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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 4 Jan 1906, p. 9

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Clinton declined -to endorse a hy- law to raise $20,000 on usystem of Waterworks in connection with the town." The new Arena Rink in Port. Wil- liam was opened Christmas Day. It is said to be one ni~lbe best in the west. The dimensions are 120x220 it, with ice surface oi 85x180 it. There is seating accommodation tor 2,500, and standing room for 1,000 more. During the last four weeks-it has been the sad duty. of the Telegraph to chronicle the sudden death at one of Berlin's citizens at the beginning of each 'week. Four weeks ago the late Dr. W. J. Arnott took suddenly ill and passed away. Three weeks ago on Sunday the late Simon C. Em met with a bicycle net-idem and expired at an Party hour the follow- ing morning, On Christmas evening the late Herman Heller was stricken. with apoplexy and death ensued. Today the Telegraph regrets to re. port the sad and sudden death at one ot Brrlin's oldest and highly Psteem- ed citizens III the person of Mr. Fred- erick Rommel, on Monday afternoon. White visiting his grand-daughter, Mrs. Arthur State, at her home on “Moria. street, he desired to go out- side ior a walk and opened the cellar 'door in mistake, Without looking ahead he stepped forward and tell heavily down the cellar stepsf Mem- rs of the household went to his ~sislance. hut when they reached his _e he was breathing his last. Phy- Mans Were called and on examina- ion It was founddhat he had Sutter- d a severe scalp wound, broke sever- l ribs and cut his hands. The licensed was In his 8tst year nd has resided in Berlin over forty ears. He took a keen interest in munleipal matters. and on Monday morning cast his rule in the Mouth Ward. He resided on th street, and is survived by an aged widow and family of three daughters and two sons. Mrs. Chas Morley, Mrs, David ‘rors. Jr, and Hannah. ot this town, , in Ton-"Io. and Charles, Ro- audit-W 155M <sommiarsimttr-- _ was carried in casiipbenrord Prescott detedted a by-law tor the exlgpsipn o! its sgwctage ”stem. SUDDEN DEATH OF F. ROMMEL itneoe almost unanimously passed by-law to' exempt the tummy f trxation. , T In Y. Catharines the by-laws to buil new schools, extend. water Work to the cemetery, and the ex- ten on of sewers were all deteated. PraItttord's try-law tor. 345,000 for, sitool improvements carried'by 300 majority. _ In' 'r'at'd'hpre',,t", the by-law Ming the Gra d Trunk assessment at Mr,- 500 for tets rears, iit consideration of the Grand Trunk building an 88.000 Mepot, was carried by over_300 ma- .jogity. . The Keenan Loan By-law in Dion ‘ound to grant a loan of $25,000 to . in increasing the plant of ,thc ry carried by a majority of ttear- ly 4 to L. . A by-law to abolish water works In Oshawa the plrbiscite tor raising the hotel license iee to $100 was car- ried by amajorily of 359. That tor reduction in the number oi hotels was carried bra majority ot 258. in increased its cairiiaiitolit"irGt', 3100.000 to $230,000 The Gatt. T'ortn (‘mlm'il Pot" an -----c- may“, ot “no to Mayor Mandy Three as companies in Luzon con- " in Mm! him-Hula» Fri-lay omn- sum-berm than 4,000,000 (on ot In. _ _ _ coal per “nun. St'muord badly deleated a-trr-law for 833,335 for . storm sewerage and Io£a_pfopgseq box tactorr. Gatt's' by-law providing tor return to the ward system ot electing town councillors carried by a majority ot ir" "“' "“"‘ " - “'""" 0000000000. 000000000000 Guelph, Jan. L-The municipal elec- COUNCIL or "a. C 0 held here to-day resulted u tot. . : buyer, Geo. Sleemn f.""",).. 