' Memorl’mi. /- "unwound t b , i“ l n. Hutt _ to a. My cana' _ S from dummt = can he um "f3: ' m Ilodoll no an». Row Yam 's.."f had 0mm emu ‘.. = You In cordial, wolmmd be our Honey an be sent to all um o the world a triiling cost gy our drafts and man-y orders. Bulk daft. are Absolutely "fa 3nd we guanine that (In money wtllbe [aid only to the right party, BANK OF HAMILTON ' -__ --'. r -- _ . Trasralltsrs cnn purchase Circuit! Notes, winch can be cashed evety- where without cturgmpersotssl iden- tftcatton or any kind oi trouble. IAVINGS DEPARTIENT. The sales! “y to unseat your mon |y_is to place it.in this department "The rate ot interest may seem mall when compuod with tha rom se I by speculators but thein- trom" is at least ovum. an annual. 'ImuT‘rAICB DEPARTIBIUT. -iietitember that the money is per tectiy safe and that you cu) get II when you wun tt - _ . ,.,____.__J cGiUia7Lii upwards weaved. Interest added “not a year. CAPITAL...... .u.....'100.ooo. mun OFFICE. TORONTO. itmmtMttt In“! _ {general tr In "rtqd THE GANADIAN BANK OF GOMIEBGE “lg . darn-All. tchic., itaiih â€EVAN tirt:ttf Qumran Authovtzed 850430.000 Pun-Up capital - $4,100,000 Rust-w Rum: - 'aooarooo M Milhnery Opanzng The Aut - u the â€Inf an run-non. rid. imam has ot mrsim Friday and Saturday September -22, M and 24 mg. ' the tailor, the only Agent. m ha for the and. .0 not popular sewing maehine 1.- tpf A perfect maetune H w I a hsmhomo piece of him All tttesltstm"riPprovr Fiiar" A mph“ Btt ot inch- ttg- UNI may whim Call 6 'te. old dud. - A: 1iosaoties “I [13353 nllllM8Mll, BEttt.ttt _. an on suma- nun Sm “my...“ CURE â€OK “(ADAM JOHN RITlER, Blv‘lilp. l aw n -itaqte ’53“ "I' - FARHEJ ' mum Mme mums use cunem [Mu "howed u Annual Fall Opening will be the was“ Fanrunouh nu JACOB Ill-PILII. “gm Warmlno Brunch ,t.raa 1tpMmrrr' m dull, Inns pl)“ I union or no) on“: t row ot ""0er alone t C. L. LAINQL RITZER'S. 5 “ENE S dumnuonv MIN 1 l. VIA-4'3 a9 “than. l Jttt I malt . â€mm Bruins! 'iehum hub-quad. si, rr', _ tjri.a-.'dbetut. m...“ up; Jon. tb Schultz and 3.1m an and†to vutt .- m. but. r, . Wit. trate. tin-1 Inuit II ax- un In Land (3M ’l’tdk an“ In the - M “I “I. Lu tron; any. up “to“ am a. toub. It“. . _ bWMIu. ot Milton. v.1. south in Than“) atue. new“ I which†cl ttn My . tho dim It with... an _ ot than no.4 {cures n _ m. Mp5 all P.- m mun“ . bounty We: m We! Bruin In. "tus- and Ill Ttsit to the Worll't "ie in I†City, Iowa. In the mm plus In M some form Inwloo county poo- pie who no doing in" than. an. u. Webster, od humus, mo- uoedl Mg. Gum but»: on the can ot the Bank ot Hamilton'- local bunch. Annular new member ot an Inn here is Ir. u. Somme, of 1mm; VF- ------ _"- ___ At the Berlin mun! Saturday egg! sold an 26c 1 down, buttez at 20 to Me A pound, “a poutoes at 00c and tl a. bag, There will be a Tmnugning [My whet next Wed- andâ€. Mr. ‘A. A. Schiedel. who haa been in Cleveland tor the et), tour years the: spending two wee a with rela- tives in Berlin, has gone to Toronto, mwing woepted u positiqn in A. Jel- lriEs' drug store, Carleton and Yonge streets. At the High Court below Mr. Jus tice Teetzel at Stratiord Mr. R. T Hardog was awarded $25 damages ngninst the Stratlord Herald tor ai-. leged libel. The newspaper had pub- lished a statement that the plausti'2 had acted m A. disorderly manna-r at Mr. Borden's nuns meeting in btratlord. Pmumial Ardu ist Fraser, of To ronlo, iutcrueuld Judge Chisholm Mr. John ftbougall and Count: clerk liuwm n on 'Huursday after noon and got considerable iniornm tion in the