t £ Farm 51 mores, C@scession 1} Lot & 2 mi t .. Sean aaaine "C)" . MEYFR ~ The Berlin 10 H.P. gas and gasoline engine for sale, cheap. "Good, reasons _ for selling. In use only 14 months. 10 11. p STORE NEXT TO PosT OFFICE, BERLIX RiTemnbronratroe Citsâ€" addtostoutie 24 21â€"a u6A Star Clothier and Haberdasher. King St.. Beriin. CHHHRRRPRRRRRRReR¢Rr¢RRe3 Oécedr:etrsssrsssseeeee Mens Fatent Colt Lace Boots, Empress m:ke, for â€" Women‘s American Patent Kid Lace Boois, cxtra value Women‘s Chocolate Lace Boots, apecial, at â€" = =â€" Men‘s Patent Colt Slater Shoes for â€" â€" = = Men‘s Tan Lace Bo:ts,‘S‘ater, at & = â€" = Mn‘s Rival Tan Shocs at ~ â€" = â€" â€" Boys‘ and Gir s‘ reliable fine Shoes at t Ek $1 See cur all kinds of good Footwear for Fall at right pric Also «ur Clothes, Hat®, Csps and Men‘s Firniakhin~ Men‘s Patent Colt Lace Boots eoetmeeeue‘eegeoeee OLLSRRSRRAAARASRSALAAS The Berlin Mercantile Co. 25 doz n shirts, all sizes 17 12. 1e g. 75¢, 1.00, 1.25 an OME MB 4 24 +4 vak s as sye e is P Ln c evius . C CeY pH uV 42 suits, H»lifax tweed, colors are fawn, blue and brown, reg. 7.00 and $8.10, this week . . 8.25 15.00 and $18.00 suits reduced BD+ 1 18 t Uiihtra reremers+vovs SEBLY 1210 snits reduced to....9.00 Aâ€"0rnite rmdrced to. .. ..7.50 21 suits for bove, 5 to 90 years, old, &pg. 3 59 to $5.00 for .. . 1.00 1 SBHIRTS. | Farm for Sale GOOD SHOE NEWS Big Bargains This Week Whic Should Not Miss. 28 flannel suite, two p‘ere 1« & $5.00 to 7.00, this week . . . $2 38 Flannelette Blankets Great August _ Clothing Sale ENGINE FOGR SALE New Fall Goods Early Shipment of Boehmer‘s Block VOL 50â€"â€"NO. J. B. GATBDM 105 TIECES FLANNELETTE WRAPPERETTE GOODS, spe ial value at 8, 10, 12 1 2 and 15. 12 PIECES COTTON EIDERDOWN regular 20 and 23 for 15 and 20. Also see our full range of Blankets at spec‘al prices. We have just reccivel a shipmzsat of 10 cass white and grey, Flannelette Blankets (200 pair) sizes 10, 11 and 12 1â€"4 â€" There has been a sharp advance in price in this line of goods,but we bought our stock early and are prepared to give you the benefit of it. Come early nd sceure them at the old spâ€"cial prics. . Weseloh & CGo. rte, all sizes 14 to , 1,00, 1.25 and 1.50 . MEYE hwfl}.o.on Mercantile Co. . _ WILDFANG, _THE CHRONICLEâ€"TELEGRAPH. 0d Footwear for Fall at right prices. , Caps and Mecn‘s Furnishing. AN, Meet trouble like a man and cheerâ€" {ully endure what you can‘t cure. Be respectful to wonten and chivalâ€" rous in your attitude toward them. Sitnated 1 mile west of ManmThe im, nowslat in of 70 actra of which 2 acre« is gn~‘ bush .n’ balance unds |good «tase of ca‘tivâ€"ticn, un it i« gos* fr/me howee and bank bara ard other Sut buildings. . Good wel‘ at h use and harn. Nearâ€" echoo! and chirrh. Imrrn can have priv.lece of bujing additienal |.nd adjoining Ahowt fasew Rioestuaie on qi t L Anoth*r lot of h:)_\"s". youth ‘ and men‘s caps, regular 3¢ and 10; reduced to............... 1006 Men‘s straw hate, 1eg. 1.00 t3 200. rduced t1............ 500 Men‘s straw hats, reg. 250 to 3 00, reduced to.............1.00 Men‘s felt hats, grâ€"y and black reg. 1 51to 3.00, going at...500 Children‘s 50c liven hats reâ€" dnced to..2s.s. ... .l _| CRA KpA2 040 us 15 t hiz k3 uk +33 + e Children‘s 25¢ sailors, reduced 1. Pn e it h °* 4RA Farm for Sale white and grey Wool N HATS CaAPS. Boehmer‘s Block $1.25 to $2 50 h You 250 $3 00 4 50 3 00 3 50 3 so 2 50] PB uit badradt °PP Pridabtay Praihanktâ€" ib 2lihiAhint? css dd dll L. 1. visiting for a few days with his parâ€" | St. Clements their headguarters t ents _ here.â€"The Misses _ Hermina| past week, left on Tuesday.for Wa: Kochler _ and Helena _ Fleischhauer, | erloo. They have ’M.