COUNTIES ‘FI'ER I cum. Insulin 6000 lNhlB. -.12 1253231 Thc three counties represented In! night. hove under Consideration the adoption ot . system ot county roads. They discussed the Oxlord by-hv and duo the proposed by-luvn ot the m- eral counties. A future ot the Ox- lord tty-law that cum Into promin- The Waterloo Council had tele- graphed Road Commissioner Camp. bell, asking whether Oxlord would get thir-grant. He replied that the coun- ty Ind received all it had asked tor, 817,000, " the time ot the buying ot the toll roads, and the inference was that it would not receive lurther grants. It was conélusively prov/en. however, that the special clause in the by-Iaw unmistakably provides tor securing such grants. Mr. Camp- hell’s answer was regarded vas evas- ive and intended to prevent the other counties trom asking Iota similar provision. A committee ot members irom each county was nominated to dun a by- law to cover the rcguircmcnts of all three count-less for stnce tite interests are really identical it was considered that with such unity satisfactory leg- islation could the more readily be se- cured. As soon as the Council, says the Woodstock Sentinel-Review, has acted on the suggestion of Mayor Butter, and appointed a committee to go on a tour of inspection to see how things are done elsewhere, it might be well to pay a visit to to: neighboring city' of St. Thomas. St. Thomas operates its own street railway, as well as its own electric light system. The pow- er for both is supplied by steam. Un- til recently, we are told, the exhaust steam was all wasted; to-dtw most In the steam is used in heating public buildings. Formerly the heating of these buildings demanded a yearly outlay ot 'St,200; now the exhaust steam does it. encc Wu the chute renting to the securing ot trGovertunettt grant trom the Government's good gotuite tuna toe one-third the con ol all _improve- ments done to the routs. Amongst those in attendance were Warden Cherry ot Waterloo. Warden Luton of Elgin, and Warden Gal- braith ot Middlesex. â€an; in - In tho county our atettamb.rodttt.oottrthttt- In“ mu. than mtountntlven at tho comm ot Interim. Ital-nu nnd Elgin were - to diners: with the 0mm Council the prohlun ot county I‘M. The nyltem in that ot county grunts to rods, with tovuhip control at expenditure. Owing to the condition: panning with the takitrg over ot the toll road: at an cxpentmun of 860,000, this wu considered better than Absolute county control. _ ousxa county has been wow- the ,till a! hay mciél WWW , !orco that " {mung an and n- Iucun; considenblo attention trom unending counties. . The problem ot utilizing try-products and waste tomes is one ot the wet) tirttt importance in modern business methods, tho Journal properly ole serves. Many ot what are becoming common articles of commerce to-day are made tram products that wen formerly wasted. In some cases tht by-produets have supplanted in im- portance the original products. Tht saying that the only thing allowed to go to waste in the large packing houses is the dying grunt ol the ani- mal is almost literally true. Home day, perhaps, with the aid ot the phonograph or some other invention, science will also tind use tor the dr- 1ngartmb. -r- - . . ln‘thc (Mil Country much progress has been made along similar lines. According to a report recently receiv- ed in Toronto, there are HIS munici- palities in England possessing incin- erating plants tor the disposal ot 6Ar- bage. Dt these 120 supply, without extra cost. electric light or powerJor street. railways, Waterworks or .neTr erage systems. Three cities or Sem- land and eight in henna tttus dispose ot their refuse. This plan has not been adopted anywhere on this can tincnt. though.several United States cilirs are considering it. "Jam . Join mum. on lament --W.itl Duh The city ot Birmingham recently completed a plant It a. total cost ol $175,000. This develops meme vow er enough to housed in several mun leipal rstatrlishments, and saves ttu elly $5,000 a year In this respect, it oldition to destroying roluso in r unitary manner. t THE UTILIZATION OF WASTE . Wentworth Funny COMM“ is on» ly divided in politics, and no ward" WIS cloned. though every member was voted upon. Iooutock. Je. M.rdn important loam mph)“: “(at on Emu†“Wham L9 u, BABY'S OWN SOAP I HAITI! mummies nu ha mar m- "ttee 5," mum-w t!etrfyett , In?