ifr_, ,eoeooooo+eoeteoeeofeo'.s {a t' Our Swell-Made _ g "'i_,__ti_ics'!t'""utr,tir,','t',r'm"'i"h "ii, ' Millinery 'ttOEHMER'S) v v -- - _ 6tEtFibias Nnvmmmmmwmumwg Int. divide the second tint from the aruuwtirbr, gard "tke. t . p m o cub. then divide ttte hm lower And upper In." " the wand rib Joint. The turkey in now ready for mrvjng. - _ A -- - - - v‘w r1 , Quin} 1.13:1. mchJ.‘ u We’ll an; ad to the dyes-in; " you: um. or overcoat, is . “we th.. m for we" or if you have not yet Appeared in your winter mg- now is tlr than to hm! them In. Our pun-menu we the best products of the most nqted mnnfvvurorl. Out- but: and tustrerdtsrherr are leuyu coinct. Our price- !" W n- r ht. . You rev" hear anyone any "Too much" when trading here B. are to come here for mu:- "unmet drains. Ctotigttoesa,Rtsta, 'p, “We-mud n oordid invitation to tdtthtur, that rooms, wl t .. . in Pain and Ana-"nu Wa'egloo county's Greatest Store. g WWstwv TH ANK . WESELOH & cp..,, " m. and tom'. anInanu Eks:Eii"aDztsoEstsxry ct At The Old Reliable} . $teugrng SGI’VINQ‘ Ill-PH. um t..- "a. n-.. W, end of the t?yiiitietgtgt,"a it down so u to gain tro' corn-and. Fun. cum " the log with an second j Ant; then wing on the I“. “but from you. Tip us. int-key (mm you And who“! the log md wing hon: the nude mwuud you. Next car-c thin olicu from each nida of tho but“; also remove the Wishbone from thy was. cm. through an rim. “at on the (me side then on the other With aqmck mm of the knife divide the front of breast from the back of tme LA- --A hull ',Uui,Ur-dtsmct3gEt to luau-L the twin. fork at tho Ind] ' _ n --- ‘M-dn- n in " 0m. rhn Tarn" hugs W of WW And when do an mud bdrm! " liliolryt, . Nov to Pan omanERLlN M: _ - a 'gt?ti"itt out} ' hing-c. _ â€*3; I: r , , n t ..tirjEPiti'i 'tt tWI... . , m My" b Mait M in, “9'â€. NOW! Mill mu: Bart'ar a 't'i,d.e',ttt'J', -a,t - ttttns u a 3313'. I w h snar- uh on "3., :31; Th. "%atdanen to not In“: it In "id can thy did not/pay their - -a.--Mr. J. Pollock. ot susz -" Sunday with his New“. 52.} m. R. Pollock. Kb; street. east.--' Mr. Geo. Ruler: ItaNo la mrly completed. It guy that. amnion- ttsto building-o at Ben Helnhuth bu recovered - from his and: ot quiesr-Rev. W. Buyer, ot Be foes, agent ot the British und Foreign Bible Society, pinched very Incept- Ibly in the PretsttrterUtt church on Sunny ulternoon. Max the service Mr. Edmund: took the chm: Md the [allowing once“ were elected: Presi- dent, Mr. F. B. Edmuuds; Brat Viet. president, Rev. D, Shape; ‘second vice-president, Mr. W. McKay; sec.- r' ' _.'"" , L. . "w" , Atrq.t.tb0ttae" m h _ kl w i v _ 'altid.jiit' ('i' --r" I . m--.-------' F C I. _ ' m ' to. W St tsiii _ 'lille-.!" 'iit'i,tlllt.f "MMWhMWre-m '"reee,"r.rt"t'"'"' 'tti'.8',atiii'iiilit, I: mummy In! ' . tgiCmantearMDutetr& . _ '.nrt -. "WW‘“ 1 p," c. a . . . .'. ' A cd-i,,'.".:"'.':":"':".'.".'.":':--' 2e,Mrtrl'."liay,,a"tutte, -_---- - . .39?" Pr?J/flr'rrli1.act, "W e'""--' - - _ treat. Mrs. (Dr.) McEachern. The collector: were appointed as iii! Iowa: For the village, Miss A. ii.) Goon; Min H. Dahly; tor the east' section, Mrs. R. Ballard and Mien Palermo; tor the west section. lie- ns E. and J. Begs, in the evening Rev. M. Dreyer preached a very elo- quent sermon in the Methodist church The people ot Linwood will look tor- wnrd to Rev. Mr. Dreyer'n return next yetr--Mr. J. Crawford has no cured A position in the T. Ruggle Co. store,--). S. Lentick, a genial {fish man in his one hundredth year. was out last election day to, poll hie Tote for Jon. E. searrtum2-Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Fish were away on e visit lat week to Faruuule.