late Conrad Kuchner, of Berlin Bernerâ€"Bortzâ€"At Berlin, Dec. 21st, by Rev. E. Hoffman, Fred Betner som of Wm. C. Berner, to Nancy Bottz, daughter of Fred Bortz Graberâ€"Fullerâ€"At Berlin, Dec. 2ist, by Rev. F. Oberlander, Wm. Gaaber to Edith Fuller, both of Rerlin Gilmanâ€"Walperâ€"Â¥U Berlin. Dec. 21s . David A. Gilman, of New _ York (Â¥ty, to Marie Walper, of Betlin. Raddatzâ€"Reickâ€"At Berlin, Dec. 14th, by Rev. E. Hofman, Gustave Radâ€" datz to Minnie Reick, both of Bel lin. Get thâ€"Duenchâ€"Near Linwood, De Bist, at the residence of the bride‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Duench, z Rev. O. Lincke, of Conestogo, § tine Gerth, of Milverton, cldâ€" _uest ‘BOR of Mr. and Mrs. John ' §H, Linwood, to Ida Duench. C ‘bacherâ€"At the Conestogo House, Dec. 14th, David ; , son of Benj. Lichty, to 4 e dangbter of David Bru 21st, by Rev Knechtel, sor Adclaine Kud late Conrad Bernerâ€"Bortzâ€" by Rev. E. Moser.â€"At Elmira, Dec and Mrs. Wm. Moser, a Brubacherâ€"In Woolwich, to Mr. and Mrs. David i daughter, Lorentzâ€"Near _ St. (Clei 'I 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. entz, a daughter. Ruddell.â€"AtGalt, Dec. 1 and Mrs. Jonah Ruddel Clemmerâ€"At Berlin, De Mr. and _ Mrs. Amos son. SceWererâ€"At Berlin, Dec and Mrs. Alired Schere ter. Hendersonâ€"At Berlin, Do Mr. and Mrs. Poeter H. son. Meinzingerâ€"At Berlin, D« Mr. and _ Mrs. (feo twins, son and daughter DichlL.â€"At Berlin. Dec. 6 The chairman, in tendeting the vot« of thanks, added a few kind remark: which were heartily endorsed by eact member of the council, including th« clerk. The reeve made a suitable reâ€" ply, thanking the whole council, a: well as the township officers for the able, kind and hearty support whic} they had given him during the year "God Save the King‘ having beet sung with great enthusia cil adjourned. * and Mrs. Valentine D ter. m Peppletâ€"At _ Berlin, | Mr. and Mrs. F. C.Pc Clemensâ€"At Berlin, Dec and Mrs. Amos. Clems« Scellenâ€"At Berlin, Dec and Mrs. J. A. Sceller Kaspinskiâ€"At Berlin, N Mr. and Mrs. Herman son. J. T. Otto, that w leave the chair a ame be taken by P. I Moved by Saml. C. by Peter Berg that a l thanks be and is hereb ourereeve, Mr. Hy. Zo able, kindly and court ‘»which he has preside liberations of this cour past year. Carried. $1.50; Jac. Bender, bonus on 8" of wite fence, $9.60; C. Kennel, 1 on road, $2.00; L. StoefMMer, 1 d work on road, $1.00; C. S. Wilh mould board broken on road, $2 John Kochler, rep. culvert and terial, $13.60; G. C. Bulmer, several culverts and bridges, $68 Jng. Lichti, & amount for tile. Hi. Lantz, filling approa ing and grading at Philif 23; Nick Schweitzer, 6 yd 15¢; J. C. Hallman, bal $1.00; T. Somerville, 18 1« £1.44; Peter Bier, 140 lo $11.20; J. Brodrecht, bal m‘l be passed and that the reevi his orders on the treasurer i t of the same, viz :â€"Val. Z %, work on culvert, $1.88, Dan ES Wagner, work on culvert, $1.88 Christ. Kennel, for sewer pipe, $1.92 A. Shoemaker & Co., sewer pipe anc €ement to date, $35.03; A. Bechtel bardware account, $8.52; B. Kichle: Teaming steel joists, $6.00; H. Liver good, rep. culvert, $1.50; J. Streich er, B4 loads gravel 68¢, C. Lantz, 4 loads gravel and tcaming, $6.95 JANSEN BROS., Jewolers, nyderâ€"Snyderâ€"In Wiln by Rev. Amos Cresst Hamburg, _ Noah Sn Martin B. Snyder. o mot Moved by To appreciate the uice goods Mflm fur X uss Gifts is to come and sâ€"e thein. We take pains to show goods and &0 prices even if you do not at the time. elâ€"Kuch by Rev to Continued t om page tmerâ€"On Dec. 2ist, by G. W. Battier to 1da / both of Wilmot. + DEaATHS. A ï¬g Dec. 17th, Geo. Th Wilmot, Dec. 21st JH. F. Gruhn, Jobn Rau, o lamiButg, to LaÂ¥ina Ruthig Breguix, Oxt MARRIAGES BIRTHS H Mc HOLWELL M B W Dr 11 K p! ith, to Mr laughter. Bruba let D 1 the p t w H Clerk 19th, beer ‘oun D W Dec Mi igh M Mi Mi t t« Whert ......... New Wheat ..... Flour, Ocean ... Floor, Sola ..... Flour, Pastry ... UgIB :.c2clcls0. Peas ........... Bariey _..l...... Bran, per ton ... Middlings, per to: Potatoes, per bag Butter, per lb ... Egga, per doz. ... L&rd i.........% Dried Apples ... Hoge, live....... Mogs, dressed ... Hay, per ton ... Straw, por ton ... Wood, per cord . BExport Cattle ... Butchera‘ Cattle . u.n; canners, $1.50 to $2.30; buils, $2 to ; ealven, $3 to $6.8%. Hogsâ€"Reeeipts, 9000â€" market Lo higher: mu.é‘ and butchers‘, $1.35 to $4.00; gool to choled bervy, $4.55 to $4.05; ronsh heavy, $1.35 to $4.45; light. $4.30 to $4.50; bulk of saales, $£4.45 to $4.55. The Oliver lot on tle corner of Waâ€" ter and Main stréets, Galt, which bad been assessed for $4,200, war sold at public auction on Saturday to th Bank ‘of = T. to for $15)500. This *as the la price ever paid Tor Cables Unchangedâ€"U.S. Cattle Marâ€" kets Reported Steady. London, Dec. 27.â€"Live cattle are quoted at 1ge to 15c per lb.; refrigerator beef at lokg:k(o 10!§c per Ib.; sheep at 12c to 13¢ Sbeep and lam@saâ€"Receipts, 238 steadr; lambs, show and werk; sh: to $5; lambs, $6.50 to $7.60. CHICAGO LIYE STOCK. Chirago, Dec. 27.â€"Catticâ€"Receif market steady to stromg: good : stéers. $6.1) to $£650; noor to medh #4 Sbeepâ€"Receints, 15.000; msheep strong lambs 10c bigher; good to choice wethers real estate in Galt Deliveries of hogs were light, with prices firm at $4.75 for selects and $4.50 for lights and fate. EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKKT. East Buffalo, Dec. 27.â€"Cattleâ€"Receipts, 200 bead; steady; prime steers, $5.50 to $8.75; shipping, $4.75 to $4.85; butchers‘, $8.85 to l&?helfern. $3 to $4.50; cows, $2.50 to $4.10; bulls and stockers and feeders, $2.50 to §1. _ _Vealsâ€"Receipts, 125 head; slow; 50c low er; $1.50 to $8.50. Hogsâ€"Receipts, 8500 head; slow; stenâ€" dy; heary, $4.75 to $4.80; mixed, $4.75; yorkâ€" ers, $4.50 to $4.70; pigs, $4.40 to $4.50; roughs, $3.90 to $4.50; stags, $3 to $3.25. Sheep and lambsâ€"Receipts, 6000 headj} sheep. steady; lambs. slow; 5e lower; naâ€" tive lambs, $5 to $5.60; yearlings, $6 to $6.50; wethers, $5 to $5.50; ewes, $4.75 to $5; sheep, mixed, $2 to $2.75. NEW YORK LIYE STOCK. New York, Dec. 27.â€"Beevesâ€"Recelpts, 840; mainly for siamghterers; no trading in live cattle; feeling firm: exports toâ€"day, R10 cattls, 1200 skeep and 5300 quarters of beef; to morrow, 4200 quarters of beef. _ Receipts of live stock were 17 cars, 230 cattle, 85 hogs, 517 sheep ard lambs, with 4 calves. £8.8 Wheat Futures Rally At Chicageâ€"Livers pool Clesedâ€"Live Stook Markets â€"The Latest Quetations. Tuesday Evening, Dec. 27. There was no sesslon of the Liverpool Grain Excbange toâ€"day: At Chicago May wheat closed 24c bighâ€" er than Friday, May corn %¢ bigher and May oats %%e¢ lower. FOREKIGN MARKETS. London, Dec. 27.