T - -1-- C: aili'liiiilFii.ii'i"i In #.t't'agt'dtd .. ',ttgtLtata8't,htttA';.1'lril.. ih"trsii9 “b II." I... an: "o0mreyt1erP. It.“ a. _ 3117.7...“ an}... Wu Dia.ur--As you an: the pun! I." d M. and. Blot . m light [not your "at. it - out to you that m cum-nu i-trthassdaad'r'tthtttat- b (my ol â€nonmal- ot nut.- - “in. Not done do the sweet- ..I mm: your eyu. but; Ion; a. Hid with toys and preoenle - Iehu you on you can: and -ali hell anuuitlly - d " .0 “I of deri- that your Ma. will. to gir. â€all! “do. I it. In. that go when you like in nu country store, you will not - ml . mum clunky d -- an“ u that oi our w lurch-u. we. W. a A. OHIO. '0 null" lor men: en un- mly lu' It.“ "ring ttte coming “In m. - Mug-A very annual» ID “in an... m we ll the “C - tart Thursday mn- llg, wick “(are well let a pet let 0| II the splendid pm. ot hockey. Cult-Mel but-retain“ the in.» bundling Line“. " Cle Inh. Vent-lay, ed a rink will be we in shape " the culls-t possible “be. A - piece ttf land was prv and in the bores by Mr. Louie Hol- lilpr, 3a a committee composed ol “tend " young citizens hue the letter in had. The following om- 'm. were .ueted:--Hott, pret, Mr, I. w, B. Snider; pretr, Mr. D. P. Dent; In. Vic-pres,, Mr. Sol. Kock vice-pram. Mr. Alt. Snyder; see-treas tn. Humy Gingrich; mungâ€, Mr. D. P. Dew-r. Commune, .rha Calm, Tics, Scrivener, Theo Mil. tar, [and Snyder and Harry West- -d, The anoinlment of a captain we: mo to the teem - Servte-.--Fhtglish services Will be held in the Eva-gene“ church “I" thtadtsy evening n CBO, conduct- I " Rev. It. Grertzetraeh. Every than“. Sunday thereafter English “as will I. held. Prom†Bouft.--Mr, Dan Oobel " bought the house and lot owned " Mr. nl In. John mm for the m- 0! III. Mr. attd In. Rich] - lot. i. roman ol our vil- hp “I hue decided to man to Irldpporh to live with one ot their dlldrn. Mr, Gobel will shortly take Ioasesslo- ot the property, in! Notes...-) bank ins recently ill some new additions made to the Sikh! uld wickets. Since the bank btsrf.r, and“ them being gin" In been ambushed here it be: had I - [with of business end busi- - men end farmers genenliy no It'll-h. to realize the aduntages an are derived trom having shank aight " lone. P.rt-1B.-Mr, George Harm, of Hamilton, wished his nephew, Mr. Bird Runs, on Sunday. Mr. Fred Harm. w. an sorry to note. is still 8011011317 Ill, but hope is entertained bi his recovery-Irma Annette Shel- w, " Burbank. visited at the I... ., hr uncle, Mr. N. W. Ging- Iicl. tor-low up In. wool- Mr. - an! Miss seuter, of Mondale veto visiting " In. John Schwalm's on Sunday. Hams ol Interest-With I little not. new we would hue excellent slight-3. As it is vohiclu of var- huo luariptlon an to b. seen. How In " my not to win to wish for new all" 00min. through Int win- h'l 8mm. ' D-tl " .m- Cruighton --We r.. - h - a. lad lath ot one " I. In! highly “We! nnd â€you *grert.rgr ot Wullue in the - " Mr. John Creighton, which .0! - " his home, on the Mth of lamb", the: n illness ot I h _ luntlon, resulting from " “he! " pneumonla. Tho m- ull-n “to intend II the Dnyton "in. A bereaved vile ad four m chill"- an loft to mourn the b 00.11“ lush-Id In. loving tr ' The comma-My symptthlze â€I So Damn! hmlly in no" se- A-tdei-tEng. Wm, Turabull, of Own-bu. “a the victim onse- m a. sum-win a“ guideâ€. un- "eerug on Aslippery bond .. lull “I broke her thigh bone. h. huh". who In In god Item“ in to can-u 00 do. has. for I cell-u. I... a time. am an. now-w 99-9-3; m. c In. I“ In. Simon “on. " Drum, dual " the I... a .1. an In. L. Aehelph 1m -.