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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 15 Mar 1906, p. 8

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1 h, H... A san, luau mu ”(nuns-ma The Department mpIi-m that met: “any recrising insnutuun p" SI: " the season This amt-mt roprv- 02M: Alum In" thr actual can. tn "I. Departmmt The instrttctom,in uldllkm to giving "tMrttNbrms to the makers, will devote amm- attetttton to [has unite to “Imam u to "w int Id“ of coma: and taking an at all. . The Inclu- h tho but!“ " THURSDAY, APRIL STU, me my!“ . _.__ J WWI " tttota ittttt to]!!! tumult-nun; at one o'clock pm, t - built.“ lollowinz valuable nrouenr viL: The Ontario Department nl Attrtrml, hare and thrs [Mirnnvn‘s .\\.\Ili.l'lahll no Again commuting In [um-Mung Mtatruvtots in tintl tartortes; and "rumma- wti-Wln'allv tluo'tqhout "to season trom May till "(1er in. clushe, for the purpnw ot assisting makers in Humming Ila-it nwthori,, thing adUre as io o.ul;-Invm_ drain. an. "tttiutiott, etc. again chosen a (hunky. nolwnll- Handing the tact that wr have brvu "ttered any ot "mm minor morris. "I lending pianos at mantrtacturers' pri- cos. you may Judgr as to how 'rt' up- preciate your inshmnonL" More than, ewr Canadians in all sections of the country are demanding the best. goods. Quality is of more imporlam'c even than price and the various manufacturers arc beginning to realize that ‘nn 1oniwr WI“ they lu- ttttV. to dispose of the "cheap" pto- duet. That this is a healthy sign of the growth at the pI-ople in real ar-, tistic tastes cannot be doubted. Man- ufacturers every-“hm:- .ue feeling the competition oi the well made altule and the suness of such an arucl" 15‘ causing: a healthy I'tlmlatiull that enn- not tail to raise the rharactrr of our products in the markets of the wul'ld.1 About two yous ago a banker in thci Province of Alberta purchased a \‘eryl tine Gunilay piano and had it shipped to his xvi-stein home. "nth he and his wile Were delighted with it, but eight Innntlw after it :urn'ed their house was burned down, and thcro.. aim destroyed, The rest of the "tory is best told in his mulls. Writing to' the [inn ol “outlay. Wtntrr A" Lrem- ing, Toronto, he said: “liver since the me we have been intending to purchase .1 duplicate as so. ls pm. sible. When I tell you that we have! again rhoseh a thunlma mint-nu. Tim ktmurtta"iiiii'e',i hc wanted thr MM. and was willing to pay M- tra in lvlult'r to gr! ii. FACTORII‘JS Milt Cltr.' A MIC itll Funeral Director end Embalmer Wemloo, Ont. Telephone " Re “also Young m. South 355, an store The Endeavor of Canadiank to Put Quality Brtore Price. J K SHINN Nar0--ln Waterloo T'p. Man-h 5th, Mrs. Moses Martin, aged ti?! yvau‘u. h'rrvice--Af, Gall. Mar. tith. John Service, agot 50 years. Clare-At Prcsion, Mar. Tilt, Marg- arot Beck, l‘clict of thc Idle John Clare, aged 83 yéars. Mar. 7th, by Rev. E. Rina, Add: -son Wolfe to Clara Schtveitzrr,_0te youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.) 