An oilieial that came in tor eonsid-I erable adverse criticism was the town', engineer. " Would appear that some members ot the Council would like to' make the town engineer a scapegoat to carry their sins oi omission andl commission into the wilderness oi public iorgetiulness. The town enginJ eel certainly is, not perfect and may mine made mistakes, get when it comes to making mist kes most oi the members ot the ‘Town Council are. entitled to sit: in the trout row. We have had engineers on trttgitterrrs--Bowrnan, Pmidar, Chalm- ers, Warren, nil outsiders-and their Work was not one whit better. it as good as that of the present engineer.| Take a walk around town and see the condition of the walks on Allen. George, Herbert, lirh street east.| and others, and judge for yoiireeli.I But the mistakes ought not all to be mama were 'twr-est-era-Ars-l, ten there has been unwarranted and; senseless intvrierehce with his' work' on the part ot property owners haekn ed by the Town t'ouncil, in nearly every ease in dispute tlte sober second thought Was that the engineer Was right and those who interiered with his work were in the wrong. The plan oi provednre has been the "mow. ing: The tour: engineer makes a pro- Ale oi the street, showing the eon- tour of the surface and the line oi the proposed cement walk. This is Buhlliilletl lo _the t‘ounett for "prov- .l. The profile is either approved or amended in aeeordanet' with sug- gestions made by the Council. After- wards stakes are driven, levels given In geranium-c therewith, and the Work harried out under the supervision of the (‘hairman of the Board of Works. The ('ouneil simply cannot escape rrs- I ponsibility try neglecting or refusing l to â€wrote ot the prot1te drawing. l The responsibility tor carrying out the work resin, end under our sys- tem oi lure-auto. government Mr. J. B. Hughes" was there as usual and gave the Council the bene- fit oi some caustic criticism. Much oi his criticism is timely and well de- served and on some occasions he has rendered a valuable public service by his _support ot good measures, not- ably so in dealing with the Caroline street lranchise. But occasionally, like Don Quixote, the knight-errant of old, he runs lull tilt.against some old wind mill, as he did on this oc- casion in his unsparing and indis- criminate criticism oi the park gate and Park Board. Surely Mr. Hughes must recognize that it is impossible to make bricks without straw, and that it is impossible to carry out de. sired improvements without money. The law allows a hall mill on the dollar to be spent for park purposes, whichis nearly all used up paying de- bentures already issued and interest. The other items ol_income are too small to permit the carrying out oi any extended improvements. MET t-hiCriFei-iiitii" wliiéli "rot6xF.rrWiTh" its filth and will wake up some day to find itself confronted with injunc- tion proceedings and suits for' heavy damages. _, To the credit at the Chairman of the Sewer Committee it must be said that he refused to use the amount of the appropriation [or his committee, because he could not see how the money could he spent to any useful purpose. He also advocated placing -0rnmrne-selriirt'6-g3rs'sTitriTir-mre- hands ot a Commission, who should remain in power a sumcient length of time to thoroughly investigate and carry out a system best suited to the needs of our town. He rightly em-' phasired the lack ot system and con-, tinuity oi management. The town has novit,llt to eontaminate the stream We rend carelully all the “dresses made at the nomlnstioa a reported. end looked in vain tor' ny evidence ot the inauguration ot . progrenive policy in connection with the trans action ot the business ot the town- a policy marked by continuity. to he pursued rear by your, little by little, with due regard to economy, hut which would in the end bring about much needed end