â€"Closeâ€"Cornâ€"Spot quoâ€" tations, American mixed, 22s, new. Wheat â€"On passage, buyers indifferent operators. Cornâ€"On passage, firm but not nctive. Parisâ€"Closeâ€"Wheatâ€"Tone quiet; _ Deâ€" Cember, 23f 60¢; March and June, 24f 80c. Fiourâ€"Toue qulet; December, 30f 95¢; March and June, 82f 20c. TORONTO sT. LAWRENCE MARKLET. Grainâ€" Wheat, white, bush ....$1 00 to $1 01 Wheat, red, bush ...... 1 00 1 01 Wheat, ‘spring, bush ... 1 00 Wheat, goose, bush., .. 0 87 0 8844 Beans, bush ........... 1 00 1 10 Barley, bush .......... 0 40 Oats, DuSh :...21...... 0 85 0 35% Rye, busk ............. 0 To Feas, bush ............ 0 70 Buckwheat, bush ...... 0 55 U 56 LIYERPOOL GRAIN AND PRODUCKE. Liverpool, Dec. 27.â€"Holiday in grain market. Baconâ€"Clear bellies, easy, 44s. Cheeseâ€"American finest white and colâ€" ored, strong, G1s; September, 538. NEW YORK DAIBY MARKET. New York, Dec. 27.â€"Butterâ€"Firm; reâ€" celpts, G397; street price, extra creamery, 27c to 27%4c; officlal prices, creamery, comâ€" mon to extra, 17e to 27c; do., common to extra. 25%4¢; state dairy, common to exâ€" tru, 16e to 25¢; renovated, common to erâ€" tra, 20¢; western factory, common to cholce, 13c to 17¢; western imitation creamery, common to choice, 16¢ to 21¢. Cheeseâ€" Quiet; receipts. 2338; state full cream. colored and white, small, fancy, 12e; do., fine, 11%4c; do., fute. colored and white cheese, l1c; do., fafr to good, 10¢ to 10%4>;: do., poor, SÂ¥c to 9%4e; do., large, colored and white, fancy, 11%c; do..fine,11¢ to 11‘ic; do., late made, colored aud white, choice. 10%c; do., fair to good, 1c to 9%4¢; ;l:.' poor, 8e to #}ic; skims, full to light, 4c. Fgzsâ€"Slower: receipts, 3734; state, Pennâ€" sylvania and mearby fancy selected white, 34c to 35¢; do., cholce, 32¢ to 38¢; do., mixâ€" ed fancy, 28c to 20c; western fancy se lected, 26¢; do., average best, 25¢c; southâ€" erns, 10c to 25¢; refrigerators, 18¢ to 21c. J. K. SHINN, Funeral Director and Embalmer Waterloo, Out. Telephone 267. Resiâ€" dence, Foung St., South. e peiplee ts W :fl-vl“, Mrs. h , in her Mm "ortiast Mesthr 46 nin Shuk your.â€" year. l.nâ€"llux.ï¬tuk. Mrs.. Kery. (Glasserâ€"In‘ North Easthope, Dee. 9th, Henry Glasser, aged 74 years, 6 months ande12 days. Riederâ€"In _ North â€" Easthope, Dec. 22nd, Susanna, wile of Samuel Rieâ€" der, aged 49 years, 9 months and 4 22nd, Susanna, wile of Samuel Kieâ€" der, aged 49 years, 9 months and 4 days. Hallmanâ€"Near . New _ Dundee, Dec. 21st, Abraham Hallman, . in his 13rd year. Schneiderâ€"At _ Wellesley, Dec. 8th, Henry F. Schneidetr. Feickâ€"At Berlin, Dec. 18th, Vera Alvina, infant daugbter of Hency Feick, aged 10 months and 1 day. WATERLOO MARKETS Waterloo, Dec. 208. lb. o §5.40; fair to chol~ native lambs, $3 to $7 TORONTO LIYE STOCK MARKET REPORTS. CATTLE MARKETS. ecelpts, 50 ekers and feeders, %2.2 $1.