The Rntrrloo Xmas market ivl‘H Friday murmnu Was htti dimly nt- Nnth, there luring but a small mun» ber of farmers and hmnxltmplo ttr" mt. which may te attributed to the uncoruinty as lo whether m."- het in to be held Friday or Num- gy. DIR-r sold at trom 22c io '34 and "tt' trom 25c io .80r 1 dot. th the "rrpiiort at turkeys - " Me. a h Wu not plen- At the conclusion of the muslcal re- tlul at the Berlin 0|er House on 'ligl"iStib, (wrung the nwmhors ot ale Ting sh Grand "onvert Company were tendered a n-wplinn at the home of Mr. and .tirs. J. E. Sm- grum. Waterloo. A few hours were very pleasantly spent by the guests Presto. " Tne time " buy and save money, The last meeting of the year of the " everything ttttmt tw sold. t'store Waterloo Public Library Board was 'text, to post office. held Friday evening at the new lite The entertainment given in the St. rary. All the members were present John's Lutheran 1hurch on Sunday exeept W. ll, Riddell and Mayor l‘fi- proved most entoyahle and the turn- clmnnn. Only routine business was out of scholars and friends tilled the transaeted, and a lew accounts were church to ovvrtiowiam, The-program, . and astUetett in unpaid.†_ which included reritations, songs, and Se- y. llaehnel was \oted an extra . mum by the chair. was. =ery--grasa-oi-t3it mmManwmuLt entertaining and highly pleasing. extra whrk entailed in connection': At the conclusion at the mnsleal re-! with recalls: tlie Itooks. ettat at the Berlin Opera House on! A statement was read from Mt. Welland: evening the members of Chas. Moog's in ITEM" to a nynthvr I'ii'ffi'llfi.U"Jr'1"d mun..." ('umpanyi‘m changes in the original specirwa- were tendered a [mention at the) trams and extra work done that was: home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. sea-:'"" ealled " in thehenntmet. The ttmm, Waterloo. A few hours (da'stareruvnt was consiWred satisfactory very pleasantly spent by the guests and the balanee‘nl his account was] present. [ordered to l.e paid. Eserything at 1-3 of! mm at Wese- loh's great selling out clothing sale. Me Worth of goods tor ttc; 75c worth for 3te; reg. tt worth for she. Now In the time to buy and save money, A: everything must he sold. Store next to post ottice. Mavor 1Hivltnann very pleasantly ttrtvrisitted the members of his stall to " oyster suppvr on Thursday ev- ening, and an rnjnyahlt‘ time was Iant in a social way. The fooling existing htstween omplnyrr and em- ployrs is most cordial. _ The Nos. winning the turkvys at Strassvr's at: 1st, 605; Pmd, 510; 3rd #318. 4th, 910. 510 was won by Mrs. Kilroy. 918 by Eldon Ems-1, Ellll by Dr. Noechrr. No. 605 is still un- claimed. At a. meeting at Progress Tent K. O.T.M.. held Wednesday evening, the nomination ot olrtcers took place. The (lcczion will be held later on. That fight on King street referred to. by our contemporary did not take place-on King strert, but in the bat. room of one ot the hotels. Our excel- lent thief of Make Is not ubiquit- ous. Men‘s and boys' cluthing at l-J or now. Rtrt. Sm worth of fruits and overcoat: selling out now tor $6.66 It Wcseloh's great selling out sale. Two unloads of Seagram horses arrived on Wednesday and are now quartered at the. stablrs here tor the winter. An interesting hockey match took place in the Waterloo rink on Xmas morning between teams from Elmira and Waterloo. in whirl: the latter won by a score ot JO-',?.. A dance, under the aqspicvs of the Waterloo Musical Society, will be held in the Town Hall on Monday Jan. 1st. Call it:Zick's Shoe Home this week and get adiseount of from 10 to Mt percent. on everything-you buy. seniees appropriate lo Xmas were held in the dirierent churches on Sun- day. . A new house tor Gingrich, Waterloo, on» Ft-ooo - 84200 Ins-urn. FINAI‘CIAI. & Ins. 13m nuns 81075 'tltd $1300 51:: $1600 'iiiii: 81800 2:121: 81850 3312:“ 8 2200 13:13:: 82300 'tttd 82800 23:21:: 88000 D"is. 88800 I','ttf, F “about; r "Hun“. , For Xmas Gifts. . ii that - can!