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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 Dec 1905, p. 4

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unno- In but - h roll-:3 both in but» and u as U sum. TU - I: -rtirtg 40 "can that am-uo- wild In in- portanc- domain. In (hum a good m $3-i.Bittqe in he: Irwin- uvhhudounuiby WW“ an n a. unman- a mom to anoint. “luau. wormation rel- auvo to improved methods of road- nmng. no good mm morremetst mmg a” province is and“! qronrtrttt in rogruUr (nor, sud out storm in popular tavor, an out] t not. ot counties no now proceed- in; win. the building or county 'ical system. according to the provision; of tho irrovitdiat. Highway Improve- mou Act. The Act provides that the Government shall as!“ County Conn- cill assuming uni maintaining nsyv tun ot uniform county roads to the. extent at o-tttire ot the can ot construction. This yen! the expendi- tutu on these "Items throughout the province. including the Govern- ment's share has totaled over not» mo. During the part three you: oe- er three-quartets ot e million dollars hue been spent me these new county toad systems. The Government's Mtare nmountod to some $225,000. In the State of New York the peo- ple seem dBtermined to provide them- selves wit highvnys ot the best trpm This is evident by the activity shown in the State Engineer's De- pntment. Betore many years a mac- Idam roadwny will extend across the State trom New York to Bungle, A short time ago the people approved ot the proposition ot spending $50,- 000,000 in providing good roads, and o single road will be built throng each county so as wiorm In": t’ n- tinuons highway iron: one and ot the etete to the other. An agitation is on foot atso in We- terloo County hr the construction ot a number of [cotangent county roads. The dill'Icultics in the way are large- ty matters ot detail and jealousy u! contending interest... There are so many Bourishittg towns and thriving villages that it is ditticutt to harmo- nize all parts ot the county in any general schane. - _ - .. ___-_. -a-- A-.. K.. an.--" --_-."-_ But whether a general plan can be agreed upon by the county or not, there is no reason why the town ot Waterloo should continue the anti- quoted, extravagant and wasteful system that served a usctul purpose in the pioneer days, but, ought now assuredly to be discarded and replac- ed hya. system in keeping with the increased knowledge of the satri.tet, null in harmony with the progressive spirit ol the age. There is no reas- on in the world tor continuing the mm. the, last iv. Ptt_rtttt, trotting of gravel somewhere else. to he followmi next year by changing grades, scraping on the gravcland 'i0itttt. up some other part of the road. The whole system is bad, and the money spent on the roads, in- so tar as egecting any permanent improve- ment is concerned. is to a large ex- tent wasted. The roads' are in as wretched a cttruditiss-it spring an" tall as they possibly qn be. The dil- - ' - ___ u»Al‘--v I‘ll - _ r"""'~"1 _ 'icuity lies in the system; or rather, lack ot system. . . - I I _t A]... Let us change the system. Let me town ltovide itself with a crusher and good road roller, without which it is impossible to build good roads. Let a. general plan