The editor has received this week gm: little booklet from The hr.- pethl Trusts Company of t'anada, Hi to " Adelaide slrvcl Past, Toronto. entitled, "Banking by Mull." and .nrh A makes t'er.F interesting reading, 3 lug money is a thing dvsirrd hy but attained by tew, although " {kt ruling the new plan mullinni in re booklet. it sums In make it mien Tho Imperial Trusts Co, ad- Nu that they will send this book- 19 all who“! tor It. mm- metorta Ft., Wahrlrro, on Thursday Jan. 4th, at I pm, lo Mt, John's Luther“: Church h-r sunk-o. and Moe to the Berlin rvnwtcry tor m- terment. . A large numlu-r at skntvrs val-n.9- ed the opportunity on New It rr's allernoon to Imu- "ttother pins-m Iknfe in the Waterloo rink, Thc ire was In fairly gum] cottditiort,, Quin . number also took aulvamagv of llw Ice on the mill pond to vnjny a slam- the ice tin-re being very qood, with the exception Ma lvw spots. The lnnvral of tlt" latr, Mrs, Jul"! att, who Jied at the Itvrlin-Watvr- Hospital on Mummy mnnng, will held from hcr late “whim N' "n School re-opt) Wednesday morn- ,illg the! tlt.h'mas vacation. Ihore bring a good attvruuutciut alumna» There no two new loaclwrs on the Mull at the ('onlral Srlmnl. Miss Ballnntym‘, of Nvw llumhurg, and Miss Brown, of Letttningion. L. H. Wagner, of uer/iii,1iir" pm; side. You can save money and still get a Brst-class fashionable overcoat at Wildlmg's great Overcoat Sale. See ad. on tttother page. Quarterly services will be held in the Evangelical church next Sabhaih. Preparatory services will be held on Friday and Saturday evenings, at, which the Rev. J. G. hill and Rev., Overcoats at manufacturers' prices " the Star Clothing sStore.--ssue commences Jan. 8th. 1908. See ad. on Another page. 'The 6th annual meeting' of the club Portachritt was held Wednesday even- ing, at which the election of omeers tor the year 1906' took place. A ban- quet “was also held andapleasant time spent by all present. The Young Men‘s Club of Waterloo enjoyed 1 fine oyster supper on Sat. urdgy evening, at A. Urstadt's. The death occurred at the Berlin & Watcrioo Hospital on Monday evening ot Mrs. John Gran. The next rehearsal tor "The Little Tycoon" Will be held on Moalw ev- ening next. The Clara Schimann Club will hold. its regular monthly mceting ‘on Jan. 6th. T _ . The annual meeting of the Town of Waterloo Horticultural Society will be held nextJl'odncsaay Pveru"g. _ Read A. C. llallmnn's ad. on page 8 re sale of Barred Plymouth Rock Coekereta, nual meeting of the North T.qlt Farmers. Mutual Fire In- surance Co. will be hehron Jan. 19. Look up Wildlang's ad. in this is- re it you want a good overcoat cheap. F Miss Gertrude-raise “3mm! her new duties as teacher or the Lexing- ton “boo! Wednesday morning. t""oooooooooooooooo ESTA". Funnel“. , no. BROKERS 84200 5; ' lawman APO'I’HIKI. Fact. 217. Devitt’s Drug Store In - only ammo Ebony in the but " (with. " the BEST It The ban nhn in tho In! In. gluon m- wun In Perfumes For Xmas Gifts. .ocal News 2hrllill'8 wr REAL-EETATE. In lull. Matt so. not - to â€Upton-u: the in In.†Paulo. (you IN. to .10.†in â€than. All " Noun: Moll II (to to: (and u ' My». Auction an! Peels “In. ot "In". Emma 3303.. EBONY INNâ€! (IOIY "III“! at the ltvrtin-Watvr- Momlay M'rning. will r late resielenrse on Queen. - --. ___-'- -...