†“in: In the 1).“th " lb. BEST " NOW APormMKB, Pious SW. "eb-tmt-inthe-tttn. "lumen-unl- Bovitt’s Drug Store Local News. In wt, than "iitirGiAot. â€ballroom; do In rum 1eett-10..t"uur0rie XMAS MARKET Prparqtt git-r3 o! Port-I}; Att tre - Onion " ttte hut man's wr Rmci'straa, [HIV MINI" IIIâ€? IIIIBIS All) mama "OS., Brick Dwelling and good I Lot on Caroline Street. Frame dwelling on cor. not of Mary and Union Screen, Prune Dwelling and 2 Iota on corner of Punk Buys brick dw. Victoria Street. l Brick dun: on corner of Erb and Victories Streeta Brirk Dwelling. all con- venient-eat. Erb and Bell- view. Brick Dun-Hing corner of Allan um Moore Avenue. Doulnle B: ick Dwelling on Al'un Stu et. Brick Dwelling on wit- low Stu-wt " be ad of Georve Fitreet. â€lick [)wvlling, a" Con vet irnreu, corner John and Uhm Streets. Brick Dwelling on Her but. Street. new. And Allen Streets. rent. Apply to s WHEEL†The programme was Ida-n part in by the momhvn ot the Sumhy <ettoot and worried 1 “pita! evening's outer- tainmml. At the close well MINI an!†In†were dumb-1d to m "httta" ot th - ' The Christmas testtival given in the Prcsir.vtvrian church Friday evening "as attended by . very large number ot [Le Sunday school scholars, their [urchin and Irimuds. The church had, been most arlisliully decorattnt tor the occasion. or the, nine candidates‘who were nominated for the position of Coun- cillor in Waterloo lor the year 1906, only one. namely, Mr. John Biersch- bach,.has retired, thus leaving eight candidates in the field, and Making an election necessary. The election will therefore be held on Monday, January Isl. The candidates in the fteld are:-- J. C. Mueller 1 A. Weidenhnmmer David U. Kuntz T. Ovens _ L. Graybill L. 'UattWr Chas. Brandt Geo. Suggitl. _ Eight Candidates Stl" in tle Field for the Position of Councillor. ELECTION The death of Master Charles Henry ly,,'".',',',""!,?.,, son of the late Wm. Niet- garth, occurred " 9.30 o'clock on Sunday evening at the residence of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Niergarth, Williams street, Waterloo. The deceased, who had at- tained the age oi 13 years and 10 days, had been unwell for the past four weeks. being a sutrerer trmnl heart trouble and had been 'rriiii) to his bed for the past week. He had been going to school in Waterloo where he was born, although he re- sided with his' mother at Wingham for some time. He is surv'ived by his mother and two brothers. His father died three years ago. . CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT The casket bore many ttttrat trite utes trom the numerous friends ot the deceased. . LIBRARY BOARD MEETING. English. both takiné'uw-slun to give wants of comma. to the bereaved nuns and pay tributes to the bright disposition and tine character ot the departed. Appropriate music was tarnished by the choir ot the church, Mrs. Herbert M. Snyder singing the beaudlul hymn, "Jesus Love; ot my Soul," as a solo. W. Snider, ot Berlin, and Rev. s. M. “such, pastor ot the Waterloo Eun- gelical Church. The Rev. Mr. Hauch spoke