the lugs popular sowing uhcp'me- on the market. A perfect muchim as w...“ as a huntemme piece o, furniture. All the Luca; unpl‘qve meats. A complete set of attach. Inents with every machine. Cull " the old amud._ RITZER’S, digital mid up) ... ...s 2.235.350 00 Rescue F'ttttd .e.... ...... 2,100,000 00 hm Assets ..,rrh .....-2a,553.m 57 _ BOARD OF DIRECTORS: “on, Wm. Gibson. President. . Jun-o Wt», Vin-Pram“: and racy!“ Manager. - M _ _ _ Bms at okitottifr AM tepsrirdtt to any mutant compounded hath A gnu-em bank!“ business uni-I - and "new at cation um to htmu’ twine". . V JUnirocGr, George Ruthettord, John S. llendrie, M. P. P., Cyrus A. Blue. Chalet C. Dalton. HEAD OFFICE ... ... ... HAMILTON BERLIN AGENCY. the tailor, the only agent. town for the Mntitsrson's Bakery, King in, CAPITAL...... Tao 05322.3! Authorized “swam Pam-Up Cums! .. ',ooo Man â€we Fund - $8, A {0mm- Mnunz balm “no. Cm on undo. drum and numbn- a , at“ Dominion or In: who: 1n n. eta Human-mo: lam Allow“ tor W I SINK-II But or - Highest current when allowed . " I :\0 OFFICE. IONTREAL We would use ask the indict ta bear in mind that we keep the beat fitting coma in our store, and no selling them " 10103: prices. REST 1 general Banklng Busines- transacted SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT THE BAHAMA“ BANK . "rr BOMMEBBE Millinery, Sala We are selling all out minnow " reduced prices. Moat at our trimmed hate in lean than ert, _ .. _ ' Km: Bt Wan-loo - an†Prod Bum. Rot and Fun Cakes .1 ways oo hall-L maul». -- Carts r’s Little Liver Pills. In: In: -aro at 1iLtt,lAk"r"EEEi'ii',"239'eit, The KISSES FEEBENBAGH, BERLIN Neat to Smyth Btu. Sum. JOHN BITZEB, BAYMBND SEWING "lllllili8 a up OFFICE. TORONTO. WATEILOD MIMIC“ given special “tuition. F. C. G. MINTY, Mans" a! m PARKER BUSINESS was 3th numeral. BANK OF HAMILTON. lawman Swings Deputmont. c. L. Luna, .r‘ .1 .1 liaisons Bank. SEWER JACOB BIBPILGIL “an! MrBttrettttt Brno. lm n: col-rum! moot-m5. . . . .. -â€*7mlm. WLTERLO“ _ TLe conh-nncc of county asscssurs] and municipal representatives .on saturday-was {with} of gum iii) suns. The new Assessment Act was read and thureyghly discussed and Lil portion of it was MI. without a. (hop, ongh understanding as to its t.rlcl meaning. County' Solicitor, Alex, Millar, K.C., was well fortified with! answers to questions that were pre- sented to him, mm with. the o,ry.-Ci.v..l ance. ot Messrs. Janzen and liuillmu‘r t ot Berlin, and Township Iterk F.1 Holwcll, ot Baden. such oi whom has siud " the Act cardully, every' claws ot e new mcasun- requiring explanatiun was "receives) with satis, faction by the other assrssvrs in at- tendancc. In view of the progress the town has been making and the rapid growth a): business along all lines of trade, the owners, Messrs. Chas. A. Ahrens & thr, have decided to put up a modern business block. The lo- cation is a very desirable one for an established wholesale or nunuiactun ing concern. An excccdingly summing and live- ly session ot the Mock Parliament being couduclcd by the Laurier Club was held Thurauay owning, at which there was a lar o attcndarice of members. Speaker arch give a comprehcnsiV address on parliiimcnt- any procedure, after which theHouse rcsunud.. The order of the day was lakvn up and several bills Were post- poned until next session. The mem- ber for North Grey, Dr. Honsberger, spoke at length in reply to the ad- dress irom*the throne, and made som strong points. Mr. G. Clarke, mem- ber for Toronto moved the adjourn- mint. Before the House nl‘ose num- owns notices ol motion were given and next session promises to be a my angling one. 4 It took three games to decide ’whe- ther Goderich or Stratlord should have the honor ot meeting the Berlin hockey team, the undefeated winners of Groups 5 and 10. In Goderieh the Sailors won by 3-0; in Stratford the Indians