%0 to $4.30; helfers, $ I( 3.50 6 00 mixed, $4 to .90 16 20 08 034 O Al "RS8; sheep, sheep. $3.50 yearlings 4.00 [ 9.00 7.00 3.10 18 22 08 00 39 )8 at the bour of 12 o‘cloek noon in the old conn cil chamber, Market Building, Waterino, for the purpos® of receiving the Annual Iteport and th _ alection of four directors. . By order of the Board. Waterloo Decembar 27, 1904 ANHF PULVO "rouss AND METAL CLEANEA COMBINED The ofn{‘ Patented Polish in the World. No Dust, No Dirt, NoSmoke, No Smeil. Contcins no benzine or other explosives. PULNVO makes more polish and lasts tonger than any other,. _ t North Waterloo Farmers weill PHICE 105. AT ALL GROCGERAS Bt. Perersbung, Dec. 27.â€"While the new _ mobolization _ is proceeding quietly in most places, disorders are reported to have occurred in Poland. The most serious disturbance was at Razon yesterday, where one colonel was killed and a gendarine wounded. There has also been considerable riotâ€" ing at Bakhoug, where 6,000 conâ€" scripts pillaged a few houses and fruit stalls. No one, however, was killed. pi M Dr. Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery mainâ€" trins a person‘s nutrition by enabling one to eat, rtctain, digest and assimilate the proper nutritious food. It overcomes the gastric itritability and symptoms of indiâ€" gestion, and thus the person is saved from those symptoms of fever, nightâ€"sweats, headache, etc., which are so common. A tonic made up largely of alcobol will shrimk the corpuscles of the blood and make them weaker for resistance. "This is to certify that I have used Doctor Plerce‘s Golden Medical Discovery, think it‘s lhe\frandest medicine in l‘l's world," writes Mrs. V. M. Young, of Weir, W. V#. "I had dyspepsia im its worst form. I decided te ty your medâ€" icine. I used five battles, and now I am doing my ewn housework. A number of my friends also are using Dr. Pierce‘s medicine and they recommend it highly. May God bless you in your grand work." Dr. Pierce believes that a tonic made with alcohol will shrink the red blood corpuscles and make the system weak for resistance; that is why he avoided the use of amy alcoâ€" hol or nartotics im his " Medical Discovery." which contains the pure extract from roots and herbs without a particle of alcoho! Accept no substitute for"Golden Medical Discovery." There is mothing "just as good" for dyspepsia or debility. â€" _ Riliousness is cured by the use of Dr. Pierce‘s Pleasant Pellets. ‘‘A strong Russian force, advancâ€" ing eastward of Payuisean Mountain, threatened the retreat of the Japanâ€" ese, who, after a desperate struggle, retired to the north, leaving several machine guns, 300 rifles and 80 priâ€" soners. lt is estimated that they lost 600 killed. The Japanese haltâ€" ed near the cemetery, and, finding that both the flanks had carried all the works forming the outlying range of the main forts, they entrenched on small hills near Etze Mountain under & severe enfiilading fire, which caused them further heavy losses." Surprised the Japs. Mukden, Dec. 27.â€"Volunteers who crossed the Shakhe River on Friday surprised a force wf the enemy, killâ€" ing about 100 and taking 15 prisonâ€" Japs Lose 600 Men, London, Dec. 27.â€"The Daily Teleâ€" graph‘s correspondent at Che Foo in a despatch dated December 26, says: "A messenger from Port Arthur deâ€" scribes a Japanese attack the evenâ€" 1u§ of December 22 with a light column of & thousand and machine guns on the‘northern defences. They Cashed along the railway, carried trench aiter trench, and succeeded in reaching the watercourse beneath Payuisean Mountain, whence the Rusâ€" slan artillery worked terrible execuâ€" tion. A fierce bayonet fight occurred mt midnight. Are you growing more attractive as you advance in life? "Givem a healthy body," says Dr. R. V. Pierce, the specialâ€" ist in woman‘s disâ€" eases, of Buffalo, Yokohama, Dec. 27.