Continual-Tm Fat The momma.- to .AHGovcmunt in Re- vtaingAnaCetastttit1. datingTheRatr CONTROL OF THE STREET RAILWAY Toto-to, Dec. 8.-'l'he canine-cc tor the tethering ol intonation with s View to m the Government to who ad eimsolidate the railway ecu continued st the Portia-cot buildings ell day yesterdsy, Hon. It. Hendrle presiding, and I!†re- Iumed this morning. The greater por- tion ot,the time yesterday was tahea up.vlth questions in which the city ot Toronto was lastly concerned. Igor Urquhart, tor Toronto, and as representing the Condition Union ot lunicipalities, contended " the morning session that the highways should not be olieunted from the mu- nicipalities, and that no railways should he allowed to run on the high- way: without the consent ot munici- pulities. So tur " rural highways were concerned, he thought high-tspeed electric railways Ihould not he al- lowed to run on them. Such railwnys‘ should hue their own right at we†The city of Toronto obtained 3 y,': cane irorn the street railway. which thin yen would amount to $375,000 or 5380.000. . Municipal ownership Pays. J. W. Lyon, President of the Guelph Radial Railway, which has been owned by that municipality since 1.03 and is now paying, though it had been run ht Bios" under private own- ership, did not favor the running ot electric railways on the public high-' ways, thought such railways should hove rights at expropriation, and la- vored the appointment ot , strong railway commission. He also suggest- ed thatalund might be cstablishcd Hurriston Review: It is hoped that the Retail Merchants' Association will give the pedlar a jolt in the jaw that will put him out at business.' It's time something was done to sup- press this nuisance, call him pedlar or what you will, who is always in- terfering with local trade in all its try the Government tor the building ot municipal railways or railways sanctioned try municipalities. the money so advanced to be part ot the purchase money, it, at the-expiry of the franchises, the Goverrvacat want- ed to buy the lines. ot the Retail Merchants' Association should be the extinction of the pod- Ur-the latter is not always an Arab or an Armenian woman with a bas- ket on one arm and perhaps a baby on the other; often hmis a swell mem her at the Commercial Travellers tiur-lined overcoat) Association. and carries a tew side lines silt-h as, or, anos, soap, envelopes, stock tood, wallpaper, cigars or furnaces. He is just as much a common pedlar as the much-despised "swarthy-taeed, dirty Asiatic. Let the retail merchant get “right. alter their worst enemy, the swell gentleman with the side lines; It isn't always advisable foraman with asandy complexion to engage in the sugar business. _ i?,tmilt'hiszptitms Make hem keep you. An ingest: of only two em a month for each hen will more than pay for the feeding of All Clydesdale Preparations m acid under . POSlTlVl cun- ANY" or urlsnctuon or my chcerhiHy refunded by the dealer. {awn not: Mo Co., um, l Toto-h. Nothing better for keeping the henhouse clean than CLYDIS- BALE CARIOLIN! ANTI!!!- tt will give this increase, and more, besides giving the plumln a better gioss, and in every way he)» in: them in tip-top health, Ibo llllkilll the chicks burner. Keep your hens from fretting by using HERCULES LOU" KIL~ LII. Try it and see the difference in the weight and egg production. For the winter laying of can there is nothing as good on this or tucker mm. . Hercules Poultry Food A. Gintrirtt, Waterloo. Ahirt & 81mlâ€. Widow“. 0. A. Bowman, (3 nrqlogo A ".Thvmn". Benn. J. H.Â¥ohmhuh. " H. N. "no“. “with"; I was“ & Eon. Elam. WHAT IS A t'EDLhnf FOR 8 ALE BY The House ot 'Retnge Report is Interesting and Very satistatstpry.