much desired im- provements. The story as told try the various candidates wns lnrgely “the same old story" told “in the Same old wsy." The candidates it el- ected evidently intend to mark time and do on little or possible tohring about an era ot improved methods to lurther the hest.interests ot our good town. There In: just 3 glimmering ot hope ot the dnwn ot better things in the addresses by the Chairman oi the Board ot Works, end the Chair- man ot the Sewer Committee. The former. alter spending money some- wlut levishly on unimportant side streets that will - become thor- oughisree, expressed 1 strong preter- enee tor the use ot crushed stone in- stead of gravel tor making roads, but to construct good permanent macad- tun roads we must have & crusher and n road roller. These cost money, but it will be money wisely spent. They are an absolute necessity. And then, there must be 1 competent road mas-f ter and a competent engineer to tale' levels. look aiter under draining. un-: der whose supervision the work should be done. We trust that the' new Council elect will do something toward the inauguration of a good roads policy and put an end to the old, expensive, and out-ot-date meth- ods which yearly cost the town such large sums of money spent to very little purpose, in so tar as effecting any really permanent improvement is conccrned. Let the old order at things pass‘nway such: new order take its place. t t'fltith1EtrtrGithh'k'iiti' iii"iigiiii.iipiti 2taw,t."g Chronicle - Telegraph! ADVII‘I‘III" MARKING TIME. A ttathetirnt of the rhildtcn'nl Mr. am! Mrs. um Mann" was hrH at lhrir home, George street, Waterloo, 0:: Nrw Year'., Day, whet-lstrertt I wry plenum time. Thr [allowing children wrrr prrmmt :--.Mrie. It. J. Lacknot. "twin-swim; Mrs. B, L. "Altman. am. t. C. llnllmnn. Mr. Jrsiah Stunt-r. WAN-rho. m Mrs. B. Shun, New Duds. Mr. and Mrs, II. Hull and daughter Florence. ot Bloomingdale, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. i'haries Hen- rich. At the time ot writing the munici. pal olertinns are an in full swing Who will be the lucky ttnts? Holiday Visitors-The holidays brought. a large number of visitors to town, among whomAve noticed the following: Miss Olivia Winkler, ol Markham; Mr. C. W. Gingrich, ol Sault. Ste Marie; Mr. N. S. Snyder, and family. ot Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lein. of St. Joseph, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. Noah Cress, ot Milver- ton; Mr. Aaron Cress. of Toledo; Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Meyer, ot Celt; Mr. and Mrs. Addison Moyer ot Wat, erloo; Mr. Albert Heller of Toronto; Miss Mary Heller, of Berlin, and Miss Gene. lleller. of Elmira; Miss Maud Heal, ot Mitchell; Miss Minnie Schwalm. of Waterloo; Mr. Israel Good, ot Niagara. Among those who spent their hoti- days out of town were the lollowing: Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Richmond and son Grant. at Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. G. ll. Otrerholtzer at Chatham; Mes- srs. S. L. Weber and Harvey Ging- rich at Collingwood. Miss Amelia Moyer "of†Watr'rtoo spent New Year's with friends in town. _ Successful Quilting-On Tuesday last the young ladies of our village drove to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dorst, residing about two and one-half miles northwest ot the vil- lage. in response to an invitation to a quilting. In the evening the young gentlemen drove out and wound up proceedings with a social dance. Mr. and Mrs. Durst proved themselves capital entertainers. . our esteemed postmaster, Mr. John L. Whitman. are are sorry to report. is tronftned to his bed with _rlt_tnuptV iism. may he soon recover. _ Hoekey.