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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 9 Nov 1905, p. 6

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'ttktth1tgiqi0,til..1'ft't'tit'i't. igi5i'iiiii'?iiy"ii'"i ?ttuhe'ii Now-The C. P. R. ”nation In - exuded within . short dictum o! the an“ River, and the shrill whistle ot the engines my be bend in our value. A considerable num- - oi “an luvs may Malad- ded to the mm to replace toe' when: the chill autumn breeze ttad) not mutual. l A Spectra Mluatoa.--A peculiar looking individual with rewkahly long ball and bend unwed in our Millage . (cw days Mo. He atutotute- ed he would hold n meeting, but did not apreer on the horizon till long put midnight. He said he Ind taken . action: vow and Watt g member ot, the holy pm: ot The Sacred mm He certainly appeared a. curious and interesting object " he approatrhed the doorway one hasty mowing about me o’clock, his long bushy hair and beard glittering with sparkling gem: ot frost, g veritable enthusiast, . lort ot wondering ancient mariaer, pursued by phantoms ot “nailing penitence, 1nd haunted by ghosts that troop torth " the midnight hour and mock with hopeless despair the sum- hre visions of lite. cum and immov- thle as a statue he sat gazing mourn- luliy into the are in passive silence. Opening his lips he spoke slowly in a low, clear, tremmous tone. All gath- ered round to hear. The words scarce- tr seemed those at mortal speech, but conveyed a. thought ol terror to ev- err ear that heard. He spoke slowly tor the very intensity of his emotion ns-shown in the deep pathetic tones of his utterances. "Mortal man," he said, "I have Journeyed forth on a" long and weary road." God wot, the stones are sharp and cold. The ice cleaves to my sacred hair and stmnge voices I hear in the midnight hour as} the cold round moon shines down up- on me. o, mortal man! Hear me speak. Onward, ever onward l am compelled to' wander, [or stringe hands are forever pushing trom be- hind. Bodiless forms greet me at every turn. I have not yet expiated my dark, unnamed sin. But 1 know and shudder with colder chills at heart than those ot the frozen gusts trom the undiscovered AtltrAlta when l temmratrir-iririirmTrrirpGrirrf spirit robe." As he proceeded with his nar- ntive the eye oCthis strange being grew brighter and emitted such an uncanny mesmerie light, and held the heater by means of the terrible eye. now gleaming like some amulet gem annealed in upper fires, that all drew back and listened in dire dismay. "Mortal man," he said, "I am but a voice that ever moves on an endless journey. Over steep gorges, and tear- lul rocks, my pathway leads. I will seller much, but I will save many." Just then the wanderer passed away amid a. tlame of supernatural light, and we saw him no more. .91r?lPPfPPE5, '.thRi,teiqiihit'..1'ft' -I. at II. - tte, Items ot Ittterest.--h maiority of the farmers have still a lat e» part of the root crop to harvest. Ti'2s'l, who have grown sugar beets have also still a considerable portion to ship, therefore some tine weather would be very acceptable. A large amount at tall ploughing also remains to be dmre.-The Wallace C. & B. Co. hate closed tor the season. A very SOC" cesslul and profitable year it has been both for the company and also tor the larmers. - The cider mitt at Kurtzville has also closed tor the year. The amount ol cider made was small owing to the scarcity ot ap- ples-Mr. Russel McCartney had ship- ped to him from Port Elgin a "Ti load ol first class cedar posts. As they are being sold at reasonable. prices many farmers are buying posts. --The list ol J. P.'s tor the County ot Wallace have been published and it is try no means a short. one, the num- ber having been more than doubled. Considerable criticism is being heard trom both parties and we are surprise ed at failing to see some names am- ong the number who took an active pact in the recent campaign.