'uree-. ew. D. E. McDoneld. J. . I 14:3 G. B. an... J. A. Icon... R. AARON Bruce. ( "g. ellon, M. P. Cray, G. L. "lg- Aidertm- 1 'nt,'.; G. Pentold, A. Stewart, J. . mrstead, C. K. Ilowitt. c. B. BURKE. J. Butler Woodstock', Meyer. [ 13-03035. JR., Woodstock, Jan. 1.41:. John But- t w. V. UTTLEY. tee, ot the tirm ot Butler Bro... lulu- J. M. MCHNWDER, unen, was elected Mayor at Wood- A. B. CAMPBELL, It to-dar. inesplrlted triangular c. C. HMS". test, his opponent: being ex-lley- L. "£33155, Ate James Searit and John A. McKen- A. w. FEICIA. 0 4lt The thwtea ere: Butler. 755; Mo. v. F. WEBER- 8 Isle, "r, Scull, Mg. The elder- m ‘re " moo-. John 'estimates, 0000000000000000000000 Thor H. Smell, Geo. Phillips, M. . ' . Baker, R. G. t4awtell, Dr. Menus, The menu-tn.“ elections are over Clillord Kemp, and W. S. Hurst. The and the town is sate.‘Atter . short election was the first held under the “d somewhet Pseettaut contest the new system ot electing elderlnen by . electors at Berlin selected their Coun- general vote. oil tor I!“ as tho" ehove on New _ Preston-Meyer. Fred. Clare. Elet> Yar's Dan. without my great dre- " Light Commissioners, Geo. Pat- pur ot excitement. .Hoymrtr,. there Else' J, Mickler, T. Bellehtine. wuekeen interest displayed In the etc: Bernhurdt. election by the retepeyen, who hurt By-luvs were voted on yesterdey in practically 'ottme. else, ly think A number of municipalities, end in the t,Pt,t: except . ”05315” their New majority ot places were endorsed try You: resolution. The - Council the electorate. Is composed of six at last yeers 'tit Meretypts' Ryttrtr Company , funeral will tthe plum from his residence. Eby street, to St. 21"! Lutheran charm, that! to at Hope cemetery. 0 Third Term at'Galt. Jan. t_--" protest to Ink whitio. toathird term, on war elected Igor by . ty ot m in the museum el- kld here unity. The follow- .ldermn were eluded: A. E. In, John Brown, Wm. Coin, ll. Fryer, Thou. Panama, In. rim, J. M. Cameron. In the con- t tor county councillors between P. Jain] and Theron Bach-n, Lyn" in elected try a majority mans m 'ALD. BRICKER 01'“? TOWN?» MAYOR OF BERLIN P W. V. U' P J. M. 81 - A. B. Cs I. C. C. " _ L. McBR r', A. w. " _ V. F. WE r _K. Ham T C. E. Mo lt P. ltter _ J. Lewis s L. Ernst c F. W. J: 'i; Elected by a Big Majority Over his Opponents C; " Monday-Former Councillors were 5:; Re-Elected.--Market Itrunr . 1 [ll-' _ belated by 272 Infamy. " Aldermanic Contest. The ratepayers had act-nice or six- teen candidutes to select the Council tor 1906, uni it is generally admitted on every hand that the best and most popular men won. Mr. C. B. Dunke, a new candidate in recent years for municipal honors, polled the largest DR. J. E. HETT, PHYSICIAN The munucipnl elections are over and the town is safe. After a short and somewhat uncertnin contest the electors ot Berlin selected their Coun- cil tor it)“ as shown above on New Yen's Day, without any great du.. plny ot excitement. However, there wasekeen interest displayed in the election, try the ratepayers, who had practically nothing else to think‘ about, except possibly their New Yen's resolution. The new Council is composed oi six ot last yenr's members, two oi the Council oi 1904, and two new members. Mnyoralty Contest. The chiei interest of the election centered in the Mayoralty contest. and the large majority secured by Aid. Bricker wns the surprise at the day. It is accounted tor by thelact that he Ins beeaacattdidate tor the position during the last tour years, ItaVins contested the elections ot er Mayors Eden and Kara. and last year he withdrew in [not of the lat- ter in order to serve in the Council. During 1905 it has been generally un- derstood that the Mayor-elect would again be acamiidato, and it was not. known who his opponents would be until the dny after the nomination. when Aids. McKay and Gardiner de- cided to enter the field and made it n tttree-cornered tight, Last week there was considerable speculation as to who would be the successlul candidate m chances were considered even for all the candidates. but after polling command irfamauomcanaaittsrAhat Aid. 