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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 8 Dec 1904, p. 1

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iii Watrsrlco00u'nty's Greatest Store. _ ‘5 rmmm-wmmmwmuuul Suggestloqs for Christmas Gifts fl otttas,8ltootr,Rarh"a'pe we] Man's Furnishing; Next to Post omco,BEBLlN ahoottbooe Christmas mm- No mm] to l UP PII"' mind to give Ionw‘ hing in the clo we" line: ind main up P""' mind "t buy the numb collection and m ' 1nup"at as")! City. SHOW“. 'm an -"rr"r" _ "r"'"" "Pe- \-/w-r I'm. M. $1.50. Br'ir, or $2. I!!! the mrl- whining (than! at pH. Sh .1 50 And "la. _ For ttte mm. 3 pair of nict- truvu, alignm- nt 50c. 75c or 31. or mother, a mir of felt Quinton m or unpmu " so.. H m .n 32. _ Far hthnn pairot plush or tnnry teel' u'lppors' u, tat," LM and "and hr linad casts-m tou', to [iIiIjITlEilE cult and ow, Price Only two weeks till Gin-tinny: now, and ,, -. . . - aqeMc, 'r_.,.ri..tr., 1!"le ttt m DVEROOL'I‘S Blunt ehodot Ind wool hor- ny Jule". good farmora’ lulu lining. we‘ve: 0mm, Mwa 32, M, M and 38, worth reg. $5.00, 35 50 --+ tl Golf (ih , B,"vdrt, and Wool Kemy coma etrly while tho mig Spam 81!: of _li",iiiidquarteriforrtirish ','iii,i,_'r-'""c Millinery 'iiii(ij, ‘At The ma Reliablo These' C' m. s wi . WESELOH & CO., $3.35 .-dtatinrttagioatotheudueotWatee1oeraatd mm” whatnot-Whom ""uehartAA-urttnttttteq, ““' LADIES’ JACKETS " and 2 nit, 836 to $05. ll nut lat-t long, ladies will do well to " " " sat wiser m ~ut is unbroken. up.“ now, and it's time you were thinking No nN-l to Ivar-3 nVer it however. Junk. make mg in theclo hing. Man‘s Furnishings and Foot, n‘lzd to buy it at Ihis (on, where yuu will tInd tttups' tvrrrtermrrnt ot usetat gifts in the Twin. M: CLOTHING -thrrtreinrr,-x Wrench W to 5 on. or as nice suit of clothes " 06 to 815 00. Nm'k'inl M '.?iV, Mkt and 76e htMtlert, " Je, 75c, $1M), 1.50 and get U uhrellu M rco to Loo. Fancy hhirtc at lip, I Mnsnd " on Warm Ind.» weal}!!! u ll in» aiiiiisrroirea a 37.50 to tloot. Morey Bark if not Sati fied Putnam-It. at In. In! " gnnl - Tin-mil; Dar with th. mum m, we. Sly“! ot Btduto.--tua. PM 8M. oi Bridgeport, and no! dtmtcr. Mrs. Hid-bunch, ot Berlin. won tLe g'qu‘L'; ot the mur- atmt, In. E. Bucket. lot I'd-Mush. Geo. Becker III in Benin Int “and” toeis- it her angina. In. Joe. Satan". Ibo has but recently moved trom Winterboume to the County Town. Notea.--A mm ot "new mviou "rt It prune-n. Icing Md in Centre ville church-die Fresno“ S. B. in " "tee-t pleura; . prognrnme tor th tr ottttual Xmas entertelnnent. which will be given on Dec. Mth, “Oi-The members ol the U. B. hurch, Centreville, journeyed to the home of thcir estimable pawn Rev. Mr. Dudgton, Samuel street. Berlin, well laden down with the necusuice‘ As well es the luxuries ot this liter whith they doetated to their peswr and his lamily. The Rev. gentleman though taken by surprise, thanked his donors tor their vulous gifts uni tor their kindly feeling towerds him which prompttd the some. after which an hour was spent in payer service. --The Freeport sheds have teen re- paired and a new line lance ol wire ha been put up betwetn Mr, J. Shsntz’s field and the church yard. In: mm Gethqe" t, ttadm-Core-stead. In County calm mmmmmmm PREEPORT. -. |Helm‘l Aloe It”. By new ot (From a special correspondent.) Note-Jack Frost is cold and so veto in the outside world. He has thought best to give us . taste of cold Weather. md with what success was amply shown cl Sunday dun noon, when some individunls went up and down Mum street holding their cars. A little more now would make the town boorn.