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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 15 Dec 1904, p. 4

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Ethallium Choice of the Convention. f,:) am: Gathering ot um EN hm d In!!! W _ b.'lh'fa.1l tf"""" ”I tt,itat')fe'; ' dt', "z..." E?” which" "inf-it a nil- itcte" 'l'flN"l,ti"d'hl7i'Re"iijii was at "If”. Whiz mun-cl no iiiuTVrG_doiaat*otrt- on iiariooltear-auttotmi69tt"e toe “my lt "",t'.tt'.'l “To , an (and an thy would by " up. . r.Ttn on- ll 'ii/rirauue-tat,t_raaio. "a...” 'm “M that at" “Mitotic to he. bot on... The Tod- co.- Md nnd . Ity sg,',',",', vniied lung“: charged as Gonna“ with I.“- Great (“in we JI coxrupuon "rt" ther we" not to S,': 5'2','e. Jtl m ”mum ','f2 mum him who: and not. then m“, tti. The ttgrill",', din nu a, nlupptopthlim m can“ a. to ert,2"dl'T ijiij1t?) not do no. no chum were main. Net',", o J', JE' tl the after- but empty autumn}. The only other tQ my. J,."",,',':':;,,, Mx R. y.|cry mm Tories wu that the Lib. ra. um /lelU'2T, {an G con- ml- had been tn Pout too lone. All _u... "no...“ with in mm "mm-1 "I mount! to In! to an l"? Ina the new prams, Mr. R. Y. 'tah, Va in the chin and the con- v-uon proceeded with in most im- - duty-ths selection ot . cu- mu. Although there were u num- it tt nomination. it In: only not. evident that the Vast mtity 'ivored Mr. Geo. Moore, we when " the nonhuman tad been heard, it was found that they had a.“ with- drawn in his hvor. Following is the list ot nominees: L. J. Bwithaupt, E. P. Clement, K c., J. L. Umbmh, Levi Shun", Dr Bomberger, H. J. Sims, J. B Hughes, Donald Martin and w Vanda. The first oi the nominees heard was Mr. L. J. Breithtutpt, who Wu the mdidnte at the last provincial elec- tion. He had moved the nomination of Mr. Moore and would not allow No name to stand as a candidate lor the nomituNirts, Mr. Breithaupt dwelt upon the great record of the Ross Gowrninent end its claim upon the support at the people _ " Mr. E. P. Clement, KA'., the Lib- enl candidate in the Dominion elec- tion, was the next nominee to be heard lrom. He pointed out that it was just two months since the last convention when he received the num- ination. He wss not a candidate this time. He wanted to see Mr. Moore accept the nomination, grid was sure he could be elected-tcuts) Mr/ Clement took this: occasion to thank every member ot the convent ion tor the manner in which they had helped him. He did not think the party had ever been more united, although he had been deleated. It was gratifying to know that Sir Wilfrid Laurier had been returned to power with a great- er majority than ever, and hoped to see that grand old man live to see the completion ot the great work he had devoted himself to-the building ot the transcontinental railway He referred to the deep, dark conspiracy which had been hatched in Montreal which might have been carried out by treachery of lriends and machine- tions at the enemy, and went to show on what thin ice people lived and sometimes skated, but he was glad to know that Sir Wilfrid Laurier stood head and shoulders above all his peers. North Waterloo Liberals had 11) cause to be disheartened, but should rather be onheartened because they made a. lair light In Berlin the ma- jority had been reduced by over 200, in Wellesley by 70 and in Elmira by 10, although Waterloo had grievously disappointed the party. He pointed out that there had betn 500 less votes polled than in 1896 and he dwelt on the need for organization in the rural districts. There were enough Liber- als in the riding to win the election. Mr. George Moore, when called up- on, was cheered to the who After thanking his mover and sec0nder, he and he wanted to say a word for Mr, Ron. He was as good a leader as the province had ever had. He had haunted Ontario in many respects. The Opposition cry was that the