Sums ' (Third a; "only. Dirge. Cl Ill-TAD u Gm Sanderson’s lu-sv!‘ Kin: the ares V p m (n tht, an sriic, 1H “mi? :u n fummr y. A tut-1:4. A In, - King " W 17.51400 mrv than! Buns, “a! v..' ml in mind 1 cars 't, I"! . than as, I 3212:} ., ., H q' dep 'a Ina w . w old .1? vvl CA Pt TAI. " QST... . Oiitc. , Venn-Anna‘s... huh-auger. .':-".'z , L5JJJ ". up “W114 :3 my.) “ANA F Carterfs Little Liver Pills. Puff SICK H‘EADAGHI. sid ILLMJMN an ....J.. " ' .- 42"; :91- u: c.rrs",li"i'iiltrig" dun no] ‘-\'l I . rlti7' ran MOW all. . Cih8 m: can’un‘. , ‘-...:'\'=4‘3m5 â€UV‘WKI' “WIK. fete., 2 5:53;: iriiiir72'C'cb'ra'a"acas, ' j In Fae-Slau- Int-mt Below. RI 12 ERG. at? tt h4 tht; n h Co '12“: tn ts,5ti, Fl l li blyl ON tGsl Agent, Beth, M 1ijillh' 53 w id ht . " inl Insult. ‘Flll IIIZIIISS. .rtnt IIUDIISIIESS. {ER TURN!) [WEI- A5tt COKSIIPATIIII il F “Fibrd " ..:H MU obi mu ii,'i'its,fi 'A' {.T'E'LKLOO a; m xchne we! Him-min tiild. o . . ‘33 703.000. . $3,339,000. O't n11). ;u ‘JJJJO m prove n'l wh- u. Ca.†LTON _i l‘;(.'..l.<lu Hi). c " hall an s- [t to Pnncy mug; t, ml {'1}! Jo an A w: 'd ir, o: mach) 300 .00 and oar) on Jyoti]! an}?! 20 " "tn WIN,†Tru, p, Manitoba yott mm is win?" wind}! ter ted."--ttm 13. A. iiaaa -mirrtor tor tlone making. tune . “In. OIL tht it, In myth-v.- oArrvrtim that they "blend" 'Frurt-ttorthi up part and hard when! to at better "out Thy In tr-atd WOW. w. do not Mend what he mam-Mme. nan-nu no. - - -,- ..__ 1- I um Wm: " wanna-Son- w--. linyal livmu'lmhl “on! it nude of thp had mvh'ol haul “but "In! ‘M is the h " wring wheat grown I. Manitoim hott when! u winter WM -tntrrtor tor tlone making. he I "tiiIrm'-rta. um n... "1.1...†. l [war cook can make better had with Royal llouwlxquld Flour than I am! cook can with poor flour. new Housman! Recipe. make bah 'tity the plvasantos't My of the mk. . Thr-m are two kinds of flour, “Royal â€mm hold " and the kind that ha not hurl] prwitFl by Elertricitr. "Thtsi0ouriiu'tmtasttorrt an†begun the runvl’ “N ml the "Royal Household" "cvtrthtsjr,<s" interrumn the woman 'tli,, Lnuzvs “I have tried 'jIm-ae-good' Hummer A cook is only as good u the thmr Moe nsx a ', hI-H r1ottr h not mm! 1w haml- ",rpye,t for Ll-I wot t We tfv'altmy.‘ “In" woman an needed. tro, "M our shot. R. Elliott uniium to Inanare the business. Mr. >‘nl ty, since coming to Preston, has mule many irimuls, who will be pitvsed to Loarmlhat he still intends In retain his iniviests in Preston. Gait; Jan. 17.-tn the preliminary r and cf yrnnp No. 7 of the Ontario n'nrtl " W.'rt tilmn -Prl-:|nn mm- w “WV Ro1rrs:--tre Pent the ten mur- tlot one of our mrttttnrlento rim-I Inf L1»? mud: tor her neighbors Iv f AIM ay" glad to and In many l l‘l‘..tnn I. Sn’du-r :IVV The annual banquet of dhe Royal Arvanrm Lodge was held at the Ber- ln Huh on Wednesday evening and “'45 a wry pleasant event. The menu }f‘»\'id1d hy Mrs. Mueller was excel- l-nt and greatly appreciated. Alter the/i ner the new omeers we"; in-; slam-d and son-ml toasts wefe pro- puscu and suitably responded to. G, h Reporter :--Mf. J. H. Smith," '.A., publisher of the Preston Pro- rmx has horn oil-fret! and will ae- xz irt tlu. position of science master in mu oi the leading High Schools in le {maxim-p, Mr. Myron Mdycr, who ll 5 Lin-n the assistant manager and I. :n-nmi vi the Progress, has