-atr. In Putnam. of Lin- “ no. Ihv (In " Oh. hound d It In†vm. "rt-trr. J. "I. ot 0mm. 00011th a. pul- lef It Plan-n church on Sand" , mm In Interns“; nrmou .. H Id!" M .i1.--tter. H, Mer- h- “In“ nonmetal service: I Aâ€. on an!" In». was " IELLESLEY " COUNCIL. n. hid,“ Council ot the Town- d 1'ttM aset, yams-t to _ , TI the 'ltd to o' mm. u mun-m. - d (h loud m m. M .0 Rum. h in . m tte ti. Fm A "ITIOIRS m an. [out can“ an BT. JACOB â€gnu. WALLACE Macon-huh \wh In an.“ Iii-h -ifli','lPt2t, "' ' _ Mth' 1ifli','f., “J' l t It. in. a 0... _ t..- W. m. i Lt 01-. up. h. M to; 0n. Alb. In" in pm. $11.00; C. M. CW Wd te gattmaatora, ".00; C. ik. w. gravel to pal-nth". $3.80; In. fit',tigr"t to nth-hum. mm; and when and to un- mm. ".80; I.» lush. gnu! to "thus-m. i pay, $8.00; Alex. Adm, EtT.t to â€Mum. 815.20; H. W. on, gavel to pathmair, “5.50; Jno. Hot-char, cruel to pub- muur, g my, $4.17; Geo. Foerster, [XIVCI to puhmulet a! damn; pit, cm, $35.20, Joel Juan, gavel to pattunaater, $3.00; John Honey. .1.ch to 'rathrv.aatera, $10.00; fly. Poomer, we for culvert, 81.00; (no, DUNN, drawing gravel, "tir, Jno. Birch, cleaning ditch, 50c; J, Hul- in‘I, 1 con! than. wood, 8100; WR. Berlet, gun to Linwood “bury, "S.00; A. Diebold, digging (tuna-r ditch, 334.00; M. Lenhnrd, putting in when, 3150; Anthony koebel, draw- ing gave! per contract, do. “052; “any. nut; A“. KID. mun In: “Inâ€. “-00; B. â€an“: ttte m but. "JO; J“. Dun. m ht who but. ".30; A. T'trf: R. Lutue, mum tor up. bridges, sonny. Thurs-m evening. Needless we, $108.M; Geo. Newmnster. tor to It! It" present spent I most en- rosdsnly, coda and work, $27.00, A. iorutrle time. Dlebgld, rep. culvert, 82.00; "a. Minn Elm. Snider tett Friday tor Birmingham, drnwing gravel per con- Woodstock, where she will be the tract, $80.75; Jos. Ferrell, gravel] rig guest of Miss Nethercott tor 5 week per mutton, $137.52; W. Rounson, or more. gruelling per contact. and work on Mrs, Fox, ol Walkertcn. is visiting road mnehino, $57.00; Ono, Mand-; " the home at nu daughter, Mrs, den, for grvel and rel. culvert, 12.00; FudG. Hughes. Noah Shouts, relunded, 11.00, Noah Mr, A. Berg. muster mcthanie Ind Hergotr, tor " days' work on road, inventor ot Berg Brick Press, at Att- 91.50; Jno. Henderson, rep. bridge, demon, ln1., is stterding t'e Clay- $3.83; J. M. Ziegler, putting 3 new! workers' can ention Redraw“ lnl culverts and plant paid. $9.13. W. C. Thursday, Martinson, rep. culvert, $1.50; Dam- Mr Aldrtd Snider, of Grarrn'aurst, lan Huber, lumber and spikes, $175, attlnd d the meeting or' 'ttt Snider Alex. Anderson, cleaning gravel Int, Lumber Company at Waterloo ch- $8.25; Wm. Selpe, putting in culvert nesdny. and gravel, $8.00; Jno. luid, gravel- --.--.