Hagest.-At Berlin, Dec.‘2nd. to Mr. and In. C. W. Eugen, . Ion. 1=res.--At Berlin, Dec. 6th, to Mr. and In. Bert Layer, . (Ingmar. Baea.--At Berlin, Dec. 4th, to Mr. and In. Adam Butt. . daughter. LudnrU.-At Berlin, Dee. 2nd. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ludwig, . Ion. . arraau.--At Berlin, Nov. 6th, toMr. all Mm. Henry Itraata, a son. Bhttt.-..At Berlin, Dee. 2nd, to It. ' and In. Anton Bieth, & son; Morer.--At Elmira, Dec. 4th. to In. and Hrs. sltnott,Morer, u mm mm, mm, Xmas Anniversary-The ('hriu mu nnnivcrury ot the Methodist church. Winierbocrrte, grill he held on Thursday maxing, Dec. tist. A good program will be 3mm And um will he and trom 6 to ' o’clock. Musk: will be lurnlshod hy the choir ot the Methodist church. Elli-Mn. TNketa, "e. Kimmie! d our boy- nre coming NI. hte M Wilt-u Ionian. Coggeshtrtr-At Coatieoke, Que., Dec. Tth, Walter Coggeshall, formerly ot Waterloo, aged 37 years. Ct?ok.--At Berlin, Dec. 9th, Mrs. Lou- . isa Cook, relic! of the late John Cook, aged 74 years. " Andres.--' Berlin, Dee. 9th, Mrs. Sophia Andres, in her 67th year. Freeman.-at Liverpool, Nova Scotia. Dee. lath. A. ty.' Freeman, {other ot C. D. Freeman, manager ot the Bonk ot Nova, Seotia. Berlin.. V Sertn.--Near Platisville, Nov. 29th, Conrad Senna. aged 65 years. . Kerehner.--At Berlin, Dec. Sth, Mrs. Kerchner, aged " yenrs. Jacobi.--At Waterloo, Dec. Sth, Dan- iel Jacobi, in his Mth-year. Giettnie.-At Elon. Nov. 29th, Helen Forbes, reliet ot the late Alex. Glennie, and 83 years. Wetrer.-Near St. Jacohs. Dec. 5th, Ju-ob Weber, aged " years. _ Lowes.-" Peel TIL, 12th line, Dec. tnd, Jas. M'. Loves. in his "th, yen. l Rilkert.--At Waterloo, Dec. 3rd, Fred Wilken, aged 69 years, 6 months, and 2 days. Tiuer.-.ht Elmira, Dec. 2nd, Wm. Tilley. aged 26 yous. 7 months and , days. l Martin.--tn Woolwich, the wile or Joseph M. Martin, aged 31 years. ' months and In days. Vanderhart. - .\I.Berlln, the. 7th, Allie Vanderhart, Sn. aged l years. Reiehrrt.--ht Berlin, Dec. 15th, Eva Maria Kramer. wile oi the late Philip I). Reichcrl, aged " years. and 21 days. RicherC-At Berlin, Dec. 2nd. ller- man Rieherl, med 38 your. very m, owing td extreme otd use all 'ttthrmity. " is doubt!!! It vb a; In! an long. _ The Literdrr sink†in pinning lot can! etttertattttmntt on ttte or- nln; at the {and my. _ daughter. 1drhtr.--At Elmira, Nov. Mth, to Martins-In Woolwich Tp., Nov. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mirth. Manaa.--At Tavistock, Dec. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Mann, . son. TUrtteib.--At Waterloo, Dec. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hartlelb, T I. Fiuier-rit'TRr.=rti Welleslcy Tp..’3‘rd line/at the home or the bride's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lichty, by Rev. Lochncr, of Wellesley, T Pa- 'ber. of Wellesley, to Annie Lichty. Bowman-Brodhecker.-i Upper Woot.. wich, Dec. 6th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hr. Brodhecker, by Rev. W. N. WeheHinger.--At Preston. Dee. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Eieheldinger, a. Tayior.-Near Gait, Dec. 11th; to Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, Jr., a Kerr-Hewitt .--At ' 'Cedar Bank," Washington, Dec. 5th, at the home ot the bride's parents, by Rev. T. R. cure, ot mambo. Alfred E. Kerr, of the Huron Road, Wilmot Tp., to May, fourth daughter ot 11: nd Mrs. Robert Hewitt. ad'l2drl'ld'l."