--Mr. W. Carnochan was upset in a deep ditch in trout olhis home last Friday. He was iortunately pot badly hurt. He htd n sewing machine on his wagon which wns partly brokrs-Sorne iron: here attended the tunnel at “a In“ In. w. Fleming. oi Morninxtol, " Miiihank. - Kr. and In. Heat! Akwee and Inhella were the â€it ot Minn A. Harrow on Saturday, - Mrs. N. Harris is visiting “lead! in Glenn-n Items at Interest.-- Owing to the he. , frosts ot late the lumen. in this mini“ have been tletrte to Emmet: NJ}!!! ploughing. It in to be tTdiia-iFirmrsiret* nvorm with . week ttt. two tine weather.. .-.Ttte roads in this section no in PE- ccllen‘ condition, better than all any time during tho summer. Should this continue till Christmas It would der- tainly be highly sppreciuu.-- While mingling " the shed on Saturday last one ot the young mm had the mlslortune to lose tiisrroottiold and slid to the ground- leortunarcly nothing more than a shsking up re- salted. The root being lrosty mad; last one ot the young 11 miskortune to lose my slid to the ground- r nothing more than a sh: salted. The root being I it g very slippery place We hope the mm! the I he completed without my my. PM]. It: manic MeLaugh'.ih, ot the 4th line, sot-It Sunday with triends in Truiee.-Hr. .214 Mrs, Dan- iel Hung, ot Southampton. who spun the put. two months. in the West, while on their vuy home, event I few (up " the home ot the In- ter's brother, Mr, Louis, Adotrtt,--Mr, and Mrs. C. Ruppel spent IBst my“. iwith relatives in Waterloo.--hir, Samuel Both attended the court at Stratford. being calhrl as a petit juror-Miss karges of Listowcl, spent I. few days the guest of Mr. and Mrs, C, RuppvL-- Mr. Hotsrrt mm returned home having wens the sum-nut in Motitobr--Mr, Oscar kap- pel of Elma, spent Sunday under the parental met on the tth line, Noter--The North Watérloo Wo n- an Institute meeting was held 'n the lecture room on Tinnday uncr- Ioou last. The President, Mrs, A, Brown, In. an n irstrrrsti:tg ad- dre- on but tate trip through tie North'elt Territories‘ A sumpmvuus tea 'u tend before tur, n: ma}; - mu P. Julia, ot Victoria School, bu tendered her rmignnmu as turn- er. The Danton is sorry to part with but, u it “no - Meth Miat starch, In with. she MI tun-I an mm‘ partUterittg “he put Fear --Minsgrs- lie MeDouttatt, at Berlin, a renown; new-hm h cut midst. -=Meats. Jun- and any "tmilton "no. Sunny " R-ter with 'Mr 11.“- 'x.--A Inge umber intend Ink!" pun In the low] sum " Bunny and: on In!†Auim.--ttr, and In. Geo. MI ertteetaitted “can “when! rom-r'ttoastf,t tum-I a. In. A "rye-joy- an “I. w W by an -t.- - 8.5 cm I: m u - od fl! m H m. in. J. A. mun.- Vh. - vb " - I and a m1, c, II. It G - Busy ..-, __ - b magma" ploughing. It in iT 'i-ie-iii-r-wrt-terr week ot. two Me weather.. (is in this section In: in PE- um» I! NTEBBOl'RNE WALLACE 81W Gd Nite to wulk on. mm! the building will without my further tnisw and tfra"tr,gitt'g'tt, was, .l-ubK.Ir-u.lhu|r Non “unmatmaum. Vii!“ tart wont to h. AOeet , .9: can one Ji 'PU-it.', " we aid . as w- . on cl l hub Mama at he been h b '_, the hit my! In: Wye-n. At: (All we deten- 'qrte.btssarhrbrtt Ii. Joesph my Bt. emu. much-ed (In tum M " an. Jacob M. this, i Idle noun: "t St. Wu. lot I hum pun. A?haat- in "new pm Inn-e been uumemu lue haunllr, "an" Koch! new at u. Manse to Mr. John B. Inner, M. tux-meta. Other dale DIV. “may mean meow Med in {ongoing new: bt'dttett' Iron your correspondent at. St. Plane-ts. Spam locking-A qeiat mun. ot Pu"",',"":,', con-cl "t the 1mm- Ihlp Idle-Icy “nth-M al the 1'rt'"'f,'gt.?'t omen nu .titmilae ttto 14th at. ‘and important ragga was gym“. iaii.Ck puny ot H, lullie‘xlluml the my not“. mum our town on. Sltlu‘lty and an m entertainment! the: one any" advertisement. The “tend-non In considered [use to." we In†mommy ask, Dld you gull your money's ,rorthr-The cold wet-‘ the! ot the present time haa got the 1ooat'tovam ot Cundn's chtet winter upon, namely ahnting tad hockey. on the move. " ll proposed to - In i open air rink within only teach (“all wishing to ptrrtieipate in the sport me! with due eo-operation the proieet will no doubt be mulled to completion. The local hockey team will no doubt IMO be in line “sin to comb“ with our neighboring name. who VIII) hlrnlony within its an!" on clan with any ot ttttm.