won by i0-2; showing that both teams are next to irtvitseitrte%, their own ice. On Monday night these teams met on neutral ice, and Strat- ford displayed its superiority as last- cr skaters and more accurate shots than the trays iron! Lake llurun. by defeating them by 7 to 2. The old repair shop on Queen street south occupied by bl. S. Moyer a Son will soon be replaced by a handsome building of red pressed brick, 31;- It. frontage and 52 it. deep,, and three stories high. _ n. P. & B. sum nu n, Co. ma on†autumn sun In. con-plow unit tine Ut Water,. NBA QUABI'EB . loo. A tube: ot cut luv strcady _ bet- our the road. “no new road Seven] my mat can trunk!- un nearly w the an mutiny; but Just been completed by J. P. plan.- n In» lluethm I Bxewuy. Bender. ml "tate “out, Among Pm Igor tunic vi I commr-u-c call, them tom; the Staph. muck, which in the wring. he taught. tyy Joseph lane)! for Beginning Wednesday, March Ist, next, the B. a W. Street Railway Co. will run a night car Heaving Ber- lin at lg, l, 2, 3, and 4.30 a.m. Leav- ing Waterloo at-ILM, 12.30, 1.30, 2.30, 3.30 and 5 mm. The fire o'clock carleaving Waterloo will run as far as Berlin postomce and than-e di- rect to the G.T.R. station, to coie ncct with the$30 train piling east. Alter 12 o'clock. the tare wilt be 10c. Mrs. Dorotttm Fromm, who has 1:0.ll Irriuusly ill at the result ot an attack ot la Hippo tor the past tour months, passed “my .on Saturday. Lo d cettsol was in her 77th year, and came to Canada Item swank“, Saxonymmy yd“: ngé. She was I wanna ot St. Peter’s Lutheran church. . The marriage was solemnized on January 26th, u Jhe Methodist par- 'sonage in Berlin, by Ree. D. W. Sni- der, of Miss Mary Kemtedy, ot this town, to Mr. George Salisbury, ot Brantford. The ceremony was very quiet, but nevertheless g number of useful and handsome gins were re- ceived, including g beautiful present and address from the shopmales of The 6 nth occur"! on Friday ot In. Appelona Schmidt " the resi- dence ot her Bon-ia-taw, Mr. Peter Sung-l. The than“! was in her 34th ya: and had been ill tor some tour week: from Mont-Inn trouble. She was how in Gamay, but has natal in Benin tor some years. Send for the " Royal Household " Recipes-- ttey cost .nothing-an4 may mean better bread -better pastry-better baking gen" erally for the rest of your life-think of what that would mean to your family. If you have never used the new Royal Household Flinn, there is a delightful surpriserfor you in the first batch of bread you bake with it- just send a postal card for the recipes. q I'm-z OOILVIB mm mus 'commv; oi. The, New Way to make Bread Hurt he» "Min bread tor new] urn-Mn your: . Ion: "mm“ Float " the I in but)" and or In†(signal) Iâ€, ROOT. ADAI. N Ill-O. tre., that h, m. thus gun will" 9mg?" my}; m all the lads and lasses should re- l member for a day To do their errands and their tasks, as surely as they play, Should hang their hats and jackets up and put away their toys. Should remember that the garden is the place to make a noise--' Why, what a very pleasant world ior mothers this would be! How very many happy mother laces we should meet . For children tlon't remember, as or- erybody knows! But, " the children should-wrt-just suppose! It, all the children's mothers-turns . forgetful in a day, If, instead of lakirm care of toys, they threw them all away, Why, what a very dreary world for thHIlren this would be! For mothers all remember, as 'every- body knows; l But, it the mothers shotildn't--whr- lust suppose! pound for that c mmodity. _ This morning (itllllrd dealers ask- ed 32 cents (or the creamer variety while on the market the poorest'tsut- tar sold tor 28 cents. Many retail merchants are charging from 35 cents to 10 cents. It is reported that some wholesale men have large quantities of butter on hand, but are holding it for still higher