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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 22 Mar 1906, p. 5

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Jr WWW; . MW...“ Fallacy "r an an? t-d. - M tt,2"t'd"d." “a 'g,r2','t 1' mg Devitt's "aappintt" Ethoidodem hunk- the ""ii"i,iiiTriii- skin whim and math. It's 63in In. W [radon from rough skin all win- i?):,,?,'!,?,:',:':?-'-"'"":"':" llavitt’s Drug Store 81075 a? $1300 Fl?,':' $1600 'ii 81800 3:: 81850 'tg,', 8 2200 'll', $2300 $2300 I23: 88000 I” 88800 sl',',"', There was a splendid attendance at the regular practice of the Little Ty- coon held on Monday evening. . A large number of interested citi- zens heard the Hon. Adam Beck speak on Niagara Power, Monday ev- ening at Berlin. 84200 sum: warn. Plot: 217. Btu-1:. hNAscuLt In. Bnoxm The tuneral ot the late John Lenz was held trom the resiMnce ot his lather, Mr. Conrad Lenz, Tuesday at- tctnoon. Mr. Franklin Good and Messrs. Brdwn and Wilkinson, of Gun, icaril shipped two carlops of tine export cattle trom Waterloo on Wcdmrstiay. Farmers are taking advantage of the sleighing aiiordrd by the heavy snow tall ol Monday and are hauling in their logs. The many friends of Miss Mary Spillig will be sorry to hear that she has been confmed to her bed through illness for several weeks past. An interesting and valuable collec- tion ot coins and curios is displayed in the s"cow window ot Mr. A. G. Maehnel, druggist, the property of Mr. Wm. Momma“. A meeting of Lily Hive, K.9.T.N., No. 321, was held Monday evening at which about tweuty-tive members were in attendance. Alter the.meet- in; the members enjoyed an oyster supper. The condition ot Mrs. Geo. liasen- Hug; who has been tttttttted to the house through illness tor some time past, is, ' we are pleased to state, greatly improved, and she is able to be out again. The tamily of Mrs. Henry Neel). Elmira. moved to Waterloo on Mon- any. On Saturday the Lidics Aid of St. James Lutheran church, of which she was a. member, presented her with a fitttt parlor table and a table start. Among the insurance companies " lvctcd by the fire at Toronto Tuesday evening in which the promises of the William McCann Milling Co. were des- troyed, was the Waterloo Mutual, which carried $1,000 insurance on the tsuMrhittery. An . result ot aspocial collection in the Methodist church on Sunday. the sum ot $38 was remitted Monday morning tonne ot the missionaries in Japan to be used in alleviating the "oRasrine in the tamine stricken dis- sum-1mg trims. Rev. T. it, Who”. of Berlin, will occupy the pulpit. or the Waterloo Methodist church on Sunday morning next, in the absence of the pastor, Rev. A. bl. Laveli, who will preach tn educational sermon in Trinity Me- thodist church, Berlin. Rev. Mr. .l..|- vell will occupy his pulpit as ysttal In the evening. Mr. Levi Guy-bill has purchased one and two-nulls news ot land, compris- ing seven lots. trom Mr. (‘leason Mhantr, alluded Mlu‘wn the C.p.R. lcrmlnus and Shunt. “than “(I C. J. Mmllt-r‘s property and F,rtr street. Me has not yet dertdrd what. Manual- tion he will make at the " At n meeting of the (‘ouncil of the Waterloo Board ot Trade he!!! on Monday tttterttttott a committee was 'sprtrrittted to go lo Gait, when n meeting ot repromtlllven trom the dtSerettt town: will be held on Fri- “y alumna at "ro o'etoek for the ”not: ot lormulntlng plots tor up- g,'iti,S a Government Who re latte ling he usmmm ol MIR: - In. thn. , BAYM’S LIST REAL ESTATE. Local News. RAVI“) BMS.. " DAYS. in the [amine stricken -auiuG Street. Brick Dwelling on Wil low Sheet It head of George Street. Buick Dwelling. all Con veuienree. corner John and Allan