ï¬%fld * th ) | who are spending a few days with | past week in improving and repairin p | friends in Neustadt and Wiarton, are | the Waterlooâ€"Linwood line, _ whic p expected home the latter part of this | touckes St. Clements. The improve ) | woek.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Peppler, of Hejâ€"| ments have been made to give _ th : delberg, spent Sunday with Mr. and 4 public better service.â€"The harvest i | Mrs. W . â€"Habermehi.â€"Mr. Feltie Faulâ€" ~this district 1s rapidly drawing to | hafer, who spent several weeks here, close. Most of the Tarmers are now _ |and a few days with relatives at Otâ€" engaged in cutting oats, and if goo« | tawa, will leave ow his return trip to | weather prevails the harvest of 190; | Saskatchewan next Tucsday, the | will soon be over.â€"Challenges â€" have |22nd +inst., where he holds a lucraâ€" | been mailed to the leading bascbal tive position as clerk in a large | teams in this district for a series 0| store.â€"Mr. W, Kelterborn took in the | home and home games. A series with cheap excursion to Niagara Falls last | the St. Jacoks nime is expected, and Saturday and enjoyed the. trip yery | we hore our old rivals will see their much. â€" Mrs. C. Lebold is, at " the.Fway clear to play home and home time of writing, very iILâ€"-le ames at an carly date. Kruspe, of Sebringville, is s ng on wmmnmdsnnmes cnmmmmur cce a short time at the home of Mr. and |CHURCH DEDNICATIONX AT pixâ€" Mrs. M. and 1. Schaub.â€"Mr. and . wWoop. E | Mts. M. Schaub, and Mr. and Mrs. L. â€" _ Schaub wore at _ Wallenstein Jlast| Nex! Sunday, August 20th, the Gerâ€" Thursday to see the work being done | man Ev. Luth. St. John‘s congreyzs» with the steam shovel at the railway | tion (Missouri Synod) will dedicate bridge.â€"Mr. Poter Glebe spent a few | their nowly purchased edifice in the daysewith his son, Milton, in Brantâ€"| vjllage of Linwood, after a complete ford, and also paid a fAying visit to ;rvnonlLon, to the service of the Triâ€" Mr. John HiH, of Caledonia. Wc‘nne God, A (Cerman service will be noticed the very familiar face of Mr. ; held in the forencon at 10 o‘clock, in W. C. Shier, a student at the School | which the Rov. D. Lochner, of Wetlesâ€" of Medicine, Toronto, in our midst ley, will preach the scrmon, and in for a few days. He is always a welâ€" / the afternoon at 3 o‘clock the Rev. come visitor to our homos.â€"Mr. A. ! E. H. Reuter, paster of the church, J. Rodgers, who spent two wnks‘,Will deliver an FEhglish address. All holidays here, hds returned to reâ€" | friends of the congregation heartily sume his dutics as accountant in the |invited to attend. j Personal.â€"Mr. _ John Schopp and htghfvrz of ~Rosenféldt, Man., â€" are of two weeks, vis'it_i;u-éâ€"l;i.e'nas at Burlington, Hamilton, and other plaâ€" ces, occupied his pulpit last Sabbath. Personal. â€" Mr. Sheppard, _ Mrs. Rudd and daughter, were guests . of Mr. Jos. Hardy on the Sabbath.â€" Mr. Sittler, of Toronto, is a guest of Mr. Mortimer +Millard, for a â€" few days.â€"Mr. Callaway, and Mr. Mcâ€" Amich, of Morden, called on Mr. J. A. Durrant few days ago.â€" Mr. Charles® M, bllrrant is visiting his aunt, Mrs. M. A. Hoag, in Buffalo.â€" Rev. W. N. Vollick, after an absence Ae e e y farncred during this month:â€"Threshâ€" ing is also in full operation.â€". Mr. John Sheriff,. with his wife and â€" two children, on their return from visitâ€" ing his mother at Mosboro‘ last Sunâ€" day, narrowly escaped having a bad runaway. When they were at the top of Lauver‘s hill, New Germany, the holdâ€"backs gave way and the bugâ€" Ey ran into the horse, which became badly_frightened and ran down ~ the hill with terrifie speed: _ Mr. Sheriff, ilnuwowr, managed to Keep the horse on the road and bfoughtâ€"him" to al ‘stop afterhe had run a considerable distance. Quite a number of our young people togk advantage of the excursion to Niagara Falls and Bufâ€" falo, last Saturday. | Several intend taking advantage of the cheap rates next> Saturday.