Flags vary in significance according ,7 to‘iheir color. For instance, a mim- 7 _tiag is ieptertlToughout the-work, __ "I: a "sir-kiss-r-h-iii-tviii-ig-cite'-- T tiattre, and a Mack flag dettotts a _ pirate; a tlag ot plain yellow usually signifies that the vessel is in quaran- tine.' The first Union Jack was intro . fused by royal iroclaimation in 1606, three years altqr the union ot the scottish with thy English crown. The flag only combined ire crosses oi St. Georgeand St. Andrew at first, but on the union with Ireianda new un- _ ion ensign wrs devised, in which th, cross ot St. Pitrick wax irtt.rodtrcvd, with its tour iinlr.ve edge, with “hm a one side. This sp.eeinten cl hm; _ aldry forms Um second and nnw ex- isting casigu. 1hr l'nnadian rung“. _ » representing otwoi the lli'iirh tul- onics, contains at its-head a rrmul, then three maple hairs on a hum h, lion, a lash, a hfrd, two [It'r:. ail-l n ' 1esset afloat. 'lt is generally mun-f~ _titood, and we behere, that it In "tit- ish law, that. no Iorcrgn flap, is Minna; _ ed to float on the breerasm 1iritishl, territory without liming the ii/ici/ ensign above it.. Huwmcr ulnar the ttag of the land ot one's birth may be, errryune who lives and rnjuys the protection and lihcity whit h the British ensign guluantecs 'siiuuld nut attempt to unturl a foreign Lam-yr without hating a Union Jack iloaiiuy. nbdvo it of at least (ulna! silo, “Jove ll ot at least input! side Whemwer the Union Jack i,,hrrist-. M togetbrr with the Canadian vnsiir,n it would inspiré Canadians with Icer- jugs ot loyalty an! patriotism. as as well as of natioiinl Pi ide, Let the, rising 'ettciraiion be. taught that the Canadian fur, sVttiovs national hun- orand dimilyand then M than " Illustrate by their Ines and actions that they are carrying out the plin- tiplcs which their tiag "mum-Ms. GUARANTEED ('L'RE FOR FILES Itching, Blind, BIN-ding or Pro- trailing Pihs. Drttgzistsreturut tuttn- cy it Pazo Ointment tails lo uure any use, no matter oi how long Handing. in Iito it days. Ficst application given case and rrsl. ' " your chuggist hdsn't " son?! 5m- in stamps null it In" brfortxarritNt pustaid by Pare Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. 1 The Veterans Assueiation was in- corporated in 1896, and is composed of men, as the name at the Assurin- tion implies, who served under tln British tlag during the Crimean War. The intrinsic commercial value at a vice ot silk or calico may mean hm little.but when it has emigns in» printed upon its lace rcprrscnting a nation‘s lower and dignity, the int- portance of the piece at hunting he- comes increased. The signilir-ame of . natiun's [lag may he estimated to I certain extent when we consider that formerly the English admirals ttring the British ensign required the ships of all other nations to dip their‘ensigns to the English tug."tht aetgsatart-ttre dutch to comply ttith t_his'cnstomwas the signal fur one ot Blake's Llomliest encounters “ilk Tan Tramp. . The an; ot our country, being the emblem ot Britain's might and glory, " ought. whemwer and wherever dis- played. to etch: trolings ul patriotic- pride in nary British suhirct. out this Association Views with regret th pru'alont and increasing custom " making " the medium til calling at- tentinu to auction sales and other- whe using it [or advertising ptrrpos- rs demeaning the ttag and taking trom it the respu't with which it ought in in viewed. Resolved, therrtore. that the President appoint aconttttittve to act. with Vtndred associations or oth- erwise in maintaining to Fircure a diss continuance at the practice at using the British or Canadian tiags tor such puiposcst ADVII‘I‘IIIRI. ml“ I‘ll mu All.