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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 8 Dec 1904, p. 6

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'ili)lilgiitiit, a...“ an, _ 1 " , iL-'uet,"-tIrer."i- _iiiiiiiiiiiii', -' WM " mud-Wm. " “m I», ”attain“ (1'th './biggrt1':"f."g'.' iettd rm, . - m - I'M-“"- w,'., and». w. nus-M'- tot a. council. The amnion ue: l "raGailrsmas the. EMU“ - ft My. Md “I. humanist autumn mum-Ibe- ' t",,e"t2irlrglltla','TJlt mttrnrtt& mu milk. MM _ “It. to an: mm: . I “human-ma.- l . tN',taTht',lget.t'iist. jp . 't=it=Wh'.','a, If" “WMV‘I” _!."bv'|d~‘lh. theta.“ . .. - ot Inch» all Wt roan-men _ d. “my; a no man. V“ at Pluto- “I Vin... “An. L To” d WiBttot and Villa” at NOV Hunting. t. TM. ot Usual” and Town ol Until”. It April. 1004, a: madman in - to we laid»! Act which an: "hs can the councils at u me W at as [on] municipdma within . county. try teloluuon to be 1. row-up ot Woolwich and vu up 0! mm. M “d Ated with the County Clerk on or More the that any ot October in any you preceding . you In which a general election oi county Mien would tnke place under this art, shell so main, the County Council shall submit to the vote of the mankind electon ot such county . Ivy-low deeming that thereafter the council ot nueh county slull be com- posed of the reeves ot townships and villus all the moyors ot towns not meted iron the county, instead ot repreeentetives ot the county council divisions constituted under this Act." In cue well br-law receives the aB- eent ot ' majority of the electors, it than not be necessnry to hold an election oi county councillors in such county, but the county council tor the iollowing you, and thereafter, shall he composed of the reeves oi all the townships and villages in the county, and the mnyors ot all towns not sep- nnted from the county ior municipal purposes. We how not heard ot more than one county in the province of Ontario which has availed itself of the privileges granted under the amended Act, which shows that the county council division system is giv- " pretty genernl satisfaction. When the division system was first advo- cated it was argued that the reduc- tion in the number ot members ot the county council enacted by this method would greatly reduce the indemnity} usually demanded by these bodies (or? services. This contention, however _ he not held good to any extent ini, Waterloo County, as the time 1erotn' ed to holding sessions of council has' in some instencee increased to an ex- tent trutbrient to nearly make up tor any pin that may have been effected by the decrease in the number oi members by about 50 per cent. The elliclency ot the body may be said to be well up to the .verege. as com- pared with councils composed of the reeves ol the muaicipalities under the old system. THE RAKE-OFF AT Toronto Star. There ere people in this country who thought the members at the Home at Commons were extrevagnnt what they voted on increese in their national indemnity trom the old tig- ure ot $1,000 to $1,500, where it now “de, the Senators receiving the sums unions] Indemnity. At Washington the law makers rate their services more generously. Both Senators and members ot Congress draw n sessions] indemnity ot 85,000 end millage at the rate ot ten cents per mile to and trom home each ses- don. Each Sender has a printe sco- tetu'y drums 81.500 & year, and ouch Cowman has his secretary drawftttr $1,300. In addition there is e ”and dlowuyoe ot 3125 tor stu- tlonory. It is needless to My Int in 3;}..8 "senators, and WNW Conn-men, appoint member: ot “I on [unmet In their secretar- in. When the Canadian member ot Pu- llman and: how the representatives ot tho people at Wuhlngton indemnity ugqttaehes tor their outlay in tuning tho Mic he mm “wonder at his m ntodemtion." With ul the nary a! I Cabin“ mm II mm more in the min! Indemnity at I pri- an umber At WuMngton. No In” My m min watch! at 'm, but. on the other hand, M II A bit Ctoatr-tuted in her re ”no: ot public men. mu wmmo IS BUPIISIDID A while high speed menu“: ms ha been invented " a I. Mil luny, who chin;- an 'ttsas-tsau-Hoo. the In Wt " the lane "a - It. may. mugged): d WASHINGTON IGitriiriu+ ‘.Iol£l - CI to _ntl0nhd“ iiCiriuiiFfihiaato+t'r" bunch. MAI-II...“ uni-nub”. as.» . an raMd an Nova . man.- as. a! cumin-mind tho iiuirieddie-ertttseef' the who. Th third 're any!“ ttt '" an ttt l . htt"hf ti'.re4,tit,t drive. " u mm ”that an -., m any gun a. lined " one“. has 12x my be “and " Mug than elect to the - ot m roll-o! music In " automatic pm. - " in that cu. the retention- no the can at tho notes om _ ad tho who his; pr , no In tin we at this tantrum-t. the per- lontod we u the can at thetypo- "in: In” going don and the hun- wl contain; the letter- striking the WA» tom and producing Mr m uni word). a-uttt-uotth-.or9.u Mummt, provided it be ultimately loud to come up to -tatiorur- would be A great loving ot time, u 3 wire would be capable ot carrying tour or ttvo times: u may words n " present. end - - would consequently he require!) to perform the work. Any person eble to operate The doctrine of munlclpel ownership which Ins lately gained such popular- ity throughout this country, is gen- erally based upon the idea that the public have been imposed upon by the corporations who have owned and op- erated public franchises. The idea has also been indulged in that 1 better service could be obtained by the own- ership and operation ot public utili- ties try commissions elected by the ratepayers than could he had by pri- vate corporations or individuals. There can be no reasonable objection to municipalities running their own street railways, owning and operating their own electric and gas punts, and operating their own waterworks it they desire to do so. But thnt this change is going to be a cure tor all the ditrieulties and disappointments to which the public are linble can scarce- ly be borne out by experience. The only possible benefit that can reason- ably be expected in this regard must result trom the electing ot commis- sions composed oi sound, practical. ttxr-sighted men who will devote time and talent yto the management ot lee: utilities. It this is not done, ,municipal ownersnip will he a. failure. FtriGhiter a. crux-nit mm" by the Murruy system. When a child shows symptoms at eroup there is no time to experiment with new remedies, no matter how highly they may be recommended. There is one preparation that an al- ways be depended upon. It has been in use [or many yarn and has never been known to tuit, viz: Chamber- Inin’s Cough Remedy. Give it and a auick cure is sure to lollow. Mr. M. P. Compton, ot Mzrket, Texas, says ot it: “I have used Cturmberlain's Cough Remedy in severe use: at croup with my children, and can truthfully say it always gives prompt relief." For sale by all druggists. SYNOD MEEI‘ING AT TAVISTOCK A CERTAIN CURE FOR CROUP Stratford, Nov. 30.