shape oi Waterloo Count: history. " " probable that a [om histurical sotiely will lie {armed a the result of Mr. Fraser's visit. In the Cotsrt ol Appeal gt Osgood 1 Hall lh.s well the appeal agarusl the decision oi Judge Chishoim in the tions ot the Ontario Wood tn gmetndul’ump Company were sus- luned, lhe three judges before “hour the amen! was heard, held that the company was not. responsible ior the fraud of J. U. Mckmlcy, now in Penitentiary, who sold the wink} mill: to the lumen John Mehiwtut, ahd Alex. Hall. There is no telling when (medicine may be needed in homes where there are young children, and the failure to haven reliable medicine at hand my menu much summit. grid, _pef- haps, the loss or a priceless life. Every mother should always keep a. box oi Baby's Own Tablets in the house. This medicine acts promptly and speedily, cures such ills as atom- ach and bowel troubles, teething troubles, simple levers, colds, worms and other little ills. And the mother has a guarantee that the Tablets contain no opiate or hautul dniz, One wise mother, Mrs. Geo. Hardy, Fourchu, N. S., says: “I hue used Dnhuln nwn Tablets and Md thus. n my, - w... __ blessing to children. I am not sat- Y',.', without a boxdn the house at Al times." It your dealer does not keep wage Tables in stock send 1:5 cent: to Tho Dr. Willhms' Mr. Ler 60.. Brockville, Out... and you mu get a. box by mail post paid, “hi.†My. “0 no tlt 'Uttt' a was " will 'Young women may amid. much sickness and pain, says Miss In: Pratt, it they wiil only have faith ia the use of Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vegetable Compound. Judgint from the letters she in reeeivitttt from so many young girls, Mn. l’inkhun believe! that our ttirlis In often pushed almub-r um mm the. Itatit of their rnr‘urnnn" now “in†ll out Prblle schools and Demin- " Q nothing is allowed to ltaterfere with and“ the tttrt and. in â€and to the ftoot And gnduoml with honor; often physio“ mumps: follow". ad n W -7 ~,,A__ u.‘ |._o “It. - r7iGTtiGGFiie m 'ttAt N Mun it in â€mm m- t an. - . “Sign 1'gt Pratt/a,', hasâ€: to . wows 'gut,'ilt n. EiSiiii'i - 'itigyJ1tt"t't in do. u. w . an. liable t?,gi!r'ittl,11yi'i'i, In t new... ttttt it; etef “I 'atrtlt'lllll; tn “In in“: A MOTHER'S PRECA UTION E? on at uni _otAteitti.trtet' ill Pat a. who: u . was we" - k- . Jua- oC Gan, but, PM“ W, Nov mm. A but“! an a wag-wan“ an. n. i. gaiger,ee$tmtU, 1M and. 2U't"2't a ttAt."', [ - tut but you by. . «a wanton. Yb: aaauid “pm-wuowmmyuml u- - not My wron- ll, mmummw. 0.13;» “100‘ Jun... 'm. is also W by on any! cl Hilton “a Wood- mck Wu. us. ‘mm u m be mid with and the 10:qu ot Gun 01mm tit and mm 3 gin. tu In: at Rev. A. as. 1.8mm We" ttt - on no history at (no church had n It: mm, "The church in the tint. century." _ The can!“ Ilium: III-B "numb- tie In nature. conducted by Rev. I Md). Kerr, who spoke trom an an. “Almost. thou persuadest m to be a Christin." “The Chan-h belore the Retortswl tion," Rev. Mind E, Luau. j “The vital may, interest sud en- thusiasm oi the manhunt memLer the secret 01 the league's mess," Miss L. Copeland, new“. "The supxeme need ot the league," Rev. E. E. two. . Mrs, K. C. Stephenson, ot Toronto, was to have gum several addresses but was tumble to be present aim; to sickness in her home. mummiumdh Thursday memoon Rev. J. McD. Kerr gave his second Bible reading on “The Spirit,†md was unloved by 'Rev. A. E. Lavell, Ol Waterloo, who delivered an when on "The Protestant Relormation," which was very interesting and profitable. Rip. to Conference, Rev. A. E well. Waterloo. Third Vice-fuer, Hespcler. Fourth Vice-Pres., tz, Preston. s'ec.