-. The loul elder mill um I moat suc- mlul mum in sulpended open- “on lot thi- M. WWWMW a Liter-(y societr.--A meeting wss held/n Hnll's hull Tuesdny, 8th inst., when A liternry society was orgunir.- gd, which promises to be one of the [ but ever organized lam. Some oi the otBcitbis no: Mr. M. Amps, pres-, Mr, A. C, Clemens; vico-presc,' Mr, A. Y, lull. tread†Mics Ntllie Krite set, no. uni others newssnry to mange the thin at the society The outlook is very bright in: ill society when rousing success as it ‘is mnnnged by a very competent Int M ladies nnd gentlemen. The hand also ins kindly consented to supply the music tor nah matting. which will add greatly to the enjoyment ot everybody. The principle tenure will he odehate every eveling. Thea there will be music, vocal and in- strurnetstal, “citations tend dialogues, A very interesting programme Rtll be Hanged tor each evening, The Brsrt meeting will be held funny. the 18th inst., in Hull‘s hail. livery- body is cordially invitod,to attend, - l number or not. Ito not miss thin u tho matings '|n prowl instrwtivnu will u "mmitrg. Rout-Ir. A. Hnnshergcr. one ot our WI chm-up inland: luv- ii: I ll the as; Mun. 'p,tNg'd mm 'arte' te, TI? ul- vhle! In not tut sawt- F dar not vary well uttondd. col-h _ may Tgt',", sold " t good -.-w. lion Hallm hu pu- , and the mmty at in. But... .M we â€in“ will this poun- [donouthonnt “Newâ€. F ,les-lhl B, Rub-duh. oi I ttha no out oi Mr. "A In. t " this! Int Btmdnr.-Mr. but . M. ttt “brim, vu - _ ninth. LSWMyh-t. mum-P“ nm-nNW‘ Winks-I un‘mD " tt Inn-nu» tHe-tgt-et PdeS2ti; Frankly an tar) itellltM In _ Lusure,1 mutt-cuboi- LFaiubattt.erttde_ttott, as tt i-9ttryrye_t.t. NEW DUNDEE ST. JAOOIS Lil ' _ Ix. a. ' . .' Pd " ' ' , _ F h , .2! ' , “my, 'rar, tlgttlelt,'t, _. Pr', y -, m. and - b alum has†by up In. mew, who “at to tho att,9o -tiaq, It". w. 0. buyer can.“ the heating. Ha paved was" to In Isaak; m ttti","',',,)',',,', and talked auscu- 'onlly on good work don: by the mm. aad Foreign 3m: Bounty in Chin. Siberia. JAN. Cumin. and Who New MM“, and an “with 'mnstntiou ot int In: ammpusb ‘ed in (own lands by the sodomy. We might I37 thut the mm. m the beat that W†our delivered baton I St. Jscoh's audience. Ind deserved A much better utendduco. A collection Wu taken up. . Buns-n Services-Lat - an all". new. Mr. “munch pro-dud to n has contention in Eaattsh in ‘5: 'p,,th',t.S"" ma when prove 90.113. " _ . ' iroisGCTi?ifu. the marry mn- en will be - may!“ ttteurtivea in the exlt0arrrt4rtg sport ot hockey. We would cumin them, however, not to - mica and Attempt. it below “no ice becomes perfectly solid and mum. ' pod may will likely be put on Qua. 'Pémam. "te yum†Read Hesoentruer,rot Mlin. spent a dnys at tho home of Mr. Jacob singer Note-There is so much being aid nowadays ot the different kind: ot weather we are to conlmnt during the coming winter, that your corres- pondent thought it advisable to orig- inate & piece ot poetry that might be witablo me! quite in order that we win one! "a [allowing Hues entitled The mu who tries to tell us what The westth is going to be Has new! hard me sigh of grid Bean: 1 am not he. ' In tut, I wouldn‘t take his job No mutter win: the my Might tm,.tsecause I should so hate To hear mt people say. It be is the lent bit sensitive His bun-C must surely ache To but unkind comments that So may people make. He Is sure to stun a wail ot woe, No mutter what he does, And egg prophecy nukes Let him predict a plenum. day, . Thejnrmers l" complain Because their crops are dryingmp