of the streets he made by a competent engineer, grades Ind levels taken. .Let the bulk ot the appropriation lor highways he speuh in making a permanent piece or road, each year, by a competent road-mak- er, in accordance with a well matur- are, carelully donned plan, under the supervision ot the engineer. We will Nenturo the opinion that without spending a dollar more than is spent under the present system, in ten years the leading highways of the town will have been constrvcted oi permanent macadam, which will re- quire only a little, repairing from year to year, and be a source of sat- isfaction to everyone who may have occasion to use them. “mu"- m, ....t W. Or, better still. alter avian has been made and an estimate of the cost termed, the money might be rats ed by issuing twenty-year debentures and the work proceeded with contin- uously from start to finish. By all _ . 7 a.., __._.,__ "..., nulls-y nun. a.-.. V, _ Means let us change the system 3nd make the roadbeds good and pertmut- oat. Why not? THE ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT The tendency in all progrmive eit.. leq and towns is towards the munic- ipsllniion oi public utilities. Elec- tricvligltt, gas and srausrwarksr,piaats Are in their. very nature monopolies, tor no community can Mord to grant franchises to rival companies to op- ornte thrsc utilities, or to lay two or three sets ol water and gas mains: or to erect two or three sets at poles and fires on the streets. Two years no the elm-tors ot thi- “MW/3 dccisivasasu,ovassitvtmitq' rote, care a mandate to the Council then elm-ted to take over the gas and alt-cute light plants and place them under municipal management. The Council engaged a v'akmurr aetd but both plants appraised, cann- to turns with the Cowsunwts' Gas Co., but [tiled to reach an agreement with the proprietor of the 1rhretrie light works. The result is that the Waterworks uni gnu plants arc operated by the municipality, while the electric light- ing achicc is in the hands of n pri- vate cummny. These three utilities can be more economically uni rttrct- iveiy amnion undrr a single man- :grment So long " the present condition ohtainx there is likely to be trouble and constant irritation. The matter wants to be settled and set- tled along right lines. It is, there- tore. incumbent upon next .rear's conn- til or Light I'ottttnFrttt in take up the matter “do and carry it through to a sucrrsslul issue We un- utist'ini that if the whole minor is [one Into thoronghiy and the titre? utilities placed unit" om monument thet at last tt thoinmi notion a your. Mthti‘l morn, can he and “than detracting n purtic1e irom E‘Emickmy of uni; myrvitme "my than at um Shoe Home 'G'iriiiatiiiiir, Jun :ngnituhm' - 0000 't0Aitte. the ssirttm. Let the Ttat an em..- a was». no aanttsioattvisq-1s.'. sou-"M Lr-iii-tii-i-dur'."!")" “madman-HM - union Islam-gilt". 15.1.31. "iiriraiGua--ue) clack-c110: towards only my. “nonhuman-ub- Eugen .0qu “not shut swam and” ad lot not . length ot “.0 Indie“- Inc-Io have tor the at divine. Tvo Wishing Gem” uh clam singing mu- ..