prices. Severn my red um. um- k-om we! been completed by J. P. Bender, ml at“. agent, wrong then tom; the Stephen Block, which he bought Iron Joseph ,Ialtell for the Berlin Trhgnph mun; Uqm- pany, who will in A short time move into mu tine block. This ll hr line with tho city’s repnuuon tor acid progress a it ls In idea, building tor o growing new/s- paper business, how; well situated, and has plenty of light. Mr. Bend†has nlso elected the sale Oi U. W. Hagen's block, a well as stock to D. B. Hussein“, ot this town, one will tage possession ot same in About. two weeks. Mr. Musselman is very familiar with the shoe business,‘ and 'sill undoubtedly make a bucecss- Jul shoe merchant. Butchers report that lambs, calm: and all varieties of fowl are very scarce. “In fact, everything that a Farmer sells is high' in priee."--To- runlo News. _ The cause of _the high prices is the “can blockade ot the railways, which-delayed large shipments. The situation is being rapidly relieved, however; and it is predicted that in the course of I. few days the prices will be agairt'norrual. Eggs advanced ‘5 cents a dozen at the same time as butter went up. The price of butter has_reachcd the high" water mark in ToYontp. Not in man: was new much treeapaidper pound tor that cprnmodity. WILL LEAD S'l‘RlI‘FORD RAND Mr. Bender has also purchased the property ot Mr. Semi, Frederick street which he "sin otters (or sale uuoo 911: 931.104an pll‘l do} mu, q Prof: Zeller is now leader ot three bands, which; Berlin, Hamburg and Strattord. The Telegraph congratu- lates ttfin upon his appointment Strattordmerald: The playing oi. the 28th Regiment band was very favorably commented on by the spec- tators at the open-air carnival last night. Several changes have recently taken place. in the organization ot the band, most important'ot which is the engagement of Prof. Zeller, lead- er of the Berlin Musical Society band to act as instructor. Prof. Zeller, who is recognized as one of the tirtrt band masters in the country, visits the city each Tuesday and conducts the weekly practice. On other occa- sions Mr. P. B. Mailman is the band- master. Mr. Foster Close having re- signed some time ago. Under the new arrangement with Prof. Zellet as in- structor the band will no doubt reach a higher state at efticieney. than ever before. _ PRICE OF BUTTER HIGH. J UST SUPPOSE Mr. Thus. Trnplin, ot Hamlet, was made happy a low day! ago by to caving I check tor . little Wt than $4,200. "tarded him by the courts tor the inbuilt: he Inland through the Idling at u hofxtln the (and. Noelle. Hill. while working there " took many months m much luv to "can: the Oman. which the Commy were nun-Ii. Lu It. Tunn- - M. tt lot my In lug-I m wl V "Havana has a populationoi “out 300,000- people, 4,000 at whom no English or American, but mostly the Vuer. We have very nice weather here, with no coal or snow‘to shovel, uni ranging trom " to " degrees in the shade. The night: no cqol. " is delightful to go out into the country and sea the tropical fruit growing, such " banana, nausea. WI sugar cane. strawberries, and many others which I would not like to tut- dertake to spell in our lame. Flowers .re Abundant. i saw some‘ beautiful species ot tom tostay. But the Brst thing ant strike: a ttorttt- crner is the tulip-Mutual paitna) which you no cvorywbere. Anothcr‘ future here which we in our busy Berlin are lacking are the parks, or) green spots in And about tin city. "on you thd mnny cl them, also “when, one ot which is about two miles long uni has two row: at lw. rel trees." , Hummus IN HAVANA, CUBA Masts. C. B. Dunk and P. Hym- men. of this town, who leit a few weeks ago on an extended tour to the South, are enjoying their trip im- mensely. The-Telegraph has received several copies of the Havana, Cuba, Post, which is the only ,English pa- per published in