“ . '35. od, m h“ - .I- - on. â€I III I- ‘0" ITL-LL-ia-r-at-ity-de' -tdgrrta oi tho CM- ch. oi thr5tred Toronto. nun-o! tho Coo-din Igttte Club oi Orillh n In kn up. no It node o “no; â€(out loo civil lu- vioo Mom on! into-cod on dumb moot at Otto's than tho hood no - that " in input». to _ nnrtut otituto certain rotor-u or to any 'trat- on its work "tirtaetoritr hoonuoh no lat on siren lino unborn-Intro ot tho the work could huvo to. do. Ft ox no threo oliclont oiloorr. Ho contend-l III with tor tho muo- ot tho arm-n an! ion: of loin. which nhoolutoly rumou- tho civil urvioo iron tho hold ot eiii ough tho politics. and suggested tut “tho ion in principles oi cover-molt" MM xvi ad at- oolvo moro attentio- ttt tho mol- m trom and college. ot on. country. Ho M plored the [not that until recently y grants there had been no oourno in Canadian) mtrol oi history in the University ot Toronto,) minions and suggested 1 courno in civics, ai; vet ot prising lessons in municipal, prpvln: lute ot cial Ind notion] nilnirs. He would; t hotter nlso tor greater independence In pol-‘ illcs, and declared that it In: . Tii) ted in: - that any man should have it, on the “id ot him alter the clone ot . long) , roads. lite thnt'ho um: I lifelong Libero! or 41"“ Uomservative, uni had never votadl the rev- except tor the one party. "Neither the ox.. party," he sold, “should remain ia, P'OmiP-_ power too long, nod every true cm: an who realizes the' noted nature ot his lrwchiso should vote “Must. his party when it is in the public inter- estJhat the party should can to {hold power." Mr. Cooper seem- to Pt", delivexed I strong ami" whole some speech, at! tho gospel which he preaches cannot be too widely dir- ,seminatcd in Cams]... I "Your committee are ot opinion pay the communications iron: the various County Councils regarding Ithe proposed change in the present _ County Councils Act, iairly represent , the strong current ot public opinion l against any.sueh ehsnge. Your com- Imittee are thereiore oi the opinion I that concerted action should be tak-l en try the minicipsl councils ot thel tprovince to. impress upon the mew-l goers oi the Government the undesir- .sbility of any change, and particu/ ilarly that ot reverting to the GGG) 'modc. We thereiore recommend Gill, the form oi petition irom Wentworth‘ Council be i11ied.out and forwarded to the Clerk ot the House. We tur, ther recommend that Councillors , Lowry and Meyer be a committee to wait upon the Government in con- junction with the delegation trom other parts of the Province to give further expression to the views em- ;hodied in the memorial." St. Catharines, Jan. M.--At the meeting ot the County Cquncil turd-.1! the Legislative Committee brought in the following reeommeadtrtion which the Council adopted: "Race suicide" is an unknown phrase in at least one section ot Sim.. coe County, asaictter received at the Provincial Seeretarr'a Depart- ment proves. It is lromalady resi- dent ot that historic county, and ste wants to know it the taet that she has liliecn children. all living, does' not entitle her in a Government grant, oi some kind. She says she is only " years of age, her oldest child is 27 and her youngest eight months. Recently she noticed in the press that a woman in quebec who had twelve children had received a Government grant, and she thought she also Was entitled to something of the kind. The Council this alternoon decided to hold a. celebration of the tittieth anniversary of the separation from Welland County and the lormation ot Lincoln County. The celebration will be held in May. (Raymond‘s Record. Oakville.) We don't need a poor house. It will tend to pauperir.e the people and merely provide tat jobs tor some carer taker and his wire, with a couple ot assistants. The poverty in mxville is not so pressing but that the pov- erty-stricken can be relieved in an hour, it necessary. The same must needs be in Milton, ueorgetown, Ac- ton. There are one or two deserving cases in Oakville, where the corpora- tion lend help. That is as it should be, and, let the other towns do like~ wise. However. if the County Coun- cil are decided at some distant date that they will blow themselves, let them put the poor house where it be- longs. in the Coon Town, Milton. Next to Milton, Oakv ressn her claim. The inmates