-Retrttrtt' of Delegates to Various Conventions. - “REPORT BW' or Gad-“boo"! It in "report day" a the attee- noon session at the County Council on Thursday glut-non. Rene-ente- tivel to the venous Jae-venue» and special committee: gnu a account ot srttat they did end their up": were received and iiUd. Beside. these the Mth and report ot the Home of Reuse In: presented in printed tom to the members and In, a at In], decidedly interesting. House ot Rel-age Report. On December ht. new. there were " inmtu in the Home; admitted during the Fear 34; deaths 10; ate sounded Mr, discharged 5; now in the House 94. The number admitted during the year horn the several municipalities were: Waterloo Tp., a; Wilmot TIL, 2; Wellesley Tp., 2; Woolwich Tp., 1; Galt 8; Berlin b, Wgterloo L, Preston 4; New Humbug w, Elmira 1; total 34. The inmates were received as tot- ‘lows: Dee., MRM, 2; Jan., 1905, 2; :Feb.. 4; Mar., 3; Apr, 4; May, 2; 'Junc, 2; July, 5; Aug., It; Sept., 1; Oct., 3; Nov., 6; total 31. Male 27; remain. 7; under 10 years 1; trom 10 to 30, 2; from 30 to 60, 6; over 60, M. Number who had not resided in the County 2 yous. 3; number ot weeks’ bond tor same, 78. Cautres-t9iek and destitute, 18; intemperanee, i; “the: or mother in House, I; old Me, 4; weak intellect, Average number ot inmates during year M; keeper's family um hired help added. 96; weeks' board for in- mates, 4475; keeper's family and help added, 5013; total expenditure during year $8,041.01; adding produce, pro- visions, clothing, ete., on hand It [at report, $3,098.82; total, $11,- 139.83. Deducting - Permanent improve- ments, $214.12; produce ot tarm on hand, $1,335.75; fat hogs, t188; pro-' visions, $491.55; fuel, $511.64; dry goods and clothing, 8221.33; cash in keeper's hands, $783.38; produce ot farm sold, $1,842.03; other earnings,‘ $817.72, a. total ot $6,375.51, moi amount actually expended (or the,' support at the inmates lor the year was $4,764.32, making the average expenses per week tor each person 95c., and per year $49.63. Expensesl per week per inmate, ridding produce] consumed $1.40 and with interest G! investment, $1.82. l The amount expended on house and tarm account is as (allows: Hired labor for house and tarm $969.16; stoika_tttuLt amLfuNtWps_sg1.tLA88ir4 i -sTirirrTiWTiriiiririiiF, matron, 8800; phy-' sician's salary and medicines $292.24; books and stationery $2.33; perman- ent improvements $214.12; repairs on building and furniture 8481.06; pro- visions and fuel $3,; cluthmg, $330.65; ineidetttals £81.65; semhng inmates to friends Mc.; water, iight any _f1txt protection 73251;â€; lutai, 48,091.tU. 251 bush. wheat " 750. $188.25; 350 bush. oats at 35e., $122.50; 536 bush. barley and oats at 60c., $321.- 60; 1-10 bush. peas u 759, 111.75; too bush. potatoes at Me., $260; 66 tons sugar beets, $330.87; 650 bush. turnils at 90., $58.50; 1200 bush. mangolds at MY., 8120; 50 bush. car- rots, at l5c., 87.50; 5 acres corn " $20, $100; 1500 head cabbage " 3c., $15; 30 tops hay at $8.50, $255; 125 bbls. apples at 81.50, $187; 300 bags apples, at MY., $30; garden Stud, $35 iota] $2,172.97. - Piodisce-calvrs 'and cattle sold, $159; 10340 lbs pork, $63P, pigs sold, $13t; IM chickens, at 40m, $50; 2613 tbs butler at 18e., $470.71; 635 doz. eggs at Me., 3127; 25 cords wood at M, t.100; total $1,668.74. ’ Inventory of farm implements, 8450. Live stock--" cows at $35, 3490; l bull, so"; 5 horses, $800; " pigs, 837-1; 151 hens, 860.40; total $1,784.