that city. In 1 brief getter Mr. Dunk: says in part: STRATFORD Ttu; summary was-l, Stamford, s. Lloyd, 12t min.; Stratford, Easson, trom a. beautiful long lett tram cover, ' min.; 3, Station], Edmunds, 6 mm; 4, Berlin, 10 min., by V. Coch- tame. Besides the unmasiasts from Strat, ford, the special [tom-Berlin brought about 600, including people ttom Guelph, Gait, Preston, Waterloo arm New Hamburg, were were delega Imus trom London, Goderich, Wood stock, Salon]: and other points. ll was a great crowd, and every posi tion where a person cuuld see thy game had its occupant. "Chaucer" Elliott was the referee, and he handled the game in ovary satisfactory manner. He was death on rough tactics and penalized every oftenee he saw. The following were tenecd: Gross IS), G. Caching, Schmidt, Basson, Edmund: (2), Herr.. No oliences were allowed to pass un-' called, and he was subjected to con- siderable roasting by the 2iatiord crowd tur {fequently calling back the Indians when rushing down the ice. "Chaucer" is the light man to han- dle championship games, and Benn has no kick coming. The teams lined up as follows I.- ' BERLIN I Bucket Forrest Hen: Schmidt . In one ot the moat exciting and a. time: taateat sum that has bee. played in Western Ontario this sea:- on Station! dictated the _ Benn. team in the last game ot the tounu by 3 goalsvto l, but Berlin's_ lead ok 4 seals to 1 was not overcome and the round is won by Beehn. Tosa that the result 01 the game was a disappoioumsrt to sumo“: is put- ting it, mild, and the whole populr tion went away (mm the scene at the great contest dismayed. and ' some cases very angry. T But it it was: disappointment t Stratford it was more so as far an Balm was concerned; The German: new tar the best at the game, but run in the Iiitnte8t kind ofnuee in shooting on goal. Woods had three shots to stop to every one ot Brick or’s, but every one ot them was driV- en straight at him. " was not un. til two minutes before time that Dnck L'ochrane scored, but even that Was disputed, but it was allowed by Reteree Elliott Stanford had an the luck, and two ot the three goals were ot a very tiuky variety. The game created unusual interes throughout. Western Ontario, and the crowd that witnessed the game, 111-. eluding several hundred tron) Berlin who dad not get a glimpse oi the cou- test, was the largest ever acc0nuno- dgped in the large, rum. 7 Sov_m __ 'y.....: Ayer’s iropi1pppttpp In tuna-imm'umotlunh "oa.yyrtf_brdts1er!t 'hteetef "it thmnthm hdrtet Nourishing tood comes next. Then, a medicine to control the cough and heal the lungs. Ask any good doctor. iidid -,tLififpigt, itiiiii. umpdol wit recover. Paul! m. - important of an. BERLIN “INS 'lBE JtutlND, rum-layout . an!“ unimagin- lquuuum “an! .. " “.9. - "e Cherry Pectoral RECEIVED mm Lighttoot Edmunds Forms Gross Cochrane Knoll Cochran") Lloyd aâ€: ma:- "ltrthdt1',t. T,',,; a: t a no u mt I . 'llu?dll'. In ur- I") In TTT. PHILIP tthqgttatettfttteqhtteete. AM: Bucket thought " would be improper on the put ot the Council to allow the opportunlty to paw without a slight recognition ot Mr Mlllanu' services to the town ahd h took great pleasure in moving that a honey vote ttt thanks be tendered to Mr. William. Atd. mm. seconded the resolullnn which in curled unanimously Aid. McKay asked the privilege to .poak again in order to state thet he did not wish to mslnuste that there was my wrongdoing on the part ot Air. William: and the Commission, but if the statement that had been called tor had been presented he thought Mr. 