â€"Mr. Geo. Forbes, who for. the past lew nuimthe ns 5 oo me y â€" ’uung seems booming in our village,. |F. Schacier is rushed with orders for brick; _ Geiger & Break, . carriage works, ate also very busy.â€"J. R. , Schicedel "has â€" been making improveâ€" ments in .his store and business â€" has , been very good since he added dry | goods to his stock.â€"Much sympathy is felt for" Mr. and Mrs. Prong . in "the loss of their eldest daughter, who was so suddenly â€" called away, and was manifested by the large, number who attended â€" the funcral, ta. Pay‘ Mg en be c o o l o0 l9 L1 Sb ab en on was so suddenly called was manifested by the lar; who attended â€" the funcral their last respects. We are report that Miss Gale, who injured, is improving. . ' Briefs.â€"The telept putting in new po !lheir system in all our village to the f four miles out. Â¥ crowd and make our songs and music in farmers are nearly t harvest in this vicin now the order of thing seems boomin: .’ been visiting friends at Niagara â€"Miss Norah Bechtel, of Brown | Mich., is spending a few weeks Miss C. Bechtel and friends in , vicinity.â€"Miss L. A. Geiger, ou | lal _ *‘Hello Girl," is spendine {_ Personal.â€"Miss Eliza Betzner, of , Berlin, formerly of this place, â€" is , spending a few weeks at the home of | Mr. Clemens.â€"Miss Katiec Reist has i been visiting friends at Niagara Falls PWihG s 0 N onpy S "TMIY.â€"Miss L. A. Geiger, our 5;1;- ial _ *"‘Hello Girl," is spending | her holidays with friends in Eramosa. Neing.. msld 2 dE g Our Busy Neighbo “““momoonmmm“ WELLESLEY. WINTERBOURNE WATERLOO, ONTARIO, _°°C »DToughtâ€"him to . a e had run a considerable Quite a number of our ° took advantage of the The telephone men are busy i new polés and extending m in all directions lrom' : to the farmers three or ; out. They are a folly | make our village ring with ; music in the evening.â€"The I ° nearly through with their this vicinity. Threshing is order of the day.â€"-E\'ery-I o Iasneuic 2C yl © 11 BRESL A u Notes Gathered by Industrious Correspondents in County and District. e are; gla®" â€"to , who was also € TNETE® 4 7 a large ] t ok in the | h "alls last | t ip yery | M at " the.}w s ng | _ io utw WTRMENNNRAGaT w h in dsc lc icA isA it. A. | E. H. Reuter, paster of the church, for some time at the home of the forâ€" weeks‘ 'vill deliver an Fhglish address. All mer‘s parents, Mr.. and s. David 0 _reâ€" {friends of the congregation heartily Cook, of Conestogo, ha turnea to in the |invited to attend. | their respective homes, Brown City, i weeks â€" with | 20000 20 208 @Istrict for a series of home and home games. A series with the St. Jacobs nimne is expected, and we hore our old rivals will see their way clear to play home and home tames: at an carly date. Personal.â€"Mr. William Gehl, Mishaâ€" waka, â€"Ind., has been spending the last week in St. Clements and vicinâ€" ity.â€"Mr. Aug. Lang, Berlin, called on _ friends _ here on Monday.â€" Mr. ‘Henry Arnold ‘ and friend spent Sunâ€" day in Hesson.â€"Mr. Andrew Spafit, Linwood, visited with Mr. Joseph E. Meyer > on Sunday.â€"Mr. Alex _ von Neubron, wife and family, Berlin, visited friends here on Sunday.â€" The Misses Sophia and Louisa Spielmachâ€" er left on Monday . for Toronto, alter a tyo weeks‘ stay here. 4 1 + ‘The Wild Cat Parade.