It. and Mrs. itnrtrie' at “min; in this 'trigthorttood. Their tone I: in â€thisâ€. , ' The annunl mn‘Hng ot 8.8. No. fl, Woolwich, paused on wry ploaunllv. Mr. Andrrw Lolsnn withdrew trom the mum at trust" and Wm. John Lemon was duly tin-ml. The than-kn ot the mung were would! Mr. Andrew [Allan " his cinch-M Ber. vk-n as 'trrurru-r. I Mr. Frederick Rump! is at prom-1t in a wry weak condition. He endures his ttmitniott with hopeful resignation and calm fortitude Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, ot Winter balm-m maniac, tisited Mr. and Mrs, Ialuwlyrr 9n Thursday owning. Mr. John Jupp's new More pre- unls a wry imposing appearance, and will add wry materially to the gen- na'l aspect of the village. A new Muck and gonna] busim-ss will! wilt be In readiness for the palrunago ot the public in a low ttttmths. The New Bridtte.-Sesterday the steel bridge company made the great etlort ot lilting the ponderous weight of massive iron that was to span the high abutments ot the bridge over the Grand River. Many skilled Workmen were busy in making preparations to lift this mighty weight of over " tons. -.'T'ttt_cpmplieatqd mechanism at them!“ wastt last in readiness, the hu'ge iron hook ol immense size Was [matched to the weight by a ser- ies ol steel ropes. The great engine was now heated to its lull capacity of steam. Ropes, pulleys. glrders were all in readiness. The order in the nlly given by the loreman of the bridge work, ropes visibly became taut, the powerful engine botched out giant clouds ot smoke, the great hook Watt drawn upon by an immoveahle resistant force, the spectators trom Elmira now gazed with every inten- sity of interest-hut all to no avail.' The ponderous weight did not budge one inch. A new and more powerful engine will be required to accomplish [ this tlitlieult undertaking. " By the way, there's a tirm in Crab. ham, Ontr, who are advertisitvg an ir- cubator and brooder and who one: 'o sandal .prepaid and wait tor the m" n- ey till aiter 1906 haunt. This one! is worth inquiring about. " '.oa will writeta post card with Fo'"' name and address to The Manson u‘ampiell to., Dept. IMI,. Chatham, ll er WI" doubt- less send tull panicalu's ot their ot- in. Get into the poultry raising bun- ness as soon as you ran it 3n: t to make money-and keep looking out Ior other good things all the lune. With agood incubgtor and broader any farmer's wife can raise chicks so as to make a handsome annual cash revenue. You should get one at once and go into the raising of rhicks. All You peed is a small yard, eggs and the machine. . Several difficulties arise. Hens as hatehers arejailures. They set when iheylake the notion and Seldom when you want then;- to. They are careless mothers, alm.ost always leading their chicks into danger and losing many. To make any progress or profit in the raising ol chicks you must have a good ,lneubalor and, brooder, and this initial expenditure may prevent those who are not prepared to instal such a maehiue._, _ - Amhr tamers have been wise en- ough to see what was going on and to prepare to profit by these condi- tions. Broilers are wanted and good cash prices are being paid for every chick large enough to be made ready tor _ttte table. Then why not produce 11mm. V _._________r__L_.