-_ Fume Dwelling and 2 Iota on comer of Punk and Allen Bueet.. Brick Ilwelling on nee beet Strut. now. Buy: hr’ck dw. Victoria) Sure'. 4 l Brick dwar. 6:: corner of i Erl- and Virtnrln Streetll Bri, k Own-Hing. I" con- " nipnceq lh b and Bell- view. Brirk Dw. llirg corner of Allan sud Moore Avenue. “nick "weltirur on TVit- ‘uw 8 new, at. huld of Go rm- e‘n ct. B. ink Dwelling. aliCon venirn: up. corner John mud Allan Streets. AND WATEBLIIO Mr. Aaron F.'rtt. of the Berlin Mor- unlilo Iur., mun-mod the chum: Matt ot his department, In an orstr'r nuppvr at Brown's Thursday evening. The mam WIS an excollom our, and the humidity Milt. En. wu gnu- tr Appreciated. nun-ME“. 1'0 THE OLD YEAR. In accordance with the usual ens- tom the advent ol the new year was Jrraldmt in Watt-rum in g formant“: net by the ringing ol hells and the blotting of whistlexu Nome parties also contributed their quota to the general noise " tirinsuuo--a4mt.e citizens who Were wrapt in quiet slumber were rudely awakened while others remained up to enjoy the sound " the bells, etc. which pro- elaimed the coming ol the new year. Others, 1 prey to the deep sleep whirl: sometimes comes to the weary, slept through it an and when day- licht eame Wondered whether the new year had been appropriately ushered, In. . The clergy ot.the Jioo..,,, twclve were prom-M, wprp l entertained at lime): in the arms school building. FAREWELL TO THE 0L1 J2! â€I. of Ghana's like?!“ Tpr The members of the Orpheus Socie- ty, with their lamilies. celebrated Stiltungstest and Christiest " the Orpheus Hall, on Wednesday evening. The attendance was large and the evening very pleasantly spent. The Concordia Society at Berlin, under the direction of Mr. B. Poehlman. sang several songs in good style.) There was also a beautiful Xmas tree which added greatly to the enjoyment ol the occasion. Xmas presents were distributed to the children, and re- freshments also served. At the con- clusion a dance was held which clos- ed a very enjoyable evening. I STAFF WAS -"e--'_e_ .,......-.......= orchestra furnished excellent music both afternoon and evening and those 'present enjoyed a very pleasant time tripping the light. fantastic to tht strains of lively music. Mr. S. Staul for ably acted as troor manager. -'.'__.r_ ll“l\l UH A‘CVI Year's atternron and arming, in the Town Hail, under the auspices of the Waterloo Musical Society, was a pro- nounced success, there bring alarge number presrnt trom, outside points, including Gait, Hespeier, Preston and other towns and cities. '9tarnaman'sl two. ""'T"t"ror"mr9rttmmiTaiiCTii; apparatus purchased ls Strand to none to be found in Western Ontario. It comprises a hose wagon, with lad ders and other appliances, and will be shipped in the course ot a week or Mr. J. Uftelmann and Mr. L. Gray- bill, chairman of-the fire committee, returned Friday evening Irom Walk- eraijl:-, where they inspected the fire appardtus Which the town purchased. They found everything satislaclory, 'ehteh an? their In“. min: It a. . J" Lahmrr Hall, on My, m I 'm 1'" Slim! hold the - ur- '" VIN-lulu Wtumum " III-o new church. I The pupils and ell-pupils of Miss J. M. Ballantrue, a teacher in the pub- lie school in New Hamburg, tor the F past six years, but who has accepted " position on the stall at the Water-l