obtain-i w! an: int rest in Aheoaper and will! ROYAL. HOl'S’EIlOLD MAXIMS. J. law to te-rt'tttpt from taxation any In IO cums and additions the firm ma, nuke to their tanncry there for i win of years. It is the company's niz-miun lo 'almost double the ca- .ii-ity of tlt: plum, so as to increase I i- (Input man 300 to 500 hides. j ot'is icpoitcd that. the Livaurnant 1-.l'nn1’ in Ccuncil does not approve , li- ali ing by-Iaws such " that mat by the B_rlin Council ot 1005, ill [Ling the issuing ot debentures i xr:,mm to meet the liabilities ot [ht Be in: Lighting Commission in- .xud in l Ill, I Hu- c'al:sr,dry council has asked-tor T â€New to erect ' huge municipal Jain; plant. The City Solie)tor. tl 11.; Be lin .xu-d In I Ihu C'alo' “View to _ “a- ..._...-...... Jilin; plant. The City Solicitor mien-.1 his dtwision that the obnox- rzs Iu'rpvtqal monopoly exerted by w Fan Claime Company is worth- 's,' since the company has violated , agreement ior wars in various F"r PW! “131-1811!†in!) tin-l it pay.- to push Royal “mn- we!) when oicr the Berlin Dye iorks, king sweet Haul, are both .aiciiml gentleman and are deterscin- at to give .lncii' numerous customers .he Lest ot satisfaction. See their "rud Liiis and give them a. call. . A 'oung cinrk at this U.T.R. freight .1 do was arrested on Thursday in lie act of committing a theft, and an Friday was brought before Police sin.) Irate Weir and‘aiiuwed to go n 1t1 prudent sentence. He was dis- I but by the G.T.R. The kronhaupt Leather Co. Ms 4.121(‘(1 1mm the Puuclang Council a. "ov. law to tr-rt'ntlrt from taxation any In to emu-ls and additions the ftrm Letters ot incarnation have been granted to the Daley Romy Engine Company, Limited. The head allure is ttt ball. and the sure capital is plae- el at' (In-Inn“ ' . _ A In" lulu cl than is o:- Pected into Canada in tho spring, IMP- ing lo the belief prevalent in Europe that they will he needed on the Grand Trunk Paeiae. "I "~---. "It. wall“ was a shot: mm,m1- The: have [one to St. Clean-u, their ttr. turo bomb. , m halt, and the share C) d at' “WNW, thy pm alum. mung duties I A big gang ot men is cc hanvsliug operations ate. Mr. (has. Quit-III: tte ice husim-sx hos, hm sscd by the B, th min; the I ‘3:,lmu to IT' u Be lin Mum m. P. Fond] and Inn. CRIMI- PRETTY Jenn. Thanh] main. no. Maul gin.- A -L--‘ ' tour in not Ira-mun tite prom. {I :I-r barrel-tor it isn't» _ wanu- it Po." to plan the AU 1",; gang " men is named in e hastling operations on Victulia ake. Mr. (has. Quit-Hall, to whom Iv ice business has been sold, In: J.en possession, but Mr. Richard Man! has been retained to superin- ad the haunting of the crop. 7 Messrs. l uley and. Mann, who have "h when owr the Berlin Dye urks, king street East, are both urinal gentlemen and are detern:in-\ LL? MN "o-o-ooo-aa-ao-' Mr. P. Fond] mm mm. "an; '- nun..." - .-....-_- ---- Hurry" .---We am always girl to (mr K- -mx~pomlenu the qtamqt 51mm " mm who handle- [UlLi'thtl l-‘lunr. I'i' To Ct 'RPsEsT0sDF.xm acts About "Flour Of Special Interest to our Women Readers. rump No. 7 of the Ontario uz'u Iilmn. - Preston won i T r, I'.. tlsis allcrhoon by Tite match was won with um. tccore .' . u, Usy provisional di- dunes Heuserhstrton, Berlin. G'. D. LaCourse J. J. A. Weir "A thtttar 1mm." "t had In H.- lit-'15.. n...