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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 22 Mar 1906, p. 11

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The display " ready-to-wed childwn‘s huts is larger and complete than over. A r.htnning sailor hat tti made of grenahcne braid with gold tilling around crown, and fastened at 1ude is a bunch oi lilacs and uspxey and pleated tnlle on back with button. Brantford, March 22.--The sulnnillrd to-day tor $110,000 vide tor sttrtaee grainage was ed by over 4tttt majority. Anothet prrtly hat has a pluu'hno and mm; crown " pale Hume caught up al the back and side mm two tunes and Ieatlms mung, our side of hat, anrthree shades M m. henna [astenesl around crown, manna most -trmmtar-eotsrremt spring wear up rose in all in; won- drOul slander. irons the dark Ameri- can Béauly to the pale, dull pinks. \leux ruse is very strong. Light shades oi blue, mauve, green and bin-k and white is very popular in wide striped ribbon used in commut- lion with quills and wings tor trim- ming the stiller styles ot hats. There is certainly a preference tor rennin weaves ot straw halls. Next to the leghoru, which is supreme, there are beautiful neapolitaus and peroxiline puteaux, {use lust-ans. Flowers are very popular, and used in great pro- tusiua, such as moss roses, wood violets, maiden-hair fern, iorget-me- nulls, ell: Fur "arty 'spring there is t derided preference lor the small a! In Sailor riled, trimmed with} wings, hroatl quills, and mixed dim-ts in wide uMt ribbons. The vague tor back triu.mittgr, is again shown, 'fl) though a lew wallet. with side [undo an are also shown, 1'towrc; are tall- er Ind still olome-shapett in preieroee to square. Brim}: droop nu the mush- room order and are not wry broad. Among the May hats attracting the admiration of the “sitar; makings leghorn etlitt with large Battenberg tan crown ul leghorn and gold thread tlimmell Ruth lilacs. dark red macs and maiden hair tern. ‘ ' lines Fahrenheit, Berlin. “in popular mimicry tttsta' Ient opened its nineteenth - Fnday morning. While the vie-lb! In decidedly arch-like In temper» W0 upon glaring. the more one lane: lurch , ' overlooks Ann! and lay. ad enjoys to the {all the delights od June. The display in the .Mndov 5nd 9n ther neatly attuned ables is indeed a toretaate ot the "Good old sander lime” and the my visitors were delighted with the benuluurand varied styles and, sin-lee that are being shown at this store. The hats this year are eu-eedingly handsome. The coloring: and trim- mings used are nth as well as thin- You don’t wash with the box! Baby’s own Soap "Y-LAW was mammal) "salts rillmnu‘u at: ovum; THE 1087 mum-u m. STYLUS. _ Both box and wrapper deaby's Own Soap are plain, business like and cheap. All the money is in the Soap inc"; which is as "whotesomely" pure and fragrant " mane); cart make ii. is much ituiowil asto appear- ance:, but dcllune :'..ins won show the difrertnot. "Baby's Own" um YOU no mute thai the imiulluna, -iiG-WiirgeG- and»? alma- In Gold Dust Washing Pom:- N purl y tale “and: that of all other warm} main cumin“. tine. Just . an In if how-win. approchwd merit. doom“! it? GOLD DUST clam onrythim from can" to attic. . ttD3gtuLeta1.1 M am .trrt8rteecqV3rs,t9ey, Mm... M I TNE M. tt. FAMIANK COMPANY, Mill. P. a-v I Pl.” SOAP. comm-um. Muta- can: Soaps Ud., Mes. - Mal. at"; ara" si’“ -Giraiiacaiiii “an" an -_- tO' by-Iaw to ltrtF deteat_ and more 352:1 It took the Seiberts considerable tinse to get saluted, but alter 18 minutes' play Frank scored, and a minute later tied the seats. In the next the minutes these more goals were added, Eddie getting two at them and Nelson one. "sums cer- tainly fast Work and the spectators went wild with enthusiasm. Little Clarence, the ten-year-old midget in goal tor the Seiberts, was the featured the genre. He stopped: several haul shots like a veteran. Jimmy Selim-t. was the strongest player on the ice and his rushes were spectacular and effective. Oliver showed his old-time tricks, but, was not in condition