-The Western Conference oi the Canadian District of the German Evangelical Lutheran Synod ol Missouri, is in session in Wellington street church, Tnvistock. The ministers present ore Rev. L. Ward, ot Tavistock; Rev. Messrs. L. Andres, Desboro; H. Battenburg, Kurtzvillc; W. Boesc, Berlin. H. Dorn, Humbertrtomr, R. Ellen, Dash- wood; T. Eix, Fisherville, N. Frey, Stratford; P. Granpner, Elmira; H. B. Oldenburg, Wtrrttrurg; 3 I've Thun, Mitchell; W. Weinbach. Setrringvslle; H. Ltndsky, Brodhngen; J. Loxnm, Humbenlone. "fiGrri." Elton was elected chur- mm and Rev. J. Loasner secretary; Adm-ease: were given by Rev. P. Gnupner and Rev. H, P. Oldenburg during the daemon, md the Rev. G. Than delivered an ontion on Heb thew n1 Pun in the stomach and ducks ot the colic come on no Mdenly ma no lo extremely p-iulul mu. immed- iah relief must be mum. There in no tseeessltr of lending for . doctor in such an. it . bottle ot Chamber- lain's Colle, Cholen ud 01mm Bandy b a but]. No doctor can prmerttre . better medicine. For ale by d! annals“. I073“! AND troN POUND DEAD ll H008! AT aALY. brain Into the hon- of In. Junc- has on Sync. and. have. I all ' o'dock Sammy night. In. labor gnaw-“Goon. can" "though. and. Thank only o-trode-tro-ith.-'"- Inc-It. “tn-Madurai Indium-broomcon-GVAI- “mstm-n-oudud.d- tera-att-ion.-- “hummus-noth- -rret-ettaqrrptttetrMrt.Aa murmur“! It“ nun-a- "g-qrd.-ae86ee6.,arv 'lffffN'AlMntrrauti tNut. q-hat-att" I - ”ht. an. the. 5.40.” ol gone: Ge. MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP. MUST BE QUICK w _ “.7 ll - T r tsd . 3.. tin. inn-until!!!“ h mme-WQ‘Q te?r't1s'lli'fhih'iih', ‘53 with a. Pgoetrttt" as an - an In our 5mm emu. HM - te the -taragd, gm l duatt u mu an a - in lemma u, a], In BMW, Mass, "I “I tMor Fa an - W. W- ttey a “to non my. tor no do- - m h - b - at Mt a! wall at“. V", on the “is but. my mare" [in no conform”, not. mm the pe- vdenoe ot Mum Into "mat. so wholuonely. The" no I0 luxu- iia'iraidd in per-onu- Ito-- can heat I: ttata-tad ot, an the 9..., fp, "t i- W! "N- “I "Bur., nu III II ml] luv-I, - Bot at W Ila, was ulc- " keep the many We the only Mr. tiu at an unmask m. " you would lave um but ad teat; you mun no out at doom and In]: then-um. "ninth-Apt“. mum you an up” on n ma. run- an» out ot doom it u tar was than to sit covering over the gum. which has enough to do in keeping it» all ,mrm.-.Hanmr's Equine. , year 1850, nod in therdore tortr-he yen: ot Me. He was educnted at Lgmpeter Gallium: School nnd St, Duid's College. Lampeter, $NItttt, and graduated from Oxiord Univer- sity with the degree ot Enter ot Arts. He took honors in clmlcs in the Moderntions 6131!}... end honors in theology on his Mala. He was ordained n deacon in Ad- vent ot 1885 by the late Colquhoun- Campbell, Bishop of Bangor, and served as curate ot Flestenoig, Wales. He was ordained n priest in 1886 end a year Inter came to this country to accept the position oi prolensor ot classics and mnthematlcs " Huron College, in London, which once he held until 1892, teaching also theology and hnving a wide influence tor good in his connection with the University. Archdeacon Williams, y Slnuotd, the new Bishop ot the Diocese ot Huron, wu born in Wales in she NEW BISHOP or BUBOX DIOCESB During his term there he was for a year usistant preacher at the Chit ter House and for three years he was special preacher at St. Paul‘s Cathed- ral under the late Dean lanes. In the year 1892 the late Bishop Baldwin appointed him to be rector of St. James' church in Stratford, in succession to the late Canon Patter- son. He has been irrStruttord ever since, where he has done splendid "r- vice, St. James' church being to-day one ot the loremost in the