- ------- ling per contract, $38.25; A. W. Mat-l tin, culvert uni cleaning ditch, trio; CURLING CLUB MEET. S. Martin, concrete culvert, graveli The following skips were elecUd st and sho,elling gravel, $15.3t; R. Y. A meeting of the Waterloo Ctirlittr Fish, phok account, $13.93, slum held at the Zimmerman House Spam, refunded, erroneously assessed, Tuesday evening tor the games in the $3.13; M. Lavery, rep. culvert, 31-25; Moore Trophy series :-F. Hughes, E. D. Bean, printing 50 bills, 31.50. Jno. P. Sony-m, ll. J. Sims, E. P. Cow- K. Hammond. cutting till and gravel. er, ll. M. Snider, J. J. A. Weir, 8134 M; W. K. Leisthton,blacksmith's Chnrles Moogk, J. Hespeler, J. B. account, $2.65; Alex. Hamilton, rep. Snider, M. Schiedel, G. B. mogul. culvert, h par, 85.70; Mrs. Coote,re- Bruce, J. C. Haight and K, C. o, lundcd, 82.00; W. McKee, work on Minty. Messrs. E. F. Sengram and rand machine. $4.00; G. Fink, rep. Wm. Hogg were elected skips tor the culvert, $1.50; D. Schmidt, rep. 2 District Cup competition. culverts, plank, etc., $8.90; Mrs. Meyer, balance treasurer's salary, AN ACHIEVEMENT OF GREAT no. $84.00; V. Henry, putting in SUCCESS AT NIAGARA FALLS culvert, $3.00; D. McEachern, M. H The only prize medal for commâ€. o., disbursements for the Board of m Spices or Stock Foods tor horses, Health to Dec. Ist, 1904, t166.65; I cattle end poultry hos been awarded L. llintz. rep. culvert, $3.00; Pet, to Myers Royal.loe Co., Niagnrn Birmingham, salary as caretaker, 85: Fells. N.Y., Ind ., at the World‘s 00; Jos. Querin. drawing srlvql per Fair, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. Mth mm. rounder. h pay, $23.05; J. B, Lichty. Additional to the above, rho Myers tPslitttg approach and overseelns IMF Royal Spice Co. hold gold, Mlvrt and mentr, elo, $127.93; Jno. Lennard!» bronze medals and diplomas in Eur- cleaning ditch, 1ih'i's.t,Joty?Pff"oer_, ope and America, all of which no worti on road, $2.63; wrstlityromsor ttrttt prizes, and during the 1Pvtirntt shovels tied. Moved by J. B. Lichty, seconded by A. P. Dammeier, that By-law No, - to appo at the place or holding the nomination ol candidates tor the offices of Reva, and tour couneillars tor the year 1905 and " the polling places, and also appoint a returning otticer tor each of the seven polling sutrdirisions in the Township ot Wel- lesley be now read a first and second time. Carried. Finally, moved by R. J. Kerr, sec- ondtd by A. Heipel, that this council do now adjourn to meet again at the Township Hall, Crosshlll, Thursday, The Central Business College, oi Strntiord, is I live, progressive school. where excellent work is being done. Write to the College for n catalogue and see lor yourself what good work the school in doing. Clerk’s ones, St. Clements, Dec 8th 1904, $797141; d3} 'or December, 190f lo o'clock um - _-___ JOINT MEETING or A joint meeting ot the Boards of Health ot Berlin md Weberloo we: held in the Berlin Council Chnmber on Tuesday evening. The genenl teel- ing of the meeting tutored e scheme tor mtusagement oi the Isolation Hoe- pim in connection with the Generel Hospital, end that the great- ot the two townl to the Hospital Bond be increued by some set figure, end i! that is not found to be tmMetent tor “gunmen ot the leoleuon Hoo- p that the grants he [wee-ed u in end ot the yen. New: Rune. Chelrmen Lumen-ch- leget end Clerk Home: of Benin end Inâ€: Uiretmna end Mr. A. B. lo- Bride of T"terloo were constituted e commune to meet the Gene“! Hoo. pltal Bond on Pricey evening u the troarital to unease tome anti-tutor! wine (or the management 01 the Isoleuoe Hound Thttrsdnr was I bad It] tor the Canadian horn. on MAD-dean traes,arturattnmstdmrtttok ttat,aadth.trtatorftrxrar_dt. mloulbooh. “we.