--" is represented in both Parliaments by aha-Mm members, as neither are re nidents of the riding they represent. -Thc Methodists ot Mt. Pleasant are holding their anniversary services on Dec. 3rd. Rev. It. A. Graham, BA., trt St. Mary's, a former pastor, will be present and conduct the services. -We are glad to report that the vie. tims ol trphoid lever are making fair progress towards rccoyery. Personat.-Mrs, P. W‘ioderhold spent' several day: with friends in It', wicin- lty ot Mt. Forest.-Mrs. Jo Rttpt.tel "ain't-d 1torneutrr-sattudar, 4min: Tan-n absent nearly two weeks, sisite. in: friends in New Hamburg, Watch. too and Milvertott.-ofr. Edward Nah thewm.ord line, has gone to Listowol where he is taking a commercial course in the Listnwcl Business t ol- tege.-Wr. Donatd Williams returned trom the West, having spent a. " months assisting in haunting the crop. "is many triettdg are glad to are him back "ain.-Rev. N. Me- Camua, of Listowol. has been mn- ducting special mot-tings in Hunt's ehtereh.-Rev, J. ll. Kirkland preach- HI to the Orangemen " Gowanstown on Sunday last, tt being Guy Fawkes Day. Pin the best “mum! of Mt ohm and supp": u lowest prices, we Zion Shoe Home. Waterloo. Brantford, Nov. c-Por pining ote "rwtiogttt on the Grand Valley Ra.. am "an Int spring. with the itt- mum ot wrecking . at. Witthtm Irwin, a! Olenmonh. w“ today Fre “ $t$0 by 4-43. Hardy " “I! at]. WEST MONTROSE. WALLACE. iraok eee Itch, mud - M -e.-oe um um o a: duh sun. '"terioo, will In. Beauar-. w. mu ad an. Bonn In“ May in Bt. I-i-Mr. Pted) Hutton, Yor , I. -dtrtg . I" darts a and Kt.-' um- un- ghurluudv ‘thhonwollru Piano rowan. mummy. Cl if; iiGiiGr,TGi ",1... In" n- dnyolthhvuk. Thumb I PM!!!" 'e" 't Pr, f.t"ee,r,' JtaaiauaiGa milk. ' "itai"ii"Taud TIFF-J m In a In: Katie Run]; _to p. Venn; oi Iii'i"iiii-iiAri'rGiUaidueie witt 'ttt their “New I! tut Tti- . Tis on the new liming rink will commence this week. jg will be 'om- Notch-Tho Council met ttere last Sunday “tattoo: tor the purpose ot "India; the contact tor Ming up the gpproachel n. me new bridge. We understand the contract wu awarded to Mr. Peter cum tor "s. Mr. 01mm commenced work at once end we presume um. while the filling up is in plasma the cement. wilt dry quickly enough to p.ermit public trame.--Dr. Gtaiater In: been celled to the bedside ot Hrs. John Hill, at Caledonia, who is reported very 'ttL-Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Lichiy. who lave been working tor Mr. Hill, hove returned to Wellesley, and have since been eotttined to their beds through inness.-Mra. Peter Schmidt is elm very il1.-Mrtt. Horr- sam, better known as Mother Fink, has been ill for several days.-" is rumored that the stockholders ot the Grist Mills will increue its eaparity and turn. it into a 200 barrel nil]. Briet-Parmers are hurrying in their treets.--Ther report a. good cram] --Mr. Nicholas Stoecldey went toi Muskok. last week.-Mt. Peter “mu man, who occupied Mr. C. hank’s‘ house this summer, intends to moveI to Pine Hm.--Miss Minnie iie't"ti'iril the Misses Edna and Rosa Strub, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Kerneski, visited mad burg over sutuur.