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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 Dec 1905, p. 8

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THE WATGII HOUSE JilI8lllf “08., Judas, Broken ' "r Mainsprings Nartite-ht Woolwich, Dee. 11th, to Mr. and Dirt. Jonathan P. Martin, Bttantg-At Yuma, Dee. 13th. to Mr. and Mrs. Elia S. Shunt. a laughter. We9er-rtlear St. Jacobs. Dee. toth, BMW-At Berlin, Nov. 23rd, to Mr, and Mrs Con. Bluhm, . daughter. Miehrtt--At New Humbug, Nov. 37th to Mr. gm! Mrs. Jacob Michal, n daughter. Lemtartb-At New Hamburg, Nov. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leo- md, . daughter. , Httgtgr-..At Berlin, Dee. Sth, to Mr. _ and Mrs, Henry Haas, . daughter, stillborn. MeKetrsier-rn North bunnies. Dec. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Meken- Me, a daughter. . Smith-At Mill Creek, Dee. lath, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Smith, twins .-Bott and daughter. _ Waring-at Gilt, Dec. 11th, to Mr [ And Mrs. Jno. Waring, a daughter Hallman-At Berlin. Dee. 8th, to Rev. E. S. and Mrs. Hallman, a son. .Boyle-At Berlin, Dec. mm, to Mr, and Mrs. A. J. 0. Boyle, a daugh- ter. Bettroeder-Hollingtt--At Berlin,Dec. 15th, by Rev. W. C. Boese, W. Schroeder to A. M. Hollinger, both at Berlin. ' . G'oestire-Elliott.--At Berlin. Dec. 10th, by Rev. W. A. Bradley, Peter Gdesfing, ot New grlganél -it/, to EitttiifrHir.' ElIibtt, of Berlin. I Mj11errteEroeNich-Atidem-- semi lath, by Rev. F. Loch. John Wm., Miller to Mary Kroehlieh, both ot New. Hamburg. _ I Ktrr--cringrich,-rn Waterloo T'p,Dee. 6th, at the home of Mnand Mrs., Sol. Gingrich, by Elder John Wild- tong, Isaiah law. of New Hamburg, l . to Matilda Gingrich. 1 Freeborne-itou.--At tun, Dec. a, Harry Freehorne to Ella Eaton, both or Hespeler. _ J_'ttimtttt*rlt,midtv-rhr, Ttvistoek-HNe. I 14th, by RM. L. Wahl, John Peit- . fer to Katie Schmidt, both of Tav- istock. BIRTHS. Ifr, and In. lsuc Martin, uku- to Mr. an: am. has] Weber, a Brettnetmut-At New Hamburg, Dee, 12m. Magdalena Schlegcl, rclict ot the late Jos. Btennenuut, aged 70 years and 8 months. 1 Ntar,--ht Hcspcleri Dec. 8th, Mrs.) Henry Near. ' I Stephenson-At Gait, Dec. 11th, Rhoda May, infant child of John A. Stephenson, aged. 7 months. Hume-At Toronto, Dec. 11th, Anna Inglis, wile of the late Gavin Hume of Gait, in her 75th rear. Dietrich-At St. Agatha, Dee. 16th, Morand Dietrich, aged 76 years. Ertr--At Berlin, Dec. 17th, Simon Em, aged 57 years: Pdtnmer--At Berlin, Dee. 15th, Maria, 'chplel', wife of Gottlieb Pommer, aged " years, 5 months and M days. t JOS. MICKUS & SON, Auctioneers. Dec. 22.-rurm stock and Imple- ments of Jacob B. Schmitt, 2 miles north of Baden and 2 miles west of St. Agatha. burg. -iieiriicstoee and implements of Geo. Sehnetier, 1 mile eastpt Mann- heim and 1 mile west ot Williams- Jan. 10, "06-Stoee und imple- ments of Chas. R. Schnsn, 3 miles west' oCWaterloo and, , miles east ot Erbsville. - Jan. 23.-Stock and implements ot Thus. Farrell, " miles north of Lin: woodjnd ' mile south ol Mutton. - Feblr tr-iitock and implements ot Btwid Shunt?“ 1 mile west. of Wil- 1iamstrurg. - - _ VFeb.’ fi-stock and implements ot the late Louie Ram, 2 miles west of Berlin. Feb. 1t.