Government had been in power too long. But Mr. Ross had been Prem- ier tor only seven years, and that was not long enough lor a man of his calibre. In order to do him justice he should he returned another tour youth. The only thlng the Conserva- the; turd done you to sling mud. Me had tsiled to see enything that they had undertaken to do it they got in- to power. Wouldn't it be unsafe to place the Cmttrervtrures in power? aahed Mr. Moore. The people did not how the lint thing about what the Ono-Mon would do. Whitney was not in the sum clnss us n leader with Role. Mr. Moore had no doubt as to the m". ot the elections throughout the province. He w“ "tirfied that Ross won“ be returned stronger than he had been In the put three years and ,rtth g “It waking mejorily. He wall not ny he would withdraw In name, (cheers)-Hsut he did not was to be . candidate, He did not led phylicully than enough to Co w the campatOr But the way h 'u and " he withdrew trom M pinion: Indie-ted in no unm- Ul names that the convention in“! II- to be the eaadMatat and wk All the other undid.” with- dhar Mr. loom announced that he - mmmhutobohurdtrom ,motr.J.L.tJtrttirhouetfn " ii'rk"Giir'rta"irii'riritiiirtGlPdt iai'iiGr,G/iiiriiiiidueooytlLP a: mum nun-Him dis" “a: Mr. L. J. BREITHACPT MR. MOORE'S E. P. CLEMENT, K. C m IX-PRESIDENT ADDRESS THE CANDIDATE -ire"riGfti'ii'iiqii"i.oiiut_ any“ was: at th.rtteu.. mumummmmw teesrearsauttesoeidtrt9a's toe "and mtmvouumn up. The coming convent, in my, In 10- that no long as the province had good government there wu no reno- lor going but on the Liberals, even it they were in - tor tony yes". The Connervetlvee were in - in only two provinces in Canada, and reeliud that they were losing their grip. This we: no doubt the xenon tor the deeper-Ac campaign ot Ilnnder and misrepresentation winch they had resorted in 0:14. Mr. Smu- ter [cit that with the young men rel- Jristg round the Reform standard, the ‘Lihenls would be nble to detent Dr. Learner with one tn North Waterloo on Jen. 35th. All that we: needed wee united action. Rosa wu a lead- er, was head and shoulders nbove the mu who vented to succeed him as Premier. The speech Mr. Whitney had delivered at the Tory conicrence in Toronto had been the verieet schoolboy trash Mid a man who could not rise any higher thnn the Conser- vative leader had risen on that oe- caslon could not have very much in him. Gamer bad got more glory at the conference than did Whitney, and it was not much of treompiiment to the intelligence of Conservntives that they should be enthused by a nun like (Jamey. Below resuming his seat Mr. Stani- ter announced that he was not I. can- didate for the nomination. - Dr. llonsberger in beginning his address announced that he would be obliged on account ol other duties to withdraw asanominee although he felt that it would be an honor to fight tor the grand old Liberal party as a candidate. People who read said Dr. Honsberger, saw that there was no foundation tor the charges brought against the Liberals by the Conserva- tives. The Conservatives were devoid ot a policy in Dominion politics. They clung to the National Policy cry. But in provincial politics the Con- aervatives' N. P. signified "No Pol- icy." The Liberal party in the past had been inspired by such great lead- ers as Blake, Mackenzie, Mowat and Hardy, but today in Laurier and Ross they had the equal of any ot 'these great men. He referred to the igreat accomplishments of Sir Wilfrid and spoke of Ross as a man who de- served respect, He had done much lor Canada. Even when Mr. Ross assumed the reins ol power the cry, “it's time for achange" had been raised by the Tories, but he had succeeded in holding the party toge- ther since that time and the signs of the times were that he would be re- turned again. The humblest minister in the Ross Cabinet was better quali- tied to be premier