pom? "summon at “It" and lumber u wt" the will“! [meat an"; occur dnnng ml ill the (all ot t in 3 low yous mule til uncle. Even at the pr iq gluon impossmle to - of my width :5 c those saw“ twenty or "O. When the [mu-3 ul Waterloo lownslnpa wet board or plank tao ftwt common thing, but tn w '-tion ul - in momma h- mutton qtgt a. lholc lh comsiderabte louneeu incltes side at a waggun-l that the umber wt in north n math which matures In I oi Ontario, Acre: be seen boomed lakes of the north logs having a diameter g trom sixteen to eighteen running as low as six a running as low as SIX shes, In making this e ish Columbia must be much ol the timber m 1 province is larger than 1 iginally grew in any t provinces. One great destruction oi the wool is the terrifw wind sto we are subjected, which oi down hundreds oi acres of timber in a low hours, I'rm the clearing up of the forest; tario the winds had less swe in consequence little harm vs to the woods by storms, and rooting ut buildings and lean cl fences was almost unknnw it becomes apparent that th, many rear our forest assessment (it property 115 \xuur , decreased in proportion to the . aunt of woods, or what was I', termed wild land, upon the prvmie This is, however, now reversed, the more wild land there is situa on a property the higher its valut estimated. It is hard to ineule the idea of the preservation or newing ot [crests into the minds an old Canadian bushwhacker y has spent years in chopping. logg and clearing up wild land. The l has nevertheless arrivol when preservation oi the iorvsts ttFr well their re-planting must he osnitunpl ed and carried into "livct, and timber protected and propagated. have a forestry department in l tario, in charge of Mr, Tlrot F,outhworth, a wry capable Mic whose enthusiasm in his work produced excellent resultx. and wh, prepared to give any information those requiring it regarding the portant work of tree plamim: . old plan oi sweeping exery marl able log or stick of tiremunl off farms should he stripped, and m farmer should make it a point plant at least a limited number oi kinds of useful trees in each year. this policy be carried nut its wisul will he reeugniied and otjoytul by Cleghnrn s gonna] slrq was badly damaged hv f Ir hour on Thursdnv mu t.mttr wrro asleep hum: tH MIT. Ind their Mr: union. They escaped in W. The smukr I'BQ the Mlle that It was i mu u mltrh The a. - qetit Amount mt] It. WI; 8600. The After two ycars' law in the states New Hampshire desire on the part revert to proluhiu tary law 15 said 1 stantly violated , much resulting den was not summon! I enforce it in an rm present law is brim on lhe whole is w: at least is the npir tum generation can be left to us than a pll‘l useful timber. opinion of which says: the new law moulding ttsc of the peoplt $001107 Th0 IIII w crack in Hm mm dry INN bed mh in width and “HI length, trxivrMtHsr, of the salley It under good .glnm md when thc sun at the proper ang rill on the (a â€tends lengil: ley of (hr eighty Imhw nounch Thv discovcrvd by Tl D (‘RAFK IN THIS 1lf , smoke In: so donsr 1 hat it watt impossible L rh The dunno to 1h mount. “31,000 and " ', 8000. he hm. is: full' arte, In the erllng "launch Fire Insur Acres for the A few l proper! Tr cl N - 01 a.. ' . mqtter to! "e- .. Indeed tW Dominion the out-put umber mm together u tum: nm which dunng a tune ot ml ul the war. will ll md there is snualeu " higher its value is is hard to inculcau preservation or re ' into the minds ol I hushwhacker wht wtrte be rial we ll the " th tt d pply excepted Cr 1pc- wa n their my“ thirty rum! time Let boards Itra at iar awa at which or the easier now: in th few the sweep. 