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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 1 Feb 1906, p. 12

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l. That the mun". public high- Ijays in Hm l'mmly In be 'lrsignat- ed M hereinafter lurmidwl. shall 1w improved as nearly aw “in ltr M'Pnnl- int to unimrm system 2. All roads improved and” tho provisions ot 'thi,, 'M'an nle‘ _ known nu 'doutity Roads." hut shnl' nnrrlhelrsx remain umlvr [hr itttic diction of Ulrnmmripul rmmrils' 1" the heal mrmit'tpalitivs and 'ml _ repair try the mutut'ipalite in Whiv' such malls ate situate. and the num- ty shalt be ttee from att claim.- Iot gimp-s "om accidents aris- Therefore Hm .mepaI Connrit ol the ('uumy of Waterloo Hurts "as lollows ".-- county are opposed io Um assump- tion and rumml at any of the high- wns by the Coutrttt1tstrciLa, -e __ s. Anal wlm'rux- " n vxpan-u: lo designate a rzgslmp M County Roads to be imprmwl umh-r the, supr'rviston Itt, tlLiy_ryrtttril MILL" rrtruuiuttreL thr yuikliciior, "I the munitipnl councils oi Um brval mrt.ttivitutli- ties. It Anal whereas theto urn- m- in" roads in il is t'oturty (with t‘lu- [Wm-p mm of about "ne mile h'mfiw: sytiIth. "rr trom llu- \illagl- ot Ayr) nlul all the highways have alw,tys bout in th- control at the Inn-l muniripulllim; . 4. "And wheteirs Hu- mlmir'ipul council» " the ~Imvn<hips in tels; The townships will scan have a chance to disrcuss the mud "nation along the broad lint-s of improvvuivu1 lo which/the Provinoal Gt?vermmeut in its good roads legislation.has mm- mitted itself. Ar tm- J1otmty (“nun- cil the represiinlirires inf the rural districts balked at tlw suggrstinn of t'ounty control, and the by- law as it now stands, awaiting the registration of the Imrartment in T'oronto, is really a mpaNure to pm. vide tor township roads; t-ndnrsml by the C(wnty Couuvil. To the lam) bodies this by-law will a" " ugl- proval l-- _ . l. Whereas it is t"aTidiiuit and Im- cessary'to provide as fur am pinnihlu.‘ tor the improvement. arco1dirsrr, to .1. uniform system, of tie Inulinu lurch.” highways in thr, ('mmty M Watcrl"o., 2. Ami whvrea.s it is c-xpwlwnt My take aiivantage of the Provisions nil "The Ac: lor llllI 1mprnvetnvrtt ci' Publir Highways,? :40 its' to "rttitle jlu's County lica share tft the tund, But apart hy the said tcl, S GOOD ROADS - BY-LAW FOR THE TOWNSHIPS - . _ . . . WWQW v 'Hr-_-ts----"'-""""-"" These are math. of uwcrl. In stripes and checks, single Ind double breasted, with am] without belt. Also beavers 1 o 50 blue and black, regular $15.00 for . Clysterfuid style, fly hunt. raised seams, made of fine im- ported Melton cloth, .regular price $1800 reduced to 1 s. 50 Theee are this Rennou'k‘ Newest Productions made of fine Scotch Tweeds, striped chuckud, 1crtt in hack, .1600 and $1 2.50 t3r1s.00 Coats reduced to -. $18 Double Breasted Tourist Over- coats $12.50, 1i,rrht of Herve: "V TWP-Al Chums; of good quality, well nipde nd, t,riPTed,spltuoFi, ctlit't.s,siir?/N.r.td-11ssed,to, ' S.OO Fine Black Moltons $13.50 $12.00 Overcoats $9.00 M. Wildfang OVEBGOATS $15 Overcoats $10.50 6. That tlteA'ourrty Roads in any ';munieipality shall he those designat- ed by tir-lar; of the Municipal Coun nl thereof, 'confirmed by the County Council, the same to be approved of f byline Lit-I tenaiildChfverrnor 'in Coitn 4 cil, . ' -n olid, new! Municipal AN. such sum¢ ot :mmy as mar be nmssary to meet any Mp'omiituro on such toads, 'igst in name'- shall the dr. hrniun-n issued for thin purpose es- rml two per cent. at the assessment of “If! municipality. " T 'hat the [.rttstaturr of Ontario NU he rttrmttrlalirrrt " this Coun- 9| . o mount the provisions of this “" a" M mmniying with the spirit M ' "The Act tor the Improvement ot Pt Mir iiichwlys," and that it mu H, me ivito tore. and dint as non as '4 gixiuiinn is passed declaring that ”its ivy-kw mm with the pm- l visions oi the said Act. V Knads may {tom year to year he li able, shall be corumuted, and theam- mulls an r :ceivod shall tm applied ir "onstructintg and in repairing such math and In removing snow there.. trom and l evening the same om dur.. ing the wi nit-r months. F a. The , nuncih ot the' local ttttttti- cipalities i n this (‘ounly may make an arrrrtal appropriation for the im- Tri, _ an; f’ ""3? TE- iNiiiiiTy- NW? -- IT! thrir I'vsp tetive municipalities, and mar raise, by debentures payable in