-hrm stock and ' lmplo- ments of Jos. S. Snyder. one mile northeast ot Bridgeport, 3 mlles “at 9! Berlin and 3 miles cut ot Wlwrloo. l Feb. Is-ik and implements Simon Richert. near Mannheim. Much (b-Nou and imnienwnts Daniel L. Knechtcl. " miles west Mannheim. Much 'b-tMock and implements ot the late nguel Burnett, 2 mum east _ Tummy Errrtutt, Dee. Ill. “vacant when {mm-M et-ed M, M to “a lawn- than yesterday and can [I- Clws Bet low". At cumm- Mar when“ do“ 116e Us!" in: :nlerday; Mar can he - all In: on“ he Mrtter. "an" we" We do“: 1'01“!an “I at I!" market: Oee. "he, In. immune OPTIONS. AUCTION SALES. MARRIAGES. -Tl DEATHS. REPORTS LRKIT‘. b. IUIIII Dill-Inl- Pl'c , I In»: prison”. ' our: . Nut shipment Jan. -le...l0.+ri-6AMre.e. tu..et null- and. on " al . rL"Jii".wy.'a5efe"Stf,"ffr iiitiit7i5titit,"i'iiit,7. _ A In “Win-r .m- an 'leer DEF“!!! 1 I!!! 1yeett - -ar-u+ not - an“, - I. ll.- lulll. Doe. 13.4”!” to!“ i; U. to“. ',ti2P'ltu'Nti'n',W. 10.00110 LIV! "ttdttt. . yawn-"mummy“ 'iiPelgtNAutt"h'MUtt Ptt-d_rroq-LFt. eh'3JtArffdarlt't'lt'45tNatt "rdiTtaFFNitVr T' maneu- n easy-I. w, to 'u1flllh1'ffdt'.1'4l'Fi'i ot ot ot Tho-nut ideAiietieoG4 I!!!" gun “a your than to; ”-9350. A”! About a "UGGFirGa on n a. human. The "rial-Mb! aim at - thou-e again]: a... and 1...... Dollmlu of sheep and but. in. m ty lam. Export um. u to use; but. and calls " . to “.50 per mrt.', but. new It 9.85 t9 'ess, at £25.99 It”: aCriGiiiG' t,fhiiirEe'tirgrit.ii't," ii In» and Light. an (at. 'tft "I. E m "Bums-o 3-.” lo. _r.61? 13L}!!- "has: .........-.--. k An Absolutely Safe _ taint-Suntan“. 'tteegirreeterarareeeey.tetef WTSE FEEDERS USE ulddliugs. Bran and Chop Peed by tho ton. Oil Cake. Limoedmul,Cnmtt- o d Oatr, Poultry Supplies, Grit..'0ym! Melt, Pram Poultry Food. Milvonon Fiour, Rnlie-l Oala, Cum Meal, Rolled Wheat, Manitoba Flour, Rock Sail, Bbl. Bait, Gum Bags, " layup“ 1ot_att ogre-Hon no Pf] Paging 12 per cent. with higher rate of dividend in the near future: Remember this stock In gunrmtood Ind pmfoeted by our $2 500.000 Tum Fund this!) pt one» removal c very element of risk. chance. specul- uion or maibl'dt; of Ion. In; this worth looking into. Write or call for particular. INVESTMENT Offitat American Block. Comotinte ot n2 mm named on Con O ‘v'nf-hlp of 1el.l,tter; I rang north of Cm hill. It!) tales elem! and Dal-ac» In hush-ad endu- "vamp. Good Mnk bun an} "nested hott a on "many. Alan ttsod orehard a: d ttrtet elm water. 59mm one): at m. Will begun] a): . tltrrnot MI tte puller Pte" to a' Gia'uia"hriG. iaTia "iitsud". "" " “ATM mun Wattle» Do-aombor N 1905. Eur?" "hrrLriiriirerijryey.Ceruieit? '" mos. 553cm undo-l in fatl when; mm well v.10 . "tty now! (ulna nu nu "a tho ("In In lam brick house and bank barn. " farm ll lull-rig an hat-old I no parcels. Wlll he mldhl on 9min: and can tie bough'. right. l .. ("an 'artieitttry " linen M “Add [TCHEI.L _ 'ru . W. “rho. Oll'. Farm for Sale smut"! , mils northwest of Wain!” M. ‘Moln: the eon-man n. con-In'ini of m hm 19 gm: of Etuyr.h of {may m 'urramrAtyttht SHIPPING ms WANTED Ill llklltllr , S. GINGRICH, Glydesdale Stock Food ISIDOR B. SNYDER, FGhrr"t'irGaiiiaG'ri i I 12: um. as)?“ il'ah'll'llH1, WATER: Farm for Sale. 70-] _ ' FOR SALE .LOO " 2Si'iii'p.'iri Grant. 1 P. 0.. Ont. ,78 1700 Berlin no _ 7.59 I 4 75 l .78 Tt " 22 I 1enpte-ta.