loo Central School, presented her‘ Iwith a beautilul sterling silver toilet Mr. Albert S. Duering, ot Waterloo, won first prize tor sending in the largest number ot subscriptions 'to the Bookkeeper Pub, Co. Mr. Otter- ing secured 630 subscriptions, exceed- ing any previous record by about 200.i This is the first time it was TTi won by a Canadian. The prize is the choice ofa three weeks' trip with all expenses paid to Caliiornia, Chicago, New York, or Florida., set as a i her pupils, _ The market Sturdy morning rather slimly attended owing to stormy weather. Butter sold at " to Mg a In., while the price a for eggs was 30 to 'dSe a tiOE. , tables were not plentifui. A' 1 supply ot winter apples In: alsi band. DANCE WAS A SUCCESS ENJOY8D A GOOD " Hy'uarhuees--at $rauettter, 1,tiiiiiii'i; 1m. am. by Rev. M. A. Schulz. Mr. Geo. Holman. od m, Jon, to Miss Lila KM“, you‘- In daughter ot In. Kinshasa. ce Ite street. They wilt reside in In- ottoo. " "Wt, u..." '"'""6, may (out! a couple ot boys stripped 1nd in bathing at the old mill (nation's) Who up Urantlord is not in the ban, an; belt?-iuanttdrk Expositor. ---. -...... u... Irate returning trom dinner, they Inn-u! - “Mun- " l _ . . RETURNED FROM WALKER. VILLE. “any at the noon hour, Dee. 11. u some .0! ue hazy-Hutu no. m7 SERVICE m many MALL. 1N BATHING. DECEMBER TU columna- at to IV "trerheld tllfltulut tank-u Ill up comma TO wArEnioo, Human ON WEDNESDAY. WON rm: PRIZE. I'ISTERTAIN HI) parting [magnum from THE MARKET, iomse, ot whom worn allcrwards in the new Srp- TIME I owing to tin Let sold at trom the price asked a £102. Vege- i Three mrmen, who: ot rrsprrtable lumen M Brant Countr, are chug- Gi with mulling In Brut-"om. I The salary a Principal ucnmmm. . He was thrire married, his Brat t wile bring; Amalie lirdderiett, daugh- . ter ot Ila- lair hauls Hmtderieh, ot Watmlon. who died about 12 your: l am. His scrum! wile was Mrs. Soy- lor, of Berlin, who dird Ihrrr or 1mm years ago, The third Mfr, Mrs. Sacha, widow of the Inc Otto S.- cho. of Merlin. sunk-rs him. tty his first wife he had five children. mmly.‘ Mrs. C. Itaurr, Waterloo, Ann; and Freda. mm of whom arr married ;! lilornmn, of Lislnwrl, and Louis, ot anlotlm, tty his mom! wife he had alsb on ot lngornoll', reiGirilrG"e"iii'i"r'i ii tittetlyt,_tym 81,000 to $00t In hm childrm; me oi l- The funeral of the late Philip Kraft - Was held Monday anernoon, from his luau: residence on Park street, to St. n John's Lutheran church for service, p, and was largely attended, Interment T took: place in Mt. Was Cr-n-ep-ras-L-, TtTr. CTT, -ra Martttstvs, -rrmrTtmT"T'TiiTrrrJLra Kraut. was born in Hessen Darrissrtadt, Germany, tm May lllth, 1810, andrame to this country when eighteen years ot age. In 1867 he came to Waterloo, Work- ing at his trade of carpenter, and later, became proprietor of the West- side Park Hotel, which he conducted for ten years, retiring several years ign. Ahout 21 years ago he was ehiet of police here, serving in that capacity for several years. The dew ytee2eruutt.tsnycsL2ruuio. k, I One of Waterloo‘s best known Ind most respected citizens passed away on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the person ot Mr. Philip Kratt. The deceased' had been unwell for the last three months, being a sufferer from diabetes. " Well