____LLL_._." Now, however, conditions have changed. There is a strong. steady and ever increasing demand tor chicks as broilers. City hotels, restaurants, clubs, eates, dining cars, and private kitchens are consuming more and more every day, to say nothing of the tons and tons required to till the ex- port demand. Dealers can never get enough to supply the wants ot their customers. and thousands and thaus- ands more could be sold at good pri- ces ifuthey were ottered. ; Now, B few years ago this end ot the farming business was scarcely worth bothering with. The larmer's wile set A tew hens, raised a few chicks and sold a [cw eggs, but the whole thing didn't amount to much and never was counted on to help pay the interest or swell the bank ac- count. There are several ways in which the can returns trom the him may be largely increased without the saeri- tice ot much time, money or work. For instance, the raising of poultry has come to be a great proBb-makirtg business on some 'arms. Few rally intelhgent and presto-v ive lumen ere heard complaining. The wise man is he who keeps him. all ever on the alert to produce that commodity tor which there is 1 good, strong, quick market. “IS“ 81108., Juniors, The Watch House RAISE WHAT‘S WANTED. WEST MONTROSE. triad. the Compliment. of tho Sou-on. Wilh All it's v E; Ottawa, Dec. 28.--Judging from the their number ot replies rceeived by the See- 'aus- rotary oi the Canadian Forestry Con, pri- 1ention, which has been called by Sir . Willrid Laurier to meet in Ottawa on en-I Jan. 10, 11, and 12 next, to the invi- and tations sent out, the success of the, )ndi- convention, sq tar as numbers are good concerned. is assured. Replies have very been received lrom all parts of the early Dominion and the prospects are that duce Jhe convention ‘will he a representa- : 1rrr1iytt 1yy1c?ylrisslt_rvill he suse lo 49,131 no. M. aootsemudi,FtG." _ - 7' th-tmee-te." - a. In. tar-uh Don-and cmmm o,s,d1""' man A“ gt Bram. 'fat'.t'tt"""', 47. "Na', 'M"vt,%8tt,r'" mun-lam: “mum" 00. or tusiuhiLLiAuiiGiGii adF, lMPEBIAI-TBUSTS March Iii-Stock and implmwnls ot the late Samuel Burnett, : lullN east ot “Methane. Fob. Is-more and implements Simon mehert, near Mannheim, March. Hind: 1nd itmtictv.entr, Daniel L. Kan-Incl. " mules west Mannheim. _ Feb. 1t.--Farm stock and Imple- mrnts of Jos. M. Snyder, one mile northeast ot Bridgeport, 3 miles cast at Berlin and 3 miles out ot Waterloo. , Feb. tii-stock and implemetcs ot the late Loni: Rats, 2 limes west of Berlin. Petr. (has-lock anii%aGriiiii'" at David Shaun. 1 mm west of W1: liqmabnrx. Jan. 23.--Rtoek and implements ot Thos. Farrell, " miles north ol Lin- wgpgayd , mile south or Maeton. Jan. 10, "06-Stoek and imple ments ot Chan. R. Schnnrr, 3 miim west or,Waterioirumt 3 miles east of Erbsvillc. Jos. MICKUS & SON, Auctioneers The Canadian Government has re- plied to the Rothschild application lur special terms lor the 200 Jews being svnt to Canada, sayintCthat the policy is to encourage agriculture. unly.! _ _ t The Ingersoll Gas Company willing to give way in favor of Electric Light Company securing contract tor municipal lighting. The convention' will he’opened by" His Excellency, the Governor-General;I in-the Railway Committee room ot the House ot Commons, where the sessions will be held. The convention' will be under the presidency of Sir Wilfrid Lorier, and there will be al large number of papers read dealing" fully with alt the phases of the lor- estry question as it relates to the Dominion. These papers will nearly all be submitted by Canadians, but the discussions will be participated in by all those who are present, and the thorough scientific knowledge of the' representatives who will be present irorn the United States should make the proceedings very interesting and valuable. On the evening of Jan. ll a banquet will be held in the Russell House, which will be presided overI by the Premier, and at whighv His. Excellency the GoverhorAhasiiril has consented to be present. . r, TirgTririr"'Tii the 1TtiiTirrTiiiii i'iiiiEiGiE that are lo be considered. In addi- tion to the delegates attending from the Dominion there will hen number of leading foresters ilorn the United States. including)". Gifford Pinchot’.