-N- Harris Imm-i or. nova, My uh, seed drill. tut! nip drilt, Hutton plow, new Fleur: Iplov, 1 mm: plows, turnip cullin- tor, 'tuIueator, chunk: av, iron barrows, t broad .tieedoragrma, 2 Islam's, hob-lleigh. wagon box, In! rack. set gavel pinks, 'qrhilBetreesr, “chokes. sserthes, "ores, shovels, hoes, grain cradle, tanning will. hay Iknife, butter churn, 6 milk “as, hat sling, tapes, grip, 4 sets double har- ‘nm, a set: " nets, ice prongs ami mixed gun. It“ 3100: AND “I’M” Mvill’ I. magnum- “a,“ tutu-howl:- mum- mm: '.m,8ttsilo. weqt ot iratariaroaaq8mit-tot Ian- “Damn. JANUARY it, not. M a on o'clock In M a. calla-h; mail. "out". “I: 8M.-Bhek um , you: on up- poultnbell l-J,hly we " -oua-dtobrintoal,rar hone ll ”an old. and we, spring can. u can supposed to is' in all. 4 “can (one ll months old), a hen- na, 7 eaves, T even. 30V. 'Lttesepstyrs-1fli8,-ptz're-I:au-- a--r --- T A. B. McBRIDE, TownClerk. , It a poll is demanded the election I will be held on Monday the tlrst my of January, 1906, Item , o'clock a. The [allowing article: belonging toi Hartman Selma." will also be client! tor all: st the tune time and place I Carriage, buggy, cutter, harrow, hay lork', pumpkin press, 180 up buckets. 2 up pans, 2 cider barrels. tubs. 2 tables, sink, 2 cupbouds, " chairs, a bedsteadn, 8 wood boxes, a spinning wheels, lam press, box stove, 3 iron kettles. capper kettle and a. tot of other nuclei too numerous to MMNH tion. ' I cu, luau u .... my. l For the North Ward (Polling sub- divisions Nos. _1 and 2 united), at Harmonie Hall. King street, Mr. lPeter H. Roos, Deputy Returning or. 524$ Terri-Hay, grain at! nll sum: or 810 and under, cash; over that un- ount " months' credit on approved joint notes or 5 pct cent. " [or cash payments <tt credit amounts. Jos. MICKUS a SON, Auctioneers. CHARLES K. SCHNARB. T Proprietor. Town of Waterloo A meéting of electors tor the nomq ination ot candidates for the ottiees or Mayor, Conneillors,}.ight and Water' Commissioners and School Trustees, will he held in the Town Hall, Fat- whoL on 1"!ng tfre_2Attuday, of u: dam-any, Luv“. llvu- .. "rPNr_9rrNr- -_ m. urs o'clock p.m., by the Deputy Returning 0tricers hereinafter speeiti- ed, that is to Bar. For the East Ward (Polling sub- divisions Nos. 3 and 4 united), at William Hogg's office, Queen street, Mr. William Hogg, Deputy Returning officer. T For the South Wind (Polling sub- divisions Nos. 5 and 6 united), at the otliees of the Canada" Woollen Mills, King street, Mr. Conrad Buch- nergard, Deputy, Returning P.iricef; Auctlon Sale nclsalu, Livy-n." .u.---.....° He-_---" For the West Ward (Polling sub- divisions Nos. , and 8 unitéd). at Attts old Council Chamber in the Map ket House, Mr. Charles A. Han-hue], Deputy Returning Otmter. 50,2t Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF CATHERINE RICHBER, LATE OF THE TOWN OF BERLIN IN THE COUNTY OF WATERLOO, WIDOW, DE- CEASED. . Notice is hereby given} pursuant to R. S. o. 1897, chap. IM, that alt persons having claims. against the estate of Catherine Riehber, late of the Town of Berlin, in the-County of Waterloo, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of Novem- ber, A. D. 1905, are requested to send or deliver to the undersigned Solicitor tor the Executor: ot the sold estate. on or before the 30th day ot December, 1905, the particu- lars ot their claims end at the secur- ities (it any) held by them, duly ver- med. And notice is also given that after the last mentioned date the Execur tors will proceed to distribute the useis ot the said deceased, inning regard only to the claims oi which notice has been given.. JOHN SEIP. JOHN