“ tlour I" '" ro-Ihlo Ion-h butt and my" sou-hon" -m..m meat, Mammy In "qrrintg M ire kttmdtstg Id III-ha a with: ad I TESTIMONIALS r-ugt week "To _ ceivud nearly tiv. hundred t"ttmetia1s , "Tn Aova In MI." "Boyd Hmbold"b the (but for DO. I have med hmhhnndg human can compare with Royal HM"- Mrs. J II. She-m, an Rtehant SM Vnnconver. 3.0. sow. " 1004, "Tum u m‘Mm an: hon," . . "Royal “Wok!" in what the pawl. tmatt-e W M. M in ho mm bad fhmr put on the pop}. a! Menu- try at the a“! tttrc"-' W. mm. Bhonmd. 3.0 Nov. w. I“ Rosnu" Household NEE; $333,“ Household " Red†harm than they an. a g. m -that In quicker, under, dmpler to bnkegood bread and good Mywith Royal Household Hour. by the "Boyd I]-_._ALAIJ .. II . _ THE BEST TEST IS YOUR OWN TEST. IN YOUR OWN HOME _ Your tat, Mn. Hana Baker, in and, it you ttnd "Royal Hon-abold" but]. your bding. them in no we. Every all my Winn women ,yiurtt"owrk-edttter-tth Royal Household new ' --that it II all we lay It K -that in jun a good for pun-y In It is tor bread. . In the Divisional Court at Toronto the City ot Stratford lost the ttppeql trom the award of an arbitrator " lowing 880 for damage to clzlmnnts’ property by the raising ot a. road- way. .. l Hamilton Times: The shoe combine has decided on increasing the prices lor boots and shoes. an the cotton men want more duty to enable them to put the screws on the consumers. too. What with big increases in the prices at rents. luel end everything people eat, drink or wear, the null on a fixed salary is hit pretty hard. He is inclined to prey tor a period ot dull times. _7 . --'---_9. "' _ the woollen manulacturer. They (and that unless the Canadian felt tmututaeturer is accorded some relic] in the shape ot higher duties on 'ttg- , lish goods it Witt eventually mean I the closing or " least curtailing ol 1 the capacity ot some ot the Canadian l mills, entailing a considerable loss to .the locality in which the factory is located, as well " throwing out many employee. The felt manufac- turers find themselves in even a worse position than the woollen man- ufactuser as regards lower protec- tion, arid in the same position in tuw. ing to contend against the cheal tab- or market of Great Britain, as well as having to import the bulk of raw material from the country. tutor. The same mils and conditions exist in the felt trade es in the wool hat busihesa,nnd whereas before the _ preferential mm was in existence I [lair margin ot profit was realized. The condition " the present time in England includes lower wages, bet- ter wool market, in tact, all the dis Advantages already enumerated trs; _ the w----, " . - the purpose of discussing the present Very unsatisfactory state of the felt trade in Canada. Owing to the in- creasing English competition it was iresolved totem! uruolutlon to the Minister of Customs, praying tor re- lie! to " least the some extent as is justly accorded the woolen mules-w HEETINGIOP FELT IANUFAC'l DREâ€. At a. meeting ot the Canadian Felt 1nd Pelt Footwear Mtututacttsrers held in Berlin on Tuesday, a which were present: Mr. A. J. Kimmel, ot Elmira Felt Co., Elmira; Mr. E Mer. ner. of the Hamburg Pelt Mtg. Ua., New Hamburg; Mr. Geo. Rumpel, ttt the Berlin Felt Boot Co., ot Berlin; Mr. Oscar Rumpel. ot Berlin Felt Boot Co., Berlin; Mr. A. Snyder, ot Canadian Felt Co., St. Jecobl; tor on... ....