E: "tilFhaiGiui- finished on N i, Dewitt: Drug Store 't, Xmas slippers-ies Shoe Home. 'lii, For Inice Christmas turkey try ' Dustin‘s. . _ F' " hi mull. t F†tPI,Srn'h'g,1',% ; _ nu ",] _ uncut (gttitu. "guru-aw . “an. In"? tty Etzm' Cot VIIIâ€! notâ€. The - In any man lad bountiful on... 3.! at bin; for * Xmas em " Dow- tes Dun. Bum. All-1m And pim- no. IN our86and 810 parts mo. WATERLOO - - ONT. WWW The merry jingle of sleigh bells may gain be bend. Waterloo has decided not to enter . can in the W.0.H.A. Lu e your order for a (h'lstmas tree cow " Haso".ug's. Beeler's loo' sto:e is full at pretty things suitable for Xmas mum» J. S. Roms, of the lupular Boot Ottd Shoe Store, sei s g rd footwear than. .r. Ttte fatntt butcher pepper at lowest [Incas " Haaenttug's. "rho Armories of Berlin play the therloo hockey team in the rink on Thursday evening. The prams! Xma: lieu. 25c to $310 at Home. Look at the big bargains in Hasen- llug‘s window. Any article in it you any choose tor loc. Do not forget, Uttelmann's Miliinery Sale. ‘All millinery at tat price and below " Utiehmuut's. 'Hocyey shots at th- “will.“ mm and Slice tstore-rt en's 1.75 and $2, tora' Ft.4lr.-o, S. Hum. Be sure and read Hascnllug's ad, and take :duntagc of this great Km! sale u your earliest conven- knee Home are put up in neat (mas raw tom, with cards, ready for your lthds. " you He undecided “what to buy" tt will pay you to visit our slipper my. Tugicr's is the great Xmas Shoe Store. Shoe up" the family for Xmas. It's better than wasting money on toys pill sew gaWs, Ziegler‘s is the ,Jlnu Shoe Store. The cashier's npnrtment at the illinnl Lite is now completed, and What he will be caged, similar to ' teller in . bunk. L Christan: is the sliry'cr season. _ Empress shoes lor ladies and Slater shot lor gentlemen are yaimng m .gopuluity every day" For sale by J. B. Root Waking-2.3; for the rush' Come in in: . too'r--costs n Mhing Zieglers M store. Berth. The datum“ dinner sols am it “continent in the Twin-Ci 'IMI, Htuxtrbtg'ts. Reduced ' now until Chum". 35“! fl mm lo eat the paint or k“Biro-key (n the stick and main V Melt-10 buy him pretty Show; * 'ture" at Ziegler‘s, Berlin 53'“ um " n moment; brown 5mm- and white mixtures n 5c. . - n Ewing's. Only one , I - to It“. Come It oncr. 'hi 'e h itt the Sovereign Bank at . R.illeits is placed with ?d that". Leather Co. Both "tttit' ot the Berlin Business 3. m VI nun Lin Iron?†(n H! siek--so til' lawn at I All mount; bought at Zick's shoe " M'. BdtTr. t“ d the Free Library ml .Ielecuon ot " an LS com-mm C _ a! in mercury W , - a. hot- 1“th a h m DEU l‘SOBE APOI‘dEKE PERFUMES a tttu I†INSURANCE. Local News. II, the X ‘ks with warm, â€I“. 2:30 sham and slip- m’ll h life (0 law I _"'" . BIN1er't' is the Vmu ..'W tte auction sale L 's him on the Market “ . tht To" cl Berlin on “Oh ttth dur of Mfume! “II?“ "u" 'gtrrmult if dinner sets and larg- in the Twin-City Ire a I." if we bought . M cur chum - d supp". but i - some SI m! I a. n.» hoe an! r ‘M BBrlitt. A 3|“! 0" :ttte, *- -:' m " slippers, all Zion‘s Shoe prices "tee I. Brsttt. (at, {In no") W.~Iouuuatlu& wuuyu'ww- " Maids-“NM†In. taoaisr-esudtrt.'s all cannula-uh: autumn“. A “it!