_iii'ili5ili'r, . iEhfiliiett2t - V 'd .“d. “a! " ti1tlt a _ 1' k" an af this" tun-w fr, , by h " Input. " wad /-'dttqetaifo6at Inhibit.“ r at!“ MI nun-snap! In: try oer- tRtn politics! nb-mucu ud norm- _ m ol mpttto--btt the Plan's-K. with!“ opening his autumn. waved “We ot it, the clouds rolled by, a! the norm wu ol. It: In with Lulu handin- 'ttrt. . "this: to ion n Mai in an In no"! in.“ . nu at In by tmttieq into his liniury tpl W - am in the country. Wm â€when! laden. nonin- m - tire Sir Oliver Morrat, ot “to. Ir. Fielding. ot Nova Sco- tiq Mr. Blair, ot New Brunswick, Mr. 8min, cl munch, were mild in In. m, dong an: Sir Kuhn! Wt, Sir Wit In labels. Mr. m, It. Tune, Mr. Fisher, Sir 1.qu Davin, ad others. The Prem- h - was ot the apprehension: that would elect u timid mind a to " nprem in such . beinct. He was content. silo, on. ad: Minister M be the aggressive head oi I “autumn. and when it began to be said by the Oppolmon press that the Premier was :.ot in (mum! w! hs ad- miniltntion there wu no Sign that Sir Wilfrid wu aware of these re Apporently the Opposition wish have been still saying that Mr. vane “I "master ol the Admittiairtaiott" without g, word trom Sir Wiiirid,msre " not tor the fact that Mr. Tutu Minn]! began to lull believe that win-t the Opposition said was true, and to put it to the test. He made smiles that were contrar/to the policy ot the Government. He sought to loroe an issue. Sir Willrid came home and dismissed Mr. Tune from his Ministry. There was no delay, no puleying. The door opened and shut: People said there would be a great split in quebe-that Tarte was a genius in organization, and that it was he who had given Laurie: his Quebec majority. But people know better now. Mr. Tarte has ceased to be even A member ot Parliament. it? 1"lllllT4'1JlUU'Js. 1e."t.'ll"lt--ae 'r' â€I. b i. Pmet.triat 8nd" an . In no " mut ‘0 rett.1f?eff.Hetuetfc, ' Mr. Blair was g big man in the Government. It was said of him that he carried New Brunswick in the hol- low ot his hand. He was a man with great force of character and excep- tional political sagacily. When a new transcontinental railway was to be built Mr. Blair wanted it done as a Government work under his control as Minister ot Railways. The Prem- ier had other plans, and the Cabinet supported the Premier. Mr. Blair' was inunov-ole as a rock-he wanted to build that road. The Premier went on with his plans. Mr, Blair resigned. Sir Wilfrid accepted his res- lgnation, and the policy ot the Ad- ministration was pursued without a jolt. Whatever of truth then may be ml the sensational stories now being) told about a conspiracy to overthrow the Government between nomination day and the elections, it is at least true that Mr. Blair resigned the cuirmanship of the Railway Commis- sion in ., dramatic way and at-a sig- nificant moment. Aicortiing to the story, Sir Wilfrid yielded nothing. checkmated the movement againat him, and the whole scheme tumbled about the ears ot those unnamed in it. Even New Brunswick did not g against the Government. This muc is plain, tint whatever the plot was it met its master and came to noth- mg. Sir Wilfrid Laurier is an able lead- er, and each new situation that aris- " only serves to Increase his reputa- tion as an able political general. Mr, Tutu miscaleulatcd. Mr. Blair mis- cnlculnted. Some other people have done some miscalculating also, The Premier remains stronger than ever. A spirit of sympgthy tor the poor, and . disposition to render assignme- to the needy are charaeterrities oil, civilization. It does not (allow. how-' ever, “In indiscriminate response to every Appeal is wise, trom the fact tMmy impositors are the most “at In presenting their clnims for as- sistance. Sir Eric A. Bkuuttut,see mury our» London Menulimnt Smi- tty, - that he never knew a d-rise case at street