apprppriately in the Cum-mm language. followed by the pastor in The tunerat ot the late Emma Mai Dietel, wile at Mr. Harry Clemens, took place from the residues or Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Diehel, King street, Waterloo, Wednesdgy afternoon at 2 o'clock. After a short service " the, house the tuners! cortege proceeded In the Methodist Church, where a large concourse of lrlends had gathered to pay their fmal tribute of love and respect to the departed. . I An impressive sleiécvwas conduct- ed by the pastor, the Rev. A. E. La- veil, B.A., teisttd try the Rev D. The remains wen interred in Mt. The heartfelt sympuhy ot many friends will be extended to the bereaved husband, who mourns the loss at . kind and dwtionate wile and the two-year-old daughter. Ruth, a loving mother. Also to Mr. and Mrs. Diebel in their grief over the loss ot their second dutitut daughter in the short space of two yarn. She Watg outright, cheery and loving disposition, and was held in high respect by . Urge circle ot w- quainlances. She bore her long ill- ness with Christian latitude. She was a devoted member alum Water- loo Methodist church. The deceased, who had attained the use ot 31 yous, ' months no 20 an, w" born in ngloo. About. [out you: ago she ‘83 married ty Mr. Harry V. Clemens amt with the exception ot I than. time spent in New Hamburg has made her home in Waterloo. I FUNERAL oe MRS. CLEMENS V. Clemens, all daughter od Mr. end In. Geo. Dieeel. will deeply mm to [can ol hee death, which occurred u the 'krlits-Watertoo Hospital. at nine o’clock on Sand†morning. " ter an extended Illness. -'_e _ ' "e--....- . It. Blue! Hall-nu atrd Wm ' - guests " the bone cl Kr. and In. Occutred " the “W a . S. 1Uttman on Sunday. 30.48] Mominr--a Bright Mr. R. Nemrr, at Trout Creek, vb- _-e---"- mummuum Km ----- taft m Dar. I - Mr. B. Poehlmu, od Detroit, mu] 11:2:an Pte. cl. X's-mm" Mad the holiday in Waterloo. The many trienda ot Emu In Nobel. beloved tite 01 Mr. Harry DEATH OF MRS. ti. y. CLEMENS DIED ON SUNDAY. WILL BE HELD l "In Curie nickel amt the Xmas, holiday: with "PM: In "Hutton. Mr. Robt. M. BM: in“ Xmas In Pr"'. Mr. Atbrrt "rrrrs spent Xmas till: "lends in St. Jacobs; Mr. Riley Mums visited at his home in Topping over Xmas. T Mr. K. P. FIIntoI! ya: :vlslmrrto Sat-in on h'tttas Day. Mr. August Raul! 'enjoynl Xmas " his home in "nu-tho. .r. Mrs. Niergatth, ol Tiraham visiting at the home of Mr. ..'l, iattlirrrarth, town. . Miss "ope Morgan wait the guest ot Mrs. J. E. Seagram. Waterloo, dur- ithet Irur lr? the Twin-City. Mr. "Chas. Riggs. tiurtimrton, is spending a " days visiting Waterloo friends. W. Hoffman and Miss Edna MacPher- son. Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, Providence, R. L. and Mrs. J. _ I. "Stuart, Rochester. ' "tr. Fred W. Snider Ion. Friday tor Pittsburg, Pa, to spend 3 low days at the home ot his sister, Mrs. W. Hendry. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin K. "t "Qinillun and little son are sperm-1:; Xmas at thr'honte of Mr. Wm. Rw- l)nugail. F.rt, street. in lit-null tor a few days. Mr. Joseph M. Kunta, of Antler, MW united Menuhin Watrrhrrrrmr Friday. Hr had just “rived from the 2ve'C--o'eidsr-ara- will spesd seven} months at his home near Hawkes- ville usijing Irlmdx. T i Mr. Jos. Savage, Brantford, has returned arm spending a tew days at. Eden Villa, the home of Mr. and Ms. W. H. Ridden. Mr. Kohl. M. Bruce is spending Xmas at his home here. Mr. August Kmott, Hamilton, is spending Xmas at his home