to keep it up. Her- hert played well while he was on the ice. The forwards, Eddie, Nelson and Frank, made a strong advance guard and Would be acredit to any team. For Guelph, Brooks in goal and Rance at point, were the shining stars: _ The rum half was. decidedly close and last and the visitors, among whom “Tuna number of playersmha (muted on (MIA. and Church League games this season, kept the husky tleityert bunch busy (lemming their goal, but Oliver, Jimmy and _ little Clarence- played among and only two goals were scored, while the Sei- but; tallied one on a beautiful shot on Jimmy Seibert's stick alter a ligmnmg rush down the ice. _ In the not-om! hall Guelph made the an.” 3-1, securing the"; last goali when two at tbe players were sow-J "Nelson Gross was the referee, and did his work in a very satisfactory manner. The teams were:- Not being satisfied with breaking their agreement regarding the per- suxuwl at the teams the Kings re- Iused to no on the ice unless they were given t20 in intuition to their expenses. In order not. to break Iaith with the cum spectators, the Seibrlls consented and the game commenced. mg time on the lance Since the deleat of the. Kinv Ian Friday that team .tried to have the return game called on. but. the Sei- berts would not ransom. as they had gone to considerable expense in ad- verlising, etc. On Monday evening. on the arrival ol the Guelph team, it was conspicuous on account of the absence ot the Kings. and there Wu only one of the 13111in in unilorm. while a cousin, Stanley King, was also ready to play. Clarence Jimmy Oliver Frank no. This umily ennui - “on: nth the Semen. - try no- ce’tin; the damage of the latter, and it wat' unused that a uric- oi home an home games he - and can turn my the expenses at the visiting tum, (while in the "new" town. The Semen. family vent to Guelph on Friday and defeated that King: On their own in " a Icow’ot 7:11. which was the amount ot their expenses. . " “I to he an imp-ability lot; Iona W “negation in "It“. put.- at tho pmvlnce to play at anon-n, and Berlin In “In“ at” this with trauma: not a) low “M duriNt the um that in duck. to a close. The mm KIN-1 Wh- to.tteetorm the “MD, art" ll the Ru; [mil], ot Guelph, 'alll and a reputation try Mating ttte' Hit-kn: tamor. ot Waterloo two ,ur.ol Nelson Herbert “all? mun OI I If”? emu. Eddie Timekeepers', C. Gillcsmia, Berlin, N. Irving, Guelph; penalty, A. Wat- Non, Berlin. . ts'eitterts Cent re Cover Rover Point Goat Right LP" G uelph S. King J. King Brooks Crowe Rance Frank Eddie I! I Messrs, Jas. t,teaianis-aiiu John :lrIiekus,being the new members of the team, were given gold watches simi- lar to those presented to the team last year. On the cover us the mon- aogram oi the individual player and inscribed inside was the inscription, “0.H,A. Senior Champions, t905-6." The rings received by the balance ot the senior and intermediate teams were ot solid gold; with the mono- gram inscribed on the hand. and on the inside was the inscription "O.H. A. Senlor Champions." The gold medals presented by the 0.,1]. A. were of solid gold appropriately en-v grayed “the lace, while on the back was the inscription, “0.H.A. Senior Champion, 1906, won by Berlin," and the player’s name. The shoes donat- ed by the John,McPherson C'o.cHhm- ilton, are. the very best, and are spe cially made, and it is sale guessing that, they will be worn by all of the recipients next year in defending the championship. Tables Surrounded. " was about 9.30 o'clock when the dining room door at the Brunswick Hotel was opened and the heavily laden tables were surrounded by an enthusiastic and representative gath- ering (it hockeyists. President “Duke" Darroch occupied the seat at honor 1 The clumpions and intermediates were not only recognized by the cit- iuus by the presentation at gold watches and solid gold rings, but, the 10nlarlo lkwlwy Association, repre~ sented by President D. L. Darmch 'aml 14eretary W. A, Hewitt, look the; opportunity to present the mind- some and valuable trophy, donated try C'attada's greatest supporter of hoc- key, es-preside" John ttoss Robert- son, to the Club, and tho unique gold medals to the ‘individual members ot the team. Besides these the seniors were also the recipients of an ex- cellent pair of hockey shoes‘ trom the John McPherson Co. firm ol Hamik ion, and neat silver nugget stick-pins trom Mr. F., F.