'N. sletsweitzer, New Hamburg. i Koehler-Bates-at Portland, (Hog-ml Feb. 15th, Goo. M. Koehler, forur. erly ot Waterloo, to Rosetta, Baits: of oregon. - , Mcthmald-FlNscuhauer-- In North Eaathope, Feb. Gllth, to Mr. Walk- er, of Tavistock, Petcr McDonald, of Airybank Farm, son of Peter Mc- Donald, of Tavistock, to Hannah Fleischhauer, oldest. daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Flvisclthattvs, _ of North Easthope. Byers-Pars/At Linwood. March 81h, by Rev. J. F. Kayo, ol GJerr- allan, Mr. Byers, of Alberta, lo Maytic. daughter of Mr. t'. w. Var- sill, ot Linwood. b'hantz-b'nider--On March 7th,.Jh-n- jamiu B, Shantz, o! Freeport. to Myra Snider, ot near Irespclcr. Stuith-.hiracl-.tt Berlin, March 7th, by Rev. L. Wagner, David SmiIh, oi Mannheim, to C'lara Israel, of Berlin. . Jantzi-Gertrer--on the 3rd line of 11'ellptiley,, at the Amish 1httrch, Mareh Gill, M. Jantzi, of near Wei- tester, to Barbara, daughter of Mr. ' and Mrs. D.Nierhet", tjrtrtisshtt1.-- Wotttt-ttettxaitzi=AcNmciamttsuL, Livlsty-ln “mun. T'p, Mar. ind, m Mr. and Mrs. Jake new. a sun Ptatr-l" North liasthopr. March "td, to Mr. and Mrs. “in, Plan. a Sun (stillborn) NUhrgiutsv-tn Wilmot, Feb. leh, In Mr. and Mrs. Oliser N0rgang, a son. tehaeht.-ai. Elmira, Mar. 1.st, oi Mina!“ Mrs. J. ll. hlchaNer, a Motheiuz-.u Waterloo, Mar. lith, to Mr. and Mrs. F. J. llollwim, a son. Pew care to wear the h; old style Spectacles. 2 No on“. to: India. Expat "- GOOD THINGS WANTED JANSEN BROS. TI! WATCH noun. MARRIAGES DEATHS 'iii-tey ty-timp/O. , _ ' _ Fs i The Kartccrs' Advocate, of March s. 1' HI», contains.llle following: Much 8L-Stoclt and imptrments at Far. Evy. ' cl . mile mu. ot Comm“. . Much as -Slock and Implements '8elo%, Oil-Inc. t otarite mu d " Guy. A -- A March 20.256361: Iii-HEI-Eonu ot Joseph "an, a mm we“ ot En» \llle. Gram. potatoec. touts, chin-ho and all slum at $1" and under, ea nu'r thot amount ft tnonths' I'D" ' \ull tre gnvn nu aptrrovr'd joint 2'0 tr'r -l Pt l'l'lll. lu-r annum off fur ca Much In._s Arm-m. "qu .' "newly, 30, was a man cow, ealv- ) ml in 1833, bred by Mr. James Crisp, , Iriuhlingion, 'Nortlutmlwrland, and int- ( ported in 1835 by the lulu Hon. l Miami Ferguson, of Waterdown, ttnt, She was a regular breeder ot an ex- cellent. class ol stock, herni.st of pin- "uce in the first volume of lhe Dom, Iniun Slmrlliorn herdbuok Showing; .-.e\~en enlves horn in the years Ill-'95» t lo Hill; and she was tIre, ttrogkrnttttvis 5 ii probably as large a number of use- ittl animals as any cow ever imported , min Canada, The cows ot this lulnil} ', haw, as a rule, been superior "tilkvts, ( '"gurar breeders and good feeders, und many ltigh-ciass prize wintwts hue been produced by the llihe. Ho many oi Una lamily have been sold to the USA. in the past, and recorded n the American Shorthorn herdtmok, there is no doubt,lhat all registered in the Canadian Will reeord in that book, provided no sires that are in- rligilrle-have been used in the ‘breetl- mg. B.reedersavill, unto at a glance whrn ”my examine the pedigrees of the tihove animals that their breeding is (scvllvnt. . . F ll3t One pure Lred Sliin‘llmlu heiier b'artrter1CAgticplir, 71:35.1 sirp, Jupi- let", flirt"', dant Bright Daisy, 4201'? "ne pure hm! Shun thot" bull, Fair- Iu-ml Jupiter 3nd, No. [51035, called .lum- 2nd, 1005; sire,-Jupitcr,ol5,7b', dam Rosetta, 5867]; Waterloo llero, 32916, by Red Prince, 20656, eic., trace to Beauty gimp.) 30, by hutow- lmlljb‘li'. . Ono