-Trcws., Miss Hespeler. in excellent -paper im the Epworth League Topics ot ISM was given by Miss Violet brewssLer ol Hespeler. tseiiolui Vice-Pres., J. D. Taylor Gan. . , HAS PASSED “Eli 88 MLESloxE The nommntmg committee reported the election ol the following otticertc Hoa. President, Rev. D. W. Snider, Berlin. President, A. A. Eby, Berlin. . First Vice-Pres., Muss Salome Moogk, Waterloo. Mrs, S. W. Bowman, who makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. J. S. Bowman, 32 Scott pureet, on Sun- day celebrated the with anniversary of her birthdny. she is a Immutable old lady, being active and Vigorous despite her advanced age. She doe; knitting tutd other lighliwork and oc- -aaienaily antenna the New Mennonite Jinn-h, walking there trom her daughter's house. Lp to the time of her husband‘! death she lived “in: him upon what is now Mr. Seagram s farm, where his racing stables are located. Subsequently she moved to Hloorr6gdsle, living with her son, hev. Merino Bowman, now of Berlin, tor several years. By,t tor a number of years past she hier:'; iiving'in Merlin with Mr: and 3. J. S. Mow- nun, Silo has nine sous‘and daugh- icrs living, They pie'tiohn J.,vHam- lltonr Rev. Miruio,rBermi 'Ale, Blair; Simeon P., ammo; Samuel, St. Paul, Hind; Noah, Winnipeg; Mrs Anon Mayer. Mildmny; Mrs. J. S. Bowman, Berlin, and 'tIrs, M. A. Brnbachar, Berlin. ' THE CHRISTMAS DELINEATOR The December Dclineetur, with its message or good cheer tgt,tt"'g',,', will be weteOmed inlevery me. The lashion pages err unusually attrw tive, illustrating and describing the wry latest modes in a way to make their construction during the buy lesm'o xenon n pleasure iostaad ot a task, And the literary and pictorial tenures are of rere excellence. A De- loction ot Love Songs trom the We;- ner Operas, rendered into Engliah by Richard de Guillermo end handful†illuntuted in colors by J. C. Leyen- dearer, occupies n promimmt place, And 3 chepter in the Composers†ser- 'ies, renting to the Romance of We“ i Ber and Cosimn, is m interesting lup- plernent to the.lyrlcs. A very clever paper, entitled "The Court Circles ol 1the Republic," describes some nniqut when: of Washington soclel lite, in I trom en unnemed contributor, who is iii to write from the inner circles iot society. There are sheet starlet trom the pens pt F. Hopkinson Smith, Robert Grunt. Alice Brave, Mary "'te"t Cutting an Elnora Pptr ‘Peeke, end such interest“; "new ’1: Julie Magruder, L. Freak Bum! end Once meson" Coon held the “Motion ot the cm. In" Christina 11et'?tu,','r the. In needlework end one C cry up no "Met.'" 'te 96 Christmas in“. l Thundn] lorenoon the following pl.- “on tr, Edmunds, at I)" "nines, town, brt . lull on u icy Vull 1m Than, â€tuning MI "in ard bah- itttt " Imcu. "The next hi." " up. "they were so sore All I up atrwid [would ban to A VI H, but t WIN “til we" cum-nupt- m- m,‘ _ 7 a M Ilium att V F W- t H M _ a his I“ 9'19 "ma, wT'mmtmns INJURED Miss K. McIntyre Miss Rose Shan- Violet Brewster h- il Fading tiiatr l MI. W. H. Lemon said he under‘ stood “a town wu going on with L tit. putting up of lug†signs, Mr Hahn add the éhtlrmnn of M, lb " ot Worn had lute-d at at W In: nation ot Jhe council b- MWMNm‘kwsivemv. I. ltlftl um human me. Mr. - " m up to m Ald- _ " pt . huh on in this mat- _ it “I that tho M o! Tul- - you an up A m. nocnmxcs or MBLttt ion» or TttADK. Tho general muting " we Dunn {Soul 0! Trade on Thumhy evening