twenty .t' ran, as provided by the ' 'm olid. Jul Municipal Ari, such I I. That. the Council of each local munieipah'ty in this 'collnty shall ap- Ipuint a Road Commissioner or Road _, C'ommissioters to take charge ol the improvement ol the County Roads in 5 llwlr respective munieipalifies. f 5. That, the Inspector at Coutrty IRoads snail, before the ond of each ' year. inspect, all work done under the rrosisioas or. 1his by-taw, examine th (accounts and vouchers tor the pay- ,nan gl said work and prepare a re- "port in dupliYatp setting forth the most or suclr work, one copy to iii/ 'sr‘nt to then' 'ttlslic Works Department 1 of Ihuario at Id one copy to he pro- ‘scnml to thi a 1'ouncil, and said ht- ‘ spccmr shall Jurthei- certify that th, jrcgulalions oC. the Public Works De- partmmt have, he". compllml with. vunslruclin malls and trom and I ing the wi 8, The , 7. Thet-O ouncils at the dittermtt tnwnshm q d this county mayby hy- law direct that the statute labor [m which landts fronting on the County Roads may ttom year Ingmar he li able, shall he commuted, and theam- umns rm r ram-d shalt tm unlit-d ir ,3. That an Inspector oi County Rodds shall be appointed by. 'lhis Council to have the general over- sight or all work carried on under the mansions of this ttlaw, and said Inspinctor shall. be a competent cisil engineer. mg thereon, or from any other cause. m moo (Mn-coats ridueed to M L DAYS" CLEARING SALE - at i Tho word in opens up nnmhrr {hunch ot the “biota. There will ite ', 3 short crop. The butcher mm "u' ttteat will cost more to the con- hm WW3“. sothing in savod in] ----- l lf way of ttttttt bills. hut thts ts not', ' an unmixnl blessing One may have', A FA‘OB'TE REHEDY to pay tor h later on in the shape ml For! BABIES. xprim: medirines. The winter sports - i!ar tor ltd: ot material. TOMKKM" " plenum tune and prompt cures Pu and slrdding lanmish. Hockey have made Ct.tntteruitt'tt Cough Rem- and curling are carried on um!" ditr i edy A ttrorite wlth the mothers ot ,sicnluos. Matt-hm are liable to hymns“ children. " quickly cum their grant-cued u the lust minute tor wantgqoughs and cold! um prevents any R. i ot ire. When Kipling wrote "Our Lady of the Snowx," " was regarded as a bad adwrlisemmt tor Canada, and disclaimers wrn- tht ordn' of the day. What we shonhl- have done was to acknowledge the corn and to prove that snow is, in various ways, one u! the most tremit dispensations of nature-tor the rehls in the chantry! a fertilizer, tor: the streets tn mm rity adust-layer and microbe-killvnl tor anybody a. rmtiluling apparanml that in tive, months blows away "mi megrtms that tttmramnntttrtatrnt in' the other sew-n. A good [all ot snowl does more to herp down the mortal" l tstatistics that. all the intelllgvnt (4-5 fort Dr. ts'heagrd can bring to bear 0n- the subject. I all, the best thing for him. Dweller-r in autumn" 2mm. wean sun" , little when We are deprived of mr characteristic wjnier season. No doubt this open weather, more like a protracted tall than anything; else, has been an agreeable change from the rigors at the past two win- ters. The remark has been alien made, “I could stand this sort oi thing every year," but it, is Iloubttul whether such a rash general state- ment will hold water. Already there are signs of revolt. against the ether-I le! mildness. People with rugged: constitutions. miss their usual tuni.:| ot nipping air, and say that tlmirt health surfers for lack of its usual “lip. Even the shivery persons win»! would stray smith with the birds it! they could allord it, begin to met the; absence ot their aecuslomed disenm~| torts, and realize vaguely that what'., a. man’s system is used to is, airvrl, please the great majority ot people who believe that the right time to have winfer is in winter time, and that misplaced Janmyries have nu license to linger and chill the lap of May or redden the nose of June. " werhad some snow, now, everythia, would lie lovely. This brisk, staso1able ‘day should NOT AN UNMIXED BLESSI‘NH (Toronto Star.) (lil) i, Winter Clothing and furnishings " .'_.f_:We are not selling out, neither do we pretend to be giving goods away. This is only one if?