â€"Report has _ it that there is a wild cat in the 'vicinily. Some people claim to have seen it and others to. have heard ‘it. | Ho was seen last Sunday evening on , the farm of Werner Huss. A troop ot ' infantry and one of cavalry were hasâ€" tily organized and marched at once to tne "kopje."" The wives and childâ€" ren‘ waited with beating hearts . for the return of their loved ones. The scouts received their directions and galloped into the woods. They, howâ€" ever, soon got on the wrong scent, having got on the trail of Kuntz and Bernhard, and were never heard _ of after. The cavalry was ambushed and completely routed. The colonel says: "We‘ll go ‘home," where they. were welcome.. The infantry. likewise _ was defeated later on, and also returned home. â€"An‘ intlignation meeting . was | held and a date set for the next atâ€" tack on the ‘"kopje"" which we will give you later on. The keeper of the . armory â€" solicits specfications â€" for rifles, shot guns, pistols, revolvers, 1 canons, machine guns and ammuniâ€" . tion. P 1 __ °_ NC‘ Swim, got into deen water and sank. A heroic effort was _ made by his companions to save him, which Wiw of no avail. They called for help which arrived shortly, but . was_too late to save him. It took the _ men an hour and a half to bring ‘the body to shore, the water being. very deep. Much sympathy is extended to the heâ€" reaved family. } Personal.â€"llr. and Mrs. Schmiede}] ‘ and family, of Berlin, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Maeder last Sunday. â€" Mr, Aaron â€" Hunsterger‘s residence, which is being renovated by Mr. A. Bowman and his men, is about completed.â€"Mrs. T. Current is visitâ€" ing friends and relatives in (Bortin.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Will Futher, of Berlin, were visitors here last Sunday.â€" Sad Drowning Accident.â€" A very sad drowning accident happened here on Sunday afternoon to the 1L1â€"yearâ€" old: son of Mr. J. Spactzel, of Mannâ€" heim. About twenty of the iads were in bathing when youbg Spacizel, who coull not swim, got into deen water | Notes.â€"Mr. John Peppler has inâ€" vested in a fine upright piano.â€" Our public school will be reâ€"opened next Monday, Aug. 21st, with two â€"new teachers on the stafl. We understand they come highly recommended. They will :to doubt do their utmost . to make their work a success.â€"Our farâ€" mers are very busy threshing _ and cutting oats, which are a very heavy crop. As the oats are very â€" much tangled in some places it takes a very good machine to make satisfac tory work. Western Bank.â€"Mr erloo, is spending a latives in town.â€" daughter and moth« arlor, un_ Bohh and â€" Mrs. Wilhelm spent a few davs w ST. CLEMENTS. THURSDAY MORNING AUG in town.â€"Mrs. Carrel and _ and mother Wilhelm, of Wiâ€" Mrs. Bohlender, of Detroit, . Wilhelm, of Collin;wood, few days with Mr. and Mrs. NEW DUNDEE spending a !ew ;l_;y;-;utl" ;& __Mrs, Titus E. Hallman and »chiMron Mrs. F. Deininger and Mrs. (G. Stehâ€" let, all of Rochester, N.Y.iand Ars. A. (i. Reinhardt and boys, .of Philaâ€" delphia, Pa., who have been vistting for some time at the home of the forâ€" mer‘s parents, Mr.. and 1\;{!. David ronto on a trip to Quebec, the mari-l" ‘time provinces and Ne#Toundland. We | â€"â€"â€" [ trust Mr. Wideman will fully enjoy OVE the trip.â€"Mr. and Mrs. John Winkler . â€"â€"â€" ‘of Markham, are visiting friends in town. * | } |»-~ The Churches.â€" On Sunday aflrr-] ] hoon next, the 20th inst., Rev. Mr.| 1 Linke, of Conestogo, who has i been | j called by _ the St. Jamcs Lutheran | . 1 congregation as their pastor ard han!_ accepted, will preach his formal serâ€" mon as pastor of _ the congregation. | SCR English services will ‘be conduct@d in '%5 the Evangelical church next Snndny' i evening by Rev. Mr. Grenzebach. ‘ K OE Potmis earteath hicid A ° year. The district between Hamilton ° and the Falls is very interesting, as 1 one gets down in the peach orchards ~ in that district and beholds the treos > laden with their delicious fruit. The | roar of the water at the Falls can be heard quite distinctly for many miles _ and the rush that the ©ager excursionâ€" _ists make to get their first glimpse of _ the noted waterfall as the train pulls in at the station is interesting to beâ€" hold. _ About .75 tickets were sold here, tPersonals.