A wet Known and Highly " tuned Mennonite Minister ’uues Away " Berlin. IEh'N OF ELDER ELEVATION 0F THEATRE _li."P"l-. TEEN PREACHED, NOT, PRACTICE!) A veil known and highly esteemed liable: ot the Gospel, ot the Menu- o-itc taith, in thin uzctiol ol the pro- vince, passed away on Sunday monk in; at tho residents on Binttematt St. l In the person 01 Rev. Henna Bowman, who tug [outta-n years ot bis mini»: try ot over thirty years was a Pre- siding Elder ot me Mennonite Brew ten in Christ C'ottterettce. '1 he deceass ed bas heel! in poor hoanh tur seven or eight tears,trarerintt ttom paral- ysis, but he did not retire hum an ministry until time years ago. Dul- lng ‘he last tew months he has hem gottiined lo his bed and awaited (In call ot, his Master with Christian-HM The late Henna Bowman was hot; in Waterloo nearly " years ago aim was the second son at Sam-2d ll Bowman. one ot Berlin's pioneer set tics, who erected the building Whit has just been torn down. next tn Smith Bros. store, in I833. More sided on his tathrr's iarm and wa git-in apublic school Mutation. I: 1858 he marritd Susan Schneidhr am shortly afterwards he purchased th Schneider homestead at Blooming: dale, When. he nsidul until In?! when he rented his farm. In Itr75 th deceased decided to enter the minislr ot the Mumonite Church and was on dained in "i79. As a niinistu' he wa suecessiul as awinner or souls, '" he hm charge oi circuits in Methe', Twenty, Markham and Maryhorougl At the annual conference at t‘anaeliz in 1886 he was appointed Presidini Elder, which position he held ior 1 censor-mite years. During the tirs years ot his vlaeship he had (harp ot the entire Canada Conference unti 1891, wlnn the district, was di ido The deceased resided m llvrlin for 'ears before returning to the noun stead at Bloomingdale, where he n sided for. thirteen ytars.‘ami tw, years ago he took up his resiteucei Berlin. Besides his widow, the (lemma! i survived by tive, daughters and V (on. sons, namely, Mrs. Danil'l Raymcl Marnllam; Mrs. lsaacO'i'ce, Bell-sat:- York Um; Mrs. Wm. Sladelkaum Wet/ell, Mich.; busan and Anna, a home; Uliver, Perth, Wvst Australia Emurson, Vermm,B,Cs, and Lloyd an Franklin, in Detroit. Two soas,Cs rus and Allan, pu-dm-cuasvd thcir in Iher, Five browns and -tttree siizh'l also survive, namely : "Allan, Mai. John, J. Dundas; Noah. Wifuipvs Simon, Uaiiiornia; Fianuwl, hit. l'atr Mrs, Jonatka Bowman, Scull 'sires. Mrs. Hy. A. Brubachvr. at this low and Mrs. Aaron Mayor, Mildmay. Th late Mrs. Cyrus Brick-r. mothrr q Mr. S. B. Bricker, of Waterloo, wa also a sister of deceased. T 'lh- funnel hmk plans fro! the rtsidence on Birrgeman sun-l 0 Wednesday at Ioiclo.ck Inn. to u. New Mennonite Church, Berlin, than to the Bloomingdale cvenetery. PREVENTION OF SHUT AND, APPLE (Prol. w. Lochhvad.) _ ' Spring is approaching and [armor will soon be planting the sved to "he season's twp. With some crop. clean seed means good crops, ant dirty seed poor crops. It is import ant, thcreiore, to take a low simpl precautions, especially when it i known that these" precautions wit save much money. Now, smut is very prevalent i, many oat and wheat fields, amd u. loss to the province by this disautr, alone amounts [Tony year to In") $" three million dulliu's. Snuniv m' and wheat are mused 3;" pinnlim seed oats and wheat that hate sun: spores attached to them. The: spores are so small that it is mum, sible to we them on the .