begging. The Iiplhlce of Sir Eric's assertion in. h “It! tact tint the books of the “(My Society contnin records of no 10'. than 75,000 street Begum, "I chime the public," Sir Erie 'rorttimre.,' "to find . single deserving can. I an not inhllible, and it such a one l: brought to the notice ot the MO" I skull be only too planted to a! tin “all: to the newspupersl“ tt the "perk- of Mr Eric he tak- el " . criterion on cases ot this kind, as public conscience can be set n m‘. wording um nouns, In III County of Wnurloo the vigilance d the county consumes hu been such " to pretty well clear out the In- mm In“ " “Amps, chh I In â€an Mo hie-ted the county. Ind‘ were We: of the moct Ctmttrmed f - county ll. however, not mi] In. mm the poor and needy, tat ~.II'0VMOI made for an- un- m In the Home ot hr " _ w h and: that none , from Inc: nor tor the c. . dhmwuu or TABLOID PHILOSOPHY STRIET BEGGING. unm- 'RP-at), can“ to ..aeh- â€colony-(m Elam ‘ or.» ii to more“ harm is: iGt ii ife"iuriet. _ tnEiii'it5 "'G7anaiGaiii â€iv†ii lions): and! mm i'lCl2lg'd u made. “in " In 'UNtl'lrlB'Jra, I- m a; ber mt m “I can“ an». «a “I! It Tiv. prote non. But, -- gun from Cm“ an-tber, " too" like pod policy to 01.th- tho Nth. my u much u ret", h - "an, when it ml ha â€tonne! tomcat ity launch“ a short sotits in my direction. The other - I BIN“ M.P., ina “and - to (mum-’3 rr. can» an an plate“ I “on 'xi-us i- Cumia " The mu, argue, in outlining h, \mold For wi- m- y w" Imam“! mu. ot . Mutation ot the Korea in m colonia uni Burt. bu up the suing unto-ants lull inst it might "it we insisted that Cull. all South Akin: should provide their on Ind than. " Aunts“. does." Canada and the Mother County have dun close: together in the put an]: years-close enough to but -ereil- ot'h'c; twining quii'e distinctly when there in Anything to complain “out _ -- .. A: to melamine in trade. Cummin-1 are not cripples. and they want no- thing that Great Britain in her own interest does not. see tit to give. Cu- ada will not overlook her own inter- arts, am at Grant Britain to over- look hers. As to our land deicnces. the people ot Canada Are not swan that Great Britain in sharing in them. There ore only 2,200 British soldiers in the Dominion, and they are tll in garrison a Hnliinx and Esqui- malt-two ports Iortitied, tut Candi- an: have alwnys supposed, in Brit- nin‘s world interest rather than for Canon's defence. This: country can man these two forts, end we feel sure the people. of Canada would preter that it be done end the country relieved of the re- proach that 'it is being “detonated" by British regulars and " the expense ol British taxpayers. The trifle that IS being done tor us in respect ot these forte. it tor us it is being done, we are well able to do for ourselves. As regards naval protection, that is) another and a bigger matter. Canada) has g largo merchant marine, and ought to pay something tor the in- surance at that muine. which a nnvy words. The North Atlantic nnd the North Ptueific squadrons may be with- drawn trom our waters without iar mediate peril to our shipping, and without inducing Canada to collect u bury tax and ahip it to England to be expended by the Imperial authorities; but whether British cruisers remain ',in the Atlantic and Pamfie stations or hover along the English cont, was quite cross. I got Baby's o, Canada might very properly set, apart Tnhlets mid they seemed to work, a sum annually to be expended by most like . charm. I think nothi our own authorities in constructing can equal the TaLiets lor children war vessels in our own shiprards, to ailments." You can find thear be manncd and managed by ourselves, drug stores or get them post paid and to serve in our own wnters or 25 cents a box by writing The I elsewhere as we might choose. We Willigms' Medicine Co, Brockvil can and should contribute