-tto Hannah and Orpheus. but done and to locus tho love a - ic In the too, and have kept um the but. mamm- ol the excellent chord work ot the inhalant A igmarishitsg you; [Idler Chou] Clu’; ot hetveen tony and in” who. In: ”one “will“ work in pronoun; I love for choral music. ad the you; ladies. were umbitioun enough tam yen to reader with gun am such “imam. composition " “TIM Sleeping Beauty," by curl Ranch The churches of every denomination hue choirs lor the study ot new music, All ot these are doing u 500- and useful work in cultivutin; a tan tor music among our people and his in; the stamina ol the art. But in order to reach the higher I standard of which the musical art in l Waterloo is unable. two things more] are necessaly. One at these, which) may appear elementary in its chnrac-‘ ter, is sight singing. The ability to mad ordinary music a sight can be acquired under the direction ot a liv- ing teacher by a short course oi well graded lessons. This has been dem- onstrated over and over again. The most notable inslance we can call to mind just now is than oi n class con- ducted try Mr. Walter Damrosch. at New York, who organized tinge chorus, all inexperienced singers, nnd waiter a. short course of lessons they l had Made such progress in sight sing- ,ing that such adiltieuit composition as the orntorio Messiah by Handel was mastered and performed publicly with great success. What mu has done man can do. All that it needs] is a. Competent leader, Nied with "t love at music, who would be able it communicate his spirit and enthusi- asm to his class. Following the stu- dy and practice of sight singing then ought to be organized astrong Phil- harmonic Society tor the study of more ambitious and dimcult compo- sitions by the great masters, requir- ing tor the etiective rendering a chor- us of one hundred voices and upward, reiniorccd by a good orchestra. To d1 this effectively would require a union a! all the musical tomes in town, sup- plemented by some outside help to take the solo parts and to strengthen School Entertainment-The enter- tafnment,given by the school children on Saturday evening last was a dm cided success, A tee of ten cents was charged for admission, 10: the ptrr- pose of founding a. school library. and) the result was the very tidy sum trt; $22. This speaks louder than words) of the go-ahead nature ot the citizens: ot Erbsville, and also renders it unv necessary to say that the sehmg-rtrom was more than packed. There was a good number ot people present Item Waterloo and ther points. many of whom were 'grd','l away on account or lack at room. Among the teachers presrnt were Mr: H. W. Brown, of the Berlin Collegiate Institute, who occupied the chair in his usual happy th10 new”. manner; Messrs. B. Waylon! and P. Fischer, ot the Waterloo stall, the lormer ot whom acted as teacher in the Erbsvillo school for some thir- teen years; Mr. R. E. Clemens. ot Bloomingdale; and Mr. D. Harper, principal ol Heidelberg. A lairly lengthy programme was rendered, some numbers of which brought forth a‘hearty storm ot applause. One ot the most appreciated numbers was the arch drill by sixteen girls. Other pleasant and amusing features were the dialogues, "A Brave Woman," “Visitors trom the City," "The Young Engineer," “Four little Maids," etc. Several recitations, some. songs, and the phonograph helped to complete the programme.: The evening was enioyably terminat- ed by speeches by visiting