Toronto Evening News: In St. Ntg'ts lemma ‘Clnuch. Avenue road, a new: o'clock. Wednesday ev- ening. piss Bertie, daughter ot Kit. ii yeCallu-a. 'tOrme-rw ot Cross- Im, was married to Mr. Benjamin Haw". ot Westmgrelgnd name. The my In performed by Rev. R. Whiting. the pastor. The bride. who We: given "my by her brother, Mr. Hervey leCdlum. were . lovely [own ttt ivory Chilton crepe de chine,' over talletn, made en train tusd trim- med with lace insertions. The tulle veil we: held in place try u wreath of , can†tlossoms. and I pearl crescent In worn. Her sister, Miss May Me-' Cullum. the bridesmaid, was Jn pale eolienpe mer tenth, and wore a pate blue yie- tnre hat with white plumes. The best men was Mr. Harold Clarke. Mr. Kenya Clarke and Mr. Will MeCM- lum were ushers, Miss M. Murray, of Ti0smttrurg, presided at the vrgan, und_while the wedding party were in the vestry, "Oh, Pertect Love, , was sung by Hits Lilian Jones, at Wiar- ton. The bridegroom's gilt to the hridrsmaid wasapenrl ring, to the best man gold cull links, and to tie ushers pearl scarf plus. A reception was held at the home of the trride's parents, Czar street, at which only the immediate relatives were pre- sent. Mr. and Mrs. Harpell left tor a short trip, the bride wear'mgaeris-' tum: ot navy blue broadcloth. will hat to match. They will â€mum to spend some time in Toronto Foiore leaving home. h . .- . . _ om: . ' Politics and personal jealousy ELMIRA . shoulf have nothing to do “'iih Monthly Fair.--The Elmira sovexv.liFiriiiioni Meeting the welfare of the ter lair will be held here next Iron-! citizens in general. Whatever will help a†. '. to build up the town, whatever will . . . i . dd to its growth and prosperit Academy)“. Martin Eby, of "vi-fa . I.. . y, lenstein, when on his way home from 'tre, tactic 1he. hearty support ot Elmira on Tuesday evening got. tan- :- who hm.“ its present and future _ _ ... . . " 4.1....†M Helium " hem. - 7, Accident .-Mr. Martin Eby, of W.rl- lenstein, when on his way home from Elmira on Tuesday evening, got. tan- gled up with a. barbed wire fence on the road side, and had his face and headbadly cut up. New MiIIrr.-Mr. W, Hahn, of Des- boro, has returned to Elmira to who his old place in Rata Bros.' mill. He has rented a. house on Queen street. trurion,Ratz, ot Elmira, who'is one ot. the survey party in Alaska, has nodded to return to Ottawa for the winter.-Mr. Otto S. Schmidt has msretuuted 'the house formerly occu- pied by David Gowing, on Park St. . Notes-Mr. Joseph Strange. who lives near Elmira, has hall the mis- lorlune to [one his two working hor- lks by a quick and fatal disease, which Dr. Bechtel pronounces spinal Improvements are now being made to the lair building at Guelph to fit; it still better for the accommodation and comfort of exhibits. Among other things a. portion oi the main tuild- in: is-tming-set apart for the Seed- Department and the Poultry Depart- ment is being enlarged. A large num-i, her ot new poultry and pigeon (009$ are being set up to fully provide ior all entries. We wish to remind ihose or our readers who intend making' exhibits at, the Provincial' Winter Fair that entries close on November Mth lor live stock; November 21th for live poultry, and December 2nd tor all other departments. To make sure that entries are received by the swretarr in ttood thee it will be vel' toarttu'l them a few days before date ot closing. Aht another page of this paper is published the prosprFtusoi the I’m rd Emits Hams of Canada. Busile will be carried on under the above name, but on threharterot the Pa- ewitier,Bank of Canada. which has bet ) acquirrn. The bank will opera“ throughout Fan-"Alla, “ilhnn ottire i1 London, Engiand. Later, should (in "tension demand, branches will hr rstahlixhrd in other largo. tq'rtir,S R...".. ........... The, gentimmn who have convulml to act as dirtwtcrs alt. men well known in “analln at. able tiuowiers and men ot grunt cumin:- ability. Tlwt an" ' Croat Itrit ain _ The {in m’n‘al umlinm‘d this weck, Most oi nu- humor: have mmkcd harvesting their root (Top. - . -ert c.. “iv are pleased to ham that Mr. 's'. Rich-fl is again improving shot having bmm ill tor .'