-_-_- _. -- - . A The wedding much Watt played by Mrs. Mental». with violin “commi- ment rendered by In. A. Benny But: ot Niagara Falls. The happy maple were the recip- ients ot man\' handsome gittsu Mr. and Mn. Seihert will his up their residence in Berlin in the Bear (Mun. PRETTY JANUAIY IEDDINO, A on» but my may .1ou ' wedding tool: plan on Thanh; r tonne-umbilical". dumb My, 83% street. win- ber PM PLANS FOR NEW STATION. I The local m'tttoritiriat the Or'and Trunk Railway have rmrivod the plus tor thd proposed mu addition to the Berlin depot. The plans mute junkie“ [or uncut-ally doubling the - andâ€, tttd with the Add!“ an I“. Dull: VIII In. a can; up than. l proving or these suggestions and ex- pressing the belief that such a change would result. in larger sums ot mom-y being expended tor agricultural pur- poses. The Executive ot the Domin- ion Shorthorn. Breeders' Association at its annual meeting in Toronto, on January mil. alao passed a resolu- tion approving ot these suggestions. and stating It: opinion that lever "hiMtiottritoutd result in larger at- tendances, better prizes and better alibi“. as well as a reduction ill the undesirable leatures now g9 pre. valent at many exhibitions: . The leading agricultural moieties ot the province are evinclng considerable interest in the suggestion tint. Jan heen made by Mr. H. B. Coven, Pro- vincial Superintendent ot Agricultural Societies, that the number ot. exhibi- tions held annually in Ontario should be mnterially reduced end Mtl- etiHurtCiiietemis should receive the r (not: in, proportion to the Amount: they expend tor ngrlculturnl purposes. Such a change would do "my with all distinction between the township end district societies. » The Oratorio Fruit Growors' Asso- ciation has passed A resolution ap- proving ot these suggestions nnd ex- pressing the belief that such echange would result. in larger gum: ot mom-v The case of Jacob Shoemaker I against Albert Quickie". in_which the, latter was charged with having will- ingly and knowingly obstructed David street by the construction ot the ice slide trom the Victoria Park Lake to the ice house, was heard by Police Magistrate Weir at the police court Wednesday. The complainant had airge-numiser of witnesses to prove that the slide was an obstruc- tion, while the defendant had several witnesses to show that in case a person could not walk over the slide it Watt lilted until the 'person and teams had passed over. The case oc- cupied a couple of hours, and after the evidence was alt submitted and H. J. Sims, Gr the complainant. end E. P. Clement, K. C., tor the detent- ant, had presented their arguments, the Magistrate decided in favor 'ol the defendant by dismissing the ease with costs. . This is the third time the case ha been no decided dry the Magistrate. - FEWER EXHIBITIONS DESIRED. 