-utuite a number ot ' young people were present at the en-' tertainment given hr the Sfsters of Notre Dame at St. Agatha in honor at their pastors, (Rev. H. Aeymans)‘ names dar-Mr. Jno: Shultz, ot New” Dundee. received tour our loads of smokers from Lucatt at the G. 'r. R.' station Jast week. I the have returned home, including Mm! Batty, ot Manitoulin Island. - Mrs. Driver, who spent several weeks withi her brother, Mr. Middleton, leaves:, tmday tor Montaaa.--MrrWeir, of 1.lel terville, is filling Mr. Middleton‘s po- sition as station agent while the /iiy ter is spending his vacation in Mus- koka.--Mrs. Wilson, ot Chatham, and Miss Mazie Shoemaker, or otitlin, were home over the holiday.-- Miss Jennie Wilson is spending the winter with her grandmother, Mrs. tshoe.I maker, who is in poor health. --’ Mr.' Schaeter spent last week in New Hamburg, attending to his large brickyard there.--Miss 'Ida Heist, or Berlin, spent a. lew days with Mir-s Kate Reist.-Mry. Nancy Deritt at- tendEd the funeral of her sister at New mmdee.--Miss Edith Shantz is I home lor the wiattt--Master Clayton Crossman, who spent the summer at iNew Dundee, has returned home. . -iriiiLLuii. Vino. Lancing has tent- ed one of Mr. Hy. Fganants houses on Mill street.--Rev. Bevenpiper, tor-l merly of this place, now stationed at Neat Dundee, buried his inlant child here last Saturday. The bereaved family have the sympathy of me eommunitr.-Miss Webster, of Pres- ton, spent A few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geiger-Mr.' Amos Crei- ger, ot New Dundee, called on Iriratds here last Saturdar.-Mr. Joe May, or Kossuth, has purchased the 'ii'rTid'il Hotel, and will take possession the first of December. - Rev. Dryer, of Beeton, who has been conducting Bible Society meetings in our rom- munity, is expected here this tTuete day) evening.--Mr. Isaac Shaun is shipping turnips tor Geo. Thorpe, ol Guetph.-Aluite a. number of Brcslau people attended the toners! ot James Heist. ot Berlin, who was formerly a resident ot this place. Remember Wendoh's great selling out clothing sale. Store next to post oitieit Berlin. spent t month in AW. mm!“ home on Trednesdar,-T'tte annual ploughing match of the Elllcc Plow- men's Association, will be held on Mr. Henry Bunmbach'l hm on Tuesday, Nov. Nth. Pergrgitt.-Nr. E. Uaiil moved to' Milverton, last Week. homing secured work in the planing miti.--Mr. Jacob Goetz, of New York, culled on his many kinds in the vioge.-Mr. Geo. Bum, ot Walton, spent . tew days with triends.--Mrs. E. Weis in visit» ing her sister, Mrs. Jermyn, ot Pat. mrrston.-Mr. Michael Crowley, who FORMER WATERI.00 YOUNG PEOPLE MARRIED. A quiet event In which Wstnloo people are interested took place at Revelstoke, KC, Methodist parson- age on October 21st, when Mr. Brock Hilliard, formerly oi the (‘hmnirle- Telegraph stall, and Ion ot Mrs. Ed. "mm-d, mRtertrourne, In: married to Min RItMlla “tum". third dul- ttttter at Mr. Levi Gum“. ot Water- loo. Ther Inc the but "an" at may Mandi. They will rattle " Vermouth" Brock hold: c goed _ Mon a an Veno- Hm. The J. B. Roos Shoe Co. employs may expert shoemaker: in its repur- ing armament. No commas. Personal WELLESLEY. PETERSBURG. .-The friends who attended BRESLAU . ROSTOCK . if 8tWr. in WATERLOO TOWN h Lengthy Session and the My latter: iiitf. 