â€"The Muschn, bound for the ublgiimenaol of Fort Arthur, left here yesterday. She carried as passengers ten naval attaches, four peers, seventeen memâ€" bers of the House of lhg:unun'-. one Secretary of the t, and ; & Heutenantâ€"commander. There will be no press representative on board dur ing the voyage, which it is expected will occupy three woeks. PORT ARTHUR‘S FALL Jap Neval Attaches and Legisâ€" liators Sail to See it SIX HUNDRED JAPS KILLED Mutual Fira Insuranca Co, ANNUAL MEETING NEW THOUGHTS. Friday January 20. 1905 In Jap Hands STAUEFKR, Manager Mut We mustdegt progerly an i~ ï¬:;t well to be utiful. . It is a fact that any form of d swf“l may in a Iew ays transâ€" form a clear, white skin into a mass of pimples and black spots. A beautiful _woman has the beauty of her stom ach. N. Y., "and a healthy mind, and everyone can cultiâ€" vate and enjoy hapâ€" piness." 59 3 ere!« (pure bred Plymorth Roek), collia dog. IM PLEMENTS.ETC: â€" Mas«ey â€"Harrishinder, Frost and Wood mower. Nexon drill, McCor mick corn binder nearly mew, «pring tooth en‘â€" tiyator. Fleury plow. ? furrow gang rlo‘gh‘ lever harrow, Chatham fanning mill with ng attachment nearly new. hand gtraw m{nr, 'lï¬â€˜m bob sleigh. outber, hay raok, metidoub‘e harness, set plough harness, 2 seta ingle harness, crems out eaw. logging chain, dm:%lvlrn-. neckyoke, forks, hoes and other articles. Grain and roots â€"A zznq‘ ity of hay,180 bushâ€" a‘s oate, a quant!ty of tornip=. kg-.ou Racts_Sink ; tbedntegds. ob i« bed. fron m‘ et Crearn + ar tor noarly new, ing machine. & at I p. m. TE , 0n c8, and all gome 10 Ias ?fl: that a !nnwf it wi 1 oe given 66 a notes ; or 5 per dent per annum â€" JUB. MICK UB, Auctiohear FH k nB plas t o crodit amounts 3 Aresdoige aft‘s sedumigned i hi mouth PRURSBDAY, JAXN. iPTH 1906 ied commencing ~ ab io.-'olnu a. m.â€" sharp. .’"ï¬â€™: â€"u:r;:g\é 'm“' 'ru o d; ath_,u ':ub. 6 goodâ€"butcher steers, 10 c‘clook a. m:â€" sharp. the toilo property, viz; ad _ L4 ~â€" * oey yeere: o old. v-‘ b u? €d, milk cows Om ue o sale, 6 good steers, calves, 3 sows wi h .m.-b,u. , 18 pige 3 months old. «od TEPLEMENTS: Marsey Harris binder ealy nphtpiess a md Aril naanlg + :",’s':“‘u""a 1 @r, 8 Â¥ nearly 1 © is fum'm.hnï¬:‘s sin«le â€". harrow plough new, harrow, steeilmad tol â€" er, wood nd‘.-;‘lq‘rm-thmu‘-! weidl, gf- 2 heatls g _ @Oves, . beld furniture. was TEXMS: Hay, & sas and ali sums 0‘ hee praqe,. whop, bâ€"rrec, cpriily leoth ht ow souffiar, 2 wagons ong nearly new, ts ie ns en 7€y ne> 1 C eigh i Te e on ie :3-“: zdn“kmhnr:-c. 2 harse rloa.