†Susannah-mouth...- mm.nguuugoo1._ _ Mr. H. J. Bonn. County Clark. who vul- WlhuMy “Maputwu-ahncuouh- ttd"g2Qgtu1.ratd'e' â€mum'du on 't-Q-eh$-trotthett_ man-â€ho. h.‘&o.Ju-nmlunun Maintaining"!- A FAMOUS SCHOOL PkiER P. sCHUMMER, T'p Clerk iaul, oh road, 50c. Ctr- BOARDS OF HEALTH .. muiiiii iiiiE2Ut BMedt, tteln"ht 'hetlttaq 'iiu'rtttel'Au'ti uttmhte â€M h We at mmIWnn‘uqun mmmI-Imam.um “an: new. It. "at I. lean». 'bt'Lt'tutlt'rfg'. boo-uno- was tpl'JT',g'kt'4'Nrfgd',Mt voles. cl vital It. m-cis . Stt3tdtg'ett,2ttdftdfl - “blanking guy-r. In "ttttBid to It de, sum. .1 Ind-NM. bu Id not a! It Couch. (Igmtbgm '. in". w lb 1"- m. de fumed. out Bunny ll 'rataeloo, . not a! the Is. that; suns. a nun r. My with Mail In Ian 00. It. Lou Shula mm H- on. Dr. Lon. SW. Nor m. a Sunny. It. um [In lemma“. ot Erin, OIL, were the guest' ot It. nu In. Them" Gowdy gnu". - Mr. Ed. Wettlsuler, ot Cu- City. Nick, is visiting at the home ot Mr. and In. Win. McDougnll, Eat "not. The? line Alum Wane: En at Salome mu. Er..im Stand†in “human. I!" hum: entertained the 1003 Pedro club " the home ot Mrs. g. M. Scully, Thundny evening. Noodle-I to my :1] present spent A molt en- )onble time. Mr. Chulu' Kuttfol Sum. Ste lute. (omen, employ-(d .r V. M Balat'l. bu rum-3!} to Wander). Mr." A. Berg. mum muhani: ind inventor ot Berg Brick Press, at Att- dertson, Int. in .tkrding t'e tor- workera' con union Wedreo'av an! Thursday. Mr Ndrcd Snider, of Grnvrrr1urst, alund d the meeting or" 1trt Snider Lumber Company at Wurrloo Wot- nesday, Additional to the above, rhe Myers Royal Spice Co. hold gold, ailvrr end bronze medals and diplomas in Eur- ope and America, all of which no tirat prizes, and during the I‘M-lime ot the Myers Spice, which is nearly halt a century, they have never taben A less prize than . first. Stock raiser: will be much inter- ested in the dispersion sale at Mr. C. R. Gles' lamous herd of pure bred Holsteins which takes place on Dec. 21st, on the tarm adjoining the vil- lage of Heidelberg. The herd contains some ot the finest mime]: ot this lavorite dairyman's breed to be found in the Dominion. Besides the 30 head ot Holsteins there will be sold M) head ot pure-bred Yorkshire pigs, and l head of Dorset horned sheep. The animals are all cussitkd for the sue in a neatly printed cata- logue which may be had on npplica- tion to Mr. Glee It Heidelberg. See advertisement in mother column. Roh-tn North Etusthope,Nov. 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Roth, a dtutgh- ter. Lautensehlager.-At Mannheim. Nov, 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alb. Lnuten- aching". .dnughter. Martitt.--ht Berlin, Nov. 23rd, to Mr. Ind In. Wm. Mutln, . um, Sipper--At thuloo, Nov. 29th. to Mr. And Mrs. John Sippel, I daugh- ter. Weidetturtuner,--At Toronto, Nov, new, to Mr. 1nd Mrs. W. B, Weid- cnhunmct, B.A., I son. Marelittger.CAt Waterloo, Nov. 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Mann Merklinger, . daugbter. Bmilr.-At Berlin, nee. m. to Mr. and In. Ed. Brnily, t not IGlttaei.eh.--. At Station]. Nor24th, to Mr. and In. Henry Kult/teach, twin. . Ion and daughter. RooiBrueh.--At Hmpeler, Dee, m, by Rev. Atom: Essen, Char. Books, ot Preston, to Id: Buick. of Hauler. ".afeLarur.