- 40; grand total. $6,078.11. Telephone Committee Report. Councillor A. Ochs presented' the following report ol the work ot the special Telephone Committee: As chairman of the Telephone Com- mittee l “tended the independent telephotut "neeting held in Toronto, Sept. 6th, 19.0S, and beg to report as toiluwss The meeting was welt attended trom all parts of the country by those in- teytstcd in cheaper telephone service and active steps were taken to watch and advise re turther logisluion. A communion was adopted uni the tollowing resolutions were ttrried unanimously: - - (I) That' municipalities be Advised not to enter into exclusive Innehlscs with any telephone company. _ (2) That ttte government he med to take over the long distance lines. aml'to make it lmposslhlé for coun- cils to grant exclusive franchises, or to enable any company in chain ex- rlusivc contracts trom any Corpore tions. T . . The Dominion Government was con- gratulated upon the work at its ape- cial committee. A smial meeting of the Independ- nnl Telephone Association was called at Toronto on Nov. If. for the pur- pose of mrrting Ihe Tariff Commis- sion nu! muting . rrattetion in ur- itt on (rlrphnno supplies until such thm' as more “r mumhclutnl here. No ae'tiott was taken. Ott Nov. ttth I aut nut-Inlet! amn- Iueipal ennvmuon " Guelph ant trom lhere a resolution was also tws- sed favoring nnIionaliration e! the. telephone and sent In the Telephone (‘ommlllee at (Hutu; The main qllt'slllml dist-um u the canvonllnn pt Guelph were: The wrw autumn! In. repaid†[6 ating to nilvgys; unnerving a m meant mun†an... to which t um mummy; the am 0! m Crops Raised in 1905. COUNTY COUNCIL eou-cillon' tu- to he you! h "chm oi - Spun. CMIOI . R. Plum Dublin†the (allowing: __ .-- -dctiaeci-voer committee up- pointed to interview the Provincul Government on the couugmplgud - to the County Councils Act. beg to report " lollovs: Tint your committee waited on the Government end expressed the opie ion ot this Council to the elect that in the interest at the counties and a." locnl municipalities the Act should not he eluted so,“ to compel Coon- ty councillors to serve u myots tusd teem of loal tmmieiparrtiea. condolen- Your committee endeavored to point out that no business man would devote the time necesary in order to serve both the interests ot the h un- ty and hitt local municipnlity. . Your committee were informed by the Government that in the contem- plated change. the Myers ot town: would not be required to acne as County Councillors. but that the reeves at other tmmieipalities would compose the county councils. Charities and Correction. Councillor Laird presented the. fol- lowing aeport: Gentlemen,--Your delegates to the Cottrerenee ot Charity and Correction which was held in Toronto on the 15th. 16th, and 17th days ot Novem- ber, beg leave to report that tttpa- pets read and discussions thereon were of 1 highly interesting character embracing the managing of tetra-wry children, drunken and insane ber- sons. A number ot very impottant uh- jects were taken up by a number of prominent men and aorkers in the cause ot digit}! um! autumn-n. In regard to clasou'riciaon of [L‘s- oners. it was shown thal, much was being done to separate first wanders from the older and more hardened class of criminal. Lack of proper room and iceomodation was one ot the main dimculties in prosecuting this reform, but all was being done that conditions would permiLoi. A difficult matter to 'determine was who are first oireeders, but eltort's are made by the police magistrates and the oiricers ol the society to get the history of those who could not be "tTrsrggie-rirCmimrrrrriRitRfi1RN7 their ettorts were meeting with couragcment. - A A discussion, took place on the pol- icy of corporal punishment for second ottehees, which appeared to be favor» ably received. A noteworthy statement made was that _an increase of tour hundred committed had been made during .the year to the,gaots. - Vagmncy Was said to be the cause ot this increase. 