.omp him. Mr. J. llallman mam" a. husim-xs “in lo T'tattsiviitr last week. _ ---- . u - “r u..:....' okskie ..... TNr . -__it The Edward TH. Literary Socinvy vii hula ity next lrm‘lng ":1 Nov. mu. F'tark's ttrq'ptrrd Chicken or Ham.- ï¬lm raw rrnrh'r! m trrast wrM mt MM, and tt ruptrt rncm- Trt n. WATERLOO riirrithly-cis-EctiaN ' ttAttPELL-MeCALLUM ANOTHER CAN' trt1AN HANK AN Win-trim Taxman TH F, WI N"'PER FA IR ior Winnipeg. their lulu": )IANNHFJM now being made services will rp isis-bear Aw cl communitsatitrta Jr b8 WATERLOO RATEPAYER" A CRITICISED. The ratepayers oi Waterloo level, good reason to’rescnt- the Mum-xv em in out at": ud "A intuit» Ratcmyer" C.') whose Incubation; appeared in ycsterdny's Telegraph.', He is doubtless an outsider who 1'as', never cuntritruted one cent in taxes, or in anything else to help the town: His questions, which [hp thinks "clove" er" are not only iPe"ititrttt'tntt noun musical. What is it his business who owns or rontrols any ot our'rros:rer-i Editor ctsroetiele-Tei-h. ous industries which have been tuilt up, not by earnings such IS his, Jiut tr, honest business methods and hard work. Does he, or any sane Inn-son itmgine that the Messrs. Mueller an bound, by any code ot t"f,T1' eth- ics, to publish trom the ho se-tops the nature and extent ot the interest each member of the firm has in the business? What concern is that. of his? “that do the real ratepayers ot Waterloo care to know whether the lathe! or the son owns or manages the business? What they do want to know, however, is that the concern asking tor a more suitable site is de- scrsiutt oi encouragement and that its enlargement» within the town lim- its, wilt give employment to an in- creased number of men whose rn- ings will he spent in the 't.'ili'ri5,ii Waterloo and whose taxes will to help to meet the necessary yearly ex- penses of the municipality. -irditi, Uuitrttrui and petty mu- 'ttmtisttg with the town's represeuitr- a. b) "no ,ne mum at [In-u “mu to advance the interests at the rampag- ers, should be trowned down hy all right thiaking men, and the undes- sional carpet gum awide berth. It is safe to Say that should this by-law be defeated tm Monday next, the opponents-tit any) wdl regret their action within one week after Boiling day and their regret ws'd be stakes and move toaneighbur'mg town, when: they will Be 1eerivert with open arms, and whose [shines and working men will :vougler vhy Waterloo allowed such an estahtihie ment to leave. the xuwn Ion. pantry $1.890-an average cost for all years of less than 4 cents pcr sum" ah" sessment to its property: Inhlers. Thanking you for the space occupied and hoping the hy-law win receive, as " ttesvrves, the- gtttttto11Eniytppsrrt, .9I flu}! mulli- gont ratepayers ot Waterloo. Yours, elm, Mr. (tote was most favorably im- preGed with the [arming prospects In the Vicinity or Didsbury. Indeed, so fartxahly was he Impressed that he bought 610 acrcs near that place. Whrat in that vicinity is turning out on an average fttty bushels to the acre. It is not generally known that the wheat grown in the vicinity of Didshury is [all wheat ot the Dawson Hagan-1y, alttwugti an ocmxional link! (It h' ring wheat may beseen. Full wheat is sown in that part in the month of t,tuguert. Men. have. Loch known to huy a negation M prairie In that country, break it up and disc t1, sow tall wheat, and niake enough out of the first crop to pay for their farm and all 1'xp1'rvu's. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Gole, of Brcslati, returned home on Monday. after a two months. visit in the Northwest. They went out to the coast, and report things in general as being, in a most prosperous condition. Mr. .Golts was more than astonished at Ihesize of the timber ‘in British Columbia. He says that a tree eight dtet in diamater is just as common the“! as one in Ontario two leet. These trees are usually over two hun- dred feet high. RETURNED FROM THF, WEST. Thr pussihilitirs of this practically untioimifed wheat pro0tiring munlry' areineatrutahlin It may tre nnlicrd that tall wheat cannot ho hmwn sup- (-csslully east ot Aim-rm. Tlie ball when! ripens early an compareil with spring wheat, consoqucnlly is alan- lutalv crrtain to 15mm tlw trust. whivh an ollon makes the swing Crop uncertain. Mr. Gole says' that swam flows are .guitt- rummun ttt that couitfir, that“: that- new W tained tiiteett plows and “as drawn by a tittr horse-power (-ngim: l gang at this deseription could vasily rhu- n hundred news a wrok. (“ml is plentiful and cheap, " ttce (‘nLlizlmf‘l‘ hank his Coit, from the mine he ran buy it tor $1.50 a Ion. so il is plain, that steam your is chcaprr and rm momplish more work than horses; Ea-PRESIDENT WATriRi,00 BOARD OF TRADE Waterloo, Oct. 15, 1905. For mothers-tho J. S, Roos Shu- Co. has just mvivod Mt pairs of "m" In shoes lor children trom Mttlort.c, 1: of Rochester, N. Y,, which In". be '.ey, at Mluw otd prim": an Ttutrclty, {"993 my! Salumr "tis mt Rif- In N Mass Meeting Held in Town Hall, Water. ; loo Fairly Well Attended-Speakers 3 With one Exception Were in Favor l V of By La v. MUELLER BY-LAW WAS DISCUSSED The meeting was called to orde about 830 o'clock, when Mayor li fe‘maun. who acted as chainmn. rose and ttrieiiy gave reasons why in Ma opinion every ratepayer should Vole tor the by-law. The town, he will] haul teen progressidk slowly bul sum-l ly, as shown by the large amount p, hullding done lite {last year. He urged the electors to vote for the a: law browse we could not Mord t, 'arse the industry. On three (linen-1r Ioccasions lay-laws such as these can horn voted upon and carried. and ht advocated keeping what we “we go and looking for more. These lat-lone were lho mainstay of the town's yr: gresa and we should Bot allow this one to go. It would only, cost the et cctursa matter of So. on $1,000 IS seamen. He wanted them to lool ' Ln the bv-law astatrusittetsa pmposi lion and vote lor it. The muss meeting held in the ’l‘m. Hail, Waterloo, on Tuesday event tor the purpose ot discussing tr Mueller By-taw, which is to-he .s,,i' mined to the ratepayers ot Walt loo on Nov. 20th, was fairly well ' tended, about 'awentr-tive being pr, scnt. The meeting was not char-. terired by any undue excitement an» with the exception of only one meat or all those that took the plazion spoke in lavor ot the by-law. they carried." The shipping "airirti'Fr' were also lacking and their outwit: required too much handling. ‘I'liert was also no chanee oi putting in . siding] For these reasons they be ~gan to east about ior asuitablo sit several months ago. They desired it get a site between Berlin and Water I loo and in this he was only represent- ing his father. He looked " non“ of Mr.leo. Moore's property in the _ xi:inity of his hop yards. Thelma tion Was not cx'aeth what thev Trac, ed as aeeess could only be had io tn: 'GJLR. The fact moms: being ahl I to get Iahor more easily here also in “unread them in thinking thisagoor' 1oeatim. However, the price asked. $750. was, they thought, a little too high. ci-Paltz"' property was next liisited, and although it was a little. out oi the way, it would suit their', purposes almost better than the, Moore property, and the price rustedI was s'ighilv lower, $700 an acre. "the shining laeilities were better, they here having access to both GIFT and $'.P.R. Mr. Shantz also taunt down in prire $100 and asked Slim an acre. Sometime alter represema ti/e n‘cn from Berlin came direct to 1 him for information, he being nan tiger of the concern since Mutt, and _ n::‘:cd him tt route to Berlin laser what could be done tor them. Th, - Mayor drove him out to see RPW?rit I sites. and ol'lered to give them thieil , to tire acres of land. Shortly alter , he ind occasion to go to the. South I . eln K'att's. and when‘he got hack hi ( Was intormed .that the Board o" ' Trade had appointed a committee it t ask him what he Wanted. He said I Berlin had ottered him three acres or 1 more it needed. and also exemption l from taxes in the lorm ofa rebate l by assessing the property very low P and thus saving that in tan-st “Len " the limiter was brought up in the l ('o'mtil he had vacated his sent,al- , thurgh in his opinion it would loo t hem unnecessary to do so. As to It r 8rrrs of land being too much, he l stand that when all the sidings VCrt Mr. C. J. Mueller, Jr., was new exiled upon by the Mayor. He said i1 WPS very gratifying to see so mar presrnt, and show-d that the rate payers wrrc interested in the by-Iso He proceeded to explain the Whuil matter. The past lew years the Imsi