'Bricker was the most popuhr candidnte as the result at a hard and well organized canvass. He polled a large vote in the tive wards, securing in all'838 votes, while Aid. Gardiner received 332. .and Aid. McKay IM, giving the Mayor-elect a majority ot 506 over the former and 660 over the latter, oraplurnlity over both candidates' of 308. There were 1364 ballots counted in this contest. ho- sides a goodly number that. were re jected. as compared with 1238 in the election ot 19M. AND SURGEON. Spociulist on the Nose, Throat and Fur. Chronic diseases treated by latest methods, A'. BRICKER '"'t' F. G. Gardiner .. J. F. McKny ...... C. B. DUNKE ...em_... . D. GROSS, JR., .....e..t W. V. UTTLER .'_... . J. M. SCHNEIDER " A. B. CAMPBELL .... C. C. HAHN Fr_r.. ..e. L. McBRINE ...... ...... A. W. FEICK ...e_. ...... V. F. WEBER ..._.. ..er.. K. llartlung ..trr-st. ... C. E. Mayer ...r...- .t....' P. ltter .....err. ..r"...r. . FOR ._rqF.VPr AGAINST w. 1Irritetder ..... C'. Ruby ........ ...e. L. Ernst mt...me. F. W. Jothe .. C. Buck o....'.. [kickers majority over (hummer, SIN, Brickcr's majority over McKty, 660. Bricker‘s plunliiy, MB. Majority “was! toy-luv, 'iii. Mujority. ........ .... C. B. DUN D. GROSS. W. V. UTT J. M. SCH A. B. CAM C. C. "All L. ”ERIN A. W. FEM w. v. UTTLEY, J. M. MCHNEtDER, A. B. CAMPBELL, J. C. HAHN, L. mums. b. w. ram, v. F. YEN-:3. Election Returns. West Ward. SCHOOL TRUSTEES. MARKET magnum. - East. South. Centre. .. 213 mo 158 .. " " iit _.. M " 34 East East. _.. 228 ... 197 _.. 201 .. 202 e 214 .. I70 - 181 "t 172 ... Mm MAYOR. 154 70 " Ml " 91 1 " IN 32 20 " South. Centre, ‘ at 64 125 tt2 South. Wntee M. St'hlcdel.., _ G. K. Potter. J. A. Hilliard The result ot the Mayoralty con- test was announced to a large crowd in the new Council-Chamber and May- or-elect Sticker was given a rousing reception when he appeared and ad- dressed those present, thanking than tor the high honor eonlerred upon him." One of the defeated raadidateq, Aid. Gardiner, was present and con- gratulated Nr. Bricker upon his vic- tory. Brief cangratulato-y speeches were made by Mayor Kranz and Chairman Honstrerger, wnich We”. [0% lowed by some of the successlul candi- dates, among whom were Messrs. C. B. Dunke, J. M. Schneider. A. B. Campbell, L. MeBrine, and A. W. Feick. alter which the impromptu but very interesting gathering dispersed. I The result or" siLdiiFGril"iri.- tail is as follows: . "In the av club In the sailor O.H. A. wompellod tome juniors. The clut- um hasn‘t is the exception. The counting ol ballots " e mu-' nicipal elect on in Berlin is no easy task. It was atter eight a'cloek he- tore the t1nal xeturns were received st the Town Clerk's ottiee and compiled in order that the large end nnx‘ous crowd could ascertain who sore the suecesslul candidntes. The election at the vuious Commissions by aerla nation saved considerable time in the counting oi ballots, but if the town continues. to grow and there should be other contests besides those ot yes-' terday. it will be necessary to double Profanity never did my man the lust good. No man is richer. or luv pier, or wiser tor it. " comm-nth no one to yummy; it In ("gm-sung to the refuted, and abominable Jo "he gout var. M. sander winning out ot . MI of ttxNy in the Centre Ward. BY-LAW. School Trustees. V There were two contests~ tor School Trustees, Wm. Herttelder dereating Mr. C. Ruby in the West Ward, ad The hy-ltw to raise 88.000 to pro- vide increased matte! mommodnllon by building as addition lo the pro sent building was detenled bra large majority, " was predicted in the col- umn: ol the Telegraph. The rntepay- era showed their disapproval ot vot- ,ing moneys tor no uncertain ohiecl. and while everybody realizes that in- creased accommodation is decidedly necessary, they also desire that mar- ket extensions should be made with " eye to the future prosperity ot the town,iand when suitable plans are prepared and tipeeitieationa secured it is confidently expected