow, calv- ed in 1833, bred try Mr. James Crisp, Dcddington, Northtuntterhutd, and im- ported in 1835 by the late Hon.) Adam Ferguson, of Waterdown, Ont. She was a regular breeder of an ex- cellent class ot stock, her_list. of pro- duce in the first volume of the Dom- inion Shorthorn V herdbook showing seven calves born in the years 1835 to 1844, and she was the progenitress ot probably as large a number ot use- ful animals as any cow eVer imported into Canada. The cows of this famil. have. as a rule, been superior milkers, regular breeders. and good leeders, and many high-class prize winners have been produced by the tribe. So many of this family have been sold to the U.S.A. in the past, and recorded in the American Shorthorn herdbook, there is no doubt, that all registered in the Canadian writ record in may book, provided no sires that are in-i eligible have been used in the breed-i "i'iieedcrs will note at a glance when they examine the pedigrees ot the above Animals that their breeding is ing. Grain, potatoes, roots, chickens. and all sums ot $10 and under, tash; over that amount 9 months' I'm-lit will be ‘given on approved joint rows or 4 per cent. per annum on tor tash. 111M TMte will be sold try public auction in the village ot St. Clements on Tuesday, the am any ot April, 1906, " 2 o'clock Fm.. Parcel No. 1 being " village lots on the soth side of Bull street in the village at St. Clements, each con- tainirgg l acre, te the same more or less. Peru-I No. 2 "being composed ot part of lot No. 5 in the 8th confes- sion, cash-in section, Tp. or Welles- ley. Co. ot Waterloo, and conhlmng u net-es, be the some more or less. Terma'will be made known on " ol ale. I mate, a your: old, good driver, owned by Louis Foam". _ Apr: trc-ian,, am: and Imple- 'i2tttty - Mar, I all.“ " THURSDAY, APRIL 6YH, 1006 St. Clements, March 12, loo. ‘Ni ' Jon. liens. Auctioneer. . lurch “Palm and Implement: at John 01mm; ' cl I mile north at 'teeNee-r. JOHN S. MEYER. GEORGE B. MEYER, Executor: of the lute John anon, deceased. SHORTHORN CATTLE lllZBERT DISS, Proprietor. GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer. Beauty, bi Snowball. J. P. Petch, Auctioneer TERMS OF SALE AUCTION SALES. PUBLIC SALE, REAL ESTATE. .'0 P- ALSO, or Farm Stock and Implements. commencing at one okloc) the lollowing valuable progeny, vis: There wilt be 30M by public tcaetion on the [lamina ot the tLrttertituigLa an rg, on "orttr:s.-..sorret horse 19 years on, sorrel mare " years old, lay mute rising 5 years old, by horse ring 5 yen: old, yearling colt. Catue.-.s cows (one fresh, the oth- ers suppcncd to to in all), 2 hem-rs rising g years on. one stecr ridng8 yours old, 281mm using I rear old. I heifers rising 1 year on, a?! 3 months old. Hogs.-' shoals 5months old, sow With " pigs 5 weeks old. _ Poultry-About " chickens. 1m; lcmtnts, Ek-Traction li h.p. mgine (Waterloo make), water tank, pump and hose, Champion separator, (Waterloo nurse), " in. cylilder ML! 18 in. body, sell teeder attached; chewing mi I, Maple Leaf binder, 1Lasey-Harris 6 it. cut tinder, mow- er, Massey-Harris hay rake, 2 wag- ons, 3-seated carriage, top buggy, can. cutter, sleigh, barrow, 2 ?Nows cultivator with seed box, S-tarrow, (uw, large root pulper, [arming mill, stonsboat, 2 Beta doullc harness, 2 sets buggy harness, scale, 2000 lbs, capacity ; hay rake and other articles too numerous to mention. Tertrtc-Hens and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 10 montEs’ t.redit on approred security, or 5 per cent. olt per annum for tus'a payments ot credit amounts. _ 'sas! iiitiiiiii 10-3 t. ogilvie's Royal House- hold Flour $2.80 pe Curt. Oat Feed $13.00 per ton. in the rixh district of Cobalt' First issue over subscribed by Jun†a. million, 950,000 3) area now of- fend at 25e which are mostly sold. This is a gilt. edge propesitiov. ISIDOR B. SNYDER, otG, American Block, Bwtlin. Bio-Jar and Timothy SILVER LEAF ifiii;'srhii"'iGliGa oohnectpd. Adda}! A. EDWARD MEYER. ' Guelph,0nt. U. General Store Busines- and Property and live stock sculpt. at, anlgu._0n'. iirhiiGiFiAituiAt mag 'tod. Jeri, Gm! Seed can and Mun-ta. "rtrms no man- a ml).