Streets. WHEN]! HESPBLER GIRLS WERE DEFEATED - to do battle in the hush: eleven worthy came, the atln‘ proceeds at the game going to tin-i Beriai-thsterloo llaspitd. cmm‘ the counter sanction that. In . lug. umber present, and needle“ to my they Were not slow in with; we approval. when ‘03. at the Mine med: a brilliant [any or die- th‘ulshed themselves In any war. Mr. J. H. Sagan, who Ind. u very gustatory relaxes, tuned the from hit when at a. “as - hon Waterloo ml W'm not a the Waterloo [ink on The tirqt goal went to Helpeler utter hum minutes' play. lollowed by the Waterloo lorwuds, who by B series ot brilliant. plays scored three goals in succession, the tirst being secured by Miss Dawson. and the next. two by Miss Sterling. the Utter two be in; the result ot the thte combination put up " these two you»; Indies: Hespelcr secured another goal just Indore the hall closed, one ot the speedy larvae: on that team being responsible for it. leaving "lemon sa. In the will lull the Ilene Dow- turn and Stalin; each scored s goal tor Waterloo, while the Helpcler girls wen unable to locate the net. The Hespeler girls, especially thel towards phyed last hockey consider- ing the experience they have had and were in the game all the time, while the stun in the Wntcrloo team were the Misses Dawson and Sterling. The team- were: Hespeier-Hiaa Currie, goal; Miss Johnson, point; Miss Murphy, covet point; Misa Bigot. Miss McLuhan and Miss swam. lorwards. Watertoo--Misa Hog, goal; Miss Bruce, point; Miss Hortop, cover point; Miss Sterling, Miss Dawson and Miss Hespeler, forwards. rrteteree--J. H. Swarm. A very pleasant tune was spent at the rink utter the game, the Waterloo Indies enterteining the visitors to a lunch. The proceeds ot the gune will amount to in the neighborhood ot t50, which goes to the aid ot the Berlin-Wnterloo Hospital. The Herr paler you; when deserve especial thanks tor their services in aiding in iiiriai work ot wining a. deserv- ing institution. _ _------'"-"'" Idaho Young Ladies W WIMFMBNI “Scores”; DEATH OF A telegram has been received by the, lamily at Waterloo conveying the sad intelligence oi the death of Mr. John Lena, son oi ;Mr. Conrad Lenz, ot Waterloo, which occurred at Grand Rapids, on Friday, at the age ot " years, 1 month and 9 days. Nopat- ticulars as the the cause of his death are to hand. The deceased is survived by his wife, and.'lwo broth- ers. and three sisters, namely, Louis and Christ., of Waterloo, and V Mrs. 1Ioeitin. St. Jacobs; Mrs. Fred Mer- ner, Stratford, and Mary, at ho/ne. m. at "iced In “melon mu id "iced In “no loo mi'h the “main Monday al'erlumn V mar to I “lll'F an Tuoldar afternoon at two o'elock trom the home ot his father, Mr. Conrad Lem, to St. John's Lutheran church tor service. thence to Mount Hope ceme- tery tor interment. The hockey match played at the rink on Tuesday evening between St. Clements and the City Hotel team proved unite exciting and the hockey- ists from the country played a good game considering the advantages they 5-... lnr arm-ciao. The score was b-d in [aver of the Waterloo team. Messrs. P. Young and E. Mickus were the stars on the local team. t'ol1owintt was the line-up:- St. Clements. City Hotel. Stump! Gingrich Boeget Heller Stahlc Schummcr Weber Reteree-E. Schlosscr. A somewhat exciting mum oe. curred on Saturday attornoon about 3 o'clork on King Mreet. Some parties had lett their horse standing In front ot one of the More: and while “and the animal lmltcd. He dashed around the corner at the post omcc nnd when opposite Mrs. 1'r.ttadt'tr residence turned In there, running up onto the porch. one of the shuts ot the rig wan brokm. but otherwise no anions damage was gone. 