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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 Dec 1905, p. 12

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HEAD NURSES HAVE RESIGNBD. Nearly all the members ot the Hos- pital Board were in attendance at the monthly meeting on Friday cum in; when business of importance was transacted. Miss Betzner, who has been acting lstfand Miss Ida Kuntz, bead nurse, " Lady superintendent since Oct. forwarded their resignations on ac- count of their desire to enter pri- vate nursing. The Board reluctantly accepted the resignations to take el- feet on Feb. Isl. Both young ladies have given thorough satisfaction. The Secretary {mil Home Committee will advertise for applicants to till the vacancies. Thanks dere tendered lo the Berlin Musical Society [or the donation of $222 as the lloxpital's shine at the to the ladies who assisted. g ee , Made-in-Berlin Exhibition, and also The Lady t'tuperitttendent's report for Novvmhor showed 313. hospital days, “trims $I15, and I'd inmates in on Dec. Isl. Hospitat to reduce the membership 'ee, trout " to. $2 per annum. SPLI‘INDID 1/l'All'rre'Rf4 PROVID- ED _ FOR TIM-2 1oUNG WOMEN ON FREDERH‘K STREET - AD- ‘DRESSES UN THF, WORK OF. THE Y.W Cci. T ’Bcrltn new bas la Young Wormm'si Christia" Assyciatiott among the many institutions that are being con-t ducted for. the improvement and wel- tare of the citiwm, young and old, in this than. ,The. need at this insti- tution has new ielt tor many years, and thanks to the interest and en- terprise of autumn-r of Berlin‘s lead- "W, women, suitalule.quarters hare been secured and burnished. Friday evening the formal opening of the Assoriation building on Fred- erick street took place and was Largely attended. The programme consisted oi addresscs on the work of the Association by'MH; W. H. Bede er. Miss "ooh, of the general star in Toronto. and Miss DingWell. who will he the local secretary. T A more extended net-mint of the "mum and the addresses will be. given in Mmulay's editiun. rrss UR‘I‘ZNER AND MISS JCUNTZ “11.1. mam: Tm: nos- PITAL t4TAF'F' ON FEBRUARY LST - RESIGNATIDNS RELUC- TANTLY "gunman. The accounts: aminmted to $515.68 Notice oi motion was gum loam 30V?! a the Dinner Table Ally meal is the q - ’y. - better for the use of r”, , u, alll . a little BOVRIL. " . g F, . adds so much to the 'Cl brlM' . flavor and nutriment of so many dishes that it should be in ew "Y kitchen. The mere odor of BOVRIL _egeateq appetite. and it contains the nourishing element of [the beef that strengthens and builds up the system. Here is a BOVRlL-helped dinner dish ' BOVRII. light you“: or prime Beet in concentrated in [our on“ a! BOVRIL 35v. Couuo or" nni cl Doll!- and (a! Wu! PeemMqt. "can. Born“ in ' - by Mtmtgatrmt,uttttttm.gMua.d.+.Chtu" Br will W I Purveyors to His Mainly King Edward vn. litlNs'rllllL SHOW WAS h SUCCESa The Hospital Minstrels rethink: "made good" at the initial perform- ante at the Berlin Opera House on Monday evening. Tutr.e'vent was a decided success throughout. The at- tendance was very large, the house). lining crowded to its full eapaeity,:' while a large number stood during. the entire length at the show. Not-i withstanding the tact that there wuss an exceptional rush the live P- nut-1 sex oi the B. & W. Hospitiir who' olliciated as ushers handled the, crowd in an esceritrohatty satistae-l factory manner. *k- ‘. a - When the gurtain was rung up a very attractive and riettrres.aue scene presented itself to the anthems. In front. of the background of maroon; 'plush and seated on a terrace were twenty-nine eliottrsCpte" oandsotneiri lattired in beautiful English knight; 'costumes with the regulation red; thickets. the large lace botlar .nd "ttte chillon capes. On the second tor-i rate there sat, attired in lull evening‘ dress, three