‘ ehicl of the Forest Service; Dr. C. A. '4chenck,lron. s, B. Elliott, Dr. ml ID. Fernow, and others. I It is not certain that this stock will be client! to the public, as it may be reserved exclusively tot sale to the soap trade, but doubtless should any readers of the chronicle- Telegraph communicate with Albert Soaps Ltd., 169 McCord St., Mon- treal, lull information will be sup- plied.' The directors' intention is to give the preterenee in allotments to their many trade clients. any " this mans to insure increased interest in their sales, and at the same time securing to the shareholders an apparently thoroughly sate and profitable itwesb. ment.--The Canadian Grocer, Toron- to, Oct. 6th, 1905. . _ Continuing lurlhet . most enlistee- tory showing is revealed try the list ct profits lor the pastfottr years. At Jan., 1190!. the net. maul proto were 311,549, whereu at the tin- cial yen ot 1904 it had ruched 815.- 374. on amount which Would be tul- ficient to clear the mortgages interest and carry 8 per cent. interest to common stock. The amount ot trade done in their special “Baby’s Own Soap" is also excellent reading. From 1 modernte‘ turnover ot 27.000 boxes in 1886, it has risen in 1904 to the 'nngttifleertt total ot 233,000 boxes. 'tlnuo the amt praetiealir "eo-ttse only multinatio- bell; s mind roydty on their “83hr: Ova Sou" whilst the only can pay- ment. they - to be entitted to will he the ulna ot the stock and the amounts due Iron their customers. which mm we vendors surmise. This, arrangement on the lace ot it has every sync-Jana ot n sound com- mercial ttotatiom This comps-y. however. has Judy given tho mm of in 'uttsinrss. “a tender is struck a one with the [an that the veadou no akin. their compilation by mu ttt scrip ml Ity comply. ad has and 19 egg-f I A INA“)! “WEI. I A prospectus mull-g In. an All-at. Sons Ltd. In kiln in» out had: and has but paused I‘ll you intend. I‘ll not on... . that compul- tahe ttte - in.) their Co.ttde- I0 completely as he. the can in this mm. A mun u- men'ed state-t cl mu nun lo gully given is much to be “and FORESTRY CONVENTION AUCTION SALES ot of of in the the "and Drum And Int-Inc Wank». ttnt. Tough-08W. I. _ You. a. m l J K SHINN Wood, per cord Expat: Cum. .. Butchon' Cull. ‘Bnluy ........... Bumper ton ..... manna“, per Ion . Foam, per bag . Batter, per lb ..... Bun, par dos...... Lard ............-‘ Oiled Apple. ...... any, Hu.......... Rope, (Ira-ed ....., any. por In ...... Strat', pot tom. .... 0n- '........C.C. {can ............. N" Wheat..--..... Flour, 0m........ Plottr,thtta .......... “our, Agnes . Flour, Seven Lilia ... yhnL.............. rt.oireutteeeipts, 26.000: market ate-d1: trtote. to prim, heavy. "ddlt to 3.82 t manual to good. bury, " to .27 . butchen‘ weigh. $5.20 to 85.35: o rid". heavy. mixed 35.2! to .2115; paring, 34.00 to 35.26. 81:09ij Vyrthrr--aterelto mono; w- Iert - to “roux: nice ‘4 to . yeah “In, so to was; lambs. 6' to " Sheep and tPre-_-rt-ttrm, "tw. one; ttrm; Inn-bl. we to "e. higher: new. " to so: will. $3; Innbe. "rs to $8.40; Cel- nda and western. Inked. $7.50. 1r.t-e.trtti.' 2296; no "I" report! on [he welsh: nomlnally steady. CHICAGO LIV! STOCK. Chicago, Jan. 