'IHRINDY” FORM-ESTER MARI-ES GOOD. The hockey ambush": ot Watrllno will te this"! to learn that "Grin. dy" Forrester made good Ink the Portage Lakes, wintry of the Inter- adium Lemur cMmMmsMp, .thiq Imam. Dr. J. L. ("Mon write! that "Ronnie! played 1 I'm good ttatitd tor I! this yen, and tt be was eare ot Mme" I think he will be m:- to a” I M on on m- - mt l of Mr. Conrad Lena of Waterloo Passed Away at Grand Rapids. BT. CLEMENTS DEFEAT'ED EXCITING RUNAWAY. Right wing JOHN LENZ. Left wing Centre Point Rover Cover Goal W. Bauer G. Bauer Brennvr Mickus Young Stilt-1 More: IlCKUS Full] WERE DEFEATED LmtttseRetumGaaseato- Wed-ulna Bud-c by aScmoto-s [when cock-muons to the cry] a! rut - it“ on to a. ttl u the Boyd City Rink, Golgi. on Wain-lay "an; to decide tho h.- ily - MW at Ontario. " VII Ibo return an: bet-ea tbo men an ol Jon-sub was ot in- erloo and Chan. King of Gulpb. Tb. 'rst - in Nuance resulted in a tie. ' all. Tb. return pm w" won by tbs King aeetettq by . god: to 5. and the round commtly you to tbs Guelph team by " to u. There was some (an Individual Martng by Norma and Art. King. "tar Berlin goalkeeper, ad WEI Mich: tor the Waterloo run. The score It In" time was 6 to 1 ttil vor at the Kings. The line-up wuu tollows: l Kings (in-God, Eddie; point, Hy-i ry; cover, Lorne; towards, Bert, Ar- thur, Vincent. Norman. I Mickns (5)-Goal, Andrew; point.‘ Walter; cover. Albert; lonvuds, John' Harvey, Eddie, William. l Little “Punch" licking, the ten- rear-old darling who played point for. the losers, was allowed to mute on, end-tty-end rush and score. After the', contest the visitors were hospitablyl entertained at a banquet. by the Kintri boys at the Commercial Hotel. I It was a glorious victory. The "ttl en hus'ty sons ot Mr. G. H. King, ol this city. were too much tor the ott- spring at Mr. Joseph Mickus, the iol- ly Waterloo Auctioneer, the result or the return game being in their favor by tour goals. And fourtren fttte specimens ot young Canada. the contestants wrrc. From the largest or the' King group down to the diminutive tpu-tcert'": all Nrrre husky youths, and on the Mick- us line-up.whil2 the individualihys- Lire was of a more eondursed and Him]! vasiriv, all the members want health} looking and 'rerAai:te r-; r-.-- sentatites of. a German- Hun-3.1m 5.1m. ily. L‘ttle Puni- Mich-zl " yrurs old and weighing lit) rounds, w.“ the darling oi them all. He Mayo-l [is position at point well, a-rl when he made a rush down the ch and scored, on one on the opposing tram Inning the heart to check hint. more was a hearty cheer.--Cruelpls Mommy. LOST GAME Chronicle " Telegraph Printers Suffer Defeat at the Hands of the Foundry Team. It would perhaps he unbecoming to dwell at length upon the detest ot the printers of the chrmsieteTeitr- graph on Saturday evening in their hockey game with the laundry team, inasmuch as a glance at the score would perhaps convey the idea that .they were completely outrclassed, which was not altogether the case, although the score was 8-0. Per- shaps the tact thatlhe printers knew - .. ,,,.A.'A_ A: on. nihnr Hay» - n.-- u.-. - . nothing at the merits of the other team inspired them in the belief that they would be an easy proposition, and therefore thought it unnecessary to exert. themselves unduly. However this idea was quickly dispelled alter a tew minutes' play in which-the op- posing team showed themselves quite capable of giving the printers a hard game. It would perhaps he undigni- rid to go into details regarding the game, suffice it to say that the amt-l ity ot several members at the Foun- dry team to shoot swiftly and ne- curatelrwas responsible in at Urge measure tor the score, whereas the