Diocese in every respect, a fact that is due more than anything else to the untir- ing zeal of the incumbent. In Stret- lord he is beloved by all his parish- oners and respected by all classes in the city (or his broadmindedness and Hilde charity. In Synod circles he has always been a power, his influence widening end deepening with each successive year. Nearly always ot late years he has headed the polls in Synod elections, showing that. his lellow workers in the church have not been slow to recognize his merits. It is eorstidently expected that the Bishop-elect will make a_most capa- ble administrator ot the audits ot the diocese, his keen mind having a tine gnsp ot business matters. As 1 pul- pit orator he is widely known, his sermons being profoundly spiritual, Ieminently churchly and deeply evan- gelical. He is regarded as in every way a moderate churchmen. and " such is acceptable to all classes in the Diocese. Bishop Williams was married in 1888, his wile being Alberta E., a daughter of the late Hannibal Bur- well, London, Out. He Is the lather of a lamily ot six children. Montreal Witness. Oi the deliverance, ot the Ontario Coturervtrtive convention, which ioi- lowed mm upon the Liberal one At Toronto, the most important wns that endorsing the attitude ot the Conservntive leader: on the principle ot public ownership, nod approving the Ingestion oi Mr. Whitney in his letter. Ot almost equnl interest vs: the renniotion adopting the propoul ‘oi Mr. Whitney for the continent or legislation for the settlement ot labor diagmtm. On the [object ot temper- nnco, the convention In: vogue. " recognize- that ‘nhnnen exirt in con- nection with the liquor tune," “d pinned itseli on record "n being in lull nympnthy with All well-directed} - to pronoun mayor.” one] morn! reiorrn." There in no pthoring ot liquor men tint will not uy that much. I. m told that Mr. Whitney cloned the (30-th with A “ring- ,iu" _ claiming that victory "raabattoemt_utrCotraer't" 'ttt banner. it it should do no, " will give the Con-crud": o clues to put into mace their virtuou- M. - Motto-scoo- than. ham. on than do not pro in“. now-ditto “ministration. a __ 'llt4"llu7'l,t sou Col-chm" journals no re rum; mm - by Hon. Gee. Jrtaii-aeotit_omrotrtrt Int o. UM a mm: -tidette lawman-um humbly. ijihi_typtNtrtrPyeft AN INDEPENDENT OPINION WA“! TACTICS! dining“! M 'em- h when» II " Z 'itt?tii! 03%. . 1'I - I303 M we at. glare b the vcl! _ tll al',d'l " Pt. a m' I Jr - on Sin-hm Uth, lot thr Jr'llr, ot hold-g mu. u e Crown Memorial and up! oqdatBiaq It. Arthur Cull-u. B. A., a Genoa. In well Inland circlu, however, it is new". that the con- wcnuon will in uranium Inter. " out». In“... has. “in ad “any Mud. than I: ”this; no good a CttarnbV Pain Ban. lynch. the would. and not can did Mn: and from pun. but - a. ”no to Mal in About on AMe'q an tune resulted " on ml tqeet. A: " I: u “mac. att W tron Mood when“; is “old- " So'd by alt draw-u. uesveersssanttmeuthoariritett the hay that one. dominated him, " never entirely dies out. In the coldly oommerchl mu, when idol in an dollu mare, m boy I'm: lie. dor- mun. but it in them, humble”, "deatttyer-dititisotttr- peaked to in the right '31. At this, tmchrhtmu won. every mu I d try to target his stern eel! and Mehoy again. One at the res- taint: end let the hay-neture‘ hue htlt sweep, for this it what Longfel- w’ould cell "the chUdren'I hour." The nun who does not pin I'ey ell "iltistutesss and live the wide at the Christmu time is en enemy to him- selt end to society. Let tho merry