JACKI, Borg-Ina in now and loom! wom- und haul". ht ordsr to mun room '0! t on of can": and thigh. I all! “as reduennn. I If!" the but wagon and has” and, in Canada. Down Goes the Price for 30 Bays King Street, East of fitelst, Shorthorns for Sale 0m Dull I. “in.” at - an“ "Mm ml Mty ttt nu town". . a a Ih'cqun' t M k _ I. B. muggy A?” m. aRatha, Executors. H. M. ANDREWS, Berlin, Solicitor tor Executors. Dated this 11th day ot December, ELECTIONS FOR 1006. A. a. menu, Thu wilt he - by - not “on on the la- MI a In Show - Fun. n m, Out. on FRIDAY, became; an", I”. " on o'clock p... My. tin follow- Inc - -rtr, vim t-.--Btaee m, ' yam oil. btaeetnamer.arserld,atq-d to to in toat, spring colt, 2 corn (one (red), yum. apposed to he in -- - -eer-, a. ---- Au q aiT'i TtGirriGii"s yen: old, I - 1 year all. I and“ ealrea, all s weeks on, as attains. a breed- - - lmplamta, .te.--ier Harris binder. mower. hay rate, drill, iron tutor, new plow (Shanta make), acumen land toner, turnip seeder, wagon, bum, new bah sleigh, cut- tor. tray ad stock tack command, 2 not: double harms, set single har- m, mm. sewing whine. 350 Ma. out. 30 bus. black barley, 5 ton: hay udv150 bus. turnips. . Termtt.-Orairt, My, roots, chickens and all sum: of 810 out under can; over that amount 10 monthl‘ credit. on approved Joint notes or ' pet cent. on lot can laymen: ot credit amounts. it,“ or FAB! STOCK “DJWMENTB There wilt be sold by public auc- tion, on the farm ot the undersigned, 3 miles north of Baden Ind 2 miles west of St. Agatha, on FRIDAY, DECEMBER M, 1905, at 1 o'eioek p.m., sharp, the Ioilow- ing, valuable property, vir _ mg “more properly, u: .-. Horses-Sorrel horse 5 years old-J (good driver), tray horse rising Ii years old, black carriage team (well- matched), 7 pm! 9 years old, Girl mare in toat a years old, sired I)” Remus; bar filly, Jupiter, rising 34 rears old; yearling colt. get by Whale-, hone, spring colt. V l Cows-Jerser cow (fresh), cow sup- 'posed to be Iresh by time ot sale, 10 cows supposed to be in can, 9 spring calves. 2 yearling calves, thor- spring calves. 2 yearling ' oughbred bull 3 years o_ld I Auction Sale ijogsr.--Pure hr'cd Yorkshire boar. 2 sows in pig, soy with gigs at_siidet. ImNerdeftir, Etc. - Mauser-Harris binder nearly. new, Frost_& 'fed, mower lug corn binder, l hoe seed 'drill nearly new, disc barrow, land roller, Noxon cultivator, seuitier, 2-turrow plow, t single plows, f three-section- narrows, 3-Iurrow gang plow, Daisy grinder, Burstone grinder, ensilage cutter with Mower, straw cutter, Champion threshing machine, 12 horse Pitts' hot scpowcr, bevel jack, leather belt 20 leer. long, rods and couplings,) 3-seated carriage, open buggy tryp_i buggy mutant; Maire" sléigh, but»: sleigh, 2 cutters, box wagon, open PNPU, 2 hay racks, carriage harness, ;2 sets double harness, set single har- {uess, National cream separator, but- Ie,',', churn, butter worker, tiour chest, lent table, extension table, cupboard, kettle, forks,. shovels, rakes, crosseut saw, scale 700 lbs. capacity. and a lot of other articles too numerous to mention. . Terms.s-Pigs and all sums ot $10 and under cash; over that amount 12 months' credit on approved joint notes or 5 per cent. ott tor cash pay- ments ot credit ammmts. JACOB B. SCHMIT'I‘. Proprietor. Jos. MICKUS a SON, Auctioneers. "at. mu "06K All IIPLEIEITI. Thaw will be sold by public auction on the tum ot the undersigned, one mile we» or Willi-nab"; nd 1 mllo out of Mannheim. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1905. Auction Sale commencing at one o'clock p. m. sharp, the following valuable pro- perty, viz.: - - - _ _ Stock.-Sorret brood mare, old, black mare 6 yours old, got by King Francis, boy horse , you: old, :ged horse, spring colt, bred tram Gold Dust, cow fresh at time ot sale. 4 cows supposed to be in an. heifer supposed to be in all. large ht hei- fer, 4 yenrling heifers, 4 spring cglves 5 Yorkshire sows in pig, Cheater sow in pig, IO pigs 4 month: old, " healing ewes. about MA) chickens, good collie dog. Implements. etc.--Massey Hurts binder nearly new, Dcoring mower, Nomn drill nearly new, spring tooth Cultivator, new land roller, g plows, 2 iron narrows (1 new), wooden hur- row, miner, wagon, 3 seated car- riage, bum, cutter, Weigh. veng- gon box. My rack, turnip wiper, isn- ning mill. new stock sale, capacity 2,000 tu., Magnet crenm senator. doubletrees, whiMetrees, chains. lorh shovels, grain bags. about. 300 bus. on“. about 200 Ml. burl”, Moo 2 not. double km... to: in“: burnout, wood met, In: "to. Ito "at" u the Pam is told. Terms.-Smnll pigs. chickens, grain, and nil sums of tto and under, cash; over that amount. " months' credit on npproved joint notes or 4 per cent. all tor “an payments ot credit _ant- ‘ounts. “northern: for Sale 50,” than 315.1”, WKirie tf - a. . .soa..g:" " 13- " um. m JOHN WEILER, Proprietor JOS. MICKUS & SON, Auctioneers. Tit“: C1teTLtiEt- " my. I“ tmm ttttd It.? "itit,2fi,'t fife: 'lu'll'l tt F.'O JON MICKUS a SON. . Autumn SCIINELLER. or but», nos-Pun 8 hay Proprietor Of Great Interest to Everybody _ “no you Farm. City, Toms, Vil- lage. or Suburban Property to all? It so. how are you going to all itt BO it will my you to list with us. Send tor our mommies. which will tell you all about our) method: at handling real unto New, 13-4 new, , cable uncut in ma in Wank» nut was of mun TOWNSHIP OF WATERLOO. 152 aeretr-1" um: valuation, splendid grain raising farm, excellent small fruit, good building, excellent valet, 2 miles to Berlin, on main gavel road. 282 acres-about halt way between Berlin and (hit. large new barn with cement cabling and a silos, new out- buildings, 8 roamed house, spring creek end good bush on hm, ttpiers- did stock hm. Will sell " . deem. ed bargain, or exchange [or . grazing tarm in the vicinity of Chesler,, or town property. " acres. highly cultiutod 3nd drained, with good two story [rune house ad fume barn, one mile from Waterloo. Win se.li tor cash or ex- chango for property in town o! Wtw. etloo. 90 acres, clay loam, highly culti- vated, large buildings. in excellent repair. neat market. 112 acres, 100 acres cultivated, lul- ance pasture and bush, slightly roll- ing, soil dark clay loam. A ten room- ed two storied stone house and largo barn. These buildings are in good repair and have ell conveniences. 7 mile t.o Berlin market. Part cash and part on mortgage " " per "is acres, clay loam, story and a halt stone house, Home bank barn and good, routboildings! good orchard, il spicudid grain raising farm. 3 miles from Waterloo. Owner Letitia; frosrr--Urtttitygts: ==LT2------------_-2Tt" _ " acres, splendid garden, " story frame house, about. 30 rods from a. school, price 8459. 9oof investment. 