2:11 The up)” monthly nun-Lo! the Interim Ton Council In " on lousy 'sift in a. Council Char but. All when. 11th a. use} “on ot Con-cine: Saun- we" PM" _ - . . ' it moved . buy, and " none stag- u ' may when. tad gum n nun- hu ot important mutton were dealt with “Millpond ot. .. A mm ot Crossings. Chairman Hull“. ot the Board ot Works, brought up Ih. mm: of croo- ning: on Note: all Chmh streets. where, it to! tho tooling ot the Bend itself, “at two crossing; were no- ccnuy. one loading to the nhool tor the conveniencool the enigma. "Tin 7311th manual- were received c- I The walk ms considerably higher than Mr. Sipe’s land, uni unlwss some I fimng in were done on Mr. Siph's pro- ;pgrty, would bemost dangerous, and liable to cave in. He suggested that any earth removed in the ltying’ of 'the crossings eontemtrtated be used in itrtlipg in unlit. Aipt't led. I Mr. Gnyhill wished to know who 'was to pay tor this filling in, the town .or Mr. Sips. He would cert- ainly be opposed to the town's tlm" in the property it it were not re. sponsiblc tor the condition ot the " was pointed out thntfthis is A} partieuUrir bud piece ot mad and tor the convenience ot pupils attending the whoa! trom this section at the town it was almost imperative that downing he laid new“ Church St. Strong objection was raised to this on the ground that the two crossing: contempluted would be too clone. a mammal but tour teat, and would tend to nuke this spot dimcult and dangerous to drive over, not to say unythtng ot the seeming overdolng of the matter in laying two crossings so close together. After considerable discussion. now- ever, it was decided on motion ot Messrs. Mueller and saucer to my the crossings. . In connection with this subject, Councillor Mueller directed the at- tention ot the Council to the condi- tion of the sidewalk recently laid on north King St. when the will! was Thid Mr. Sipes wished the titling in deferred because ot possible encroachment on his veg- etable garden. He thought the town ought to guard aphid etrtatrtisttittg a. precedent in tming in land on private premises. It might conu‘t “sell to no end of expense, inconvenience and possible litigation. wk. Mr. Staulter felt that the town bad no right to till in. It was exceeding its powers, and suggested , as a so- lution ot the problem, a retaining wall. Town Engineer Moogk was asked' for his opinion on the matter and he said he thought the iown had power to go ahead and. till in and change the i work up to Mr. Sipes. This had been the customary practice in other cases or similar nature. He corroborated the stntement that it was Mr. Sipes' own wish that no tilling in be done, at the time of laying the walk, and this made him personully liable ior ‘the present condition. It was fmairy resolved to go ahead with the work and charge it up to Mr. Sip-es. To Prevent Snow Blockade. Mr. Sidney Scheifelc appeared he- tore the Comm! petitioning that a. worms, similar to that made in the township, be granted him by the {town for me erection bl a wire tenee along his property " the north end of [King street. _ The question at rerttmterutitrn to (he nut-slot was then Manual. Mr. Ftoehllch ulna] tor 8300. and all! We would be much “appointed if the H‘ouncil did not see " to give him sum. The work ot meaning ttatt tern immtkully doubled all was worth ‘every cent at that naked. It Md reunited "one noun-1' Imus-M mm men work. He pointed out what he felt sure the Council 'tnd.the public generally already knew, the almost impassable] condition or the road at this _ point dying mutually the entire winter. Tho Mayor expressed himself as the Sewer Committee, with power to quite in [not ot grunting Mr. Scheii- not. - l, ele's request. He knew it was the A Lively Incident. practice in the township to grant this management and that it wu‘ Just below the Council rose shriek working well in keeping clot: the Mtge-storms took place between roahs on which these fences werr.C'otmeinors some: and Weidcnhm- built. Imer, which, lore short time, ion- " Mr. Graybill