3145's FOR NEW . ,1 V -eFei- u: until“: on the larger scale possible with such plants. Another point which Mr. Breithaupt says intiueneed the firm in coming to the decision to close the Listowel plant was the liability that was hanging over them here tor pos- sible damages tor sewage disposal. The law suit they went through on this point cost them all the profits made here and they do not feel like, ‘running chances ot the like again. Their foreman here, Mr. Charles Am. derson, has been removed to Berlin, where he has been given a foreman- ship. Listowel Banner: Mr. J. f). Brei- thaupt. Berlin, was in town last week looking alter the closing out of the work at the Breithaupt tannery here preparatory to shutting down. It will take about three weeks more to work out the stock on hand and then a week or two at a later date to fin- ish up, after which the whom Work will cease at the tannery. We under- stand it is the itttmatiow-ot the own- ers to let the plant stand idle, that under present conditions it does not pay to operate the tannery here. The price of bark is no advantage here as all' the Bath used has to be Shipped in'anyway. The firm's tanneries at Berlin and at Pcnetang have been en- largest and it pays better to operate on the larger SA'aln nnccil‘ln ....-.L w I into eneci - W, -.--- - yuruum out that the trade of the northern portion ot the county at Waterloo at, well as a large part of Wellington is naturally tributary to the towns to the south, and if G successtul et- fort is not put forth by the towns along the present line to have it es- tended to the north it will show not only 1 lack ot enterprise on their part but also a. serious loss of business by the diversion of trade to other busi- ness centers. There are, however, no evidences of lethargy on the part of the Boards ot Trade ot these towns, but rather the reverse, and it may be taken " a foregone conclusion that what they undertake will be carried in.‘ nu“: _ . '"F-"'"""'""""e"e' WIN-NI? In“: anon-t. _'"'."'."::,',,',, mww rm q O _ - " .' F . . be e . The “at "dr- I“ I. - .'tr/tP1Aft.fiiiiiiVi"7ii""af2 Tum Mtheptrb thMWWMdTrwBWMI-mmhfl ',li)i'iiiil;,r' events. he was not out) it the Council Che-hrs on Ishm- , instruc the but tadieattu, or the u dar evening. with " the We i out nit-putty at Berlin. Tb arr-hr ""mtht, namely, luau. Hut. "t L rendered to a town by s live as- naat. loom. 8““er Kr-i, >pro¢rsulvs Board at Trade such as data-ides, Euler, Schilling, Puree. 'hatotmetin, pa‘lareelybsonr- “Anon. . . minutes. When the tel-t oi the sth notion oi Nears. Kres- and guinea pan sud Ill-obtuse. at liaise-er. Dr. J. K. Hett was nonn- horlin is combined in the solution on "sud u choir-tan. Messrs. Peg» problems alerting the passport†. oi ,Iat and miner were also Ioninatr , the town the beat possible solutions ad, but retired in tum ot Dr. Hut. ' are-reasonablv certain lawsuit. u. uno I“ declared elected Amid - I deed, without a lite Board in Trade phone. l any town must necessarily be ham- The resignation of Ilia A. Dough- pered, and wmparatively [all to the cor was received sud accepted. Miss rear in the general much of progress. .ltuttell we: Appointed to till the va- 1 he enrol. ot I good Board at Trade csncy in the Margaret Ave. school. acts as no incentive to activity in it In decided that the new mem- municipal and other bodies. Fault has not: ot the Board take the place of l often been lound with the Berlin the old members and each committee l Board at Trade tor out-ring advancu. Let its own chairmen, which result- suggestions to the Town Council " " as tollows: gelding matters ot importance re Agnes tit. school.-‘-W. Hertteuer. wiring attention. instead ot Ending Courtlahd Ave.--L. Settler. fault with the Board ot Trade the Margaret Avts.