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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 8 Dec 1904, p. 5

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Eip'""" m. In. - :, Th0 met. ll VOIjAVI TI! ~61 , . a: l ' 'd,h,tptatt"d,3, 'ttAf""' , la may muo- nod bountiful on”. Jun an in; Arr I Xma- tht u Dtss. n’. Drug sure. An Mm nod DH!“ "on IN up no to and tii) pa: in m... bovltt's Drug more WA I‘ERLUO - - ONT. The Wntcrloo Park Board held I muting Friday evening and passed n h account; Xmu gifts M. Ziek's Shoe Home. Ducting has JUST RIGHT hams and baton to nutty you. WWW Our rubbers pinch neither your toes not your pocket. Ziegler: Family Shoe Store. Our slippers are right from Sum Cllus' pack. Ziegler, the slipper king Berlin's best shoe store. Good shoes cost more than others, hit like the hornet, they're all right in the end! Ziegler's sell the good "kind. . 'lh? " u..l Sunday SL1: ,ol enter- ultrveat of the 11aterloo Methodist church will be he d Due, 23rd. Columbia graphuphones and records, lb best in the world, prices from " . 8100 tech. E. J. Roos, use“. "td419..per bottle, at Devitt's store. H. Wellein is placed " shipping clerk with the Breithaupt Leather Co. He is tt.student ol the Berlin Business College. Only on: store in town that the genuine Kant Krack and stub proof rubbers. Ziek's Home. Ebony hair brushes, cloth brushes hat brushes, and nail brushes, i. [use Variety u Ihwitt's drug store Waterloo. ans perfumes in ttutey boxes st MV., 15c., Mr., 50c., 75c. up to " The members ot Germania Lodge not in their hall Thursday evening lit] the Inge number present spent 'r Iolt enjoy-Me time, q Mor enjoyed I pleasant skate in the rink Monday evening. There will it skating again this evening. The he is in good condition. l" The more delicate odors in perfumes in min the most popular. You will U the newest odors of the best “an n, Deviu's drug store. The mill dam is now solid enough tor shun; and no doubt many wil, tn.“ themselves of the pleasure of Mn having n skate upon it, f: Splendid line of Hockey shoes at “a Poplin Boot Ind Shoe Store. Be one you see ours betore buying else rm. Prices to suit everybody. _.§"KNANTS WANTED, can mow in- ' our empty shoes u once. Rent, . C. o.--tor out: only. Ziegler't “who county's great shoe house V' IB. _ de'll strike I lplendid display of h'l Women's and Children's fancy yum if you call now at ILO l'upu- It! Boot and Shoe Store, l r [has r~ tam-mm 'yt.rii! Inn-l - I n ”madam. ?i'tfrl"l'faWll'llt'l'lit b. I‘m 'l'J2laPt."z,1','tt ”W's lot- ot trash Bold under the) t'i'ii ot mbbptx. You'_ll be sale it 2 h “Ombyu” to be Ind only‘ I t9e Popular Boot and Shoe store, ll, , pip" pt the Wlurloo Method- , “not "rill be occupied morning _ l F ‘3 In: and” (Der. um N .," . a. human. B. n, ot ' 'tret clmxch, Guelph - KA' Mpprl, ot Wnl‘tertcn, called q 'fPP, In Waterloo Monday. He l ‘ . MM is! ttad [uslbigh- l u to: m p. at wce'z. and ll P? My balm ia suv lop. r MI mm. - thbmonein m.- " l tr. No other mnc M w an ”punch n In _ ‘ m power or moon» , T-T E, J. Root. jeweler, H iaailad "e"e" 'i‘firiinhod on a PERFUMES .. ”Human Ann-rung Local News. M In lumbemen'a rub- “ b all be! kind that -, . [but in... nulls. Every ‘ - In! gnu-mused. an: in note, the INSURANCE. tr JI, ”unmlynhm I’mmwo‘m atom-mom ‘AJ.mm,m ,“O-Hmuy- among; sells King Shor drug QtAtW6Yutntrarttqtg.i.ttt qeth.tthee.tato-tstVts. 'htadaateteehtethr-uei,Er hum.u-nlmm Luna. unawa- Anion-a. Thu-Hull in“ nun-got At pm. a 9. Fa-ttoat church ”mil-unbia- an (unmhuhnpuw tr.-AMetrmr.mttag,msarmmta" tt,t2NuitMt:i.id.tu'."t; imam» .II.Rmn,ol Quinn. , The Woman Ill-tone" Sade” tte m munch M.tttodiat mum. held . mun; " the home ut Mun Hein: Buektterrough, Berlin, on 'twrsdat a t- “noon. Interesting pups“ tere ma during the Altemoon concerning the work which they were doing, site-r which reheahmenta were served. The meeting proved i most prohtaun rm A ringing whoa! was commenced in Wnurloo on Slinky evening under the direction ot Mr. Poker Shape ot Berlin. Meetings will be held in the Mennonite church, Erb street, every Saturday evening, not including but Sunni". Dec. 10th. The turn out n the opening meeting In luge end I succeed!