“ -ln~lbu 1'irt'Elth'; Thaw": “new! kWh-3'59!" The [allowing “solution was pass- ed at the rel-cut annual meeting of the Veterans ot 1866 Association :-- Qhronlole " Talon-up]: . Jnttpt-"'"" - - lam In. â€that OUR COUNTRY'S FLAG. to help her lhrough there trying: {winds and to keep the system in a normal and healthy cottdrtion. The girl just enteri woman- tg',') 'P/dl',','". "2'"lgy ,t'i,e,;"itA'ed, equal iiiie'ijFr)',.',yi'ii',il" _ i a. 1 ett at t e rs! sin n 'teeeement. t in prompt assistance. Read the special directim" tor wean wit: every box A Helping Hand To We: There " help for "wry wanna “ha "of". deprmsvom backavhc and mm thert Nature makes a heavy demand Every woman sh'ndd take lirllilli0llulllllll't PILLS "ltitt 01.. ._. “than. t'tta,4ltty “limb 'ttttt J."dt uni-nib all will to WWII-Malnutm. 'o-Lai' itch" F, a-i." iGiiaariirg, hump lho 'tttters from Mada-4 mu ailment; ritirityiiiviiii'iia mud on her strength and Vitality. Um‘lph, March 'il-Mr and “IS. Thomas (ilhsun rvlvbrah-Il the titticth umuvmsary of their marriage on Mummy night. Mr. Gibson is 82 yum u! ago. and Mrs. Gibson 7'3. Thete wow ONT um- hundred gttwits prom" ftom Irrst Luther, Pvel, lil- "ta. Fergus, Pilkington, Puslinrh, Eranmsm Crurlph township. and in tact all "ver' the munly of Welling- ton, from Halton and Watcrioo coun- ties, Mr. Gibson ted the dance, which “as rmnyr-l by all. Tho Ilvalh of Mus. 1'onrad [lit'ht'l of Nenstadt hmk plm'v'un Wednesday aitrsr an tllurss of several months at thv advainccd “gr. of 83 years, ll months and " (um-ks, Deceased is sur- viscd by i nululwr cl childrcn 1N'.r1- rln-nt in “Mun, VIA. Nts. MN) F. It KalbllI-N'h. Mrs. Aug. Barium-r, Mus. Sth:, Meinke and Mrs. F. W. Kuhn. Ttm other t'ttit6rrctt are: Martin Kalhileisch, and Mrs. Ruhrâ€. Minn, West Supcrior, Wis.; George Kalb- flvisch, Monica, Mam; Egon, Kaite tlert'lt, Chicago; and Mrs. Aug. Jur- Ical, llmmvrt. At the annual Inn-cling of the Galt nluxical Sorioly on Tuesday evening I was dwinlml that new unilornis he neural and it was recommended that kills he alluvial and the name of ll": and changed to the Galt Killir .lmul. It will gust over a tltousand tollars fur Ihese uniforms and they mill he made in Scotland. The most ravored tartan for ilu. Kilt was that If the Gordon llighkuulrrx. The rr" "tu-lation waPu"anitesly t"lt- ‘IIIIM‘il, and tht. Hull'r fur ll". "tti- Zulmx “I†lu. will "fi tl:is “rt-k and 'ln' unilun‘nx Ilwmwlrrs wtll airin- wt Ltter thon tiw iirstweek in May. No 'lonltt llu- lu-nuhlnl Highland uni- ‘mm will rrulm unhmnuh-d milliusr min in Gait, as wvll as do much lo populatU.r the hand in surrounding places. To dvlray the cost an appeal, will he made to the public in some have or Ilurm. __ - _ the necessity ol prescrving the. Wad waters ot streams by protecting the fo.resUation about them and the ne- u-ssily of 1t4orc.stration in many parts of the Province. Mr. Montcillt said that they had made out a strong case. The important question