I are no trouble in keeping cl herd nght near the lake. Preston, Jan. 20,-Ne,rtt ruched ttere Hm morning at "w clam ot Thomas Senior. ot Sum Rte. Marie, Ont. a loam-r balms man or Print, ton. Deceased is survived hy a wile and two datrgrtters. Mrs. Pat, Meyer, at m: plum. was a alumna-r, 1nd in. H. Oneal. ot am. van a at:- ter to thee-et', two. The main: will likely is brought to Pram lot MU. There is some talk in educational circtet! that. the new ot Ed- ucation is seriously wondering I plan to abolish the model schools now organized for the training ot third-clans teachers, and to supply their places with three additional normal schools. The normal school term would also be extended. It is within the probabilities that one ot the new normal schools. it the plan goes through. will be located in Guelph, owing to the [aunties it offers trom the educational Mami- point in the o. A. College, tho Mae- donald Institute, and Its excellent high and puhlic aehools. DON'T NEED A POOR HOUSE NO RACE SUICIDE THERE. own. sumo: Mil. (my: Nm,)__ " LEAVE THE ACT ALONE. NEW NORMAL SCHOOLS. DEAD AT THE MO will; the may initial export- lunb m mill; mum- tn roll- nblo quarters an chums; an» to ttte petttaNe no». They have how “and by -trtaeture" ot eleetrir ll plum to ‘0 new. New nonp- M it tho development in electric“ when» that “was!“ which My my be modern and nap-mun be court “when to-monov: c. P. R, int-hum Between Galt mwm a ta---C-titt" V87!“ it the U. P. R. decide to expert l wt in the operntion ot treins drew: I by electric motors the section tte tween lontreel and Quebec will In Brrt equipped and the test- will he gin some time within the next Bit months. Should electric motor curl prove successiul the system ot elec trilieatiott will padnslly he extended to other C.P.B. lines. gunmen Fells will tarnish electricel energy tor the preliminary tents. end in the event oi these triele proving success- tut Eugen Fells will undoubtedly be drawn upon tor power with which to opente tome ot the Onterto lines. Competition Becomee Keen. The entnnce ot electrlcnlly-operet- ed lines into the urban districts ot Ontario end the severe competition which threatens in passenger business and ultimately, that oi height, ere evidently ninrrniog the old-time steam locomotive companies. Western Ott- tario is proving on especially Int-ret- ive field tor the electric linen, end networks ot them em beginning to radiate in ell directions. The Toron- to and Hamilton line promises to be, a formidable competitor to the than: runways, and the costly and permu- cnt character oi the company's trans- mission plant indicates a belief that they are in the field to star. otum. In. n-(alou spacial.) TI. Canadian PBelae mm Cou- nty no convicting aw adrisaNlitt at Insulating “some“, tor noun " IMtIV. your. and Per under- The C.P.R. may be said to be one ot the pioneers in electric locomotion in Ontario. They operate with suc- cess and profit an electric street railway between Gall. and Waterloo, which came into existence six, menial“ " names 51m. TO CURE MCOLD IN A DAY Mo. " the C.P.R. decide to adopt electricity as a motive power the Gatt-Warerloo line will be hereafter rreterred to in the small event trom which the gran undertaking sprang. Tao bunks Brown Quinta Tub Inn. All drumm- refund the money lf it fails to can. 7 E. Nathan'- atgnstrtre In on oath A custom which prevails in the northwestern provinces of Germany is to send the daughters, when they have reached the age ot sixteen. to what is called a cookery school. No matter what agirl's position is, the manners ot the country require that she should know how to cook, wash, iron, clean rooms, mend linen and plant the garden. There is only one ditterenee between a baroncss and the daughter of a tradesmen: the latter learns these several .duties at home ( trom her mother, while the iormer leaves her home to learn the same details or domestic science in astrange house. Work begins at halt-past. live in the morning, and the girls take it in turns to clean the rooms and lamps, to keep the garden in order, teed the animals and milk the cows, to or- range the dinner and cook it and to wash the clothes. This latter in Ger- many is asevere ordeal, as an im- mense stock ot linen is required, a huge "wash" taking place about tour times a year. Alter six monthl’ training the student has a novice placed under her, and, in teaching her, she learns’ the weak points in her own education, and also the valu- let art oi explaining the necessary .duties to another. . M Egon St. Thomns. Jan. M.