‘J-"i N". the naked eye. , Perhaps the simplest and most et lective method that has been deviset for killing these attached spares i to sprinkle the seed grain with a. di lute solution ot formalin, made by 1299mm hall}! pint. thqunalin into ten or twelve gallons at water. Tin formalin can he procured at almést any drug store tor 25 cents. The seed grain should be spread out on a elect: Boor or wagnn hos, and the tnrmalin solution wrinkled over " hy means ot asprinkling can. The seed should he thoroughly shovelh-rl ever an mixed while it is living sprinkled it that every gratin receives some (it the solution. Ten gallons of sotutio.n will slithee for 20 m" " bushels at grain, Apple Seal) is one of the most tat, ious diseases at the apple. It can he prevented hv swaying the trees with Bordeaux Mixture. Four applications should be given: the first just as the 'raves are “Molding. the second just. before Itlossoming, the third after blossoming, and the luurth two er three weelis later. ll the seasnn is a Wet ortP. it is advisable to give ‘an. other appliratinu Ill July or Anuust. The mTirtitTai in: IV.rrlr'aux Mixture is as lollnws: -. Copper sulphate thine storm) 1 'tu, Fresh stune little. I “IS. Water. vltt gallium Make a stock tiolutiou tit lilurxtmu- tw dissolving L'.,", [munch in w.n.-i water in a hunt and mid water 'o make up In " u,'ll-II1~‘ their milk-z: at this snhnirm tn this barrel :un- tains we pound at lvlue Mum, Into a rennin! harrvl put 25 punnnki nl [rash Hour lime, and add with', 'stirritttt small qummlios ot water In! fluke it. When hilly slakml make up to " “"on In aiming wan-r 'livery gallon ot tni0rot lime in lhis 9:“)an barrel rnnlains mu- [Inllllll of lime. To 'trrrarr Hu- “antenna, vmpw font 'tttlions of blursh-nc solution in- to the spray link or barrel. which tin-Mr shank! have " "t an gallmu ot wulct in it; Mir the milk ofiitttn {humanly and rmpIy tour gallons (I " through Ittv strainer into the spray barrel with mustard suiting; then add unit-r to make up to 40 gallons. Tun Codlittg norm any he eotttrol- ted at the um um it ' oz. at Paris SCAI’. Mail and Empire: The what lo: heartily condemn; the mu. ad all eoeuseeted Uni "---ra, stars and actors-han been â€than more fully developed in Toronto than in any other large city on the con- tinent. and possibly it is not surpris- in; that “on; with this tendency there should Also be than the lust desire to patronize and amour-5e the production otaplay that appeals to the nobler teeiings ot mankind Md tends to uplilt what the hypercritical condemn as wholly burial. This con- dition has been not inaptly illustrut~, ed in the present week by ascrrnon delivered in one at the city pulpits on Sunday last, and try the play "The 2'theattessLIiiac'Cras.isLt.lcysu1Lttsa-t the Princess Theatre all this week. l the sermon, given by the Rev. J. B. i.$ilcox, sketched the development ol l the theatre, reviewed the trend at its intluettce, and summed up its status, with the conclusion that all contain:- ed trom managers to spectators were heading toward the hottoruless pit. Mr. Wright Lorimer, one at the au- thors ot and the actor taking the chief part in the play,"was sewn in his dressing room List night, and‘ .heei'tully accorded an interview on! his views ot the modern stage and the) criticism that had been passed on ity tie frankly confessed his inability to ueount- for the lack of interest shown by the people of Toronto in the production. “I don't want you .0 think that I complain ot the lack ii an intelligent audience," he said. u don't think that I ever in the Jiree years I have been out played to t finer audience than I had last night. t never witnessed such enthusiasm. Mid I feet deeply the evident appre- :iation ot the performance, but tin louse was only half lull. I am .hanktul that, it received more popu- air approval in the United States. .or