'z-cattle-R-ts, woo; need] to 2lbe Mun-r; common to tin-u Item, 33.25 to 0126; can .2.“ to .13: hem", 82.23 to $5; bulk, " (2.34: can†SyP, 53 $2.10: "when um t en. 32.40 io' NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. New York, Tan. 'tBtety--rtreetptx 812; all manned tune: to slaughter-en; nothlng doing; feeling steady; exports te. day, 700 cattle; tomorrow, 88 with Ind 45 shot-p. cntyeo--Reeetptss, I: nolhlnf “In. " any Importance; veal. namlm tr study; out" “he! went. SP'Stf, East Bulalo, Jun. 'r,rcatNer-rteeeisrt_ Ito.. mm: active and um; prime steers, $5.40 to $5.73; slinging neon. "" to $5.25; Mlcherl‘. " tu 35.23: belle". 83.5 to “.85; can. 82,75 to “.15; bulb. $2.50 to “.25; not-ken and feeder; w " $4.30: noel belleâ€, $2.25 to " '.it9-r?trertrik :5: active Ind "only; $5.00 to [0.60. Hot-ice-mu, 8500: now. lie to 103 lower; be", mixed and Yorke". $5.50 to [5.56: pl", 5.5510 WMO; rough, $4.00 to 84.85; In... " to 83.â€. _ Sheep and humanely“. BOW, all"; but», 'ea' to 33.10; a cw an: yen-l “up. ttMo to 87; venue". £5.50 to M! Veal Calves. You call-e- are worth from u to 06.25290! an. _ sheep and hub-- Prices were In: at u to 84.30 for export on“: lamb. " 85,50 to 08.10 And choice ewe- Ind nether. an worth $8.25 per cm. no... W '7.“ r“ -.... Prtees were (1119th by Mr. Ham. Is III- chill‘td. " $8.10 for select- and 85.86 In! light; and nu. EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. _ 7.. mm m’ol’ “ml-faint stock- eru sold an rollovu: feeders. 1000 to 1101: lbs. were reported as killing "on 88.00 to sub; radon. son to we lb... $3.25 to 33.50; nun-km "and from $2.60 for common to â€no tor good; short-keep fade". Mott to Taht um, an worth $380 to " per cwt. Much Cows. Alon I In" h on I In In Id from Ih 0?. '2',',le..ff w d In! “an Bo __,--.e--. Only a very few expo“ cattle were on We. and Mig, ringed from u to “.80- Export bu] I and from $3.50 to " Butchers. The best butcher laid from u to “.5: “Ir to good. $3.75 to 84; medium. 83.50 " $3.75; common to good butcher can, 82“ to $3.70; runners " 81.50 per mt. l Feeder- ul Rockers. ( Recum- on! live stock at tho my market; " reported by tho nun-an. were a: can teta" compound of 525 cattle. we host, we shop “a " an“. The quality of fat cattle v" mir. We. owing to "n: supplieu. In gtttNb - good all round. lune-tern. Cable. Duels-Mule and not: Ar. Higher at Chicago. London. Jul. tbr-Cattle Ire quoted " toe to wage per In: refrigerator, ttsie to tt%e. Sleep; 10%: to Me. TORONTO LIVE STOCK. mi tri 'iise7eiiiai" 'I-\w r."- "van try. q g when “any. eon- - to extra. Me to and-m. duty. eqqr In. a "In. 10: to no; renowned. 'Dllk no. to “in. we to Mte; vellum "eteter, team to In“. Me to " e; water- mu. an... "an", extra, I, to an; a. In“. no to Me. Chee-Stir.. may“. U83; “It. m than. mu Ind Inn. to“ and white, Be t. [the]. Me; do. Oct; best, like " Mb. do. In. nude, III-ll. colored an IrNto, - but 12e; do. urge. 'thi; It at», 11113:†It%e; than. ml to tig t c o e. 'tdt-esp,. receipt; 9271: state. you In“! Inn-.5... .-- --.--- _ ___ "Bee-Ear",. receipt; 9271; state. Poll and near-by Illa. selected. with. 88e " Me; to. video. we to "e; do. mud ex. tn. "tt to StNrt western IL“: alerted. me; do. Inâ€. 28:; southern, Me to 26e. WATEBLOO MARKETS Win-loo Junior] 4 19m. "iun--c-s. a In“. . NEW YORK DAIRY MARKET. New York. In. _-ah"tees-rtrm.. to can; tum “not â€It. extra CRIB‘II’I. Me to all†“rm-n -"--- --------, .w- - ,,...........v10 .... INK-hint. bull ...... 058 .... LIVERPOOL GRAIN AND PIODUCI Liverpool, J . t--arkat-.-tg to. ' lo. 8 rod was“ wtrrtee. Us tt gunk. may; lard. In loud; Mar. I. Did. Coe-it quiet; Ala-Ir.