nos: had increased to such araesten" that their prcscnt quarters wttre en linly inadequate. They were cramp ed for more room, which ther reed!" 4131mm: has; amount ot stock "an." (“UH- mm "no Ill Ml‘ Jl “an ., sites, and offered to give them thin Mr. A. Weidenhamrrcr Wtts in him to tire acres of land. Shortly after " the ttlaw tot tsr,reat many "it he had occasion to go to the South sons. The. present prosperity at Wat pin States, and whrrtrhe ttot back in erloo was owing to the progreeiw Was intortned .that the Board o' pcrsy ofthe Board of Trade and Trade had appointed a committee " founcil the past few years The ctr ask him what he IWanted. He said 'arged‘pknt which Mr. Mueller pro- Berlin had ottered him three acres or posed e ting would result in the uni- more it needed. and also exemnthn playment ol more men and the} from taxes in the torm ota rebate would erect More houses. The rest try assessing the property very low was also only So. on 31,000 35$".iS and thus saving that in taxes. Wren ment. It the Board oi Trade had Lot the matter was brought up in the taken any action the industry would (Vt-unit he had vacated his sent,at- probably have lett town in the though in his opinion it would hart Spring. The town would he grail} hem unnecessary to do so. As to y.oener.ttrd by keeping the industry atrrs of land being too much, he here. Help would he brought in from stated that when all the sittings were ouisirle and assuming that at least put in, he was doubtful whether three the horses would he ereetetl at from arr-‘5; would be Vll"l(‘l"ni. The 'err)',:',':',?-) $1.2m to Stilt“ each. the'taxcs on ed building would he one. story lllpll,‘ rmuld pay the amount to be though the warehouse nould he some: made up each yen, Another mallet what higher, He was eontident that! wlmh he was pleased to see was ths the (Inn mold msily enlarge thelms-‘ tart ct the tat-ton" being built in tin imss to Ch en more than twice their; “test ward. By all means let us build present capacity. The price. of the_ away trom Berlin, and build up tit- land, ttNo, at N500 an acre, was,' wr..t and north wards. The erection not so lunch when they 'iorisid'r'r'ii(rri thrse building". in the treat ward that Mr. Fhantz,would have to put Wutlltl probably result in more lots tn two roads and by the time "its? brim: sis.trt,twrrumrt with no. ftrdmTr was done he would only realize about I ed that all progressive citizens Would :ttm tier nerve The auestion as to: vote tor the by-law. land, 81300, at $600 an acre, was', not so Inurh when they (‘onsiulcrrdi that Mr. Shantz,would have to rutI m MT rrmt.tamrt -trltm- mm m! wax done he would only realize '.""",1; mm per acre. The question as In. whether Min-r capital was invested in', the business had teen asked. Mr. Muel- ler unphalically stated the contra n25 Not rm‘ dolhtr of anyhndy's mmwy nuisilv nf tlmr own was inucslod in the husmms. The quvstion harlhun asked ilan': olhrr ottrrs laud Men made, He adittied that lvm nth-rs trom other plan-s had I'm-n tuado hut did not think it h . rss pginnplo to divulge who "my 3Ili In 'lotta-ht,":"" Lo trttsted that the' Flaw Would tp. who the Many support: M the Merl- [It m J "W m "" I' n. "Indira III-xi nulllrn-m'ul a! "m wing. Thu tact of so many naps-if) 'rp “a; warm. showed that the lute-l '1'“ new were interested in the by-law. tr qr limsell. he was tirtrt, but. .-.nd all N" In- time in favor ot the by-law and 1" " voted tor all bylaws submitted I . wring the past 40 yum. We -:h.~mld pr, .pport it because it was some n! our M": MO brslncss man who had by intel- ah' “(11.9 and industry built up an in- 'fs many such as this one. He kere took ron cation to My Hut bewas Aways mind ot the laboring man.