-Dr. W. J. Arnott. [ Town Council should be leaders 0. Central tichooi-.t. Pennant. ( public opinion, and instead ot being Property Couuuittoe-gr. 'lsrees. I in a position needing suggestion; Finance _cotmnitteo-J. L. lender. I should “then be in a position when The when" committee was dis- i, it would keep the Board ot Trade paused with. " l busy criticizing its policy. Not that Mr. Ed. Smyth was reelesetadrst- 1 there should be any striie between he: oi the Colleglate Institute 1 the two bodies save in a healthy zeal Board. _ 4 ,to promote the best interests oi lit-r Mr. D. Forsyth was appointed the tin. One at the most important pro- lzoard's representative on the Fret blems demanding the attention o.' Liurar'y Board. Berlin, mentioned in President Mills The regular meetings will continui address, is the extension of the Pres. to he held on the last Tuesday ot tin ton and Berlin electric @lway to mouth. Wellesley. It has olten been pointed ----- nut "no as... A__a, . ._ {Puslnnr Itâ€: CASE DISMISSED , lot sewage disposal. they went through on st them all the profits l they do not feel like res ot the like again. here, Mr. Charles Am. rn removed to Berlin, been given a foreman- PRICE 10.. " ALI. thttttttl" Plllytyi'a'tii" I†METAL CLIANL’. COHBIN‘D The NIH Pr'.rttted MIMI in the WorH.' ., INA, NHL-1. NoSmoke. No Smell ' ;: . " no bcazine or other "Mosh". I k’l.\'0 make: mom "in m I hm mm than my other. _ I Forty-four bunches molndl' g MIWOOI " JABâ€! A. C. Mc15ntrrre, mutt D. P. Dun 1 ' 'e-, l 1):â€:qu of and u uni- mln'. , . some 'llt,t't his“; cum-n ml.» ' ,'/li alumni-II "WI-11. Ruoou-u Mr [by u n I'm-Mont. IF. M S‘ruwurr. Gen. Cc IL I]. Fauna. sum, of Brahman. _. u P. SurnIan-pocl. '. Capital Authorized - 2.000 For Capital Paid-Up - 1.300 cm Reserve Fund " - $350 Orr Deposits . - - $7.100 ctr Assets - " Over $10,000 cc: no“ omcer--roRoNT'o Great Bargains The Sovereign Bards. of can“. (Incorporated by Add "Hi-t,tge' , In ordor to make roam f) r near of Cutters and Slei, '1 u (I A General Bmking Tun-acted. In " was decided that the new men-- bas as“ ot the Board take the place of a :liu the old Members and can: committee . m. Let tttt oen chairman, which result- n- " as lollowa : to am tit. achool.-‘-W. Hertteuer. in; Cutrtiaiut Avo.-L. Sattler. [In Margaret Avts.-Dr. w. J. Mutt. o. Central tictusoi--.t. Pequo‘nat. ing Property Couuuittae-g'. ducal. m; Finance committee-J. L. Henna. an The teal-hum†committee was dise de pound with. " Iat Mr. Ed. Smyth was reelected mem- Beu her ot the collegiate lutltutc am Board. _ or Mr, D. Forsyth was appointed the NF .:oard's representattve on the Fret . o.' Liurar'y Board. I: The regular meetings will ttontitun s- to he held on the last Tuesday ot tin to month. ed ----- In VERY SUCCESSFUL YEAR. " -- m... at. I.» ot soon L. BUGGIES luv-homo. AlldrugKIu-L IN BOTH I“ tttttt IEGOIIIMI'I ley rew's congregation was held Wednes- day evening. Reports were read b) the-management and the various so- cieties in connection with the church. and these showed not to have been the best year in St. Andrew's his- tory. Thirty-eight persons were ad- ded to the membership during the year; there were ll baptism», tive adults-and 6 children. The sum on $556 was given to mission schemes oi the church, besides various other sums given to philanthropic pur- poses, The Fear closed with all obligations met and $105 in the treasury. with $75 to come in. The congregation have reason to be plush ed with the futaueiat standing ot St. Andrews, and the conscientious la- bors ot its pastor, Rev. W. A. Brad- [Hair vigor, Falling tGif "sr halr vu mm oi, hull and In. “all! would Iou It M. Than I ro1llfd1'?4 thur “for“ {I 'll'h't2 'tmth'??, 'tly" Ind undo II a r a con I o . 