the same tuto- payers- who voted down this hy-la' will lavor increased accommodation. There was a total vote of use against the hy-law and 364 in lavor, making nmajority of 272. That It». eandtdates m the most popular in 1b an In shown by the [act that Aid. Web", the tail- euler, bad SM votes, ad the nut, Maul eandidate, ex~Ald. K. Hum tung, 310, . diners-cc of mt], 175 votes. There was 3 tie tor the low- est mm a, lam. 3ch and Janka two moon contnpton. each securing 127 votes. who; and In [allowed by thug ot tart you”: Con-til. Aida. Gross, Ut.. New M Schneider. Ez-Aid. Cm)- bell m ittth in the not. with Aid. Hm sixth. [allowed by - L. In!!!” ad A. Ricki, with Ald. Var, “be: will“ up the an. _ 5001300“ should rhea up. They're 202 166 “G 161 It,5 It6 106 12t 119 98 57 l 'll 20 Hunt Br-tor [Heated Is! 135 155 r.'.8 1rt " I51 157 ('rntre Ward 97 Mt 53 " 21 I? 15 Non h, " 123 North. . 138 North III 137 1iit 97 95 105 GI " " 61 " 32 47 Mt 22 30 30 41 CmtomCLE-YELBGRAPte, THU. EBAY, JANUAIY 4, "e West . Tout. M 364 135 630 West. Total West. Total 149 83t 62 331 153 H7 130 IM 130 119 132 113 119 " Mi 4t M " 38 33 332 198 858 782 748 744 728 633 624 616 533 370 32.1 229 127 109 Mt 2t 15S 127 The sad and untimely death of Mr. Henry Janka took place on Monday at his home, comer Victoria and St. Ledger St.. Berlin, as the result of a severe attack at pneumonia. He was about, 35 years or age, and is sur- vived by a widow and small family ot children. _ A pretty house wedding "in sol: enmized at Sunnyside, the home of Mr. Henry Hollingshead, Dalton. on Tuesday last, when Jessie, his lourth daughter, was married to Waller. Herbert Williams, MA., of Berlin. The bride, who was unattended, was dressed in a gown of champagne crepe de chene over cream inlet: silk, and carried a bridal bouquel. Rev, Mr. Malcolm canducled the ceremony. The death ot Mrs. Anti. who re- sided 'with her daughters. Mrs. W. 1t1uartmcantratis, s. VAW&;mcrr ‘gartcn teacher at the Gourmand Ave. ‘School, in Foreman's Terrace, on Frederick street, took place on Sun- ‘day evening at , o.clock, after a brief illness. The deceased had 'resided in ‘Berlin a little over two yours. She is survived by; family ot eight dau- ghters. The remains were taken to Atwood Mondny morning after a pri; rate service was conducted by Rein D. W. Snider. l In connection with the coming vis- it at the head ot the Salvation Ar.. my, Commissioner Coomba says that he will leave tor England in a couple ot weeks to consult with General Booth. respecting the . tmmigtat'on plans in Canada. It is said that Com-1 missioner Combs may may General Booth on his trip to Japan. " is understood tint a m'a'thy Englishman has donated $i,0or,Ht't to the Salvation Army tor coloni-mtton‘ in a specitied colony. The name of the donor or the colony has not yet been made _ public, but there is a strong opinion prevalent that Canada is not the country, as Colonel Jacobs. one at the Army's experts in immigration matters, has been called to London. Eng., to advise the general on the particular colony nelerted. A. very quiet wedding took place on Tuesday, Dec. M, at " o'clock. at the home ol Mrs. Jacob Bald, Se- britqtviile, when her youngest daugh- ter, Ida. was united in marriage to Mr. Jacob Ullcrirh. of Berlin,,. Both parties were unattended. Mr. and Mrs. Ullcrich left. on the alternoon train tor their,tuttrre home in Berlin, followed by the best, wishes ot a large circle ot Iriends.--strattord Herald. Treasurer lly. Hyman-n. of itse Royal Arcanum Coder, Berlin, on Saturday [waived a cheque tor ti..5rm to he tundra to Mrs. tttro W. J, Arno", the amount being tor policy held by be: late husband. Genenl Booth is to visit Cum!