1 - A statement was referred to which was published in the Montreal' press' to the effect. that Ontario has more juvenile criminals than any other pro- vince. This statement was shown to be misleading, because ot the tact. that Ontario had a much larger list of ofIenees coming under this class than any other province. Hence the apparent disparity. _ ' "iie Wattlen oi Mimico Industrial School thought an institution should he built lor first offenders. Your representatives were strongly impressed with the sincerity and practical good that is being done by the omeers of this society, giving as they do their time and money lot the alleviation of this class of unfortu- nate members ot society. We [eel tree to express the opinion that any grants this council may have given on behalf of this society, or may "give in the tuture, is helping on one ot the most humane institutions in our pro- vince. .. e The conference approved ot the me- morial regarding consumption smi- torium sent by this council, instruct,- ing the president to sign and forward the,same to the Provincial Secretary and appointed the tollowtng a com- mittee ot medieat men to further the scheme, viz.: Senator Sullivan, King- ston; Sir Jas. Grant, Ottawa;, Dr. Bruce Smith, Toronto; Dr. Darrick, Toronto; Dr. Radford, Gall; Dr. Moorehoture, London; Mr. Robertson, Birattord; Mr. Bray, Chatham. All ot "mrttictt is 'respccuully sub- mitted, . J. H. RADFORD. ( GEO. LMRD. 1 Mr. E. T. Young, Seventy ot the National t9tutitaritmt, addressed the Council and referred to the steps be. ing taken in this County in behalf nl unfortunate eottstttrtptivetc He consid- cred the County could assist in on- dowing 1 Waterloo County bed in tt,tt National Sanltnium by paying 3300 mutually, m): but! â€hemmed by patirats trom this county. In the brief discussion which fonow- mt Mr. Young‘s request, Dr. Radford read the toliowing trom Dr. E. E. Kitchen, ot St. George, Chairman bt the Provincial Board ot Health, rel- pecting the proposed connnmrtln up iuritms:, The Council promised " give' the request its cottaideratiott.. Dent Doctor,--' hart artfully mil the memorial which the County Council ot Waterloo has mused, in reg-ml to county or union of counties building ot hospitals, or ttattltarttmts, tor consumptives. I am glad to any. that 1 nm in sympuhy will: the poll- tive position ol the memorlal. For your: out Board line been trying to have Acts that hue "mil" in them intend oi "may" in them. Govern- ment: light shy of them. although out Boatit has been working in that 'rrectio't lot may inn. You [my rest “and "at the Pres when] Board ot Mann I: prepared and will do everrtttirtg In in power to eaut1igtt g tbttitorirttgt In Wann- Conn-onion"! en- booth-“thaw“... mm.m:u.-uuuuu on "trt-tar-ttMd-not, an -ti'tt-uimieertr?e: m. Anything lull on“. - 'as-r-ttbehind-titat _ “our: Hyudu'r noon. ". and report at Be. M. G. Lock-er. ply-Ida u a: [but cl “up, in â€and this who Ho menu the can at the do.“ ot ten hasten. which vu and!» will!" than in Ion-ct year. H. m- ted "that were In not but a! opt- Iggrtioitt the latitude! although there bu nee- nore or lea “lun- alt the time during the yea. The Berlin and Waterloo and no out Ila-plum has done good work tor " on we hart sent. quite . law are: to these institutions, especially Inch u no“ quite a hit ot nursing. We have some " both punts at the "F lent “no." Repealing the By-lev. " the result. otiprolonged 'itr- cunion in Finance Committee on Thursday alternoon the trier to Amend the br-taw 6:11th the roads to he maintained under the County Bonds system. M In De- cember, we: rescinded. and s new and blender br-uw will he drnwnnp and submitted at the January nee- slon. Up to the present it seem: impos- sible to tell whether there will he a mnyoralty contest in Berlin ht the New Year or not. " there be a con- test it is equally hard to tell be- tween what candida“ the contest‘ will be. There is no doubt that ts) canceled hankering for the only clulr to which any emolument is attached in the municipal “one exists in the breasts ot quite a. number eligible to till the ottiee. The absence of st least a group ot some kind of enthus- iastic supporters makes it rather up- hill work personally lot :ny individ. 