--At out, Nov. am. by Rev. King. Jacob rm. clin- 'etoo, to Alien MeLarthy, ol Kn. BMa-Knlghb- At New Gamay, Nov. nu, Louis Binds: to Annie Km: St. qtoMet-t.- In Wood-mar. "KM. a'.UH7 Mr. Holman". "an at. ' of Pint-ville; to In. (Sign Allah noun-on, ot SIM -.-A, lam. Nov. 'tth o mall - at It. a! In MARRIAGES BIRTHS DEATHS Edit; 'spent l .hAtEiF'giti a in; lid T _ 7 ttef not t . 1 r .. _ In!" . It; I. d . [I hi. I M . loud. and . an; ' Bali-PA‘ out. use. It. In.†It. all m u my (Want-M out. me. I“. 6.0. mm... and than " nun. ttteth.-At am, De. In; Hub Knuth. “a " you. _ WHAT AIL. You 'gatUtti=fc""" J moph metal, Auuuoceor. Dee. 9--PtrtB, stock Ind implomontn of Mm. Andrew Band", Tomrhip of Wuorloo, 1 mile notch-en: of Koalnth. Dec lS-swck trd_!trtp?tttttatttf of Dmlol Inner. near Florids‘o. Dee. 14-Dupt"itrt' Auction Bale of Pure Bred Hana, Fianna. the property at the Wolluley Staci Farm, Wallaby, om. Doe. 20--Parm, nook ml! ittspU- menu annals» Jucob Swans, " Williamsburg 4 mile: touches» of Berlin or 2 mile: we" of Sunburn. tiiitiiiii'iitiii?sftiii', w... it " n I . ' iaTaaaaa circa-4m... r, we. - it nun 1"lf,etlit1 , “Me. I.“ and M . r! to J, Dr. It. V. that. m a! t ' Hotel and In.“ Jilin“. ill-h. w. Dr. â€can by new - M to -teHbtrtg m. “ll-how- "edlelne& Be 'gl'talf h “mm on» to? _- n w , a rust)!†cl nix-m 'it'iii'i 'd iiiica on you not, you: 'g','duttamlt't,Titl'MuTurf, ' CHANGE OF TIME No. o tor the wet will leave n 9.08 p m ' instoapd of 8 67 If; p): _ 2ent',2tf,.r,M'. Th.",". (the an pod nah to = can. 'ii'l'iyii'lth1t"iiii'ii1,?rg'e,'r','ii'i'li dUta cough miit v. to an "in him your f,Wdgr" 1'l'ir,E.r,'t'iii,E4,titi?i%'r'u'E not - . 1:.le m 'ilt,,t,ttip,ti.1ai,'4iGit,et,rd?,t No". 10 for tho out. will love " 745 pm ' instead ot 7 40 um, u- mm; To own 9 50 p, m. WiNTERPAiR, GUILPn 45" rhund t In. anon 20M: Dee 3 d to Th, valid r,stttrrtittVts. I2. For deteta and fall t formation can KaGaauari “$535707; WV -" -rrTe". hry IMO. he but yin plainly and his): - Jr. 99% 941?)! r-r??,!,?;'"'.'?!'.'?!?).'?.', "iJftitief'ltlte'i1! ty .0 . . n .. . 'h',tu'att/s'g'/ltits5iir7ttuat Myan- _.-. arha"au- iGmieiGefGEiFor. -- y Dr. m5 Plum! Mo. on. M not. “I in in“ Berlin Market Grocery I? Watch for their announcement next week. J. A. GOOD a GO. J. R. 8triokhsud, City Agent. AUUI‘ION SALES. The Inside of a Grocery is a broader guatis by which to judge than flattering advertisements on the Grocer’s part. Our advertisement is simply meant to call your attention to the quality of the ‘stock we have. The Goods will “sell themedm EFFECTIVE DEC. 4TB has been purchased by a. 5rrii'aakT2iF% “ - nun-leadâ€.- 'Jti2e2tftl, th"A'."2N', - - amine-r um and at tho In... "I that! mi '0 m" thdtt rt,7iiiciiri,"t an. _', n' . he. "e I ted valet, Aldu- or "egiqroeut'eetrp. Gut-â€you o.c2ihi.eif'itwu/ttrai'1tf.' and â€Milli. mm via†. “ON. Ben'wntch .1016). W-uluuhct mu! Jun“. Conn. Bum: - “Hum I'M: n-JQT F. Wu ot a? th" " I will: Midnglhu in "no nonl- mn. 1h. hm- vn-h In Own-1|. and a. Lind rm nub: '.'taxhgt u in} _ " omit-m. “that alt and aatthq " Duals-u In: outrun: .m. wm- mr In. mall: to. Ital-1011' I IoLACILAN. Fri-dud! Fo r Sal e " “£st CARRIE! W08 " 25 rign insluting nnrnyu. otuvstore,trwhrtn and tsoil rubber tire buggimmmv and seeond hand; also carriage: and wagons Mid a good stuck of cultem and heavy n'eighl Give an a call. Owing to tttn not that in. never-I laud». Council will bola not-Ion on Thur-4" 'fMr. of Deon-tr. tidato ttrut .0le m- tho Libel Ooavcnwm. it no Men cooled lo our“ the am of balding ma t3ttovmtHtNt Ind whnld It on hm lb. " ot Doocmhc B' ton o'clock. [ , 0. HAIGRT. C'CCLC.CC.LL.