- in Fttmsarr. The turner trom Illinois who set- tlean Alberta does not carry the sword ot a conqueror up his sleeve. Or it be brings " with him he soon beats it into a plowshu’e, and if ever he takes up arms it will he in do- lence ol this country that is now his, and where he enjoys as much freedom And more peace glam he our had he: tore. There is an experiment in 20thl, century nation-making going on here, and it will have u: ahsorblng interest for all who join In it.-Tormrto Star. I I It grows less likely bet-lute those ot us who ere here have on ever- ,growing idea ot what Canada can do along her present lines. end because those who come won; as trom across the hon-misty or from across the ocean are not long here until they too, catch the idea, and devote them- selves to the tank ot working " out. That idea is this: Here we have a Dominion enjoying as a State end so; curing to its inhabit-Ms ell the tree/ don: ot arepublie, yet retaining n1 voluntary connection with Great Bri- tain that tends to preserve in our in- stitutions nil the stability that be- longs to that rock-rounded country. We hove all ot a republic but its troubles god its vain shows that cost‘ more than they are worth. ,, a -- __-. ""'TArte.%tr"PW"'o"y?Pd""tqN "- It will, we think. never come about 'iiipr'ifib" to 450. nailing I 'tRi -eutwtr less and less notable every 'tt_.......:.......": . day the sun sets in the west-ao mat- 8 he. in. Mtto8lk r, . . Beard' an aim H”. e',el,2ol2att'iA'gde, 502:0 't' of JS' Will: tweed In an Io . beeaatrd nylon. regular 4.00 to G.00 lam lands. to work In factories, or all! out. now for to build 3nd operate business cou- it .... 2.48 cenu olvnrious kinds. . ................ ........ MARRIED IN maximums Nobody km: what in "mum in this Inna. But. qeite at much “his mum to our oil-lo! dint Canada will never join with the Uni- ted State: as to the opinion ot the “than; - that the two conn- tries some dar will be one. - - - _- v--- _v-'_ -MP» '1'" w "I- “um-Iv... " VIII: WO - - into Cam In!" .it in" Eve be down the prices and are selling out everything an; below cont prices. 1",Nt"fg, :ti"it?'iiy,,'i'ltivtt sale is n bargain harvest indeed. ltv'llnottllol lull he I .. n 0 iii"iiiye' v53 1'dlg.Uht _ Come " once or it mll be too late. oHtHnot1tentr,iti-uttr- VII. I II. III“. "I. '0‘. only the predestined method n which so United-Slam I: to and: Cu- . a. g .Someday Canada is to beapartot toga] out the baloneeofour Clothiu Stock a on Hard: at" are bound to B. And It is this no ll . . . . l'latlt if“. At “but: 'df' f: we possum“ to the Soul-ens; Hui. and anything will hue to be eithet tll many on by Mu ot our mum. out before or elee moved out. ow to one 9: moving it out we Ptt, 'ge.e,8 into (Bo-Mg "I." it M tram " am th. nth-.- in' not. QAIIIn- All. AHA-I‘Ll-- --_-. I.-l._ “‘ - --- Can. mum the! ad ntuut- all canal. not any to: tee denim. but to the; In in- to closer “dunk! may with DEATH OF HENRY JANICE GENERAL BOOTH COMING, Twas-unite DEATH OF MRS we UAR“ a. okifioA. MARRIED IN DUTTGN. Nt'"" 97 Piece DINNER SETS Regular 8950, for 97 Piece DINNER SETS Regular " oo, for 97 Piece DINNER SETS Regular $14.00, for 97 Piece DINNER SETS Crown Derby. Reg. $19.00, for 44 Piece TEA SETS, German China, Regular $6.00, for owing to eeid stock being too large for most buyers; desiring to buy; . in the meantime we ere reducing the priests from one end of the etock to the other;. remember thin in n genuine eale, not on every do, enle u moet dealers ndvert’re by rushing 3. email reduction on some lines only, in order to draw custom- }ere with the object of eelling other pofRable tine; this enle means reductions in all linen; many linen will be sold regardless of cont prices as we are anxious to get out of businem at the very earliest opportunity re theze'ore extend pm a cordiel invitation to make an early call to demomstratis to you what we are 0mg. . i, . A is? i/tttpt?,',','.",?' give you an idea, of what is being Itat-a S A 97 iece N R SETS 44 Piece EA s T . ustrinn Regular $7.5o,-for $4-50 i China. Rezular Stun. for $4. Bo _ _ - . I ,, ,_a-_ -___.. -- -w..9mt.9.lq. "nun; gun "I“ uuu on. pncu Almost cut in