-49omg time ago, F. Prentice, who conduct: a billiard and cigar establishment here, purchnsed none dollar ticket in the Louisiana, State lottery. Yesterday n representative ot the concern culled on Mr. Prentice and handed him ttS,- 000 us the result oi his dnw. He in receiving mnny oottttrstttttstio" to- day. TRAINING OF GERMAN GIRLS. tir-ttte Bilious At.ermtemetlodtedrttro- seo many wholesome loads because gm think they make you bilious? o you know that your condition is more to blame than the funds? Your liver and stomach need at- tention more than the diet. When Gl', find yourself su6erintt with a iliotta attack, take and ttll annoying symptom. will um ttisappey, They, "ttie. the Becclum's Pills mingge with the contents of the stoma: and make any work of digestion. The nom- ishmg properties of the food an then readily assimilated and the rgsidn; curried on warm" Pg; an. t e intestines or c otttting t c bowels, . 7 stomach. Kaitlin: the lixy "use the bowels. Thur he}: are fslt itltmedirtelr V ’Bééc’ham‘a Pills should be taken rhea?" there is tieh. mutate. uttc tongue. eomttpattoP, n w Mn or my â€mums that " cate " inactive liver. . Mlli0lulllli'8 PILLS 'eHttv-ues but.†the liver and ex- _Thcjr good et. The min tailing.†the rocks ~sinks into every crack end crevice, wrying with it into the tissues surface mn- terial which has been degraded by the Wonk-r nnd thus guarding n ma.- trix sumcient to start the growth ot vegetltion and afterwards to Innin- tain the plants The fibres and roots ot these plants. bushes end trees thus brought into lite, growing and expen- ding, net as wedges to split up the surface of the rock end to commence [the process at wearing nwny. From this quality ot destruction I urge lclass ot plants derive the name at ‘uxiirngee, or rock breakers, tram {their roots penetrating into the min- ute titunttest in starch ot water “a ttttt misting in the process ot disinte I station. The Genuin- who oi ten wilted by the Weierloo. Osiord, when ins not oniy much wider Weuin‘ion sol Brut County Cous- mess tins it is proposed to give to cut. with s view tor the erection oi our lsterstste Commerce Commission n consumptive sanctum by the out these powers In more adieu. Joint counties. submitted s report is In the mite: ot rote control, m which it sated that in their opinion ample, the common on m“ the time had not yet sun-ed tor es» rote schedules on its own isithtive “blinking n mitsrium within and without waiting [or Individual cont- In Aston» ot countles- Buch en un- pleists. it can Mallow whole term detaining. to hesueeessiui, must be us well as single reins. and " isnot conducted on . lugs Beale, end he saleable to the courts on questions sttended by s urge number ot ps- oi not. but solely on questions a to new. and must pope-I Hull and its legs; powers. The Dominion Cur. compleie sis! oi specious“ and our- inet stone on overrule its &tditsgr. res. To sunoesstuiiy on!!! Ott Inch t lith these widepovers the potter hospilsl would impose Mancini bur- oi the commission its: been amum. dens on the - ot counties out ot Iy conservative. The very existence all proportion to the tqtiaritta to be ot these powers in the commission is, derived. This tart is dcmonstrstcd by on the other hand, the best guru. tho experience ot the ssnitsrioms st tee tut the raitroada will so. not as Grsvenhurst. both of which hove their to Avoid the necessity tor their ex- lunch! dimcuities. notwithstanding excise. [the numerous contributions irom ----__ time to time mule to these beneth> omam or PIE. l cut institutions. . (London CMonicle.) I Usage eione must decide the lime betveen “pie" and "tart," which tps', "turned to as with the gamberriee. Philology, n. my nee, draws ml clear distinction. It only. “wee back. "tart" to the Indie]: "tortua", Wis-l mum-mu. noun-IE, a than: you my all It. Mama. ttemteuharretetobetoHert it. And 'st mum In with a. mn. rous use and not. lulled an a. W.“ at W_8utu_u M: ted-the putty being the twisted'ol :11. pen, ot course; while " isvery doubt I The concludl tut than "pie." 0n the. whole mm that u Skeet}: conjecture thee an; express-' mittee mun cl the mimilweou: nature ot theling on them, content: is perstt/urieer. All the “pm: any: ..