“ eerie- is looked ionvnrd to. May M's mum] man, u- titled, “n. Comm a a. In..." will be xiv.- by the You; Lulu' Chou! Clam Haunted by I unit: at was was. on My evening. December Mth. Tho chom- mint. ot between ttttr All any voices, and ttaa has Mn; lor some than un- der the leadership ot [In Bean. In response to n numher ot requests' the session: ot Mock Puligmenti which were held in the Waterloo Methodist church last winter will bel continued. Beginning with Januury, until April, regain sessions will be held, And " they were & source ot much profit, both educationally and otherwise, they will no doubt be well attended, The sessions will be open to all gentlemen. l During the last week alone, the Berlin Business College has Ind tour calls for ottice help trom the best tirrmg ot Berlin sud Waterloo. Still mother call cams trom one ot the large business colleges of eastern On- tario for one of our students to act as teacher of the lsmous Gregg Short- hand. Business education pays. Our prospectus is sent tree to my ad- dress. W. D. Euler, Prin. The hand painted china displayed at this store is I. source of pleasure to the ladies to examine; they advertise it cheerfully by letting their friends know ot its beauty. We hare the same in two designs, and it you hove not been informed by your frter.d of these nice goods, come at your culi- est leisure. Geo. Hasetttiug, City Grocery and Chins Hall. " . lady and gsntleman were driv- ing past the little park " the corner ot King and William streets Sunday naming, the horse suddenly took right of . passing street car, upset- a; the rig. “to p;u':ky dri er, hogs :xer, held u: to the linrs aut pie (mud a runawny. Except tor the wat ot the buggy being broken, no damage wss done. Bo'tt occupants 1eceeded in getting out and escaping njury. The Piltaburg Hockey Club has e I trying to get "Grindr" For- .csler, formerly of Weterloo. At Hamburg Monty he was slated to play a wing, trt did not show up nd it is thiughc ht “I” refuse to tease the old Dominion to play in he lengue. The sure given the Can dial: amateurs the other day prob .th is the cause of his staying at home, in the opinion oi Manager Mc- Swign. The regular weekly mullet Sutur- lay morning was well attended. But- ter sold at 20c. lt and eggs at 300. , doz. Vegetables or all kinds were decidedly scarce. A good supply of npplea WA: on hand and sold u cur- rent prices. Fowl n usuzl wu to be had in my quantity, with prices rul- ing nbout the same as un week. A few loads, of wood were “so on the mukehthe prices paid being actor-d- lng to qutllty. In the report at the serious accl- dent which betel Mr. Hugh Trainer in Inst. week's Issue ot the Chronicle. Telegnph It wu stated um. the broncho of Mr. W. (“mister viciously kicked him. Such was not the case, however, u u eye-witness autos that " Mr. Tums: we: shoeing the mind the has suddenly slipped from his yup uni In dome mnnner the horse‘s hoot struck him on the knee. injuring it " reported. A horse attached to one ot Mr. Wm. Hou'l ml um: Md I tuner lively time Monday evening “on Mx o‘clock. tt - “at the lone Inner! nay from Mr. "ogg" ynd on NI own would m n he got oppodte Berkt'l more, was undecided whether to go straight on down Ertt street or mm on In (rout of Devlu'! “on. He - took the latter toad and in " hurry turned the runny! ard him" up- Mde down, landing the m Ill! scum; madly tangled up. It not qttite a while, louver, to perm me but to m up. um I! Rh ooh-ed no gnu-u hm. ue ttmat to tr" ttp, “ml“ " 'e. In. June- E. Graham, who in mm. BO - tnttrrr. but conducting n groan but." In All tears In wuulm “MAI-under Hm block. 'Nterhto, “to” ot terrmiag . city mu. m lot-on an am, into“ “Mo was“: to In! a.