-The Rev. Mr. Gulch. is conducting a series of revival tneeV ings in the U.B. church. We trust that muih good may be "comprtshed. Mr. Heisy occupied the pulpit on lam day ewening in the thence of Rev. Geach, 1nd preached on Bppropriate sermon. It would be gratilying, not only to the writer, but to those who attend the special meetings, it some fairies would keep "mum" while An interesting sermon is being preached. Personal-Mr. J. Winn, ot the Sov- _)our Busy Neighbo Personal-Mr. J. Winn, of the Sov- ereipn Bank, ol Linwood, and Mr. Mctluarry, Rather ot Red Hill school, were in town sundtt--Mr. and Mrs. N. Cunningham attended the funeral oi Miss Patterson, which toor ulace at, Moorgqelg_last week.-MY. John Seip, of LfiriGoir, "vTsifiirirjtrttTé' Shade on Sunday Iast.--Mr. A, H. Schweitzer, ot Heidelberg, ls " pre> ent clerking at F. S. Spies" general store. We welcome him to our town -Miigs Nettie Donald has again made her announce am? seems to say. with a smile, "No place like home." -The Misses M. and H. B'irkcr, AC- companied by Messrs. Eph. Brisker and McCollick, of the Northwest, drove to . neighboring town on Sat- urday evening and report having I good time-Miss Ida Goetz, ot River- side, spent. Smithy " her home in C. M. B. A. Meetirag.--At the regu- lar meeting oi the local branch ot the C.M.B.A., held on Suturdty, the 3rd inst, the officers who will mung: the business ot the local branch for the year ot 1906 were elected u lol- lowq; Pres, Joseph E. Meyer; in vice-pres., Louis Lohsinger; and vice- prel., Ambrose Esbaugh; rec. sec, v. Herie: “It. rec. sec. Albert Boppre; annual BOC., John G. Weber; tre"., John Boegel; nutshell, Edwud Boo- gel; guard, Joesph mm"; trusteu, Joaeph Mattelt, Amino-e Ethan. John Weber, John K, layer and J.- eoh Kuhn. Linwood ”W". ”W“ Not-The nomination and election ot Oman oi the local C.O.P. hranct will also plan on Scum!” owning ot this week. St. Clement- ou bout oi having in in midst. two intend Motion which no in . most Bo- ishing condition, being “In to can“ 'ttmil-st-oth-r-ttshit" two hm. Life mum ha oi- teq ”and to be the alum at my 3 widow who“ huh-Ii In ban and into eternity. at cm per-on Mid mm “spot“, in our ‘opinion. to be insured. especially Mammy-w 7,"rii'iii! "G'" min; m not Waco anyon- to my "teett, n m mount pattiaotttrortNemta+ the iiteruettteettm-uHtht. I. Tf.t1',ut m at ct h . , . can. Ma - MI m... ;ii'iitii'iiiiiiiii abundlorgmuln. t',1u'NttuT,ttlhtatt, (aEaiC1rEyiciA0a2iiii w Ittt stun", l WATBRLO0, ONTARIO. " HAWKESVILLE ST. CLEMENTS Vere'", up 'cirfii;sTiilrliijii Mar-doc”. '7de- mum I‘m-cud omumm ash-walnut “the ttttq Iron no In“!!! an In! an, math; " nut-l non yon-kn. ThiauriqMtrtirxe'rtu'ttteattusr hummus AIM, ml. by the prurrutor, Mr. H. E. mu. Pct-ow. - In. Hollow-r Bad daughter, oi Um, mt lat week a It. A. Knight's-Ir. R. Ind Ill. Burn“. af Newton. were the guests or Mr. J. H. Campbell, Satur- day And Sundae-Jr. and In. In. Mandel! an unending the but“. ot their son Harry of St. Mary's, who bu been null-ring from " “th ol Bppestdieititt, but we no tttad to but he is r-tng.--). Thou. E. mv lixms and daughters, cl Men. spent Int week with he: puentl. Mr. and Mn. Jetty. Walnut. Flaunt" Entertainat.-Laat Fri- day evening. Mr. A. Phylord enter- tained O number ot yo“ people a his home. Guest- were there trom Newton, Linwood, and Cronin“. A delightful time Ins spent in 51mm. music and dancing. The Misses Piny- lord served I delicate lunch and were most heartily thatthed for their very kind tentertainment. Beiore dispersing the company Bll joined in pinging Auld Ln; Sync. Briety-Mr. John Hill, of the Wel- lrsley Stock Farm, will hold a big dispersion sale of dcoich bred shon- bonis, improved Yorkshire: Bad Clydesdale: on Dec, “in. There will be no reserve, as Mr. Hm will quit tartning.