- 2catcherd, ot Co- balt. . and was given a warm reception on being introduced by Mr. G. M. .De- Bus, as was also Secretary W. A. Hewitt and Mr. Bert Sham, ot the St. Georges, Toronto, who occupied seats in len of the chairman. 0n "The Dutch Compute " ttte Best Commie that. ever cum over trod, on Germanic." and it camel! in on Friday evening at the eomptuttew tary banquet tendered by the. hockey enthusiasts of Remit to the Built: Hockey Club seniors and internudb' utes. It was an occasion that win Willie havr.tsfotsgttt the greatest honors to' the town new contorted upon an athletic club that ins represented Berlin, and the in l usual number ot tokens ot El",':,,",',-,) tion ot their eitorts will undoubted!!! be greatly cherished by “in "etpients during the bounce oi their Iiietinio. The teams did themselves proud clar- ing the hockey season and in return the citizens showed that Berlin is justly proud of the achievemems " their hoekeyists. his right: sat Mayor Bricker and Man- ager F'whlirman. Others " the head table wrrr- Messrs. C. tl, Doerr, Dr. J. F. 11omstterger, Md. C. C. Hahn, G. I; LaGrurse, R. Llltz, G. M. De- Bus and A. Watson. The vice-chair was occupied by cit-Mayor Carl Kranz. While tite good things pro- ‘vided by Mine Host Maser were being splendidly served and heartily partak- en In! an cxcellmt programme ot mu- sic was rendered try the Ziegler 0r- chrstra, which added to th) enior- ment ‘ut the occasion. Toasts Proposed. Altrr'the banquetters Had satisfted their appetites, Chairman llartoch arose and proposed the time-honored toast to "His Majesty King Edward Ttr" which was loyalty responded to by the rendering ul the National ‘An- them. Complimentry hamlet at Bgunswick [limb ttever W ont A. CHAMPIONS Mayor Brick" also responded to the Mast .nd spoke at the many tea- Iun-s at the town that have earnrd for it the name ot Busy Berlin. To him had [mm assigned ttte plum" duly of presenting the loin-m of an- int btt the banqueting to keep quiet Mat sun“ reigned supreme Nickna- While the cigars were Ming passed around letters at regret " their in. ability to attend wvrv read trom ex President John Ross Robertson, Louirittakr hail of Wrttotd and Edi- tor McManin oi the London Fret- Press In proposing, the toast ot "Our Town" ex-Mayor Kram. esteemed h a peculiar honor. Berlin is tamous Ihmughoul the world on accoum ol us prosperity and as reputation as n"ruaautacturtntt town, and through a"maautacturtnit town, and Wrong“ the achievements ot its hockeyists Berlitt's tame has continued to spread. A -. -- . _ _.,, --.-r...- ..,.‘_... Dr. J. P, 1tonsttertter in responding stated that Rettin's muons were proud of their tactories, homes, chub vhes, and schools, and he was sun- that every cilizvn, qthether he al- tended hockey games (it not, was proud nl the two hockey 1mm. and was loyal to the boysw The teams had played many "mes this "axon and only lost one "tttr, that bring in Godrrich when the intermidtates were put ottt at the running tor tht, championship. He hoped the trams would ruminuv to uphold Br.rtin's re- pmalinn I" a hockey erntre. Birlin Why Dining. 3 Great Success. 0th! Gifts Donated. -titss-rso1tescV-1he-aeysory The Gifts Described Dear Sir C- _ [ too respectable to allow any hood..) lums to throw stale eggs at its otli- cers. False statements as to this _sitt_rmttt,t in" the; amuteurw Its-si-hilt hit been spread, but he was ttatistied that this conrsr and that of the Ex- ecutive has shown that the'Aisocioe tion has been square up and down This sensonhas been the most. mmssl ful the 0.Il.A. has ever seen. and it is perhaps best that the trophy has been lifted out at Toronto. He re- Duted " atair the charges that "he town members on the Executive are partial to Toronto teams. Secretary Hewitt spoke in a similar strain and ‘read the [allowing letter tram Fran- cis Nelson, formerly vice-President of the O.H.A.:- Secretary Hewitt performed the pleasing duty of precmtittttr, the gold medals on behnlf ot the ().II.A.. and corroborated President barred: in his remuks regarding the champions, While the medals were being pinned on the guests again cheered and sang and great ambusiasm prevailed. "0.H,.