1111 to canvass for himself, no matter how deep his anxiety for the posi- tion. Ot course.this condition of in- ditieretree and inactivity does not ew. ist without a cause. The electors ot a progressive town] like Berlin can scarcely be expected or advocate the selection ii) any candidate for the mayorslty without the announcement by himsell ot some definite policy regarding the important problems with which the town will have to deal in 1908. The slipping into the Mayor's chair on personal popularity or by some in- geniously devised fluke' may benny- thing but a guarantee of an ellieient officer. Gentlemen who consider that they have claims to the seat, either by lineal descent or.trr public invita- tion, should announce their position' day and thus give the electors an op- portunity to not only discuss the questions, but to cast their votes in favor ot the candidate whose policy they consider in the best interests ot Berlin. The death ot Mr. Aerie Vamierhart, Sr., took place on Thursday morning somewhat suddenly, although he had been ill tor some time. The deceased was in his Gist year and emigrated to Berlin from Holland in 1871, and started what proved a must success- lul tailoring business. which be con- ducted up to about four years ago. He was otavery quiet disposition, and universally esteemed. He leaves a widow and three children, viz., a son, Aerie, in Toronto, a daughter, Mcinke, at home, and another daugh- ter in Holland. DEATH OF AN AGED RESIDENT, The funeral will be held on' Sunday at 2.30 o'clock from the residence, corner Queen and John streets, to Mt. Hope cemetery. . All Run Down " ston we hear on everyl side. Unless there is some organic trouble, the, cork dition can doubtlessbe remedied. Your doctor is the best adviser.‘ Do not dose yourself with all) kinds of advertised "medks--l get his opinion. More than likely you need a concentrated fat food to enrich your blood and tom up the system. y.t,'11t1tl It wfll build up the weakened', and wasted body when all; other Foods (all to murkh. lh you an run down or enunciated, give it atrial, Hammad you. It I: essentially the best possible tttatridttttettt tor delicate children and pale. anaemic gltls. We will and you a 33mph Ira. Scott's Emulsiod oi Cod Liver Oil THE MAYORALTY. IIS is a hm“ thisâ€! mum 01-“!th 'h-per-rr""" SCOTT a DOWN: “I.“ TM. 01!. beau. NEWS FROK at tho you; an an“ toasting: and urn-gen to In" a on: nit rink In! this winter. It in ago“ In... “out "' [at long at quite vile. " in not!" the - " an All might give the older new . notion tor-tinned one toe next vin- tot. I. hope Io. A Bad Death.-a'tre" died on tut- umy evening, n young Inn at our to". in the prion cl William Tilly, from the clott- ot strong drink. When t-eamertothiaplateotowtmn tne young nu. but took a position which on him every opportunity to â€quite the habit, which n last. aw troyed his lite. The rennin: were in- terred at Elon. on Monday Harmon. A RU at Laat.-Atter att the an:,mmhuumom duo. than; than vu no hop to! ado-ad rink this Iii-m. Amulet Watch Elmira Grow.--" looking azoamdourtoreatosteisstrrPriaett to see vhnt building has been done this summer. A large number ot one reai- dencel hue gone up, beside: goouple ol the two and-three story blocks. and still more ore needed. Already there no sign: ot may more tor next summer and we hope to use trig thing: in the tine ot building open- tius next summer. “itch our town stow. New Grocery Btore.