printers although having numerous shotseould not locate. the net. The score at hall time was b-O. We shalt lavor our readers with a. more extended account ot the next game. and they may be assured that the printers will not tag behind in regard to the score, if fierce endeavor and a determination to win can accomplish anything. Tne line-up ot the Chron- icte-T'e1cttraph team was as mt1ows:- Goat-C. Bean. Point-R. Bean. Cover point-E. Bell. l Forwards-B. Smith, L, Mncartney and N. Holtzman. The carnival and races neld on Thursday evening were largely anon-l ded. A goodly number appeared on the ice in costume, while the hawk rendered inspiriling music. which en- Iivened the occasion. Quite I numb" entered in the several ram-s, which proved very interesting. The prizes Were awarded " lollows P-. , ' - .-,_AI,II,.DA Best lady in Coittte--oerue “one " Queen. Best gentleman In costume-tMet" Rittershaus as Jockey. Dom child under 11 in costnmthbe- Petr Kumpl. too yd. race. open to those in co,> tume-ttettrt sehaetet. , 200 yd. race lor Waterloo County cttampiontshiis-trrt, o. Boomer, Ber- lin; 2nd, G. Roedding, Rertin. Obstacle race-lst, Oscar Riturs- hws; and, G. nodding. Berlin. --.------'- WILL DEDICATI CHURCH ON MAY 20TH. The now Evangelical church n Wat erloo, which has been in course ot erection, is now about completed 1nd will be one ot the illiin mthttcet' in this vicinity. Anongunenls have been completed for the tormal dedi- cation ol the church on in mm. Bishop liowmul. D. D., ot Allmiown, Pa., and Rev. L. ll. Sager. editor of the You"; Peotrte's Literatttrr, Clcvclunl. Ohio, will grace the “api- cious cumin with unit prance. Rev. In”! will deliver-ulte- LAST CARNIVAL 0F SEASON. 'tri"ik'iad _ yen-h; tollov- ON SATURDAY GENRE th' 1rrHrrlt%, E an" tt GOMPANY oleums. The real stuff at bottom prices, " you Int 11mph). In Ihou call It the leading Shoo 3:0" In Watoxloo. You” tor Bonn: Shoe! and Bone-t Prices _ FRIDAY FEB. 23rd WERE INJURED IN h RUNAWAY Rev. and Mrs A D. Gischler, of Beumitier, Sustain Serious Injuxiu. 1291. and Mrs. A. D. trischiisr," bt Benmiller, sustained serious injuries in. a. runaway near Goderich on Tues- day. They were driving over the Grand Trunk overhead bridge on their way to that place when a locomotive approached without warning. The horse took tright and Mr. and Mrs. Gischler. besides another young lady who was with them at the time, ‘were thrown out. Mrs. Gischler was hurt internally and Mr. Gischler sus- Itainetl a broken nose and Was other- wise injured about the lace. The parties to the accident are well known in Waterloo and this " cinity, Mr. Gischler being . son-in- law of Mr. Louis Weber, oi Berlin. COXCEBNIXG TH E no truth in the report that ttm Ellis 1mututaeturing Company will buy the ‘property, nor have any English capi- llalists made representations tor the The Canadian Journal of Fabrics has the following concerning the woollen mills at Waterloo and Hes- paler: rm". The Waterloo and Hespeler mills all the Canada Woollen Mills Company are still unsold, although reports? have been circulated to the contrary. There are prospects that the Water- loo mills will shortly fall into the hands at some wholesale houses who will manuliclurc knit goods, and I firm operating the mills in this way could do so at a profit. The Waterloo property cost the company $100,000. "rut will be sold considerably below "hat figure. The llespelcr mills cost {nearly half a million dollars, and of Astysie will go at a. sactmeing q price, although it will require at least $100,000 to swing the scale. There is J. Ufrellmann purchase. VHITED BURNING GAS WELL Among the visitors at the gum burning gas well In the lndiut Terri- tory near Caner, Kansm, Were Mr. Nomi M. Brubaclm, wno lormerly to sided in the vicin ty ot Waterloo, and " nephew, Milton! Btuhacher. m- m-pncw, mun-u. v..._.._._-_. Tttis well wns drilled on Feb. lGlh,l 1906. 