-The local hockey team played a lriendly game ot hockey at t'ortestogo on Christmas Day. Des- pite the little practice both teams had, a good game was the result. Ottt boys, however, scored the most goals the score being 5-1 in their lavor. A return game is promised. The line-up of St. Jacobs was as follows: Goal, U. llolsi; point, John llerres; cover point, M. llollingcr; rover, Herb. Hel- ler; centre, ll. Meyer; leit wing, Ed. Gingrich; right wing, Norman Mil- let. t'onrratiatations to Mr. and Mrs [Iggy Westwood. ICs a girl. Jr. 3, Clara Berges, Clarence Cress Webster schieiele. " . The children of the public school were given their first opportunity to give a ircc will otteriag to thc‘Sick L'hildrert's Hospital in Toronto, and through their kindness of heart a. very worthy contribution was forwarded to Sr. 3, Willie Dengcs, Gertie Wide- man. .Honor Roll ior December.-Jr., Al- bert Meitke, Dounda Brubacher, Flor- ence Mayer, Clara Thiel, Harold Rey- nolds, _ Edna. Wald, Pearl lilq'hachcr, Lame. Snyder, Elma. Etry.-r9.' A. Richmond, teacher. _ The ollicers ot the St. mseobs branch of the C'aaadianWiMe Socie- ty wish to thank the six young icdy collectors and the contributors tor the very liberal oiterings they made towards the helping of the work ot the Bible Society. A Happy NewYear to All. The Christmas entertainments " both the churches were very We" patronized. Nice weather brought a tot of visitors. The programmes were well rendered, the choirs rendering specially good assistance. Bet whet inter-ted the writer meet m the "plenum-l with regard to the lap doeit. and we no credibly Home! that when ell outstanding liiiiiiiii m u, the deAeit will he consider-Hy increased. No nine“ tion given at the meeting could tl move the held. hue, Inked tart, that in spite ot . higher rate ot “lotion on en hauled assessment. there is n detieit oi over 81,000“ prohehly any ly {8,000. To wipe this " will re- quire A levy ot " extra tour or tive mill: on the dolls; u inereaaed bib in at tenth- el it or to on eceh 81.000 annulment. And this iron e lCou-eil that propered estimates ot the new -dittue, struck e we to cover curree‘t and necessary ex- penses. Surely there he: been extru- eneee. you negligence or misman- [uement somewhere. u lormer rears' in pm the estimates, the ep- ‘proprietiou toe the severe! deport-l meets were cuelully made, . lump sum was set aide to meet pouihlel contingencies. the chairmen ot the. Finance Committee kept e strict I watch over the expenditure in the i dillerent deputmente, and the chair-l. men were only allowed to exceed I their estimates tor strong end iiiiii) reasons. In this war the‘expenditure l wes kept down and the use: levied l generally tutntxd ior'the needs ot en 1 ettieient public service. It is not en- ough to soy that the money was well l and wisely spent. - Ii ahouseholdcr 1 would do business upon this pun-- T spending much more than his income 1 every rear-it would soon land him i in the tttteritt's hands. There is some talk at mailing up the shortage by the issue at debentures-mor-ing l your property to cover household ex- penan altogether new and mod- em method of doing business! What is needed is economy all along the line,. and to live within your income. . wi; have had our sai, ring down the curtain, ring out the'old, ring in the new. Happy New Year. mm wily an an. no Ton Con-cu. l pr,r. A,%A NT c, ATHF',RT.NC, ST. JACOBS. ',-Belta Be I .Mr. llnvid llonsberger is getting ' things ready tor the erection pt . tine knew residence to be mule 0t Milton rprt‘ssod brick, the contract being tak- Fen try Mr. A. Wunder tor the mama hunk and Mr. C. Deckmnn at New impure, tor the carpenter work. l Wait Hedwig. um! Emily Tylinsky. 