Known Resident of Water. loo Passed Away Friday Afternoon. A Short Sketch of His Life. DEATH OF more partirtg,Out when there will be joy and happiness throughout eter- nity, is the sincere wish ot your That God in His great. wislom may spare you, our beloved and most enefieent parents, to enjoy wun us nany more years of peace and happi- lmess, and that when done with us rhere below, we may all be gathered as a family reunion art'mnd that great throne above, where there will We, therefore, .on this, the 90th an- niversary of dear father's mnnday, would ask you toaceept these small gifts as a slight token of our respect and love for our dear parents. . mrtCr,T.'5.""fCfT"'P.rPPrtiirNrTiiTr, ""T'r"TtRrexptertTr0N- °"and Mrs. Reeve, the Ga', our deepest and Pt". earnest 'Ill','".,",,-) his nephew Rev A E Lavelt iation of tlod's .intinite. goodness? mlon New Year's 'or; . . . ' 'et/ture. tlc?,'",,,':),"':', "13:12:13.: Miss Elizabeth Bean is visitiig rel- .-an on El VII nos ave o t.. . . our greatest.ioye, respect and admit-l 1td"','.'ig,iQriends tn New Hamburg gtion. - ' Perhaps, at times, it may have ap-l peared to you that we Ti,r,Ui'"1g,','l and indirerent, yet we assure you that wacxamec oi-s-ee-Asia/uc-q dustry and in.tegrity, coupled witht kindness and liberality, has not beeni lost upcn us. I Our Dear Parenii/.LL' ---. , i We, your most dutiful and loving children, here assembjed, bog lease to We join with many friends in wish.. ing Mr. Good and his aged partner many more years ot happiness and pr0s?erity. The follow! " Iddreu mm rmter.-- Waterloo, Dec. 29, 1905. some time ago, The [act made the occasion all the more memorable. Mrs. Good is also well up in years. being " years ot age. All the child- ren of the aged couple were mutant except tour ot the sons, as lollows ' Franklin and Elias, ot Waterloo; Nel- son and Milton, of Berlin, and Ezra, of Michigan; and two daughters, Mrs. Neuter, Waterloo, and Mrs. Enoch Ertr, ot near Waterloo, Letters of regret at their inability to be present were read item the two sons, Mr. Isaac Good, ot Kansas. and Dr. Rob- ert Good, of Chicago. _ 77-~‘ on “MICIIU comprising (our ot the grandchildren ot the couple ulsoJung. Mr. and Mrs. Hood favored those present with sev- eral duets and their voices were re- nurk'ably strong considering their ad- vanced ages. Rev. Mr. Litt also read extracts tram " memorandum made by Mr. Good on his 50th, 75th, 80th and succeeding birthdays, which was very interesting. This was the last birthday party to be held on the old homestead, as the term Wntt sold some time ago, The [act made the occasion all the more maximum. H, -r w-..- u-cuuyul‘ In ota magnum. Revs. 8.11. lunch and J. 0. Lin, who were present. de- llveted lellcitoc: addresses sympo- the suspicious occasion. to which both Mr. And Mrs. Good responded in Meat speeches. A lecture ot u» af- 4ernoon was the prmhuliim ot use- .ul and nimble gifts to the and couple, including . tine picture ot the old haunted, the work ot Mr. had Hrs. Ezra Good. The ev-- chin; wu pleasantly went in: toga iat VI], trim and duetts by some of the sons being rendered. A qteartette nnlnan-in- 1...... _. .. - - ,7.-- - runs]. Im'll yt. Good celebrated " "tt Emul- aly. hell; and. tho was!“ " 1 “until; at children, academia-n Ind Retaraatdehiidrk, (out inf“. “on Itch; represented.