-We understand quite a num- ber from this section ot the riding will attend the Liberal convention next Tuesday. the 13th irtst.-We re- gret to any that Miss Ethel Men'he has resigned her position as teacher on our public uhool an! “account. ot ill heatttt.-Mr. Hurry Krettuweis- er will take chase ol the Albion Ho- tel next Friday, the 9th inst, ‘hen Mr. John Mayer, the present land- lord, will move to New Htrrntrurg.- Mr. Joseph Kennel will move into his new dwelling next Fridny. ed m excellent “and on immune. work - nut-noon in in. Methodint Chum-h tBet-Ther - Ethel “a more.“ Day, at and», span Sunny with their brother Ian. --Ir. John Vina. ot Chic-go, m,, in visiting " nhtim here.--' n.- lor from he" “ended at. M'- can." in Gaul inc My onl- ilc and m - pic-Id viii the MAIN-elm In! hill. of Chime. til. it will; I!” NI Mn- Mee-Mr. “an 'l'M TIM-Ia, Meh., in 'tatttttg n . WWW ParsonAI.-The Misses Limo Ind Minnie Berdux, who spent about [our week: with their sister. Mra. Land- reth, in Tnvistock. returned home Sum] laat.--Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hotstetter, who visited Mend: tor ebout tour week: in the West, return- ed home has smut“ um . most enjoyme trip. llMlu-gvidollu'l ”I. at. 'g.'1h%'r,tt"pel1,t'Mti .ttrtitFtttttMPamitr "-tgurottt-f,rtthtté w”! nutty -ttorgtetttm ' maven." Thom: “I. mum at any with " funny mmmnm m a _'ttMUtgu"'aitt, runny III-Inga“! “an“ lulu". no VALUE pon mun tat8tttt, P-l.--.). Mr. Volllck deliver- WINTEBBOURNE. CROSBHILL WELLESLEY F,r? 'tiiiritshire PM. egg: K855 ttmoirti I. Q t1uet.'t't.'t=t, - u you In "" It . _ s h In; I A. a» In an. tr-ttai-q - 'dt2"dftt,ttt "in.” j. a“ tron-1mm ‘0 d tut,,rgt put; at th- Roxie: IIA math-contra ml balm with not. Today (Nov. may the In: no! (on In the all" museum. at with: lugruud p, covered with own - at snow and it is still tailing. I I. u m bald It Bunk- Illd and nut, In all. ”you“ at ' M. whom to m sul- - “In An loaned, “I I no very vnophoummtwu Iron my at". has. but A nurse: Int. summon- lron Bulk. 01min. At narrate“ “mime-mule! [on u- tor the C.P.R. Co. " Bulkhead and have thirty at: working tor m. The work n this amp will likely Int I" winter. Up to the present {mm I last- elriitmf " Emma, all ut good size out quality. And have m ed . wrung ril'k, “x105 tcet and m storey high. Jack Frost has not yet arrived n (his locum And we have very nice rather indeed so In. bet- ter than expend, although walla to other winter: Ilnoe my mini here the yen: Mo. I never saw so severe twink-r u in my former home in mm county, and had only one mum 0mm tii Bummer. I thought belonf in; here how wild and cold the nutty would be but Instead Hound climate very plenum in- Fall work is well advanced. In tr few days the Belds will be deserted till next spring and the "ploughtrtan will no more homewud plod his wary wny." Jnclr Frost will have placed his set] upon Mother Euth, end put I atop to the farmers' opera- tions in the tields. The unusually propitious weether during the past law days bu ennhled the tumors to push along their work energetically, with the result that the coming on the snow will tind the majority ol the an?“ in a, position to look onl and amie "while winter holds high ctrrnieal." Snow is here at last. and November winds are howling like mountain wolves. I tun glad try Iain that our noted Premier, Mir Wilfrid Laurier was sustoined. though this division elected the Conservative can- didate, Mr. M. S. McCuthy, oi Cel- pry. While I don't hear anon trom my hohe trietsO, I am thankful and pleased that my good old home mp- ers come every week with ink resting brdgets ot news trom on Wat-vim. Yours truly, anltrfttn But Flour, 500 lbs. n Flour and hd Flour, 100lbe a 83.26 pot on. Ttmorn Wgl'tt'), Rolled 0th, 90 lbl r 8250,01’ 8 Ibo. for 25s. matter 1tritttiitte MIt by up 3275 pubic.an --- .