Christmas spirit be unanimous. - From “Vest Pocket CoMdenees," in Four-Tuck News tor December. A primny election bill has just hem “opted in Wisconsin. lhe ad- vantage at this bill is the doing .wey; with nominuing convention alto- gether. tht pretsetttstion ot . teertiti-, one signed by the requisite number! at voters, the name at the cmdidete’ desired is placed by the ma otBciM- ly on . ticket lot the purpose ot the primary eletction. This primary elec-' tion is held under regulation ot low in polling booths, opened gt the reg- alar polling places. in which the men- ner ot Voting is the “me " in a general election. Alter the polls close the vote... to be counted and re- turns ma ' exectly u " 1 general election, And the man who hm the largest number ot votes tor each ot- Mb is the nominee ot his party for that ottiee, No person. in this prim- ary election, is allowed to vote tor two candidates, but the voter is not obliged to declare an dilution with Any party.- With its lundemental provision tor doing away with nomi- nating conventions the operntion ot this new law will be watched with interest " is " natural for g girl not to be natural as tor a chicken not to like swimming. ,, . his judgment -__ i " cm Khardiy ever mare moner easier than by Bot investing it on For Thin Babies Fat is of great account to a baby; that is why babies are fat. If your baby is scrawny, Scott's Emulsion is what he wants. The healthy baby stores as fat what it does not need immediately for bone and muscle. Fat babies are happy ; they do not cry; they are rich; their fat is laid up for time of need. They are happy because they are comfortable. The fat eur- rounds their little nerve, and cushion- them. When (they are many those nerves are hurt at every ungentle tpuch. They delight in Scott's Emul- Mon. It is as sweet an wholeeome to them. AN ElEBGENCY [80101112 PRIMARY ELECTION LAW loadhrlnom IDs-nudity..- hour-domino... -oeeT', - d ”In" In " I I. lanai-52!: This is an increase ot 12.0 per cent. Mn [our yen". This seems urge, end it in luge; but New York in egrent city end is jut now in A late ot trnneition and reconstruction which 'inevitably (all: lor increased expendi- ltures, to he met mostly by inning .honds, but Involving nieo intranet! iteration. in the tour years trom 1900 to 1904 the expenditure ot the Feder- el Government increased 9.1 per cent. but in this computation the payment tor the Penguin Cruel was deducted. Still, that we: rensoneble ior purpos- es ot comparison a the Penm- Cen- nl payment Wu ot the some nature _ u the pnyments tor the subway. The F nation made the tanner by taking the ’1 money let its surplus ot previous . years, while the city paid tor the let- ;ter by increasing its indebtedness. Wall Street Journal. New York. The Idiom compact H: eihr bunt ot I.“ I“. the city My: In tMW.-- 1001 1005 Increue A comparison ot the budget at 1904 with that ot 1901 shows the iollowing ittcreasetr:-- Interest on public debt m.. ...$4,708,501 Redemption of debt PF' FF. ... 3.068.629 Education department ... ... 1,985,198 Fire department ._.... ....F. ... 1.103.815 Street cleaning ...... ...... ... 445.790 Police ..__.. ...... ....r. ...... ... 92,157 Chnritable institution ... ... 80,238 Interest on public debt m.. ...$4,708,501 Redemption of debt PF' FF. ... 3,068,629 Education department ... ... 1,985,108 Fire department ._.... ....F. ... 1,103,815 Street cleaning ...... ...... ... 445,790 Police ..__.. ...... ....r. ...... ... 92,157 Cheritehle institution ... ... 