‘ The "e, st was only trifling. te. ; year (In ' I i. t,000, amt he hoped the people wotu'd rose work to keep the industry hue and his it they did-not Berlin wouldhe ttttet vote‘ it. $600 an mm was not much when “Matt was considered that Mr. Shanty would have to make “the roads. '.'ht land was " lots and cost 8I20 oath. The builang was going to be put up on the right side of the town aim. fompared with Ballerina and “We: eastern luwns Waterloo Was progtuss ng much mm than these towns. Hr "god everyone to work for the by- " and thus contribute to the pros" parity ot the town. Mr. C. Brandt spoke next. in tin orst place he was opposed to tin principle ot honusing. The idea o", bonusing a. flourishing' concern such as) this industry was not in his winter. the proper thing to do. He wasgnitt willintrto grant did to an induglr} which required help, but to bonus out which Chum well word to purcirw its own site, hc'could not conseicm tiously support. For those who we" well able to pay taxes it msasntrt sc bad, but for the poorer class lu- thought it? was not right. To main his point clnr- he cited an lint-ante of how it would appear if a collrctot were to ground _and collect iisc much Immapoor widow who hard!) money to be used to buy asite for a lourislring concern. He thought this not. right even it the establishment of such an industry did increase the Value of her properly. She would rot likely want to sell the property and realile on the inetpase anyway. Le firectly, however, he had no fending ,igainst the individuals who get that xid. It it were two or three young: fellows just starting up an industry‘ nd really required aid, he would -ladl_v give his support, in sueh , case ur where an industry had sustained as hi' a tile and needed such help. A esnlutinn ought to be drawn up by a union of municipalities to the died that no town be allowed to draw away an industry From another town which was already established there. He always regarded ,Mre Mueller as' 'i' friend and hoped he would eontéuur to remain so, but. he could not ton seientimpsle vote for the by-law, for the reasons above stated. Mayor Uliclmann before he ected than the next speaker remarked that "Io did not agree with Mr. Brandt no thought that a. widow such as mentioned would have the support oi her lamllv. and this Would he'p het get along. He tited the raseot tr.: Woollen Mips, van-re a number in um family had worked and thus won a means ut support. Mr. [mi maul!" in timing In xpeak said there wcrn always: two shim tr ar,".eitinf.. lie respr'ried the arm whrther he wns in Ian-or ot [he by- law nr nm and had no tault to hurl Mill ttt Yahming: man. He is mum to wt:- tor the by-lm': Menus! tht rnncmn would "increase its-upwin- more than one ha't, and though! 'tttt had aunnd right to ask lornwrtnln‘ amount ot hows, Mr. Mucllor bad shnwn 'opasity in do business. lt Mr. Mueltvr dill nut inn-11:0 his m- [unity he riidn't rlrs'crw the aid. and :N "In rrrm infrmfs "n invrraw as mum-in he lluvughl that map].- 3’11â€." u, 1H5!!! " rt oi het F Ila I um wen DEATH OF MRS. HARRlSON SUCCUMBED TO AN ATTACK OF TYPHOID PNEUMONIA AT THI BERLIN-WATERLOO HOSPITA' TrF.SDAY AFTERNOON. . It beam“ our 1nd duty to chum He an; death at Lillian J. Harris»: 'tt . Harman), daughter ct Curotiru and the late Isaac Hofrntan, whit! (wanted at the Bertin-Watertoo Hos ii.trl at 1.30 on 'l‘tusday uteruoon. Buzzard, who had only Indy we: remo cl t, the hospital. suferin from an attack lot trphoid-rneumonia showed signs of improvement thchlat to: tart at the wok, but stuttienl. In)": a. turn for the worse on Tutsti" and passed away. Dvceastd had reached rec age ot 3f )cars. 2 momma aid " darn. and r9. ota Lind and sunny disposition, an: her dent silt be leartud cl with wt row .by her many triends. er ot Cedar and Albert stretts, " Piid y, at goclocc, tor the “an dist Church for serum. Iretwe to art, Hope cemetery for ‘intcrmcnl. .\' tlowers. "Gur'GGUiGa be held from tl, residence ot Mr. C. w. Schism. con We extend our the bereaved. Mr Joseph Wcsmood, of St. " cobs, spent Sunday at the tesxrlenct- cl Mr. Alex. Senator. Miss Lizzie Lauirer, of Berlin, was aSunday visitor " Mr. John Lan- cnbauer's. Mr. Ezra spending a here.. (Diviss Bernice-kurchinsky, of Hespe- ler, is spending a few days under the parent! roof. -.- _. T -iii. >antl Mrs. H. Hutt spent Sunday with their daughter in St. Jag-ms. Lihfe Society Mmrting.-on Wedncs day owning last the local branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society It!" its annual mreting in the U. B. church here. Rev. Mr. Dreyer oi lice- tan, delivered a very interesting and instructive address. . The Misses Silva. Shrilcy; sire Bingeman, and the Messrs. Gorduit Bintteman and f,11ntt _qudcr. Hrcttt suing? ville. Literary.