'L"flitd I. Aunt, Eng-both. R. a. crow, completely cures dan.. druif. And it always restores color to gray hair, all the rich, dark color of early life. ttfl.r,yefi','F. Falling hair means weak hair. Then strengthen your hair; feed it with the only tdr food, Ayer's Hair Vigor. It checks falling hair, makes the hair SAVING! _ltErlutNEttt “on". lorIln. th t. . V g __ . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL - - . . .950 000 " 7.2 Mr. D. Forsyth was appointed the , . ' . ioard's sepresetttative on the Free . DEPOSH era DOMINION cow-r . - " 11r,MO.t T .. 1 Jun!) Board. 41 p . . The regular meetings will contimu l Qumogctizrtz‘zd by tho te',",",','.',', & LAmutarrtm Pm " ’ o be held on the last Tuesday ot m. "A" '1 Am“ o"10,806,68g. . math. . . _ ---.-- Altro ertht. Secretary Y. H. mat. Inspector . . VERY SUCCESSFUL YEAR. BUCK-IRROUOH . oo..Am-m. WWIâ€. 'Mlu The annual meeting of St. And- Lttfttttttt----d . M's congregation was held Wednes- "-"e-e-eeeeye_ee----, MID SURREYS for T 'V' - - u tube:- on M h w "I. â€I." “I. Hrtt, M l tuttur,. “Iâ€, i tushitlim, m loan. has: and J. a. A". 00 Eyre"g In! Bush ' Mom CHAMOIS VEST. Ar, #3:..7" u Also useful for skaters. " I 'At 9:31.372: 2hll 'PUB The only thing to wear "m to prevent Coughs. Colds 'r,"li and Bronchitis is a .' h" chamols Vests wmu, Tho-e Dyes wilt dye Wool, Cotton. ilk. Jutg, or Mixed Good; In om- ,','itl.'o-Sil; are the latest and mom Improved ye in tho world. Try package. All colon " any odli'd! fQNWW . W. Kinzie, Men-t; Berlin, Ont 'ith, have thmnundi of testtmontuU from xcliabio planllm'cr Car-ml: and the l’. t; A. 'ir5i'l,',vllai. “no “can" _ "a "itUllga1,1',r,,, Coerfrpestk,es, â€salad-r. Poor DiirttioU. Failing teip, "Mn Troublo. Headache. pm- . \Vukmh. ervolll Binomial. Cam]: and all sta and Blood Dim ' " DAY! TREATMENT ONLY COSTS $1.0). . Trinl Treatment and Book "tee. tursd your order: to an “I "le-riGci2i7C,",lT, 5'o'l'li"ti'du-,a' - on . u†me I t I revtrreefiiirTiai.' I can in": Int! use m: arm! as we" as I ever could. In fart. I mr, "the can every (lav. I can't urn-dawn highly of yam n-nndcrful romuly. ind - word I an mty_t'rttr in (me. Mr can has been I 'rrra6ndvert;seaeot for your agent in thU brnl’i and lam glad om. My appetite is 'Ala/l',",', we†and haven't a ttttht or niche. Mr a'jcd in "in". thin kitcrju to been. {homers who .eotrftielmr " l did. '. ,, -'_. ...._ ._..u nun-nu. s Ina lot: the mo of my left Arm cnn'rely. mid not raise it up " all. Thanh wentinto my right arm until I win Almon helpless - muld not draw mrse1rwithout uni-mum. My feet pained me lath-t I it“ nearly a cripple and found it d0Seutt It tima’ Roget around. Pa or. Mtt [had to den) drungup in an Inn-t air. as thee :in was â€imam: that! could not Am, n bed. . F l tr'ed evtrrtty'ne in the medicine line t would think ohm! in also treated byuveral Aoctora, but ther did me v little _ I had gin-n up In despair %.'l one of our ne'qhhon rnlle] on me mad Ba'd that be ttad in»: when the agent) for I medicine wbtch slung," woid cure me. "a mid that if the medictne dUrtot dome tood, he would refund my mqm'v. [knew Ff,',', to Fe an hm notable man I I look: boioro RIVA]. Wmttt TABLE" " on " word. - 7 . 