ot the pre- st-rvation ut Ontario's forests and the water pmvvr which is depended upon ftra'great deal (It the Provinee's in- .lustIial activity, was discussed with Hon. Nelson lilontcitli at Toronto on Wednesday by a dcputation reprcscr.i- n; the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. It consisted of C. I]. Rust and Cecil B. Smith, of Toron- in, and T, lLchirthanpt, of Berlin. Contrasting the last. tiara! year With the pun-ding twelve months the fvllowiitr.ifuis are shown: Paid-up capital, $623,119,196; tigrotis earnings, $ti,247,7b'3; working expenses, $5,- IHJI‘J; net. earnings, $833,35l; Pats- .sengers carried, l,Ii-l7,!t5tt; height. Hallie, 3,796,138 tons. Accident returns showatntal ot that persons killed, 35 being passen- new, 206 employes. and 227 others, .uul in addition 1,357 injured, at whom 3li Were passenbers, IH9 eni- ,luyes, and 191 others. Government's Loss. The net loss in operation ot Lit-w ~rnment railways tot' the war was 1,855,261Mr. Butler, Deputy suite ster, computes that a direct run-ml]- Itzre of not less than t'A50,wo was nought about by the unprecedented svverity of the weather last winter. r'urtherrrmrc, a, cost til at least $140,- mntl resulted to the Intervoioniai through the stalling fur several months ot 3,000 cars used ior (any: mg, hay to relieve the shortage ot ladder in Prince Edward Island. l FURESTS AND WATER POWERS Ottawa, March 1-]. m1, six you: below co_tio., Cum possum but 1.80. an“ ut runway, with; paid-up can!“ ot 838,378,985. These lines carried 1,835,000 pum- xcrs. handled t,t50,846. ' ot height, And tarttedBtset sum ot ti,- "H.316, the gun-gale earnings being $ti,733,666. On June 30 last tttere Wen: 20,601 miles ot completed rail- way in the Dominion, an increase of 990 mites over His previous year. be- nidrs 3,633 miles ot swings. The paid- up capital amounted lo $l,Stlt,666',- Ili, there were 35,388,723 pun-"gins carried, and the "eight train: was tepresented by 50,u93,95'l tons. The Cross earnings amounted to $100,167.- ltm.’ and tlae not tunings to www.- b25. Comparing me two periods it will be seen what enormous snidrs l'auacla has made in M was: -__e _ Cumin New Possum 10.60! Miles of Conduct! Railway. IMMENSE GROWTH OF OUR RAILWAYS "4'd ' . kikWAmm "lil",:3" l -†Dr 'o Women ITll or' G ALT'S K 1LTâ€) BA N D, GOLDEN WEDnl NG MRS, C. DI riHEL P, Lint. h the mum toning on the King‘s Plain The Byrmntt pair " mum! 'ctrrHce, Ttte otdt, In Inning on tte Seunm platen An " Inlmlmh right hrtms rv-ndimtvs n day’s wark tor Luzon-m um! they are teh' " cums m beat. Chicago snort tarsorers are paid $2 per day and won't" " hours prr work. or at the rate "I 2n rent; [or hmlr Tlw lawn-rs nu wan-r pipe rxllmiml "ttrise a Di 'us lzss than 28c prr hour and tlte ithorets at the pump Nation m‘rhr tia per month. In Toledo where the engineering depitrirnot i; umhr thecrmtrot " a [10.111 oi Pttb,lie Scrvirc. the rmproy- ps ol the stunt rimming svrvice are pail $1.53" and wot's 'oight hours. This " a rate at In: cents per hour, 'The chic laborers in Toronto have also asked hr tr.'. and the "rnuest was pranted. For the purpose at compar- isnn the [allowing seheduhsot wages rail in lake cities whrre the condi- tiuns are the same as they art in To. rant", “no svt'ured, which will he of toral ll "rrst Z.