-1lt', Newton, Nov. 29th _di1mst -Miles, ot 2'restorw-4o-Lillia of Elmira, to Ten: Brodhccker. ErtraHst.--Near Wellesley, Dec. 3rd, at the residence of the bride's fath- er, by Rev., Mr. Boshart, of Top- ping, Michael En), ot Wellesley, to Nancy Bast, second "laughter oi John Bast. . Gowing-Riie.--iU Berlin, Nov. 30th, by Rev. D. W. Snider. Lemon D. Glowing, to Annie W. Rife, both of Hespelcr. Johnston-Wiltmaak.-At Heipeler, on Dee. 6th, H. E. Johnston to Pearl Wiltmaak, both of llospeler. Illlairtttprittgs $"tcv'utntrel Btqnett Is a! present gum, ,tt Emmy; Iniuad Mrs. Sol; Lichty, tk daugh- TIIE WATER HOUSE W1NTF.RMCR.NF, MARRIAGES. DEATHS. BIRTHS. I UAW It!!!†Wm M u IN6. Ill-III "LMtTE.. maker: Ina-m prloo pm. Load our: gown! Monday. Next minions Dee th. SHIPPING Ililil8 WANTED IN “DER t hum-nomad“ "en an". M"rclt? 1r,,tl't. Ah... to. Mn "" a. a. sign-nut. _ Shorthorns for 8qu For the West Ward {Polling sub- divisions Nos. 7 and 8 united), at the old Council Chamber in thehUr- kct House, Mr. Charles A. Haetutei, Deputy Returning 0mm. 50,21. For the South Ward (Polling sub- divisions Nos. 5 and 6 united), at the offices ot the Canal: Woollen Mills, King street, Mr. Conrad Huelr nergard, Deputy Returning qttieer. Sin-Ami 2 miles semi-out of Hays- vim, and 5 miles south of Baden. It contains 120 gem, 9 mm ot which is timber and ghoul 3 arm young orchard. On the premises are good buildings, 2 tub silos and . new stool wind pump. Price about 805 per acre. Apply to For the Nort.h Ward (Polling sub- divisions Nos. 1 and 2 united), " Harmonie Hall, King street, Mr. Peter H. Roos, Deputy Returning ot- Beer. Town of Waterloo A meeting ot electors tor the nom- ination of candidates tor the oMees ot Mayor, Cfouneiliors, Light and Water Commissioners and School Trustees, will be held' in the Town Hall, Wat- erioo, on Friday the 22nd day of December, 1905, at 7.30 pm. A. B. McBRIDE. Town Clerk. " a poll is demanded the election will be held on Monday the first day of January, 1906, from 9 o'clock I. m. to 5 o'clock p.m., by the Deputy Returning Ofrtters hereitmiter speeiti- ed, that is to say: For the East Ward (Polling sub- divisions Nos. Tand 4 united), at William llogg's office, queen street, Mr. William Hogs. Deputy Returning Oirtcer, 50-! I PM. "'06! All! stoek.-tgorre1 brood mare, old, black mare 6 years old, got by King Francis. hay horse 7 years old, aged horse, spring colt, bred from Gold Dust, cow lush at time of sale, 4 cows supposed to be in calf, heifer supposed to be in calf. large lat hei- fer, 4 yearlintt heifers, 4 spring calves 5 Yorkshire sows in pig, Chester so" in pig, 10 pigs 4 month: old, 14 flu-ding ewes. about 100 chickens, good collie dog. Implements, ete.--Massey Harris binder nearly new, Deering mower, Noxon dml nearly new, spring tooth cultivator, new land roller, 2 plows, ' iron barrows (1 new), wooden har- row, scuMer, wagon, _ 3 seated car- riage, buggy, cutter, bobsleigh, Wag- gon box, hay rack, turnip pulper, tan- ning mill, new stook scale, capacity 2,000 ths., Magnet cream separator, doublctrees, whimetrees, chains, forks Terms.