“ our semi annual clearing sales. We make it a rule never to carry over goods from one *iigseason to the next. We believe that what we lose at the end of one season by doing this i we gain at the beginning ‘or the next by Opening up with BRAND NEW GOODS. We are not pretending we are making UNHEARD OF REDUCTIONS, but you will tind6rn coming here that the values we' offer for the prices attached to them are better than offered anywhere else. Men's Beefers, Irish Frieze, regular 5.00, 5.50, 6.00 for 83.75 and 84.00 Men’s fine Irish Tweed Ulstera, regular price 7.00 and $8.00 for Irish Freize Ulsters Commencing Saturday/February 3rd 1.50, 2.50 and " 00 were 2.50, 3.50, ' 50 md $5.00. WATCH OUR SPACE FOR THE Boys' Fine Overcoata Star Clothing Store danger ot pneumonin or other serious consequences. It not only cum croup. bin when given gs soon us the ctaupy cough ”no": will prevent the “tack. Poe ule by all 6min“. Its plenum "ate and prompt. cures have music Cttrtntreruin'st Cough Rem- edy n [Home wlth the mothers " mull children. " quickly cures their Mr. W. li. Cone and Mr, F.1-2rich- :wn Brown, the owners of the Amer. iean rights to manufacture the Cone Gas Producer, have sold a hail! inter- est. in the American rights to Matt- land A. Corliss, Esq., of Detroit, tor $10,000- The Pawn and (in: Ma. chine Co., have just. completat a new, producer which is to be shipped Ott, Monday to Detroit to become the: Jrroprrtr of the purchaser and those irtterrsfed with him. Mr. W. It, t'otte leaves on Monday to close up the Innsaction. The other halt interest in the Amrrimn rights is to be re- tainnl by Mr. Cone out! Mt.Browrt.- Gait. Reporter. _ The mother who has acquired the habit ot keeping on hand a bottle ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, saves herself a great amount of uneasiness and anxiety. Coughs, colds and croup to which children are susceptible are quickly cured by its use. It eounter- acts any tendency ot scold to result in pneumonia, and If given as soon as the first smptoms of croup appear, it. will prevent. theattack. This tom; edy contains nothing injurious, and mothers give it to their little ones with a feeling mt petlect security. For sale by all druggists. A "Am'r‘ro BE ENCOURAGED, Also, strange as it mar seem, the easy winter is hard on the poor. The odd-job man, whose name is legion, has an anxious time of it when na- ture tails to bring him his seasonable employment. The business of keep-' ing the streets clear of snow helps to support many ahumhle home inl Toronto, and when there is no snow} to shovel it means 'ii"gt,g.Ts..l straighten-ed just to that extent. _ : sumor next summer because the icing charges will be higher. NEXT 30 DAYS. AN INDUSTRIAL SNAP, very Ms: R. Rttmmut, of (Swamp, " a guest ot Min Mel-tyre. 2. That there but been no public agitation or demand tor a change. such as usually precedes "to pissing of Important leglshllon relating to municipal government. 3. Tim. In: prawn! sysN'I'l'I in the cording to win! your thoughts are. At present a county may adopt ei- lln-r the llnrdy Act or something akin to the old 'system. and it seems to In it would have teen welt had {this option been continued until the "tryrirtr, ot the ptopte could he more ;clearly ascertained. ‘counly councils was determined after years 05 agitation for n reform, dur- ing” which municipal £111th and 'inimbers of the LrBislature gave tro, qt ,slion every consummation. The .ct of 1896 provided for an equilable mpresentalion. and has proved to be a compleie solution ot the ttttstatistic- tory conditions that lhon opportalna ed to the administration of counly‘ main. I: That the present t.ortatitut'ion of more economical and has erected an immense suing. _ [ (Branuord Ettpositor.y The Brant County Councillors have decided to interview the Ontario Gov- crnment and protest against the abo- lition ot the "only Act undo town: to the old system. The two princip- at objections to the proposed change may be thus summarized F-- AGAINST ABOLITION It gives such health and strength to the weakest stomach that all the food is readily converted {into nutrition, so that it gives aouti,h- ment and health to the whole sync-m. In this Vt! nervousness and sleepless- Although Mi-o-na was introduced in Waterloo ashort time ago, it is to- day outselling all other medicines for the cure ot indigestion and stomach troubles. Mi-o-na almost invariably cures all lorms of indigestion and stomach troubles except cancer. 