- an of Berlin. or m In AIABLS w. RIXZIB. Fe, Bull». P. o., on RMWWWW‘ " "iiihiruw-ai Kl: 'an . wt ttte at was "mm f,tit, my?“ "an? 1m": 0 ' ' r wm I) In u. l rdShh",u'llld"'llll L' ' Manta“ 1Witir'it'1'ida',l'Tr To P,0 PLAIN AND .. "mm-m 321-099. ti§°2t.:!2 GEDAB [MAI STOCK HIM 119mm: norm-m " "A'M'IVIIIO Tttat “wan-red In M Fenian Tl for a... 0 Pan in: on." tlen r- it. In. nub guy ht no" IN!!! I’dyhlhfh‘lm! tk'tr'cA'1a12'tltlfr 'lea'tlat .13: (iii-Wain! I 'a"Nt"aWl Pun not. hm. 1M: Much». to. I mu alum“. Am to " C. n RICKln‘r. Auction Sale THURSDAY, MARCH 29, was. B. GINGRICH, Inform ttion cheerfully given PM In! " EXECUTOEB Farmera buy your Clover Seed now for its hound to 'advance in prior, and be sure that you get Government. standard brands--- LION, TIGER and WOLF. WATERLOO GREGORY DORSCH, .1014. MICKUS, FOR SALE for “I. Come and see our new Toilet Sets Prices from $1 20 to $1300. Hm.“ % P. o. on. Acetioater, Proprietor At There are many l.ltlo points of difference that distinguish this, rear'ss Style from the one in vogue last autumn. . _ lt is by comparing the 20th CEI'IIIRY BRAVO of men's fine tailored garments with the ordinary kind of reads "a, mar c'othing, that you see just how much these "litt'e points of diderence" mean. _. If you nim to tie well-dressed. they mean much to pro. If sod rtalize their importance. you will be quick toiprreisitttar the new tsing1tttrreasted units Vin-Le offering at from $10.00 to $20.00. 8Tu88iR8, Purebred Tamworth Swine for Sale Gal a t','J'll', Tammi-m anti-.0! Food I". an : eye 99 brteHmr. duo te “my "? Much a a Ami. Alla IMF. yin of ttoth - Tamworth "he an “was Ibo but shun or In on VIII Ind no [clung 'ob- \ety main! may the - 5nd â€or“ A. U. HALLIIA“. â€In. on. lmomd ram and Wm! um! m Nauru A!†rr â€an:0: and til â€rumbl- SEN. iri cili'oi I Great daughter in Cutters. magi». ---------.---------_ -\Vnm~m an Hat-hm. In on!" to "glue: IT,,,",,',','.?,: I 2te to tu,','. Ml1Hlln "Ill "In“. “Winn: ','JriUJ'ldl 'l',,'.',,,,,".' dawn: Walnut-mumps“. â€my' ' . . New. In: my.» lawn“! Strut. 'tagt Of eeott St this 10" WHEN A MAN [EAVES OFF HIS A OVEBGOAT a N., Come Come Come Bring Your Friend? and Neighbors Along too. IIIIII 1rttuNtr". China Hall, Berlin A. Weseloh 8:00;, Ila feels the need of a new Sack Suit. For Sale 3. W. lollNLE". BABE! The Store of Quality. Thin ig we lass week If our Great Retiring from the CLOTHING BUSINESS SALE and pvlcee hue taken another drop. The entire ezock must be sold on: by Saturday, March 3rd u the Soverehm Bank wi'l have cementum, muon- end plumbers in on Monday, March 5th, to remodel our clothing I‘oro fer their por- mam. Bank pteminee. Tim is your In: chance to buy clothing, Ute, cant, tarnishing: and shoes " can end In. then our for further use. It will pey you to come Inna. n ttthem are milieu ever, any, to "lie the cream: none, lev- ing e ever held in Berlin. LAST CHANCE [Jr-mud. Ont. sunntod I mile mm. at lull-helm. com lacuna acre- of 'hlrh I tom " and ad Inn-Ion and" not] III“ of “luv-Mal lvnlun and f'nmo'hmw‘nnd but -. “i nth ruutbulllllnu and In" It hon-u It! hm. Nose nlm‘ and church. Nt,', on have while" at buying taming! ad ad- jmmm “out. hm. Fr will: a: muscular- an!) to or writ. NATHANIEL IIRGIJY. " 8m." I‘D-â€II P. 0.. on Farm far Sal "MadthI'I-n " av with IN". Ah Fun. I! I all u s Mgr-'9": Ee'.ei. [nice to Induce , on to buy. R, hem- ter "Ill will only last for nix" an". AO my gun!- up warranted to be the hut. nut mom’ can My. Amt for (Jury-he Sunk Food. YOIISIIIBES FOR SALE. War Ihtttittred. A. B. “MIMI, WATEBLOO. E'ii. iii; BERLINJ