-Small pigs, chickens, grain, and all sums ot tio and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit oh approved Joint notes or 4 per cent. oft tor cash payments of credit tun- ounts. _ _ 50,3t paw; “on 2092 his There will he sold try public auction on the him ot the undersigned, one mile east ot Willinmslmlg and - mile west of Mannheim, on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1995. commencing at one o'eiock p. In. sharp, the following valuable pro- pertr, viz.: J K SHINN [and an... II In“. Wan-Imam. funk-o". I. that Yuan.“ Auction Sale P.ft 3a In an unis-â€ail“. Farm For Sale. ELECTIONS FOR 1906. l. tg." ttbsEstwmt1ER, GEO. SCHNELLER, JOS. MICKUS & SON. Auctioneers.- I!!!" & lam: f," about barlev. a and . new 'qhre,r-74 choice brtedlttg rwcs MN “on “5 (.Bhroptshtres, Lelmlers and 1 low good (laden). supposed to he In IERGER. lamb, pure bred Lelmler um. Hay-ville. Ont. 'rqo.--" ghoul: a mot old. _ This stock ie att well bred mud in prime candlllon. and will be gold with the owner's gunnlu-ngTII- CA- .-'A OUT RESERVE. Proprietor. 1100 bus. a" Ter-thtm of SIG Ind ml". cub; om that amount a month:' cred" will be mm on tarnishing [p- proved loin! notes. 5 pet mt dio- can! he can. ' J. N. COBRR, (Work. “In: mm. mm. Implements, etc.r-MeCormiek bind- er (nearly new), McCormick mower (new), 3-horsc Sylvester cultivator nearly new, disc, Wismer seed drill, hay rake, large two-furrow plough, 2 single furrow ploughs, new "sitter, 2 iron harm's, straw cutter. fanning mill,i§ in. tire wngon with beet box, boh.sleigh, l-horse carriage, 2 bug- gies " nearly new), cutter nearly new, hay rack, stoneboat, wheelbar- row, Massey.Harris root pulpcr, was- on scale 2,000 Its. capacity, nearly new, grain cradle, scythea, wagon itut't, neckyokes, doubletrees, whithe- trees, Horse whiMetree, 2 doz. grain bags, 2 sets double harness, 2 sets single harness, robe, blankets. grind- stone, lorks, hoes, shovels, logging chains, about 20 tons ot hay (clover and timothy mixed), 700 bush. tur- nips, 200 bush. mangels, Magnet cream separator, nave, tatttes,saus- age grinder and atWer, handles, side- board and many other articles tor numerous to mention. “Home o'eipek, shun, the {allowing Coqht.i- " good Durham Grade cows with cures It toot, " Meet: 3 years on (weighing trom 900 to l,- m In.) commencing at one o'clock p. m., sharp," the following valuable proper- ty, via ' -Tr0smt-trrtrraiTeatt,-eatt_9tw0trt; call 8 weeks old, 6 ycnrling steers, 4 yearling heiters, , spring calves. Hop.-a'ure bred Yorkshire beer. t low: in pig, - with pip at ride! Implementn, Etc. - Maaaer-Rarris binder -nenrly new, Front a Wood mower. new Deering hay rake, Deer- ing corn binder, l hoe reed drill needy new, dire narrow, [and roller, Noxon cultivator, miller, Murrow plow, 2 single plows. a three-ecction harm", Murrow gag plow, Daisy grinder, Bunion grinder, ensilage cutter with blower, “new cutter, Champion threshing machine, " horse Pitts' ho! repover, bevel ink, leather belt 20 feet long, rods end couplings, 3-ateated carriage, open buggy tor buggy, road out, pleullre sleigh, boh- sleigh, a cutters, box wagon. open wagon, 2 hay tucks, earriatter harness, , not: double hornets, net single har- ness, National cream separator, hut- ter churn, butter worker, ttour chest, lent table, extension tnhle. cupboard, kettle, lows, shovels, talus, crosscui new, scnle 700 lbs. enmity. and a lot of other articles too numerous to mention. T or FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Horses-Dark bay mare 4 yous old, heavy" bay horse 4 years old, general pufporsrc team 9 and n years old. Terms-Chickens, pigs, roots and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that nmount 12 months' credit on Ap- proved security, or H per cent. 