\. and Its oitieersC' The toast ot the "0.H.A. and Its 015cm was ably proposed by Mr. S.l um, former Secretary orthe W. o.l H. A. President Darroch in res-, pending referred to the Barrie egg- ghrowing incident by saying the o, G. M. menus, . » V - Secy. Benin Hockey Club President Darrow kept up the en- thusium by taking the opmrtuntty to meant the handsome trophy em- tetut oi the highest honors ot tin AhH.A. to the team, and in doing so matured to the proud recent ot the ‘Berlin team. which in the years 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903 out 1904 held the championship oi the W.0.H.A., in 1005 were the runners-up (or the 0. H. A. intermediate "liantpiorvship and this year captured the seniur Cham- pionship and tor the lirst time bring- ing it to Western Ontario. This Wtut ' record, he considered. unsurpassed‘ by any hockey team in existence to.l day, In presenting the trophy, he said, the slogan "The Dutch com-l paint- is the best mmpanie" has been} verified, and he hoped-that in 'ietetuH in; thereup the club weuld observe the same traits oi good sportsman- ship they had shown in winning it. (Lend Applause y I June to thank your committee tor the kind invitation to be present at the public recognition to-nightot the merits of the senior champions ot the 0.“.h., and to say with regret that the absence at my assistant in Louis- ville this week prevents me from tak- ing my share in person in that thor- oughly deserved demonstration. .Re, calling the marvellous record ct the Berlin Hockey Club in "went years, not only in the Provincial Associa- tion. but in the Western O.H.A., one can readily understand the pleasure the citizens of Berlin must feel in the unbroken suceess of the club, As a non-resident, permit nh' to say that‘ I believe Berlin's championship i; a matter of almost equal gratification elsewhere, and th" possession at the honor outside of the largest city in the Assoeiation will inure to the gm- eral ttenetit at that body and of the shouted "Three cheers tor BeeliC' and brought down the hone. While the mace at the tum veto naiv- ing than gm: the guests rendered the club's song, "The Dutch Cor- use" with much lervor. Captain Cochran. on behalf ot the team, may expressed. their thanks lot the tom 01 appreciation and mil- port given the tram Ibis season and on this occasion. game A, us too large alt insiitition and Toronto. March M, 1906. Alter the Press had been proposcd by Mr. o. Vogelsang and rosy...“ to by Messrs. Hewitt,Luta and Ehi, Mr. Harry McKellar: an behalf ol the John McPherson UO., in a wry mit speech, presented the champions with a, tine pair ot hockey shoes each, and President Darroch gave the s“. ver stickp'ms donated by Mr. E. E, &iateherd. Brietamtrtyr.seg weio iihfu delivered by Messrs. C. H. Doer' avid G. M. DeBus. " Mr. Bert Shunt, of ges, responded to the visitors, and conveyed lutions ol his team champions. The happy gathering broke ur at an early hour this morning by singing thu National Anthem and three cheers lor the champions, intermediate-tand the 0. H. A. ' “I w" and am yet aNieted with rheumatism.” ays Mr. d. C. Bayne, editor ot the Herald, Addington, In- dion Territory, "but thanks to Cham- berlain's Pain Balm am able once more to attend to business. It is the best ot lililments." It troubled with rheumatism, give Pain Balm a trial and ion are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relic! which it allows. One application relieves the pain. For stile by all druggisls. Calptain Vie Cochrane responded in suitable terms ot appreciation. anti was [allowed by the team's