In not an may attended. my side at the petition ot mummten and merchant: in respect lo the am pointment ttt I Uetlted S'..tm mus-ll- ..to in Berlin. there I'd-5 willing or you importance ckm mm. ou- tttt than was rrotsqitteratt.'ty dis- on on the wbjeets ot 'A.reet mm;- in; and numbering and Who lack ot accommodation in the way bl can; " the ated, Think station. "" Theyetition as published in tiara} day‘s Telegrnph. to have we Barr-1M Tsade eodeevor. to have A U. s. con- sul for Berlin appointed, Vila dealt with. Mr. Huntington, who bu re- cently been 'ln communication with Senator Alger, of Michigan. address» ed the meeting and said it Watt name] to present nppllcatluus ui this nature through a senator. and at the request ot Mr. Lamireth, a member of the Board's sperm committee appointed to deal with thls matter, he had brought the nutter to the attention ot Senator Alger with whom he was acquainted. That gentleman had Ask- ed tor complete Information to show thnt there was a need tor a United Stntes consul ht Berlin. Mr, Hunt- ington was of the opinion that when I request of this nature was made it should be fur a consulate. At pre- sent, he said, there were consulates at Sarnia, Toronto and Hamilton, but he knew ot none in inland towns. The following passed: "Therefore be. it resolved that pro- per represenutiuns be made to the Government ot the United States in order to secure the appointment ot " America- consul here." " Whereas the manufacturers and business men of the Town at Berlin hue petitioned the Board at Trade to drum. it possible, the appointment ot nn American consul in Berlin. A communicatIOn was received from the editor ot the Chamber tot Cum- meree Journnl. ot London, England, referring to the publication in that journal under the heading of "Open- ings for Trade," ot announcements to twilitate communication between truy- ers and sellers of all classes oi goods, notice: of public ternders. etc, The journal was extending this deparv than, the letter stated, to embrmr enquiries trom I." parts at the Brit- ish. Empire. The communication was rettrred to the manulacturcrs‘ com-t mittee. in respect to the joint committee of the several Boards ot Trade, Pres- ident Mills said he had been unable to get the committee together on ac- count of the election campaign, but he wuuldocall it together shortly, Dr. Wilkinson brought two matters to the attention ol the Board, . one being the need ot street signs end numbers and the luck ot cab secon- modntion at the Grand Trunk su- tion. He considered it s disgrace that in a town pt this size, other- wise enterprising. Muld be so far behind m times in these respects, Some oi the directions given in Ber-' lin were one-taio'". instead ot being given n street end number n person w“ ":13qu be directed alter this runner: “Gimp to" third corner and then left the right and its the fourth h past the red hsrn you will see there." l in respect to street signs and num- bers,- 2rltr/, Mills said the matter had been br tight to the attention ot int year's council by the Retail Mer- chanta' Assoctstion end Mayor Eden ‘hsd replied thst it the Associotion provided the necessary $2,000 the work could!» done. After that he, Mr. Mills, had looked into the ques- tion end hed found that the town council had the power to pass a tty- law providing tor the putting up ot Kstrait signs 1nd numbers and asses- sing each householder tor In equsl shore ot the cost, Mr. Mills describ- ed it u n shsme that Berlin's streets in meny cases were without signs snd numbers. This progressive town needed to open its eyes in some di- rection-l The lock ot street numbers wu a source ol,mnch announce to when†Frequently psrceis were ‘hl’otllhl tttfe, been": thilelivcrer Miiagetttt. Mind-o. M5 an: We: in but: you m not will. to “My pained. lm‘t that to? hm!!!