'Ioll tor cash payment ot credit amounts. JOS. MICKL'S & SON, Auctioneers, DAVID B. HALLMAN, Proprietor. The undersigned has receivon in- strttcttona from H. A. PANABAKER to sell " public motion on the Prem- ises ot Geo, Copeland, Township of Waterloo, win-tics wrsl .ot llonpeler, Item-(en Fisher‘s Mills Ind Zion Church, 1 mile trom Preston electric Horses.-s'patvot heavy tray mum; rising ' ye." old, horse , your: old (bony draught), home rising 4 years old, hukney MIr thing , yenrgold. " 1 o'clock m... M. the W 1-. man. mum. vi! "-. "t--attege1 his. 5 you" old, Tuned drives). h! but this; ' yum on. that cud-p can (roll much-d), t ad I you! on It!" we in loll ' you-- old, sired by llama; bay my, Junta. rut-s tl, nan old; yum-g colt got by “slo- bou. spun; colt. Cows-d- cow Itredt0, cow IIP pond to be fresh by “no at .10, " con sum-out to he in all, ' spring calves. 2 yarn“ calves, thor- oughbred hull 3 you: old. Terrntr.--Piga 1nd all sums of 810 and under cash; over that mount If months' credit on approved joint notes or 5 per cent. on tor cash par- ments ot credit amounts. There will be sold by public auc- tion, on the farm ot the undersigned, 1 mile cast of Mannheim and Imile west-mt-Williams-g,-- Wiw WW Hogsr--2 Yorkshire' soih in pig, 3 pigs ft months old, 11 pigs 3 months old, about 50 Plymouth Rock hens. JACOB B. SCHMITT, Proprietor. JOS. MICKUS a, SON, Auctioneers 49-2t. . ruummm “Quinta-CHM,†alo- Homuthkmdtbw. Substantial-laud) all. 'rerrtottbt.aa.tu,an ciuqet cow (fresh),'ul cows sup- THURSDAY, DECEMBER and Auction Sale Auction Sale VEDAY, DMEI M, lâ€. Auctlon “I. FARM STOCK orr dh','tth', lano- 2.011th ht l'St,'ltt Be. n u WI n. ttmttttttt a m "anâ€! no» in an Inn Main-4| huh: â€mm In [an "at; farm wall In. . LCtt ttttttfleets 9.1"..“3'1! mun"? 2',Suritr, 0. "on for. m Mal loan but m. " hm II 'd,'8A",1u3',' 9! J: Pf 1:ng my mm": rum: also mull-nun: vegan wall othd was at " he: vmh vim - mm t It h ham". milk hon-n “this School Inns. on farm. “moved I " mil-I an; 'l2%"al,',M nil-II Pt Ber “Baum ' m" n we": a ban; w huh " _ _ For (unbu- mun only on a. pullba- or writ. to . LEVI GROW. " tmo, lithium . " Con-hum of In 3cm mac‘s-I on (‘nn I Whip: I Wound. r l mile nor". of Crttqn Mil. [Quintin sud hum-Mn but]: Ind and" lump. and haul ham and "word Inn . on my. A‘In rod ""3"“ rd untow- man. "do: ttre" " burn. WIII untold b'fAW/gt,' Inc owner Mind. to nun- Faun CLtetRtttitylytrtt3Btjttp cur-on. rl,'N, Il'.',' are“ 'dd%Pdru"tf I a . as. . and min. 2d d - Tllilull: Kay. Grain. (as Bella-n. My. t?,M iam- and an "In. t I 010 and undr. cub: am that, Will. ' mom-DE and“. on gunned ‘olnt not" or 5 per cent 08h: can wanna 1131911]: anon _ tn. BIO. GLASS. PM!!!“ 't3BhOTT, Am. Pmprhmr. Mat. URIAS WEBER. Clair. Valuable Dalry Farm for Sale 2'g'ttutr, of MI me- In I high It.“ of on? 1ey.t Ait. “g I n 'w -dvmltirttr loll-pg- indie? 1755;; RrGTrGiUi; irGr,'Tciiai"GGai;; @1303]? W.tsy, Il'lll'G'lhWlli'l 9'90Ҡwrtt Pains 12 per cent with pros- peets of I much higher rate of dividends to be paid in the near future. Any remn lining momy to invest will do well to write or call for particulars. _ ISlDOR B. SNYDER, ottiess American Block, unuon. on]: no I am chunk: Ion-os- iii?i"i'2"e,rillhtih,hlr','u'l'll.'l'J'.htt "I!m or EA.