of Berlin's test Inciting gentlemen, namely, Mayor lingual Prresident C. n. Mills ot the want; ot Trade, and Secretary J. It. Land dreth of the Berlin Club. On both: sides or this picturesque Aerratm were with blackened faces and waxing" pure white uniforms. They were Mesa srs. M. M. Bricker, "Pete" Charlton,! Harry McKellar, "Holly" shepherd: "Nick" Nicholson. George "rur.'e,' George o. Philip and.Harry “Home; In the centre oi this group Mr. Os-'. rear Rumpel, the interlocutor, was seated, and was in charge. ! The ftrst {part openeil with aehorus" "What the Band Played," which was [allowed by Harrypuekid, who magi "Good-rtyit, Sis," in splendid smut Harry Wismer continued the fun by singing the popular negro tnclody,E "Shame on You," in his characteris- tie and pleasing manner. Mr. Mate-, lin made a favorable impression by; his rendition of 'fGood-bye, Sweet' Marie." Geo. 0. Philip brought down the house and won several bouquets as he sang “szme the Leavins."a Chas. Ruby rendered one of the ehoie-l est selections ot the evening, "When the Wind Blows a Gale," in a per- tect and pleasing manner. Mose 'drick-' er made a hit when he sang "\‘ally Ann" and danced while the maxim was bring sung. J. R. Hallo-mi was never heard to better advantage than last evening. His rendition of "Mes- smze trom Home, Sweet, Home." was a rare musical treat. Nick Nicholson was recalled iour, times alter his se- lection. "EveryrLiitle Bit lleips," " Was xplentlidly rendered. Grant. An- 'drews sang, "My Irish Molly', on," Pt an aeeeptahle manner. "Pete" jt'harlton is as good a minstret as he is a huclaryisi, and he won many ad- lmirerx while he sang "Crazy With ‘the Heat." Doe. Rudcll’s selection, i“!!! Timhuetoo," was a popular one. ‘llnlly Shepherd closed the solo por- tion by singing "hay Rays" in a “haunt-r that showed he was a min- 1“ rel trout the ground up. Nearly all Ir selections were accompanied in l the chorus, while the end-men danced. Interspersed between the solos the inierlocutor and end-men gm ott some olrt and new gags which were all good, but they might have been better had more local him been made. The mom] part opened with- u splendid gymnasium pertormatwe' by Messrs. Borhnter. Detweiler, Mont- gomery and knauit ot the Y. M. C. "scar annel made a uraur, Mr- poaranw in his monologue and his jokes we" "raving" lem‘n Berlin and New York and back again. The mark Ilora Bots, Fammm: rymtrtoy aha btoueht down the house. The ittttrtctrtt maidens were Messrs. Nirholson. Charlton, Mack”. Mucklin and mum and thrfr partners Messrs. Narnia. Andrews, Quigley. Rorts and Wismer. The performance clonal with In or- iginal art entitled "0hsry" in which "Doe" Rude“ took the mic, um) the drill wax prrtormed In a BtNierly manner by Mrsetrg. Ptitttott, Mill". mer, mum». Shaun, Lain, tirurgvr and Winner. "Pnp" Philip and “Holly" 8MP- herd in their'"Nonsettse a In Carte" were mu! Iunny and their jokes and antics were the best ot the evening. d an was In thick-u. all out in. ma. has. mom “on! In: Ida- gl-I. {an It I!!! tret? -arcG1'Grciitiraaap tttt airman“ ea . My!!!“ Bout! you! miydA in pa Iii! an: A LA OLA B-sC9t , _ HE'huu-"W "I L: 'iiiGmFiiit"tii h; nu lull" Em: . GEORGE L'MRD. portant "ii, Resolution of Appreciation. rro on Moved trr, Councillor J. H. Radford Giiii'ttced.ed by Councillor W. R. Plum, , may? thet in accepting Mr. Laird's resig- “ ATE sirsftl, nation this Council views with re- 'rail. gret .the removal trom the activities .nd' ot pus County of ex-Warden George The ( tor-l Laird, who lor many years has batman Sat! JJilptts.ofute.d with the public "airs ot adjourn} iiiii;rf.lt1..t. and.tht.eoetr generally. His. Memo [anyvlnndustrx m ys.tterardyttirot this the ch: oanl'. hotly, his urbanity in the several [no-l Mimi hulk? sittonshe has held, and ability in the read an both} fiseesion of publie questions affect-g Moved tyite'. mg the several municipalities iii Wat; alr.