“ - tothe It. In: Urn-4t. ot Wuhan. It. Wank). Rink c-r. " the Onw- mu to and. In Imu- am My b will“ to cont-.100 mm m m. an. will. “mung,” g. "ia-tuit-Te'. In"! Incub- mu ”and.“ an.“ “Milo“ ttraexdM, 75*!”an ”hmmhmur 'd"a?thtNU21", 0.1.5. manual!» -o.tt.a.a" ”gr tl,1utt,."gttit'gtrfa't F"! t! ”9!”. “it! __._ 't tft1eutftt.tt.t an an. Aaa its. mama-loo. huh-am an ”new yuan Mon-mac!; "octah- . men-M man, I" "tth-et-re... umub'llh-A. "00;. MLMMELE qt 1eaif.rrveSiit if}: Iblhic-Nov that!“ d d cl huh 'toerArtsan Jab Damn ...... A. a. new M. Stu-I: bunt potatoes. __ ' M. Weichol a Son, annulled kettle, enumelled my kettle, dish, colee pot, tea pot. A. E. Sanderson, box pickles, mm “he. TOWN COUNCIL The "gull: monthly meeting ol the Weterloo Town Council was held on Monday evening. All the members were present, Mayor UtrelmaBn in the chair. The minutes ot the previous session were read and adopted. not Hands ...- "o. Nichol ...... ... J. B. Huh. ...... ' J. I. an: ...... .... J. c. mum m..... Jun. B. Suit: ..___ John Koala ...t.. WIIW Shunt: F.w... DIV/id Bean ...$.. _.. Dr. Walter Wells . W. H. Rudd] .___ F . .. Duid C. Kan. ..._.. ...Ptq Bucket a Nobel, sheeting A. E, 1mm, brushes und comb: ...... ...... .._... ...... ...... 5 00 Chu. Mucus: ...... ...... ..F-.. ... I M A trtmd, I hm, " In, A friend. 1 Ink tttmr. . In. Chas. Proeliett, 1 In pluml. t in pickles, g dos." [sci cldthl. _ James, Scott. 2 pairs bath towell. Mp. I. W. Wells, 1 hunt Applet, l Mr. Abs, Memes, Mr. August Sch.. wartz and Mrs. Mary Selle appeared before the council in reference to closing Weber street. The matter wu deterred until Dec. 15th, the council to meet on Thursday evening to fix price ot the street in use the Water- loo Mtg. Co. succeeds in buying All the properties ndjncent to Weber St. Mr. Bechtel petitioned the council to grant permission to the Preston, Berlin and Waterloo St. Ry. Co. to build n switch to his prick yud. Several residents on Park street per titioned against building ot switch. A by-lnw wns passed granting permis- sion to build the switch along Perk street end scross John and Allen street: to Mr. Bechtcl’s property. Mm. Strum asked . Mum! ot taxes paid tor cement uldewnlk along side her property. The matter was referred to the Board ot Works. Links“ Gnyhill claimed damages nmou ingé to 815 tor a horse that tell into . open sewer ditch on King street. in “it. at Mr. Woeller'l pro- perty. The atter Wu referred to the Bond of Works. The council then adjourned to meet in special session on Thursday Seegt- ing, Dec. 15th, " eight p.m., when all accounts mun be handed in. SUCCESS OF A WATERLOO BOY Woodstock papers lust to land con- tain very complimentary notices ot the concert given in that city Friday evening, in which Mr. F. W. Wegea- est, an old Weterloo boy, who is now following s musical career, wee the moving spirit. The Sentinel-Review has this to "r-That music oi the hrat quality yet commends the en- coursgement ot the people oi Wood- stock wu proven by the Attendsnoe st the Central Methodist church choir concert lest evening, when the eucli- torium and the gallery were completes ly crowded with In audience that loot no opportunity to msniiest its appre- cietion of the excellent work of the chorus ot seventy-tke voices end the isevernl artists who eppeered on the progrsmme. The work of the chorus which wss under the direction oi P. W. Wegensst. the choir leader, has perhaps never beiore been equalled; lin Woodstock end every member de-l ‘serves the highest preise. The or- pnlntlon ot the chorus was perfect' end the interpretation ot the severel diluent selections showed many evi- deme- of eel-em Reining. Among the numbers ot wheeler merit were "By Behylon's Wave," in six puts, ”Scots Who Hue," "The Bells ot St. licheel’s Tower," A descriptive chorus in Brqt ports, end the "Hall- lujeh chorus." the citrus: N the greatest oi ell orstortos, “The lee- Blah." There together with the led- tes' chorus, "Oltt Skylsrk. tor Thy Wing," were - is e manner thet evoked the - enthusia- nd the director end the chorus were intend to - to may so cores. Altogether the chorus wee s triumph for the higher close oi music 'ln Weed-tees one to these who coe- trihotell to this result ie he the The Finance committee recommend, eh the payment ot accounts tttttttttttF ing to 82,952.81. Tammany Business BOLD than a an community Bat " price: am up.