1906, tutd struck by lightning on Feb. 23. The flames reach height! of 150 loci and although the well is located in New “who. it so illum- ines the sky that it may he seen 100 miles any, and the roaring at it can be heard " miles disttutt " times.. When within a quarter ot a mile of the well it Is impossible to hear any- one talk on "count' of the noiw. Geo. Bulmer, Jr., of Conestogo, Ip- peared helore Police Magistrate Weir at Waterloo, Thursday morning, charged with stealing . number ot nluuhle skin: Iron: Reuben Stein ot Heidelberg on Monday. " appear: that Bah-Mr hired . young lellow named Marlin Schweitzer to drive over to Heidelberg for the mm. which he knew were nor his own ad which he had previously oltered to My trom Schwinn. Alter Inning the evidence the Mattitrtrattt fond Bulmer guilty. The “minute not I lenient - ot the use ad thh being hi: Brat om moved him on on gum“ sentence. Mr. A. B Mettrede uncured tor the geteetdaatt. The ice n the rink on Sat-my ev- all; wu In line calm” and I Ire- “at" and a pt-t New Drean Goods, New Silks, New Prints New Gingham New Carpets, New Lace Cumin. New Draperies. . , New Hosiery. Stock Taking Sale John Schondelmayer, Opposite Zimmermann House, Waterloo, Ont. POLICE COURT. At &rtsondtshnayer's Shoe Parlor begins WOOLLEN HILLS u our and “at of New Gloves. l Mr. Jas. Angus, of London, was . wish: to Wtrtmhrrraetdmmttt- Mr. Geo. Bean and Mrs. Noalt Bean ot near Haysville visited his“: in Waterloo‘ on Wednesday. Messrs. J. M. Lain; and H. Huston were visitors to Guelph on Saturday and Sunday. wit: Ton; Flynn is spending ' week or more " Buffalo and other points will and Mrs. Albert. B. During ot Toronto. visited. at the tormer’s home in Waterloo on Sunday. - g . "rGir"ihiLGii, lieu: has returned (tom; several months' visit in New HamburgAgnd vheinitr. -silL Homer Watsoi,. of Boon, is spending sewn} da_ys in town. -iirirl'Ci. Harpir, who has been visiting Mrs. F. Webber, Guelph, lot several weeks putty”; Icgumed. Mr. and Mrs. W. Behrens 1nd daughter, Beatrice, ot Elmira, spent the dar at the home ot Mr. and Mrs A. E. Dewitt. Mr. August Knaur, ot the Sover- eign Bank, Galt, has been transierred to Chatham, and left Thursday morn- ing to assume his ttisw duties, --. - . . _ .,,, ---a Personal and Social. Miss Watsrn will be in the C.M.B. A. Hall, Waterloo, every Thursday. Anyone wishing to talechina, water color or oil painting will kindly call. Itat. "Nb w ,_...____V --" Miss Motfrnar.t, who has tern spend-, ing several days in Waterloo, thr ' *4 . II n n 'Y-nAnJC ".5 _P..ei-_e- _v.._ - 7 guest, ol Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Urstadt. has returned to Toronto. Gold Filled Watch Chainsl and Loquelles A good trid-tmed watch chain will wear M good as a solid Fo'd chain within the unwanted lump. Oar ch-aina no guanntpod for a. to. 15 and 23 years. We ban: . nice line of chains gurnnteed for ID years which we all adters time, Tho worth of trolatmed chain. " Lit',", upon the maker, and the manil- numer- namo upon our chain. is a nledge of worth and we" and we will replace any defective chain. told by nu. with a new one within the gnar- - Jowollor. CENTRAL BLOCK WAT ERLOO. Customers Of tho Cull 8M which we In" hm, {animal human " any Seem" inch“. " pulp. gammy. no onion hing It qtill In cut “an": to tic-am the canned mm c t out III] canto-Ion by applying than mu tho Beet no cum II _ Mun-(II, Turn! It)". [Huh "I“. “think on trfal "m'dmn-w t2Pg',2'lri,dilt. ' . _ m m a. an a: "rulh'ik . Pm. cm [at "MM "4. . ' on. 84.00 and 85.00 inch. E. J. RODS latter one!