here. Mr. liomct Zick is spl/miiiik" the Xmas hpIidays at his home here. The following were guests al the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Schiedel, Albert sin-ct, lm_Nuty? Day: Dr. J. Mr. and Mrs. ootkstirk,Gr To- ronto, are visiting Iriends in the T1rin-City. Mr. Albert Bricker, of Rochester, and Mrs. Goldie, of Guelph, spent Xmas at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bricker. . Messrs. John, Lawrence and Homer Zick, of St. Therese, Quebec, were virltors to Waterloo over. Xmas. Mr. Clayton Snyder, ot Toronto, visited " his home here on Xmas Day. He was accompanied by his friend, Mr. Collins. Mr. Alt. Bellinger, ot Windsor. spent the holiday in town: . Mr. Norman Hdwié, or Toronto, was a visitor to Waterloo over the holiday. F ' Mr. Chester Fry and Miss Clara Fry, of near Bright, are spending sev- eral days w in relatives and friends in Waterloo and vicinity. Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Lavcll and two children and Miss Gillespie, spent. Xmas with relatives and friends in Hamilton. ' Mr. Milton Burkholdér, Bi Brown City, Mich., called on friends in town on, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Rassbach were visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. APymeol Nes Day. Mi'ss Edith" Behrens, ot Elmira, called on Waterloo Iriends on Satur. day. ter, Miss Alice, were guesgs it-Gr," home of Mr. Sam Cork, Toronto, on Clgigtmas Day. Miss Hazel and Miss Ida Martin spun the Xmas holidays with Elmira lriends. ' torloo. m, Mr, Gordon Roos, of Chicago, ‘is spending some time at his home in Waterloo. Mr. Waiter Biggé, ot Burlington, is the guest ot Mr. Chas. Dobbin tor several days. , Miss A. Ewing, ol ut the home of Mr Bi_s_h of: Fmas Day. M. Fr" L'olgttltotin, ot Belleville, smut the holiday at m., iw'lu- in we, ‘nr‘nn - “W --'""'0' Mr. Philip Dish, ot Detroit, was g visitor at his home over Xmas. Mr. Bolton Meade, of Hamilton, visited in Waterloo on Xmas Day. Mr. Ezra Schmitt. visited lriends in St. Mary's on Xmas. Day. Mr. Floyd Bricker-split" me holiday with Listuwcl friends. Mr. and Mrs.Viirrrutrttes and little son visited Brannon! friends over Xmas. Mr. 11'. Sommerviile spent the holi. day in London. Mr. J. A. Harper was g visitor at his home in Mt. Forest over Xmas. Mrs. J. G. Meyer spgnt. the holiday at, ter home in iururui. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Bricker and lamily enjoyed the holitlgy with Gilt friends. I Among those trom Toronto who "spent Xmas a that home: in Water- too were :-Nestrrts. Geo. and Robert Honor, W. Sterling. Walter B. We": Lander Reade, Ed. Roots, T. Rococlm and Irvin thicker. Mr. Can. Stark, lormerly ol Vat, QLloo, 11-511,,st to Chunk! Court. Qua, where he has accepted a pool- tion " totem“ in the carding too ot g ten machine mill. The woollen mill " Champley Court is comjdcr- ably but! "In the one at Water- loo. Mr. and in. Homer Value). ot Doom. spent Xmas at the home at Mr. uni In. B. E. Bechtel. Mr. Noun Roos, at Toronto. In: . visitor at his home hen our Xmas. m. John Meyer, ot Calgary, visit- ed at the home ot Mr. and In. H.; B. Ducting on Xmas Day. Mr. Meyer; was lormcrly employed u the City] Meat Market, and tad not. visited Waterloo for " yet". I Personal and Social. Ewingot Guelph, visited and Mrs, Wm SI . y . luniviml Art. was." that s will? "night, ot Newmarket for Hopping up nu! telling the fol- __“'"""",_ lowing is In, or and allowance. UP BEFORE P. M. WEIR. “railway: and Weaver street -...