- ‘ll~I- 11mm†chic rnml-n' ' tttW 'llsl- 11:â€qu lhic bud-In;- ' hm‘, work nine: hunts a tlay, and under thr, now rate will â€(The MI cents 1ch hour. At ile? ('ounvll mecling [dbl Mum Jay â€wing. a request tor an immune of wages lor the civie lalwn'ls was urn-i ed from Follvl'al Union No. IV, in which thry asked " twumls an Izmir more Vr lrn hours a day, whirl: wuul'l maV the scale $1.60, “.5" and " fur third, stcond and ttrsi- ctass.s men "tipectivety. 'llim'cu-r. nearly all of the civic latorcrs con- bldet 1ttemsertcs "lirshlass" and lhey Would receive $2 a day. The association make this appeal in Sunday school workers and sympa- not only to Sunday schools, but also thizvrs, in Int-Imps Ihey will for- ward thvir conttihuiions. t'onttitru- lions will In' received by Theron Gib- .s-m. lrvasuwr "Marin Sunday School Association, Room 99-100, Confedera- tion Life Building, and should be marked "lot famine fund." WHAT CIVIC LABORERS GET IN BIG CITIES. . The people oi Japan were unable to 5m: this calamity. The same land was tilled as in [armor years, but last war there was too Mlle sunshine and 130 much rain, and it is said a millim souls are in imluuliatc peril of starvation'unlcss speedy relief comes. . - If is said that the [amine was mak- ing iiseli [on below peace was um- cllulml with Russia, but it was not made known in case Russia would lake advantage of it -lo prolong ' the M rnggle. The letter says that the Christian Herald oi New York makes an appeal 19_ItisteqpAt ol 11939,, 'url, Ite, TrttTjmo-gTti-tsiiFaTi6n-ar_itCaEuniii" similar cMrt in Canada. The letter also points out that the suttering is 3;) groal that it pleads for speedy ru- m-f, lest it come mo late to Have thousands. yes, lens of thousands oi precious lives. ‘ We. the mention at the House ot t amnion: in Canada in 9artiaarsettt a8- 'cuoiod, beg to humbly convey u ,o.r Maiesty with mammal-cc at our loyalty and devotion to your roy- al prim, the expression oi the nie- sire and hope, long and intently th:ti,hed by all British subjects in- habiting British North America. that your Majesty-will be variously ttttrats- ed to honor them mill your Major ty's presente, and then-by enable to utter the pirsonal tribute ol their on warning attachment to the Crown and the tiowrnhnnt ot the Empire, oi their deep aha-lion tor your Dill jisly's person. and their prolound m- utation tee thm'hngty‘virtmu: truly humanitarian duds which han owned for your Majesty first place union; the great sovereigns ot tin s_orhl. Neuly tiny years ago,your Matias ly, thou the heir apparent to tin throne which your Majesty now ad, o in, honored Canada with your Frc's- ulcc, on the occasion of the inaugu- ction ol the Victoria Bridge. The ap- poitching completion ot the Queue bridge, the initial step and one or the mus ot the transcontinental Railway ct Canada, would attord your Majesty a fitting opportunity to witness the 'rogress and development accomplish- ed in your Mainsty's possessions on .hi. continent it would enable the in- . a. itants to indulge in the manifesto lion oi their loyalty to their Jwloved king and Queen. - - The otficers of the Ontario Sunday School Association have made an ap- peal to.the Sunday schools of On- tario on hehalI ot the surering peo- ple in the northeastern provinces of Japan, which have been stricken with famine through the iailure