in this way Ont. to the naval strength or the Empire, ---------. improve our own self-respect and en- SELECTION OF CANDIDATES courage shipbuilding. We could soc - what we were doing and the country Stratford Beacon. would soon take some pride mi in- The investigation of the smiled h terest in it, as would never be the lot box case in Eastern Ontm use were we to begin exporting lax- shows the need ot care in the sel es to the British Admiralty. tion of candidates. The men char! As the people in the Mother Covn with wrong doing were notorious I try learn more grid more of the PK“ urination hunters, 1nd they succeec perity and resources of Canada a dis- in pushing themselves forward [any satisfaction declares itself ht‘cnil t? ot because at the indiiterenee of the grt our lailure to hear a. share in thosNmass of Liberals who could see expenditures in the benefitslol _W"i‘~:h‘hopc of the party's success in eitl we partake. Their dissatisfaction is natural. But this country wail wish to go about its duty in its own war. THE BRITISH HOUSE. Sir Gilbert Parker writes itttbrest- ingly in the Christmas Canadian Ma- gazine of the British House ot Com- mans: The ditterence between visiting the'eSt integrity and mruter Ire mule House ot Commons as a 'is'r'iviiislita standud bearer-gen who will citizen and going there as A member see to it that those enlisting then in ot Parliament is too great to be eas- “he orgtutization do not resort to im- ily renlizcd. When you approach St. proper or nelnrious mews to meow; Stephens as a private citizen, the po- I plish their election. The best gunn- licemen who guard its .pprogcheg gt pe of A clean election is to have clean the gateway ot the members' yard eye men at the head. l you critically. These policemen are --q----- 1 the pick at the police [one and ac I ‘very intelligent. They wave the pri- LABOR "ee"""'" me citizen on trom the members' ignte to the general entrance with en r weu'tt,rutntdTuUit"1oilul'l', sir ol lever, not to any authority. At i Independent Labor party l, the the general entrence he is, as 8.n',Tradtts “d Labor Council Hail on might :,',gi,ttr.e'h"er, 1,'rie,t :0 3:: Santa!†evening to content North on er can or. ere, 11mm; 0 left hand, he can look down into 1393:3510" in the next Provincinl eleo specious Westminster Hell. when te.} Mr. London, it will he remembered may great events in English history hive occurred. Stuns of kings ml querm Ind princes nnge dong the wall. suntan wad of him no cor- ridors, approached try new und lined with tutu- oi the stat men ol pu- liunentnry “me. much u Burke, Pitt, COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION AT AYR M the um»! meal“ ot tho Fat- etloo Conny - School Conva- Iiol ball " Art on WW. ths lollovhg out: were em to: u “WHIP"? - - - -.. Now this)": -iGaiii-tuv. B. o. Nixon, an Arr. -- fy - ...' -tiuiia-vuie-aer. J. R. on ‘5 Ihr. -.., _, " - hm Vho-Pm.-M. B. - orgo-..ir. a. R the “in. iiiV9ihieer.tit'iu? tdii,Atte"cttut/ttAl'2 Milkmen! lu- "iutmtrtatardhi-rrkt- wmxymwgwunumm pay. _ "isoststt-raatt'trttrr:M1i* dunk-(Inuit. may.“ -tthadturttM-- cl e'atr'tttgeNPt,ft'tf,ftf,' mun; " gnu nuptial! (tune hon-o. Th In“, loo Wu†irtagood “use! prawn-Item. no my In Mb lmuhww-udmo mm hum-MW the ottltttoatartootrtttttatt- "tre", -... “L Mr. D. WIN. cl Bulb, at tho m at Buchanan. a Co., int- erloo, has been counted with W Wan-loo Hutu! 1mm 9.. and ya: ot It: ammo, joining it vh- the otBcexraastiiiintttrotdioghymm. Mr. Bahama: was than IIIMaIt of Norton: County and took eat cy [or an company. He pm I hone and rig trom It. Taylor a that time. The late Mr. Tsylot val "rother-in-law ot m Buckbexrough. Mr. Ttylor. in Manon to estate lilhin; the Waterloo Mutual Fire In- lunnce Company, w" one ot than imrtrumetttat in the stating of the Mercantile Fire Insurance CompAny, and the Ontario Lite, now