it cast me “00,000, and I have nude $300,000 out ot it, but it 1 had " depend on what we got in Toronto we couldn‘t get out of town." Speaking of Rev. Mr. Sileox‘s ad- dress on ‘the theatre, Mr. Lorimer stated that, although his surround- .ngs hall always been of a religious name, and he'had actually been' incl, tended tor a ministerial career, ht and no connection with any religious' Jody, llis ambition had led in an- 'thet' direction. and he had spent el. gren years in college and in pt'epal‘a~i tot-y work necessary ‘to producing‘ his play. He was thankiul.that he) nad succeeded, tor his aim had been to give something to the people that would typify' the. highei ideals of life, and the liner sentiments or men. . Stage Folk Not Depraved. _ “The fact that there are not more noble, clean, wholesome plays is not the fault at the actors nor of the management; the fault, lies with the public taste. The question of reform Green are added to every barrel ot the Bordeaux Mixture used in the ap- plication made after blossoming. Petcrboro's unique bonus scheme [or new manufacturing industries retyived_iiy quietus by the Private Bills Committee, when the city was refused permission to purchase the old sugar, refining property and par- cel it out. on nominal terms to new industries without submitting the proposition to the ratepayers, "A tuemcr chairman of this committee, Hon. Mr. Gibson, once said it was often neeessary to protect munici- palities against themselves. and l be- lieve that this is the position we should takt here, and negative the "trill," was the statement Chairman Carscallen made. Tra' Ilmlh took place in Now .Ilam~ hung on Wod.wrala.v atu-ruonu of Mrs. Ttwesia llurkcl. rrlict ot the late John 1lvisv1ntan. aged " years, ll nmnlhs and 6 days. The durum-d was a strp-rttotltcr of Mrs. H. F.try, in ('vrlar street, of this town, Flhe is mum-ll In" tour daughters. namely: “Is. Jas. 8 Ronniv. and Mrs. Thos. mum-u, New Hatnlsurt,3trs. John Nrag, ('lwstvy; and Mrs. Hy. Wett- Iauh-r. Walkertoet, The [um-ml will take place on Saturday morning in New Hamburg. The Jarkwn Wagon Company mm)- lwrs met tlit' Gait Board .ot Trade and ('uuluil yoslcrrlay hml dlscwssrd the Mattcial outlook. The mummy Wattts mummy of local MIDI"! sub- scribed, in summon to the loan of “2.00" tor 1hr silo and Miltllngs. Only new» of the Mark has m “ken up. The question ot how ttt get the nun-sun â€0.0.. credit In eapiUt stock "t.eritrd I†- HI to the company to rule. With the bum. RECEIVED ITS QUIHTUS lt1F.0 IN TULL HELP MR. BECK. SALTS Ti EW IN Itt “TRY Lil NEW ltAMiu'RG dee. not begin with the that", lot with the public. longer: no not - pnvu my - tun other poopin- Tttem on just us good octqn on. mowers us than are minister.- good, wholesome men with which“: and high ideals; men who ore who; to clout: their [allow men and mm the world better tor their work: But managers cannot word to put on high mom! plays without public "lt port. A young mu ot high New wants to put outnoble play, and 850,000 or 875,000 are spent in it: production. The puhlic tails to my port it, and the manager is compel- led to put on something that wih bring returns. A certain number at people like to see: rig no Eloy. and ttTi go to see it and support it. EF. tors are what the people make them. The necessity tor education is wit, the people. The Henge “manger it engaged in a. commercial enterprise. and he will lollow the public taste.' 