agreed with Mr. Semi-l bonded serious trouble. tele u to the extremely bad condition hoded serious trouble, and cert-inly ot the piece or reed in question. and Irevived the Council’e "gging ener- lavored the policy contemplated. only tries nlter n lengthy and loquecioue he thought the Council ought to look'uittlng. at thin mutant att its Wendi The trouble no" out!!! I chimiw not in reference to this one isolated Sewer Contractor Dermul for extra use. He would be decidedly 1"iTfirT72'l'ltit't'ilii tor iron pipe in connec- any indiscriminate bonusing non; tion with laying sewer across Grand Ethis line. He believed that where on. Trunk Trucks on Willow Ave. ‘ly private property wen twmetltted the Mr. Steuller, u Chairman ot the ;owner “one should bear the cost. Sewer Committee. was disputing thi: - A _ . . raw, -A.._.| ll.-. nll n-nr av" N ""'-'r" - _ All lhe member: at the Council ex- pressed themselves in (“or of the proposition, believing " I Intensity. and in the public interests. sud on motitmot Mr. Mudlet. seconded " Mr. Sinner, it m remind mu the Town Clerk be Instructed to we. “to a lay-luv in man! to it. Assessor's Snlary. frm, u. H. Froehlich. the town - xnsor, presented his report, a sum- mury at which ”pears In another col- umn. ’IIK. -N..- B"'-"""'"' "" --'_e -. ' T . tuvuhoiu-sr--deGamseeant-itrs y! JEeihshtqnmet-elylttd _.. 112..“ -ga". .‘nnnn unn mad-FE Mr. Wetdettharnmer pointed out that the dilliculty Mr. Graybm had in mind could he obviated by introducing. a chase into the by-tuw to the etteet that my bonus granted would be sub- ject_ to the report of the roadmaater. -ii id (Sp-ml mum; at the Council that It. now» mam Emilia]. MET MONDAY. in work no“ attuattettteitr, In tart, mm than thin tori tad on! huh don in Wsta'loo Mott. tu had my ad tho mt may 8800.000. Mun-statute“. halo town's mime at out “.300. a. - "In: tinny duel-via; ot “haul "can”. It In an by some. hornet, that $115 was “the: In; My!» min in any“: (man's salary up to the was“ m but 8175 O you) uni that $100 ought to nutty Mr. Freeh- uch. Alter midorlhlo ell-canton. in which the danger ot anguish“; ' “my precedent trttetf which it Ironic. be impossible to halt dow an: the hr tu" vs (all, thanked out, it wu resolved on motion of Mr. Ovens. leo- ondcd by W. India. to giver Mr. Frochlich the $8tt0 “Red. . Continua ot Bt. Rr. Mr. Graybill asked tor intonation an to what, it any. action had been taken to have the B.& W. St. Ry. Co. live up to its contract. The con- dition ot their roadbed was outrage- oua,aud an insult to and imposition on the town. He in tired ot the 'tillrdaliring attitude assumed to- wards this Company and thought it about time that they were made to understand that the people ot Water- 3100 had . right tandem“ that they alive up to their contrapt. _ A - l mre%etnters ot the Council were agreed that action must-be taken. and 'inot mammal. Int _ttPCimtrovtet11t, Mr. Mueller, lot the Board ot 1 Works, elphlnetl me he had tried on numemus occasions to new: Mr. Breitttaupt " the Company‘s otrioe, and by teieirhone, and leaned tumble to do no. He had manned with the town solicitors n to what could be done, and had bean told that the law required that ten days’ notice, in writing, be given the Company. and that, " the Company had uked to: speeiNs infatuation ot improvements asked, this would have to be 4rlvey. 'line,and'i. motion was made by Mr.‘ Woidenhammer, seconded by Mr.Gray- bill, that the town solicitors notily tht Company to tix their tracks, and that tailing this legal action would It. taken gainer. _ them. ( Resigmruorur Received. The resignation of W. G. Weieheips a. member ot the Park Commission, ,wu received, and on motion of Mr. 