And they luv. prayed tor ruin. Then when he Ibo: them looking and Because their crops are sere He cheers them up with frequent showers, And thousand: "r, "on dean" The moral is, ot course; Dttn't kick! It won't do my good. For everything will have to go As nature thinks it should. And when the. prophecies don't please Dott't Nuns the rather mu. He on" - everybody. and so Brion tho but In an. Mr. Albert Kurt dmnst met with his death lust Wednesday, when he tell hackvuds trom n height ot nbout six loot, striking his neck on a stick of wood. He bu been confined to the house since, but is recovering.\,Mes- srs. H. Ebel and J _ W. Schweitzer bought the an." mill property here, And intend to run it to its full - city next scum. May fortune " tcmhtheix venture-Mr. libel has just, hid in I stock of the lamuus inter- national stock lood, which he in tax tailing u very rrasonable prices. Call at the said.†shop And get his prices ii you want a good stock mod. --Mr. Geo, Corby has bought a pro- ipertt in Berlin and intends to move there in 1Urcir--The (land river bridge will soon In may tor tulle. --Mrtr. Schlnhein went to Upper “which int week to the bedside at [her mother, who has both Itrlcken dowuwlth portly-in. Red Etrtate Tnnlcn. - Mr, A. Bidet. In: Kenn“. 3014M: [all " It. Becker. ot New Dundee.-" Ia Wm told in turn to but! Bing-In, “Mention 'Moo.-- Jeue Cos-or In told his - Io- aui m- to A. Binder. Brien-Ir. P. Sch-Met in an"- vdhonelmth’unly mutt'hb in; .eeruiq in. maid-nun. o.. t.eteriamltt.tb.trq.t. nan P,2gu't"e2t'"ttt2t.t tee gh-ttr a a“ lat-Tb -qaitt. ,r-tt.thtNet. â€hum-mini». iiiisiGriiit-qttVe,, i‘;'iim'iin"m' root-W In It M - we: will use. A ,mh " an m In. Eirar, The Weather Mam a {scold In CONES'rooo BRESIAI um few Fil. MI'Pnlmhuuk, V s't'fitgg12tatpels't,tro"Tii'i" 'lsTf1i'.='trs1tgllg mun-noun“ _ BOW' PM“!!! 'lrr'l',Nltttl,t mun-amp, I"! "if“... .4 xotrii9'huiiiir,'Cidifry 339 Who. but... Nut. um? wrtt'tpaiieU, “by-1931'!!! 9995"!!- ite lad-FM "he! cmmumm-w we! pom ml am- y .ttoai,+080. _ - _" , -, I Borty'o.A.hiitissriaOiet pun. my nun-um puma} manna": C" : -. -"I Your tHftIrp.A.,ltiae+rmer-ttbrartttnoMe,t+e-. '"TA"Gilitri Una“ T" """"'."'""' I...“ '""Y "Tio 'a,8l'au',!'l'a'h'tdl'd D. lads-EWM I"-.'-""-"-' â€mammnmnxou .. . Winn: tumult“ mimln} strmrauataetoi1rrrstttet We, 000-. an, Pt-ttv-tr, as - i Big Shot Buying Day _'")', i w Saturday; Nov. 12th v/ii; STABBIIGAFFAIR '. a " ELECTION ttlit All dar long while tho but“ vu using onuido. Ziegler, m in†af, Lo. Prion on She. In Wturloo County. In buy with tho “pruning all,“ dieing " have, upping " than. pit-ram; this price Had all)!!!“ My!“ until - regain prion In an to - {on It will be the day of (by- to buy the but of Pooh's: " prices " - am no one can do"! to my “my. If you one to an money, how'- I 81:00 Bale that, In jam. to you: poem book, you ttattttttt lung. abundant. caia Enigma in 'pmklges 100, eiinta " 6e Te and 4hs, with“ at 50 So and 100, due: 50, figs " Wir peels, dulled my" fate; . We can!» . quantity of good land pickqd tin“: lpplnp spin prefered. Also some late fall " so P 60e ptr hubs]. _ Our new fruit: for the holiday We "I' ft boy], V Nr.. “gated mbimMrer lb. T ll E GROCER It on be had in either buck or gray, and it is . beauty for the print. We hue an fine An snort. that of coda " you would ask to 000, And they rungs in prim from an to an dollars, We duo hue . In. any of Children's Costs In. three dollar In“; Contra Mil out them. ladies' Goat . 51-5.†M, 11-09%“!!! liArti, 08-5901. tr " attr, " oitiar/riokuaue%so'," to; Main. tr.glt, a. td, no, tit an m "NrirarrgiiFi"iiir" -tBEai Store" This is . picture of our Apples Wanted _,,,,': 09mm Rona. Berlin “can“... an... -trt,-eagt=, A. S. HALLMAN, $5 235% SMYTH BROS. ZllEGLER'S SUITS FURS KING EAST Chop Ooh Stan. -tTisiriii BERLIN iiaar " NET