the Mutual Lite Assume: Company ot Cumin Mr. Bucetrerrough in on): at the old- est, it not the oldest, insurance agent in the country, and bu represented the Waterloo Mutual ever since he he- stn ln'the insurence huelnesl. He was the company's agent in Norlolk County tor six years and then moved to Waterloo. For thirty years at his residence in that town he resided in one house, the building which is now occupied as the once ot the Kuntz estate. About two ream .30 Mr. Buckberrough moved with bis family to Berlin. la measure of disgrace through the misconduct-if. not criminality- of these men. The lesson tor the Liberal party to draw from this experience it ithat the strictest care should be tak- ii; to see that only men of the high- est integrity and muster ore made (its stamina bearer-gen who will see Io it that those uni-ting than in |the orgtutization do not mart to in: proper or nelurlous menus to webm- .plish their election. The best gunm- pe of I elm election is to have elm ,men at the head. Well babies sleep soundly and wake up brightly. When babies are restless and sleepless it is the surest possible sign ot ili,nEss-in all probability due to some derangement oi the stomach and bowels, or teething troubles, Babr'a Own Tablets are the only proper remedy. They remove the trouble and in this way give the little one sound, refreshing sleep, and it wakes up healthy and happy. Guar- anteed to contain no harmful drug or opiate. Mrs. Thos. Cain. Latins. Ont., says: "My baby sutlered tron: stomach trouble ind teething, and was quite cross. 1 got Baby's Own Tablets and they seemed to work al- most like a charm. I think nothing can equal the TaLtets tor children's ailments.“ You can find them. at drug stores or get them post paid at 25 cents a box by writing The Dr. Willigms' Medicine Co, Brockville, Stratiord Beacon. The investigation of the studied bal- lot box case in Eastern Ontario shows the need ot care in the selec- tion of candidates. The men charged with wrong doing were notorious no- mination hunters, and they succeeded in pushing themselves forward largely because of the indiiterence oi the great mass ot Liberals who could see no hope of the party‘s success in either constituency. The result is that the whole Liberal party has to shoulder Mr. Linden, it will be remembered was nomtnied to colleen the than; in the recent. Dominion election, but withdrew when both Liberal And Conant!" undid.“- appeared in the Beld gamut him, any! that be talked that he In! no an†at 'rittyittg a ammo“! Mt Mr. Laden was not u sunny night'l meeting, bu be m In Dalia laat veal and an: consented to his Minimum but; made. Dr. layer met with u: “widen: ee MPH " tin. 0.07 C. P. R. nil hid†nigh. He thought the train had “and, hit " In! not, Nahum mphtlonn he when mum. n wag-u- wt was. In the new ya - Jon tid on vie-1|. "d',,1L',ut'd.". monum- 1,utg72tngh'.','.tt, in m "an. te-rr 'gll'l1u'l'lsrB'G'lL"h'71'll'Gq la‘h mm. “My n- â€.Mm. Art m um†and" Mn Minn-Mm“ ‘h SLEEPLESS BABIES :1 I 'd Lâ€... rr , ' ' . " MSM! C a? V .».. - " l . ' , , n .4 out“ - Era' _ 1lht,tlltWfgl,8, “‘ " /h.. JD - In" Wt'. m 'tt'Nihtertq 00 Mb “an“ d “I lit '8 h In. 7 A“ ma“ to. not! w Attming the not!“ ot It. tum - no muting hr no “mutt u mammal»: an! tam in» n. In "All county. Ammo: imam “an!