-u«u GarAIN8: flbn-heluau m re or loss, 200 bub sls nn‘l'{ mere or 100 bushels segd b:: more or 1 s., 1000 vuâ€"he s turnips more ur , 150 bushels poialoes more or less, >3 tous hay more or less. irou keitle, cooking stove, i heatig swoves, cupbourd and other houseâ€" held furuiture. wath machine h Farm, Stock and Implements Auctioq Sale ;r* Farm S‘&ock -fg:_}f:plemfntti Co M E To J04. MICK 8 LIVE MIK FARM STOCK Wednesday, arm, otoOck Auction Live Steck and Implements 3t Aucticn Sale it amount? uo th Auction Sale M3 Thursday January 12, 1995 calve in "Jannary; heifer nufmn-ed to be . two farrow mw‘,, steer 1 year old; 4 calve«, pure bred Yorkshi e sow, 8 cookâ€" pure bred Plymorlth Rock), colli« dog. o. Perlin near the S\ a er Works, 0 WEDNESD \Â¥, JAN 4TH, (ou Tuesday Jan. 10th, 1905 PUBLIC SALE win TLy:â€" IT~N"R’T : R:y horen 4 yoars o TOCK â€"â€" . alve in M ?? mn-::::m wich Town hip ab f Da avms of $ Hore®, 2 fresh mill [arco, sprivg ca f January 18, 1905 $1 OF and Implements DAMN )F_â€" potat 0: _ reots, chickâ€" 0) and uode: ««sh oyer redit on approved joint ouut fv: cash pay ment d ffer f D M k p.a LF DE*.W SCH 4AF, P oprieto IMPLEMENT Sale nd pigs, c> SUHNATIR apotine +8 2 miles plgs " A twoâ€"story honse with sight rooms ::é:?:%émm ï¬aqfl at the h arige â€" 10| â€" _ ~ . whai P seed uit Rowihhiaries secade i trige hatve had. nnue. â€" â€" Dated the 13th day of December A. D. 1904 MILLAR & SIM8, mhï¬; Execntora 50.3% Berlin P. 0., Ort. mla ply o 10 Zmes Capital Authorized â€" gz.oooooo Capital Paid Up â€" , $1.300,000 Reserve Fund â€" â€" $z:;so.tmo Deposits â€" â€"_ â€" ,900,000 Assets â€" â€" Over $10,000,000 Head Officeâ€"TORONTO LINWOOD The Soverecign Bank H. 8. Hoir, Pres. . D. M. Srewart, Gon. Mgr R. H FuiroN, Eupt. of Branches. L. P. $xÂ¥px®®. Inspector. Deposits of $1 and upwards receive eremt allowed at highes. current ra ompounded halfâ€"yeariy. Notice to zit A General Banking Business Travsacted. (Incorporated by Act of Faytiament, 1901,) &2 ol fva <©zsrm for Sale In order to make room for a car of Cutters and &leighs C. THOMAN. Beriin. Ont. * Open Evenings. Kng St.. Rast of Seait 8. Fortyâ€"two branches including IN ROTH HEWN ND SESORCHAND BUGGIES reat Bargains Farm for h CEREAL FOQDS SAVINCS DEPARTMENT g 1% acres mo Farm for Sale AND SYHREYS _ of 141 acres, 8B acres of ush, lot 4, Con. 11. Webieslep wile west of Hawkesville On For Sale 1} a fin st of Hawkesy house and ba 1GRIC :G, is 104. C in 4 lbs. d Hawkesy poeditors For Christmas Cifts. part Aj AH P (a x 90 k barn avs ap eated §2.41, 1t 10 ol ;nl‘nlzfn‘blh property n Wflm‘wt To:"n:'h‘h. A t ‘acr-. brick dv'-'ll-cmt-:‘.mrnL atr a w ‘nmm, .oodw'hn)z and a‘ neverâ€" w-; vumn‘mer h dgm 'thf.u:aE eme of ‘he best paris of Wilmot Townehip, | For Sale or To Let Highest market price paid. Load every second Monday. Next shipment Jan. 48 1 mo SHIPPING HOGS WANTED lN'g BADEN â€" The Breithaupt Leather Company Situated 3 miles west of Doen or 2 miles south of Strasburg, consisti & of 193 acres. On it i= large stone honse and good bink barn, also good hardwoo! bush. Running waterat both house and bara. Kor further particulars apply on premaime« to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40â€"3mos For Sale At BRESLAU CARRIATE WORKS Highest Market Prices always paid. _ Anyone fou~d trespassing will be according to law. _ _ _ __ _ The undersizned heveny warna the to remave from his bush, Lt 12. c« esley Townshin, any t ce« or tap~ of eraily uced as Xinas tree« or for any pose 200 â€" 00. Box 114 house and barn wit wister appl s. l aci epring creek runiin Tair choice farm must be apply to J. P. BENDBi Jen‘, H Hides Skins FIVE â€" DOLLARS Shorthorns for Sale pr 49 3t 0 more farm near New Hamburg Good store we, bank barn, etc. 16 mcres of