“ ht 2e"dtN'grdd'hlrl'd'l, 'eu.. a sunny. Dav-11th. " " a... ILLWu-d Mr. Banal-IO.Y¢Ii0N-w. wtit www.uuwm qt-tters-te-oar-tmet- “nun. mumurw-Htud -siretg06eorrterttxtqthrDett- in [A]. Luann-:0 Co. at lawman. Mum part ll "" -ttity " “alumnus-ulna cm mum. “thaw-extol“!- du to In“ hummus one..- Gulph “an. TM lecture given In the Interim Frauen-n church Monday evening by Rn. R. W. Ron. ot Guelph, on "A halt to the Yukon." In largely atteoded. Mr. Ron ave I no“ vivid and haunting desrriptioa ot the whole country, “than. mode ot lilo and othee point. worthy ot now. All present enjoyed an evening. Rev. Suntan! Marshall, B. D., pu- tor ot Norfolk street church, Guelph. occupied the pulpit at the Interim Methodist church Sundey morning end evening. He spoke on payer in the morning and on the Mystery oi the Spiritual Lilo in the evening. The discourses were we" thought out, nptly illustrated Ind electively de- llvered. The date ot the and; entitled "The Coming of the King," to be given in the Watorioo Methodist church by the Young may Choral Club, has been changed trom Dec. 20th to Thurldly, Dec. Mth. The tenor solos will be taken by Mr, Funk Bemrose, ot Toronto, tenor soloist ot Sherbourne street Method- ist Church. There will be offered tor sale try public auction on the Market Square, in the Town ot Berlin, on Saturday, the 17th day ot December next, at 10 o'clock n. m., the farm belonging to Joseph llwser, near Kossulh, comprising 113 acres more or less. For further particulars apply to the owner on the, premises or to Henry Knell, real estate agent, Berlin. daw Next Monday evening, Dec. 19th, the Young People's Alliance of the Evangelical church, Waterloo, will render nspeciul progrunme suitable to the season ot the you. A short cantata entitled "The TtiVirgins" will be rendered and in addition to musical selections a series of lime light views on the lite ol Christ will be presented. No admission ice will be chuged and nil are cordially in- vited to attend. This is . happy thought. and it won't cost much it you buy them at Ziegler’s, to settle the Xmas present buisiness.--A [air of warm and easy slippers for grandma, a pair ot warm D ershoes tor grandpa, a pair of handsome felt or satin quilted Rom- co sinner: lor mother, a ..\u' oi dress slippers tor sister Kale.apair oi hockey shoes for brother Tom and then, to cap the climax, a pair of rubber boots for Willie, Ziegler's is the great Xmas Shoe Store. At a committee meeting of the Tovn Council Thursday evening it was recomnxnded that the council ac- cept the offer ol $300 t om tho Water- loo Manufacturing Co. for Weber St. It is understood that one or two councillors are opposed to accepting the click On the other ha d, it is said on bsod authority that it the company's wishes are not “lowed they will move elsewhere, which would not be at all conducive to the best interests or the town. It is hop(d a sutillnctory agreement may be made which will he agreeable to both the council nnd the urnny. Our St. Jacobs correspondent tur- nishes us with the paniculars ot the toruswiirtyyelrlt lncidegt: A remhrnhly strange incident came 1 to the notice ot your correspondent s l lew days ago, when in conversation j with Mr. ism Martin, . [armor liv- ing . lew miles northwest of here, he related the following remarkable Bad true incident: Severn Sundays Ago while alone in