†Maui! up in um ot blanketed about: railway extension to Iona-lay. Mr. Edvard Sunni all " in! been It cert-Jud that (he C.P.R. In but“ true"" and. um the new cl con- 'ttmet9q g m use to bunch or, "rttrrt it. III Gullah an Gm Hod " twat an mike-ville, to Gil through Valle-ll] vil1aeo to Station. This would give Wells-Icy the runny commotion they have long wanted Ind it in evident that tho- mums, insulin: had but mu; in the projected line from Berlin. The tt P. R. but our“ to build the "no hum Huvkmmo to Strntlord providing about: I: voted as compuy 133! you. Mr. Smyth mun-w! the ari. viability ot the to" than; Jul when it stood In thin mute: ot at: Wellesley amnion. The inausu-m which lollowed dimlooed tint the charter ot the Berlin, Wtur‘ n, “a! lealey and we Huron Runny Com. pmy had been minted try the C.P.R. Seeretary Sims was instructed to write to Mr. George A. Cure, M.P., ardirector ot the road, tor full into:- mntion in this connection, and also to use him to use his inmMmce towned raving the Wellesley extension con- structed. A communication will be lorwarded to the Railway Commission drawing the attention ot that body to the ne cessity tor legislation compelling rail- ways to plank the lull width ot street crossings in irteorpomted,viOgea and towns. At present the law requires the railway companies to plank cross- ings only to the width ot 16 feet. This was considered to be not wide enough and a source of danger to the public. Mr. R. F. Golton snid that the town should have 1.11 assessment com- mission. Under the present system, he said, there were many inequalities which should be remedied sad the ex- penditures which the appointment oi an assessment commission would en- tail would be repaid many times over. A letter trom a New York maniac- turing tirm was received taking what advantages Berlin had in the shape ot cheap tuel-cotl or natural gas. This was referred to the Industrial com- mittee. A resolution we: passed expreasiittg that in the opinion of the Berlin Board or Trade Council, Berlin was entitled to daily representation in the Toronto morning papers and the reso- lution recommended the managements of those papers to make urangements with their Berlin correspondents as to a daily service. _ Mr. D. B. Detweiler brought up the question of representation by popular tion. He questioned whether it was as good as the old ward system. He had been opposed to the change when itwas made and subsequent events had strengthened him in his opposi- All Run Down - side. Unless there a 'ttate organic troubk. the Cory dition can doubtiesstte numbed. Your doctor Is the best adviser. Do not dose yourself with all kinds of Mil remedies--. get his comm. Marathon likely you need a commuted [at food to enrich your blood and tom up the system. . bittststadtahtodhtltsttesthtms It will bulk! up the mm and wasted body Man all other his“! in with. ll yumnmdwnam ttmitatrkltttea'tttMttert you. Hbmyhhd “Wichita ehtidrertarrdiak,-kgMs Wurluadyaasnpklm. Scott's Emulsion' otCoduver0il G is I common .0 in In. bin: do him aunt-“m“ I gum. tian beam bullw- we: who could? hope-mauled taserttarrtHiuld uncon- teit municipal election: in their own wad: would not content the whole town because the pound“ who nun- ed the vote was Alumni wt. to be el- ected. Tim multed in dale bushes; me- belng left st home ad the town’- lnterelu "mend thereby. It wu too late to chase thin yet; but. Mr. Danielle: thought it would be well to consider the question fully next year " to whether the present system should be retained or it it would not (Ill better to return to the mud sys- Mr. John Rittiuger was elected an honorary member of Ihe, Ban}. _ The report published in . Toronto‘ evening pnper indicating that the Railway Commission had consented) to Bn increase in passenger rates from 3 to 3 t-3e 1 mile cursed . great deal of indigmrtiott, sud it 'was char- acterized by one speaker as n retro- grade movement at the worst kind, and aslur on 20th century progress. A strongly worded resolution was passed, to be low 1 any! to the Iuil- way Commission, urui the members lag parliament for North and South Waterloo, and in the resolution the Bond placed itself on record as or posed to my increase in passenger noes. As will be seen by a patch which appears ex umn, the report whi the Board of Trade C( bogey. The mind works in two states; first of all it is