--Thtrtirst private meeting ot the year took place on Flat:rolay evening last in the King Edwarvuzall Sucre, when ashort programme was renddred, The first open meetirrg will he held on Saturday evening, Nor. 25 tor which a /ood debate and program are being arranged. Srhonl mrport.--The report of the “chi-a! Division ot our school tor Ur- tober is as toP.ows, namcs in on!†of merit: Sr. IV., Alice Redford. m'" Jr. IV., Eleanor Snyiter, [my "each, Alirrd Hummell, Clayton lun- hinsky’. . Jr. In.," imile Bastian, Pearl ttrd- ford, Howard Bowman, Eldon “A: Fir. Mi., Ada Martin, Bertie llryrr. Mina Hummcll, Alberta Scoble, ken "rcusman. Dora “He. Ida Cressunan, Irvin Shepherd, Synrna Weber. l inl t Slumski, Elsie Reist, IIaroht Thomas. -. _ _Fr. IL, Glo Snyder, Lizzie t'res.s- in tins, is as who'rsmne as it is do loin-rs. Ask your guru hm. VFr. IL, Glo Snrdtri, Lizzie t' man", Olixia Heintzman, Lloyd Mar- in, Playtcn Reist. A meiiing ot the Wmm-n‘s; 1.rrsti- lute wi’l be held in the Lecture room on Thursday, lhth of Nowmhw. a! f Tm. A good programme is brim grained. Tea will be served. Al' are iavitrd. . John Mackie is Very ill with that 'Irratl d’snsc, typhoid lever. We wish him a speedy 1"c0tP/T. There an two other cases of trrtq in thr “:‘igh hmhmxl. ' . The new iron bridge is t'r.rnplrtr'd n'cr tte dam, mrl the approach†thereto will N, filled in in a lewdayr s t that tratiic orcr it may hr resumed shortly. _ shmll support the by-law. The Hm. ot Mr. Mueller going lo Btrlin Eat-fon- aid was 6thtrrst trom Waterloo did no! mnmwnd itself to his judnmpnr MW" 11-11mm 'mnml‘r ttttr .m tirrrtmt.v,tantre and was prepared to 19.11in support the br-uw. an; 6;. (an: in tho I any lung)“ lap and Min! Mr.. A. B. McBride upon how; call- ml upnn said hr hall Ito vote. 50 um- soqm‘mly it wouln make lllllc ch'lor- mm- to him. However, he pointed can that ratepayers would really ‘ohly bare to raw about 2c. mummm aw " smut. damning (to amount which woetl la, rerriwm tot srhcml than“ say Sllma war. and cited the ttsrrr, the (and: Fumilutc Co., who tstd â€laugh all" exempt lmm amoral laws mid taxes tunomttitqt so want $375. This ptosrd the meeting. This speak- rm Yh'Prt' well "rrtvrd and allrmivc- Ir listened In, Liutk's DEI-ZFSTEAK AND ON IONS. " CLARK't4 13mm AND mans height I.†ll hymn-n ter. ’0", BLOOM LNG DALE Wih'TF.RBOU RNF. Silllcr, ot London, i few weeks at his iwmt Wrt1t -TrTemMram mm- sincere symwnny I ix!“ srir. BALFOUR B CANDID '.No Us. Having a Loud" Un- ion You Follow Him," Sud Ho. Pmior’u Bmh 'nterrrstrd " Threat to lotion tho Lndcrohip of the Un. ioniot Party, and Wu Dalivorod in Vim. " the Frau-ding; at tho Nation-l 'torttrrvatitro Uhian at Noweutlun-Tym. London, Nnv. 15.--tc. A. PO-mm' heron (ha meeting of the BritUh Ntte uonal Union of Conservative Alloca- ttons, It I'll] announced that Capt. we:u. chairman of the Central Con- servmlve organisation. has resigned. ‘The Incident derived It: lrnpotunce Irom the fact that it meant the pasta; ot the party orsartiaatmns under the control ot Mr. cttamtrertatn's support- cn. As he had previously captured the Lttr:rarrmioatst organizations. the tu. cal rzformeru are now supreme In both wings of the Unions“ party. and are in n “ramble postman to Impreu their [views stall more upon the present Gov- ernment. - - tORiES VOTE CHAMBERLAIN Favor Final Briana. By ' pncticnlly unnnlmoun vote the conference passed a relolution in tnvor or cloaor union wi.hin the Empire. and declared that It could beat be obtained "by such a readjustment of mutton as will. without increasing the cost of load to the poorer clue: ot this coun- try. tend to securo fairer treatment of British mtttturacturera by tnreign m- tions. prevent the practice of dumping and largely increase reciprocal prefer This resolution. which in Mr. Cham- berlain'n Whey in succinct tom. was atarr!ed with any two dissetttienttt. Balfour Policy Showed. _ An amendment favoring Mr. Bal- four's retaliatory policy. as explained in his historic ‘haif sheet of notepaper," received less than a dozen volts, Balk-u" Frank Talk. New-tte-ou-Tyne, England. Nov. 15. --Premter Balfour at the night sea-Ion ot the Conservative Association urged .he Unionists in get toge . er. He said that the Government must be given a tree hand to "wine union unfair foreign competition. and so readjust who fiscal policy of Engtand u to ‘en- courage Briiiah manufacturer! Ind [draw the Empire together by preferen- ttnt grammes: t;ir1t1ttiig was; chin! triad-e between the different part. or the British Emphe." w "In the chili? "trTrtri.i'tririR2r9m â€an: four declared frankly that he wni not afraid of the Oppnullon. but or1ttta own friends. Wlth great detitremtiprt and emphasis he added: C "I am here tO say tsseruattr what l mum about the suuauon. 