pure bred F;horthorn tteiter, Fairmont Mun-ton Nora, 7155i, sire Jruitp.!, by Waterloo Ilero, .37917. etc., Jupiter, 51576. dain Roan Mabel, trace ttrmrauly (innit), M. wimp, tile spade, large table, spin- ning wheel and many other articles loo numerous io uwntiml. liwrythiug will he sold without te- '"'rrP, as the Lulu is sold, There will also be sold at the name Illuxaml date, the following (hrs, grain cradle. A quantity ot po- tatoes, quantity of roots, In!) bush- cls of seed oats, L50 bushels nl mixed ttrain. Cooking stove, has Move, par- lur stove and pipes, cupboard, bench, tooth cultivator, horse rake, Z-llurrow Hm; plow, sculller. new veering scul- h-r, steel pluw, buggy, tuner, iron Lunar", pig; lurk, land roller, hay twk. lumber Wagon,, bob-sleigh, tart. nlng mill, straw cutter, pea harvest. ('I; double harness, single harness, glnw harness, two tluublo trees, three urn-k yokes, two chains,' cow chains, [cure wire, ,hay knilv, large milk can, root pulper, nulk box crowhar, scald. my, Imugh, working bench, new man- ur" fork, pair” tty nets, , long lad- l AUGTIOII an: lauotson 8an I Auctlon an}; mare. rising 11 years old; aged mare; bay mare in lull in Lord Tiutu; rite ing II years old; a good driver three 'ears oid , , COW.Y, supposed to be in tall; one cow Ill-Sh in lM-cmhri'. yrarling [win-rs; )rarling steer; all! months old; 5 cures in lamb, seveit' bleeding mus. some with m-digroo‘ and some eligible for registration; a young Yorkshire boars; ti pigs t weeks old; about " hens. comutetwitsg at one o'vtoceTiu7ttte toggling valuable property, via.: Ttie unsigned will ole: lot uh by public auction. 0- n: premium " miles not“: ot Mt. Clem“. . In the Township ot Wallaby, 0. the road leading to lawn-swine, on I)!PLEMENTS, G RAIN, ETC HORSES. lot. Sticker, Auclidncor WATERWO MARKETS t'9.--Stoce and implements ot "when". at Koswlh. IHmh'ttT DISK. Proprietor. Grio. G. CLASS, Auctioncer, SHURTIIORN t'ATTLF: AUCTION SALES Beau! y, by Snowball T r'. HMS (IF SAL} CATTLE. ETC. - Bay lb Ilith. 4251 (i 25 8 (In " 00 8.5 f20 H ey .77 45 35 ‘ll‘ f The h'atm.--mso " the same Iimu ,anvI place the him will he otkred Int nah it not. previously Mild. " mm- fsisls of loo autos tn'ihe " ot Wit. Anni. tratrtro Co, Lot 3, um. 2. Ilen'nn is a ttcod hot:se, bank barn. ;and other ottutm1rtittgm, alzn good Fil', and so". water; " new: tan what and " an” hush. l Terms of [arm undo known on day [ot sale: mg Trrmtc-1'hickens, hay, oats and all sum: of $10 and and”. cash; m‘ol' that, amount ll months' cum! on an- pron-II sceutity, or 5 per cent. ott " cash payments at (11‘le amounts. C'atthi.-2 cows Just: by time, oi i-sate, 5 cows supposed to be in calf, 5 I walling canes. Grain. liter-ion bus c, lens hay. n.........-..., "'"'""', o l'lUIDII‘S' can! hm'I whimutew, 'teckro'srs, I?! am harm trs, SUI plow harness. 2 sets bug- gy halness. 11,5 feet tow, sudttlrts' horse, Daisy churn, Nagnot Hum sNarator "curly new. _ I, W..