ot the rice crop. It is stateda mil- lion people are on the verge ot stain vation. T We, thevetore, most humbly pray that your Majesty and â€or Most Gra- cious Majesty, the Queen. Will lend Hair august presence on the occasion at the inauguration of the (luck; Midge. The Sengram snide " the tavorite WILL Mk KING ICONFERENCB To VISIT CANADA . IN S Mustache an“ inParlmn- Mennonitenrethreaiacmulc cut standing 71mm to (washout Gathering“: Dttgvn. Inch 1.7m... H. A. Rd- coun, senior â€be: tor Ottawa, gives notice ot the lollowiug “has to the tsing i-- FAHINE IN JAPAN. met: In†Bk _That's what a prominent druggist said of Scott's Emulsion a short time ago. As a rule we don't use or refer to testimonials in addressing the public, but the above remark and similar expressions are made so often in connec- tion with Scott's Emulsion that they are worthy of occasional. note. From infancy to old age Scott's Emulsion offers a reliable means of remedying im- proper and weak develop- ment, restoring lost flesh and vitality, and repairing waste. The ac ti o n of Scott's Emulsion is no more of a secret than the composition of the Emuls sion itself. What it does it does through nourish- ment-the kind of nourish- ment that cannot be ob- tained in ordinary food. No system is too weak or delicate to retain Scott's Emulsion and gather good from it. The owning stsisi.n will our" at 7.30. Tlrrre will he an alldrrst; vi “rimmi- br. Mayor Stuzraun and rp- Ily by Mr. M. H. Snyder, and an 51'!- ttttrcs by Phil. G. li. Day. Miss Lama Mase, of Guelph, will also addrcss th" meVting nu "The "l'ornanly Sl-lncn-ul Woman." Woodward's unhxsim will [no “r mu: ie. All mrmht-m and oth. cls interested are heartily Welcome. A meeting oi the North Waterloo Faruurs’ Instituittpvitl be held Fit day, March 16, in thy Town Hail, Wa- tvrluu. At the alurnocn session, commencing at twoo'tlcc's, Prof. G. Fl. Day, of the O.A.C, will deliver an adllrtss u: "The liacon Industry," from producer to consumer. At four o'clock 1mm, Prof. Day will con-dun, ajcdyi:rg class on horas, weather permitting. ..\i-.imals for the purpose will be provided. . WINE]! II" 1.llili" berlain's ('umgh Remedy. " is kept on hand continually in our home," says W. W. Kearney, editor ol the Independent, Lowry City, Mo. That is just what every family should do. When kept at hatcrready for instant use, a com may heeliec'r'ed at like outset and cured in much less lime than all†it has become settle-l in the system. This re medy is also without a peer tor croulr in cumin-n, and will prevent the attack wrten gi You ae soon as the child balconies hoarse, or even alter the rro-Ipy cough appears, which can only be done when the remedy is _k.'gtryuuttrn3VForsatt by all druggists. A. Eby, J. McNally, C. Runner. J. A. Sider, S. Cressmau, S. S. Stanl- ter, J. K. Fidlcr, C. N. Good, H. 