“ - All! IIPLEIEI‘II. wmwwMJJo-ï¬wm Monday, December 18th, T 1905. col-mend atone otdat& In. thumb. “hank: like†um p. ETOCK: BI lsvo'tynnnldcu to is in tmt. At'd not.“ 'g,'tluer't'rt, I- 'u'. “mayo-"MA can (a law to 2lt M",,', s'.",llt.'t sumac-ad " a“: It)) 4 r ." on ' anon on :1 was. I grading so". t RG' I "unsold... IMPLEMENTS. ETC t Hum-nurt- Bin; In. s. om r. In, Inâ€. 2G-Raurut'autt- Farm for Sale In. tow-r. lb, Shh. 1thTPiL1tg',P,'gt. ae, - non: Bond lulll. Mt “mow. - Hum-r; new Boomer. (In: Plow. 3 Phil. no: Ih'nou. 2htit '1?gttt 'dt In In our , new open uni. tur, t,'is,'iE you. Bout. now Inn-aw. Info. Pao IN. Moe. Pulwr. Grind am". - Keane. 46:100qu on. In. Plow Emer- 1 [r3- dnc (hall-s. 150 Ian on; was and Grain. g.) o'clmstr. m sharp. he (alumni: VAlInhle Implements. 21¢.ny “all: binder, mover, hay an, drill, Iron narrow. new plow (Shut. maut, will", Incl roller, “nip sealer, wagon. hum, new bob may; ter, My and stock tuck can ' 2; not: double lumen. at single ur- neu, ore, sewing machine, 850 has. oats, 30 but. black barley, 5 to“ lay and 150 bug. turnips. Term_rain, lug, roots, chicken: and all sum: ot 810 and under cull; over that mount 10 months' credit on approved joint notes or ' not out. all tor can myments ot credit amounts. Tuesday, December 19th, 1905, so,“ INVESTMENT Onincnd II name or 810 and um out; "a that amount " moratttf and]: on WIT djaln’tn tea orb per on“. " lo: a! pup noun a and". manna yii0,FiyrFyi.ee1Girtiir7gGrii. TGG; 3E3; Ion. menus & ttsiii," __ In; Ana: mom. a on o'clock p... Inâ€. the lulu- In Vania prop-n1, vim: Btoee--Btaee' In: ' you! dd. that m ' you- old. anon! to to in led. min; colt, a can (on but), 1 Milan new to I. I. a", 1 use“ this; I yea- old. I "an 1 yes: old, , qrine cum. all 4 weeks old, " chlckm.‘3 in 33mm»! tthat " 2,ta'.' " Wu†human-minus»- mim.“ m.o-t., a. Than grrtt he sold by Public Anetta» 01 thet e. lulu-n. " I with on“ at Balm. Waterloo fore-Mp. on An Absolutely Safe 29.319! 99'} tty Paws! Arent !! m l‘Q‘EFS}. ,TTEEWJ‘"! " and IL"!- airman-:3: 'ttmot-eater-h-te. Auction Sale ___ W WP" hm Stock and 'mM-ttr.---- FRIDAY, DECEMBER "TH, t006 m-mu-auumiuo- Auction Sale Auctlon Sal. . FiiVtiiiltiV, 7' “if "m rho" Ins. many fl'dr"ll/l?h'iW. JOHN WEILER, Proprietor. JOB. HICKUS & SON, Fun for “In. EEEE 1Q?“- we ittViiir. gum-A; magnum 03mg?)th- Auctioneers. 'aiaii on. VGriiasr. Berlin Bttmbted 1 mil. warn! Mannheim. own-Int- Is",,', " was»! which! mm in [out but: I was. IIMQI‘ "od at“. of cultivation. (min-10M hum. bunny-d hunk barn and on: much-Minn Good "I! " hou- m hum. Now when! and ohm-h. Burr can have adv“... at buying .dettthttrtgtl and Id- .hlnlnl "met hm. Ir tom: Ind wand": nwly to or writ. 7 - NATHANJEL anGjY, _ _ u . n... mum. am. a..." "amp...“ _.. In"! an tmtMdo of the Ihre-ttttrs. CAM. I',tirNtt m " land â€I! wanna. " wMoh than I. aimum workman-II. And “any. Ott Hahn-human. " x " “whoa trttt8ft “It! in! n.. “and 'iGi'iTGrihk"iih.,"GrE7GrTGaii'7 It; BhottoMmRttaed mmmmmmm at noun “a M. PM â€I For VIM-Mr tt""""""'" mom or M " ll NOAH “I. II In“ I mNqrqrt " “11“.. -qhtirrtt otttt.oi6.JB-_ettnr-rtttoiyt+t" of mttt"sttmt. Dam - land. can qr6tr mm 'gr'gtleW'trat'd MM huh. “his! Judd-om MI. b hi it " In I c' ' I , ' u. '"1tlt i mm 165 gems-sandy clay loam, best. at cultivation, splendid tor stock farm, water lacilities good. Price right. 