1is 'adress-sandy clay loam, best of cultivation, splendid ior stock farm, water lacilities good. I'r)ceAght. The; excellent. good land tor gar- -.-" TGU, [i, - "‘ den purposes, good buildings, tine All '1". for Ma: tt Boy lawn, small fruit, splendid home on main road, 5 miles from Berlin mar- ll you can't find somed ket, will exchange tor small brick, _ l _ a . - a _ 1102196 in Berlin, iir cash $1,500 it the world will you fihd it. taken this tall. . TOWNSHIP on WooLWICH. come 800 194 acres-IN mores under cultlvn- . , tion, 65 acres pasture, with excel- lent buildings and water advantages, q E "ttc. Will exchange to: smaller farm. " snap it taken at once._ 146 acres--126 acres clear. 20 acres hush, buildings in fair condition, good water and good state ot cultivation. A bargain. _ -uiTGG; clay loam, buildings in good condition, will exchange tor town property, or cash, $800. BERLIN., Brick house and lot on Joseph St. Vacant lot on Chapel street. 50:60. Two good lots in Hawkexville. New two story brick house, tur- nace, hot and cold water bath, ce- mented cellar, hardwood tiaiatt, truildw in: IL L on King street cut. sinu- did place for retired farmer. Write to _ . FRANK E. SHANTZ. '. Agent- for .." Western Real Estate Exchange, Berlin. Phone 529. Situated I In". west '0! Hunt-helm. causin- 1ght'2l,tmth', which! mm II good Mull a ”no. and" and mm of matuvattoo. m, Its-good (an. human! but m I'd other outbuilding: Good "I! a home and but. Nrar school and church. Burr on have privilege at buying "which!“ ad. jam!” about farm. Fo- term-M -ttmrlar. imrtr to or write NATHANIEL BERG!“ 192m“. Hannah!) P. u.. Out. Farm for Sale " M“. 'PT undermined om Iovr " M- vain-hie A _"iirGDiriiliiiiUFithyyte.1tecet2', I ‘nn uuqu-..uvu mm." .v. r-” ..... ._..._- - I t rm. mauled three miles north-m of 'Nteeqtto.Imtt cyanide at tho Pmuon. m- ulatln: of trr more! of land well with-M. or which than In nine mm more or lead bulb. “a -. otsttr.NrrrJtretr?me, II XII". “when I! x Ian, wood-bod so x I (L. gre haul hun- MY x " n.. and “but Mm] '" a; the [and mil-M and [nod In an! no“. vat-r at hm “d In“: Me " I irrst.tu.P,r, ceded-n" "m "WEI: itiibeid_ M"" or “in Bl uh" t mile west of Erin-ville. occluding " ten-.05 was a! which an In In good we at mrtttttttott, his"!!! - land. nod MM TS'ld Imhdlwacn [and hm!!!“ “all “lung-Int mum‘s-thun- MW”. r"fi J2,11lllt 'att, tttrem" . all!" rum. yo ma. . m'ilr, ..., tiiihitiiihi Dam Farm for 8an 2ttit'yit,f, "tum In I hll’h mu at ttti' “than. It an t a" ",M'a hon-w. that hem, an". ion- Md up! M. will Ind In how-r: you" own-rd: "no!" - than“ fun; Am mommy!" rum- wall Ion». - a! M he: mm MMrtt “new mu far both ttq-ts um - and - ”in! In". on hm. "MAM I " no». troy Naming , mm In" tttt "153?: s" iii a.“ "m“ Farm for Sale If. B'rll4gMu--o-- Farm for Sula. LIV! NOAH RRR, q"tqrtmt ost iAU'vttt. 432. ot Ghristmas Haberdashery. 1 For Barium» Our (ll-play " Cttrtatit" ”withing. is simply bountiful. This In the moon of tho seat when n h". handmad- ol My 'ratrorto--'" at)” waiting on the India, and tho not in I. have just to thin;- I - sptreeeistes no“ in a. I” of . Km Gm. Every You” Halli: “arm-g " to School. Cert Foot “an mayor, - In or Bo: “ho a} " sum and way Mau mth Ammo tendencie- We’ve firtety made sud accurately ahxpedrbgaateren Int} {awfully for "£313; ii; Bidet Ilsa, uh: on you duke a. College or Club eo!or. uwmmmurwu qF8r.M'emF." Evenly ttmdtr--sott won't Md ugh: plug. 1th. blue}, or 1oottttteads that brook