1w rvat WA at I. US$100 Med. We M Ontar 'pl pt tt " ‘1! a plat ated 0 h lh TI tl th TI tt tt bl n " all OFFICIAL OPENING OF NEW INSTITUTE A PM of Mr, Connor wu Unveiled " Reunion of Ex. Purtt. Association. wa, ed deed a pleasure h a man like Mr, t Mary Sonny hm (*5). Milwaul Milwaukee, Wig Na tr ll ed by the which Mr Il Mr, d the 'd w ikcnr tred M llt Tl ‘11] th at all Ir Continued from Pig. , " M I W par rfeit W Mr ppla Mr tr, W, h W il Mr " H tl Mancini The Mr tl Th at TI wt Id ‘P Il ll ll M q W rk " r" tt " M ly " tt Jr li ll xprr ll " M ll M Megt ll tl ll Il li tl M Mr " the Ar II h Ottawa Th â€caution. ol malnu- welo mule by Principal Forsyth , tho unit-Ms who were month] . the July examinations, appreciative I "scital by the taleatet Raye [new You t e I led ' Ml through a trap door in n plum mg mill " 198 Ontario I‘M. m. upma 1YA2f,,',1 H. van “In home S. t “MIN“. M‘ balm-urn nnd plungod through the opening, falling on the ground, ttr) (not. below. Sow-ml ribs Iva-re frac- lured, the hrokon ondl of which pmrcod the pleural ravtty. He was 1n a umH‘onnrimnn condition whan taken to the Emprgcmcy Hospital. and van .utbrirtg sevenly from the mock, an Inn only . 6ghttng chanc- for Ml lilo. Joseph Malay, 344 Berni-y _ M IIs' tl In the " ll T1 rl L. It“, MA., LL. ITTh an mallard Labor, the M " 1mg, on W qr a plank Th a till h nl ractors tl pl tt prugra unghou included March Out ll tr 31 Md at w ha ThI mam. uiag the uhool manor- d to its capacity with " Mi tt M pl W $1 " I) P mco who “stated to E, Pauline Johnson align 1miran sumo: sad Mr, Waller Mc- Misa Johnson's be- India $1 M Wben the British , “The Riders ot Man legend enum- rk at bl pen " ll Kn†U Alf al Abraham Hwnnn' Succumbed to Puumonu at Late Home near New Dundee. . DIED AFTER 8 . DAYS ILLNESS. The and: occurred on wanna, Harmon. ma u mu. of only eight tun, ot Abraham: Human, n M: tate home about. a mile at! n halt southwest ot New Dundee. Death Wes due to pneumonia. Doceued In one ot the beat known lumen in the county, and I†' man ot integrity, holding the My: re- spect oi all who knew tum. He P. unwed by the Inluw and the lol lowmg sous and daughters : Ucorgc who Ines on the old howeuud , Ab when), ot Balm, Peter, PHIL-unh- DR THOMPSON THE CANDIDA I k Be ghter of the Id Deceased was a s Dundee Il ll M M Halhnar, 1825, u l) tl TI, wedd] The tu SC and tolerate it for a long time. There is no oil, not excepting butter, so easily digested and absorbed by tho system as cod liver oil in the form of Scott's Emulsion. and that is the reason it is so helpful in consumption where its use must be continuous. q “Jr will send you sample free. pe, and $ts III ("uln- q There is no specific for consumption. Fresh air, ex- ercise, nourishing food and Scott's Emulsion will come pretty near curing it, if there is anything to build on. Mil- lions ol people throughout the world are living and in good health on one lung. q From time immemorial the doctors prescribed cod liver oil for consumption. Of course the patient could not take it in its old form, hence w Dundee, Rev. Eli S M A ll ll Josul tl, Lonsumptlon My W M " d trumsta m saddc at Il I) def, ti pla We! Huh x: H At xt H ll it 1v at ix " h A! 183 lat ll Il r TI M N Hal th al All ll ll IO Berlin M f, wot-fun I ll ll lyt Wt ter tor HUNâ€! ot the C.P,R IRLi UICK'S‘ ON THE WEATHER If lie ld t wide sections in tlwi In tht " TUA h Morvku‘. Ho was nun ot Conduc- " n Ha it rial Rvacl 4ully wr or air th, T I‘ th ‘d flee you!