- nixed. now. do u; Annulm- _ on, 4. no: tut-m gigging, I. and; Inch, " 25d; Mar, ic'ai;-ah, Itch“ cut, an to N I... quiet. ". K ".St'---Ari- “at colored are“. M I . I I. LII-rpm: when “thwbtl M t't,lt2ultiU."n """"’ nggd °"' " At CIR-yo iii who! cloud tl lich- lln "Altth'UNd can . m Map on. use Wham, 16 WINNIPIO OPTION.- ‘l'loluuo' their-In; mun- mnhy awn: u. 'll.'! May e. July We, LIADIIG WHEAT â€ARK".- Mar. I . New York“ .. ..........‘...was 'll/fi Donal!†..... ..:y.y.y.y.y.y.tklt a m .. .. ...."........... In a "3.533.? .. .. ........-.... 'r p35 "DJ-Iii l . [hue-pall- . Liverpool and “do... What FM Clan. Migh--uvo “out HM -Yu Laud om "" w... u. W,IV§ u I"! “In: In“ I. ttMo to 87; wean", 85.50 to $0: l. 5,25 to "lie, lh mind " w t; western hubs, tGN', Fri. â€some "boost '85! ii, "iiii%G', CATTLE MARKETS. MARKET REPORTS. 17.00 20.00 .35 .08 .05 .35 25 45, MARKET, .46 17.00 7t0 WT“ Tm, 1-3.4. boo-Pu! 8 .25 .08 .78 strung. III“! Illlll‘l’ll. Euler: am» who we. Lead mu ,'ttpd load". Rm 0111mm Jam. 15 a. SEIPPINH MIB WANTED Ill BABE! ' nturdny January aoth, 1906 at "u Mu! of " o'etoett mum. the Compuny‘n when. Wanna. f n the baryon of would". the 01m. ay'. “an! up" and the otqrttiqfi of """Y2e,ts, _“__ .._, _ WMâ€. J“. M. Iâ€. The CM mun-l martin] of the Natalee. Intun' Fire lung-Inc. o, mil to In“ on A eheiny tot 'erdu. road ‘yne. strong balm well lunged. bed fromvwnll ,mhmnjmwld Inatlnlt“ unlock Tomlin bunn- ttt no!) out": Cl; thtt hum 12ltgl,',i,',, lust. "ttr can'- an arm "an . non . A C. u 'l't'Bus. Ml Brut-u. Ont- Waterloo Mutual F're Insurance on. atmk"'i'initirm, 1 Barren “m. mil. urn. H: In Berra-m mrm6weetito87siimiG;". An! to Consuming of macros. tt m= '" from Grand Ru Ida. Mich. " rm ctrereet; hair hai'dtmrtr mwnv rpmna ttm'oer. E qretUut marks!» can», Awâ€: LEN. BRAINDLIE. I Inc. . R R. " AIM. MICK. HEBIEIDIV EVENING JAN. 10 '06 n 7 30 o'chck far tho purpooo rf m t'4tivirttt the Annual new; and tho Elmtion of oitittare, nnd Director. for 1906 Julian Knlum , J. H. Winner. madden: Stern's". 51-2; Take notion that the 'annnnl mut- lag ohm Tarn of Wan-rim "onl- onlmnl anoint: Mil be held in lb- Tuvm Hall. Waterloo, on At at. mu". A an» prop up An!) to but†B. mnmlcu It mo. " Alum. mn. 50-tf mEdTnWes southeast ot Hays- ville and 5 miles south of Baden. It contains 120 acres, 9 acres'or which is timber and about 3 acres young orchard. On the premises are good buildings, 2 tub silos and a new‘ steel wind pump. Price about $65 per acre. Apply to _ I. S. ROtiENBERGER, . . Hnysville, Ont. Genus] Store Business and Property and live .tock ml“. at Brash-.11. Out, Large agriwltuul trade and large Ihippmg busily-u connected. Adana A. EDWARD MEYER. u. Guelph, Oat. BI and I mu. went a! Erterit'at. courting “Wm,“mol nm-nlntzooduaw f euluvamm. Munoz puma land. com cram- "amp Inoludinu 6 can. good Imminent! In»); Building timr chat. and lino - mn- boulus. ousted. Rimming qtgqtrttt Ihmuh nun. at tumor pang-3h: NtrfrAa?, House and lot for Sale [ " at . at hull. dun-ted on a. mad 1rrMdtrg rm ulna-Hun to 9mm ' In. In. w". " a A. an; awn-n an... In. unnu- on “mind In. had. In" can “It“. med-ad (and w;- “15le all building- n-Iaudu. Iris Nether wan-Alan: all on on than“ _ _ . N. I]. CBLBSIAN. clu B W. 11ouritat, "8r"to. Lulu. out. Farm for Sale ANNUAL MEETING 'd,'it"a2'l',tt tatethwegt , 'lUr,'ltt,tt t mu moon-u- u not. mum»! ‘Ilull nun-v. laud-u I out; 46.