'of Berlin spent the â€hint vim the [linu- lum. . t Mr. and Mrs. M. Wander. ot Berlin, and Miss homily. ot Bt.Louis, tto., were mum; at the home ot Mr. A. Wand". ' Mr. Edna; Holt-la I: alum; n his home my, the pram. The Calhohc Sunduy school held their Innuar' Christmas entertainment in the Open lull on Dec. 27. It was very largely “tended and proved . no“ sumss. . Mr. mum uo1wel1 is spending his holidays under the parcnlnl root. Mr. Kumpl was highly respected by alt who knew him, and possessed a character singularly tree trom re- proach. He was. man ot kron in- telligence, having akind and "sympa- thetic nature, and was strictly hon- tsl in his dealings with his lollow- mon. llis brother, so long and tav- urahly known as postmaster of Wal- erioo, predeceased him aboul a 'year ago. Mr. Kunipl. at the time ot his dem.ise, had almost nutcrcd his 70th year. . ducted the [urinal coromonics 0n Wednesday at 10 mm. The inrormcnt took pure at West Montrmw ceme- Mr. Frederick Kumpl, who has tor many years been a. citizen of West Montrose, passed away on New Year‘s Day, at 4 o'clockin the at- ternooh. His 1opgeilhtess was borne with admirable fortitude and was much alleviated by the miat care so u-ntiringly bestowed upon hlm. As the season tor song and rejoic- ing is approaching we, the members ot the Junior Y.P.A. of the Evangel- ical Church ot Waterloo embrace this opportunity of showing you in a form other than mere worfs our deep ap- preciation ot your ever laitlilul efforts in behalf ot our Alliance. We would, therefore, ask you as President and Vice-President of the Society to acdept this small gift, as a token of esteem in which you no held by the members ot the Y.P.A. Miss Emma Kant: and Miss Hen- rietta Urstadi, president and vice- president respectively ot the Junior Young People's Alliance of the Wat- 3rloo Evangelical Church, were made the happy recipients oiabeautilul five o'clock tea set and a lovely boquet of flowers by the members on Sunday afternoon last. The recipients; were entirely taken by surprise, and this token oi the esteem of the eein-) bers was highly appreciated. Follow- ing is the address: " Dear Friends. _ 1 sunpmsnn raw: PRESI- DENT AND VICE PRESIDENT. Before time was called each aid! had secured another goat, mum; (In score :1 to 3 in favor of the black am yellow, The teams c- man; boint, Kuntz; cover, Schlusser; rover,. Roos; centrc,Mickus; right, Mosrrflclt, Young. . Galt-Goal, Linton; point, Broom: field; cover, Kilgour; rover, Wright; centre, Gilliland; left, B_rteuttght, New Year's day saw the opening of the hockey season at the Waterlor rink. The Guelph juniors were bitter" to play here, but failed at the' last moment, and a mixed junior and in. termediate seven from Gait. was so cured to play an exhibition game. Considering the softness ot the ice ' good game was played. In the arst halt Gait secured 2 and Waterloo 1 but a low snappy rushes by the home sex-en in the second half soon. place: the score at 3 to 2 tor Waterloo. Kent , FAMILY GATHERING The home 0! Mr. and In. Home: Wotan, Doon, In the some at n pleasant - gathering on New ‘Yeu'u Du. when B goodly “It“ at the "have: ot with“, met to. ;cther. 1t was also the 15th anni- versary oi the wedding any of Mr. and In. Venom and the 20th and 10th anniversaries, respeetivelr, ot the weddings ot Mr. and In. M. o. Dobbin, ot Waterloo, and Dr. and In. J. H. Ran, Etmira, which tact made the occasion one at more than usual interest. The guests present were worded on opportunity to xiev, mot Mr. Wntson'x ture paintings, which he will shortly take to New York., Some of them are specialty tine, Ind are very valuable works u.' at. Needless to Bar, those pres-1n! nil enjoyed u very pleasant than Wat lollowlng wen pre-sts-ous “In Tilt, Blair; Mm. I. Bechtel, Mr- and Mrs. B. E. Bechtel and Mr and Mn. Wilson B. Bechtel mglittle daughter, Waterloo; Mr. uni In. Milton Bech- tel and little daughter. Dr. uni In. Rata and daughter Etta, Elmin; Mr. end Mrs. R. o. Dobbin. Miss Bechtel and Mrs. Martin, Mr. 1nd In. Will Watson and two children, Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Irving Watson, boon; Mr. and Mrs. John Little, Blair and In a Good Game of Hockey in the Local Rink on New Yen's Dar. WATERLOO Miss Watson, Gait. Heldattheght-qttMr.and l gentlbman [tom Hamilton con- nerdree--itour icoung, Toronto Deon. on Now Yarn my. WETT MONTROSE DEFEATED GAL'I' BADEN. cameo-1m M. Int 1006.