teachers. a Santa Clatts Bong, and Christmas tree, rand "God Save the King."' At- together it was a very pleasant ev- ening, Mention should be made at the excellent order preserved in spite of the closeness of the room. it is expected that the greatest betredt will result from the new library, which will be installed as soon as possible. Mr. Findlay Detweiter, or Brown City, Mich., ls. guest " the home of his uncle. Mr. B. B. Detwener, Springhill Fm - -- We regret to mm that Mrs. P. Studc'r. ot Berlin, mother ot Mrs. Geo, Latch, St. is eottthted to her bed as aresult ot a tall which she met wilh the other week in her room while preparing to retire lot the night. i'én‘intulstibin' to Mr. And Mr: Will Meiscl. It's AM]. A W Mrs. Butler, of nut NM! minder, his mom! in with her 'sister, Mrs. qt, Moist-l, " the VIM". - A The special and“: which hue Men conductor! hm tor" a month hare been closed. During the winter months it is expected more wlll he service: any other tubhath um- mun only, on! not 3- the evening. In tor-trt, mound. Tho next service will be held Stud”, In! inttt. Mr. N. 'l.ulz. of the Royal City, was home over Sand”. sent-u any otter San-1h met-I u not qusttttret “my. one who mun only, and ml. In the evenings. (Mull: hot she would like the work " lomerly announced. The next. u muting him-ell or her-ell generally teervbte I'm be held Sunny. rm haul-l “all. n Mala] olllce. ml ml. lwould h likely lo mum [of - Mr. Scum. cl “knot, in: an; a or no at kart. Aply u m. ol- nll lot II. J. “m, “I‘M ERBSVILLE. FREE PORT. dst NEW BOOKS AT “no. P. upda- a." “It But. mmuu ankl- Snob. nuns. n. A.-l'ot in with cum. Bella. E. IPA» In with. We“. 'ttttb-No" Cant. l Bonnet. W110 PM. 3mm. Wine-III. Channel, G. K.-Chttt M One! Tran. . cure, K. B.-UP an 1rtteh m. Connor. Ratrb-thtPtrrrttt. . c. N. CreHttrv-Tat" ol the no“. B. R. Cmekett-Cherrr Ritual, hid Input. l Janna: Ctstturrt-an the moods-31 t . _ Vinnie]: Deepis--atartd-. Harris Di--'rhe Runnels. A. H.,DooeB--Rebe In]. Norman mmeart--Dr. OrenIdI's Par- ish. The lather. M. E. w. Freeman-m Given... B. M. 1ardenattiro-tgi1esteas of In. Hamlin Gnriamb-Light ol the Starr; Tyranny 91 the Bark. l MP. A. do Gaare-Cameron of Loch- Elinor "tv-Vieira/es' ttt ENarb. geline. M. W. Goodwin-Claims IM co- Harold. terclaims. . _ Robert Gmnb-Undeeeurrent. 1 W. T. Greneti-Harvest ot was“. Andrew Haggard-Silver Bells. H. R. Haggard--Aresha. A. F. P. Harcourt-peut of the Sword. J. W. Hardintp--Gato of the Kiss. Maurice Hewiitt-Pottd Adventuret. D. w. Higgins-P-ing ot 1 Rue. F. T. Hill-The Accomplice. Radon Hilt-Millions of Mischief. Jos, Hisckiatr--Chariotts ot the Lord, Rodger Trewiniots. Silas Hocking-Pioneers. Clive Hothutd--Japanese Humane. M. J. Hotmes--Abaadoned Farm. d'"'"'" Hope-Servant ot the Pub- c. _ 1 E. W. Hornung-Sungaree, Thief itt, the Night. Emerson "sugh-rLaw of the Land. W. D. Howe0s-Son of Ron! Lang- brith. A. B. Hulbert-queen o! Quclpgrte. Maurur Jokai--Totd by Death’s Head. - K. A. M. Keays-He That Eatcth Bread With Me. Marion keith-Duncan Polite. R. E. Knowles-St. Cu1hhett’s; Free Lance. o. A. Liiietteratttr-Vialand Chm‘ pious. J. C. Lirteoin-spariners of the Tide) J. M. Ludlow-Sir Raoul.. I J. H. Maurthr--'rhe Dryad. G. B. ngcCutchcon - Beverly of Graustark. Nedm. Mary