- mm to so beck to the original iii) "Having In: the megpie in Latitt--iW'-trorrt tent recently who†black and white aspect comes ot Shelton! 1 "pied" end "piettatd," The old ord-‘nnd new in us In! or setviee book we! called “pin". loud in its p: or 'th" Incense of the eppeermce advantages, [ ot the black letter type on a white [Keely with 01 pegs, end the edible pie, having equ- ice, we recoml ally mixed contents, may have been or more it m christened alter this try midieevel be purchased I humor. Printen' lenguege retain and leased to both “pica." tor Hind ot type and " tnominnll "pi" tor type I." jumbled up. ulatlons as m “A unnnr} In can»: “lump RECORD POSSIBLY possibly unequalled in the United States, is that ot Mrs. James Null ot this city, who hymns I wile T " thirteen, amount: a [cartoon and t grandmother at twenty-nine. Mrs. Nun's oldest daughter, who is the mother or the Ruby. was born Dec. M, 1890. She wa- married Dec. 18, 1904.11; the Age of thirteen, to Frank Vince, about twenty yous old. Nov. 28 last a. daughter, Liz- zie Arizona, was born. She is a. tiny mite ot humanity, weighing only three pounds. V 7' . V . . II: my run. mum...“ ..-..v... -..- - "m td,rtlPloil't','Ti1ouiflt :33: Inglis. t22i'i'ii'i, of Toronto, will h h , have completed the huge engine by er t on or twenty-nine years. Her next Monday It will then be inspec- husblnd was killed not September by ted by Engideer Holton “d shipped 1l%"dr2tdht/'ll'r't “$22., 2:: hero tor erection. The new engine youngest bein but six inonths ' Ji d wilt have 3 capacity ot tour million In spite ot 'll, hot that she i u . gnllons, douhke that ot the pro-em porting the entire family she J'll'rt l engine. It will pump over three hun- cheerlul. and evince: great pride 'i?,tji'n,st11T,ht2't,1'.1l.1erll'ya,ii-' t',' flap?†the latest uddition to ed with the reservoir to be built I 1',t',tl'a,riu,. ot M N ll this summer, Woodstock will have t _ rs. tt ' complete end qtiBeiettt domestic and who Wat' present " the birth ot her the service Two small relay engin- ttreat-granddtoghter, stated that she as have been removed and the contrao 113‘s; tiltceu " the “m ot her was let yesterday tor the imitation: ' F which will be " feet, 4 inches, by " THE ACTION OF RAIN. titis all: 'li','.""' ot six loot tell and s'l'ho mother-in-uw ot Mrs. Null, who was present " the birth ot her ttreat-granddtoghter, stated that she was but “new " the time ot her pieces thus tit-taco"! become further disintegrated by trout nnd weather, and, tuning rolled ovu- nud our and rubbed “that ml- other a they are rattled nwny down the mountnln tor- rents, no ground gndunlly mullet Ind smaller till trom lrngments ot tock w become W3, that pebbles, I ttnatty sand. Att the mountain strum merges into the river the pete bles And worse sand continue to be rolled along the bottom at the chan- nel, while the rngillaceous pnrticln and all: become mingled with tlie, water and ttow on with it either in suspension or solution. While this disittteRrtttittg process ls going on lulu-d. the rocks and clilix on the coat exposed to (hem Art sunning Mandarin by a similar procm and are Also being worn away by the incessant Icllon ot me waves oi the cent: heating on them mm at “than them not on“ with the im- pert o.'. the wmr. but Also with the human: broken on. which. Oahu! Ania“ the tare trom which they h“ nodal. no Hun In!" " implements ot 'ritrttetimt. In winter the, wntcr collected in the hollow: and crevices becomes tro. zen. tad, expanding-u it changes in- to ico,_.cts like a charge ot dynamite to ice, not: Im, a charge ot Mann; Inuktitut: breaking up the rock. The lit-Indra than: and County there Bowman “tended I Good In“: emttetmteq at County Council "Quantum†Imu- Wunloo. OI- lotd and Middle.†n Wood-lock on ll Wollshoro. o.,itut, M._rA sewn! ORIGIN " P13. 1s UNEQUALLED. manual. 