7 "Your success is rather trareertiorw with a production of this kind?" ask. ed the reporter. _ "l have succeeded. and, without be ing egotistical, I think I can be proud oi it. I staged it and costumed it no rehearsed it without knowing when it ond be produced. Critics said " would fail. I hove seen stars try in the same way to produce something in the way olanoble drama, Inn they tailed. Sir Henry Irving died poor because he was laithinl to his nigh ideals. 1 think it is to the shunt of the American pebbic that he wa: not better supported. Even in New York he tried to put on new plays 0. a high class and he was ioreed to go back to repertoire." ““Do rouUre any outlook for im. provement or any way tor raising tht standard?" was asked. “I hope the time will come when there will be an endowed theatre, a municipal theatre, so that there can he produced romantic, Biblical, whole some dramas, something that will el. 1rv'ate the standard ot public taste. Just as much attention should ht paid to the cultivation ol art as then is now to teaching people to he gout. in. churches. People require some- thing to satisfy tneir artistic nature, and there is no agency greater that. the stage by whien refinement can ht achieved. It seems now that the great majority of people want amusement rattler than instructive entertainment of a high order. It used to he that they Would use their brains a little at a play; now they wish it served up lo them, and a little pepsin with it to cause digestion, so may the) will have nothing to do. But all tht (people of the stage must not. ht classed as actors. The people who dc turns and tricks are not to he elass ed with the men and women who de vote their lives to the elevation o the stage." The attendance at the meeting on Thursday evening tor the organization of a society to conduct the Berlin Spring Horse Show was large. The success which attended last year’s show completely dispelled the doubts which existed regarding the possibil- ity oi carrying on a show in Berlin to a favorable issue. The iunds neces-; sary tor the oiiering ot respectable‘ prizes at last year's event were rais- ed mostly by private subscription. There is no doubt about the propri- ety oi soliciting contributions trom‘ individuals who profit largely hyl gatherings of this kind, but there is a general benefit derived that should‘ also be recognized, hence it is right that the general public should havot an opportunity of contributing to‘ ward this object on an equitable basis. The Town Council should bet ,interriewed by representatives of Gi) show, and asked far a grant of at least fifty dollars. The Council ot 1 Waterloo Township should also grant, tiiity dollars to this commendable ob-' ject. It was an established custom ' the towmahip of Waterloo-to give an annual grant to the. North and South Waterloo tall fairs, and seeing that the show to be held in Berlin this year is virtually in the centre at Waterloo township, and that the pri- mary object ot the show is to raise the standardoi horseileesh in the lo- 'cality, there should be no hesitation on the part oi the Council to make a liberal grant. The North Waterloo .\,;ricultural Society has considerable iunds on hand and should also con- trihute toward the coming show. " liberal grants can be obtained trom the court-es mentioned and private contributions secured equal to those of last year. a prize list can be ot- tered even more liberal and attractive than lierrtoiore. There is unquestion- ably a large amount oi honor eon- nerte-l with the winning ot prizes at so important a show as that to be held in Berlin on the ltith of April next. nevertheless, the importance attached to a show oi this kind is to a great extent gauged by the value oi the miles uttered. Thus the desirabil- ity oi uttering liberal prizes becomes apparent. The citizens of the Twire ('in