MeLape--My Friend Annabel Si: “ii: R. Martin-Salina the Amist Maid. _ A. E. W. Misons-The Truants. _ L. T. Meade-Castle Poverty. P. Ir. Migttels-Kintt ot the Missing Links, Ultimate Passion. _ S. W. Miteheit-Constattee Treseot. F. P. Moore-Jess-y Bride. Edward Noble-Edge ot Circum- stance. G. W. Ogden-Tennessee T9111. H. J. O'Higgins...Smoke Eaters. A. B. Paims-0reat White Wale. Max Pemberton-Mid the Thick Ar- rows. D. o. Phillips-Plain Mary Smith. Edwin Pugh-stumbling Block. W. M. Kaine-Daughter ot Rusty. Leroy sequ--Walktntt Delegate. M. P. Stteii-.Yel1ow, Wave. P. H. Smith-At Close Range. Schuyler Staunton-Fate ol a Crown. tery c' D. stewart-Fugitive Black- smith. _ - Sauna Sue. I A. M. 'resker--Vi1ugs Artist. Octave T1ttuteb-Man of the Hour. K. C. Thurstorr-AhunNer, The. Mas- querader. " , I Mute: Eddie Meiscl is sum-ring trom a sore hip, u the realm of a. lbruilc which he oesuined while " Why in school some time Mo. Re Ibo]? ttt tretot. ‘hls may” recovery. there is now lbmnteous supply a new water on his tum. __ Louis Traer--Nbert One Mystery, Great MognL " l _ Trtcrtr-NeAMgter and His mum. Train-Trident and the Net. Mark 'rwtritrlditoriat Wild 0:35. Mr. D. L. Weber Ind - were In m. Jmobs suumay “tending the lunenl ot the father's tether, Mr. Weber, m old uni highly respect- ed emu» of St. Jacobs. The Freeport S. S. no preparing tor their “and Inn enmNnmL Mrs. E. Hewitt is visiting with her son. Mr. D. w. Hewitt, ot Gatt. It}. 'hGiii'Kii'iii' Ei'Féiinnea It',', a luminous tttp to the Telephone ltr. . Mr. Geo. Marlin' shot a Bee species ot owl In! Friday hen his home. " mount-s Ike teet three "who: from lip to up. uni Is s barred silver grey In color. the under put ot the wings being a snowy white. Ite bu takrn it to the Conny Town to have n mauled. WANTED, DENTAL ASSISTANT. A. C. Tur-on the Firing Line. Morley Rotterts-Lady Penelope. A. H. Rice-Sandy. Morgan Robertsom-Domt to the in. Bob. mum, bl Preston, "e Nod Mrs. S. S. bum-Her In! week. 2sisie Marehant-Girhr ot Wahen- a? U. Vaietuio.-Heeu Sndwith. u. stuarb--seeond Woolng ot Stevenson-Marathon Mys- “can. WATERLOO LIBRARY aiiiiiiiLFiribu FiiiakiFiL. " tttos- Haunt 'r-tme-ah-tate ttd Btw, tr. B. J. Inna-Shunt" Fun. Hot-n tkutaxss-Priuo-r. K. D. 'rigqV-atetgrexa ttd sun-1‘ Brook Fun. Ron o' tho Rivet. 1 C. N. TnBtamsoee-Nr "W thq I. R. A. qtitao-kttot ol Ill-8' Ribbon. . Alice 'tinter-Pri" to up undy- I 1tee-b'e,"it “me. 1 Wigner. Curie-Jett. Bumbangh. n. G.-Hakittg ot 8 Teacher. Sen/in, G. P.--ptea- tid “I0 Telescope. . Haeekel, Enttsb-Aroatd." ot Lite. Paton, F. T.--Aeeordirttt to Sec- Jordan, D. ti.-Mirel Lite. . i Balm, C. A..-Red Hanan. _ Wuhan. M. A.-Hermit's Wild Friend. ‘ Nanny. G. P.-cFmmtaits ot Youth. Powell. E. P.-0rchid and Fruit Guden. Sargent, D. A.-MeaittV Strength, and Power. _ Hodgrort, P, T.-..duMerB' Architec- ‘tunl Drawing. Mahler, Arthur-Paintings ot Iam- Baldwin, T. S.-Picture Making. Anderson. E. L.--Riding and Driv- ins. De Mitt, A. N.r-Litetature in the Century. Drummond, W. Ir.-arorageur. Lampmnn, A'retiitra1d--Poetmc Sherman, L. A.-What is Shaka- A. M. 're-r-mr" and may. 1 I. B. qratu.-aaarta. , in. H. lad-lurk. d "ttsa, "ire. qeet%-T-t" gust-L - -.. tare. -irirsm, o. S.-T'aik With Great Workers. Pearce, W. P.