--. .'__ Marlt?u “Flu - Bud When [ and} " $1 :10; can» “it: 01 30 Duty "lt, 50%). not for 50c. Mixed Chop Food, 2000 lbs. " 82000 Pontoon per bag, 01 00. The Sovereign Bank Capital Authorized - income Capital Paid Up - x.300.ooo ileum Fund . - £350,000 Deposits - " - .Mooo Amt: - " Over 310000.000 I. I. m?!“ D. M. III-mun, a... In. R. UNI. hut of In.“ u P. him I”. G--FOR SALE--- ', . ”kph-mien. t'd1'tgc'2rtgt1l ttttNil. hum-ad do.” br auethemshtt"ttott. mug-union. tatGistt.t-tt-ottthoettsoe. Gaul-huh A 18-ttt.Ud M- LrrrTNIglt FROM ALBERTA JOSIAH H. RUDY, Bunkhnd, Alta., Nov. 20, 1904. m It.” Lama-u ulna-ugh. I A Gun-l Bulking Blaine-I huh-acted. s. GINGRICH, at am. named by Act of Pnlhmont. mm.) Alt W lun- fora-'0. Mm but“ Ind-din; “VII“ "PM!" a - " Over 'td,itisiioikt Head oMg.---TORoNTo WATERLOO Y, IBI'B “LI BANDKBICHIEPB. I.“ Silk 'rand-ala, “It, W stu, so. with Ian’- ". Nut “It Mbnllolo, it. Id would Me, 500 Ind TU. In!” In. It!“ “It but. lnllhll h- mama-uh. Ids "out!!!” MW, m'o, - . _ s’ r” if"? but Wary! Outlaw-Th: I lean. , p, . v. u " mum-a um. no: at, 'he-tls um” i...“ nu. ' ' oLLatt_-o"tr- no. on Boat- "ttttre" not. In'obhu‘ mud ”on Collar. all Iiuuho- It an, puma-a a up, a. " 150.176.0601Mpar tug. 1'.s 'ILE Til! Apron] tor "si-Matt'. (any four In bud “a, - m - no IIWIIO In [my " MU. [Moving rd- umt usual w h ta Me. “ON. (on: In [and a”, - colon, and“ Ma. Bord Will. _ y1ttttyt,, Ayr featuring “(In And an! colon Me. It”! “LI IUP'LIIS. um " Mark ilk Infill! MM J. Ind $1 00. lion'- ann in IIM. Pith Hut - not), - 'u.6N,7aarot 00; -:.r"7ctT IIACBS POR "I AND IOYS. In” My Ink but. ' te.ifri6r "etc?!?, le: Ms, 40 ' 509 Ef 75.. _Bnyo' Drum, 100, 169. ”M n _.- Ghristmas is coming IEN-u no BOO' ritujg iritiisiiirtiiCiuih' F7iairiiiii%s lllludtlod, non-t non-m 141 2 toi7 a 750, 1 no. It". “In 9mm, gnfqmc, " le. to 11 " we. 75; Boys, mm prim sum”.- “muse “can. We oarrj i link; BEE SIT-REM anon-g, Julou, use. an s: M, priou so 00 so no on. any: 12 1-2 cu It at 50:. new. has, immune man uni-n an "aM. In“. whit. 0- "on night noun $1 00 ml! OI.” . LINED MOCHA. UPO’Eg; Fr it the “I"? tttry, AWN“, 75., U0, 103! M?.. ly.. 39539; uri- 3166.; in; 711.371? Wi '13 Woman). quanta-thump. You or “it a,,d'tg,:t'ttgttt'L,t"a",tl'ttu21'Lt'd'if1 Fr _' New teleetrd vol-inn iht . lb. or 3 Ibe, for a $50. But seeded rnlnlns In lb pacing», 3 It». for 250 Current.- tittqqt cloned at Go . lb. or 3 lb- for Me. Curnma good No. 1 el. mod " " . lb. or 4 lbl. for 250. Figs lugs Inna. lbo. medium layerl 2 for 250. Pigs in boxes 100, oooklng figs 5 lbs. for Ma. Prune: very lame IN B lb. or 3 Ibe. for 250, Prunes mmlnm alto " 3 lb. or 4 lbs. for 25e. Prune. good one, 50 I“) or 61tm forPlu, Lemon. m and clown peel mixerltpor lb. 200. Bhollod mm from 30333 403 pot lb. THE GROCER -iiiiiiGGi 5613‘6135 to quota out no room here. Thankmi you for past (“on Ind hoping to receive pm of your {more Ludo. LOOK A Handsome Xmas Gift For The Boys and Girls. I904. GREAT 1905 _:-',., HOLilDAYSALllE Cub 3an one Prim Pnon 417. We Have Felt Boot. at mt, 1.00. or 1.15. [vary 'Palr Guaranteed. A. s. HALLMAN, ZIEGLER'S Shoe Men SMYTH BROS. irt KING EAST This were i, atrong on Felt Book ---The Boots are strong, too Our Felt Bots we made from selected, live Wool Felt, with lib stays and loops, white or grey. We have the very best of Folk with Snug-Proof Rubbers. We never offer our patrons a Felt Boot uqless we know it to be right in every way and can warrant it. Cheap Cub Btore BERLIN

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