4 agree excellent good land tor gar- tlen purposes, good buildings, tine lawn, small fruit, splendid home on main road, 5 miles trom Berlin mar- ket, will exchange for small 'htick house in Berlin, or cash 81,500 it MMJIJL, - .. ._" W ,i,i,m, - THE under-Ind cam for nhbiu "in!†__ Lm._-llunlgd_ pmpynllgs nonhvutd a» 2m. ll. 112 mes, 100 acres cultivated, bel- uwe pasture and bush, slightly roll- ing. soil dark clay loam. A tenJoom- ed two storied stone house and large barn. These buildings are in 560d repair and have all conveniences. T miles to Berlin mum. Put. cash Ind part on mortgage at " per 194 aeres--189 Acres under 1tultiva- tion, " acres pasture, with excel- lent buildings and water advantages, etc. Will exchunge tor stunner bun. A snap it taken at once. 11 acres clay loam, buildings in good condition, will exchengc tor town property, or cash, $800. BERLIN. Brick house and lot on Joseptr St. Vacant lot or: Chapel street. 50:60. Two good Iota in Hawkesville. New two story brick home, tur- nm, hot and cold voter bath, on:- mented cellar, hardwood iiniah, build- ing e. 1. on King street east, splen- did place tor retired. former, Write to The and-nines] on." In! Ink that Nut-bl. hm urn-0301 one hull-lilo m of lunhllm cowl-An. of Ion aura. II) In. elm. hum-co wed qmtltrtNrgr, “synod ',',1't,,',2tt I',','.".".),',' burn and Ill new." tmtbttt . Mt out! water mw'y lucludhghud n! We and a mu mum "gqgbtn. School on» villa. chunk. all whim Ion mlnnm '1". the miles†Berlin. lumen-um "rt'N'tt .. m _ wu,a, 1... or†- no man out. he will JIT8 3:13;. and... M. c. BOWMAN, In! P. 0. In t, Berlin. Nail " um, 3 able mend thm display er Chm" mu" . . hunplyheuulol. Tbis.th.-aiu l min Weurloo nest can". allow: J2. you than 1'. ",gt2rtr,t, cl My WA Loo. 'r.teon.--irJorw ll..- clad TOWNSHIP " TER ' and the tut I. I. bIVO ' in a. Ltt't 152 acres-1m under eulttratiort, - sputum. uou in the we, of . splendid grain rash; tum, excellent Xmu Gm. small fruit, good building, excellent water, 3 mile- to Berlin on main gavel road. ' i f a 282 aegeq-Bttout In." to] between Berlin and Gut, largo new bun with cement shining and a silos, new out.- buildings, 8 zoomed house, spring cue]: and good huh on tarm, splen- did stock hm. Will all n n deid- ed berm,- ore-change tar . grains (an: in the vicinity ot Cheater, or town property. " um, highly cultintod and drained. with good two story frame house And [rune ham. one mile (tom Waterloo. Will all for cash or ex- change for property in town ot Vat- erloo. 90 um, chy loam, highiy culti- vatod, large buildings, in excellent repair, Bear market. T 112 acres, clay 'loun, stor'y ml a. halt stone house, (rum bank barn and good outbuildings, good orchard, a splandid grain raising farm. a mile; [rum Waterloo. Owner retiring Irom taming. traine hanks, uout 36 rods" tan i. schogl1 prim: "IRL, Good investment. Farm for Sale 146 tMeretr--196 wres clear, 20 sores bush, buildings in fair condition, good water and good state of cultivation. A bargain. A in." you hm. City, frown, VII- Iap, or Suburb" Property to all! It no. how no you going to all it! no it will .1 you to list will us. Send tor our nonunion, which will tell you All about. our methods ot mm. red at.