1119;: The report soon on to commute lg.) ell the range- ot consumption in the i the tune province, end uni-else: the opinion , which hu' that the provinctei authorities should murrm.'give more utcntion and considera- drun [tuition by wny pt icgiuletion to prevent- tuoel buck Miro methods, which, in the opinion tun", Wis-:0! the committee. is the but cure he twisted ot tul. very donut The concluding part ot the report the whole-totes that the members ot the com- Irma couucn. I WILL any TENTS. Cm tttCat-thes last be Ctteidemd by Provincial . .._,_ . "Having Inspected the consumptive tent recently presented to the city ot Station! by snumbor ot lands, Ind now in an by a patient, Who is loud in its praises and benoiittt and advantages, sud hsving converted freely with others Bad made enquir- ies, we recommend that three or tour, or more it necessary. similar tents, be purchased by the County Council, and leased to patients in the county " s nominal rent ourutuier such reg- ulations as may be thought proper. m report was adopted. Itching, Blind, Needing or Pro- trading Piles. Dwain-Refund mon- ey it Pam Ointment ' mtu to can on one, no mm" of how long "ending n a a) " doâ€. Pret opplmuon 311- CI one sad "" 500. If you an“ In noun lt and boo in “up. and Ir will be forwarded pout-pom “an loam. Co., " Look. no. GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Woodstock, Jan. M.-.Workmett are busily engngei _ linking preparations toe the installation ot the new pump at the waterworks station. The John Inglis. Company, ot Toronto, will have completed the huge engine by next Monday. It will then be inspec- ted by Engineer Holton Ind shipped hero tor erection. The new engine will have n capacity ot tour million gnllons, douhke that ot the pro-em engine. " will pump over three hun- Ottawa, Jen. M.--uMeording to ad- vices received " the Depuiment oi the Interior, immigration from the United sum this yen promises to be larger thnn ever, enquiries being general Horn all over the Union. The New England states are becoming greatly interested in the possibilities of the Cundian Northwest, and these States promise to given large quota during the coming sesson. Many Pennsylvenia Dutch no preparing to tnnsler their allegitureo to the Brit. ish neg. INFLUX FROM UNITE',S STATES. The sate ot Illinois so In In: It} qulsioned ninety cars tor the “triage ot settlerl' attach, ls compucd nu. thirty an to! the eorrettponding [wr- iod last. rear. Even the State ot Oh- luhoma will contribute Its shun: at Canadian immigrants. Last your there was quite " iniimt into t'au- ad: trom Washington. Idaho and Ore- son. The settlers trom these states no so welt planed with the condi- tions which they find in the North- mt ttmt tilt! hm written many letters to their friends At home urg- ing them to ttke up their rcsidenno in Canada. The ottieials at the im- mlgntion hunch are greatly planed at the success .ot the tMorts ot the departmental Agents in the United Stun. \VOODSTOCK’S NEW PUMPS gi, GiiGU. respottsitsititr rest- on them, and, turtttermore, it You " Module â€II-In. tt2221ttt In“- "In. no Mil. I. min-oi pIIIIIy on a. nun. (I’M. but“. tttte [In “on Mr, - an all out - they on "out!“ a tho nod-m " than: "when or "In... In!!! on â€In. “gnu“ - S. Sauder & Co. Overcoats and We hr" a full line of thou "tttte. and will all that v. greatly reduc- It,?'" for this nook only. 800 than in out window. lion an a {on " In. No 2888 ' Nt Pup» Hulda-I. “Imam. special...... ......tGe. No. 2995 N. P. cum Say Say Holden, rag. l 20, lenl.-....80¢. No, 2980?. P, oamtttgtBtitttt Tooth Brush and Tumbler Roldan NIGKEL PLATED BATHROOM FIXTURES S. SAUDER & GO. KING tmutrrr',%riiriti Toronto, Jam M,-- Hon. Nelson Mould-m: "not“ My that mm. Jam Thomnm In! he: mammal gt.ritistattt irrtmigrathm wt at Liv- erpool in the ole» at I. Byrne. He will took attee no milligram pan- ts booked lot mum. and met his direction a better a... 'm te M" card. Mr. knit, uh MI in: the Ontario - he a you". in m- Iot-d "tte. “not entirely at g " KING STREET EAST tsiracoosonesseiFrtertm, gtgt:,gu,-oa,.. an; Special Bargains No. No. No, native Bromo Quintin , 2998 N.' shh'Cuji-Iid iiikiiir tidiiiid,ii - ’iir'ié Giiif $1351 2948 N. P. tel: 'Atty regular 7lits, 'k/all'.'.'.'.'..'.".".".?..'."': 6008 20 inch», N. P.' Towel Bars, "tttttar Tso, “new“ ....500. Peter. Himmens. All this week in Men's Ready-made Good Hard was a? Runnable Prion. ea-rinse-er' 'Téa _ Yettomeetseqral. At Special Prices According to the "tttttate. ot the C...†0' TIM Ind Ants!- mnu. New York Clty h . your in Item-d h "I. an.“ 'N. cover the north of Raglan, mum. and the ttorttt 00 Ireland. Capt. â€anyâ€. as - mum I." in the ton "and" “do! the late Andrew Ilka-â€ell. Clothing. Pnon 149 BERLIN