00,238 Some idea oi the immensity of the cost ot the city government mar be obtained by the [allowing comparison ot the 1905 budget with the expendi- ture of a number of governments:- New York City ... ..r ......$110,525,i59 Canada ... ..r... ...... ...vFP... 50,759,000 China ._.... ..__r. Fe.... ....w_8.. 71,896,500 Jepen, in pace w....' ..,.t.. 132,895,000 Netherlands ...... P..... ..__.. 61,468,000 Belgium _..... .r.... ..m.r. ._t... 116,500,000 It is only in compuison with the great world powers, like England, France, Germany, Russia and the United States that the expenditures ot New York City seems small. It costs about as much to defray the expense ot this c:ty u it does those at the second-rue powers ot the world. It has been aid That the city is in' e state of transition and recotttVacs tion. This has necessitated vest (X- penditures for new public works surh es the suhwey. bridges, etc. This work ot reconstruction is try no means completed. The luture growth and commercial supremacy oi the city Ile- pend on n continued policy ot liberal expenditures for public improvements. ‘Theee expenditures cannot be made', without incurring municipal indebted-l nose. At present the city he: an nip-i parent. mergin ot new indebtedness oi more than t100,000,000, but A veryl large proportion is already pledged tor works begun or enthorieed. The necessities oi the not in: diltent ttt. ture will have to be met try en in- crense in real astute venetian: or also: . ehnstge in the constitution! debtl limitation: TEE COSTO‘ AGIEAI (HY A pretty melding was cclchnted M the home cl Mr. gm! Mrs. August Braids, Silver Heigbu,Hespe1er,Thuo thy uttemoon u. 3.30, vlen their fourth dataetter,rk,trerante the. wile or Charla Roche, ot Plant Rev. Ado" Eggers, of the “than! church, In the mum; clergyman. and the mic-y took pine: In the parlor, whkh wu nicely decanted with alt-7m [that my my“. min Baum. om. Pvt-ml an "up eh: were In “mum. Miss Run "MM tturtd My???“ IBM; The kit VM “and in vital!» It. om, with trimmings at amm- ered who, Valencia-u haula- III M rim. A with ot (”In complaint " him. In unl- Bnkt. liner of the um. cu inun- Icld. when: - ll . mum I. pl. an. in.“ viii db"? " man out; in Anne”!- Al2"l,'i'A%ul'llrJt'l an barman-955,, _ ___-wr- with brain will be an mum in “and“. epoch!" h the [Auburn and, vine, it“. but. A m- Meat analog. ',ti'tlel t,1'iiii1iiiit-.( 1tthattAtill3lhlllh'li w - - -'-iv invitptg'ou cu. ”OD"! DYDlE BROS. at: inim- my 1 KING mar ROOKEy-BRErC" I " h I“ -- ”Io-1'0 ttti ”8,1”,418 110,515,350 813,424,840 “magma“... 'omwbphmw Mam-ulna sawmuuumi unexcugumLNatmm '""'"+t"C nun-1 drum-unnumm muuwm‘ non-om t-.ui,,ic-u-arii"i'"ii Thumbnail-um In" Cunt-mu 8100: Tooo 00., 1‘0an, Orr] 1hanloanmr---1uddtth_-ed'uqruHtar. . '” I 'ouror"ottulottutr-snotkedirteirii. IQ:- .., 5: your STOCK FOOD to than humming-"mantis. I " . Tiny went out in BETTIE CONDITION than the mt _ “E; V " numbed. ,lslnofodsommlo-omdlpigumd fig". ltr, P, malts. Whhing your Stock Food - -., I rennin 3: NI - You" very truly. ' . 