- I Receipts i JI",', holder ot ticket No. soc .¢§:£§g$a&';mmm ' tuners “they draw kindly trrftttti -.. . - "n W. _ the ticket .nd take any the up 'rgnttpc""""'""'"' " d key. This In the urgent turkey ot LI" than“ lull-r- all, and won! coming lot. 'mmht“ , At the conttregationat mm" ' m-ld Monday evening, Mr. Kranetin (Mal was rlectod a trustee and New}: ll. nix-Irma um! M. Souk-l wen; 5:41:10!- td additional when. Fhtecutive-ihtr, Superintendent. Vice President, Secretary. and N. Mun», Mrs. C. W. Schicdcl, Miss Ma “ego- Bast, and L. llmogomun. The annual election at omens ot the Sunday school ot the Evnngelical church tor the ensuing yen Wu held on Sunday 1nd resulted as lollowa: Superintendent. Geo. Oclwel. Vice-President, John W, Schneider. Secretary, H. Dielumn. , Treasurer, Al Musselnun. Organist, Miss Mnry (hazel. Assislant Organist, Miss L. Hill. gartner. ANNUAL ELECTION or OFFICERS ON H'NDAY Waterloo, let DCC., 1905 Debentures...,.. w.'.', Town ot Waterloo Liabilities l'ncollcctcd accounts of "NU...... ...._. ...... ..... Meter rates and rents tor last quarter ot 1905 Special rates tor last quarter ot 1905...... ... Hydrant tantalum...†F.m.r.t.. .tTF..... ...Ft. ...... ..... Capital acc‘t......... Maintenance Acc't. Debentures.............. Coupons..:...- m........ Capital aee't......... ....t.... ......... .... Bank of Commerce, current mm Revenue as per statement Town ot Waterloo......... .. Disbursemcnts '. Insurance......... oi...... .....n.. ..... Books. stationery and printing General expenses...... .rt...... ....t.. Balance Assets , wanes 811(11an Repairs to mains, Services...... .t...F.-. Pumping system...- Meters..]...... ...r..'.., Stand pipe .q..q..q. Real Estate......... Balance on hand as per statement. 0mm. 3ist Balance Fuel....... Supplies. Light..... Meter rents......., _..... Interest, savings bank ace't, Nata rated...., Water Metered Water special... Less discoums K‘tlditional assets estimated as [allows :.- Maintenance : Revenue t Balance 31st De c.1904..... 'Mains............ ......... ........q Services...... ..e......... ...w..... Real estate and buildings Boilers and pumps......... ., Hydrants....., ........op.. .-....r Meters............ ..-r.e...... ...... Ottiee tttraiture......... ........ Mr. Geo. niche]. Chaim“ ot the Board of Water Commissioners, handed us the following tttttttttMi statement ot the year's operations: WATERLOO WATER WORKS REPORT FOR YEAR 1905. Idaho's Town Council [or the yen II“ will It coupon! at a. (allowing: Messrs.[L.iGmybill, C. J. Mueller, h, Weld“- hammer, G. SÂ¥gitt, L. Stunner and ' D. . Kuntz. Wh'rElilL00'S TOWN Mayor- Co-ties- LEVl GRAYBILL CHARLES J. MUELLER ANDREW WEIDENHAIIER 'GEO. SUGGI‘I‘T LEVI STAUF'ER DAVID C. KUNTZ. Candidates. GRAYBILL ......... ... J. MUELLER ..r...... WEIDENHAIIIER SUGGI'I‘T ......e.. .... STAUFF'ER ......... ' C. KUNTZ ..t..-.. ...., Ovens ......... ............. F. Brandt Tr E. P. SEAORAI. we]. in Bank of Commerce. REVENUE AND MAINTENANCE ACC'T' CAPITAL ACCOUNT. COUNCIL FOR I906. THE and Arman! Icahn of the North I». ort.. Farm' Inn] Flu [Innue- Co qHtt " MM on Friday, Janna tttth, 1906 North Waterloo Farmers‘ Mutual! Firs lnsnranca no. "tttui.""'""-) 7 Miss J,ppisa,ttuttgrrr daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kretttrdy,er, un- derwent tut operation at Detroit on Hatttrday which proved most success- fuf,attd the patient, who i; ettntirsed in nimspital in that city. is doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Krotitngrr and Miss Kreutziger are still in that city. OPERATION .PROVLD _ SUCCESS'- PUL. Four when ot last ym‘s Coun- cil were "turned. the two new Coun- cillors lacing learn, G. Saul“ and D. C. In“. Mr. T. 01m, . mem- ber ot last years Councll Wu de- leted. u 1:: duo Mr. .0. F. Bun“. - North. West. " 101 " " The Int six “new veu elected on New You’- Day. Ot the eight with“. "tming, It. L. 11riltt you“ the Ingest. vote, receiving "i, Mr. C. J. Knolls: being new“ with Following is " " " " . 