f% ‘ wheat, and f@ ! plaughing finished; ood hard wo«l bush i some geod oak trees; soil ‘oextin is exeelâ€" OUSES and e quality and breeedir c cows and heifers. Farm for Sale NUMBER UNLIMITED. ms. cus RTTIA stock Opposite Walper House, Berlin Agent for New Idea Patterns. BERLIN ONTARIO FARM FOR SALE w Dunde» For Sale. WANTED wed church. Terms of payment s, new and second hand west and wagons and a < of cutters and heavy live us a call. HaLL. KrRUPP & MasTER lor Sale LIMITED Will buy any Ladies‘ Coat in this store _ We will not carry one over. â€" WARN‘NC es north of Waterl MENXO S. WKEBER GEIGER & BREA n in luding â€" surreys, on and solid rubber w and second hand; and wagons and a ROBERT HISLOP Z. KOKAKIL y warna the public ant t hig CHINA HALL, or to let. _ Term TISCHEN P. o . Macklin, : also a few prosecuted nt= ber pus s 4 red plaid 3 +) Bull Calves from 6 to 9 menths‘ old, two of +1 them from an luvfld sire and a fe w young cows in omlf Champion of In (Imp ) Vol, 20, who in.also kept for service. a number of Shropâ€"hire rameand tvn= um__aml. north of Waterlooâ€" low ring quality of stook. * SHORTHORNS8 AND SHROPSHIRES FOR SALE â€" HOICK farm for dairying an4 mixed farmâ€" C ing adj>ining the Village of Mannhoim, & miles from Ba lin. 113 acre« very productive #: il, 5 aores of bush fall plowing completad. 36 mores in fall whe«t. balance in grass, you fruit bearing m{m::h::rd nind #oft :;w.:’ good apring creak . ngs large and durable, churches and achool within 20 minutes‘ «m, blackamith shop, port office and all other veniences handy. . This ~aluableâ€"farm wfl gold very cheap nn eaâ€"y teras. $60 per more. Write for E;ï¬'eul;nâ€"â€"n’ once to J Rerlin. Om The undersigned »ffers his milk basfâ€" ness for sale. _ ApIv to Do en ty n L2 2mila northwest of St. C!â€"ments. On ig is a good brick house with kitchen attached, good bank "a~n and other onthbuildincs. Or chard and goâ€"d hard nod soft water. For further particulars pily on the promises orto \ M V GIES, * 38â€"200. 8t. Clements P. O« Ont New Dundee, P w o e ty 4 ofen MiPls, Limited, Ring S +3 C mrad Huchnergird, Depa:y Reâ€" torning Of er. WEST WARD, Old Couneil Chamber, Market House ; C â€"A_. Haehne!, Deputy Returting Officer, The following are the retivring schor I tru tees: West Ward. Dr. Noecker ; East Ward, S. B. Bricker; South Ward, Win. Carthew ; North Ward, C. Huehnergard and V. M. Berlet. SOLl from nine « Ave G‘clock 49â€"4f SV i Hall Nt ELEGTIONS For 1905 In case a noll is d «mande3, the same Xll be held in the fo lo«ing places im n the respective Wards on Monday, December 26th Fine Farm for Sale turning Officer ONSISTING of 1(0 actes, lot No 4, Com, 10, DUuuuuny ie dn o T HORT HORNS, Italian Bar« for Milk Business for Sale D Mo ad a Y . Janv ‘a_ry 2n d ‘RTH WARD akgrer mUkpNERrGARN, 40 3t At half past seven o cl mber, 1904 TOVNX OF WATERLCGO rlos will be he‘d M urket House, on fowOfficer H WARD e n‘clock in the morning untik ck in the afternoon :â€"â€" 4 FOR SALE For Sale HENRY S. STROH, Water!oo, Ont A. B. McBRIDE "o Sm Waoe H LO8T terlou tss 1 T sale on Vihe Yard Farm, Ontario® 50â€"6t er R R tarning Officer, 108. B. SYNDER () hi f ven that a me ef the Town and Y ~Swins and armonic 08, Dep: Hogg‘s Office, xg. Dâ€"puty R% of Ormarm «L day of p.i , 1904, _ H i1, ty Reâ€" 5 Â¥4