his home he decided to try an experiment to relieve . pain in his stomsch which had troubled ‘him tor more then 35 yenrs. He took schew of tobacco and swdlowed the juice md repeated this until vomiting resulted. After this he took n dose ‘nl an oily premrntion, when Again violent vomiting ensued, end this time a live lizard shout tour or the inches long wu ejected. Mr. Moran was naturnlly horrified. but now is pleased to my his poll he! entirely left him. Over " yous Mo he and his Itrther, while working in the Belo used to bring drinking water trom 1 little stream howl-g through their Arm. end the son wss continued by his {other to be artful of the - that now no Again were seen in the strum. It seems, however, one did get into the jug nil this one has unused It. Martin I years a mi.- cry. He lurthnr railed. on when he wu Mill gym; nu a! - ty elm to-tshe-b- onedny ed totduanrtt.tAstMl, thought he swell-we! nothing on ts-tad to in In Hater In its tent, in m or other it as out so. to as. Id my will that an â€on but. than " a“ l to “In Ila. at In In - ‘ it Minion“ b so It“! I b Duh m - ‘ " i:iiitiiii'iigiii I .‘ I“ - _ , 5 VOIITED A LEZARD - an“: l igu- ,'.iry' . I}. Turn nan-a. a as»... we... a mu. n u- m.- h - layman-yuan. ht "a.tee.TlmBiehatt5t+$tt. than. - ---re- A It. in. a. unit, ttd m. up Ital-II 'taitgte to In“ I. "r. SCHOOL BOARD IEETING. ' Tho mum monthly ','ertv'f In Idaho Betoot Bond In lot» any - M in" plant China†Ml. and - Dr. Noecur, V. M. Baht. Tr. Cathy, _ In. a» up, a hill-nu, a than; may. . Iugcggoo._ S. B. Brieeer, C. lircheemrd. C. Schledel and Sammy I. [use The wharf monthly reports wen xe- uelved end pieced on lie. Seven! epplicetlou veto received Iron leech- "srorine-otmuerastdsome were disposed ot â€cording to meiit. Several "ptieatioe" were duo receiv- edlor thevmolput a. alithe wandered end the mummy was In- uplicettone received were [nonbly stunted to "tgageume ot the“. Al communication we: received trom [in Being GIL-HI; the Bond, itt helm]! at the Men, tor granting them A homey on the Friday an" Thanksgiving Day. Account: money ing to over 8300 were recommended to be paid. The retiring trustees Are Mosul. Dr. C. T. Noeckor, B. B. Brieeer, W. Carth and C. ngud, all ot whom He eligible tor reelection. Mr. V, M. Benet nay resign. Inspector Pearce presented his re- port which together with n oontldete tial report wen u lollows: _ To the Public School Board, Water- loo. Gentlemen,-l beg leave to submit herewith n Conihtmttial report on each teacher of your stall, end to Mate further in n general way that I am well pleased with the order, disci- pline end mnnngement oi the whole school. Your when nre earnest, cnpnhle. energetic workers, evidently deeply interested in the progress and §wellare at their pupils. The pupils ere regulnr and punctual in attend- ance and es a rule attentive end stu- dious in the clnss room. The sympo- thetic, cordial feeling existing be- tween teacher nod pupils in nenrly every department is very marked and highly satislnctory. School Property. The removal ot the pupils' hats end closks trom the class rooms to racks in the hull: nod the introduction ot the city water into the building are very important improvements both us to convenience and on unitnry grounds. There now