“ " Christ-u (If. and In in My 1" can; f nun an: but. on“ .1. mu». dug-4 n In 'tter has: 94:qu and un- ul gum. . " rd 1trt'/t.'tet an. and M, up. to " u. no. as». u _ " mummy, I . Ill-muslin, momma Wlu,_nu_|ly._. MW wwagwwwwwwm ,t /g,SiihgtilAlk A’mas i "endevr, we! mullm, "nun, 'sarttig" J wins, wvu’n hr o"; '01:: In emuâ€, {our in hull, I um on.“ pol. with shield a! “can, und bun In and“ "Inâ€. q,rt1am h a. "" Auk-u d qttalttit" and sli am, noun led on! button, nut And to“. I: umbrella, up. hoo girls m this “AV, horn London, England, Oregon, California, Hull-In Hamilton, Brtutttord, tend mpnv other place- too numerous to mention, Don" mm “In oreorttntitr, u this Q I For the mu.- and furl. good “slog. would be on. do" INK“, "lawns, tur e. um or fur his, mum, gun “on, alum, undone", l q we, eausol tmir um, up. in cloth or Iv, all no Vim-um. 5m. and no very new, IN“ and "ro1ored than. a m um mun, bed up: nan, we live very good, Bret but." the ill I“. tundra o! 1. a are "any “mod " the Halo money the, cunt. Yul! a you “mum: at of nbove Hun " In order to save om subscrjberslthe trouble ate remittances we have mad: special arrange which we are cnabled to oder the followmg will The Lhroriicle-Telegrach.ior one year a clubbihu rates wnh all other (tun-mun and KING STREET King St, Berlin chat Santa Claus will soon be her: Our stock is new capable o everybody. Look over this 'ist m avoid disappointment. 3M4 hinés Suitable 'i,':,-, For" "Holiday G? " Sleds with steel frame! Chronicle- Chronicle Chronicle Star - - V _ ., . ,1 ig' rates wuh all other Canadian and America: nes quoted on application. " Shel Body Express Wagons ll "itpbt+'b'v9pb'titrt-" MW? CHEAP READING FOR 1905. Skate! TER HYMMEN’S Telegraph and s"pgtMte'f ... . . . .... ...... .. Telegraph and Week t Mail twah premium) Telegraph and Family Herald and “Weekly (with premium),... _..... ...r.... .... ...... Telegraph and Fauna" ndvocnu (um My) .. 'l‘rlexraph and Month-ad Weekly lh “new" . . Telverreim and Farming Worldtirith pn-mium) Twlrgmph and Wvekiy Sun (nu-um ivurr al).. GI p gmâ€, tttat Cormtry (hulk mm. .. l. _...-. A Reminder DAVID BEAN, Telegraphic! one year")ispecri:V tt special arrangements wfth the publishâ€;- - H... rny:-_..._.._ _-. n t" A . Sjr'ms, I?. x :13 rnamented top \Rll‘ Toy S tttel R MI gas 'I‘umnlo Evéning Mail I‘m-onto Dally SIM . . . .. Northern Mimi-way“ .. . l otu1srs. Make rcu Hum Order to . SPECIAI Bo, tf Tool Chest: il A1 of supplying the wishes of times; nud make your purch uses early and Rm Elm R anh newâ€. of RI "tte, VB! removed to "mum "rterm II Al f h COLQ it A TD 91268 It' r h, M " ot makingtwo or mg “a p but full nurse is MI roll are through he host m stimss In publications In COMBO. " ebte 9th to ', to learn or for in" pct- nw In Hw- "mm": pal- rkct How on Saturday, we"! trt and s o'clock. MISS It ELLISON, Bruno“ I, Publisher, Waterloo, Ont. (3035er with Heel rumo- . a ff " li'wnf rar- 'M. lurk!» Mitt-d t I' ah. stat-l, n k, t kuhns ecu. n C? & m x prices. NI 1bvtiN, and Gum, tha Lithoitrttpeted S'oel Tea Tra: a “or; R motor It 'gers' Silverware Wringerl '""y ain’t“! “A “Ly Mr Mn! , " wrd math. fovt'iisturu, , Pots. and ' Kama: iuw rates. S If newspapers _ F :_. ithc“ Math Phone I49 lue SIG] 3(1) [ER lass I will Berlin pl 75 oo 50 70 now " Including no; whit. In Berlin â€our: 1r: at)!