20533 3,147.25 2,685.93 2,323.41 8,461.65 1,573.24 012.22 20.00 5,300.05 271.11 $01.00 il.00 42.50 . 98.8it 241.56 77.03 5.09 " " tr? " 41 58,850.18 269.16 59,119.31 71,742.98 . 700.42. 72,443.38 the rote by wards: $03,114.93 8,627.98 3,351.46 1 /340.53 2,359.19 15,379.19 8,458.87 7,651.55 South. East. 110 13. " IM " 110 " . so " 115 " " " " 66 " 53.71 550.00 150.00 1,200.00 1,953.77 1 ,3-13.23 11332 21.38 Liner 633.84 _ 10.00 13.25 65.98 3,351.1' 1,121.11_7,32f.fMl 8,627.98 71,712.96 269.16 18,279.53 71,397.15 7.651115 4,300,09 700.41 386.50 35.11 Total. 451 357 343 337 " F"ett, 15-Slmk And implem" ot Simon mason, near Magnum, Feb. 16-310“ mm Implement! ot Wm. Schneider. u mil. went ot at. Jacobs. Feb. 1st,-Ntock and implemcnls ot Alexander Rmnir, Linwood, Petr. ll-far/n Mock .ml Imple- ments of Levi ts'. Santa, 1 mile northeast of Bridgeport, , miles can of Berlin and 3 miles use at Water too. Feb. 'ou-stork and l-plem'entx bl Abram menu. I lulu "" .1 Fur Jos. AIIL‘KI'S & 'SON, Auctioneers JANUA RY 2nd, 11m. - - -_'_"_" - .._V.,.. v..."- - vuln'l now-nuns. - II ovrr had befor.. Eighty-eight ltudenb have â€sink-ran] since Srp’embor. If YOU intend to “he a am". that, will le vi to a we tum, M. us know now. Thu school (-annol supply the demand tor once help. Day and evening unions. Catalog flee. @BERLINW The Winter Tttm It this school I',rilr, on Tuesday. Jan. 2. I' I The College witt "peat In!!! the ho iduyn with a Isl-gu- attends!!!» “In It tytT.hed, "etor, .Eish'y-eight ltudenb have relish-real uinca Spur-mun " Window Shades. Term. Begins Jan We have name Ooata left from last "aaoet also some of this "aroeN Coata which we will all cheap and it ml] be to your advantage to use them. phi1dstyNGousfrom....o, _........'.............-) $5.00 Ladimd Com from............:. .........300. 4-00. 50000371†Fur Ruthot .-.--...........MO, am. 4.“), lktltt to8t0.00 _ . Lulies'skim-t.....................,..;.....,2.5u. 3.00 asâ€. “-00 Ladieu‘ Under-hint st Me. I.†and 1.3),(worth L25. 1.50 and $1! 0) Linoleums. . Mgm an“ yda. wide sh... Tbiu I" ek we are Btopktahimr, and while we are doing this we are put- ting 'g2,te t.rf thing- which we will sell " at great. reduction in trrimr-- Thu Inc a " Ban-fins in Short Ends up (Tapestrit.... .... . . Stock Taking We ask ion to an in nu! examine our display. V Wires will be fimnd right. _ Fancy Bnttentmrtr Table Covers I Tenneiitre Doilies. Tea Covers and Runners Irish Hand Work Linens _ Old Bleach Linens I 1 Finley Dresden Sims Dresden Ribbons . Kid Gloves V I Ladies' Neckwear . Fine Furs _ Toilet Sch. Silk Hindumhiete, Beautiful Line of Indian Ware, 500 down Funey Handkerchiefs Gotd.Beaded Umbrellas. Gent’s Tim, Bramy, Collars. etc. N FANCY GOODS. . BJBRICKER & CO. thtildrtsn'tt Misses) and Women’s Goats. Grain Color also Rel Brick Color with Rollers no . Housefurnishing Department .\l'(‘Tl(L\' SALES See our new WALL PAPERS. -----PRiCES ARE RiGHT.---- BARGAINS 1906 LANG BROS. & CO. ......tkotx 8.50. 01â€, 10.00 to 1200 each. Fett. 6-Stttek and ImplemcMI “than F. Llehtr, 4 all†mt '" . I1. p' Jun. 30-8th nnd Implant-Ms Geo. Lunch at L'entreville. Jun. 32-Smek nu! Implements o. B. smaller. um sunburn. March t --siort and Immu Daniel L. Kurd-MI, u man went Mannheim, March 13-Htock and implement' ot the late Samuel Burnett, 2 miles out at Winterbourne, Jan. "tr-Farr,, Stock 'and Imple- meats, ot Titus L. Kolb, 2 mum east ot Berlin on the Bil-slut road. Much 14-tgtork ttttd mip1emettts ot Juror: E: Shana. 2 miles ttorth of Prawn, near Frown". . _ W. D. EULER, Princ'pul. complete " Me, NOVELTIES. ol ot nt oo, ll () o () ll N O 0 0 C) o