- extending 't,',l,",2 (tom.Kinx street A Two local parties,, one of them a diamond Tet: om Iigett, i'?'),'; 'h-llnw who goes try the name "iUp- â€:36, 'l'i'.',o2t'l,o',7,hg ld "12:13! " Hooligan,u were up tretorr P. M. John Hofhoin'. an"?! 'l'A",1ttl to Weir at Waterloo Wednesday morning. the registered plan or the “id town. (hanged with honking windows at being that petlt_twetoertrtreei.' thr Westside Park Hotel, sm’oral nor ginnlly la’d out by sold tux-u]. days no. Happy Hooligan was lound RQ,,',".",',',',',',',',' "l, '22??? 'd'Jl".'tli guilty and a, fine of tl and costs orig'hlt . tt I an . Mt days was imposed try the Muns- lijpfie1tprig,,i,iht,n'e,-ej,0aiioi,ii Hale. of the Town of Wnt-rtoo " tt meeting --------- of t'lg,r1f,'g,','ted to which]! In "ti PRESENTATION. ("Me ham r In t P, own - 3Vumloo onDIng-y. It ,,',l','M,tr, of . ' _‘ mm» ,A. .l Rhat o'etoe p.m.. Arr. n. Huron: was made the re ittt “an†thgte m. the. m " rum-M at L haulllul In ad and Council will Maw itt "I,“ or by MMSMM'Y HIM Firm"? dh Fridtrr ,' manor] of solicitor any one who†last " the members ot his dlvlslon. bud might h. pajamas], afNeted This (cl on the part of the Mrttolors 'Mt." nod who pelltlom to In no was nun-h upprocialod " Mr. Pla" 0" . lord And In on which"! that kindly I Waterloo, Dee. m- A. D., In mung-Exist helmet - mm A B, Mctnttott, mm I cm. Two local pttriit's,,one ot them A fellow who goes try the name “Hap- " Hooligan," were up before P. M, Weir at Waterloo Wednesday morning, (hunted with honking windows " the Westside Park Hotel. several days no. Happy Hooligan was lound guilty and 1 tine of tt and costs or Mt days was imposed by the Mal:- (rate. A Mr. and)“; Funk mightmul tit, lfc daughter have returned artei' spending Xmas at the botpratti_tht, Tail??? "p7rFTtT.V,' Mi. and Mrs. "night. of Newmarket. The maniac ot Miss Pearl Devin, daughter of Mrs. James Dewitt. or Maura Falls, to Mr. William C. Sass, look place at the home ot the bride's mother, on Monday. Mr. A. K. Cressman, of Hamilton, has returned alter spending ans at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Dougall. Mrs; Cressman 1nd baby will remain tor several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Hertel, -ol Brighton, xisited at the home ot Mrs. llortol‘a parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fischer. during the Xmas holidays. Miss Bertha Devin leit Wednesday afternoon for Philadelphia. Pa., when: she will take a course of training as a nurse in the Protestant Episeopal Hospital. Miss 'rena Han. and Mr. Bert Ratz " Tavistock visited Waterloo friends over Xmas. The Misses Mary and Clara Cross- man, of near mattsville, spent Xmas with Waterloo friends. Mr. and Mrs. Woollams, of Brant- lord, spent Xmas " the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allenaon. Mr. Eukeke miiGG, Gf %raio, spent the holiday at, his home in Wat- erloo. Mr. H. Huston spent the ans hol- idays. with friends in Exeter. I Mr. Roland Young, ot Toronto, is spending the holidars at his home in I Waterloo. . V mic. s. McBride 3138531" is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. McIntyre. to: swan! days. Mr. Art. LasehingeCoCiiimira, called on friends in the Twin-City_on Tlggsday. Mr. W. P. lick and family, of Stratford, enjoyed the Xmas holidays urifing_at his home in Waterloo. Mr. Phares D. Burkholder, ot Mark- ham, spent Xmas with his family-at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Sherk, Bresfau. Mr. and Mrs. Plan, of New Ham- burg, spent the holiday visiting re- latives and friends in Waterloo. l Mr. R. Kirkpatrick visited at his inouie in. Cornwall during the Xmas Mlidays. Mr. Howell and Mr. Harvey, of the Bank ot Commerce stall, werevisit- ors at their respective homes in Gait and Guelph on Xmas Day. Mr. L. Digit spent thcholuEy in Woodstock. Mr. Cryslor was a visitor at his home in Delhi over run; holiday. . Mr. Eldon Sander, of Winnipeg, was a. guest at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Men_no Devlin. 