-Str, ii "ierloo. 1tet-.ste1-uLhiat--ttEuhF,aTpuiiri' cingi regard or his colleagues as well as1 and pot Meir the coafuietree of a grateful eonstitu-hAiGd 'tton gem. Pr. transler ot a gentleman all Moved herd. _ his qualities as acitizen is a dis; Mt. Sn 1mm: f tinet loss to the County of Waterloo,‘ counts men? .the.rtiore as a Council we wish himihis 0rd os.." in his new sphere ot usefulness the several was' sums? which he deserves and thisl John I Couneit hereby lenders Mr. Laird its Swartz homs' nearly good ttiehes. and hope the' Hergor was comma; years will yield him the rel Jacob mum turns he han reason to expect. Imam-rd NUI'I'Y mm PM IAllDEN news MTN A GOLD- HEADED CANE AND “New; um LAIRD TrWH A COUPLI- IENTARY WWO!!! 0‘ “my m. we: a. tu- i-ess Ind but cold-id. an Conny Council Wkly hound he at the when by "all; a radiation ot ”predation a! the unla- ul- dend by Councillor Geo. um, Io:- wly ot out. and who not reside: in Toronto. and was; a gold- heated cm to In“. Dallas. who presided over the “mucus of the Council during the you. . Mr. wrd‘s Resignation. Walden Denna mad the {allowing} communication addressed to tht Council: - g In bidding farewell to my lute cow-i f stitueatm in Gait. I desire to express. {my gratefuiness for their frequent er: 'pressions ot cotrtidemee, and will nev- _er target the generosity extended to: Berlin, Dee. ms. loos. 3 Yo the Worden and numbers ot the County Council. I t3etttte-p-I be; to under you my resignation as one at tho repre- sentatives ot the County Council [or Division No. 2. As you are zine, I am not; a residuum ot the Division or oi the County, and it is [or . this reason that I am compelled to resign my position}, In separating my con- nection. oncialiy. at least. iron the County. I cannot do, so without ex- pressing the pleasure it has given me to meet with my fellow colleagues, who have always shown me the kind- est consideration in the discharge of my various duties. The cordiality that has existed between us makes the severance all the more regret- table, tor I would have been pleased to have continued my services to the County until the end ot this term, had I remained in the County. Although nollongcr a resident with- in mi: gates I will have: mrget your genial laces, gm! will continue to take a deep interest in all that re- lates to your success and progress. ' The Presentation. To Coutteilror Laird was given the pleasant duty ot addressing a low remarks to Warden Defhrs, in which _he spoke of his enterprise and efrtei- ency as Warden during 1905. and Couneiuor Hitmer made the present.- lion of a handsome gold-headed cam: Ito, Mr. Deans. l Men new Va: greatly mums-- ed and trriefty expressed his sheen grihtudc tor the momenta given him at the you he has occupied the high- ?ost ofttee in the [in of the, County, Councillors Radford and Plum made eloquent addresses in submitting the resolution, and referred to Mr. Laird's valuable services in the Coun- cil in appropriate terms. Mr. Laird was visibly Mected ti the kind sentiments expressed try his colleagues, and said it Was one of the most trying moments ot his l?; to sever his oftieiat connection with the County Council. He always look-; ed forward with pleasure to the ses-' sions as he knew he would come in contact with men who were devoted to the best interests ot the County, He would always treasure the ac-j quairttances "ttrrTrted 'dt-tlie County Council meetings god while he would be absent tram luture meetings, he would he present ln spirit and watch with interest the proceedings.' He thanked the members tor their kind- ness.in rtfiognizing his services in this manner. On motion Warden DeBus was an quested to leave the chair and the prospective Warden, Councillor Cher- ry, took the