'Willlnms' resigpat on could have been Accepted Wllh more honor. Pemoliaily he would like to know that everything In connection with the Bond was wal1as'trtrt. _ The New Appointee. On motion ot Aids. Utthry Ind Gardiner it Va decided in appoint Mr. August R. Lang to lii1 tho uc~ my on the Communion. Vote ot Thanh. In reply to AU. McKay, the Inâ€! said that the Commission has not re (used to present unmanned state- ment, and at the present time eight months ot last year's work had been prepared and when it was completed it would be presented. The Commis- sion is composed at as honorable inen as is the Council, and he believed it had the coMdence ot the Who“ ing been elected by occlnmstlon in January, while Mo Council bad to tight tor its position. Aid. . 6mm: said he was sorry that Berlin was to tose us good and valuable a mm as Mr. Williams. He would liked to have him remain on the Board,' and under the circumstan- ces he was reluctant. upon letting him go. _ Aid. McKay expressed his surprise " the receiving of the resignation from Mr. Williams. He was sorry that such an important item ot buai- ness had been sprung upon the mem- bers without any warning. There are circumstances in Connection with the Commission that have to be clawed up. A detailed statement ot the busi- ness of the Commission has been cell- ed tor time and again and has never been produced. He did not feel dis- posed to accept the resignation until the statement asked for had been re- ceived and matters were cleaned up. Aid. Hahn informed Aid. McKay that' as far as he was concerned he knew no.nlore about the object ot the meeting than he (McKay) did. The motion to accept Mt. Williams' resigUtion was put and all voted in favor cxcepting Aids. McKsy and Fehronblch, Aid. Bricker said that Aid. Mo- Kay's contention would have some foundation if, the whole Board was resigning, but when it was only one man who wishes to retire, the Board still remained to deal with my mat- ter such as Was relerred to by Aid. McKay. All knew that Mr. Williams was a. busy man and that he has overworked himself during the last low years.' He was certain that Mr. Williams was not resigning because of any alleged mismanagement on the. part of the Board. S. 3.. WILLIAMS. The Mayor stated that he had in- 'terriewed Mr. Williams reaming the communication, and was told that it would be impossible tor him to give any turther attention to tho work Vt the Commission. His private Witness was increasing lo such an extent that it requires his entire attention, and as the Superintendent of the W. G. & R. leaves shortly, tor the Old Country, his" duties would be increas- ed for a icy months. T - _ "e - - or W' - in»; . Lug.- - A tttMit, and “In! will; at ‘ to To" ct-tt was new on Thug-any evening. The when were not!“ tate In he atterartMas, and u. ujozity veto Ignonnt ot the object. ot the meeting until it In announc- ed try the Mayor on 0min; tits mung. The business ot the motion consisted ol the reading ot Mr. S. J. Willinms' resignation " n member ot the Light Commission. accepting the aunt, â€pointing Str. Aug. tt. Lans to tut the vacancy. and ltndexing a. not: ot Ilium to Mr.. “mums tot .u sauces to the town. . Aids. Hahn and Gardiner moved and secoaded that the resignatiOn be acceptegi. ' LG. MI, Netttt, Out. All the muons here in aueadanm um: am taking their paces behind an twosome now desk» that lave wen installed. Mayor Kim read the .ollowiug communicatiod: " Berlin, Feb. 2tst, INS. Carl, Kant, Mayor, Berlin." Dear Mr. Mayor,-owi" to the pressure ot business, 1 un compel- ted to uk you to release me (tom my position " Light Commis- sioner. Kindly accept this as my resignation trom the Commission, and oblige, . - 3f . wanna Reigns Owning il PM of Bush's-I ...,sCtet!iAeeertrq) 1lihlNrt m .- rift! . “all? couulssz Great Bargains In order to main room for u out of Cum "Y Sleigh BUGGIES IN BOTH It. All "MIMI. lulu! Iooloty'n I 1nd. a, M. DEVITT. C HAMOIS VEST. Also tuneful for skaters. (in: unly thingI to wear to dprevent Cong I. Colds an Bronchitis a g enamels Vests cmriiforiiiiidf ' .1366? Prtrfo ' bra no has lnoludirg " '00. " JAG". lemma. “an“ tur. P. Dunn. In. Cash must ,roihitb" JuruTiiri. “it: Note. Regitstasied Letter or Expose, Order to Capital Authorized - Capital Paid-Up - Reserve Fund - - Deposits - ---"- Rubens McDomu o Prentdont.