-Mr. Louis Gueltig, formerly ot Berlin, who bu been eonddeting s eooteetiostery store in our town (or a few months, hos decided to start In the grocery busi- ness on a large scale. He hes secured new premises in the Janerette-Hed- rick Mock on Arthur street, and is having up-tod" ttgtttrea put in. The work is being pushed ahead and he intends opening up in . tew days. Mr. Gueltig is a genial sort ot a. gen- tleman and should do a good :lusiucss here. We wish him success. Owing to 'the cylinder head blowing out in the Elmira. Furniture Faetosy a number ot the hands have been thrown out ot work until repairs are made. The door and part of the “all were demolished. Werire glad to state that, Mr. Peter Mattusch is able to sit up awhile each day, but it will take some time till he will be able to even “all: with crutches. TO CUREA COLD IN A DAY Tue Lust!" Bromo Itaeitstr Tub lets. All draw-u refund the money if it tsim to can. .The beet sugar tactori pay.days ar- having a remarkable died: on local trade. Farmers come in daily bring- ing big cheeks, and buy Jurniture, farm implements, household goods, ete., and ofh every road leading out ot the city their wagons are loaded with goods. Some farmers have re- ceived as high as $1,000 for the month's delivery ot ttcets.r-Bay City Tribune. Louis Gettleman, of the town of Germantown, Wis., it, is reported, has invented a machine tor topping Bag- at beats and also one for pulling the beets. The invention consists ot twc machines, one the topper and the oth- er the mm or puller. The 19th passes over .the beets first, taking on the tops and carrying them away at the same time. The litter or puller lifts the beets, carries them over a ehaiapr carrier and deposits them in the middle ot the row. By passing over the carrier all dirt is removed from the beets. Wis reported-that the Keystone Sugar Co., aeorporaiion having its headquarters at Toronto, has tet the contract for the erection of a beet sugar factory at Whitby. It is re. ported that this company has nu- chased the machinery contained in the Wiatton (Ont.) plant and that the same wilt be moved thhitby as soon " the buildings' contracted for are ready, and these are to be com- ‘pleted by August. 16, 1906. Louis and Arthur Bein put in four acres at beets this year, which they carefully tended dating the. summer. and now have a nice little hank ac- count to show for their work. The hoys expenueu tig.6' for seed, thinn- ing, pulling, etc., and did their own irrigating, weeding and hauling. The crop amounted to 90 tons and 762 pounds, tor which they received 8451,- 90. Alter paying their expense ot $60.65 the boys had 8390.25 left us pay for their work, which they de- posited, in the bank. Is there any other place on earth where two young schoolboy: can earn that much man. cy during the summer on four acres? ~Brrthoud (Colo) Bulletin. W. L. Johnson, A rlnehman on tht Big Horn, grew miles above Basin, you wu sent Arr nnnlysis to the Agricullnrnl Department at Washing- ton, and it revealed " pct cent. ot stochatine matter." Awarding to the Tribune.“ Chey- rnne, Wyn, " sugar beet weighing 18 pounds, rain! without irrigation under the system of dry [arming by Itching. Blind. Needing or Pro- uldinc Pilot. Draw-u refund moo- " it Puo Olntmm Min to euro II" one, no - ot how tone minding In 6 to u dun Fm Bptrtimttmt sh on on. Ind m 500 if you! dung- In isn’t It and 500 In 'ttrmtm pm! It will be {awarded ton-paid hyPr In mum Co., at. m, Ila. GUARANTEED CURE FOR FILES The wlnc cellm ot Suing": llllotl will: alcohollc “not, a much us In" an ounce of alum-la ulmlml being [and in all cable feet of air. . “win, I. Bit mm in no boy, m " ham uni-mu. lot new Iâ€, Lovc'yout neighbor as yam", put down beget. to lock your luck clout urns», 7_ - -- _ u . E. VEGrovo'l ligature in on ouch tiUaAlk BEE! BUSY ELMIRA NE“I_‘ S. Sander & Co. a For Values In Overcoats In Suits .71“ Ihuierelothing In Socks and Hosiery " Xmas Gifts “KING STREET EAST Look over this list 3nd you will u am to find some useful gift for every member of the family. Count-and Bleds,with.teelfr- at....................