-Wepping Stones to Van Dyke, Henry-Van Dyke Book. Malct. Edward-stating Scenes. Wright, Mrs. D. G.-Southern Girl in '61. Vacuum, Helene - Kings and queens I Have Known. "iGGvtun,"H. M..-Art Lite ot Wm. Morris Hunt. Murray. J; Ir,-9AerrtstiriorcWr-e" JohnsJi. Rossiter--Great Events, so vol. . dot Wild. Dawson, S. W-st. Lawrence. Fiske, John-New France 1nd New England. _ -- v Pe nPictgges ot Early Home! Lite. Bradley, A. G.-Canada .in the Twentieth Century. Hanna; James-trust- of the War ot 1812. -iTiiTrnnter-Pri" to a. and! K. w. Yeer-arttiPefetef. GGi iG"iilreous.satei cm. New Non-Fiction. A“ Harry. l Bell, C. D.-Home Sunshine. Bevan, Tom-War God ma the Brown Maiden. _ Bulk-n, F. T'.-Son of the Sea. Fraser, W. A.--sa' Zulu. Harbour, Henry-where Flies the Flag. _ Haycns, Herbert-Mr Sword's My Fortune. Harms, Herbert, President's Scouts Ktrutiman, R. W.--0arvitr ot Tur- vud. must“, w. H. tt.--hftutee. Matthew, Harriot--Feau on Fiord. Pond. Saunders, Marsha0--Prfneess Sukey Scott, Miettaet--Crttitte of the Midge. Stables, Gordon-Meteor Flag or England. Twain, Mark-Dog's Tale. Mame, H. W.-Ptsirr Tnles. Ruby Fairy Book. ISL-ton. E. T.--Wood Myth 1nd Ihe. iiiiie, Hugh-Practise of Sell Cul- hie. Singleton, Esuterr-, Book. _ Long, W. J.-Northern Tum. Roberts, C. G. D.-Red Fox. Thompsou. E. tg.-Animnl Heroes. lumen, Roger - One Thousand Poems. Wtsgner, Curley-mt) Life. iihlaoe, Dillon-Lure ot the Labra- Benjgmin MeCuttum, ot Hatriston, it vismngrhris tirsutdery.?Y, _ 5mm, T. Ir.-Dettisoas ot the Mr. Crukslnnk. of Millhsnk', went} Satin-thy with his son here. Mr. Ind Mrs. Rom, Fenton, ot Com. atop. an! hunky. spent . law dar' here with friends. C. Tumor spent Saturday in Mill- bunk. A Chrhtmu ettterttitttttettt will be held In the Methodist church on Fri- day evening, Dee. and. A good pro" ;rgmme is being prepared. " .-........- -- _-.V.,, ,,V,, Death ot Mrs. ktoeekier.- Mrs. John Kloccklct passed melulh' “my on Wednesday evening as the home of her son-tit-U-r. mums Alums, alter a long illness. The lun- erat w" held 0 nSalutdny ntlernoon to the Mahdi» church. The trerei- M were conducted in English Iml “ennui by the Revs. t5tertistg and Sula. me: which the remains were taken to and "Ill tor interment. Mrs. Kloecklc't had ruched the Mo “need age of " rttBrB. SM van r. faithful member ot the Fix-mauled church at Buddha“. Nhe leaves to mourn he: loan . lumbar-II, om- dategh- ter And two grand-children. iiirnes, James-Sou of Lighthorse Avery, Hartyhr-out at the Running. Barbour, R. H.--Arrivat of Jinqr- The man! an“? nettool enter- ulnmu ot the Wunloo Plain"- Mn Cinch will I: held on man-bu Ztei's Shoe Hunt to! Jtntasr gnu c'."'k'lflrdl1'2l'," We m: WATERLOO Juvenile Books. HAWKSVILLE. " .Wilditower Camp at Bear Fairy the RO PROP WORN GOODS. NOTHING BUT FRISI'J STOKE PLAIN TALK Trunks, atom Suit can Gilt Cu. " qu at How Yam 0! In fttttgm mummy, “an 5'.“ you- - of this opportunity a tho undu- Iutlo-ed prion cannot Lynn ho tttheed to the Public. not PM m good from Docum- bee "ttt to Dena-bu 31.: and MUST " CASH t-- 1 Own! Coyttet1 T13155teel binding. mint q 50 for to no; ' , Own: Covered Trunks. bru- trim- mlnlu. two “up; "trtrinr 0 50 for $3.6). . 2 Cu“.- Covered Trunks. iron bound, regulvr 4.40 for $.65 3 Own- Covered Trunks, iron bound. regular 300 frr 8H”. 