- "MVr. - harvester, land roller, Deering seed drill, spring tooth cultivator, iron narrow nearly new, 23ingle plans, 2 _ two-furrow gang plows, mum-5 mill, ,n2w scumer, l tttree-inch tire ~iruck ‘u'agun, bohslcigh, wagon box, gravel planks, wood rack, hay rack (Hahn make), Farmers' Delight sling twin- hold make), 2 seated carriage, two- horse dump cart, buggy pom, grass sud rower, turnip palm-r, wheelbar- tow, roller chopper, Pitts' P2 horse- powrr, Champion '.tTarator, 8ir-tnch cylinder, 15 imh body, in good work- ing order (Waterloo make); platform scans, capacity 2000 Its.; meat tub, grimlslono, 'chains, 2 crowbars, cant Inr, hum-Ms, Etc.--Ftost, & Wood " loot Under m good Cider, no“ a; Wood 5-icot mower nearly new, Frost & Wood Mt-ioot hay rake (combined slums and pole), mower with pea l.nm.--..A-_ ._, I .. -- Horscs.-Bay horse' 12 years old, sorrel horse 12 years old, (bay mare 8 years old, bay mare rising 8 years old, dark bay horse 9 years old, colt rising 2 rears old. commencing at one o'cloek pan. sharp the [allowing valuable property, via :-- _ Human the farm ot the undersigned, m Wilmot, T'p, Lot 3, Com 3, 3 miles west of Ertrssine and 2 miles north- 'rast ot St. Agatha, near the Town- ship Line, on I 0-2t __Terrms ot [arm oi sale. The Farm-also on the same day and place the tum, consisting"! HI acres ot land, upim which are pottery and other good buildings, will he ol- fem! for sate. There is also good hard water well " _ {act deep, halt tilled wi:ll watrr most or the year, and a suit water cistern. - Terms of farm maslp_ht3pwtrsvvlsur, 1’21 coal or wood stove with pipes, cook; Zdown-draught drunis, wood eirukstove, heavy box stove over 100 years old, some firewood, some Ienee mils, grindstone, meat grinder, trash- ing machine, wringer, butter churn, some crockery, set double harncss, set ity nets, sweat pads, cider bar- rel, about halt full ot cider for vin- cgar, chicken coops, forks, shovels, tlower pots, hanging baskets, spit- ronz. stove tubes, jugs and many oth. rr articles too numerous to mention T'ertrti.-chiekens, pigs, firewood and all sums ot $10 and under, cashtover I :hat. amount 6 months' credit on ap-, Itoved security, or 5 per cent. out for cash payments ol credit amounts. - Test-1| scuMcr nearly new, 3 sodiu- ‘mu Inflow, No. 21 Preston plow :hurovqouor with tumbling rods Alll'l'lbafl'bw nearly new. hand ran. fuming mill, set gravrl planks nx-ar- ly new, buggy pole. away tub, .mn lettlr, p, wooden nee-Wakes, iron neckv Sofie. 2 whimetrees, parlor coal store nearly new, (Preston male); new No. W""'"-" “3"“ "l““l' Implements, Kte.--1ron axle way): with box, [may spring wagon witl doubl: box, opt-n buggy, cutter urn ly new, Manitoba '... o" . wk, hay rake, laud roller, ham .traw emu-r, No. 2 Verity gang plat nearly new, with set of new shears I "orsrti.-h.otret mate I years old :00! driver; line driver rising 2 years M, in loll to Douro King. Cattle-Jersey cow due to valve June tst, Jersey grade cow due to calve middle ot April, Jersry grade miter 10 months old. Pigs, Btu-1 pigs " months old at] " chickens (good layers-L Auction Sale or tarmStoclt and lmplamonts trituutr, ing at one o'clock p.35“! the 'oltowiag valuable property El C.- TUESDAY, MARC]! 20, 1006, Thou M1 to sold by ”new tlon,o- the Inn ot ttte “amp“. Lt', lune south ot Conestoga, on “I. - All. “nut-1.. llwn: will be sold by public anc- I Iorsmi "-F. JOSEPH " JOSEPH mt'ht S WM. lu'BY & SON, ,l9ti1r1'lIf1rrT1s', _ pigs " months old .r'iens tgood layers). ts, Kte.