warms-st sipporter, Mr. Max Schleuter, who proved to be the orator ot the e\ e.» ing, and held the audience spell-hound while in eloquent and eulogistic terms he referred to the many incidents at the hogkey season. _ AFFLICTED WITH RHEUMATISM vEx-Muyor Kraar. very neatly spoke ol the excellent showing at the In- termtsdintes, and in presenting the rings tsked them to promise they will do even greater thing; next Sta;- on. . Mr. Martin spoke trrieliy, but Vine: relating to the rough-house tactics that prevailed in some on the ttamps this season he was sincere and spoke directly to Hears. Dunne]: and How- itt, and urged them to have it stop- ped. Mr. Martin said an occasion ot this kind was an inspiration to the young men who play hockey, and at. though he is old ha enjoyed Ilium]! though he is old, he never enjoyed himsell hatter during the last Queen years. m by In! uphill. " you “HOW! loin-“bi the .7 with ot no human“ both this yum our. ot the} Ontario Hock” Amman, not a.” but Mn] at whom I: the “tummy "rtteridemrrto-lrtobrue the - ot hack" to “I pro-on high “an In Begun. Mr. H. E. Indul- M. A: on who in notduouhh to: President bunch noted with pleas- ure the presence ot Mr. Donald Mar- tits, Berlin's veteran hockey support- er, not in proposing a toast to, his health told ngood Scotch story that brought down the noose. ft. II - - - "IIIIVOKW "I m fr,t,hf Ptoeideat usual. I would tittt Ito-ad [any that: has con-plow the Insol- with you and]: to Minn-u. " much sum- uge to the Aunt-hum. And this has not. been areompliahed without do" and unlike. tor the o. H. A. never had a presiding one“ who Its called on to such m extent to place the interest: ot the Assoc-hum: be- lore his own. or who In: so lonlly "f generously done no. A despatch trom Toronto lorcshad- ows some changes in tip agriculture and arts act to the en of governing tr.- distribution oi Government grants t fairs where agriculture is in the werudant, and those' where horse- racinx and side shows overshadow all also. "Fairs" in the latter categotyl a'reuiketr to be lound ineligible tor' Government igrants alter the present Aer The Minister of Agriculture will also probably introduce a meas- ‘qre beiore Friday respecting horttel Mural societies. Predictions in regard l beg an: to anus: my than 10: your invitnion, um! to present my congntulntions 1.01M champion tum and the Berlin Hockey Club. Yours sincerely, t w " I“ Irwin“ _tyt" 1t','p,'t'peatt,t v.05 REGARDING FALL FAIRS. FRANCIS NELSON the St. Geor- toast pt the 'the cmgnw to the s n'- ' - It is gratifying to. know that the i The Berlin Spring Horse Show, to horse lanciers and others of 9181‘??? be held on the 16th of April oest.i--citraT-taki.ttrleart"trr WP!" In gather witty-ttm- pried “it; is being connection with this. event in the advertised. It is scarcely necessary most hearty and encouraging Jnamwr. {to call attention to the importance No stronger guarantee of suecess of this event. Everyone at all ae- could be given to MY pr0T.sitiun, liquaimcil with the history of tho ttttly- than the harmonious CU-operation oi lest ot animals, the horse, eaa,easity the citizens ot Berlin ayi wattrrlro. comprehend the value ol a show such ------_ as will he held in Berlin on the, To RELAX REST I . date mentioned. It has become an - _ established principle, which is 'eeog- Toronto, March Mr.--.'. . nixed by all ."brcedcrs or live stock oi the Methodist Iliinist.ii.. that "like begets like." Hence the hon to-day, Dr. E. N. Baku rcua desirability of employing none but , ”jet on proposrd general conic-i superior sires, espetiaOr by those] encu legislation, in the course ot wid A engaged in horse raising. We have he advocated dropping the rule in the called attention in previous Issues 9! discipline at the church prohittiUrt.t this paper to the tact that Ontdrioi dancing, card playing, attending the».