'Jitherittgton, C. R. Miller, C. K. Knuth. W. Brown, W. Irish, J. Ball J. Clark. M. Brictier,, J. F. Gusins, G, A. Chambers, S. H. Fretz, I. Lin- den. A. 0. Dover. City mission workers-E.. Hostet, ler. S. Bowman, J. Little, S. Pool, M. Dunnington, E. Evans, S. Mc- Quarric, hr. White, E. Good, D. Shantz, M. Market, C. Loop, M. Réeves, M. McClelland. F. Matheson, M. "math, L. Swalm. ALWAYS KEEPS CHAMBER- LAIN'S COUCH REMEDY IN THE HOUSE. “We would not be withm 'terlainrs Fungi] Remedy. " Presiding Bidets-4'. Cuber, S. Gou- die. Tho nu ma! emstemtee ot the M. B. C. Church in Christ can“ It and“. OIL, on Thur-day lion- ing. Almost an the minute"; and minim wotkeu “our the “Hon tteid. uni my missions in Ontuio, were present. Elder P. Cotter occu‘ pied the chair, and alter devotional exercises the luminous ot the culin- euua began. All" the "with; ot the Ininutesol llw previous year, and. the election ot numerous cvmutittees, the diluent ministers and workers gave short verbal reports ot the ytar's work. It In indeed encouraging to hear ol the wet-1‘33 and courage ot the diner- ent workers. The kantes at is, niiiirsrtirrsa_rir, mission workers who are present are " lolluws:-( Quitc a number cl young men ol- tered ttteusseives as applicants to the ministry. 7 W .4â€" Mittisuts-S. Ehy, M. Weber, N. 9etreiler. ll. Goudir, tl. S. Mammal TWO SESSIONS TO BE HELD. m-nmmu'kmmm 'ttrm-o-Lott-e. ghnyhmludl-uh-yu SCOTT & DOWN! IMO-t. and"; am '0'!"an Ill SESSION without Cttam 'ii':') F. E. MACKLIN " - BERLIN In Hm Preston Opera Home Wedaesa day night the Preston Ototal Stu-i9 tr tender"! the mm: "Robin Hood" ton lull Imam Thr, singing and net- init ot tmth mimlplls and chorus wrrr magniM-rnt. Mr, Wilhmm. thr conductor, was rrsgnmsmk ior the! production and thr Prrestun pawl!" mu proted to Mus and: I man “ml " an tttl-round musician, No matter wholly" choral or orchestral Mr. Wil- ligms mum his mm. The â€plan that greeted the mam»; o! etch act was I urn-inc ttekrtr"rud-" M the olivine} ol both pritpats aatd chorus. In 1hedeattt ot the late Mrs. J.-h. Mac is anvilu-r of the " old land- mails has bun removed hum our midrt. She suni’rod bu 1cssand (In tate John Alhslcr Macho, by tm. nuts, and reached the a;e ot T, tears and 2 months. Mrs. Macho, whose maidm name Was Mary M. "hr P, was turn in County Mayo. in In-lzuul, and mum- to Canada T.im quite young. Inning lived in 1mm. over Lily years. Mu- lml been in pear health for 53m tinte, but the erri, which came ts'attnd6 evening hat, was rather uncxrcclezl. John Fenneli, C. K. Itothso, Alex- “do: Mile. 'lhos. Petrec and W. ll, Schmalc. Beatrtitut floral ofterings were couh'ihuud as a last mad: M t'stesttt by Mr, and Mrs. W. ll. Howl- ty, Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Emily, Mr. and Nts. J. K. Sragram. Mr. and Mrs. John FVnnrit, Mrs. Dr. lkmlby. Mus. 'sector, Mrs. T, summon, Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Millar, Mr. and Mrs, “in. Stimuli, MLaml Mrs. C. " "omuan, Mrs. llilhol'n, and trom her ep,iidrrn and grartbhlhtrvti. hst, was rather uncxrcclczl. l Mrs. Mackie is sunlurl by two daughters, Mts. Dr. Lac1ner, Berlin, and Mrs. John u. Falls, of 1rinni- lien and by six grandcl)ildrtn. Thrm " her children, namely, John. Alex- "tthr and Bessie, the wife of William Kiel-nor, Montreal, prc'lcuasul. her .otue years ago. The re ttitsg were intern-d "ope cemetery on Wedncscl Mr. Andrew otticittting. . tell-(mt wrre_ Mrssls. W. " ‘llenry Uarscateen, Hamilton, Said HESS? elapse; lutdntetter he, Indexer attttl ttttopinion or Jhe Gotemment ioutd be had. In his opinion the ap- plication ior power to secure lands and farm them out _ to prospective. manufacturing concerns was the worst torm of bonus system which should be deprecated and (ought. on every occasion. Ho tar as the exten: sion of the