'Heidenhapuner, seconded by Mr. C. Mueller, we: accepted, " was also [the resignation ot Mr. A. L. Kumpi as inspector of are damn system. Mr. Geo. Gross being appointed to on like vmncy. ‘_ '_. - . Mr, Gnybill thought it the height ot presumption that this Company should dictate to the town what it would do uni what it wouldn't, run- ning things with I high hand, Town Solicitor Fume". pointed out that the .town had had dlnlculty with the Company before on some such technicality, which Ind turned out against the town. g _ The petition ot Mr. Edgar Fischer and others tor ' gas lamp at the cur- ner ot Victori; and Er!) streets was, on motion ot Mr. Weidenhammer, tec- onded by Mr. Ovens, granted, Bylaws to appoint a Court ot Re. Vision and to gm: the Preston and Berlin Ry. Co. power to lay a siding into the Canada Furniture Manufac- turertr' (notary were given their gov» eral readings and passed. . The Court ot Revision tamed was the Maror, Councillors Seagrum, Mueller, stautier and Graybill, and the uncut meetings“ as Numb“. Reqilclts for crossings on King St. from the City Hotel to the Waterloo Mig. Col: laundry. and on ",'ttt as! side ot Queen street hum the Midge to the south aide ot Weber St., ware granted, the expense entailed to be charged to debenture art-aunt. The Muyor drew attention to the matter of mttrtritttt “was, , and this was turaed over to the Chairman ot the Sewer Committee, with Irower to Act. Just before the Council rose B brisk pttasageat-armtr took place between Councillors Simmer and Weidcnlmm- met, which. tore gen time, ion- Mr. Sinner, u Chairman oi the Sewer Commune. Wu disputing this cloim on'ihe ground tut all work sud material in connection with this were lull! canted h! Mr, dtetaur1's conlraci. In the course ot his re- moths he mentioned that the mount covering this amount had been rushed through Cottneit in the termini: of the evening. his home having been anhnctihcd to It without his know- ledge or consent. He strongly repti- m-nded this course_. . - III-INC“ - -v‘Iu'v Chairman Weidcnhunmer. ot the " nance Committee, in adult-fence cai- lcd Mr. Similar to teem-M. tor not having the mount: ot his commune in his hand! Md considered in com- mittee prior to the Council Int-sung. The Council. he said, vu no pine to discuss int-ac things. and ”k for Hawaiian regarding them. Me " to Ind his account: in shape, and thought the lust the chum“ ct the Sewer Committee could do In to do the Thk vu more Hun 'Connclllor sum: was prepared ton-ad. "t dott't no what reason you have to cull me down In “ch I manner. It you wen I Simon Pun your-r" you 'ttight unanno- " we“ oi oth. me that Miami-din «some. umm.m.bhnw £05th Mb 3““ ,raitW.Hgiiigiiiis" yum; am; he - a“ In a. “I 'tNmdttttbdtihaetBi. august to: - In: "itrttttg-t who at“ by a. mu ttd ton-um Mo the CM In: it tricky“. Ho uh! to: "" to con: (on: - has at a. - nihtu. “no nth: In lone: the‘ table: the was}. Je lanai!“ mu wen - J. . Benny. "ec..... " tr." In. sum. gm: “an... no... J. . Scull]. an. up. seem. M4.01 J. . Sully. as junta-MB In.“ Josiah lawn. mtod...... ...... nu A. J. Boos. are alum up... 38.75 rm arm. testing deal ends 5.50 9&8th mama, we't,..... "." Board ot Trade, J. B. "my Idaho In. (an "tthots gmt-......... '..... ... '........ ... to.” w. Walden! Son. to“ prop- _ mu........ .1.. ... ......... ... M." W. Women: Bon, to“ prop- _erty supplies......... '..... ....... 6.58 Ed. Durand, atom“... ... ...... an.“ Ed. Detail, sever...... ...... ... Mt.44 Ed. Dermal, “101...... B..... ... 283.03 Ed. Dermal. sidewalk... ... ..'