- hred horses are equal to any" tres and other . questionable unuse- in the world. Western ranch horses are switt,.strong and hardy animals, but being bred in a comparatively dry atmosphere, when transported to a moist climate they are very liable .to become touched in the Vlad in a short time.' . There are a number oi new methods) which will be introduced in the con- ducting oi tht Berlin Show this year, and to which the attention at exhib- itors is called. {the prize list is combined with the programme of the, show. This programme gives 'the", time " which the various classes; will he on the ground tor ambition»; Thus the old plan at calling out. that curious classes in turn will be alan- dotted, and may exhibitor expected to be on hand with his entries on the time Int-ntimwd in the' programme. Another departure is that no judges books will tm kept. FHerytttte enter- ing an animal lot inhibition will re- ceive a ticket with a number on it, this ticket will also signily the class in which the animal in entered. A corresponding stub trom which this ticket. has been torn will be retained by the secretary-treasurer of the' show, Animals receiving ptides will} hare their tickets endorsed by the! judges. and upon presentation or these tickets to the insurer ot the show, payment at the prize money will he made. It will be seen that Then simple mum at oommsed ot m VI‘IINQ medicinal agent.- u bismuth nbgdlue. which Is super- sor " d! other reunite- (or "tttte Ara troubles. eeritntt tahte, ad tog- The consequences ot violating phy- sical law nu often " unpleasant. as the breaking ot 1 maul rule. The human indulgence ot over-eating brings consequences that 'xmount to real sunning. lnMgrann is no? not $3.1; it is m: :‘igkt: it smuM M' Hi, We one: a bars c, C-"utpc ,' 5‘2. We o'der a tars tc, than-v r MLo-m'hhleu that is simple m paella]. nnno'n I d '91an THE HORSE SHOW. Sin's corisequerr- modem methods will greatly "Ogilvie's Book for a Cook," contains :30 Inge: of excellent recipes, some never helm-e published. Your - can tell you haw to [at it FREE T Ogilvie Flour Mills cd T ' men. Talk to your grocer about it-if he isn't enthusiastic it's only because he isn't informed. . ' It is hard wheat flour at its best-milled by modern methods, retaining all of the good of the wheat and none of the bad--. it is without an equal for every kind 'of baking in which ffour is used. People didn't want it-they were using soft, winter wheat flour, and saw no reason for changing. _-_-_-_-- .__, hihie's Royal Household Twenty-five years ago it was difficult to tell spring when; flouwfor pastry at any price. ___ "EH Ia-rw-aria-go-ur was persistently pushed. ind prejudice has been overcome. The women tried it, succeeded with it and appreciated its-T+ hard wheat flour is the favorite for putty as Well as for bread. The flour that is doing" the most' h,r the reputation of hard wheat flour is the brand known " u, .. Escape. simphly as “m ness of the show Toronto, March Mr.--.'. . oi the Methodist Minismi. . ’tion to-day, Dr. E.N. Baku rcua a. infer on proposrd general ctutiet once legislation, in the course ot wi.i ”l he advocated dropping the rule in the discipline of the church prohittiUrt.t dancing, card playing, attending the».- tres and other ' questionable unuse- meats on which the Methodist church has taken a very strong stand in the past. It was [onoweu by awry trriritM discussion, at the conclusion at w'hinrt a, tesoiution was passed endorsing mu speaker's views, and reeommetrrirt, that instead ot this arbitrary rule , clause be inserted ndvomtinr Tr l est care in ther.attr ':' , ' 2. _ v, Lin-lul- s'trtuttbrtt Lhr c-hn-v- lii c a. and mum it pombln ‘1» on! '., like and when mu ti',e It you mm mm: In: t"', (onion. tttttulrmrt, Man hut new. New pler:rs, hum; .. r' bility "pit u'anzvs'». h.rr. tigrustttiit: u i ot ot A And And [ It you cunnm obtain Mi-o-tttt m yout mum. it will be sent, by mull. post paid,' on reeeipt at pun Write as tor “vice on your use trum . leading stomach lucid!" wttiet: will be sent free. The I. T., - Compny, "599. 8.0% sement TM and? haul-ho In." bun Ill. a. Ion-km In Canada m" __ you u il. n. strcnuh. it) a-r-n' at Ind y

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