“qu an when; [an ttmit an .. a by lav. mum Tan o., no (“In An â€almanac-cu but M It Mm " “mama-om l no punch. “this 1"teite. "Ete,ttrt1 my tyt mi. "an. r 6 EEC“: iaik" " BrsfiiF iiiq T, Gaul-u: a! '" we: guard In 00... Turning hon-d. . luau-ant " than. an. “no: and mun-bond 'sd-sm. “but nun I“ "we: " o u my. An- - yum-d I d, mun-cunt. te.ttgtttt Inn. an 'tit"%Mt'1'tt'tt Inc-“m tr, a. to an“ up In u 'm- ' o In. an!“ 'lra'rgltalt, Iii-on. Ono lull " month. all. and. A“. I (our Hour". In. 213 Ilka with o! Wan-loo. - ---- IBNIO B. T0LBAR.. Shannon» for 8an I kn an. “a a... on at ',tMi'2t? tun. tilit tr." "w"- A. . '"& £21001-“ "u'tl'tit. Farm for Sale “northern. for w- Box Mo. Farm For Sale. t1rr mt 8M1 BY “ICING†W'6irfr o' m â€and. Mp must lulu“); "uni: Farm for Sale. Ir tr tl Cochran. hm for we. FOR SALE Mt .13. 't lawn!" p... For Sale c. n. molt-3m. Kmnhd 1 P. O. my; hm t lung 'wri'kmquz. th Rink r a-tara, cdilth r. 0.. W'KUIILL. Wuhan. on. ibis". TfAiivtur. LOUIS 8mm. 50-2.. on... tr., BERLIN kinds of Fun. Haw Furs Wanted. The unassigned on": for III. lint Vila-bio farm nun-m one in" mile val of Pts' 1pm anal-ill. of KS am M Ion- clear. "ttm waded In the farm in . [nod new“. hone-1m! burn In! an not-man mun-i - 1nâ€. Int-T my» F including ind Ann“ mm. mm uni I - Ill'li'l. sin-am. Baht-oi mi. all In. church. I" within Inn mil-n!» wait. the miterttotitttt. 'rttttrettutarmrd. "rlt'hm h Birett. u i good I on. I" on 0 II "III ttedw. Into-a l/ATI'; ra Euro mics. “I M. c. EOWIIAN. I ' P. 0. In t. Berlin. Farm For Sale Catt " tyltrarNrrriiiFriek sin-c! opposite the market, or mile to Have also numct Berlin, some of tor retired lumen Have a large number ot other tarms tor sale, ot diiterent sizes and prices. ..__, . 193 acres for mixed farming. large buildings, near Deon. and 7 miles Irom Berlin, very cheap. 23 Acres. 5 miles east of Berlin with buildings. only $1900. 5. Because our method ot selling and exchanging real estate is wonder- tally successlul. 4. -Because If sold out commission is very low. Highest "otrprke pu'd for ail Why You Should Place 'Your Proper- ty in Our Hands For Bale. 1. Because we advertise thoroughly in newspapers and the Real Estate Monthly. _ 2. Because we have nearly two hun- dred agents in Ontario assisting us in making sales. 3. Because it will cost you nothing “plus your property is sold or ex- I Slut-M I mik- Io-t‘nl Hunk-1m. omuhb gins at N mm at which ' term In good bush jun! lulu-o- undu your! mm of with-ulna. :Un it In goof! [rune hams u-d but lam n- d oth-r outbulldlnlu. and wall at been and but. Nor chow Ind church. Buyer an hum 'tetvtutrat of buying “lament! land " jainlng about tum. Fo' lam Md 'rartMrthr' up]!!! to or I?!" ' NATHAN“. BERGlY. " no t! Mannheim P. o.. Ont. 52-2t. Termtr.--Hay, grain and all sums ot 810 and under, cash; over that am- ount 12 months' credit on approved joint notes or 5 per cent. " tor cash payments of credit nmounts. JOS. MICKUS & SON, Auctioneers. CHARLES K. SCHNARR, 7 ,7, Farm fan Sale 'tor sale at the same time and place : I Carriage, buggy, cutter, burrow. hay fork, pumpkin press, 180 sap buckets.’ 2 saw pans, 2 cider barrels, tubs, 2. tables, sink, 2 cupboards, " chairs,; 4 bedstuds, 3 wood boxes, 2 spinning I wheels, lard press, box store, 3 iron kettles, copper kettle and a. lot oti other articles too numerous to Ian-J pica. l 143 notes, " miles east of Berlin hnNementts.-Nasser Harris bind- er, mower, lily rake, seed drill, tur- nip drill, S-htrrow plow, new Fleur: plow, 2 single plows, turnip cultiva- tor, cultivator, circular saw, iron hurows, 2 broad tired wagons, 2 sleigh, bobsieigh, Wagon box, hay rack, set gravel punks, whitBetrems, eeckrokes, scythes, forks, shovels, hots, grain cradle, tanning mill, hay knife, butler churn, 6 milk cans. hay sling, ropes, grip, 4 sets double har- ness, 2 sets tty nets, ice prongs and mixed grain. . The GUowing articles belonging to Hartman Schnarr will also be offered t" {he}; jiaTiTaiuiiiui'r, 8 LTC erg. 1_calve;, , ewes, BOW. Etms'i.