.., 014.” Ed. Dermal. gtdewatk... ......... 588.44 Ed. Dermul. autumn..." ...... 864.M Ed. Dermal, -ttr...... ... -... 283.“ Ed. Detail, seven...” ...... ... 851.44 Ed. Dermal, nior...... B..... ... m.» Ed. Dermal. aiderralk... ... ..r.t, on.” Ed. Dermal. mum... .....r... 588.44 Ed. Dermal. lm'dk...... ...... 864.M C. J. mullet. per walnut... 888.89 Sun B. Snider 11., work It lur- - -ipiiar.r..." J....'... I,,... ...... a.” D. multiplier. do....... ...... ..'.r. 31.00 Pull Basin-n, branch met... as.“ ot Wellesley met, mum! to ul- immune“, on Hominy. the tth any ot November, ms. " " o'ctock a. m. " the " Hall, Crouhlll. All member: at the Bond were Tr"' the new, Mr. Kerr, preside ng. Communications. bills and dwaunts‘ was presented all alter being mad, it was moved by A. Hamel. wounded by J. B. Liehty, that the lolIOWing mounts be paid tad that the rave issue orders mordlngly (or the attid amounts, " iollowl, vig:.-. “at?! we got all do ,tter0t"' in]. H. can: In In.“ an.» Jae. Busch, bonus 160 rods wire lance t82; B. G. Huetut, bonus " rods wire lance, i p., MMO; Jae. Heimpei bonus 54 rods wire lance. 85.40; Val. Hahn, bonus " rods win lance. $5.30; Tos. Roth, bonus " rods wire icnce, tsmr, P. Stunt. bonin w rods wire lance 812; J. Math, bonu- 80 rods wire lance $8; Alex. antord, bonus tence' 812; wire lance " x9114 To“: an rods wire fence 89; J. Frey bonus on rods wiretence to; A. Ren- nie, bonus wire lance 824.50; J. Rei- 'ret, bonus so rods wire knee 85; Ph. Boppre, bonul who fence. blame. 86.21; J. Ziegler. g any with team on road whine $1.75; G. K. Sehae- ier, clawing ditch Tse; Ph. Roeder. rep. culvert. taming stone, Mlistg in unravel, 89.25; W. Mutinson. repairing bridge, gruelling. ete., $18; F. S. lipitts, spike tor bridgp 84.80;_ L. P Prey, rep. told machine $2.25; W. Seire. gruelling pr. contact. 21 loads, 821; Geo. Porewelt, hall rent lot D. Ct., $20; R. Litttiek, umber and rep. bridges $79.33; P. Short. "W [dunking bridge 82; H. K. Minimum; rep. scape: and road modulus Mc: P. Farrell, drnwing gavel uni naming in sculverts $78.50; J. Birmingham, gruelling pr. contact. $16.50;. S. W. Green, adrtg. Condo! Appeal 81.00; John Boegai, tress. all!!! $85; W. H. Knight, selection ot jurors. M; R. J. Kerr, selection of jurors, " J. Lenhard. selection cl jurors, 84; ER. Meyer, selection of jurors, $4; Peter F. Schummer, selection ot Jurors, u clerk, 86; D. Helpel, gavel we't tM; J. Bnltm, gravel, an; H. Nash, gn- vcl tii.90; C. Bier gravel-ml how: tcr 33 rods wire (once, $27.30; Ph. Bitter, gravel, 85.40; A. But. gavel 821.10; Mrs. Come, gavel $28.10; Rata & FhsiseUuer, lumber ttret, $163.79; Geo. Fink, gravel, $9.80; Mrs. C. L. Junie. gravel, 88.24; J. Bulmer, gavel $4.34; Joel Jame, gravel, $17.30; M. Schnub. gravel, $36.80; J. K. Hammond, 42.90, C. Bier, gravel, $4.50; W. Burk, and $10.50; J. B. Meyer, gravel, tti.20; The mulch»! Councll tt tty 310.0“; a. a. Aucyn, 5..."... v--.-< ' D. Leis, rep. culVel't. l p., $2.80; Lou- I: Behtsutt, erroneously "I'd, £8.19; A. J. Sanders. erroneously us'd. " J. F. Schmidt, rep. culvert tr, J. Henderson, gruelling per contact. tM; Peter P. Schummcr. re Guelph and (lodcrich Ry. Co., 825. Total, $1,974.35. Carried. "r iGTtion" akin! try Geo, Brenner and Mum outer, wag presented. Alter the communion it WIS mo?