3nd I mum to my it. There in no use In having I. Indu- tmleas you mean to follow him. I speak here as your leader for the time heme. and my advlce In to for. tret dttrerenees which an outside ot practical politics of the hour. It you retest my advice disaster win overtake our cause." London. Nov. ".--Promier Balfour’s unusually candid warning to his fol- lowers at the conference ot.the Na- tlonal Unlun of Conservative Assuma- tions at Newcastle-on-Tyne last night ls interpreted In some quarter: as a throet to reslgn the leadership of the Ifnlunlst party it dimensions continue with regard to the tisrertt and Judging try the editorials In thls morn- lng's newFmt.'rprr, more In small llkgll- hood of his 11>me harms the desired Tv-mmo Nov. ".---one of the clauses amend by the Runway Commission about a month ago Is that shippers are "mi; entitied to recover $5 a package trom railway ['T?'l','ti', for lost pack- ngos. rm Oct. 7 Charles Burke, of Souk tke. Mario shipped three pack- ages of household tweets. valued at $565.95 to wrtanapltrre, Ont., over the C. P. n. In mistake he signed a re- leasn of "sponsmlllly form lumen. of a shipping form. The form he signed has a clause to the effect that the com- pany would um hold Lac]! liable tor more than " on any package. Youth â€My. Justice Teetael gave judgmmt tor 'ttr, to masher, whme goods were tost ) ll tranqtt. London. Nov. L5.---tC. A. PO-ite Privy Council has given us decision in tho case of the Montreal Btroet Ratt- wny against the City ot Manned. TM railway": appeal wnn allowed with mm: yrslrrdrly. The can" can"! to an unanimous decision that the railway In an! luabzr for n parent-(e to the My fm'me annulus: ot nuburlun “an. The don-Son does not apply to Toronto. Winnipwz or othrr emu. Meant. Davey cm, Jnmns and Robertson tum mil that an thrtr 'tittrs' amuse; the railway stands to (all: by this tit-chum approximately 1utit n nulllnn d'ollary. premium than could have Iron trottelt fur them last! war. Ontario's credit In London ls 91mm: at good ‘ns that of m Dmrmmnt In?! W mm "m (if the rlstrr colonies. " “I! nevpr bet. (or than " In not I am sorry the news-mun In": pron it to attack mp far " hurt: our and: there. Why did I ar'.l tttrm? h was ham ot the ttri. viee of many ot “I. mm! prominent Munch-rs. Thoir tttttstunts-ttv., nvtnlon was It would be bun-r to wait." Onur'o Cram and. Tornnlo. Nov. ICs-Cot. Muham- mhl las. night. "I mng have din-posed " tho bon-tn had I antral at u better Gnu Gum In In"... Landau. Nu". tc,--'rorrentu1 ruins and has! and Mm! Morin! are ringing the peninsula. The I'm-on "a over» now-Sn: mm the emnly In mined. Sw- oal persons have Irvin Rum! and much damn†har man done. Storm. If! R- mma] m the lower ulnallor'rln-nlt whrre many "molar-v0 been a, Stands to Gain a Half Minion. Thin 'Rulo 890m: Hard. ', " t .33 V' 1mm my} gun has an Story of ttte LI'O to 0-. Insuranc- Committee. 1. SUCCESSOR T0 ms FATHER 7W Ind “in W“ TU. - In tnow-A Inlay an†Annum’wm It You. a! A. Which Wu luau-d b 't0M" . Who-[Ho" t ' Graft In lawn». ._ , New York, Nov. ".--o- H. 3*. former Flu! VlemIdmt " trt. amiable Lite Autumna- 809W. - the most coulplcuona mu 31'qu day's union or the Anaheim = mum on luunnce lava-damn. . tlr-st “the“ called wu John 11001:: ness. employed try tho Multan. who was on the “and at natoimsmaht Monday nigh}. Hi. Fen-oi. humour. r k Mr. Hyde we. the nut vitae. no mum-a tint he VIII " - old. ' became room! vice-president at Equitable one month that -tHnttrtq from Harvard. He had nim- hoo- brought up to believe his “to wait was to Be the legitimate law!" his tether. the rounder of the lulu- shIe. He had traveled and studied with thu object In View. His (“hominid ib- suiled in him his vies" on lilo inna- nnce. He was a director