powers of the municipal WWW-works act was concerned, Mr. t'ai'swallrn_.htposed special prisileges and said that what applied to Peter- boro should he made te apply any other place. _ The two clauses were laid over. Clauses in the bill authorizing thel Council to raise debentures tor pub-1 lie works and tixiug the, assessment oi the Central Milling Assoelatlnu at Mint“! lor ten years were applovcd. Ity-law Stands. The committee rclused to disallow the. 1rydaw passed by Napanco to raise money by debentures to teitatt-. lish its own lighting plant. _ Mills authorizing Oshawa. to raise “LINN! by 1lelrenttures for sewers, and giving Pctrolea the power to raise 310,000 [or sid.ewatks, were rc- ported. _ 1kr memo†is revered as a kind and [wing mother, and she will be greatly missed in her lamily circle. The re ttitsg were intern-d in Mmtnt Ilupc cemetery on Wednesday, Itev. Toronto, March 7.--Mr. Bradborn's bill inspecting the city of Peterhoro caused u lot of discussion in the Pri- vate Bills Committee this morning. The main teature,ot the bill was a ciause authorizing the Citr Council. without the consent oi the ratepay- as, to Irureitase the lands; formerly owturdhy the Peternoro Sugar com, pany, and giving them power to’ grant or lease any portion olitlx-se lands to any person or cmporation who will establish concerns in Metertroro upon such conditions as the council may think m. . . - - I Mun. C. smurf-age] bu jun "turned ftom he! "with": die In In catch Private Bills Committee opposed ‘of tho late-v mum-11am mi trg, of tsit descriptions; ulna the“ 'rCmmlng. men _ . u anon-n lulu-unn- have any brand» interwoven with Roll" coll-n Ind to Granting Lottcessions to bolus of i,rlicii, variot'y one. IG' , Eastern City 2 WANT TO PRINT “my; GRU M' 're?:':'.??;' SHllRTllNGS s HI I RTI N Gs We have I splendid line of Shining- in nuipes and chain, good heavy goods and good panel-nu. 'lhey use tint elnpts value " - - EMBROIDERY AND LAOE “Iâ€: TUE LAIE PRESTON N I'ZWS F. LllllMlltll,llllllll - Beriiii Chairman Uqu‘vm.‘ BUY LANDS. MKS. MACKâ€). w. " now.)- Irothuio, Alex Tl Wo can give you A good he", Print, thirty-two inch“ wide in navy, red. how, was and light colon. All goal patterns We has also . good Minot. of the Wodd'l Reno-nod Crum'u Prints Thus an tine ad no“ almost. like I Dress Goods - - pail come in and see them no. K. mocmau. m0. 'hqotrtteq-i" M 'Wd IT,,'tt nun-am: no. a... 'tt'tu'r1"."d - - The doctors will Ask the (mvornmcnt lo amend the Medical Act by adopt- in; their deMition ot the meaning ot the words, "the practice of medi- cine." tly,,??,,'!),),),).",-.?,'.!!,!!,!!?:!,'. What the rum! ot their Nemesis are to be they are not yrt manly to make public, but one part of Murmu- C(Pdillps will hate tcierente do Ihe minim-uh "I the press-mm. while an- olhrr mll witness: peiition " itt- ereasud power in banish the "pori- tions or Ihtistiatt Beietttists and all prat'tiHottrrs nl heterodox "isms.“ Arrangements are being made Iota tleputation from this supreme mutt of physia-ians lo wait, upon the Ministers to discuss math†relative to secul- "PP, Increased, rather than diminished admmistrattie authorilv. A [cw weeks ago the members of che Canadian Press Association had some things to say or the Ontario Medical Countil, and the ban it plan- " upon physicians in the matter of newspaper ttdvertising. It is new the Council's turn, an4 the announcement is made'that,dar- ing the coming'weck, its members purpose to do some talking on. their own account. with the members oi the Provincial Government tor their audience. 