“ riearts ot the and ample. numbering in all “out ts. A sumptuous birthday diam had been mowed. and “we: thou present. had punk“: of the, good things provided the “tango- Iu Mu up with the carrying out Mg "r--- n__, _ -- aldiBith'Iqip ms . . 90th mummy tr. Jul Good on Van Otdon "euar..--. sun Enjoys Good Health. 11. by." It. - In. Jul nod, 01 “allâ€. in the mm.- at P5,e.5e,fett .trrldar, iriGil, PHILIP KRAFT BELOVED CHILDREN, as}; or the Germs; whom survives the sraaaetliiirG -__. â€um".- men-awn: spent New he r's will: friends in Toronto. . rmur.--! Mr. Gordon Cornish, of Appleton _‘,._ unan- 000.....- __,., . - Mr. Om. M, Fisher, who A., been return-rating n his home in Kim-r- dim- tor neural who put. Ml re- ...-_.A 7 - A ‘ ' Mr. Wm. Niorganh, at Michigan. is visitirnt [Hands in Waterloo 'aml ti- mm. T ltr. Geo. M, [hint n}... h- _- Miss Ltitrsiiiiii,"i; gun! It tlwlome of Tttos. O'Donnell. Mr. Fred sniiiii/'i'ia, IN . pletc_artt visit with his s Wm. qulry, l’itlsburg. p, an.“ . . . --‘-- Miss Ida ilachbart ter spending sou-ml home In llridollvorg. Mr, and 1tra-v-u--s.-itrirtrr,-rtarea- Iron, who have been gut-six at the 1mm“ ot Mr. and Mrs. A. McIntyre tor svvrral days. have gout. In Linwood. Mr. Henry Peppler, manager ot the Knu‘hul Furniture Crt., ot Hanover, was a business visitor to “Mexico on Thursday. I â€a-‘ ._.-...... viv- mu [lull- ' day. - _ Mr. Barney Snyder, of Stanford, spent the holiday in Wntcrloo. Mr. Geo. Bearinger, or Comma, spent the holiday in Waterloo. l l Mr. Isaac Wegenast visited in War.! . "loo on New Year's Day. I I Mr. Henry Scht'ilcle spent the holi-I , day in Concstogo. I I Mr. Aug. Knaun. late ot the Bank! of Hmnilton, Hamilton, has accepted! li position in a Gall Bank. 1 - _ -_..<, I‘II I I 've6EN. Mr. Chester Fry and Miss. Clara Fry, of mar "right. who have bow visiting rrlulirrs and lriends in Tat.. vrlm Ind, vicinity. [an]: “turned iv their Home. . turned to that city ing. Mr. Bravngie w: teacher near Linwood visiml Oe County In: .., ... _ Mr. Levi Brat-mile, of Grand ids, sPLttyuy_hshi'ti/isL'iiiiii, u: nannuton, Hamilton, has accepted a position inaGalt Bank. Miss Edna Williman. ot Branttord, spent Sunday and Monday with Wat- otloo friends. Messrs. Chas. and Walton Burlington, have returned 110 'iapleasuutt visit with relativ ! friends in Waterloo.. Mr. Andrew McIntyre was or. at the home ot Mr. Alex. Linwood, New Year's Day. II. In†. -- - a... nuuleVI momtyre was a visit- or. at the home ot Mr. Alex. Rennie, Linwood, New Year's Day. Mr. Clayton Snyder, of Toronto, spent the New Year's holidays at his home in Waterloo. . Mr. John Voegle. ot Toronto, call- ed on Waterloo friends over the hell: .c... - I Mr. W. Joyce, Arf Toronto, was a. visitor in Waterloo on New Year's Day. q Mr. and Mrs. S. Ziegler visited at the home of the Iormer's sister, Mrs.. Foerster, Heidelberg, on New Year's Day. Waldo-Tm Thursday. Jan. Mr. Walter Winter, ot turned home Tuesday In spending New Year's wi Waterloo friends. near Ottawa, returned altemeon after ' seven with Waterloo friends. Dr. R. A. Reeve, Dean A.. h .. m 3135er Our pod. no now aud utr-to-tUtes, no lhop prices no a low as the love». Yours " the but toottrear " Lowert Pile... We has {all "no at the “on and remember (In In Shoot. Personal