--mm axle wag): Runny spring wagon witl , opt-n buggy, cutter mu YrafartcH '21stT’nio'oT Proprietor AUS, Auction-err Proprietor oats an I about war»- Weg,e,a,e.ee To no PLAIN AND -. "nuan- " n- un... .. nu. a“ and "up and Hal-n, , on the noun-m 3 miles not of Mill. or 33. General Btore Busines- and Prat-art; and live noel. Tdtt ','h Pglrig"d [Argo a rim: mm tr a an um- TaLl/TS',','.",,': connected. Address A. EDWARD MEYER. Guelph, Ont. U. on Tue-d: Wednndu s. Nd “a II.- urdayl. tgt of .ell'?f,'i'fll%'rU, 15'lltlN'2 WI nl . u» R m . (I, h'lJ,'l'eff,. P'dl'l cm” . 'ttl "Settled Guido" Ind "Wm MA' 22512.2! mane! 'et.artth"rrry' - boohti/ti of node“ mo and mm unt- clam. with film and full tt'g,tfti2ltt upturn application to neared Can-man o gonad): write to C. B. rm. REA. JP. ' Town”. ”Us" trawl“ without. II" the! m In no p.31. alM1'l Tannin my. F" w" __ did ata-ts-tir-oi." "WV -e -. 8820) buy: Immu- farm near Celt. Wittttirotoe*nttd_Fgtsr-toat no”. rptco 'iiiiivttase I'm-m no" Waterloo. gran "m "ruri"iaimitrrti." T- --_ t"' "m w' ......- will tturr, no new turn: [our Cmshil'. level v“, fir'li. _.- _-_- -.-. - "rm.. ,.._.-.... ' .., .-. 3mm tur. 4 war a no" Bron-Inn, I lino mldenvt ”(In bus 100 new. mm (an. SIM t IP " scrotum MIT Waterloo. a; londid T-" iiiiaiaYuGiimC- N“ "_"""""'"""' 310.759__b_gg , l_l_ {have farm 'sear.Watkero, "mat. am i In]: an acre farm mm- Bertiu, "Ne dal toll n- In market, mm huts ."n a n [um Ira: ttoriin. 98700 buy-- we arm farm no" Gull. my? 19]:qu tum neu- Wtatesrbourttet, Box 422; plume 552. T ‘Omcc Frederick St., opp. market. V-" -.- -w Here - ....... ___-. mm..- m... w" T _ burn and culhnhdlmu. - bur Lek more tum re" Dunn. good fruit and Mel-l; aim-Rod ' swim?! " new hm near Mums, . bar. _-'-- “ - "WW- _-r-i- ........... u--. v..- _ burg.n sum-am " m. moo burn 23 a: " farm near Bushn. good bandit-m; not» buy- no acre tum near Gan. - bugs mi acre hum near Bridgeport. hi: ir cu livaud. _ mo buy-I Ilz acre (arm. can Bros'au. a I an hot one farm. sumo buss 1m acre farm no" "osmium tun Jain thll luring. 385m tun 281L303. 1iy,e,,tttlr Datum hm new All you an " m that "mm in " ureter-t. ttto large”. and boat booming town in Ontario and properly Net increasix-g in vulva so i.I- rerrtmmmtm In 'tt are alum! sum. " Mrs. lame hurt at petrtie,t lune tor publici- uon. when you can choc-n from, mine are! " flue homes for raked farmers. which can "ehtrArc. Aim Pl'."!'.! t the Me pulldlnu l le "8145 Fir; irG7Gi mun raising hm. love], no" luv-non. M300 buys 87 new hm in Willinnnlmrz. A u- . . It!!!) hug: " acre (mu no“ Go". M2513 Per, :51};de ruining. neu- Sln " um bun I" - wil h good buildl'mu. no“ Don ' " a zld ml nprinl. SIM bun in was. line buildings, no“ Bam. bnm. . Ire-t. Inn-1n. hug» 1t1ttltlamei. dairy farm. ' all" 1mm tVisii. iiiarehTtriiri,' 't_ieljiity,iiirCiiAkiiGaGaiciiirii W’s: 103$ SPECIAL TRAIN. FOR smalls No rescue, as the proprietor . has sold his place and is moving to town: None of the above property will be re-bought. _ Terms.-pigs, poultry, grain and all sums of 810 and under, rash; over that. zmount 9 nmnths' unlit an ap- rrovedjat notes, or} [arr cent. on per annum tor cash payments of cred- it amounts. l implements, Kte.