of the - pany two yen-l before he Miam- From his earliest youth be m lived-In a life Insurance Atmosphere. out“ Ind expected to make " his lite work. N Doclined 'alary ItIirotq During his tather‘l “haven“ W. Alexander turned over to Min little w l, “me matters of detail. lie mu 1' ( celve u salary upon his ttrat conned“?! with the company. He Wu oder‘odtn sat-r1. but dectined. The pmident "t? various members of the executive copu- Imit ee then Mime-ted tint " nth“ _qutcitred himself by two yean’ wait. he sh mid have a minty. and President Alexander In 1900 fixed " at "Me. Mr. Alexander asked it till. m - sblc to him (Hyde), ":r, Salary horned to M F In 1902; Gen. Louis Huger-m ed u chairman of the than!» may . tee, and, Mr. Hyde In: appalled;- the oh,arrmtrrsh'ari For the - apnnsibiiiues,_niliug on Mr. By“; . salary qt'aq adv-need to '0,0tt0. duties tottstenttr incl-“led In tho q Ion: departments, IM in not his dittr lary was made $100,006, " which ttltr spring. The wine-I'm "ere any of the Math or member, of,“ exceutive commune. or tttdr museum) an lnctém In his . .", Mr. Hyde said the only panda-1 om- trunnion or which ht may 19- an: pt “5.000 to Cornellul N. 1311.. 1119* urcr or the Republican National ce- I’nntee. In the mt Frenchman-Q..- pugn. This contribution wallolldht by H. C. Frick. nkkKr. an. r, Though: H'tm-tt WI- _ t W summer. when the banking A- parlment caliod tor the repaymentigot the $685,000. and the “nimble Lilo"!!- [maimed it, Mr. Htdd and may Ind Mr. Jordan raked u‘much a any could and then he glue) made up the balance. 8212.000. a said he (now he was generous in thu, " tsq had no; received hny ttonettt from the m. Fund to Buy 0!! Sum. _ _ Mr. Hyde said that the object-tot the mysterious “.5900 loan by the Mercantile Trust Co, to the mama. Life Assurance Society were to buy of! Inconvenient suits. and to buy up the stock of this Ehultnhlg as tt came Into ( the market. . . Arr. Hyde was and If he was vill- ing to serve the Manny st 815,.†salary; gm! he reviled that he VII. Ill! he caused a much Br remark!" ttmt. he "did 'not think ho could get-It our where else.“ A Ila! ot Mr: lane'- as. roetorshtprr, use his person“ stuck holdings tn compo!!!“ In which the Equuablo In: (manned. was thou presented and Introduoed In evidence. Mr. Hughes Bald It Wu not ttis wr- pose to so over the matters maul by Superlmendont tgendrteha' report. Mr. Hyde was asked " money could he obtained on his voucher without oom- Inc under the notice of guy other om: cor. Witttetrs Bald " could be done. all this method was put into elect by In order at the president. 7 The Goo. H. "In Account. _ Mr. Hyde knew only by hen-u of the George H. Squire trustee account. The nyndicnte to not! the “0.000.â€. tntermst at Mercantile luring Co. - the T,etltll in which In. Abs-la asked Mr. Hyde to-tEWS-fre. trustee. ' parttetpatioo from tttq than of "J. “.11de and associate-3 Ili- attention as vice-president or thy Inuit- :Ne Trust Co. was never cart" to the Squire account. He did not - of what Mr, Squire wu trustee, no nev- or tnquired why Mr. “and" rant-1| him to give 000pr H. and". -, u participation. Mr. Bydo llld he re- oeived a raiary of 86.000 when he he. mmc vier-prmddettt at the Equitable Trust co.. and In not this In: ulna!!- od to 812.000. of the Interaction!!! Mercantile Murine Byndlcntr, 3260.000 Watt attuned to George H. Squire, trua- tre. by J. ll. Hyde and â€mm". Winn Mr. Hyde made on": on the Squire account. the amount‘wnu bor- Pttwed from the Muitnblo Trust Co.. but Mr, "yon laid he did not know alhut this. His cur.osi.y as to the Squire account mu not around What ho was Mimi to max. the nllntment. hut ho has sincn learned that " wu ’ the purpose to apply the profits of thin account to the payment at the “It.“ loan account or which 3. W. “candor and Thomas D. Jordan we" "not". tantrum of profits there was a loan. Mr. Hughes said that matter would be uk- en up later. M _ - Mr. Hyde was “kn! when W. Me. lmyrr. former fourth vteeqteFtt ot the than)». was. and M mun! um he had mm by the “GNP-POW" than M in In Elmo“. " Where I. mum-1 an old. that of m r tunic-tbs - - ' me work luau-"‘0! If the Milk m use! Nt [,i?a'li5 willâ€? "ded and; moo. 1p- n the 1&- ttitt"1 'tsr'3.'t'? mm til. VM tut