and Social. Mr, Bargains in Ill hwlang I'Stoc'sfaking a Miller, 'y'"Yiiiira llachbart has returned J 0113 fitl1oruitshnasrer, Allison Manure spent ‘Ull that city sand}; n28"; A lot of $3.50 Shoes at eiso A Lot of " oo shoes " " oo rmllo was lnrnwrly a Linwood and had not manly rot H roars. ' _ Fry and Miss. Clam "right. who have how Bargains for' 1906. thboste Zimmermann House y, for sumo time and Walton Riggs, of ' returned home after with relatives and F -. ..,,,,..w.., returned home Monday r ' several days’ visit mymra, is a Mr.and Mrs. is now going on at '. mrelmaatn's us returned " days at het lrlurmd trom a sister, Mrs. ir'aing Rap- mum; in. '. Ofre1mann's the Haws} ot, the Medi- spent New mu Tucsnl " ' Le has xlrlru i Ind '"o'nro'ib'r ford i to the "r! lone-c. SALE I Mr. and In Oro. W. Woodwnrd one"! I mu wl'h tholr Ion Mr. cur. Woodwnrd. Torottto, our New “at. In. Woodnrd ttlen Bttettded s mum). " the 3mm “who mid In the my on Sunday. Tho .ru-m In an: " Bith a boom- mung follow by 3 mm mm and unmi- no - I Mr. Julius Glriswr 'lrtl Tursdayhn la sevtrat wre's' us" With trim-"Yrs and "lends in Totomn. "undo, Ro- 1trn;er an! Hrcckpvn, SKY. , "Mr. C Washhurh, who has ttem “fur “and in the ome of the Mutual Lilo Assurance I»... here, MI Wed. msday for North Bay, whore hr has mowed amnion. ' Mr. Percy (J lit-wry (Hoist-r â€siting niali Sirinity. an» lx'rlna ('Imstman and broth- er, ot Elmira, talk-II on Waterhr, trirnds on Tuesday. Miss Gladys Deritt from A pleasant work's Wraith. Mr. L. {my}, otnhn l m, .ipFiii Mtnzluy and Woodstock. Miss Bertha ('hriv'mn' - -wiPaitTiWeFGiii Jeweler. CEN TR , L BLOCK Bur ERLOO opp lilo Snider’s Mill. t.'.,vi)0hoiesest and Best 3nd back, oFett '.'rr./:rtriiiii" I WATGHES Eadios’ tia", :Jriaiiii' movemenMn 26 you Rold- lille" can (hunting) for.. has never been at large In " tie present time Ind prieee - at low, and in - can ere lower then they hue been at my time bola". end the†price- wm any until Christmas even ft wholcuze price- rier, which they unlikely to do before long. J Lungâ€! -d-. n . - .. _ -_- H. B. DUERING I Our Endeavor to be had in the meat line, including Home made Sausages Breakfast Bacon . Meats and Just Right Hams Gold-Filled and Nickel ' no shop worn Shoe- to cm! and Is always to supply our numerous customers with the '. J. RODS y “wiser, son M is", ur Uxhnw. Assn laliws in Waterloo ', 7 ioryyVr7"iitum the 8mm: Bargain. é. Waterloo, Ont peeea no muted ' teresung entertainment Watt given 'ws'",'isitr"T,yt by the choir and 3mm school or _ - -er_ the-tmth-tmms-tTir, on"‘tTic cv- .. ening of Der. 26. The church was 'id"it'eL','ant very prottily decorated by an areh ol F.v evorgrocns. surmounted by three splendid Christmas trees. An excel- (tttttt "I broth- lent programme consisting ot songs, “I "" Waterloo dialogues and "citations, w" provid-‘ . ed and cnjnyrd hyn large and min-1 Jie." Ir! Mi? riatiu‘ Audion-re. itttiili is Birth!†Partr.--a number of friends, relatives and neighbors " wigrd the home ot Mr. Henry Helm- hacker ‘on Monday evening to all" their count-hum: on the mum of MI birthday. "are In a mu who†1""atteuraartoreeten, A "I" than "Betaq no In: In “In School 11rriing.