-1.C.J..LC] Gun-Stork “bulimia, :gtrgggT,,ttetal the whim W0 tag. and. an m h a.“ mswnndnohtsrinXa- ovdticgndmdotonrmk M '"e'el' " Second to None in use Twin tur. 3 WESTERN 0131310 w. m showing ali that 1. Nor in ' 4:. 1/ . _ ; fi2'ld% E9051†Paley Hantturthieftt Tame Linen: 47 law Liberal Donvantion OUR STOCK or School Books Slates A-d Gnu-rd Spin-M Swwpliw helm pine, Wavchfn "rr'srir “‘ (t Sehool Opening Raymo Bros’. blbp‘Hw'UN “be“ =l".h't1'lrdd I." uh.- M the ttTttATFOttO, obs. BOOKSTORE CHANGE Ilf DATE B. J. ROOS G HUBER & BREAK Lead -Pencil J. L UHBAFE 'Pr 'sif! A beautiful line of hum-made Indim wan, con-istiu‘ of ".", _ Cannon, Whnk Hold-mi, Snow Show, W gnarl)», -lc. Car Ind . . . _ the"; they will wit you. if: Childrcns Coats NI"- ' . - G‘rls' mater-n are here in ttrod rhoil-e, nnly the best for little mono, and range in price from 3 50, 4, 5 to ttl Our store is putting on a holiday appearance. - When rim wait; Berlir, dosh nu to o .1! and an out Mort n 5 putting on abolidvy up wanna god you will La delights d an! M with what you will no. Fur cy Goods Dress Goods. - - " - " pm um: to no really protn ttttmm In glowâ€. ttsttttt.rtshietr, fancy â€12m, y tt .m rd bun sum- "on. Bountiful was. 33%;. which you um not “a M-ttrr.. Furs Furs, Furs. Lang Bros.& Co. sell Coats for Women and Children Cheap w. m {smog Iota M 1mm fun. Hum, mun, buoy 'ftt'tf. We have qnalltt and "In. and un' I about, phln urn-m good. u {an no [unrated And our prion "tit that!" in Calm-n, Mgt1ttan add mm was. I Laure Ma, we to 160. Don't fail to see Lan 3 when in Berlin, its I delightful 'tqtlsq place, f2 you ere never Nested to buy. Min, Dee. " You“ an. you. â€an. m who no. I good - “In“. Inn you out “an: MM. your-0|!» 5w TB. in more": roman Win In his» and with I Tb. MM notâ€. mum-m. 'ltA'l'l'l'lif= hull-h tiny- In the direct Imam. an." Mamotlbdvhs, hob- oomal “would, “villa with “a MM CATALOGUE “Bl. Bricker&Diebel m t!l.0l!al,',?,i,ii,'i,ii,',) att. um maps-a â€31-9. Fancy Hantttrerchieftt Table Uncut e Fancy Drawn Work Napkins c, I. Fucy Tenneritte Work Fancy Liam l Silk Handkerchief. Waist Silks Silk Scarf: Golf “It!“ Ludiee' Collars Dress Putter†Ledies' Belts . Evening Shawl. Chateinine Bags Putnam Fancy Combs Manties Kid Glov I Fun Fancy Cashmere Hole French Plumb Noveltieé Ever Think Of Itt on†2 more lulu till Ittttttt "iaaiion on...“ 'tt_-ttd, 'Y"? ““2223! Udiert nqniring Winter J ‘ckv at: will do well to no on stock. We ure rowing rt," been. In the trade, coats whict, tit and look wall and nll are marked at very mouerat.t Jim. We hsve lnvgc nnd ouall times in black and Lawn j‘ckem shott MI“ thrre " mru-r lmgthn un'l (nr ;rIr;-u rungs 'r m5,6 7.810810 Fur Coa s a -ru uln , "B line a "nub-r J ~nr Malt. “1' raolmn 'ttttfm u 27, 28 [1433 F, ,tr'e, Ml â€1.. ,2 5:47 â€0 :m ur c ms tbl $10. HOT WWI] . Lang Bros. a Go. Dress Goods. l We slur-y- Iunw the ma: in. I goody when.» tor drew. “In“ 1 mu m "I". not)»: tt In hon- N " min-I Girl um mtit III, Ah, “O. l Mr, 60e, TN, m u. i, Waist Good: . tGiitiiFiiil ugly" "ii iff] wilt". a; ii??? 54 a}: fm Ei'?