†Mptr been": me Homeâ€: Econ] lint Bttd the hOWI. This w" â€new†the directions similar to um 'lnulcod by Dr. Wilkinson, 'wete um. Then the people instead ot placing the blame on the town, bitm- .el the tnegx9tV A .. . PM 41:35: rfiiiiiii7aiPiiieTii? ._ - ftte"i' when}: and meeting ot tl II Conn†"I lulu on ' " 'le'". - . a a, sum!!!†for rczrlutihn was M In!“ AUt ti In: 'trye- 'lLU'lltt u Tr. 9t " wvvr 1W "W . _ . _ V ; _ 'iilll,t,iilik OI _ t _ . «a? .14 tlite/ll" h- um u up _ Mttqltti, "It!“ up»: la: b -ttqet+iod or a- Hui-h “It: than a? M pub tithg6, 'ltqrqb W' on W. 2ltittl Ham in not In“ a. Gut-I'll“- [Md m b - W “not um- Tiaittn a! “I Bouts ot Haiti at tho two to“: and that hula. an no; Goon! Bantu Board, In runny SN. toe the eotdittop ot alum Bt) a. “antio- Hoopla: which,“ indi-, cued in the repel“ in connection with an Holt [and] one. is not " all "rt it should be. In. Rom. " lament in dune ot the “my there, .wu quoted " odi" trunk. " having mama! newâ€! of the Board of Health that unlen conditions were improved Ibo would Mttt nmnin there. Mr. Haight explained an on lei-day he had received . telephone a liking whether the General TIG') "" Would look alter the patient-amen they were token to the Minion Hoipitnl. He had looked won it u on emergency cure and said the Bone would undertake to do vim we; qeked, on the basis ol a merrier . ot an agreement prev- iously u _ go? between re resent:- Uses ot the rd: ot flUfit ad oi the Owner“ Hospital Board, which called tor the complete equipment and furnishing ot the Isolntion Fics pital by the Boards of Health, so as to make it entirely lit for the urem- modation ot jetients sutierirag lrom contagious discusses. That evening he' had called h meeting of the House Committee end that body ratified the ection helm! taken, But the agree ment had not'been lived up to by the Boards at Henlth. The Isolation w“ lar from being in a fit condition. It had not been occupied for nearly a year and had been in a state oi di- laip.dationusieico the last patient had [ten there, the Bonds of Health hav- ing sent no one there to clean up the building. in [not the ,Boards ol Health had done nothing towards living ‘p to the agreemcnt excepting the repairing ot the furnace. I The joint committee of the Wood- I men ot tht World. consisting of .lCamps Gun, Preston 1nd Berlin, met 5 in Ziommn‘n "All, Preston, Friday t MIN. Mr. Forsyth, principal oi the , Berlin Conan.“ immune. presided. 'r Thou. Tracey. of Berlin, I“ seen- , uni The matter oi holding I joint t initiation VII dimuued. it VI! M- . slly decided to hold A joint mu» tion in Bali: on Wednesday awning, hoe. 1m. Mum. Ramplin ml Wal- t ten, ot am it“) have chase oi the " lawman, aGa by the nation: " t pee mm Rhonda. om mu t to have u " manna. Pre l tof vi“ Nikita“ About I) bl hi- . union, , The, Lady" Superintendent's report tor October showed 220 days oi ' pital traumatic. During the month The Inn which had tendered to supply Pocahontas coal at 84.50 a ton which had not as yet been ac- oepted by the Bond. withdrew that tends: boosmtbs price had gone Up The company wn prepared to make another tender it the Board was will- mg. six patients Ind been admitted and twelve discharged and were were 5 [mutants in {to