-rtte annual school muting at the ratepayers of this tttttion passed on may quietly. al- though several important “ch ot businms Wert' disposed ot. Not, the least ot that was the appointment at Mr. Wagner " the ttttteat ot eire. talt-cr tor the school. No more sweep- ing tor the little ours! It was also detided that the interim of the Ithml be ro‘tinishcd, painted. etc. Pttssitrir at some time in the tuture " may he tclutnislml also. However, one thlng at a time. "r W%@ land thanks its many patrons for their (kind patronage in the past. 7 _ . "'0V.9.!t§tockings Church Entertainment.-.., very In- a a 'ri . m Baum Ru 'litl,1t."tx mum: v V my . -w... my. “not! nu ma vary mu. need for such Milan, but the now is bound to come sad the youngster- will only In too ttlad to but than: on. Oar up. run- from 6, a 1-2, 7 to 9 1-2; price. mm 30:, 371-20 to too. The [allowing In H!!! of an out In at “in“ to to mild); well bouts and Bun Good Vine: - y lat Vest and Dutch. can" on] ribbed union, good wettest,th tt 00 . Suit. Oar prim Ttto salt "d. Pm Wool VESTS And DRAWERS in Whiusnd Natural shsuut--rtur Vesta a o Manned with tins Bsmtw In“, and the duvet: come in b ah 0pm and cloud style, tight ankle - ribbed, worth {200 Su't. Our . We. - "f"" 31.5038u! 1JWllllily UNDERWEAR fii),_fir__lrt,yan & CO. . B. Ryan & 00., Berlin MI! All) In" "" FEET at This line resemble. the Natural Wool Underwear in - rarest; itiuuade of vevy Soft. Wool fueey ihtUh, tight ankle Ind wrist nibbod will nut shrink. and in cold every- where for " 60 u Sat, but by pissing . very Inge order t; this puticuhr line we were allowed . fair diluent I ich unble- us to offer it to tho ptiblitrfoe - - - " 00 37811 ERBSVILLE. New Year Wishes Everybody BOYS' AND GIRLS' “no, etc. In, in", M "nth ,. . . ,._..... "mutt-“79‘, as origlrally In d out. by laid """n puny comp 3nd of the creek hunter- cnuma running rm: fly from atttd King are». m I he 'ot" dot-ed by the Mun-chm! (‘mmr-H of thr, (formation of the van of Wirtoo " I meeting of the and] Council to be in†In that l ("moon Unnmher in the Town of Watettoo nn Hominy. the and day " Jamar ' A. D. um, It a o'clork p. n. M. wh J. I“! time and place the and (‘mmr-il will Mu in pom or by enamel "r lullohor In, one what. had might but pxejudlrislly "%ted tatt' and who wagon. to h n can . Waterloo. Dec. m A. 0.. In A. B. .rIRIQI._ " mm or wry as shown an tho In at John "rdhnin'e, Survey mango; to the registorvd plun of tho said town. being that purl. of III I Wea, er street, u nrigirally In d out. by "tid "Inâ€, puny cmnp Ittf of the amt mutter- nnnr-n "no... .._-. -- _ - ., - Notice is hot-eh] iven par-m i,,,,et,t, 032 or. 4't,1', OOH-oi 'Nurticipa1 Art. “In" that. . t for Merging up and selling tt Inning ig way or road Allan that in to my: Part of Weaver; extending mutt-r! from King at distance"! one cgain llxtlevo mow-0:400:10 the wanton-1y " a lane or alloy as shown on tho I John 'lrdhnin'. Survey 'l'dl,7,it the rettutered pun oCthe said I lawn of Waterloo (' tho " oo iriiat ___ -- luv-II- Jutnumly that “mu In. no. “dim. 1'5.qu m 'ntateet"tttiU can, u. m ""-'i11uneuktriGa". “naming-nub.- - tnorard " tte miqInnt in n. Z_ick_'s Shoe Home. ,Vuvâ€"uu'w- rt, Mm," Must n lay-law up and selling the bio way or road allowance. : PAI'O of Weaver-nun "-'- -.- '-" - et hols, Klugchh. czain sixty-[Iva not. the meaty-I! ling“. of o'truatruesihi PM?!“ to 'MJI but". (J 0 o a“! I) ()