should join heartily in an en- deavor to make this show one oi the hrs! of its kind held in Western On- tario. Principal G. M. Jums, far thr past tttree mars principal of the l'rralmi Puhtir. Srhunl, Us mm in his maiz- nalkm to thr local Helm“! Board, to lake card at Hash-r. A hurry-up mrrting M the Board was called tor Wrdnosdny morning and il was rio- rldod In amp! it. Mr. .hm has been very smwsslul will; the Preston School and Inn desrrrmtly popular here. Ho gm to take tte urns-thi- 'shits of the Knot. Model WI and Ms many Mania here tut him "My m M Ms - posiuos.-0ait Re- MM. 'gr:mfils no-ttse SHOW.' GUI-IS To KENDRA m Sending ithst Fauna: with Religious Texts ad Camp ing Conqideratrie Alarm. l CHATHAM- (lulu, luck lip-11w are-y- uan you an Ila-Id W“ " tsor's m m. and madman: reported having been {noted with I" can bearing teats (roll the Bibi: ms morning. __ The tsaetttiUitinr, on all the can} smug to he in the sum scrawl u that on the was received by Fred H. Eliseo some anys ago. Rom-tn Corte, a! the lite department. an that he rccehedmne ot these earW some time Mo, but paid little or sol attention to it. Wm. Draper and Geo. Westmore are others who have' received cud. oi warning. I ot thus can]: is the work ot some individual when mind has keen attee- ted through . misinterpretatioss ot the Good Book. The practice is spo- ken of us saeriiigerous by many :who think that texts from the Binle 'tcould not be used [or joculu or via- diritive purpcszs. w , , One hdy, whose husband received one of these cards the other day has: been worrying atout the [act cu": singe, and she has been afraid to let her man out ot he: sight, tor [eat some injury might be done him. So ullneerd has she mom's that she tears to be left alone in the evenings. Onemight her tears almost drove her into hysteria. . The person or persons wlnare ill-'rumj dulging in this Icons-h pastime, it ltr- tire eated should receive immediate anew imp" tion trom their relatives or triutds. all.“ No person sound in mind would tw 'ld,',.',', cxpoctol to use the Holy Dood tcr "tot Bitch sacrilegious purposes. 'Ihc is. 'tst, in dividual himself might he directcd to 81m g,ire his present visibly distorted (now [tame cl mini some attention bolero the ' it is 100 lane to do so. and not allow 'n' n the mania to run away with whatev “:1" er good sense he may still retain. 'mw I.-A.... When a government exercises the power and privilege ol appointing, taithlul members at parliament and journalists to the "fattest" ,civil ser- vice positions in a country, that gov- ernment exists to a certain extent by bribery. No government that ever ex- isted in the Dominion at Canada has tailed to use this aouhttul lever to make partisans at party men. - The members and the journalists know that it they serve the party faithfully and well .foraseries oi years. they will be rewarded some day with a comfortable berth in a civil service position. In many cases, the promise ot the position is made and the member or journalist re- quired to put in two, three or five years of unblushing service before he is actually installed. A glaring ex ample of this recently occurred in the case. of a lawyer member appoint- ed toaleading judicial position in Ontario by the Ottawa Government. Neither party in Canada can throw' stones at the other. Sir John Mac- donald was as willing to follow the custom as Sit Wilfrid Lauricr has been. That they have followed this practice is due in a considerable mea- sure to the apathy ot public opinion. The people have no right to blame lthepohticians. because the latter are Must what the people make them. vice. This is creditable to a party