--"." Ocular. .... e........-........................-........-'" Stock at............................-.............................'....." 'NrttroteiItamwslikea"ntllgrown"Rautgtrfor...-............ c.. 150 Steel BodyExpzoss "tttroms"..........,.....'.............'.. .....1.'rgnndMS Boru'Toot Chat-ta at. J.................".':..........................- 2m Kockrsyt5ktstats trzrm...........'....c...............................M0tttoM6 Hockey Sticks..............................' me. 21ht,80u40st. arc-ml we. l’uckl , . .54, _.-. H. u- ..-... -w-m'V "Mr-‘7’- .75-1-ruT '.u-.-.'.-.- a-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--- “wart! ofKuife. ForhtutdNpomtfor ....q............_ _...............' Tnlu'e Cutlery ofvuiommaimfrom.........-........L50tol5.m;_wrd-an. Carving Setk........................................................0eto) Pocket. Knives........'...............................................)) Scissor. and Baton-s. “keen cutters at d Icon Bhawerr." 'l'oySudlmnl at.....................................................'-. Handsome Stool l‘lncqwo at.........................................-" tbprorrBoasaers 'st...-.............................................,.)) Wrirtirerapb..,..,.........................v.c.....r.r.tM0, 350.375‘indk0) BetoarimrPordchopperq 'w........... m....................--".'" Nickel Plt.tedNa and Golf“ Pots, 4.5.0md8piuu 'st...tioe,tltt, Ll!) and LII NirsbolPutedTetsKett!es, alltui.,ftmn.......'.e.............U....8t_L" Air Bifies, 'lifter, Revolvers and Guns . Headquarters for Hardware. TELEPHONE 149. King Srreet, " - It is reported mun Acre, Syria. that a physician there has been auc- cash»! In his treatment ot three con- smnptivc patients with Professor Bete rintt's artti-diphthrretir scrum. One of the patients said to have been mm! was in the third stage at consump- lion. The doctor states that hr had read has journal that a physicitn in the Argentine Rename was mm mm mono?! to trent aehittt "tterin, trom di Inherit. and luring that the (‘hilo's mother, whn was in ' teetrte Mate M hum. In"! was sum-ring trom (onsumpunu. might ulch the (linear he inmnlatttl her with the AMMth- thrrrtie ant-mm as) manure ot pro- m'nrn. He lhtn noticed that in mm. trrrart to improve, and repeat- ed the inoculnllon. with the result that she was cured M _eotrmtrrut Emu-woo mu. '"ii/,irrl/uolrtdr wished to “y the uterine“! with man ot Ma trattmtts m! In: ertori, veg; liao crown! V". S. SAUDR & CO. Always RgmMairsttqr the " Name Laxative Bromo Quintin CtmtsaCotdtnthteDanGititht1lrtm. dtgt:A,,,,s,o. I“. "tti “Red Feather CONSUMPTION CURED Peter Filymmen'sa, Padadtnaaeientttk Prrston, Nov. M.-- The marriage mir' echrtrrated Wetland" tttterttomt " . , o'éloc'< at the home ot the groom’s parents, ot Edgar ll. Uleat.. ens, second son cl Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clemens, to Miss Emily F. “our. cities! daughter of Mrs. George II. Rogers, ot Montreal: Rev. J. R. Join-non, ot the Pros- hyttrian Hum-h, perfotnml the me- mony. and there were about thirty guest! present. Jacob (mm and Miss ('lan Clemens, both at Preston, were the attendants. The bappy cou- ple will reside in Preston. Mr. tr. (mm. amoral Secular ot Berlin Y.M.C.h, and Mr. P. tTrobb, pttrsrieat director, Bruno". were in the city yesterday Mina: vim the Y,M.C.A. “an." an - “In In the my on the adrtsatttitr M but“ " inletmdmo - " consist ot Berlin. Drawer! "' smum.-smum "can. MARRIED IN PRESTON. Berlin“. BERLIN