ttrd null STRASSER’S, Oar Small Profit System is a great Success l R. Ernst & Go. $8.50 to $10.00 Overcoats for.......... Tweed Trousers....., ...... ...... .. Boys' $4.50 to $5.50 Suits.........r.... 160 pttr men‘s heavy tweed trouser; good serviceable wen- ruining malaria in are? and black In Yen tam-y rtrpeq Papyrus. flan tbaittt regular 10 00 3nd 1200 for T 05 - “to: TI. gt md M, tan cumin-em rd,","',',',' boat Scotch tweed and am y eofored worstad checks and ' tripe etteeta. . Suits nsuhu- $8.00 and 310.00 for 85.95 Mt wool domemc and was...“ a few fancy colored 1W0Ctt I single brecstad, time an to M. in“: regular 85.50 M 85 go for 'tkt9-. thrae pioco ohmic breasted. neat navel-m of all wont twwds. but Italian Ruins". the. It In 83. Suite rural-Ir $3.00 to $3.50 tor 'tar-- two plou- Norfolk coats, plowed hack and front dark pawns. do. men ic Literal sizes 22 to as. Knee pants tegutar Me and 'tge. for We Scum: dark domestic "nods. “nod throuehout with white cotton, than 2t to " mklngq regal" In: for 2Sd-atromt And mum double knee and tor, Mb. bed worsted wool Incomplm Mare. "tg', boota ln dongolu. box all and "India: bull leather, a chasm Situated 2 mites southeut of Hus- vinc And 5 miles south ot am. " conning 120 Beret, ' Aerett of which is timber and About ' mm young orchard. 0n the premises are (all buildings, 2 tub sum and . new new! wind _ Pm: an: "' per new. Apply to I. B. ROSENBEROER. . Milk. mt. Sweaters for Boys and Men phi“ grey :1 ouml' with dark urlpe. well cut an strongly mad. with top and hip pockets, sizes 32 to u nag- uhr $1.50 value to clear “it!!! Ttiii Want a Sweater Farm For Sale. If Em qgn't finf1 trpttthing to, please-hint-lute-,- where-hr ---- 500. 31.00103 410- Burl-uln- for no". FRIDAY BARGAINS come See Our Display at Ihttkrrtte Nuns Fm! liqtit,, up: sum mm Shirts Fancy billets Underwear Ham’s hf will Minimum Hm Blinks 8mm Fina (lltttg Barman 8min Jackois . m, Etc. from stock of broken "on. “to I]. " 13. s, 3 and a, in the lot thong . not In each l'ylo worth I m to a. “MW ........ --rr--lt'h 10 with heavy winter ovum an.) black chat!» in faner be!!! In - alum-ct ground wt lighturlpe ttetuern cut. In the ta Otuoterrfreld style. nude ' p wl velvet can": a so. an to " "W. I n and Mh00 to diur- Widar. .. .. .5.“ mm lam-In- for In. Alan's tine tan and brown new. ' mock. glove. made from reliable ovon akin dome Mit hot] Inch. 760. 1.09 qusmle- Pridny per pair. .6“. “en‘s pure wool plain Hark culture". I halt hon. medium weinho. tom].- f foot. double heel an! tot. 2ht qqnt. in. Friday per pair...... ......MAt. _ Mutt winter w- n cups in fancy hurl "navy hue enth. " In; Innd ' no th Te, up ci d for Fri, 31.1.0. Ian's heavy black when china. coils! "Maud, well made. an" " to IN. my. tlor., Ftidar...... . .... ....Mit. Mon'n burr rotor d, lmndricl Imam-n or nmlige shirta. "xvi-nitric 'nah, made from flno ling“ h cult-brie In vent patterns nnd scrim, mu " to wrt, "salm- 't.00, “MIL...” Men's fine gm: derby made in the luMomble 2 And 2 l" inch width erlrmrlo in a ttm, no ”ml, of nea‘oanhle mun-n- and colorlw. ttrlmt Xe, opechl for Friday 2.7-0? TM mtstrrrMto' can: for It. that ”hull. tum attr"ste8 one mu mile vat. of “an“. o III-"n a! um um. I. not. as“. m. M Ott the am I! n no! I a "e Jrqd - m! " ms: 9.. =" Farm For Sale Waterloo. ......$6.95 .....q .98 ...... 3.49 ar

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