chair, while the mom- hers sang, "Sec Him Smiling" and “He's a Daisy." The 'olloirmg tow- lution was then carried by a stand- ing vote: _ In "reunion of the services at Dr] J . o. Orr, Mung“ ot the lmlnskhh Exhitrition. the. Bond of Dirmlorsotl the Exhibition " their meeting on‘ Saturday voted Dr. Orr asubsunuall inert-mo ot satarr from $3,Mtt ttt' 36.00“ a war. Moved by B. Ilihncr, seconded by Geo. Laird, that the thanks of the Council um due to the retiring War- den, Geo. M. DeBws, Esq.. for the able manner in which he has presided over the deliberations oi this Council rind tor the unilorm kindness always displayed towards ‘his fellow tttem- bers. The Cauncil than "iourned tir singing “Auld Lang Srne," no! the National Anthem. Sincerely yours. Warden DeBus Honored. re- In January, 1908, Mr. Snyder res-l, Itt. signed to enter the servicm’ol the conelSo‘verelgn Bank, the organization of 'ress, which Was then in progress. - The Lei',,":,',',,',?,",:'." ot the Sovereign ap- nev- pointed Mr. Snyder manager of the Grst. Catharines, Ont., branch, with which he was distinctly successful. tr He Was than made an inspector, to “D be followed now by a still more im. k . portant post. trrttm'ttllt NEW CHIEF INSPECTOR. Mt, L. PnSNYDEB. P,te,e,S OF 12me AND WELL Ee'e m BERLIN, HA8 RECEIVED A', PROIUI‘ION IN THE SOVER. EIGN BANK. let-uni! me. 6.-Mr. L. P. Sny- - has received the snot-taut oi Chi-l Inspector d the Sovereign luk. this position being can“ with that of Muperittteedeat cl beate ehu. A: Chief Inspector Mr. - tahes Lu position - unit by tho resignation ot Mr. I. H. Fulton. who retired from tic Savant.- '1 than time since. As Bttperititeadmtt) ot Bunches Mr. Snyder has bad al wide explicate. Four nun ago he Fwd in this capacity tor the Tud- ors Bank at Canada, with which he ywu then connected. I The Council met at the T'p "all ,'on Sauna”, Dec. 9th, pursuant to adjournment. I Members all present, the Reeve in t the chair. Mr. Snyder narrative at Acton, 0nt., where he wns horn in 18M. He began his honking career with the Traders,Banlt oi Cumin-hula; join- ed the std at that institution in was. tn the lollowing December he was pieced in charge ot the Elmira. Ont, branch. on the retirement ot the manager. in 1395 he opened the bank's branch at North Bay. and in 1859 a branch at Sturgeon Falls and another at Sudbury. Alter eleven yen” ot service with this hunk. nine at which he was branch manager. Mr. Snyder severed his connection with the bank to accept n more lucrative ‘position as secretary-treasurer of the Sturgeon Falls Pulp Company, which (is controlled try wealthy English Cir; gitalists. Mr. Snyder retired trom; ( this position in 1900. He then organ-i ind and became secretary-treasurer ot the Kinreath Paper Company, Ling ital, of St. C'athtrriaes. when: large [mills were built and successfully op- elated. Moved try" Mr. Stunner, seconded by unsung, "ttrfirt-ditticc11ttefss Minutes ot preceding session were raid and approved. _ _ . arpprrtrrritiiiTCTtTrTirrTihTi" emcers and pulling plates he read a first and second time. Moved by Mr. mist, seconded by Mt. Snyder, that the following ac- counts be paid and the Reeve grant his order on'the treasurer tor the several amounts, viz F- _ John Olinski, sheep killed, 86.66; Swartz Bros., labor on road tri; A. Hergott, bonus for wire fence 817.80; Jacob Hauss, expense on road $2.40; Frederick Schaefer, tile and labor $9; C. R. Ilanning, sundry legal expens- es and acc't ot suit, Bloomingdale Lumber Co., 886.08; Alex. Stoltz, ov- ercharged school tax 83.33; C. D. Bowman. expenses New Germany drain $40; Pilkington n"p, l expense of culv't 512.77; Geo. A. Tilt, ex- penses re voters' lists 815.20; S. S. Heater, gravel $2.04; A. S, Shoemak- er, bonus wire fence $10.40; Munici- pat World, supplies $5.52; Jacob Sni- der, gravel, $10.78; Herbert