“ Farm for Sale Phone 529. Farm For Sale 0f can Interest to Everybody Algal, jplendid garden, " artory TOWNSHIP OF WOOLWICl-I. " FRANK E. SHANTZ, Agent for .-. Western Real Estate Exchange. Berlin. Fttrttt fer “In. , idmiiaiin5: u. Out. Victoria on 51mm“. tttmmm that mt best ot haunt mm Int-I, MS. l All “It. for Mtut or Boy. my " new at land. mun-w! on the ma lull-c from Prnuovnle to (New. ' If. M- l‘vmrorzllu. on“. a u "any more has tttttt 5lt1tt 'ttu"'.',',')".',',,', 1'ltihUtet M I t - I l - m ftr.ttrrtrdlttAetf, -- iitt, For funk" Mittl'lt an 3336 WahGi. Ma tdoo. 'httt'thttrtttt for Sale Bug-Inn in new ttttd second wagon. and baggie; tn ord, r to ml. mm or I our " can": and sleigh. I In“. the rednellon. - I 'ttrttrt be: vim and buggy made in Canada. 1905 HOLIDAY 190.6 Fruit Sale at Hallman’s King Street, East of 'yot.tst. Sm-aton to order Ibo, ohonld you duke . College or Club color. It you can't find something to please him here, where in the world will you findit: _ -___ ___ ,7, WM -- irrRAsaErt's, Ttte above ere Geek Prime. but we can “he Good Better, Free): £33: Choice Lard, Meet. or Dried Annie- end Appte Better In oxen-av. GRANULATED SUGAR 20 and BROWN SUGAR 22 lbe. for 01 00. Do your ehopphg early and be late you Bad "- itown Gbes the Price for 30 Days break sud “vol: We've trnelr undo And scour-kl] shtrreCttrtat_ttr, m: 9W: for Currants. lino Hanoi-ed etiisishi," 9es8forme Prams. mutual». per 1b.. .7c and We 'gatet'di'tttlu't,'i.",,'iciirr::::t' Dates,ftoutttqt' 'tr.perrtb.........ht " "r'4IimaniiRt)...........10e " ordinu-y......‘..............5c mR.,urra..."....,,..t0e,12tsrardMe " oookintr,petrtts.........6-d8e Every Young Hun mmlr‘g " to School. overy Poo: Ball player, every In: or Boy who er] in Skull"! and - In In]: Athletic tandem!“ Raistmr, ftnmt selected. 9e, 8 for 2% " ttpest .arimt.......3lutoae " seedleu Valencia. . ... . .. ttht " seedless t5uitamw...... ....th, For christian "no Bull " mm Md at am - rd m 4.... nu man!» PW',".','.'.'.',", hp pro m Yon-Mn P an n u.tonmm.n~ r mun-dun. christmas Haberdashery. Fruit I. very choice and I Ila). lawn in price than last you. Folloulng M . few qttotattpttr-- T rrvutr 'ee-rm, won’t, 93 Sweaters for Boys and Men . Wiil Want a Sweater HALLMAN'S Lawn“, Ttrt Furnish" no. 31.00 to “on, FOR SALE '"iiri'gi,"iiG'i7'iGc . . . it“ i; Tiff". CHMâ€; Game 800 Our Display at KING STREET I 6, BERLIN V L'icir.rttiiret ll. m tt mm. on. a. B. BttmtAILA.Ah Wr 160i? TE!“ tin Etna Bum FIJI!!! Fairy I“ . lack Surfs â€1110leer Fancy [um Human Bum h 5mm Gunmen: Silk all collar! , animations Linn 11mm: Sweaters Elms cardigan Jackets ttqht (BERLIN) Coco-n' but, mama; I If. i515: "Autumn's Mince Moat. . . . . " Ethic t1rrup. [bratty "ere'. at. f% If Krrddt oat mm 'f 7"7 go: Org-gnu Tllf2.'l'll'l2, l Outage 3nd Lemon Peel, p"r its, 150 (mum FRI. choice.... .... " we Shelled Almonds. large†. . " We Shell"! Wlluutal . . . . . . . . . . " "tt ttshears;;,.,.,:,;;,;;,:,)-.: " t. It - yru compou ..pm-q ' golored t'plllll . gk. 't per its., toe tipd 16ys “Milling. Bran Ind Chop Feed by no too, Oil one. Litreeedmoel,CmW. ed Out, Poultry “who, am. Onto! shell, In" Poultry Pom]. Inn". I’Mr, Mud Oats. Corn In). In“. In», lunch "our, In: an. BU. “It, Grain But, no V Money Wine. in qfrjnil. vim: in. [In In Magus. . "ee 'v. WISE FEEDER! USS s. GINGRIOH. Glydesdale Stock Food Waterloo. PM Sunnis: [In , Etc. Ith, “a "tt with Ire' tgi,