“ ttRthatrastrti--strotu shopping attraction. Wins-r5 ammo h an: (u "out: away an melon: Dunn-um for the loop“ may: in our wnmry. Out "no of Wham- FOOTWEAR in now can- plom. Call and look them over, All um. ot Fun Boom and Stockings with m hm. "mg-Proof and Dug Oven, buckle Ind 1m; Bum. Anne and Btu-m All-ht. Light and Heavy Rubbon The concert held in the Wnterloo Methodist Church, Thursday evening, and given entirely by ministers, prov- ed both interesting and enioynble, the church being comlortnbly filled. Ree.1 H. O. Livingston, of Hemilton, Rev.’ J. Fred Kay, Glennllnn end the Reva} A, E. anell each contributed vocal numbers in n pleasing manner. The Rev. John Thomson, of Knox ctutrcA Ayr, delivered an nddreu on music end 1130 played A number of pinno lo- lectionl in his own ehtrracterUtie tyle, while the Rev. Chu. L. Me- Irvine, ot Jordon, elecutionist, gnve n ,number of good selections, which were very entertaining, especielly his light- " numbere. Rev. J. Thomson uncom- anled throughout. The'Rev. D. w. Snider, ot Berlin, acceptatsl acted as chairman. The _i,rrrii?et'i',','r, w, to- ward: paying tor need improve, ,mentl " the partbortMe. TO FORM CITY LEAGUE. Nothing but Reliable Goods MiNLSTERS' CONCERT is not enough Inn/ens] available tor . senior team there is no doubt that some swift teams can be put on the Ice in the irttermeditrte 3nd junior clam. It is likely that we shall see some exciting hockey mAtches this winter it the idea autumnal. Waterloo will not be without hock- ey this winter, and all lovers of this lsvorite winter sport will hail with plenum the idea ot a City League being lormed. A meeting tor the pur- pose will be held next week, and all teams tron: Waterloo, Irt.latiing tac- tory teams and any others, will be entitled to enter. The Waterloo Ri k Co. has generously signified its all lingness to denote a suitable trophy to be given to the winners at the end of the ”can, The idea is a good one and dl those interested should help boom it along. Although there MAKING 000D HEADWAY The Cumin Furniture Mnnuiutur- ers Ire melting excellent heedwny with the new building: they ere erecting in Waterloo. In conversation with Mr. John Letter Seturdey morning. he sud that they would likely hnve the buildings which they are It completed by next week. They were kept back somewhat by the lack of lumber for the flooring, which bed but recently urived. The third uter- er ot the buildin‘ which they nre new ensued upon, in about completed end it is expected that it the levornhle weather continues the buildings will be finished this eeuon. The mm tion tor the boiler home bu been stated. opposite Zimmerman Truse MONTHLY MEETING Tho - monthly meeting at the cum Schumann club vu hel6 2dt. home at In: Benn, George It! ' Saturday nah-g. Prtttitabh may: on a. CetetM" under study [or the mom m real. and mum: by ttrel In. mm glued by some ot the; when. It. Own 1mm. olBu-i tia, who in but may rennin-N (to. Mt. a. violin with any mum huh: I: Bungle. p . 'i'i'iriiu",',ii,5iAii','tiirtiE Mable m, the!!!