'lur several days. . Mrs: Emily Martin srent Sunday and Monday in Glmira, the guest :of Mrs. (Din) Ran. Miss Rodgers, of the Central school stair, is Waiting at her home in Kingston during the holidays. Mr. Norman Shelly, ot Galt, visit- ed at his home in Waterloo on Xmas Our rod- nro new and utr-to date, no nhop prion are In low u also lowest: Yuan " the but footwear " Down: Prisca. am In new snob}? trave you thought whit you are going to km. The" In nothing to n o to] an a pair of Nippon. Show, Anna, Uvorgnltou Ind Rubber: We have full line. of the “on and remember tho Special Bargain. " It!" in mind 'thet-, Xmas is Nearly Here. Bargains in Ill jhwimis Stock Taking SALE . l J ghn 1iehondplmayer, A Lot of $3.50 Shoes at " so A Lot of " 00 shoes " $2.00 Opp'osnte 1Pptnermann House, W‘aterloo. ls now going on at . mrelmaatn's Bigger than ever ‘at ‘. Uffelmann’s Notice}: btrgby' iren pal-slum. Section B.% ot 4'i,'J. Consolldm yunig-imt Aw. 1%" that A by! in. never been so Inge a " tte present “me and price. never In low, l and in nun] can no lower then they .lnve been " my time before. ad the" price- will am until cumm- ieven if wholoule prices the, which I they ere 1!!er toft before long. Wntchmnor and Junior. CENTRAL BLOCK WA] ERLOO t I who Enidet’l mu. and all our other prion no marked to the wry Iowan. norm 18aimr, 7-]owollod, Waltlum "II-venom In 20 your gold- fl hd cant. open face. . . . -- 10m (hurt l8-I'z), 7-j-avnlle'l, Wsltham mavement, In nickel our. screw front and but, open fm,...... A nn I OUR STOCK OF i' Gold-Filled and Nickel LUgue 6 sis '",HjsGiiG,"iFiith an) movement in 25 you gold- filled a"i'iiii'iftiiG for.. 31280 Town of Waterloo H. B. DUERING including Ghoicest and Best Is always' to supply our numerous customers with the 0ur'Endeavor Home made Sausages Breakfast Bacon Meats and Just Right Hams E. J. RODS wmues worn Shoo- to tsttse ad ., Ont and thanks . s kind rtll'l'filAl ll Happy and Prosperous New Year‘ 29 pair of Oirte regular 1.26 nod 1.501.019 or button then a..... Attht 3 - Uptirof Brriam1 Girls' remain-1.00. I625 Ind 1.50M alot of old .ises " .... w----,----"-.-.-................"- And Everything in the Store at a Big Reduction This Week 128 psi: of Indies‘ Slipper- will will be told this week LL... .. .. nth, . m. 50pm- of Ladiu'regulu- 1.26, 1.50 and 1.75 lace or button SIlpfl " and we are not just picking out a few lines as a drawing card. BUT EVERYTHING in the store goes at a BIG RE- DUCTION this week. off regular prices will be given on all goods you buy here this week. itrf)ri.j,s,ifi.,e.,r,:.i,1.,,tj,S, it's a good deal easier to count the cash than take ‘stocli of Shoes. So a DISCOUNT of from is the first on the program for the New "Now Hustle Along G. B. Ryan & GO. . B. Ryan' &00., Berlin STOCK-TAXI Don't You Stop Reading 10 to 50 per cent. Turning Stock Into Cash Sale To all our friends through- out this good County of Waterloowo wish a Happy and a Prosperous New Year. Wishes Everybody And You Know because this is a real Our Annual " U XIII 0 O o M O 0 ll