--3 top buggies tt Molly new), democrat, single boree wagon with pig and hay rack. lazuli) cutter, single horse trotrsleigh, guilty, My rake. single horse land roller, ’lmuinx nuistraw cutting box, root pelper, single horse plow (Waterloo settle, single wagon harness, 3 sets buggy harness, bonalo rote, coon-skin robe, woollen horse blanket, large box stove with drum, pipes, elder barrel, 2 gritsdstones, alum! 3 dozen grain bags, tsaddlers' stitching horse, lurks, shovels. cream separator near' ly new, Daisy churn, a. quantity ot oats and barley, and a lot of outer.'ar- ticles too numerous to mention. Pip. - Four pigs 4 monlhs old, " barred Plymouth Rock Imus and l roam. Hol.a.--atood working horse. . Cattle..." Jersey com " ot them mink-red). twiter " maths old and all 8 months old. Win; at I o'etoip.iit.7 a up, - (allowing valuable property, MARCH mo APRIL POI SALE " EXEGIITORC Then Witt beqold brpualie “can. a a. In. oi the “483W, " Knuth. on m- am; A" mum COLONIIT CAI. AWACHID EVERY 1’0an DURING TOURIST CARS F. E. SHANTZ, Berlin, Out. MONDAY. MARCH 10, Real Estate FOR SALE NO :x'rlu etuiiCe AUGUST HOELSCHER, AuntsyLnszn To ”mum Alberta and JOS. MICKUS, br/ttid, F. u: Proprietor Auctioneer rarrrir,l S yum and uu"l.t'u"'i2'g,t' t'lMt,'"t'tptt, Itt , . , II PM...“ and! ”an limb. “was ta,? 'rttM'a1'tui.t I!“ 'Nt I'll . - “N..."- _'r'll'll"" . can. Callu- him. IlrJ'ffJtd1tIft _ _--------, I Notice in h'rt'hy given tttat, the Annual General Moo-l [IR ot the mock- horder,. of the Mrrcalptilv Fm: Insur- ', "mt Company will he held at the Head I 0ttico ot lb. Company in the town of 1 Wall}: loo. Ont. on Mttlut IIIAI STOCK "" H'nm bud. lo . it In lurk-Mu Pl trum Owni- to month“ K. In," " . C. a. menu". M. one o'clock p. m., fur the, elem- ion of orhrro and tor the receiving Bud (omidt-ring of the report of the I', sunny-‘1' nun-lion. for the your (um. and ott" r landlin- that may he n-uught before the muting. _ Irntlter, - HEQGANI‘ILE FIRE ms. 00. " outer, ahh'il'l,1 WRIGHT. Santana “Vagina. Feb. 19th, I” ISIDOR B. SNYDER, Ollico American Block. B in the rich district of Cobalt. First issue owr subscribed by half a. million, 250,000 a? ares now at fend " Me which are m )stly sold. Tuis i, a gilt edge proposition. SILVER LEAF Ogilvie's _ Royal House- hold Flour $2.80 pe Cwt. Oat Feed $13.00 per ton. Glover and Timothy Terav.s.-Hens and all sums of $10 and under, cash; met that amount IO ptorttrs' credit on approved security, or 5 ter cent. oit pct annum tor cash payments ct credit amounts. 10-3t. Hogs.--' shoals 5months old,sow with IO pigs 5 weeb.S old. Pouttry.-Ahout 50 chickens. _ Inv, Lttunts, Etc.-Tractiun ll h.p. "tgitte (Waterloo make), water tank, lump and hose, Champion separator, (Waterloo male), " in. cyli'ulcr and " in. hotly, sell feeder attached; chopring mi l, Maple Lent hinder, Mas:ey-Harris 6 ll. out tinder, mow- cr, Massey-Harris hay rake, 2 waT- ous, 3-seated carriage, top buggy, cart, cutter, sleigh, narrow, 2 flow». cultivator with seal box, It-tarrow Ilow, large root pulpcr, tanning mill, Mom-bout, 2 Bets-double. harness, 2 sets buggy lnrncss, scale, 2000 lbs. capacity ; hay rake and other articles too numerous to mention. . mum-5 cows lone Iresll, the oth- ers supposed to In ii, all), g hcitern rising 2years ul‘l, one steer lisiugz wars old, '3sterrs rising 1 year old, t lu-Tlers rising 1 year old, all 3 months old. 1utormttion chverfully given Horaes.