Hospltal on New. 1st. The month's receiptsamoudted to $85.87 and tha,amount of arrears up to Nov. lat was $426.75. Account: amounting to $606.54 were passed. The follow“; donations were irc- knowledged : - Mrs. Lautenschlager, 18 iara fruit; Mr. William Hunky. unplug; Mrs. L. Kuntz. wax undies; Hrs. Jansen, tiowersi Mr, Julius Knautt, $5. An Humming comm“ PM! In may 91min Canada. - but - am: it. o Many people u] out the Dominion m bung when“ ateqrtr but "my, "ad that by than- on -u-. " n The food any ho pm but (ligating in not oomvloh. and all that is not at “and to“, 3nd formalin, [Mug tttt the man viola: poison; w n w†intend.“ to “mum "to "my turn- lnto um vino: dam-1m. Tho ummlnro of me body in n mlvooor Udocm'. Ivor! tank]: of analyst-l {con no: In the ntnmuh and trorrou,aettikot to thh tempers- um, which I. " blah u in an no on tho: ammo: any. It in am noon- ury to uphill how qnlokly such but will decompose duo mum, either mind or amend-o. The noun]: tad bowel: mutt be let rtght--ArrtrPtt1 will do tt Dr, Lenn- ttardt undo " Ami-Pill "womanly to come: thou condizionr. and it but nevu- (“It d who]: given . Mr chum. 60 coma. All"1)rn¢u1m, or Tho Wilton Ftto Co , lelw', may". Pulls, 0m. Solo went: for Clank. SOURCE or SUPPLY POISONED Hummu;.- Nov. b-fetal',':"'), ing‘n om "mum; the he (in; ot - the an“. cl (2-.on and WI. an cnhon- ya ' any. tt In: B. c, ' _ ' "e'" Iain-nu: JOINT INITIATION tt WWW: --q0e0e0q0e.q..e0e.S0e0e0e0dree 0.." l a In! HYMMEN’S BERLIN It will pay you to buy your Barnett from me. We have an grades from the wry [when to the very bony, mnnnfncmred right on the premises, and n price. to In“ any user. Al I do Bot buy any rv-ndy made. we gaunt“ our 81m..- to be unsurpassed in both style nnd Ivorian-hump. Horse. Owners Jttngijit in Price from 83.00 to Fall Zine of Trunks,Travrs11tiig' 815,00 Saskatchewan, Mountain, Bags,ctc. We are sole agents for and all popular linen The Langmuir " Co., Tbnto. NOAand k con LAMBS" COATS. rubber underlinvd, MI sins. “on “fawn; Ropalrlng Done Whllo You Wan. . , _ ; . Complete Lino or Good- tor the Help.“ Opposite Market Hotel The Peterborough papers mun gnu on unwind write-ups of the new Wane "stem which is being in- I Id In flat town by the (kn-dim Incline Telephone Co. The wires are Mid II conduits underground, and [pe- ‘citl mention is mule ol the thorough null“ In which the work is done and cl in good condition in which a. I'M IN tert when the work in - Tilt is the lylum which tho mum city council is invited to - with " is may lot over rt thgh in tho am town 5 “My Btted up win this M â€I. as! can“. W " ottde '.1Rrr. This Drum is without doubt the beat on the market. It has cast ron ends, caetirm direct. and indirect damper. The tubes are made of sheet steel, and can be easily re- placed at. a very small cost. UM!!!) elm-tn. - - d . . “0M. DIN!“ WITH Dotmmm 00"â€! . . 117.1“ "Pttluioe-edtrrttteunrmtardrraeee"m h, lama atarraarortthA-tft16,'06r68& _ Th6. Mercantile Firéig INSURANCE COMPANY. , . 'tl PETER HYMMEN NEW TELEPHONE SYSTEM IMPORTANT G.) E. POTTER; . _li/ SPECIAL VALUES IN BLANKETS d. Ii,A":iiiittttitityitht Am. WWI“. Search†T. a. Man. Inm- ate's-manta on. “an. Illa)“ “run-nu. PRICE " EACH From the Che-pest Unlined to the Heaviest Wool. ROBES f TRUNKS A _ Wm‘ IILD I'm - WATI‘LO OWN RAFT RUM mm: ONTARIO WID- THE Ililliillillllillrll L" ho ' was... Secures more Nut Basin... in Wuhrloo County tUn my ottter oompmy. An Endowment Polloy In It well-managed md poptturComptrrty such as The Dominion life Will Pay You PM “Us BERLIN