“ t trunks: Mia 1“qu wu clan-cup ml " a good his, lawman. m mic. _ My w" the (5qu day ol the an: and conque- ol the 0mm Chy'olim' handgun. n! Wu Iron alt over CM and the that Shh! to in “In! cl any - “my mind up to elu- o‘ehuk a! alt look mm to "etstqtttt tho. . ‘n mwmmmkvuw lot mammoth-nuns» Wm»! ”twat CLAY'ORKERS AT WATERLOO, um SKATING IN RINK H1 Atao . new nook ot Wartrt-ulred Shoo- tor In, Women Ind Children. Your: for Boned Shoot a Bonus Price- JOHN SGt't0NDELMAYER J. Uffelmann. Mvohnjntpithduk “Man the but hilly-tow -erts in tho nun-Int In: style. ihih at! - vin cumin. you this In tho atom to buy your new“ “no a hall lim ot Suits, that"... Glenn. Bum-I. Eta. “0&ux HEADQUARTERS FOB POM. OVEBUOATS 1mm: of Our-n, Hum. “can and En no . “so of ling-in. nnd the prop. mode at Ian-hm. For um. Ipply to TTT. PHILP “ OUR J UST RIGHT" UNEQUALLED leas H. B. 1:ri7ianm Xmas Wall Paper J. DOERSAM, Agent, nlnotor of the law-loo luau! “New. I and _i') Do é You Want gun but ”that! '01 2r,U2,ttgtrgtet". mmmummini MMNuIXLIII moons {Shoes for (tlifts AND was WATIILOO. ARE E. M. MET. Waterloo, Ont (BERLIN Tie, . f: Our ihsa, stock, of Handkerchiefs. Kid Glow... Biblttsatq, Itiqii" Cohan. Ties, butler Goods, (much thN purse: cud belts). IhiPiihttit of all kinda and tine Austrian Ware will l” he diophyod '5. “ MALL- ' We he" the reputation that our dolls ere the prettiest. and oh."- cu in town. Such are the comment: we receive - Halide} “a son, and why wouldn't. they bet Imported dmsot from Gm, V ourselves when choice In in abundance end price the Invent. ' For tin ttid two Inn put In “became! oargemutdt1tor,whieh (in in atittt,'i' Holidq spponnnce. In fun the whom more will ho in .. in attracting great attention at present. Om of th., mat "iethr' things to buy for a Chriutmu Gift would b, a FUR of some!“ whether it would be a Collar. Ruff, C 'P', Muff or Clo rt, we ban. - line imaginable. Tia, lat. a stock 15 neatly arrange} on the 2nd Bttde and our sttstf is kept very busy. Xmas Xmas Xmas Flue Jersey Arabs and fancy Rubbers In all the newest ehepee; “no a. complete ecock of ample lines. ell of which will make sensible Xmas Gila. Men! We have every kind of Overcoat you could wish Phone Bits Ian's he imported Scotch Cheviot In"! cloth, good weight. dark Oxford I in in long, single breasted than.” and“ 812.00. 7 In} rich Ion Sunny tittietted E black at trromtmixture Ind (“It It! mu. an. “no and Manning ad ”.50. The “tech! Item I: man Boot.»- marrow "for: to I tot male 'Lt new comm. They an an that tar-on " . “town to like... them. The hon ban the. “I. well with the tm6stttoirrt-" km. no out on” not". a . cul'ol """t V huh 'dllrft'=u',"gN,".rarn't w 4,. anal-Ia” _ .e..,teeferttttt' -iqi-lic, 'tNt/ttti rs" " a. YI M' av ".-IMt, . -T . "$lM8ll -.;.-» U" " ' " , Solo menu for Kant Kraut and King Stub Prod lam ormnn'a Rubber! J Ili/ 'li'! E “£37 (aiir's1ha.-, MEGA??? ee riijj,iiiiiiiiiiiii'i1, If, 'ji-ii"; Ryan's i FRIDAY 8: Only 19 Guys until Chvmmu, no COME and let us help you an the: Christmas Gift. proposition. We have I. an“ assortment of Show and Sllppers, and can take I lot of trouble " your hands. We hue nn/ hm, 1,rt,i,r; nl {MW 109*.”th Bus Hockey Shoes, Leggings and Rubber Boots for the Girls siig A Word About Our Dolls . B. RYAN & 00., ZICK’S . SHOE HOME a Pretty Booths Our Fur Department Slippers for Men Slippers for Ladies Leggings for Babies Slippers for' the Old Slippers for the Sick weeks meat ”which. in.” be“ “I no“ [or the HULI DAY ”ADI Holiday Attire l n ..~. r - may! I -r “kl-m». Huck 1,-" "ra' YA, mg n " ee , made r, .. "I o ., _ h _ “1 ' i " k Mr: T ve fy, s') black ' 'si. le I mark, » " E 101131 "'1 ' at ta F: 'IM, ' _ "tMgt $5.95 " ‘, t 13"- mr, “#1 “I loose ft' F- " ‘ or I J i will! . ,3'ts(t , grey _ l _ f S3. lpech . "s .5 nulls]: tweed all suits, the cloth II I up". made In the new tingle m patient mung. tomorrow. M winter Overcoat; . rich, to" it.. ground with A Me “he: “than“! , style, And very dreatry, tomorrow Men's Oxtord grey and black cheviat Overcoata, box luck, single breasted, taint (elm, Italian linings. Illa 34 to 44, speck] tomorrow $5.95. ' You would conclude they were high class Uilor-made goods and you not examine ttran 'ery closely. The mill- uiacturer seems to hue the knack ot turmng out cloth- ing with a decided Uilor- _rnade look. Rulanette Overcoat. hm loose box track, with vent or Iquam pockeu, "elm collar, made from tll wool grey Cheviot. all“ " to u, Ipechl 110.00. MEN'S BOOTS Fit WATERLOO ONTARIO le,

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