Panna- baker, gravel, $1.35; J0sezh Kinzie, gravel, $6; John Marshall, extra work, 83; Jacob Snyder, -r., bonus for wire fence, $3.80; J. W. Grab, bonus lor wire fenee, $4.75; Edward Spar-lb bonus tor wire fence $18; John Amos, money advanced as subpoenas $7;50; John Amos, telephone aee't, 81.90; Anthony Manes, rep. bridge, $6.24; U. B. Snyder, bonus tor wire lento, $8; Jos. B. Snyder, plank Tor drain, $2.50; Henry h'toeekle, work on road, $6.30; Chas. Zinn, gravel, 86.05; J. C'. Mailman, use of wheel scraper $2; John Moss, rep. fence. tr, Henry, Schummer, poundagc expenses. _83. Moved by Mr. Rrist, seetutded by Mr. Shantz, that By-law No. 909 as now filled in be read the third time and passed. Moved by Mr. Stunner. seconded try Mr. Heist. that this Council now :14- journ to meet mum on Friday, Dec. 15th, pursuant to statute. 7 i WATERLOO ' GIL. GEO. l. TILT, T'p Clerk NEW BRITISH In... mum: a: mu m at an T-trr-ot. than mach-m t,_.oestt.-attse-aw -" that tho an MM lbw" lament-tom's: 77A - “our: at Btate for Home mm --Neetert Joh- Mm. hon Henry All-lull. ---ot. - any. My a! - (or a. c-- Ttte hr! of m Search” " Into [or War-W "r-wte2'tTt . Incl-cur: $5M“. hr tttdt-r-let. Iom. J rh ’ am an a: a. aqtstmltr--V TIM“ r W "r of M- ’mrmuhmt e" Pet-tet-o-ear-hat"' cum Bun“. , chm my (or 'r.un6-l.ar- Earl of Chic, Lord at tho Privy Bi-The mm of Elven. Pmldun a! the Bond ot TMqgttBtutt -An:uuno Birrett. Chancellor at tho Duchy at man- tee-Mr mnry Hal-thy Fowl". The foretell}; con-titan we mun». The (allowing Ministers are no. m L..u Clblnot: Easrdtutttertaatt at tt.ieat+-Th. In) at Aberdeen. _ Lord Chancellor of 1retaat6--Ruttt Won, Etna-l Walker. Flue Communion" " - and Public Bundti--Lewt. Vernon - tttr Hairy CampMII-Bunonnlu an" to the We st ' p’clock In“ mrmUnq 5nd Ind tn :udlence or King Edwin! of about 20 minutes. and n which In. Majesty aUntiHtt his ”prom or the new Governmmt. Undoubtedly Sir Ham-y Oomph-1H Bannermnn bu 1:1:an to [at to. [ether . um. and to oil “announce“ . good Contact. The luv. ten you- of _ opposition bu opened the way im- mm advnncement or the younger generation of politician who have, how-var. won the“ 3pm;- in mbordinnte odminiltn- live nous. The three most important 'ronte-tutyttte, foreign oil-In and tho colonial. New given to men who are reported to In among tho very strange-t on the Libel-n tide. and any are In mtrgterqt that exchoquer. im- perial and [mutational mam will be handled with ttrmte and [cod judg- ment. ' ’ _ In the mainline the Government nu mo pron-m. but Ionic idn‘ of the arm t' can»: opinion on be gun-d from the knoyn nannies or Minion“. Thom Lord Bonebery is out the Cubi- net his tour chief henchmen hove not: 111nm mum at K. nan-7139929; 'iiitG1iraTG7aFE-raiiiaGriFiiii-iri- ttts motif”... that Fircui; sunning Henry Fowl". Lord Crew. 1. m. son- trom smallpox. He has been' reliev- In-luw. but nu not Manama lulu-elf ling telegraph operator tor the C.P. 1,1CfittJl',,,11" etttter mum " tttq R at Toronto, and it was while in' H , J. _ . . . . that city that he took ill, his illness domy$smgamggel$o:td9 eloping into smallpox when he 13r- of John Burns. an avowed Socialist and rived home tk few days ago. The labor leader to cabinet nah. while the house has been tpsararturert and the Welsh mtn,eonrdrmtstr, and non-eon- Public school has been closed: A tam- . -. . , r. " living near Ayr, a number of "mm-‘8 q-yr-y!" lti MM ‘0 which came in contact with the ineat-, thtt mm“ of IN LusrdAToorBe. . W id, has been quarantined, and it is llcltor who his mammal Comm-won l . . - lines 1.90. but 'wnose activity. (In of I 'rertereCttr these prompt P"'""? gnphiirt apeeeh “a “an...“ m w“, the possible spread ot the disease has dt.ttnettrmarh" him out foe high ot- been checked. _ Bee. It is or some mine-ace that Medical Health Ottteer Vardon was in new“? pate . Mimi MN"! to telephoned yesterday and informed in. mm”- m h” tteen "Pi' to tlt", there is a case or smallpox also "rsahta2, mum-l many " well in.