than was the Con- servative leader. With all the accu- sations of the Tories they could not make one charge of misappropriation of funds. In this riding the Conser- vative candidate was not: strong Iman and with aunited Liberal party l.he could be defeated. Mr. II. J. Sims in withdrawing did so in Mr. Moore's favor, Ind woke in warm praise of that gentlemm'a candidature, and of his ability to re. present the people in Parliament. He wns ready to go out tutd work tor Mr. Moore, and hoped all present would do the same. Mr. J. B. Hughes also withdrew in HrMoore‘a favor, although he we: just us his: man and every bit ll good looking as Mr. Moore. (Luigi:- ter.) Mr. Hughes devoted some et- tmtion to Mr. Gemey and showed him up in a pretty bad light. He spoke ot it us a contemptihle trick tor the Connery-Mn: to try to [out Inch a man on the intelligent people of this province-a men who had been told by the judges to get out ot the witness box a they could not believe a word he said, and who had Ikipped out to aunuo been” he reared are“ on the dingo of porinry.’ This mu Inn the Tory trump card. _ Next cum Donald Mtrtin, I Liberal of the old stand. He Metal!!!“ adamant! dent with the Man and mm- ot the Counting "pettiatir the Tory men. and I. lu- umlniud the Count-nun orp- In Berlin. " for - " wugvn- asthma en‘s-damna- loud to can. into tun my. In M an the Tod- Iluo u “on trt n It. In“: “In an In the itrgt tittt.h.%dHtemttoettiBat" u Ammumhldusu honor but“ swallow III-In to =fltSd'lx'tUr..""' banana-In. ll. LIV! "Am A VETERAN LIBERAL DR. HONSBERG ER MR. J. B. HUGHES ALIX. PM MR. H. J. SIMS _ Lrr.e., TttttKruk'. Itil- EY. . "a-'t,ir.irittt"$tltlili 'Re: ' Me, tt?e1'i',,'t4t, _ "E 'itMl'l I“ - 5 D " 't ' . . 'e'..,',ttdg'tn', . in - “'3“? Itttett.ef to ttttalrite F . max-ml an“! It ,,/iiiia, but. iii'ietiiii,t'ift'Pt,'u'rtl '. thth-duuuhpu .m: IMP unna- by iiiutt,ead'etf!?it,tt trim. mdmhwuow 'eetietfrtt, pert JiFaGUU%aiiu"tttey',eect' tor III that memllmum‘sllm tm. on. on tho Otttario “Mr-{doubt pm '39 mplu, with th- Co-ttve' and My m. 90* iiiiTiii'GritTfiVGGGotueiria "was with the other province- bocwu than nude co. 't to were no .urpitmea there. Jug: [out “I hue only the an. at Mr. Moors," " the pro-Mam an: "to Int. - but could“. an! in them were 'tmaine an." for It. Moors, an the crowd bunny m, "For It: . tour good tetttsw.""N cheering vu continuou- a It. Icon isriaiia,mrtothomtted- out with um greater ultimatum when he unnamed MI mum. Mr. loot: do he mud on tho tutdsrstandistg that he was not to be expected to do much night oampst- lng beam he felt that he could not stud it. not did he txmsider it no- oouu'y. He would do alt he could, and would Bil the help tut could ponlbly be given him. The meeting In brought to A clone with cheen lor the King, Prom- ier Laurier, Premier Ron um the candid-(e. The following ttttice" were elected nt the Relorm Associnlon convention in Waterloo "q V: President, R. Y. Fish. . Secretary, J. C. Haigbt. I'ico-prsaidentr.- Waterloo, Levi Smaller, George Dlebol. Woolwich Tp., C. S. der Bowman. Waterloo Tp, Tilmtut no Snider. Berlin, J. A. Semen, get. __ -- Wellesley Tp., H. McCullough, H. Hostettler. Elmira, P. Jansen, Gibson. It is s largely attended convention. Every seat in the house Is occupied this alternoon. A year ago we placed three youths in positions, one at $400 a year, one at $450 and one It $250. To-day these same young men receive respectively lssoo, $575 and $420. They will go much hither. They are only young :iellows. but they possess the educa- tion tint. success demands. They were trained at the Berlin Business Col- lege, the most successiul school in Ontario to-dar-a school whose mg- niticent patronage is the result ot present merit, not past reputstion. These are but instances oi the re- sults obtained by this school. The prospectus oi the college is worth reading. Write ior it. “my The giving mason is at hand, “hm are you going to give ? May we sug- gest a tew useful articles for the turs, band, wile, sister. brother, hest young man, or wee boy M the “(Wine Candy is easily disposed ot, drums and toys break, but a new suit, over- coat, muMers and neckwcn'. shoes 3nd slippers will last until next Xmas. Cigars go up in smoke, per- lume is sweet while It mus. but our overcoats, felt Show and slappers w.” keep them warm and will lulu titem think constunly ol the giver. _ Come And wi will sth you win pleasure our beautiful rune of doth- ing, shoes, slippers and fa. wear tor Xmas Fifts. 1-2 made after Xmas it not sa1i More open every night fro r. Xmas Prices low enuugn us no? if you want it. Stu- post office. A Weseloh & Co Goldcn Wedaat--Mr. and Mn. John S. Clemens, ot maker‘s Millie, ee% bnted mu golden wedding Nov. Mth, on the old homaud. now own- ed by their son Abraham, where all the children. twelve In number. were born. There wen men hop and on girls. and only one wu Inland trom a. circle, who died . low yarn ago. All tmt four ot “In children nude w the old hornets-d. One “ml: Guelph. two Ill Eula. and n (huh- ter, In. Alum, in “min. They in. “on may MIMIC. M win about 1Mrty - pra- mtaata3tud-rpl-nthttr_ It. A” an... broth: of In. on... was my nought-ls. Both the Lutheran ma Methodist Sunday Schools are making prepara- tions lot sand ChrisImu luau]: no "tteeuirtmettttr. he Lullm'nns wIll hold theirs on Suturdny even- Ing, the 24th inat., And the Metho- dilt: train on Monday evening, u..- Mth in“. Free annular. to no”! "tteeturtrrtmter, “a a." are welcome The collection pines will he pawn-d mound for ghee-will "tresins in an} of the schools. D.tg-arrtldhuft.etaetrttrtt ttePrmtemrmdaadnett1 shape- union in a. qetttg.--Jotm Eisete -udtteaAatete%stetase,rtttttt mum-gamuumou at-r-N-he Mini t-i.t-A.Po- ELECTION or OFFICER, PREPARE FOR BUSINESS MORE ACCEPTS XMAS GIVING CONESTOGO KOSSU TH Shantz, Men- Dr. "onshor- Weber, Lean- " um mum; an! our. , 1w I III monk-v " y _ = " "$5112 i. ill.” "e 1tta1.tgk1t. 4.21 "1:4 ire itit'l'.'N,'l, o _ = ysW', EE, (sun-nu. _ nag-ma no {doubt you tiiaWtdat to V, _ . ll- "ettr thaws“. _ M8 'o It“ m d I. ' [ ’nob moth m h m Jun -io.. at tte nun-n " tho In "any m. which in low being snow! wim- o M 'trt-" ol our vine-Th.. old mm. - kn boon purchased by CW l PUott and lo completely uexatrt" by no lo mmmt at tho" gon- tuclor. TI. on! my; if lo ttought, will can In all mummy l in the Wharton! ot than $35,000. , --Ttte lumen noun somewhat nu- , BM st the per-unto” order at the ”Sum Company to “on. la their but: by the 15th.--W. Byron 1pt. , Ion‘t countenance in vurlng on ex- , "who smile. A the young Ion bu . recently "rived all are long lum Libel}: will not be wee. Mr. Duid Duncan, ot Kutuky,‘ we: the guest of his cousin. Kauai J, H. ml Robert Cunphell, st Cronin“, tor s iew days last week." Mr. Dunenn is s utfve ot Ayrshire,! Scotland, end with " parents ielt that piece about titty-three yea." Mo, settling in the State ot Pennsylvulln. where he remind only . iew yeersn sud then went to Kentucky, where he still resides. Being s stnlwut nun. ot grand sppesrnnce (weight 100 lbs, sud height ' feet 3 inches), he wss chosen to tnke up ems during iiiiil Civil Far, and was in some ot thel severest lattice tought during the American Far. He we: reverely wounded three times, which compelled him to rennin in tho h spitai (or seven! months. Alter tie war ii) went into‘ the mining business and) [allowed that tor about tourteen' years. He then retired, snd in part- nership with his son, went into the mercutile and real estate business, in which he still remains. Mr. Dun- csn left Scotland two years alter Mr, 1 J. H. Campbell mt! punts lelt Ayr- shire tor Csnnde. and they had no knowledge ot each other until about nine months ago. Then he decided to come to visit Ontario and possiqu see his friends, whom he wes success- ful in ilniiirtg, and Watt met with a if. Bert Krieael, of New Dundee, and Miss KalMiertreh, of Berlin. were married at. the residence olthe bride's parents, Berlin, It 4 p. m. tmday. About eighty guests witnessed the - GEE recepiiim glut . manual: ot titty-three yum. To come in here and look around. It's hard work to sit down at home and think up things tor tempting meals, but if you come in here, you'll see scores ot suggestions-lots of things you feel that you must have right away. Everything is fresh and pure, and every price is n modest one. huppy event One customer tells another about the wonderfully low prices, and so the good news spreads. You may depend upon it, all sensible folks don't come here just because they like Its. We have a few friends, but friendship does not count in business, and we don't wtrnt it to. We want you to come here because it pays you to do sound it pays us to have you. Space will not permit us to give you anything likcalist of the many bargains we are offering [tom our large and well bought assorted stock, but cannot help enumerating a few: 1,000 lbs. brown mixed undies at 5c. per pound. 1,000 lbs. light toy-ll mixed candies It be. npound. 1,000 lbs. light mixed undles. with some cream candy in "Our Spe- Nal," ht. per th or 4 tor Me. MO lbs. cram may, 10c. per ' or , lb tor 25c. _ 250 lbs. ehoeolatea, 13e. per pound, or 2 lb for 25e. ' 100 lbs. cram almonds, 16c. per pound. 350 lbs. 0. BAr, MeOreggor, Har ti: & Co.'s, bud McGllpln & Moll“): beat brands, u] "vorir, u 86c. per pound. 100 lbs. beat creams, Me. per po und. Maxim and Camel-ni- onnges " wholesale _pxlces, angina trom isc., 18c., 20e., Me., Me., and 30c. per dos. rim sauna Itaidrse, Curl-nub. Pod, mung-.05“ ""a'/,ttt'a'Mtt , ll' GINO " WM A)“. Ninth. Penn and tuaiiihiaii-i_,o,"i, We beg you to cull early As the in: week the rush is too great to do you justice. , Berlin Market Grocery Our stock ot dinner wlgo. toilet new, hncy china, hand painted chm, uses. - pot, with pone-uh. I: the - od best Assorted in the Twin-City Ind we take prldo in Iettl us you know our prices, if you will only give III I all. . Remember the above prices hold good only while this stock lasts, us we cmnol. repeat buying ourselves u the above prices, In this purchase wu nude while tug“ was at rock bottom, 3nd we hue mule up our mind to give the public the berteiit ot our 10mm: with this good purchase. Not more than one dolln’l worth ot my one line to my one customer will be sold, And cull must accompany the order. It will Pay You Business Gets Better Everrpay. New Goods for the Holiday Trade CBOSSBILL City Granny and Chin. HAL “but. manual-I- tiieyithtttierd,i'g's"dt; “gun. 'usotuiqhtnqr 'ttiitttt'tAt'a'il'i1' Lad-I. ~01... Guam-mm MM. mallard. ulna-10°“ M‘W'Ww" "W'- . Ii,ii,'tittptt/'dr/3tfM' . htg%d , “hmaiI , Lwhmlmhu' 'ti,GGkist-yrtttl_irt admqu-lhuud lurch-1.11111 tutti! iu"auascetttoJarcMrd. I Ito-”MW q__" Investments I Our watches " ' gumnteod and re- ie?, without charge if not broken. nkenpevpin our window And see the large and choice nmrtmeub we 1 Into on hand Bee tome pricest-tloh, tttled cue. 1adior', bonny. minimised tor'26 79ml. tt ted with W-Ithnm or Omega works for 1:150. Gena 2) your o. P. Bt in: we. Wdthun or Omrga Work: T . ' Milli. Fitted with 17 J. _O16.m. Bos.s' watch “0150. pus-bk lull~youln Alsn on Fttitstt one par MM mummy. Madly all at who Ol'u Room No. ' than Beet. u'a Backup 0, King " anvmm'omalotldlw- Man. a no in ty. w” W‘ lor .1 m In!" “on! on Standby, Jan. mam- " ad t o'.eue*. Bum Big Watch Opportunity. Person: intending to buy I watch lo he givtn u I Xmu gift would In the large dirpley in our-tor". When you buy . watch my an up to-datn - h Ind Ihil lI tho p a e to got them. (hat. one Hm can be depended on. one th u h roll-hie And and “curate time keep. er. We hue them of thin but with or! sad an In". , our pntlcu'nr are Wsukmsker sud Jewell-tr. ennui. BixcE - WATERLOO Ai Janina. MI E. J. RODS I183 R. tampon "auuua- ", - . 'iaiaalii. isttti - in I I“ an It”. com-o t IS', d! I throw. ' ime It.“ In In. a: m the! h lull. Jgl"."" thte seal; of Xnu Nonltiu woman-I _ , iiiiiiiioec theme-at. ' We but .360 um M to on. ' .---.-.. not Ind lobby in In Maniacs-ml out: out “h‘ Based to New in the Twin at sif,, 2rii'i! t’ i' 2, ' Fl A beautiful line of hand-nude Indian It", consisting ot I _ Canoes, Whisk Holders, Snow Shoes, Wigwam, (in. Call an] . (,' these ; they Till suit you. ste'] CHRISTMAS GOODS Our flno big Stare has put on Holid ny Attire, and we m m showing a very Inrg stock of uneful thian for Cl r ntmm Gitug Not. only are our goods attractive. but they me m srked at low price; " with many lines such a Jackets Ind Farr, m irkeJ " (will tomb clear. Our plm " attracting, and you should nob miss psying us, Visit, which must surely be protiUble to yourself. _ T i C, so Ladies' Coats I Ladies' Waist; 5 you g M. manufacturer‘s prim: to We qelltnus ly-w-weor mph“ in ttatb' claw them a" ones. This ll "abctly I nel lu~lr- "nd Nb beatnik" " _ v, what " Inland doing. ladies. coaLl All M7. 5 and Ul'lct'I. nu: . fr Mn ttlt; Mr k bunny cloth. in nll o In. wort" l 8 m 375 to 'r, 8 ',-rr" 7.50 and " to" 8595 Indie.‘ blotch . I "7.) cloth a nu all thi. nunn’u stock and Skirts 't _ good tiuiug gr menu worth from " , . ' ton-2011 tale not to clear at 87 a: !ef, ff De V and “HI-in; 0“:er f [Adm block Astruchnn cloth mum in 2 Tir, 3 GO, NM 5 ltd MI " Fi, logo dud. :extrn worm. worth from . a “I to Cl? on so a a 1'.Yh,d'd,',t It, Underslr. rts a "ofudits'tsoata, on c ren'nnn -', ' ; . . . " " jack-u at Iinihr reductions. "ieci',c.itlm', p'2att', t, 'Ita ',',TtL'11"Th'iVi'x"i,"kiioi2riiiiri' 123.2iwu315y. " Cg, .~.a Furs and Furs Mar-9n Skirts r'i' We In" sold a tremendous amount of fun m In this canon And now In wlll clau- out the remnindor " n Me riflee in ricc-There are nice Nth, "arts, m3 councils of vuinun stylA I in cable, mink, nppouum nud Per-inn Limb. Thus "a marked at low pric- " sud 2l'l will do well to no them. to an t em. Surfs " 8 tio, l 50. 6.110. 7.5) to 8i0.0& Grew lamb up. for children At 2 " nod 2 85nch. leies' Multan Jackets. WI no oth ring the beet Fur Jack. ou at may low priett, good Lunch-n junta “$.00 and .18 Mt, worth mono money. Beautiful Dress Goods Dre- Good: tor children. foe ladle.' new. for mm. for want: and mm. unkind! und rice! speck! M. magma wound icuynd. BrickerlkiDieibell "I"';: apt': P' helm: Izaak. :1 p312] - ' - . - TF I ta, ON I. 1 'lt'A.1 Illinsnd ribbon :nd 1,12'l'll'lfr' next week, / 3A umbnllu. The» are worth suing ., if "td."-ntter our prices - the my m.rl lowest, 1; 93¢ sure and visit our Store, it's the most nth-native in “’13 und you may look hon without feeling “at you must My. " ', Fandr Goods Berlin, Dec. 12.h To-dar the Ieadittg man.“ who! in WWII“ I" "it-tterin-u-det.: tte-ree-trt". m Incl-bot " Is um I not»! um ."t'd=lt, ”WMmmquw-u. g “nonhuman-.3. he,“ (as. ~ :3 w. D. was, an». l. no... sun. at Linwood. recs-$- t.ettuesu't,Wi'td; . mamaumhholm as,uiiti"mtP,pttu'Jtl/'lrt d "Alum.” 1gfililillkaae, W-hos-tlux"'"" Noveltie' Silk Scuf- Ladies' Collin Lucid Bette Chnteldnc Bug: Only , mm lulu tlll In. E313 Lang Bros. a Go. skin}. It .5 We no Ibowmg the, ttr,er4 _ than! , linvnlin fanny tray clwlh. IMO _ nth. table Imam Ind mop“... A ' 5 o'clock cloths Md {any [5 uh ans. Thole mm In prittr -; 26c,8ba, ",s,Nht,"mtto6Mih 3" In Housefumishings. s?, Moreen Skirts :31" A Speculum 1 no. 200, um on». tstikdt Linens Cheap We then Bm, _,Ra,' And I tt, pet Import, T 9 Down. F Uumforten and Blake“. Art 81M”: and Rap. PULVO Gif"Fis anatrrt At Bargain Rice! Dru: Our Store will be open every evening next week. Ji: as EBA: ths!

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