7 Demand for Mtuon-na Stomach Tablets Continues to _ Increase. STILL GROWING. OF THE APT Men's fU:ee lined underwear, unitary wool fleece, These in no "aeeondb" or "job Iota". First quality underwear, all sizes " regular 81.00, tho suit for T "t q ' "i=riiiririrr6miriiWvrurrii "i'irttrspTt far iiiet'trrritir-a. " won- for next season has advaneed in price: Heavy Winter Suits for Men and Boys "; (London Daily Mall.) "l ll men who generally require high- . er pay license they have or: a rule to r bring up; family, up started. out . oi work to make wny for women who , take lover wages because they are ”reputed to accept celibacy as their , lot or because they receive trom their I parents as a tree gm some. part of , their cost oi living, the result would lttttquestiomurtr be deptorabte. It, would mean that we social orgnnism‘ ‘was eomrnitting slow suicide. The male portion ot the population would ibe less and less able to marry tte- ,um it Wottht lack {beet-firing pow- er to maintuin n wile und family. ‘The female portion would be exempt trom the economic irressure which must candidly be arimilied, 'in -per- Imps numerous cases, to he one of the causes our lead women to aecept liiiTr"riUi,' Thus where women are lugely employed we should expect the birth-rate to tan, to it is. falling in England and the United Slates, and the numtrer ot unemployed male clerks to increase ttt enormous pro- portions, as it is reported to hue done in England. M, however, we. took at eVidence ot general statistics, it is not proved that the substitu- lion of female tor mat" lalwr has gone to very serious lengths " would seem that while the openings [or women hove inert-used. and an in- creasing in the modern order of in- duslry. the number of men employed iully keep: pace with the. tttmti0atiott. All other grades of Underwear At 75c on the 81 00. __ Thitil' B Vs' Suits regular 4.00 for Ragulu' 12.00 Suit. for 1:1": Raga!” 10.00 Suit. for Regular 9.00 Suits for Bar' Suits mgulkr 86.50 for Boyn’ Suits regal-x 5.00 for It you cannot obtain Mi-o-na ot your druggist, it will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt»! price. Write us for advice on your case from a leading .stomach specialist, which. will be sent tree. The R. T. Booth Company, Ithaca, N. Y. ( ness are cured; headaches, backachesJ and rheumatic pains are prevented,! and there will be no more poor nzrl pentc, distress after eating, heart- burn, or' debility, REPLACEMENT or, MEN WOMEN. Mi-o-tta costs but Me. a bar. UNDERWEAR BY Berlin The (FER. shops at Slullord In to be alumni at acoxt bl 375,00! to "00.000, and it is apt-Mod 1,5110 more men will be employed by next summon K "WiNerton is stun wmml I town clerk. Cot. J. H. Eco"; who had In- cepml the position, has been perattad- ed to champ his mm by. demu- tion ot ladies. At Mount Forest. telephone C0tttttN?- tion has been installed from the Methodist ('hnrch to the bedside ot Mrs. J. W. Derregh, " invalid, and she huh heard . sermon trom the pul- pit for the hrtt time In “new war!- _ This ailment is usually caused by rheumulsm at the muscles and any. be cured by applylng Chtuttlberuitt's Pain 1mm two or three times a day and whining the pans vigotgausly at each toplieatlott. " this does not al- ford mm, bind on a "ttttei. slightly dampened with Pain Balm, gird quick fine? it Ilium WE" ule by all druuisu Course we knows yoh disposition, Knows it rum de Inst; An' no matter what we's wishin‘, Dis sin swine to use. June an' sunshine go together Where de sky is Mud; . Dishere ragtime Ain' o' weather Ain't no way toh you. Looky yore. Ilia: January, _ What you gnrinter do? Yqusa actin'lw coma-airy Pse ushgmed ol ybu. Once you was so proud an' chilly, Dat you had us vexed. Now yours got so downright silly, Dal. we's clean perplexed, I“; mar, too, be reasonably eonténgicd that the increased opportunities tor women must have a salutary' ittmttioets upon the race by placing women in a. better econOmic position qtrd, enabling them to insist upon a higher; standard of morality and conduct in men he- tore they will consent to give their hands. Women'a labor is only mine chevous when it reduces mule labor to a. parasitic position, as in the town of Dundee, where, owing to the, tact that the competition of the low. wage countries ot the east has to be laced, employers cannot par men and those who should be workers subsist upon the wages ot their wings. - PINE AND COOL. LAME BACK, --Washington SI at, 7.50 6 BO 5 " 5 oo a " 3.25 To Timoi ttttdo r, E3

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