--Bua mare t you. old Imp- posal to be in foal, My mare " year: old supposed to he in (on, bay hone " yea: old, aged mare, spring colt, ' con supposed to be in an. Then will he told by public zuc- tion, on the [am known In the Hut. mu Sch-arr (am. a miles It". ot thrtertoo and 8 miles out ot "r Erh- vine. on commencing a one o'clock pm. slurp the [allowing valuable property, viz: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY lit, "ot " PARK "OCtlt AS!) IMPLIIEN'I'I Auction Sale LDon't mun. """m "all, Bernh- P. E. SHANTZ, Box 422, Berlin-P. o., FIVE REASONS. GRANITE SLAUGHTER numerous properties in of which are suitable TTWTTBTor ont, A man "" " J|IIIAIV "TI. mu GIT I All. WIHIAII. 'wlardrm"dta"t2h5t"i= Lieu u Frrrnvir AAmfrtistrtttrr, naval". f, "out no. Four!†'tent. allowed on nil can“... lulu.“ to A"thilret by cheque. of Cancun _ rammed an are. H. GOODIIIHAM. Pros. """'"1i%ttlWltt's,A,tr""t"a" THE IMPERIAL TRUSTS 00. Burg-Inn In new and not-0nd wlgono and bangles. In cider to male room for a car of cutters and 0'01th I male that reduction. I 1 " the but - and has†nude In Canada. King Street, East of Scott St Berlin. Down Goes the Priee, for 30 Days Remember this stock ii FLaGlit my! prnreerod try our 82 500.0% Tram Fund which " one. remove- vory element of tbk. chance. spec-ul- "inn or mnibi it; of loan. Wm. this worth looking into. Write or call for particulars. ISIDOR B. SNYDER. Offiee American Block. Berlin ', Paying 12 per cent. with higher rate of dividend in thn nenr future 8-10 KING ST. INVESTMENT are prep trod to ahow the utuuLiitrin""iiiiiTn"i" 3::ch Millinery. Mrs. C. Steuernagels a -- ','l'l‘ -- In a fine one and we extend a cordial invitation with Indies of Berlin sud Waterloo and vicinity boyish our Show Room where we 1rrllhVirSER's, i There is a big dd ferenco in different maker. of ovemou-mc' In mac's mostly for the profit any 3ield, and some to surtain an! on- hnnce the good nune of the firm that. man: the m and those who sell f them. _ not the latterclm- they ere the pride of the trade. Nootherreadrto. Aertttr clothing equals 20th cen'ury broutd--aud this is the reason we sell it; our trade calls for the finest clothing made. ' No one can buy I better overcast-or unit -atot even if one goal to the best. city melon} tailor. See our windows, or, better still, come ionnd let us show you the news.) goods, We have no doubt whatever over the outcome. . lun- trom $10 to $25. Overcoat. from " to 822. . An Absolutely Safe FALL MILLINERY A. o. WOMAN, China Hall, Berlin. Overcoats for Good Dressers Our Display of Overcoats _ , .TNrt ....-.~.~- unv- an" "uni-m- Waur'oo yum outside a! an Caryn raw mun «l 37 um. of - nu mum . a erh More In run-nun- marl-ml h. nod numb or, the hm ha "no. II I I hiroher, " I I!" , fond.“ It. 3.. hunt Mmâ€: Talmud a'a','gtet'l',gt In aluminum-hum no! 'it"k."l n hm “a m. PM It"'"'"""' on tum-Inn. a - IOAI Middlinn Btu: and Chop Feed by tho mu. Oil Cute. Lirrretdmost.Crtmtt. ed Otte, Poultry Summon, ("1505" Shell, I'rata Pottltry Pond. Mil" Flour, Ballad Oats, Cum In). B When. Manitoba “our, Roe! BN. SI", Grain Bap, " WISE FEEDERS USE ‘HE M I'M mm - l, . tilll11't)lllll1)1l)'ltClh'g 2.W3'ttl0 S. GINGRICH, clydesdala Stock Food Fun for “In. WATIRL‘LOO Waterloo. WATERLOO H 0 o 0. tl 51 0 0 i) I) 0