1 A... “L A W - . - - Opposite Market Hotel iiXhLL11li'gOY GG - l - ‘.v --.. C"""""""-,' From.the Cheapest Unlined to the Heaviest Wool. ' A ROBES TB'U'NKS . 5 Hanging in Price from 83.00 to Full line of Trunlu‘Trsvelling 4; 815.00 Saskatchewan, Mountain, Bage,etc. We are sole agents for ',', and all popular lines. ‘_ . The Langmuir Mfg. 00., Toronto. I Ne wUnd & on “may con-s, rubber “dam-lined. " 'tre.. moo to 'tL0tl J Repairing Dona While You Watt. J Oomph" Line or Good. ton-2th. Hem umm.,t~c. (an, n. MM, n. v. Mufti-co 1!an " u are raw- tmated, and wilt n ruratt. _ r r hr. tgtt.te manna- in the box. --...---. A-wu- It 'will pay you to buy your 83mm from me. We In" I 'he very lighten to the very heavy, manufactured right on th, t prices t t cult any user. As I do not buy any ready mad! .ur Harness to tro, tumnrpaastd In both “on and 'rorttrttutshtp, :cred I from Muscula'u 'ii'i'?s'rlfll'.lb's'l?l'r' irpublu. To ' Horse Owners for. a mum. story. Sn: BATBt-- For tituea yarn I stil gun: from pin-palm, Rim: Mrs GEO.. TRYON. of YESTPORT, Leeds Co., naraware. Stoves. Tinware, 2gttate Pi] ting. Store near Post office, one tel Hardware. Stoves ting. Store 'Ark-El-lte‘ THE RIVAL HERB co, SPI§CIAL VALUES IMPORIANT The Mercantile FireT INSD ii-c,,: COMPANY. _ v - ------- Fits any stove. . Saves your time and money better than bricks or casting. BOTTOM PRICES ti? om PROP-ttttg 207 Br. JANE. Br. worn-nu. "ottraromstoatrrs. HEAD " ICE - WATER“ . 'l . Fliillttlilliliyitm 1LiiJmWrl"ir"a. n yarn I had “f. uh: '.theyrsatiGi, a. t bad Ion the ’. muld ngtJmhe it Emmi. HM“. 0-». no. "" nu. 't "1,13% ark you m not Asbestos Stove Lining A.†11.4.00. a,†trues: from me. We in". nil and.- “on v, manufactured right on the premium and do not buy any ready made. we sultan“. an}. ...-t.. -_A _-_.__,n . "AF-' Gu' ryiciu'iic'ii.'h'UiNl'tli ,,'i,ra't " iiiiii,i 3 Co "mmae-. hi! rune mum. h I In - - - ----v- .m- a handnnmoly "In-tuna wnohly. Watt mlnmr "t F'iF)'filth's'o'irtuii,,tiiiii"i, w _ nut mun m hllllll I: A, , ' - V, _ V ___ "0-.....- " nut-n Ina m QVII-‘kly arm-um our (ll-HIM" In Inn "Hun " '74lt'd'a'?hl,ig',iit' "on: smelly t'otMMetrit " nudhn ".'.1 "no. 1rrrfettt apt-racy tor loon- ', af.-i.og 1.0; us. an... (citrate; toe-gr. no. ttttt ",,$,j,ii'ri,iii'ft"irh"i'ii"t'iiitiiil m: "no. "meal I . Paul-mg .tthett, , If“. _ _ _ VOP'N'UI‘ A nvonn lanolin I "etrtt Ind‘dolalj Ill-ill! urn-inn a... ___ .-., ,, lrayotno, Waterloo THE mmm LIFE O Raina}. L'f um " m' h Miiriri%n ;"ilh'e'l'. iilels'llll 'dlldll " .9. -Q _ -- A. u - Sac Ire-1 mare New Blaine" in tharIOJ Cunt; than any other comp“; y. An Endowment Policy la a wall-m must! an! pip Ila: V "all as Fae Dominion Life IN BLANKETS rue Dominion Life /1.rl van Pay You sc'iudt V m... M..- nur opium" "on 'iaatl/r"'% 1%'t?eiiti,ie' Com “In 'ttttt 'r'y,',lg',tygtt 'lllBt',St â€no or loci: 'lW'flht 'f.'illlF' Muyrt A Ind- . Tn: Hutu-j artt. Fund" mm†" a. Sumac?“ “andâ€. h 10-00. um. nad Ripe Fit- BERLIN will?! mm. () H