‘ D. M. “warn Gen. In. R. B. Fumox. Supt. of Bunches L. P. Sin-9:3. Imam. Deposits ot Cl and upward- remind. Its. {an}. luhytrd M._ h’ghen: current Hammad Plllw"lsh'2ii" In order to save our subscribersithe trouble ot makingtwo or more - ate remittances we have made special arrangements with the publishers by which we are enabled to offer the following' publications in contraction with The cltroni.cle-artegraph,idr one year at specially low rates. Special clubbing rates with all other Canadian and American newspapal and magazines quoted on application. " The Soverlgn "'t of Canada I AND METAL CLEANER COMIINID The any Yatcmed Polish in the World. Iro Dunn 1'0 PM. No Smuke. No Smell. .lotttnia.t no iazvvfnu or otlrcr explosives. L i3â€) ,.:e' :--: 1'.J‘:‘L' 1-.1Zsh and has? ' H ' ....w77 Theme Dres will dye WWI. Cotton. Ill. Jute. or Mixed Goods in one But h-utr nt-thte latest and In unmoved tyne in_tha world - Tn Hardware, Stoves. Tinware, Plumbing and Pipe Fit. ting. Store near Post Office, Plaque 143. _ iiiiriiiGGi2iiiii Fire _+++4Wow REXALL'QE? DYES! {(lnmrmxnud by Auto: thmont; 1901. It A General Banking Bushla- Transacted. in“. Ah colon u in} miia) SAVINGS DEPARTMENT " Fund'- - $350;ooo sits - ---"- $7,100,000 5 - - Over 'iiiooti,ooo mu om-ttRot-t Setroni.cly-yyetrmrt, and Week! Glob. ..... . .... ... .. f.?!irony8egeyiirrdVi, and Weed, mil (with i/Riiiiiii cuxeittu+yiirisiris" and Fundy Budd and Weakly Star Lsyi.iiurmium)......" ...... .... .............. S.hroniAte-fyiegrtsiri, and Partners reJrePtti.tteekrry " Cjhronirtprsaad'Ji.LTi, .....- u-_L___. “L n .- 'pe'"""."."'-)"-' and Fun-men 'tg'ttNit2ltl, " f.!,hrou.iele-pgeiiidiit and Monk-ell Weekly “helm... PyonieystsleirrilFi and Firming World f,'iri, 1.5. J Weekly Ban tas farm journd). . f3srom:e.u-yyyiFiii, and Country aentlemen ' . . . . . . . . . . . S?reomyy/ryyiFiiiri, and Dally Globe.... ...... .... .... 9,!umsi.clo/ryleiiriliit and Toronto My News... .. . .... 0h 'ooie!e-gyleirraia and Toronto Daily World. . . . . . . . . . Syrmai.e.1e-YreiiAii, and Toronto Daily Mail.. . . . . . . . . . . fPron.icysgtuiiriirU and Tomato Evening Mail... . .... S? and Toronto Dtily Btu... .. . ... . . . "uonieu-retdirraVi, and Northern Noumea-.... -.. _ .. GHEAP READING FOR 1905. SEE OUR BOILERS RT t-,t.i. I. G,"yDCERS iidiir . E. POTTER. DAVID BEAN, 13017an PRICES tttttttl, one is: tii'1tl.'tlfhrt?ot%',etr, a an??? 'i"%'r'il"" tun, “lilo. "th1'iRiF.1'a1%ihrr" . A, 'd'i;fPN"atrat"u'Mhgtt " t.'WYh, 'dt. tgt: 3:! Mt i 'Tri,Eit = A tfru'T"g, A - out a. a... In. an ( M' rirria" arm tiGTii" on." "-1.1 p, .‘zt’u: A, 19-0.“, "o, "Am, not. ffhtu'm11'iw Alltl ' Muff mien-hm“- Imam». Natale)! fEll DOMINION LIFE GFGifoii"iiiur'iiuiir" .,,.....-_ ..-- GiGiiG - 'llr,','l'2'al"r,',,'gra'l,'tth'N'fg'a'ttu' on PM "ma Wt: .ttr,,','i'of"it'40NP,t'tltil II (I, . m. I page! 'peter. 11139:“ mm In A" IW.",'.', 'g','.t'a' n 't,t,it2,ii'iieehiidgrtt u a - a our tt In. other rant-Jon go probably J,'t8,lrAl'd Comm-Mm- _ . Thou. " my 0 than! t. cg Prod lam "rt. of M!- guanï¬wzékmtwfl Scientific Mental. Secures more New Blaine!- in Waterloo County than any other company. 'u.......... ..... non Bil (with iiAiiiiii 1 m Hal-dd up!) _ l 75 'tg'ttNit2Q, " tt 26 Weekly “no..." I i) World I 46 m (stat-m journd).. l " "ptumert,.1.......C,' " 3b.................. " W! Nahum..." l tttt ailyWox-ld.......... 800 any _Mait............ 45 Evening Mail........ " 'sh Btu............ l 76 Me-e-r.....:."..'." t Mt " Endowmentil'clm Make remittunoc by Pout: tiahhss Dominio'n Life VIII! Pay You In . wal-managed and I Powwow-9y spelt wmely “mod 1Cy)tey -2353. "tii.ViiGG'd Waterloo, Ont. JAt' Mt: