a Ti a 9, JV"? , gm m. £5 mu li,?; mun-w £4. au. d HEW-é- - Pl " Ite) Pet" MW ol (“UM"- w’ mun-II qttt1tartr totattitrsi M). W - turtru" “H yeutt"t h It. collie“. In 1831.‘ "iiiiriLiarhr-si,ttrCte "Ott" ot colldllotl in {adm- a has; mam men- into at 'tee-htm min the â€Ilium" "r "J -v V Ne' or a. was at: and â€I“. R my D ot - to - no a it. a new shu- {hilt ta.tMtte to humanity paid git d the My to: who: dafnF ,d to - but “and to the cou- awn-cw. nxmm an â€a! a. County Council to Mâ€! $1,833.00, or a "can ot â€.00 ad 101 union that you. In an. than“ you under the new Act, in. " when mind tnr Aber newton $007.80, or . human - $11.00 each, on u “my. In I!" the mount 1.: very much the “no, but in 1001 the total unuuut‘ ready“ by the county edunciuorn tor their when mounted to $1,136.50 at ovkuu.00 on a n cage to each '01 the County Fauna. In 100?. the amount was slightly less, but in I903 the mount ot, indrsrutity chimed and Jul to thee “linemen “as owr “00.00 each on w average. As in in that " reduction ot indemnity ot member: is consumed. the iew â€Item In a Mime, for with 14 mm- beti the total cost ot “Jules to when in pester than it was under the old system. when 31 repthI-1 than were returned on county Court- cillors. County ‘councill, under the new reguhtion, seem at lent to have kept pace with other organizations in locating their slate ot the general “a: tncreues consequent upon {roving prosperity. THE GOOD ROADS GRANT, The "Act" passed, by the Ontario e Legislature in 1901 for the improve- cl merit ot public highways has not been a taken advantage' ot by the County' council ot Waterloo. According to the I: act the sum of $1,000,000 was set , apart to be paid out of the Consoli- , dated Revenue Fund ot the Province to d aid in the improvement oi public “high- ', “YB- There are certain conditions set forth which must be complied with a before any money can be obtained r trom this source ior the purposes t mentioned. For instance, the first I step necessary to this end, is the pas- s sing ot any-law by the county coun- , oil designating the highways pro- 1 posed to be improved, and iorthwith l -transmit a copy ot such by-law to the , clerks ot the townships ot such coun- l tr. It is true that as compared with many other counties the roads in l Waterloo county are hemrally good, but what can he called .ttrtst class macadam road with‘approved grades and properly drained is aiter all a scarce article even in the county oi Waterloo." It certainly is not owes- aary in this enlightened age to point out the almost innumerable advantae gee ot first class roads, seeing that nearly everyone recognizes the tact. The Government displayed wisdom in plaeittgtonilliott dollars at the' dis- posal of municipalities lor the im- provement ot 'the roads throughout the province and many counties are taking advantage of the Act. The money being set apart tor the pur- pose, and the time tor taking advan-\ tage having been extended to 1906, there is no apparent reason why War. erloo County should not have its share of the iundsi We think the question is deserving ot the attention ot the county council at its next ses- alon. GRIP QUICKLY KNOCKED OUT “Some weeks Mo during the severe winter “an: both my wile 3nd my- mtt noun-std um. colds, which My Moped-{I'm m tom ly! irir'srte, "with An its uni-mm captain," uya Mr. J, B. [igloo- tn, ot Imple Landing. Toms. “Rum All but ucliu. muscle- nn, but! tttrt up. - a! to. running, VI an“ Inu- at am. an MI. .lat,1 at; Ma‘- d tltttt',t tt m u. H; I.“ my a common hits!!! funn- pm the. nth Mammal!“ Gdiikiiiusu-cieprte?t- Giausrua-ettiytt iuariainq the unnu- xrtth-* '3'... am“ u as In»: in in. W. an ttte to.» to "On mm.:',_mlei..-“2 Hug?! “In: _ W'- - - _...'..-- -" m. an». at ttm OMaefet New cl Illa. and B. J. Fall?†" A, Prof. out (001 may _id'tlttS',ll'l,c' all I“ “I Towl cl 1ratertoe, I“ WM hlno. “no†mrrtre,t" “I Changed! 9|:th “.10! - ott- 33;; sum-ct" Jiiiidi. tii we. was - a;- “he? " ftfttttr?'lt In; Mun, Mm ttttttee/et In: In.“ In country - manual walla-t most-I not was making . put having - the mm. At the st. LollilWM’l Fair Canals had "not dust alt tin print in cattle. than “than. and was one of the world‘s mt when growing countries. Candi- totd miners! output wu mil u oompnred with that of tho Unit“ Sister, but the output per hand ot populntion in Cu- ndn wu considerably grater. CM! lwu and ot the U. S. in gold pro iduction. "nkistg third in the world. Canada had no rival in the production of mineral "bestos 1nd led the world in nickel, conundrum tad mica. The standing ot Canada to the U. S. Wu relntively the our): as that of Soot- land to England. He hoped that Prol. Miller. the new ' Minister .ot Mines (Prof. Miuer-"No, no.") would see his way clout to give ,some assistance to the cur Workm' e'tett,,t The Government would be ittertified in giving guidance in the _ way ot distributing inlormation to clay workers and the furnishing of l analysis at the lowest possible oont.‘ l Mr. Fox referred, to Canada’s many great resources and pointed out that the men of northern climates the world over were superior to those ot _ warm climates, as they were more in- dustrious. In all parts ot the Donut» ' ion there were vast possibilities tor . success. _ _ " " Mr. Pox, in opening his when said the whole province unturnlly looked to Toronto us the educational and industrlnl centre ot Ontario, but he had (out! that the towns ot Ber- lin and Waterloo had e greater diver- sity ot manutaetured products than my other centre in Cumin. In 1898 when he hadhegun the study or poli- ticn he had, found that Berlin had ‘mnde grate! growth then any other lawn in Cam: in the previous ten "r"iiGToCiiird ind boil: dueto the town’s factories. - __.._ it would not be so smell alter all " the frills were spread out. (Laughter and applause.) It had been found ne- cessary to pile up the earth in order to get it ell into the territory ot the province. Mr. Baird expressed himself as thor- oughly pleased with the convention. The next toast Wu “The Clay Worken' Assoeution," to variable.- ' are, Oliver Baird, E. W. Norton aid ; G, W. Moody replied in brie! butin- _ “resting speeches. ' Mr. A. M, Baird, ot Enderby, no, 1150 spoke in reply to this toastand referred to the great possibilities of the Pacific Province. One delegate in peaking to him had said it wua pity that British Columbia mur' so ‘small. The spake: pointed out that MW"... -,-_-_V,, "The Brickmnkers ot Canada," brought out Messrs. Henry James, J _ Watson, of Bracebrittgi, and W. Wat. son, ol Lyons. Mr. H, D. Joann“, editor of "The Brick," ot Chicago, responded to the toast to the "BrichmUerts of the United States." The toast to "The Lndies†wasn't- plied to by Mr. McCormack, Secre- tary Alex. Johnson and Mr. A. Dnldn ot Bulhlo, and that to "The Prep“ tell to the lot of Mr. Ben ot the "Brick Press Co." PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. - Wednesday morning's session WIS taken up by the registration ot dele- gates, and at. the urn-moon session President Bechtel delivered his mes- suge, prancing [his remarks with . welcome to the delegates. He said in pare-- The people ot this continent mues- muy advantages over the noes from which they have sprung. the peoples of the conUttent ot Europe. This m- petiority mm partly [tom the tart that they chmulm m lapel-lot to the rink m f11a which they Mule" behind in the old convict. Out pu- iod ot progression uni amnion is just beginn‘ng, " ha been satd by one of out gmat sum um while we ntAteUtt eenurqua to the United Stun, "to tgrehtUttt would be Cam’s century, The foundation "ate-tto,,),-"" the peoplo ot h was“ manual “all mind . My nee, hauler " mm at an WI and andâ€. Mia all-Into. so nu the no an in III in u, to In! tehtrN'. in m In a. not will "ArMgg'gtr6, ' ' a? can up: thy of "The .- W’w’i» F l " III to tar WWII pm: in! - may m u be wanna-NW. Pt? an aittr""itttpth., , (iiiiett,'.'it,ti1ti',t8t'lltt may. 'iil1,lhttfiltfiiiSt: mummy-J “I V has nib-unnam- . â€down-1min mmmmmdn» um um» rm - out"!!! iiiriiati0_esratottsV ll t2'atuut"18t"et nil-6L A- In“? ttrr, et an." ,,'iiit2i,'ltiit Rf.1'ililtt I _ l Gall!“ to out tgut . _ mallow.- ", 'p. _'. _ Him a W: ' 1 And who, ot the W a! “Mot ‘Upon them Involves some!" of nova-s“ the 'tttttht, not one one while was: a! in an we: with" the Walt, ttttite. Ri"iiaGGiaiGaiiud, tutors will " to clothe the-.40)» wide than with tmr-sri)' no: chinery, with iii-um. ad with F that nukes use worth {mu And ,rti-iowettoarteirP.WttettailtN" conditions 01 things eons to pus, " they undoubtedly will in the new tw tum, will " not be neon-Ir! 109m lactation to be built, tall chimneys, new blocks tor the merchants. new dwellings tor the “nuns. new educar don-l institutions tor the use ot our younger mentions, new churches, sod :11 it the numherIess structures neeesssry to so industrisl people. And l what. mum]: better suited totheir) needs can be tound upon the tace or lthe earth [or the building at these 'e/le,'! thui bricks made out of my. tslid this brings us to the object ot our meeting today. How to not. jbricksh stronger brick, chedper brick, “brick better suited to the require ments of our Me, bricks (or the buildings, bricks lor loundsttons, bricks tor sewers, brick tor pave- menta, brick that will remain u mon- uments to our industry and intelli- gence long Alter we shall have crum- Ned into dust, monuments that any be pointed out to our children‘s chil- dren and countless luture mentions " evideuoes of the skill, lndustry sud lintelligence of the brickmskers ot 3 Claude st this time. rm"; iiiG "vii-pl†an HIN- unu a on: -.1ptriturn atâ€: In concluding he invited all the del- egates 'present to take u put. in the discussions, and let all subjects be thoroughly discussed, with . View ot benefitting all members ot the cult, the idea being to bring out dl ittfor- mation possible. so Unrwhen they are About to pan they an nll say, "it In: been good tor us to be here." Following is . list ot delegates re- l gistercd up to Thursdny momittg:-- 1 Henry James, Delaware. Ont.; I. J. 1 For, M.P.P., Lindsay; Fred Hilliud, 1 Renlrew; C. J. Funk and non“: Strathroy; G. M. Grocnlock, Wood- l stock; John Wardle, Blenheim; John“ Cumberland, Listowel; H. D. Dnluner, 1 Conestoga; Devin Martin, Them-ville ‘ McCormick Brothers, Wmick; . A. . Smith a Son, Carat M. Milligen, Ottawa; Berkley Bros., Cranium; R. Wehlnn, Cairo; A. M. Baird, Brit. ish Columbia; Oliver Baird, Perkhill; P. Davenport, Ptsrkhill; W. Hug]- liott, Gleam; B.' Elliott & Son. wanna»; wilt-on 53m: Co., Bruce- bridge; J. D. Waite, Forrester's Falls W. Adhnson, Wnlkerton; J1me: Eugen. Bright: Ott & Son, Berlin; August Smith, Port Elgln; Alex. Reid, Hempworth; R. F. Rilett, Ber- ieldy; G. W. Moody, Highgate; Killer' Bros., Strniiord; Charles _ Roll“, Drew; J: C. Cornell, Domini; W. Cradle, Lyons; W. B. .lnnes. Mitchell; W. Schneier, Breslw; M. J. Norton; Allenton; E. C. Beaten, Orwell; A.', Berg, Anderson, Ind.; Geo. Belles ?i Son, Norwich; A. C. Quickie", Wat-i erloo; MacIntosh Brick Machine Co†Wharton; Frank Frank, Woodstock;L Jemes Irvine, Norwich; lrwin & An- derson, Norwich; Moses Clemens} Croton; G. M. G. Govenlock, Mitchell The oiricers present are:- ( President, B. E. Bechtel. l Vice-Free, R. J. McCormick, War- wick. , Treasurer, H. Jones, Delaware, Ont Secretary, Alex. Johnston, London. _ This niorning the delegntea were shown through Bechtel Bros,' brick yard by the genial president, Mr. B. ', E. Bechtel. The Cluworkm' convention closed Thursday stumoon. The lecture giv- a by Prot-r w. B. Miller on “Form ml Origin ot Clsrs," with Ishtar!!!“ vim, proved very in- Muting ad protttable, The [allow- ilhomm we cw _ "idgtst-0. W. Moody, mum“: dt"'"" J. McCotmlck, lu- seetreut-cum H. Bechtel, Wat- moo. T-e-H. has. Del-re. '. Danube-TI. chow one!!! IN B. . m, 'ubtloo.‘ -ri,airsnti. a resolution: 'u .5. my), um um mm " 17".“ would ite an malty-um - “up.“ “who“ kri'lhuthm lama-1M â€moan-B1 “mum l t2tdeh'li? ot tho df “Ir a: iatgFa" “I up atâ€. _ 1*: t 'iG'i, It.†gtdd a. ii",ii:i'i,t; ti I†. t. out“; to ch who ot the 'iniGaiii. Th m *0! the do. val-Malta! but†may My dumbed. UK it In by“ that Il- may “on; we '1'th by the We! g 6013th Analyst, which - that the ample In question coo- kind " per cent. ot um: In no no totem: ht whatever. WY†bu tttotrted mug“ ul- mu! ungo- a and Britain as“ “a Writ-t dilution at the put- lty " 0M;- My mu will prove taut-dam: or out My , It, town“. our "trr I.“ m bu: In or out (lemma! or- ttttt hand!“ on _ “a ot It Atlantic. the "an“ might have been amount. The election of Aid. Amen to tune» l Inn Bt. Antoine division at Nontrenl in the House at Commons we: dueto the molt. delicate “Inm- ever dope ed in Condo to any n Puinnww' In out. " tarerited hy the Mont, reel Herald, the system n- procu- eelly perieet. " accounted In! every that", to: every deed voter, and [or every nilen. r'Stt. occupation of every elector wu null, hi: plane oi Nellie-I end hi: personnl Announce. This mormtion In counted twice, and att-rar" checked over to see that no mm were made. Each elector we. supplied with the kind ot “nature that Wu thought to , you "tetmr,Und . specie! lenile was distributed to the French voters contouring eclected portions of speech- ee which the French audiences, lay their owl-nee, had Ihown to be COB- vincing. Aa . result oi on this labor, which did not out . put out. w in; lonely the work at volunteers, on election day the-poll captains hnd . description of ever! voter, end how' he would cast hi: ho lot. No dead or abentee vote could be polled, nor ‘could those who had iniicd to tqke 1 out tsaturtrlitation pnpers get tr tral- liot. This intormattmt made it possi- l ble to get out the vote with . mini- mum ot ellort and expense. The pol mrptains knew where to send the Cabs so that there um: no waste at time or energy. but every moment was employed in etrective work. Mr. Ania spent two yenrs preparing lot the context. He went ghoul; it in such a 'eystemntic manner‘thnt not only did unseen: crown his eltorta, but his elm 'tion WIS won without the slightest suspicion at an unlnwlui not having been committed. " run n striking exhibition at how business methods applied, to elections will, produce the [most sratsstactorg results. A . Toronto Hm. To stump» to men-3e public utili- ties under municipal control by com- mittee: oi the Council is almost cer- tain to result in mini-e and, bring discredit upon the principle ot ublic umersh‘p. The Owen Sound Fi',',',',',,", directs utention to this tact, uni _ usual strongly tor .the gppoin men! M . capdble business millage: of the nubile services oi that municipality. 1n the purchasing ol supplies And the 'ittllef.titt ot revenue, it is said, econ- }omies could be enacted that ivould more than meet the outlay tor his inlay. No doubt this is the’tase, ‘Tbere is “other consideration. hotr- i ever, that is worthy of study, A pn- Friis corporation employs energetic men at good ninies to develop busi- incâ€. Why should . municipality not seek silo to extend the business oi a 'piNielr-operated sertice. A town es- l “blushes I ptttet to selente electric irahr and no eitort in mule to sell I light. The cutout: that apply tor (the service get it, but. a . town thy 1 me ot Owen Sound than are y may we" in which ultiitlanl busi- ' not could be tenured. ad which I would enable the mice to make a . better “owing ‘ln the .nnu-l lute- . melt. Loose magma-Q ls the rhiel “gunmen: um the appear-u oi muni- . cipgl owner-Mp lave to ole! to the .. principle. To "" m be mm mm Milton. Therdon. " in the point . the! then“ be curled Menuhin rTieFtttsianaottrtTilAf minimum the Want at up Gaiartiiuiawtitet.tet New Pepe invented I: an MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP AND BUSINESS PRINCIPLES. Monouou ORGANIZATION irarrGr LGT, iilum.ted itt an . “with we. AN WING? [ENGINE (Toronto Rum pal-am; mun-m _ an T W 'iiA&, ‘7‘: _ . Thin.» _ an] ",Et,t,r.,t'ta9r,','ft,'J W Tey" M ' In: cumin. in Canada . g,elrlarit.'ut, wvrtrnrtd ran-Wu a - 'ileh5 (or on". That may a r 'er_siod. m‘facm PPPmaL P0tt COXSUMPTIVES you fhi'2i',ft _ Usâ€. {any Whit a. b “and mtg: few - at: in by“: at tir but. - “in ttttttthurt';,','?,?, W “ Chm. lamb-tar. by It“ No cash to pay until October, 1905. Oue 'ol the itinerant questions .to come up a he Dumber assign at the Wntexloo County Council, which opens non Wednesdiy, will be that ot the proposed hospital (or consump- tives. The report of the meetings at the joint committee ot several county coGciis nppointcd to deal with this subject will then be preacntcd. Fol- lowing is the report which Wu prev sentod 'to the Perth County Council, which met on Redneadar.- QNiii V Inâ€; . I Duh-g {1“}. Incubate“ coubl- onâ€. hrtitroioUuit a! 'hg'tt't h ; Wat-twin _ in“ (oesd. Mm madrof «and 'g,rst,t, "to rub. within an». m ., vul- tetinor% wool in packed f be way â€Mr lad: . '0‘ a. union-Mud - mod, - the I u - u l min. than... Inn: at equipped with Ic' . gel-fee! texuhlon which use "I ipttalttbtd new of regulating an teustreiature. “Your committee met in the coun- ty council chamber pm August. 16th, 1004, Thou present Wye: Cquncil- lots Donudsorn. McDoml and Kemp of Perth, Ills Worship Mayor Hep-l burn, Dr,.0. A. Roberts_on ot Strat- lord and Dr. Radiord and Mr. Cherry oi the county ot Waterloo. After some discussion, in which the gentle- men present telt tut some definite steps should be taken to any out the object for which the committee wgs unpainted. it was moved ind carried that. I sub-committee be up pointed, consisting of Councillors Kemp and Drs, Radium and Robertr son, to get, it possible, other munici- palities interested and to get figures " to the probnble cost ot building and its maintenance. Wat om and you may for tremfit with 'arau2'lt,t'l'S,'. withmu on. can or who: you g'eh'1t',t2'e That Inc-manly†cau take saves-pr eight but)†ind make mandamus; money out ot macaw“ twfktto the In what! mes M: We couldn't Ink. this o'er if u; were not cemh' um if you lump! it y“: will get mum-let.- .uktatsittrt, if we was not “with c that the Chum“: Incubator Tritt pay you I bamboo. my! iycortys. . L . - u. d Thalia a sirarishtrorirard oirer. We make it to show our â€prune - Beace in the Charm Incubator. We want you to accept thin atdter as no no sure of the guinea“! our has; later will give. Every machine we have put ml so fur has ' de other satcs in 1565mm: 1riilil','Arli's. . "The submmmntre met in Gait, when the ehu'rman, Dr. Radium. submitted his repprt. The tol1owiettt cities and count!!! were represented: Citie- of Guelph and Strutord. and counties ot Penn. mum». Welling- ton, an“ and Oxford. Not having my had! It our disposal We were‘ humble to procure W mu as to 010'th ot build“ uni mun-ace. The gentleman. “than mutton, ttlt and mm them-ulna "er- trastottt-t-itrotret . hood“! to“ built, Ill and tho muwlllbembmeoIr ttttq â€UNA: “In pn- u we thet., "he: an - " 'traBttttr I “only. ml.- cad-III: to M M "mt - "tea.. I ‘ ' = , liiji,iir,j', if; in?†a 0:22.: mm tor at allâ€, a t y , mutant m 'iii/ii' gut?“- In: on a "t, ,1. A t a cum 'ist9',irri?:"ii,',r,i't In October: 190 ' or ff ' can. Buyer ppm get " -r, Gnu/d any of" befihsr or more got-man , _ _ "mi mu. on. Fm an. In. "it: ?'t'ir?.'-.:tihl'.ititr?,rlsli'iti?tv,lsl 31:: “In tt'l, It y-nl 'tt :0"! W IL 4tteqe _ in» n ma. 1.1mm “:7. M1 Humour â€I inn!" .3 w M "eattr1ettr.slet'.'-.2sl:.reu. 't. w... 'Te'"' 'e FCNV -P-_." v - V n 7 m - In. iEiyritEiejyEii. L'""' and as m" .-. 'iariu. ai2edE"g.et {mm ' and as "a "GI b, trrtroe Write us to-day for fun 'particulars of our offer Ind menttoet this "mar. Don't 1m it lsid: for another time as this special propdsidon may be with- 'dnwn " any time. l C nqu cam cm. Linked 10:99.1 KW¢uq. can. "gsrtraahmep_ or um.- gummy“!- no: taathadt ru- nah. m,,,t,.g'a,1i'.TtUL"Jdfl'3e'l, " u... T m imam†m. mafia. urn-mu " . thu.wlmmm sl " "You on comm Itronly re- connai- tht “In; mud! at an. -,todoeit'retfi1bft WWW†“shalt!“ gthr.1Nfdr,',at't,t,r"'r'f 8"th ." .’ . ,'dtdlftarut'lft'at'lh unis-mini! lam . “1.3th to,†y, comiiittuthiieait -uttsse6ttatlttairtr_-h. , i new? r-'! ' aNrt,"pit,! at ' ').ttttlgt, ' ten-ri- t _r.tr/t.tgs, 1'dt,tt'dl"ishtrt'adttlet . â€It“, mush; h)â€; "drum-Mm"; gamut. now p In“ and nut-{1D mu ot mum Europ- ‘o A“. an unwind trua-ret-ttb a, still In: via the $6Mtterm- and the flaky“, We! iisom, nun-a3- n‘aou‘ oCiDar. thr. tttP-ttl mum, - - ki, an tut-am. "tttti, i val. me Sine-“01' ttirelt1 "m“ tttrad ' '. I 3W . t in.“ to 1b ,randerhtlr new $1.3m an: vet-rm ué his; staMq “tweed, a! North Amie. in - can)»; A mum at contort at tight. he noun-cu “a ttt the radius, intttrathrg he: _ T mm. a "may. and irFirV The â€not at. sh stqteio at to can In: " toning new. or alb- ino†tor In. rout or man had. The men ot New York convene with those ot Chicago, Tarantc at - ml without. lowing their comlono this once dun. l The (with) huh of this with.“ no being tgt'fl undo; m Pele-l at “nation a the m the reel when growing yellow even in his dreams. The “this hide ot. ttc, North-u; mums»: whey - been ttiied up. .thet hum we now; further north, trom the Land at m own my. to the Land d the Little Beaver. Tberld, old causation: are being rehearsed tor the b-tit ot . Indian: .ttdienee.-CVhttrt" ' saw“ puma: CONCLCDED against if: town In: conclusion?! on . d. " was ttiirri'ift,i'iii'ie'iEt ’16 . 88:13: aittuietf nil CSSrtti A. Cream“. P. Lunch and A. Ilen- hoeiar, Va B., tor the tr1ottitr, And! Mean. P. massing“. an)“: Jock-on und William Sch-dot, [or the (idem. The ploiutiil in his evidence admitted hula; refusal I recent ot.. let ot 89,500 tor the him. The wit- nesses tor the puirttitt planed the :ul'uc ot the tarm at $10,000. The de fee witnesses vattrU it a â€.000 to $9,500. In view ofthia evidenec Mr. Clement in summing up. said "50 at the outside was the total mount oi damages to which the planar: was away. 3500 being the Menace be- tween the amount puma! lad relau- et for the tarm a few days Mo and the value at which the witnesses tor the _plaisstitt phat! on the T. In addition to this 1) bill was perkâ€! untitled to 3190 because he had m been me to use seven 1cm ot pasture Ind and mmuo iortholonoinoowwhlch tad been {out it} Dr. Banknote: upon post'mortem 'gnt'rhs.M.ar, to I". died from uthru poisoning. The judge’s sword should not in more thu: this beans: m. Shanta. had ot- mined in his evidence that he had lound no clinically in (ll-pooh; oi Ii. milk, which he sold in large gunm- ties tor use in Berlin, noroi an oth. er products ot his tum. Burma! C. P. Smith. plautttr'a counsel. Md that m. Shut: m en- titled to u and equal to one-third the value ot the tum which, pining the value at 310,000, would be $3,888, and alga lo damages tot the loan ot the cow and the and should include an amount for dnmnge to the seven were: ot puture land tor the put and an indeAnite period in the future. or say a total of twenty you: " '" I you. After Pneu- in" existed for n Ion! "an Ind nttg'gg1gM.1t,gl'll in) the aut- Prt' n "Mr-- I... I ' 'I' Tml1t may: ir/U/hall' tht'; teste - A A7 2idiiiiii' 2,eiifliiii.it :..r" iii-ii w’ - M. P I "a... " 'rlrath'ihiith',15','iaeat (my Allolu'. can. bitumen-db lint mum-3:19». - ... . _n_= -ircii in iilmt mm out tatt' W i'e'1lEili' nun-hon M ."tthrti,h tlii?ittv.te,,tats,, ,St',",ir't'tua ' p. I The cue_ol Aaron E. Shut: When the wt [in]; In! grants to "eternal who Wok up “mo in IMO, I!†und 1870 in dehtttq a! the [roll- k d Dilute, m AIN? “phantom hare been held in they-ace [or Add- mtiol ot the Mann must. the and was “in n th. nm- that who met " tumor with m not amid. The an†ot Hon. Mr. ee', we! It clan an an no at! m In my new. qt. a. prom aid M â€In «an no Med ham July l, ON. vm Ort cum cl "can. at mt TH! W08" KIND -rls t E55". _ -’;!J.‘"’"H ' 1en1ttititi'illillllltr', be â€In“!!! 1 "L mwms ‘33,,“ mum toth. w ttta ' Twin-6mm»! up .3 who but Gold $1.35 up) when than mung 1-1†Mud together mritr,mWs"t 2599 l l . . l , . I 'i)' Manama. 'ikiitiit'fifli "f ii, 'T'.," Manama: titrtrdfliit1i'ttail up: - In; JAIL I900 -"" '" _ . . I Marmara". Dona-n tum: nuns“. ..c. Anon - tum In." - - W. R. â€In; - - " I“ A hoo- - - In‘ I human-.. - mama mm _ 2t: 'aAflir' rm mama: aired it g " moo-tours]: m no; Q row nun 8tst beenâ€? " W, 'tstt, 8 JSJT. ' ; ", fffj‘ noun orGiuamts, lu" , n ' “maul“..wmnmk -*.,. , on“; may " . .31», mm. u. . . #24: union-Ln... ir'. 'hut 3. L M Iâ€. " u in m Bv'lh. In... Pa... 1 . _ . q P. n mun-nun. "f/te “an Cantata. w ',st1.'C11'it Jan-mu. - , '5 A, a WA . “Loo . non-1- m4: 'r-e-d'".'."... Tt on. man- In... 'atra'& Jl'ltd'A"dhuT.rf,t' V '.' :iy mum-9m "mm 13110kath i: ‘ An JIM-o’- of In. _ " lawn: can-aw Lila-.Areldont. and as“ "t Gil". Brynn t2y."y.uey.m.ij oro' Litshil1ty. “do ti.ty â€a Karina hum-am. _ y"eryent".trr L, Ai E: , â€Band hast Comparing»; at Li General Imam; _ 0mm: Gangland-Am lutuul and Cash $rtihi.ti) "tannin-nu. - tum!“ II. Mm. m. JOHN tr ember- . HARNESS SHOP Z melanoma t can, was» or mam. or 812131.411. , ("mint 'tttd _ 'I‘wlrphmm No. all iiifiirr an Bani-Enid ,, ' A†_ Elli $53