quiet, passive and recep- tive. Then the intellect is like the candle that is unlighted; light is there only it is latent. In another mood the intellect is fully kindled. Some event; some crisis oi sorrow or joy, a great oration or song or sermon or drama, has kindled the fume, and the mind glows hour alter hour, emitting sparks. Byron understood this law. He read until he lound a thought that would rouse his creative power, and then he would seize his pen and write Ruskin knew the law, and used to send his servant out to bring a golden bough tor his table, to kindle his mind when he was writing on trees and leaves. The trough was the match that kindled the candle and released its tlame. Some books give the inlor- (mation, are the treasure-housces oi ideas; their authors have distilled for, us the very essence at their genius, itheir thoughts, their ambitions, their liiiifriii,'i; and their victories. Many ‘a tired youth flings himself down at ,night to rest in soddcnness, when what he needs is to read. Are you depressed? Read books of mirth and laughter. Are you seeking the path to success? Read the biographies at the great. Are you contented, having lost ambition? Open to the story ol the “mentors, the merchants, the stat†men, the heroes. Are you losing the 'creative tire? Read the seven great novels. Are you pessimistic, and mis- ‘crnhle, and conscious ol your sin? .Read the story ot that Divine TeactF er who dwelt in Bethlehem, and who hes journeyed over the continents and i the centuries like an advancing sum- l mer that carries beauty and bounty in l its wings. Work, think, love, wor- lship, pray. but "give attention to Ire-ailing" tuso.--Rev. Newell Dwight Hillls. Nut York, Dec. 6.--Ttu, New York _------.----------" Times puLlilhn the [allowing in n mtg-g-it-tit- weds! able trom Londcn '. Lord HOUSE- Scruhcnn, who is in hln eighty-tttMr REXALL HOLD DYE You. has not tout land to: ‘sixty' yeu’l or Bo. ‘For sixty your. it hut Jttt'u112t J2t'n"e,t bean my ctmtottt to Co without lunch', Btgtt--tt- n. tho 1“,, “a no“ rem-ma Lord Btrattttmta to In in- mprcwod ttrein the "Md Mm WHOM this weak. 'Oat does um . AllcdonunnyDe-lau. man that t we mt at: u mld- m-------------------------- any ml, bat, a . rile. I only we -----------------------_ "a null t "r, treauaat and din- - m------------ "r. Ot calm, it than May on GRAND TRUNK SHOPS. Mlpnmcunly ,rirttetttetrt,1 - " mmd h uh line! win him. Smuord. the, "d,--he ennui I “I M lil- to mum-ll my 3“le to we omit. stops u In to in. will Inch. E-r- low Almost W. Thoma ttt m In hut“. I -testh.Mae.-tthsrbte,thene, - hot H mic-Italian ,eheetMtoeasdther-r-ttto" not 'pttt"gr,rgttu't', In†can Int-Mann: m. "In.†with In mmvuwllllhau. This: iuit.reattqallhrt+ 61.11am: â€mun-mun hm;- quam. In has ugh nun-HI. ad ail Mun-dun 4iiiJf'tctitg)hit1 . ", A'! 'htgt4tg'A1 " t AK."-""" ' 1ttertie1t2tNiaS8 READING tt2GrS 8;“ingu will! out but... Writ; for -iaioedse ' catalogu- RYDIE BROS. a'mar' ?lt SECRETS OF SUCL Mil†II. " "o nm-'"- 10.0511) loo! en by a Toronto des- pears ih another col- ' [I V , > B t which thus aroused Mr Cll)\t2.> 'rade Council was .3 Siiiih ih Mit9ti .-. L' ialtileh ll Yaiti1E . - , Mm52MU2e YO Nt L PfPPp' T T T . , I Kaaltiihd was» , FOR STIMLLL s I . .\ IIN Cj $5,5- 'l - / if - -- IW . Its in two states, first I I " c, 3'?) ea' et, passive and rpcNF l lllllllhis, 'itru , Intellect is like the 33:31 " . P mlighted; light ls there ySaiitiillllll Q It. In another mood R ballad . fully kindlcd. Fume M, ' " sis ot sorrow or joy, “ c. - - LN, or song or sermon or - _ iled the frame, and the , luau-angina; " TN, u after hour. emitting - PH‘WNE " _ _ - - A - AT I Toronto h another I thus an ‘ouncil In " "-utrarost.uruttrdrrritneieia.- Magnum-nu mil-um. was“. mm mud-umuuuwdul tumult-i tantalum-nu mm w - it- 00“, -,r-ts,meoegtamiitiBrtagl-es-,thas, a“ -dorr.