“ Paris, but that steps have been WWII“ "M . taken to isolate the patient. There l , Mounts. 1labimt. "are also several cases in the city of ‘r Tho new when will only In" tun Toronto. a“... t?iiihiiiifhhii,,iiiTlii?/tGi5 While the mum in this part ct "lie'", of tho nun hold mum pun-4 We eo/mtl' is}! a lei..?. type l and Chalk» at an Bzehai-r--- Homo Ink M d tt, Ott In ”who! I“. the Mulls: " wn! In ”and by the man: who oatUm to Mr. (mammal-'- lied 10 tom prom which have for In. "no being (Ivan the blunt party . work- lnt unity. Tum win he no Mm rule but In tho non Pull-mom from all Ministry. in: n on - - tram the lush -s. 1!. can.» an! In - to any tho man-9'“ ot the Damian ”Imam Ant In an Inn-conform“: luau“. it “out“. a. worth; at tho Sior Act In ditntltt- In. the number " “mm and t6 ram or the uni-laud- - who nu- nlonu. - mun! Nth nu “ma my on the ta , 00%: campus: . an of Chl It." ML with the A ttmt " loo-I pom at no“ a eettteet and rt*trtttttyttc. - A -- - " um cunaur-atr no». Thrall. pom. lam rink of the - Ind my Craw- nppolnlnun bu been wanted. This post no - Dan - u of con-lam. youth-l 1mm, but In uttered eon-unmou- " condition: tt can not new on. to sum! In my quorum with from that occuphd by other court anoint- monu. Than will be [and an! that Earl Spencer'- unfonunsu - tie “tack bu provonte'd him from oe- cupm the him one. to which ho Wu entitled. Ind the [guitar-I) of tho ttgr m Home will now have " “all... when. Including nun-rd cumul- _ lor. in an Hum of Lords. . that ttl While We s.tna1lirox with“ part :1; new" of tho nun hold Ltttqgal pun-I the eoutttrr " of a m'. type a cima In". In autocratic gmgni there is no needJor anxiety Ir alarm, " no duh ll unnamed my the Dr. Vatdon thinks all children or alumni-mu. ' Khm- of the lobu those who have not. teen vaccinated to tho m. wtit In“ ttt b. “in" "I. let seven years should be vaccinated Lord Want at m. Councih-Tho A “may Cabinet. at in. M0! uranium m1. SPENCER. HINISTRY. Conn-ant Woman”! Quebec Tl SMALLPGX CASE -. " IN AYR VILLAGE. The prod that "Frttito-tires" is the greatest kidney cure ham tit science is demonstrated by these tablets removing all pen: in the baeb--amtkirtr the kidney! heelthybend curing chronic constipation. ' T St. Hymn-nu. in" June at, a”. “mauve." m M all!!!“ my! iain1tott-tmat-ttht1s SON OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL PRINCIPAL STRIL‘KEN’ WITH THE DISEASE WHILE IN TOR- 0NT0.--CASEs IN PARIS ,AND TORONTO. l ciItat ot mawmggsiog Sh"rdrak'l'l'dlrlG 'mlltwr' (sap-0' but an and an ugly 3. Hum. tear-w. Notions-co . e £1th - Do you know that every drop of blood in your body goes to the kidneys to get rid of some of the imptdtiel? When the bowels don’t Tove segulgrly, the hhogl‘takes napoleon: in the bowels and carries them to the kidneys. T en the kidneys get isverworked--iMamed. Then comes the pain in the ttack-headaches-constant desire to 1trinite--nemritttsnetttr-a1repie_asnests " Fruit+tives acts directly on the Kidneys-deans, heals and Mitchel“ them-makes the liver give up more bile to move the wela regularly-equi stimulates the ghnds of the skin to increased action. These rid the system of all poisons and every trace of Kidney Disease disappears. m taitrg'2rfgr'su1,',ra"ul',",'? ”W h At ""G','irt'lFii'ii"'éii'ii"ir"a'/,irl1 “W“ At 1183001188 Potatoes-Wt-t No. l, Enrly White Prize. Rochester Roe, Uncle Sam. Amman Wonder, Bower, Ear. " Andes and Late Purina. Barley. - Six-rowcd-Mcnsmry, Od- ma, Nansllcld. Claude itid Rorl Two-rowed - summon, lnvlnciblo, Camila: Thorpe and Sidney. - Dear Bir,-By instruction at the Hon. Minister ot Agriculture another distribution will be roads this season of samples at the most productive" sorts