two. ' ' ' _ Fancy Flower Pots from the ordinary majolicn wan to the expensive Louwelson was including some very fine Louwelsea ware vases originally as high " $18.00 a. piece. All our Regular toc, 15c and 25c. Flavoring Extracts, navy for pe, toe and we remedial, Jelly Powders, regular loc., now " or four for 2% Sardines at from 4c. per tin, and up. I also beg toofUr the following: -Noek of which the store forms a part, the desirable resident. on cornu- John and Mary Streets, the npple evaporator, the warohouu on the G. T. R. tuck. bait]. [our horses, wagons, buggy, speeding nulky, ete. Geo. Fil asenfl u g, Rice, Tapioca. Canary or Hemp Seed, 4e. per lb.: Malta Vita, Form, Orange Meat, Stung": Food Trisouit, 9e. per packoga' SALMON, fist tins, export brand, regular 18e., now 2 for 25e. ' , SALMON, regular my; and 150., now toe. r All our Regular 50c. TEAS, package or bulk, now '40:. All our Regular 40c. TEAS, package at bulk, now 30:. _ . Having decided to go out of business I beg to CROCKERY en block at so much on the dollar: until an: Stare next to the Post omen " Man's and r',',',': man’- cuiu. in Iii-33004 muse ofqlnin an! no” tuned in dark and In)", pat. tong-emu 'MS"""'"" one We! 1'll'lf2"l,', es. Our selling out sale now at 1-3 off beats all previous records as 1 stock must be sold out by March lst. ' A Weseloh & 60., SllEL,,JL,llllNlG OUT" 'tpi, mote. overeat. T?i 3.50. .. u out. now at.... B 'odd tun-06.1.00 Till W?.'?.."..'...".'."..'.".'. Arr I or Candi-n tweed In _ Io ‘ 'iiiii.i't.ii.ii?ii.ii'ti' itfi ................ ........ . ”magma; 21:11:?" w, m- 'ily..".."."."'.".'.".'.".'.".'.". .... 1.att ('tt,ugtT,,rttt, or! t and don I Mon-coda 116 to 850, all out Pete........., o n.2pkco8ultc. 3323.00 00450. Only Till March 1st. 3”"?inth .m- a? to a. In or! k and double tteeaated tLt " gait mu ted, " ottt Gel'..".".'..".'.".'.'?.' 31-50 City Grocery and China Hall. A.teotetyoier'stoi n - will) to 450. selling 1 96 2/tr,.y,Jolerm"', Austrian, J apnea; and French shins of endless variety you will find tho prices SWEEPING SALE L PAGE I. GRODEBIES, " long " present stock lasts Redpath's Best Granulated Sugar - ao lbs. for $1.00 Beat Green Rio Coffee _ - Mt lbs. for $1.00 Best Roasted Rid Coffee - - 8 lbs. for $1.00 Going thit of Business - out of business I beg to offer my entire stock of GROCEBIES Ind 'tu much on the dollar; until such opportunity afford. I will out: I 7.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 4.00 'ti.00t%ita k oil regular 1 price now for.....-..... I All overcoat- at g ok, 15.00 cannon tor............ All mucous at " Oil. 10.00 now tor.........." Men's odd punk " " on. 1 8t,. &00 panta noun... All our boat. man's sud You.“ Inn'- {lacy lulu mdo up u the Idea. style. of imported (.qu And - ea, weft lined, my thtiattt lulu. 310.00 Bait: now i of reg- ular trricoc...........7. 6066 It“) Sum tor...... .... At ra off. ' of "s- thee ri.'.i.ir.i.i.'i.r' 9.38 " Piece TOILET SETS _ Crown Derby Regular 86.se, for. WHITEn 'U.PS_ayd SADCBRS Reiruir- iiisG 33:51... gr . WHITE CUPS Reguhrdoc per dozen. for . CUPS and SAUCERS, Alhambra Blue, Reg. $1.00 per dom, for 44 Piece TEA SETS. Austrian China, Regular $6.50. for 44 Piece TEA SETS, English China. Regular $3 50, for " Piece TOILET SETS Regular $4.00, for 'l IMO 6.66 aoo/otrit"iLru.'.'1..1t'.t 2Bet 505 fancy cashmere .03.ro alienation thorium... LN chino. colt or It!!! bo. sons. now bSofr for..... Ken's And bon' but at I ok, 1.00 'llTiA"IM.ty. STet 1.59310". new " " on f M no dos. men's we work! F with. 1aofttor u..." 33° 10 doa. Wn Hum-I. . TIU, Avt'tdd',' tart n" JMto too outta of man'- l.50 We. all .1-tror"2todt yin-lo up! In “hunter-n- an! born “mamas torn...” tor...". ...cr." torC.i.C..-. I. aka-4:570; poi "Gilli: Intro-auto“. villi t In}? bachel- POF matt.... a c Waterloo, Ont. as the entire ”#7676 -- v-d (J " 0 M 0 () (l o

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