3 Bali kathw Suit. Cues. wfth mm pocket, "guin- q IO fur “.15. 38mm Leather Suit 0mm. with shirt pocket. regain-550 for " 35. l Imitation Leubther Sud. Cue. regular _ 300 for $1.90. 10 arersseHrrvvteht.trty, 725. 296. 1.00. iEi fur Mr, Oe, twt, TIV, M.. " Mahdi. regular MB. boo, 2.25. . Ma. '8.00 for 1.3), LII). 1.65 3.1”. 32-15. . 0 (lab Baal. leather lined. retreur 0.00. 7.00. am for 4,85, 5.85. ”.35. 0n salinity. Dumber 23w, one new William Suing Mullins an be bought for " tio cub. "gala! all- ing ptloo 832 00. A SNAP. We do not Ia’oud to uy anrthhttt in this not!“ rounding our stock of Footwear. only that we hue Just no outed tb nice {rash supply ot Empat- 8hou Mariachi”: and that we mound a order more Hockey THE J. S. B008 SHOE (jll'T It gen 1seef, . Tang-[Egon] at The At Home given by Mrs. J. Hes-" peter to her Twin-City friends, Fri- day afterhoon, proved a most please ant and enjoyable atiair. Miss Ethel Hespeier assisted Mrs. Hespeler in re- ceiving. The table in the tea room was presided over try Mrs. Jos. E. Feagrtuy and Mrs. W. H. Bowlby, while dainty refreshments were serv- ed by charming young ladies, comprising the Misses L. Hughes, R. Snyder, C. Sterling, B. Dawson M, Green. _ : ’03 Tu IOLIDAYI. SPECIAL an or ENJOYABLE AT HOME. vrMi=FeEis' NI 2 ‘ tr2taiCuS 't, g" _ cy/r....".:]") I mg 4 F: 5"; ill I .-. PA ' , k: r."-'!.'... 73*. , .5 , L.frie up wrLu-a,gezV LADIES’ MANTLES Ladieo’ intending to buy I Cut for this anon canno‘. do better than see our stock. We 11qu the best fitting and mod (“Notable Hulda in tho trade. “If! we no selling gross qu “with: of them. Oar prices range from . _ - “.50. “~00. 33.00. "oo, 310.00 to ”00. . We ulna .1101 I lug all Ages, in Twoada. Fawn {tom 2.75, 3.00, 400, 5.00 AND BERLIN, Der'mbcr 1m, 1905. AT Children’s and Glrls’ Coats FANCY GOODS. OHMENCING EARLY to select Goods for our Xmas Tull-mil continuing that policy up to the pro-aux time, but an.“ I topiaesttrefo-ths choice-tutockof Fancy DqGoibI-l Km Noumea us has our hut; Buying for thah and swing nil discounts In: given no some Big vanes. Our - will not. .1101 utomontionbuttvory and! podium of the varior" liar. to ho found in our exceptional fine stetekr-- Fancy Battenburg Table Covers Tenneriffe Dollies, Tea Covers and Runners Irish Hand Work Linens _ Old Bleach Linens _ . ' , Fancy Dresden Silks T Dresden Ribbons Kid Gloves i. Ladies' Neckwear _ Fine Furs _ Toilet Sets, Silk Handkerchiefs, Beautiful Line of Indivl Wm. 500 dozen Fancy Handkerchiefs Gold-Headed Umbrellas, Gent's Tin. Braces, Collars, etc. ,, - - _ .. . "%.., __ -r" All In” who ent~r NIGHT SCHOOL nut. Monday will "can (“on munch-en! of March " the sml' sum of 81]. Month]; and Thus-hp "At,',',",,','.",'", k h' fth foil ingl hieets Bokk Ari cums In: cc omen o o ow an _ a en? t' tie, Writing? Bnorttsand, Typewriting. i? as. Ill Eleven Dollars) d5ihil HAPPY FACES When thw see our spkndid displw at I’i-ture Packs for Boys tnd OMS. Christmas Bo: ks im be u iful vvlumes of puatry, fic,ti :n in every vatiety and k rm of tiinding. ' Tho Cookware” heet Our Christmas Goods Christmas 1905 . roman. Is now am . t. WEAVER 8. thr, 35631530” TO w. s. new: a co. W. D. EULER, Princ'pd. NOVELTIES. BERLIN

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