-r,trq-tbetrtotiq In “a hm! emu-nun. “new. as! than!“ T") and "In bod od., mun min-d, will!" 30* manuhh uo lull,“ will salt mouth-sun. .rtod-tttsu" antenna-u KING STREET In order to save otsrsuttseeitselte trouble tat-tttthir-trest " ate remittances we hare nude main! mew with the .u NW. which we are enabled to offer following phliatigne. 'rt' arc", with The Chronicb-Tetegthor one you ll My“ , $l, clubbing rates with all ot Canadian 1nd Man v, , T _ ' meg-zine. quoted on application. 1 . ~"_ 8m (wits . mim- r.....:......................". f od,'l"AATlu"G .I‘ kara- W.ttN'g22! .. 'f T qtproasietjuirairh and lulu-l Wally ‘m.... l Chmrrsit9eTirirui* and Min; vacuum. up) Urroolclereleirai4t lad We!!!) Sun its fun cum-l). . 1 . 1ntmmurie-'F1eimNor.dett6fFruemen..U.., ...... 3. GhrorticlerTiedmitls And 1).in 'nobr.................. ' U1tuoeaicleqeHiriPt, sud Tomato Daily Neo.... . ... . t Uh xrnteleraMedrtsir_h Ind Toronto bully World. .. . .. ... . ' k'ttmruicle-'reiremiah and Turn-Io Daily NIH . . . . . . . . . . .. C Chroniclc‘Telegnph and Toronto hekll‘ MAIL... .... 8 ctrronieU-TeiFiAt and Tomato My an . . . . . . . . . . . . I Utxronieler-Teieeph and Northern Imp-r. . .. .. . . . . 1 Cash must mommy d1 olden. Hake rumuuuu- ht Note. Registered Utter or Expn'u Order to h' PflrtNAtAtAAPetrNedh6n6NANrdtfee6., , J"""'))'-) IND" BiiiCtLiti" ms. Tina-um. No. 8, queen" 6th Oct... 1904 our. J'J39rrt1N__& 3115.8!an be.“ Berlin tor Preston. Ila-pol" And Gatt:- A. 1.4.00, 9.05. 10.05, 11.05. P. M.-t2.06. 1.06. 9.05. 8.06. .05. 505, 6.05. 7.05. 8.06. 9.“. 10.03. (11115, I’m-tau only). nun uprm ctr will luv. Berlin tor ORR. union. Gut. ma)“; poun- gar, Pr") _bmn¢¢. at a. In. and HF-Feiér ma aut:-- Enr- upra- ctr ill] have Procto- Spring at 9.08 Ran. Ind mu pan. tor C .R. â€won. Oalt. 'VeeeeeerptrpitNtpteteteeesei'ieirdliiAAAi' In" an". tor Fri-ton. Hotpoint All Bqrlttt'.-- P. IP11“. 1.05. 1.0!. 0.“, t“. 5.05. 6.00. 7.06. an... b.oo, “mm. (“.05. Pratt. out). Extra lxprv- on will In" an; ab "an ters north on "flu! ol 10.M “a. and .16 pan. was. lmn Hosp-Io: tor Plum. Galt and Bqrugt:-- smtlord. Dee. tud,--Tte outâ€! ' .4!!le to no G1.R. when. '" low and W. Thoma- - to (in W": at». the new vital to. at the - in. nonli- " an†In H In“!!! tnd an use now u work in than. Thinn- - mm to, in the only Milling “I“. u! :11 that mum to tttttttttttf/ttttfl', Att4Mtrq In not I ' ad the tiEiiliiii, Tr,' “" dt . I Us" Pry-mar Junction tor Berlin; 11.40.20, Ptrl." only). (em, out ably). 7.30. a. o, 9.30, mu, tt.M. M.--TS.86 1.â€, 3.35. an, 4dtlF. 5.35. im, 1.35. 3.35, 9.35. 10“. M,--'t.oo, 8.00, 9.06. It“. u.M. H.435. 8.10. IJO. 10.10. II." M.--is.t6, 1.15. 3.15. ms. aaa." - 5.15, 0.10. 1.15. 0.15. on. “no. “my... . (10,50 I'm-m atâ€. ti'ii)i'iiiiii'il a ..--.---.-- _ WEE mrwmdww 1tttraicsiarcai" 'ii?),',,',?,':',?:?,?,":?,'?:',;,',":??,',',":":"',",'; (with m' , I amplclerewh nysd . y Rudd And W37 _ sa.i. CHEAP READING FOR 1905. DAVID BEAN, Tint was an Trt] CiCT22 f; '.. uncommon.“ 'iiilg C I KIDNEY was. .i. 51;;- L"hui=rs"Qlir2! ir, . .lz-‘l‘f an. nun-Inn: I." [ct: is In]. WM "iyc1G1P, 5% ' “(It â€and“. Ill all In. Tfd aiJ, ',"r:1esl: WO- Xmas Iloods y ' villa-M ' ,gdutzrattrttgatM" 'i?g14.'iilllff1,iCfl!Jr"ii1tt' "i?:s:7i'i'iiitii'iiti'iii' d f..Srttt " ct . hug no... 'ii'tSi'ii'sEt'"' "a: 'hreeq..s _ -r' ark new»: and In“. “IDA: "IVHI'I. park-l. "ter. _ i, II; " {Illtlly Atow _ T “MW 'i-i FGGUGA' *' â€ii-ii“ U CONRAD PM“ 0mm I. In mluly‘ line " (NIH?!) Kim ll: amt up .urt,nun.y [or I.†i-m . f nun-NI and â€tilt? -\ m I it " for Child-I“ It? ml ittvak m a; o'al'a"ltrk l, "Htetiil- _ (r,,-' Waterloo; Ont. g I' Jiertt all e [t,tt,'at ll. nirhle pl m". f-nkl. "lab,' my)"; " , . Ga'.'.'.'.': " W '.V " urn-1)..) l :.s.,'a ".'..".".y/ . ' iaa 'C".'.'.'. t ii“ I".'.'.'.:'. 'd' 2-33 10.41;. "it ..... in Sl I01 it