remains very lit-i tle to be done to the interior to put it in excellent condition. I trust the day is not hr distant when the out- side, the immediate surroundings ot the building, will receive some atten- tion, especially tint portion lying be tween the schoolhouse sud the princi- pal's residence. The ynrd in that 'vicinity could, Itun sure be made ‘pretty and nttrsctive “striding cost. Your obedient serum, l THOMAS PEARCE, ’iiiiasmviumuuu unchanging-nu; t SKIPS ELECTED At a meeting ol skips held Monduy' evening the tollowing links were se- lected: J. Fennel Dr. Sterling J. H. Roos J. Hate] W. Hogg W. McGuire H. J. Sims, skip E. F. Sustain skip R. B. Moore A. Hergott M. Hall H. Oestrich J. C. Haight G. [.100qu vr. J. A. Weir, skip J. Hecpeler skip W. Glaister C. Hagen W. J. Moody W. D. Euler J. Cachnne Chu. Moogk, skip M. Schiedel, skip E. Hudke A. McCorklndule N. Nicholson C. Boehm _ W. Cuthew C. Koehler F. C. o. Minty, skip Geo. Mooglukip J. G. layer G. Kumpi E. P. mum". H. Mes-en. kmmeoluI-II G. Moore l J. Eutord A. E. Devin. I J. H. Beagrum W. Krueger A. E. Ertr W. G. Weichcl H. M. Snyder. skip J. B. Snider skip Thou. O'Donell C. “nether C. “who! P. W. Shem": D. C. Kant: F. W. Snider G. Run“ W. H. Lennon a. Bruce, skip E. P. Cover, all: REPORT OF INVESTIGATION COIIITTEE. Report of Insulation a! Into-i nation Counts“: “andâ€! ttat an: Com-mun. snot-led tr you. in! minute m tetresrtigattort oi the - ot the cur Workm’ of the Province of Ontario, and to dour- nm dong VIM “not "e Mull kmmnpplym;ndhvln¢ undetermined. muons-mm.- It It." 3-0“,an ot M: when" .d ier'"ett, . l Also ttot-tea-est-rue, A ummummum - ttt earn-Ia (d-r whoâ€). " munch eo-tost'"?, “In iiauiutr-urtiPm"" iiidir-i-"rft., I. Finally an an with. Inn/or the mun woven“.- ot any May "all in human!!!" " aTiiiraiiiiFiadiltitt.Pt1e.t lm- CHI an lid! te hi magmas-p I Feick ."i._'_ - _ _ ACE. Rude“ B. Bricker, ship F. 0. Hughes, F. Gibson Inspector Ikip mMJza%%1ï¬ï¬ It!» a [and Kid Gloves. hm.‘liosiery. Dude!» "ltett'tr :3; we“ Mounted]. Rtttdurtthieitr, Tie s, Collars. Seat ts, Lacey"? it?" Trimmings. _eltl'rr;.1.l'itr), Dress Goods, Silks, Waistings 'iii':,?':)'),'?"?] Table Linens, Napkins, Tray Cloths, Run-:23? .ott " ners Cushion Tops. 'irettitae. At .aeittirseertgtcuttrVoer no. can, 'samtue,raiaittr, on. u p In: teo.ittttetPtrt". d . Me I m a n n . W9bE " CHRISTMAS SEEK ER _ When you want something useful, hund-ome and lastmg, all and imp at our vnri us linen of Fungal" eorvustiuq of Christina Slippers tor "calmly; Christmas Show wsrarlimsl for: Gents, India, “in. god Children. Legging. OvesrTaiters, Rubbers and Ovushou. Our Store u fuled from top to bottom with the best and latest that money can bu y. Come early sud often. Your: for best goods st lowest prices, ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION At lLulies' Aid meeting of the St. Saviour's church, Wnterloo, held " the home of Mrs. Clayton Wells on Wednesday slternoon, Miss Edith Cornish, who is shortly leaving Wat- erloo, was made the happy recipient ot I beautiful gold chain and pearl pin by the congregation and choir of the church. Rev. Mr. Irvin, the pastor, made a low remarks suitable to the occasion, 1nd Mrs. W. M. Reade, the president of the society, read the lol- lowing