“ an! pm. (my I.» tana, WAN got the nut Our all widths. Cloths and Stair Oilcloths in all widths. 1000 pairs of Lace and Tapestry CURTAINS, Sover- g--v”, Bah' - sterred itltl Mllt L" 4 fmorn- ' s)s"ii'l"iil,l , . d 'il) spend- ', L" ra ‘ ' thr i)rsta.dl(‘, g I lil E Z , 'ttis, I 0.313. “7 ursday. , . 'S? , water _ T "s ily call. i _ . . hams l Our 88 FOR ME? bitt will 1 chain '. Out' B E A I. 15 and (chain: we sell on. n... 4.. Gum and sea the- enum- Im in n we will WM‘ Will also out every dollar's worth of good. in their Hob n Nut-9t ttttsie Mum- lhit prius will b, th- ad. of Emma;- ever put on in Biriin, G .my and. with: goods nut ho sold, which include. anything in th. Duluth-L Snln nnlmnnnnd March 19th and nnntinnns until further nntinn. :05 pieces and ends of CARPETS in Wools. Unions, ' Tapestrys, Brussels, Aarminatera, and Wilton. 2 Pica. to choou from. Reg. 81.50 quatity for .. . . 7 REMEMBER: Everything to be reduced in prim, which in eludes all of our new goods just received. The following is e staple of e few of the reductions. Other lines will be subject ton liberel discount. This should be An interesting Sale to ell Berlin and our- rounding towns people. Coming on it does et the time of the you when the people will be busy house cleaning end will require my lime of Home Eumiehinge. 'INGRAlN CARPETS (All-Wool) o,f2Q"S, tttt othrrf. an inch " _ ' wort 'saxisr‘iae‘: 80° Others worth Tar, for 56¢ Over 800 yard. of regular 25c Matting for........ ...... l Other smaller Rugs, sold legals“- at ‘54)). Baie Price " 90, reg at 05, ale Fe'iC,7'i.'iis' 7 - . 7 -. Several good when”, said regularly " “.00. Sale Price Others reg. 85c. ale priesOSc RUSS _ 169 Rugs. from the smalfest. to the large». an all reduced. A AXMINSTER CARPETS W -. WWW” _ ‘ Bari- Forget that this is a Change of Business Sale, _ and that it is conducted by l?‘ Only "out! in yNtor1oo for Silva & Sank QUARTER“) OAK WOOD FIBRE VENEER for ,mirtatrertintt ad Bottra. Cull Ind on tt It The Book Store. 11-3 GEO. CORK, W aterloo MAI “I. MT! '" "u. BRUSSELS CARPETS change in Business Our $3.50 Shoes Gone and see them. You'll In pleased. . B. Ryan & 00., Berlin oy regula- tree fer g3: Bagulnr 8235 for $1 " " l w ll " Largest Stock end Finest Selection ever in Waterloo. Not High Priced. Direct from Matters, Come and See the Goods DOOR MATS TAPESTRY (Reductions) Wall Papers MATTIN GS BEAUTIES FOR MEN ARE SIMPLY SPRING 1906. regular 1 so WE DO WHAT WE SAY. f"f'::'â€"'â€"'â€"'«'""'fi:’;’:t\' S SHOE HOME s ir a "s"'.-'--"'., - be"'" IV ..50 Shoes '42; >1 ARE SIMPLY Iii 'is UTIES irllilr I. You’ll be pleased; ' " ‘ Tiitt 100 pairs of Nottingham Curtains. " in . “in?! tft. Ierttr. Bett. Illa price tias.' tAmCuauiihii JditGAG. -- 'llLWff, .. 31-10 Our reg. $1 to tine, Sal. Prie- Ol 15 All other: are marked st very liberal ditcounu. Such othrrings as you will tirsd W. an only made when I clung. in budo not: is about to take place. Remnants of 12 fast Lindon-II. Urge enough for your dining room. are marked u follows t-- o0elother-. T " sire. wide, reg. an: for 276 _ " yds. wide, reg. 35c for2tht l " wide, reg 35c for Sh, Regular 3):: for Mte . DON'T FORGET THE DISCOUNT. 65 “in 'la!' ngting. A low pain of $3.5). Sale Price not) LINOLEUMS AND on. CLOTHS It will a on In “use lot spring humming. My punc- ream-3 old new-pupal toe mun; under car. pen, on, on - - u an: . Regulu- O9 00. 12:13. for " " " 8 tw, l2x|$5 " 6 ll) " 8 00, 12x12 " 0 (I) ' " 10 oo, 12x13 " T Mt OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. CURTAINS

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