â€"Mr, J Bruegeman . and family, of Waterloo, spent Sunday at the homes of Messrs. Anthony Gies and N. W, Gingrich.â€"Miss Clara Henâ€" rich, of Waterloo, is visiting her broâ€" ther here at present.â€" Mr. and Mrs. | Simeoe Washburn, Mr. and Mrs. Henâ€" ry Gilles . and Mr. and _ Mrs. Jacob :Heller visited friends in Hespeler on Sunday.â€" Messrs. Theophil. Miller, ! Alvin Cress, Geo. Heltcrborn, Charlie Holst, Edgar Scheifele and Wim. Kuiâ€" schewsky were among those who took in the excursion to Niagara Falls last Satur:lay.â€" Messrs. Tommy Letson, | Haorh o Halhe es y 430001 C 1We l Excursion.â€"The annual excursion that has been, run so successfully for the past dozen years to Niagara Falls ty the Elmira Musical Society was held last Saturday . and was largely patronized by St. Jacobs and the neighboring villages. The ever popuâ€" lar ‘Niagara > Falls are at this season at â€"their best, ~and (here are always large numbers of people who have not yet had the Pleasure of secing them, and. many others are s0 _ impressed that they take in the excursion every Year. The distrint uatusc c lay .l C Mlaih ts dubtvedis .22 4+ The funeral will be held on afternoon to the Mennonite ¢ 1nc body was clothed, and accomâ€" panied by the, sorrowâ€"stricken _broâ€" ther and some friends it was conveyâ€" ed to the home of the bereaved parâ€" CnLS in Masedundin 2200 TT C yo se o O9 Pomad‘t Efforts were immediately made secure the body. from its wa grave, but it was an hour and a | before it was found and brought the surface. Dr. Staufier had t Ssummoned, but life was extinet _ efforts to resuscitate were fruitles: The body was clothed, and acce panied by the, SOIIOWâ€"strickan 1 The other boys se it did not serve its boy went down for time erying for help. We . U "TU ND o0 MBe) Aeeend‘s The young lad and his brother went to New Dundee in the morning to visit friends and in the afternoon they joined a party of about twenty who went . to the upper end of the dam to bathe. The unfortunate boy could not swim and in walking about} in the water he got into a deep hole and immediately called for help. ' _ _One of his companions went to his assistance â€" and caught hold of the urowning boy, but he turned a comâ€"‘ plete somersault in the water and exâ€" tricated _ himself from his would-be‘I rescuer. " ; ; ) NAter at the Falls can be d quite distinctly for many miles the rash that the ©ager excursionâ€" make to get their first glimpse of noted waterfall as the train pulls d a Y wuett tmr rommng ragpings P A sad, . drowning accident occurred in the Mill dam at New Dundee â€" on Sunday afternoon about four ©‘clock, when John Spaetzel, the bright . 14â€" yearâ€"old son of Mr. Jacob Spaetzel, the wellâ€"known postmaster of Mannâ€" heim, went to the bottom erying for help, never to rise again. h. 20 m John Spaetzel the Fourteenâ€"ye old Son of Postmaster Spaetâ€" zel of Mannheim Drowns in the Mill Dam while Bathing on Sunday. SAD FATALITY AT NEW DUNDEE CONEstoquq °> was lound and brought to face. Dr. Staufier had â€" been ned, but life was extinct and to resuscitate were fruitless. is e o e n , 90 o0 on o en d. by St. Jacobs and the ‘g villages. The ever popuâ€" ra Falls are at this season est, ~and There are always bers of people who have not he pleasure of secing them, others are so impressed | take in the excursion every | n Wictrbns is 22 T ST.â€"JACOBS: U . ir he m For the wide awake urchaser, this store p :1: “:nhcg,otmi.""