journal and it is to be hoped that all the other daily papers ot Canada will support the movement. Some ol them have already advocated such a reform. Untrained and-unnecessary individuals have been placed in that railway service because of party ex- igencies to such an extent that the political lite of the Maritime Provin- ces has been sadly warped. The mit- lions ot dollars lost by such manage- ment is nothing compared with the dehasement ot the people. The Toronto Globe has come out for a non-party handling of the ap- poirttrnents to the Intercolonial Rail- way Service as a first step in the in- troduction ot anon-party civil ser- The time is opportune tut civil scr- vice reform in the Dominion and the Provincial Governments. Party gor- ernment will be strengthened, not in- jured, by a removal ot patronage from the hands ot cabinet ministers and members. Patronage should be done away, must be Abolishrd. All appointments to the tivit service should he made by an "ndepeitdettt commission after qualifying and com- petitive examination as in Great Bri- taim-John A. Coopcr in March Can- adian Magazine. Toronto, Mart-h ll-The injunction granted J. C. Clarke against L. V. Alguire and Mary Jane Mgutre was dismissed " Mr. Justice Britton yes- tertlty with the torment at all pur- ttes. 1'larke agreed to hay from the Alguirea'the King Fdwarrt Hotel at Guelph. 3nd paid $500 in cash out two eheqtleu tor 83.000 otd,t1,o00 res- pectively. which werehot to her-uh- ed untll the "reuse has been translu- red. Clarke dim-meted later that there was adrtrt on the hotel which had to be paid of! to make the trans- ter practicable. and Also that the cheques deposited " him had beer, drum and money lodged in another tank. It. was to restrain the M- gulm from “in; the 30.00» that, he obtained the "amnion. now llamlas~ ed, out“ to a agreement in“; tea aegtmed " GUARANTEED CURE FOR PHJ'li- "thing, liliml, 1'lcrdintt or Pro- truding Pts. Druggists refund mon- cr it Pa 0 Cinttttent mils to ,"ure, any case. no limiter of how long siamling, In 6 to " days. First applicant):- give: my: and rest. Me. " Four druggist haan't it an“) We in stamps and it will he lorwardcd post-paid by Pam Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. CIVIL SERVICE CASE WAS DNW6SED, ITE'S MANIA. REFORM. Bees Your Street Need a hmtunl Pavement? Ths W anon Bitumlroul Puviv g oo. MU Bu Bt., Tomuw. Gent lumen. In tune: to your inquiry $bt t tl chem":- boo u humane tam: ua a. is uupvhbl' ‘o Seorla Lt., kw bl ecnmymn grudw. I hive great, plm um in nul- ing that for horsemen 3nd erpecimly foe the pun-puss of the Fir-a Brande. Bilulithir is supalior in . wry wnv to ties 1h Hacks. " balng praclicntly I Marius and nun-:ligypurv and on. horses have Pt nfidencr in the mgr-hm JiirGi -riavhttert/, oraitttt far hetter Ema in. a-iasaGer" to I; alum. sud then- is n . uni-gut c t men. mm In; Angst: dining mun-.159: .. The p iGi'Glr n1 Metralfe Sun", muting hum A b " to \Vrllinumu SIM-ma. is ' he l f In“ greatest, pulllit impun-nm-nu 1 Knox of in tho city " Unav- minim o n mil rides l hear not hing but pm re f r your bitolith " Pave. meut, M" e i tir where you hm " trt adm _"'orrreomio. You human" to loo) at. both "PP' has to Weltirtvtor Six-6:9, when. there IP' My} ' ttrtutrt (now pun-d wuh "itntiusiej. in my the any manner in winch huge ioad, no drawn by the hon-ts without an) . irmerirtess Mid I hum that a. g out deal more of the Bitulithie Pane I en "NV be laid in our oily in no re." future. Pf.-Foancrly on M t.eaT Ht,pe 't wh, n paved with b'eoria B m ks. w. _ _ c. "ld not neo- said "rest fur In- ur- puml tsith on" serial truck, has)" are the s'rnngcm an} bent. We have " ermplete stot "r,','.'