- ed by H. N. Huchn. seconded by A. P. thunder. that C. n. Bataan. engineer at the " oi Wellesley, be unpainted to mike m examination of the are: who Gained ”cording to the payer ot the petition at Geo. Brenner um! others, to prepare puns, ttpeeitteationtt 3nd ‘eiumues of the drum“ work 1nd " nuke an unas- ment ot the lllldl and road: where- in and not. to ttettetreittted and ot mam mm m MINER " A copy at by-luv re county mun. together with 3 up showing the roads set aside dh "coumy roads" was received trom H. J. Bowman. county dark, the consider-Hon or which um not taken up st this meet- “is. Finally moved by A, Henri. use. by A. P. Danna", that this Count en do now “mm m meet “an the Brttt Hominy in qheember, " the " Halt, Cronin". It " o‘clock B. m. sharp, Gun-H. urns» I 'w’ou-A an. a 1t,h'igAl'tall"G'l'ad"MA" “I‘D. "Guureaied, Ctrried Clerk‘s once, Bt. Clements. Nov. "t ms. WELLESLEY " COUNCIL. P. F. scnmm. j, . 'mt, “a... 0* $300 bun-r- nun-mu w Clerk The Great burner Store Blankets Our Special comforters Speoid values in Grey manuals, Eiderdown, Shabby, Pillow Cotton, Tickingfeec. .A ., I‘IG er o. STORE FROM NEWS LANG BROS, & CO. SWELL JACKETS W. no showing tho an.» m ting More“ In the and. Soul mm. tight mm M loo» " gn! Julou n 08 so, 310, on to 'mor""'""'"""."')"; Imus. t no. Emu, November 61b, 1006. n in not by chance that tho Berlin Bunc- 0011030 no bosom the load- lng balm ochool In Wanna 011m. It In but)» " I: than-huh an”, “Mo-cm In our, way, an slum to In 4!.de up” tr an bunn- Inn for his one. help. Att [MIIIII (a with". Catalog an. . FOR THE BENEFIT h u former Jude " Metre! tt t amber oi "villus," mrgttrttte, which n Own tto the ot Wttarhttt might properly [an outgrown. Mamet paella which In an op- ium which! in prom-My «spud wllh' I: that at having to!!! 3nd up shading along the In!- mon- oust I: that at Wumloo'n m. For nus an "an m in A m b It. may a up“ dlffh'ttttue, Do-old-tbottle-a-tttdr-r mmmrthatrathit-rsoth-uqtngartdth"whttae withiuooldund but, nighu‘will when “when In main; of - description will be wanted, We In" and. "tmuheirtortrBuau"hreeeseuand a. m'w-g titteinimitsesigoiiiittao of Woolmd Cotton may. ' Pun all Wool Blanket in 60 x 80 at 83.00. We on showing a oped-l Scotch Wool Blanket (Impetus!) st 85.00. All “to . Grey Wool and Plumb“. Blankets in stock. FURS um. and medium and comforter: and. of {my Susan and Graham a $1.50 to $3.00. I? Just a). . My minute- to uni the mm; which will a!" you an It!“ 01-bit on ho had in Fun ad has". W. all many in ttttttie ttt "than MI ot (at " now 6.00, 000,100, 8 50nd 010.00. A no. “no " Call"! 3nd Column. " mm tr 00, 6 00, 7.60. 10.00 to 020.00. Datum - in an». and link as (not: 10.00. 12.00. 15.00, 20.00. 25 00 to 000.50. mm " 6.00, 0.60, T 00, 8.00 w 012.00. I Women s Jackets at $4. 50 to $1 0.00 Onodtholmoumomqu. , w. a BULBR, Principd. NIGHT SCHOOL on loud-yo and new”. We want to Inform the radon of thin van-bl. paper tut our "ttqt ts well and with Inpplleo for tho wins nun In att "In. " Dm- Goodl, llama, Fun and uh that ot wom’. may-tomcat suntan. W. at all!“ W’ new. chap. We bu. Ill Had: that a: be tuqirod, Among oth- um aloha" not.“ In In." that "1313qu d) that, which no lurked It would Charla wig-Lyon): from 8 M, lo 00 to 015.00, on tal. it ASS, 6.00, 0 it) $7.50. Not In Accident or WATERLOO, FINEST DRESS GOODS ”decimal no driven oi which. MM don not In uy way add to "to “Humane“ ot Wutctloo'l main “net. " Also when the width of gum gullible for drteitttt "no” on than cautions. ' TTh long M! of unsightly m pom no“ Kim mm should be "unloved a! loom! p“ In hotel MI via. my “on. This valid clan s an“ Imnm‘ In the amt- - of our lull that. and " the an. “a has. an - In. - clam any! 'te." angul- FREE; '35}; H! -eee. W. In new displaying the but amen: of Dm- Good-Milo. sown. We show the 0mm calm In ttte an.» Imam. " 500, 750. 81 to tt 25 I "

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