1": . (Signed) JONATHAN trm Mi I I SIMEON GINGRIOH; In tttder to save oursubscribe'rathe trouble ot makingtwo or move f: ate remittances we have made 5 cal arrangements with the pu- . . Bl, which we are enabled to offer ll: following publications in , v, i with The Chronicle-Telegraph,for one year ttt specimly low rates, 'tlil" clubbing rates with all other Canadian and American mtsspFtii'; Lt _ r magazines quoted on application. _ ' C,is:5. lil Chronicle-Telegraph deeekl Globe.......... ...... .. " " "2‘3 I tJhrorueurNe-grat* end Weeké Hail Orrttt premium) 1 " an; 1Jhm.yicieTeirmirh and ‘1’me Herald and “Weekly . - wr.r', dtlt “nun-nouhuumcdm Sm (with '2r,"'dtr'ka ...... .... .... .... ..... l N, ”-1-; btj',T,), Chronicle-Telegraph and mum advoum (IOIII)) .. t?.rikrs'] :rg‘ga 'rtarostichrTetiestrrnph And Moaatamdl Weekly “limes...” I U, ly' V 'r",'-", “i, Chmmic1esqeleimsitlt and Farming worhiorith Winn) l 1. _ J,t 5'h' , Otuoetieu-TMeirraptt Ind Weettg Sun Os tom Wg'lllllr. l " _:J‘a,§§ $1hronkW-Niraph and Counlry ll. ntlemtn . .. .. . . . . . I O 12:: FieR C3hmmicierNetirairtt and may (Hahn... ...... .... .... 4 . Edges. GhronieleTueireiPh and Toronto Dairy bun"... .... l " 35,1}: CJtcNtnietjleirrttitts Ind Toronto Daily World . . . . .. . . .. 8 (I . ”13“”?- ptuomele-7Mrgraph and Toronto Dnily Mail ... . .. ... . .. ' " J 'Nir‘: Chrort_'Nleirrsptt and Toronto Evening Mail.. .. .... tt I ' ik'ial Chmniclo-Telogrnph and Tampa) Du’ly Bur... .. ... .V t " f "a? iiM, '?ttroruutier-Tet-ptt And Northern Houseman... ..... l a :9 . Cash must accompany all orderm, Links mum by " ' ' , Note, Registered Utter or Expreu Order to _ Ill' DAVID BEAN, "ttter/laid, Dr. Helium, ot Arr, m unmou- el to the vicinity a a. win. who! noun. no“ time anon-out 0! an an... Int Mostdar, M a an: m in. so My W an death and I In Mun but. The mum in n Home! can oi It. 1:! In. Ab. Burn-h “I m 'ttabttr can tere out A LITTLE CHILD WAS BURNED TO DEATH It ”pan the. In. Burbnkn want on lot . My min-mu, hull-g as non loot on a! the child phyla. "ttuttheettrte. brunette-tho mu. one and the broom Into an “on ad puma " out ml- alt “has. The result mmu- I cut-math poor Mun m My maul an. the limo babr's In. and In! his; horribly tut-l b- lot. a. “I pull-I uh- mt ‘m Be. loun- “I uh! it La“! w M. the ht. ”In. a (an 'a't'U'tl,', It _ . 't “all“ V'.. . ' . Fattening of Live Stat Iiirviu" nah JoueGie- --v F W, _ :3 " price. mm. wut In“ F 32;: “3%"- yon. TRY us. l: E ai; . tron PIP...‘ nmm bud Valvu- of on _tkrtstfM1eta In. 'e, “no. modulo. the 'titt - In town. a?” “that”. b,:; #95; Win ”new: ad 1 kinds of Hardware kept In out no Egg, sid w [atom-horns: nouns. _ .. 2 . _ Now In the proper dull. to put In Plumbin‘ and Ham 3 Mit l witibeN-idtotrtvqro-tltrsate. 1/33, mum-nu. sud ' sworn I Want. r L' I , P110?" m, --..-C9C9_, 'BateMIk " 5" _' €59 S. SAUDER a CO; GHEAP READING FOR 1905. Can be done better with CL-tati-ca-r/aj..],..]...,., STOCK POODMM Wing: J?t, "rrtmtmineattehttnritrStr_tsttrt_irr 13‘" All Wise Feeders m using CLYDBSDALE STOCK FOOD beans: it is sold under a Positive Guarantee of Satisfaction . . . - BOLD m WATERUK) BY - Flour and Feed on “01:“!!th . "wie' their live nook. In” ”an _ torqorrurtttmrpast- H draw an: tor the no a! “it tie tron an and. . “80m week- LTiE Cj2irr, 00 'rica will“! vague: TALC I, VIII TC] v4K,Ctf all contacted In." uh. --_ 'r.', mum develops! mom . E; 's, "NtTMTNSMi'.."i ,W +. symptoms," up Ir. " l . ', ". m, 15i In» Latin. Ina _. . And join. an“. I‘D Js, i: =r2l TM2i2] LLL, Cr "r. iiiF) amt.” W- Tii" C'r22 'Cdr? ti . . =rc lady. I“. I 1 S Eurasian. EEE it Ci, _ aT, A Ri t " no. can“ ‘ 1Urt cam' B. 't'ir. amp QUICKLY (noon-o one hid-Z. I"! u! 'xila.polp|uh momma- lg hum-f“- Aunn, arr. Jun C tod other rttl'."tCtg "ducal In print. 0 " _ Le“ nat_d to 02393-22 I III "Itmtt8 SCI!“ mu . tre " Clue rum“ Waterloo, Out. p., {miunn I” V I] an)“ " not..." tot) minim) 1% and)" I“ . ..... zoo ........ " ..._.... an ......., " ...'.... " ....- t% ,IFI 5L.: $533: guru. F'th'-

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