address:-- ’Deu' Miss Cornish, _ In helm" ot the congregation and choir at St. Saviour', Church, we wish to express to you our sincere regret in learning that vou Ire about to lane us. Your semen in connec- tion with the church work have been much valued and apprecintcd for some your: past, so much so that we teel your place will beahard one to till. We now ask you to accept this gift as stoken ot the esteem in which you tre, held by us all, end couple with it our Ilncerest good wishes tor your fu- ture wellnre and happiness in your new home. Signed, m. â€was. I‘d-Ileana, Ian'- ud 3):: claim†In lulu Ind om- J. ADDISON TAYLOR, A. F. BRAIN, In bend! ot the Congregation and Choir ot St. Saviour's Church. Woterloo. Dec. qth, 1904. WATEBLOO WON FIRST GAME The unexpected heppened Thu-shy evening when the Shamrocks, of Ber- lin, went down to defeat helore 2‘ picked team from Wear!» in the Waterloo rink. The Seagnmites thought they were up against it, but succeeded beyond erpecurtions. The hockey enthuslnsrs to the number of MI". one hundred who were presmt will quite “we that Wuterloo could put I snappy, wlduwnke sewn in the intermediate series ot the W.0.H.A. and “and tr chance of winninrgtunetr, Every one of the Waterloo seven ployed on agressive “me throughout and promise much tor the future. Chulie Roos mudc . very' fair and Impartial referee. l Four ot the Waurloo plnyers each carried busy with them little mo- menta: ot their ttrat game ot the Beatroll in various forms, Ruhlmun be- ing wo_unlortungte u to have one of bin teeth knocked out. _.. Following w" the line-up: Berlin --omu, Wuhhurn; point, B, Settrert; Cover point, Perette; For- wards, Young. Gross, Becker Ind lelmg. n r†A - . I-v '___., than WATERLOO ths AGAIN “-5..-.†. 'itl'Gtit'-oon, Mickus, Pont, R. Bull; covet point. E. Roos; forwards SMnn, Maser, Runlmnn, E. Mickus. _ The hockey mm in the Waterloo until; rink - evening between the Berlin Wood-ides 1nd Waterloo proved even more exciting than the previous one with the Shamrocks. From the "" ring of the bell both man be" the puck moving pretty lively ad neither side was catni- that any hi to: until the do» ot XMAS ems†A “I tuna-t than our. 0.0. who“. In no mt- ... Wyeth-b but“. "an... lulu. m. â€I. In.“ - Minna“. JOHN SCHONDELMAYER NYS, TOYS, TOYS Opposite Zimmerman House, Waterloo, Ont. Santa Glam’ hen choice Just a Minute . very' fair and "QUR J UST RIGHT" UNEQUALLED H. B. DUERING Xmas heals “are is a. partial list of suitable Band" Articles 2 - Bible, Boon, Caletdan, Draining Cute, Fountain Poul, Pur1rea,Wrist Bags, etc , etc, etc. W. H. Becker & Go. ii) Do ii You Want wumx OMA 31 O t DOERSAM, Agent, WATIILOO. 'iaeetediDtStr6age, 2eLtu'frt,',n'r,',tiulg forever? lfyoudmmh ‘otllunptuutofn. . . . mumuno. “no III pull an htht . W m F2i'5irii'iECh'i'ii . BAGONS Mil HAMS A MIDI" 80m. PAR%ER FOU MN BTRAT FORD, OUT. B ARE ERLI N our...†mom “Tin-Ti 'iiiiki'iiii'6ii6a= 55370737!" 'yurd nod must. nun "his M1- .“ “in! 9-1- "a. Hp I! “that" tantra! “do: nun in mm. and; at an... ' /,?i?.ri', op‘iii Gunfire nu'tard New m "I aiii "MF “Li “t " In.