‘?.l TIME. We carry too Iaggc a stock to allow i BeckÂ¥ne & iss Bertha , P# fully on otir part to do s>. â€" It‘s hard to als o er on sh atihacinss we overbuy or the season may be the 0 the excursion to thcit worlt bs. _ We have inducements this wee rday.â€" Mr. and Mrs.RIYD THIS LIST CA REFULLY. and son Harry xigâ€" â€"_____ s secured a plank but _ its purpose and the for the third and last * y A Stroh \'iqii;.' of about twenty upper end of the unfortunate boy : in walking aboutf into a deep hole Hamilton i Tuesday cemetery. watery a half Waterlioo SCREEN DOORs REFRIGERATORS Weichel‘s Woskly Store News KING STREET Men‘s ?50“" Sereen D;o;.â€"nnmd sizes 1J v€ #+ w« v+ ,’Bumble B;: LIEGLER‘S SHOE BARCAINS 1 National Oven, sccond hand 1 Sua _| h 1 Sun C 1 Banner _ = 1 Jewel w# k 1 S‘andard al NS l « 1 Detroit _« _« High 2 A few more second hand in sto CHUTCC Cilhese l bas s ‘wnIl -ul:neroltolg new sbolse <ar n‘ e m roof uppers, sizes 6 to $1 new styles, at 7 egler‘s Pm 7 Unloading Shoe Saie". ... 2.09 | ?f;‘!‘l:},{‘:'_' at Ziegler‘s ? Sgn Gaso‘ine Stoves " € trorfindred d M 46. & J Terms Cash and One Price. makers‘. p;'l;!lr ? gr:m:r:l Rofr!geraton, regular $15.00 now 1 Labrador , Special Clearing Sale {Ladies‘ Shower Proof Coats 8 Ladies‘ Fawn Cravenette Showerâ€"proof Coats, full length, sizes 51, 56, 1 58, 00, regular price $5, clearing moa 4 Ladies‘ Gmyï¬owerâ€"rmof Coats, mf' length, sizes 52, 54, 56, 58, reguâ€" lurprice‘&.clcnng,%rieo..................... tss s t e en en n n e +4 B 11. Ladies‘ Grey Cravenet howerâ€"proof Coate, fall length, sizes 52, 54, | 66,58.&l.tegularpricet5. clearing PriGH:: :.+ ++.:resirccr s ... $8 8 Ladies‘ Gre Cravenette Bhowerâ€"proof Coate, full length,sizes 52 to 60, ’ reg pri’ee&, clearing price...... ... ... sexsreskre snn sserss i6++ + @@p 3+5 Length Shower Proof Coats k 6 Ladies‘ } Length Fancy Tweed Showerâ€"proof Ccate, regular price $7, â€" cleâ€"ring prlco.“. 5 Ladies‘ Fancy Tweed Coats, Showerâ€"proof, } length, sizes 30 to 38, reg. price $5, clearing price... .. . e es ho 56 s be ae s en hn i n e o o n a n i n BR 6 Ladiâ€"s # Length Shower proof Coats, Fancy Tweeds, regular price $4, clearing prige.... ;. . 000 CR Oe M. Weiche!l & Son, 5 Ladies® i out. Price will do i: opy°. WRICB are broken sizes. They must be cleared out. Price will do it. . The prices attached to these garments ought t > clear out the lot in very short orJ:r. They comprise fancy mixed tweed ;h'?wrhproct coats and cravenctte in fawn and grey. Full length and scme ngth. SHOWERA PROOF COATsS We bave a number cleared out. Price will 2. â€" _ WaTERLOO COUNTY‘s3 This is a splendid opportunity to secure a showerâ€"proof coat at less than ers‘ prices. Come early and secure first choice. _ #ice awake purchaser, this store offers inducements ALL THE carry too large a stock to allow it to accumnlate, in fact it would ir part to do s>. It‘s hard to always buy just enough. Somaâ€" rbuy or the season mae Lo jj _ _____2",, ‘UY just en At Cost Price and in . ue 0006 *"*_ second hand, and OIL STOVES wWHEN JUST HATCHED, SO ARE SMYTH BRoS. "Low" 2 burners regular $9.09 now . . . , $6.060 Migh 2 _ " " 1100 *./‘ g 95 PHONE 21. , rcgular $3 50 now ... of lines which Are Biggest *3 . $ .M now .72 complete. " * i0 "*" § *R Some Cases lasge l C PCE C M Unlo@Uing Shoe Sale â€" & 1 39 27 pair of men‘s $1.25 fancy plush slippers, leather sewed soles, ‘nicel y finished, pretty styles, easy fitters, every size, 6 (ul. a great chance, men, reduced below cost at Ziegler‘s Unloading shoe sale .. ) _ _ >ay~ _ BEST SHOE STORE â€" WHOLE NUMBER 2642 d atpssuls‘st ©9G £ P 0B PaB NT Robatios ncaltith, 2. 1iâ€"2e pposite from what we expected .-kpot?hu are good investments, s+++ ¢+++4 ++++++§10,00 1.97 1.18 ElImira Less Than Cost h, sizes 51, 56, ts an es se es ++ : $8.45 4. 50, 58," regiuâ€" is h, thee x $/8* uulues S 1. 440009 BERLIN $1.10 ° $1 39 BERLIN