8-10 KING ST. C"""""""""'"'-' WMM-uwm-zw v-z-o 't i A Midnight Leak i I o""'"""---:--..-.:.-' Mrs. C. Steuernagel’s was msunuu liisMPatet INS0Sf'oBATrttt “1868 one.» use“ am Beaumont-'02 $423.8ultJ7 i A. EBLIIO MLTDAL OFFICERS , Ooup Bud-u. Mont Wu. Sula". Woo-Mm Hunt _ In... ' L. Arm, hm. I. P. "lam-am mummy, “emu. BUCK BEBBOUG R & (HIT “UAh " OF m RtMmtitt, we thank L. lieu. W chm-:1 or. J. B. Webb. mum Baum hes ' manual. by. a 1.. WM... In. m. has!» tun:- awn-n. In... â€an, " I: man. hasâ€. "has: Gordy. by... m um um h... â€In doise. Is annoying. an isnlenk " any PM. Plumbing can't. but. f, . ever. no matter how gm d it has beet . Tho- watnr pipes. hum-III. drains. and than»: wen txrnsionnlty get, out of ord- r nnd I. quilt lb. ntlnlriun of nn mum. ..........a -.I..-..L.... attention of an experienced plumber. in your house. You will ruai but charges muonnble am] the wont In]! dnno T GIVE us CHARGE OF THE PLUMBING PHY'JCIAXS H‘TIVE SPRING MllllNEBY. We have I tine big wrvmvnt of then in both 'ttoo. we wide width-n, including com! cover embroxdery And uilovu r lance. CONRAD BROS. 4err ' In the “no of homo-lad. all- cut". not. no Balms, Fiona-I. Port Mann. "and Choc-o, Lteer Inâ€... no Hum-m Snap. am u n ma sad boon-vine“ (Mm urn-pay dolmrod In 1" m of tho to". PM†SM. I all B. "Still. New.“ Ibt f 'p-vu'll mun No "no" my" new du to can?" with n nu ma "tmttio . c f rditr vial pl. Olvu the I. lei-Inn.) New. with Ade- 'hTd of maple"...- not "an an l-M by M. " Indlmrnble to at country romant- who with h ta..'",' am. he 'Illl'l Flash- mb. mink-n. M..' ' 1w. tebtriptiem., 82.50; In m0rqsrttrttei a " Mt. Boretttt lrdnoemrml to "um c f Inner duh. Faul- met-1h- trm In». 1Yeethmr conic-n will no mulled rm on noun. " will "ht an) bray Inlay-I'd In "‘7qu- ooumry Mo to and far than. Add-m the“ mull-Peru; Tilt COUNTRY cranium _ hawk-bed 1811. Th only Ania] an! i),tratr r, um " mi'lzdly "no load " Ania-nur- Joan-no "In world. t'ta2f'iii,iiiii,iiii, wrmnv by amt-Im- thong t “mambo humour.- who "an o "no" mp" [mu-vac to com v with " m 'trmtttrattiou cl rditrrht an!†Ghoul-on. Iculunnl New. with tote. urr of auntie"...- not, "on A: loud by ct " lrfllfgognhle to I" canal." rrgrfA.-t. -h.. JOHN NOLL Carpet Weaver -- t'etem"tumr, Ont. scum-um him " aGidii, p . “10‘0"!" .1“). The Leading Meat market In the "no ot not“. we In" Real. Path. Veal. Lamb, Sunr- Curod than and Bum (our own coring): on“ tettyd, tiny. and. bu the npuuvlon or nppiyiu no mnem- customers with the chm sad but of we“. all the you mood. - - w--- UV- . um. nun-m Inside-n um lunch-u “tutor Ind faulood. Bum u! Anne-o- P. It. ' In. a. . §Phlsn 1 meer. A GOOD MAN THE DOMINION LIFE Ly-lwo inch. wide All gocd plumb 0 World's "d ttoft 1 2 1-2c- . will Guarantee by inning u... linhlp Life or I Policie- will provide lor I the of his death 10mm, roan: and 'ttth Albany. In: York. __,___ -‘Ju-l will guard again}! the In" gel of Poverty In his Old Ago. sperm! privilrgu loTotal Absuinen. and Office Waterloo e. fitt,nsitue, Man ‘Lifiénmun I fruitful. 12 1-2c WATERLOO hi family in ' ."ll both of "a n- kudonmem