“ "odtott m- o.teottiiua.ii pm a: mad I. . . tPretty Mun: h Chrishnn [Christina Li: no «at my. bar. no um as our Scott at own-u MW Bud all a "atrial, low when. A opal-J In. 01 20:2; adored "pod-o no“ go ‘_ol uh " 850. that Inn-1. Tathta Silks and Tannin: In nun» but“ and-Io 50¢ ayvd (or "00th Mid. .r Bra in an â€prom Out-tau an. th- ungo ot color! In I [and -, include: this» and blunt ad on abound on ma Intiu‘ mum luv" j Fun and Manda. etc. - [Stylish Neckwear and m 'i':, v m. mm; an. are do not also 1htr nook an: has be. m . /, the room! (but. Some Vary mucu- the Chi-tau India In the - _ Ive Curb!!!" um- m to be {and - we out carded. The: _ _ Ye Fun, luau, Open Clan, 'muart,'tr1tatt an it M. tlf Ducting Buquu “dam tuetttttgtitb.lt.its6attndit " Women's Handkerchieh , A may booth - you " the outrun» um: hundred. af 'ut,',1'lt ehham trom the 0rd nary 2 for 56 line to the flag embroidatcd $1.00 a l! qnulvy. A handkerchief in III-y: u mph-bio Cttrutgtttta gm. . _ Great Doings at the Doll Booth. l Ladies' Umbrellas for Chung Moro “no you“ no the ladies mud obldron with our puny dolll. The oxprouion on their (dolls’) “on is no charming Thu dressed doth are .tmood at 230. 500. 900, 81:50. .1 M, w, 75, m n. Undre'md IN', 25o," 500, 75c, 31,31 so and $1.75. BERLIN You certainly cannot do better than buy FOOTWEAR fa Xmas (Mm .- For Xmas Gifts Phone Bits ti2.-hEet's Wink! Overcottl. made from imported nil wool Muck 1nd my t9teviot cloth; am he material, full length, square porkeu, also with hut-um stripe, made In the box track Ityle; plain sleeves And " vet coll“. Two "with In sm- uul Omani, though you mm be on hand .1:- ly to uh may of then. -tlti" An limited: _ ' law an" Vina! Overcoat: - . large manuhctunt'l clan-f up lain .1 ol canon. They can!“ M gray cheviot in "um“. All 10-. to: but styln. “out: and Mon, with the stripe. in m lunat- IIII MM strte, ,rttt belted not. In! elm lining And “nanny. aha " to“. hon-In Int-3pm would be â€so. " ml tit,MF nom m at“. l Inn'- Sun- In the mm: tour-him “me my m an. h *aadaeqB' wool needs, In nut can. ht to“ m at - than. perm [ not 'dT,ttAl'lr, I 3.6!. nah: m. “I a M.†H“; ‘mme .. m , Xmas Shoes G. B. RYAN & co.,, 3; Wn Doing Our Lave] Best Wffi; Zick’s Shoe Home HER? JIticsi, ZICK’S SHOE HOME R Xmas Slippers Try Us for Xmas Gifts but are the most welcome Xmas Giftl An cm In cl than . moon!!! " the Ch“. I“ no on. tnbrdduod Mtr, Us†Table Canon. T ", - Ion. and 'Ntstt, Cloth run I much all at pmuluplku. '. _ as christmas Linens. l A very nimble git; [an be t 'rollod tttik nmhrolla‘. Yul: on; u 1dozonuo chum {rum Imam“ pearl, naming allver w-V‘d and 1. men) banal", comm with am it And silk 1nd wool minutes " -88, CI and $5. . Our nook am In- boon m tri: the Chtlnunu undo In tho “and larger" In an: WM. Thar .5 burg-uh]: and it mu ttttc, 8.eotsoiitttett.in6gudV _ _ Too much care cennot he 'y, paid to choosing that all im- l pertain garment, a man's win- ' ter‘overcoat. On it I man's stylish, well dressed, imp-to- _ date appearance during the whole winter greatly depends. These Are coats m which the maximum ot style. fine verb manship end good went I." combined with the minimum ot cotrt. no. :11 an us Xmas Leggings Alll mummy, MEN _ "ao-Mer/s Overcoat: In lotta box style, with square pooh“ uni vewct callus. in pith black mu Cheviot cloth, and trimmings. to $1 25 to I 75 to 3 00 to 2 00 to 5 00 to l 50 to l 25 to 1 75 WATERLOO ONTARIO may! a wool Mace And um tilt " Lt1eptt,