-a'orret horse l9 years oil, tone! Intro " yous old, bay trare rising 5 years old, bay horse n ing 5 In." oid, yearling colt. S. GINGRICH, commencing M. one o'clock p.m.sharp the lollowing Valuable property, tiz: The": will be sold by public uctio an thc premises ot the undersigned,: mile east of Bambmqm____. or Farm Stock and Implements Monday. March af th 1906 I In THURSDAY, MARCH M, 1906 Auctlon Sale _ Farmers buy your Clover Sect] now for its bound to advance in priep, and be sure that yen get Government standard brands- ANNUAL MEETING LION, TIGER and WOLF. WATER LOO BE READY G tt KG tnty For Aha-Mm P. o. OIL When Your Gas Goes Out. Ann! ionrer Proprietor. Berlin. l "I." inn-Inn. I A. a. "10"", q 'li1tfil'tty'1tgt1i,'ah'g.hud ttaatetttott St SHIPPING H068 WANTED IN Hill] -ihUrurriciraaii Ivy“ "Wo" I" I IIVIII'" taTltdllu" "ttet and [all plumb" _ - J. W. leNLEY. ' Pttte".,ttrrt1_rrrt m Jam in mun Gui " young Tnmwnnh an". ot no! Inc an Chan-o brre-lh-w. duo tat “now In March a d An". Also mm»: m or bath tum Tamworth "um- uo mm. vb. but cl"- o? h on In!" And no cell-II I o In VII] maul amon- thet {onion and min A, C. HALLMAN. Bull“. Ont. Purebred Tamworth Swlno F " 8an STRASSER’S, UNDERWEAR M E NS OVE RCOATS Mrtr Bring" Your Friends and Nei hbors Along too. Men's All Wool Underwear Soctszor ........... 4octs 75 cts for ............55cts 'too for ........... 65cta 'a5 for ........,....75cts " oo 20 Oo $6000verccats at....$ 400 Boo " " .... AAO, Too, For Sale 'itil:,,:'):'.":)".,:?..?""")).) Moving . Weseloh a Gp., O Don’t Forget the Place New“. OIL " the Sovereign Bank will have compote", muons sud plumber. in on Monday, Much Cro, to romodel our clothing rare for their po'in non: Bunk promises. Tim is your Ian about. to buy clothing, hull, capo, furnishings and oboe- " coo: 3nd Von than our; for fonhor use. lt willy.) you to some miles. on other- uo doing "or, day, to this the you": money ou- ing “in over hold in Dunn. Come Come Come ff, Think them: week " our Great Retiring from the CLOTHING 3081x285 SALE and prices have taken “other drop. The entire stock man I). told out by Saturday, March 3rd MST CHANGE If you can W In our " You’ll find It In our store STILL G ING ON ThoaStoro of Quality I Great dauphin in Cunt-n. Shit)”. ,anom nu "mm. In on!" to (redtiee my mix. t intend to all at a 11ch to lnduoo , on to buy. R, mom- oer this will only Int for sixty 111?. ’All flt ttood. an qPttrraatted to in t a but t " my can buy. I Amt for Canola: Stock Food. Sum-Io! I mile ”at "of Mum-Mm. m- lngM Tu can at whlrh ' new: In and Mill and bounce under and am. of mttttrBtimt. (m it In (and 1mm not. and not hm vi Mb-umhulmnn "and In" It hon. Ind urn. Now when! and ohlrrh. B or on but My”... " my". Mahmud?“ All t2Mttrt hm. 'qrtergrt.-t mun. an!) or write . . NATHABIIIL IIRGIY. " 'tmrtt MAI-Mm P. o.. on Farm for Sale " Sow- MIh In pl: or wilt: liver. an. Wit] 'a at . mol- "In. c. M. 9!!! MENS PANTS $4 00 Men's Pants, for $3 00 3.0 l' " . " zoo YOIISIIIIS FOB “ll. War Declared. BOYS' OVERCOATS I 25 WATEBLOO. BERLIN. "--86oo AUDI tso 125 4to

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