.,.',','.",?,":,",:,?,",';)':)'."';,',',','.",',,,','.' all: and y will pay you to t,..ret our priee, before buying yol' just: as may as prnrvrdlng on tN ferrxng10nr DYING cm 9 00 Galvanized Iron and Barb! vr inary lvcl and we Iran] c, m Wire will also Interest A'9pt, - 7 - -- cawinually. -- 7 -""" W --' .7 4 (83.1.) P. PRnV'ot-IT, Chief'of Fire D 110 P ET E R H Y m , l _ MEN) The Warren Examine-Es Paving (20., Hem Mr, IM Bay Sti'at,hmiiit on hand. Wednesd- rm. and l»- Imhyl. (tiyfii'i,i',mb?,,i?'l.'i'il,t',e WI , - .00 III . 0 h'l'g'l."'t 33.00 (Visa, . 'tit “Seward Onldo' And "Wotan- - bookleu ot pawn! use and mm - “on with tutu And Nil W2gttlt1ultt 'A"'g,tt"'lt'%'t'Ag"t"tt 'itttfPhi p, .: ts'.'ii."hl'Jh't ' . OPIOIAI. TRAINS rout "tTMtt. With)!" M as! ..ypey an M a. new†tmetttr without I!" “out MK III us pm. Willam- Toronto “It. Anyone tending n â€with and S,",'.':',',",,", may t,"titlt menus“ mu twinkm nu . all" on Invent on In wot-ably m" "In (nu-mummy "omttstrwtlrhmtMertttru, on Pam:- - free. {IE-pa 'tertro.r.eertyeJete'y. "iliGG'i HRH EEG-1223' “MEET WHERE?" voila! 2mm, y.."2tty" churn. In the. A in,,oomerr" "Inn-"med wad". Dunn-t ctr. ettlaUott at am "tau-{Inc journal. Term. " n 1111111915" Eloy-bl. " Bold M Harv-1‘3?†tll!!!,!,],,:!,?.!,,",",,",',:.'.","::,',',:,!,,?,!)),!,,!!, $diiiitifk aittttltatt. bu m In 'gNg',tlghr, by In prompt are of I. non con-o- ailmt. It aids ammunition. m “an the lung. and open. the mic“. deed-g I opted, Ind pen-nun tan. tt which any My “I --b. tt than“ be home in mind that (very cold weakens the hangs, tow. an the vitality and [7|er the m tor the more Del-ions dis. cus. among which are the It"' iiet,ei2jiiiie, _ "Ho! hum lift, ','algldln'l mm. MARCH AND APR": 'i"ii"iji"i"ii"ii'] Prtee 85c. Lana SI:- Stte. Chamherlain's Cough Remedy Bitulithie is “But hy Every Tes-f’ tWI tktLu,"Oni.." Nov. 2923.1. ian. Of Ontario, Limited. Truly yours, (NPL) P PrutvoST'. Chief of Fire Dept EVERY TUESDAY DURING TOURIST (BARB DLONIST CAI. AWACHCD , NO EXTRA CHANG: volunltolm‘ q li Alberta and .',(, Saskatchewan , i I dttttattattatttttttmrottooiroorv.togtattxtttttttttttttttmaaatt2tttttr" " KING STREET EAST S. SAUDER & CO. The London. cement Brick Machine. l2-3t. E.O. W. dNtttttttthtttt2ttttt22atttttt2mtatttt mr af2fird2gaWmmmmmrm© - Always Remember the Full Name Laxative Emma Quinine Mill-lei-l-rl. CaimacoidtnoiiteDay,GitiitnNa. f dtty.A,,,,-oeau astt. For New Suits Are coming in daifr Let your next one be C of ours. Hats, Caps and Ties, KING STREET, BERLIN. " PHON x49 NEW TAX SALE SCHEME “Red Father 't 'T'ea l SHIRTS. COLLARS. BRACES SOCKS AND UNDERWEAR, - we the strange-H“ an) bent. We have a. ermplete ate: k trod n will pay ymn to mm our priee" bufhr" buying: your fencing. ther prior. on 900 Galvanized Iron and Harland TO SUPPLY OUR TRADE 116 KING ST. EAST Our We We We We We Capacity 5000 per day. First class Brick, cost half price of burnt brick. For particulars and prices of Machine, address want, a great runny more treah eggs. want. some m we good butter. want. nine more uppTe butter. want a me nice dried apples. want some tanner,' lurl. Store is filled with Fresh up-to date Groceries. J. N,, COBER, Makes the most of itself. $4.00 per M. Men’s Youth‘s and Boys' Hallman’s WANTS Sweaters Agent for Waterloo. Box 205, Hespeler. (luv. and in many instances" Trid sums hurl wrro not. nut-lull ot thr ‘AXPI. This you Bone of tho property will he sold tor, loss than the ln chin: MM by the (My. um! Mt that is ml re- med or sold to other palm will ,Ie Md In by the Cl", held by the mt- mntlol,nl all up a] nun who when to m ' L BERLIN BERLIN