ot grain to CanMian larmers tor theHmprtwemettt.ot seed. The stock for distribution is at the very best and has been secured mainly trot the excellent crops recently had at the branch Experimental Farms at Indian Head, Sale, end at Bran- don, Man. The distribution this spring will consist of samples. ot oats, spring wheat, barley, Indian corn (tor cnsilage only) and potatoes. The quantity ot oats to be sent. this year will be 4 lbs, and of wheat. or barley 5 his, sunicient in each-cost! to sow one-tiventieth at an acre. The samples of Indian corn and potatoes will weigh 3 lbs. as heretolore.' A quantity of each at the following var- ieties has been secured tor this dis- tribution: unguuu. qun m wuv‘-.-_.. Wheat-Preston, Red File, Percy. sunlq‘ Huron, Lure] and White File. Indian Corn (tor mailagc).-Earlyi Ions. Angel ot Midnight, Compton's', Early md-hondellow; Inter varieties' Sdected burning. Early Mastodon and White Cup Yellow Dent. i Every tum" my ttpptr, but only one sump!!! can be sent to rack up- pliant. hence it n individual ro- wing n sample ot mm he eatrttot, also receive. one ot when. huloy or potatoes. Mam ot me! trom mm To the Elinor " "ad M -tiiG.-auntter, Wide-Awake, Abun- dance. Thousznd Dotiar, Improved Ligowo. 1tout11tder_aaf 8t"1tr Galt, Dee. 6.--The son at the prin- atue r mmu~ - Nlhts3kfld,"lg,,'Jl.'t,d at Arr is at '“iiuin'uJ' 1eyr1"1tl: or apptieatiomt (or more .tthan one sample to: one houseth I cannot be entertained.. These samples n will be sent me of chum through the mail. Applications should he addressed to the Dileetor ot Experimental Farms. Ottawa, and may be sent in, any time before the lst or Much, alter which the lists will be closed, so that . all the samples asked for may be sent out in good time for _sowiatg,_Partietr __ variety they would prefer, with a sec- ond sort as an alternative. and should the available stock at both two 'ra.r- ieties be exhausted, some other good sort will he sent instead. Those ap- ' plying for Indian corn or potgtoes I will please bear in mind that the corn is not available {or distritttthttttttit W _- r _. March or April, and that potatoes cannot be mailed iron! here until dul- ger from frost in transit is over. No postage is required on mail niatter addressed to the Central Earperime.st- ' tat Farm, Ottawa. WM. SAUNDERS, Director or Experimental Farms Ottawa, hoiemter 25th, 1905; Mrs. Henry Near, an aged resident of Hamlet, died Monghy monk}; a. the home ot her daughter, Mrs. S. Vrooman. Deceased some time :30 ago had iast'reeovered from an attack ot la, grim and while ret w'uk tdit to ttte tioor asuiarok'e be: Mr. At.. though this to recover from the grip the injury reeeived,trmn than“ was too much (or he! constitution, cul- minating in her death. The mum. Near was over nineiy yen: of age, 3nd has resided in Hespelu'iot wont eleven years. coming from Caninn, when she formerly lived. . In htt ding bridges “and opening up settle Runs in New Ontario. the De ' ment of Public Works has al- "tt upended $250,000 (luring the year. During the winter road con. “radian will probably be continued. Just, before noon Saturday a horse and rig, belonging to Henry Jonas, the well known milk vendor, Ins struck by the Gait train at the Mill street crossing ot the Gait G. T. R. bunch. The horse was instantly killed, but the driver escaped with n [or bruises. The rig was badly stunned. pm 'ieiiiiGgtS.ukeri- - “but Ina-Map "we. chm.“ - th. M m I: tttug'. aymmm " abound be borne In mind that "Kym“? Ih"'2t'gt. 'ht en v: e - for the more union- dir enen. m. which at the m netted We! at tee" ttm, he i it str,gr,tt'utNr2'l'atlL2 Colds Meaning-Slum. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy DEATH OF MRS. NEAR. criGGr - Ind- ia'tt,'ceuEllrl,rf,t 1Giih' /FWiFirTsriad -

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