'Ih “no Ira. mun-cl Mall on. In It all. will not out. “glupyurq. -t"ii,iiieiie, W in... - Old. Mac-unpaid ty ttl - ms in 2Mtt an 'tlt N Dad 'tir .ccul " is chap and in an suing}! -- do». itmtttt It; got]. Tuimciunbkn furnished on to- quret. COUGHS and COLDS WATERLOO - - ONT. Devltt’s Drug 8 Dueritsg's home-made sausages conceded to be the best available where. 'oo-tooo-tsooo The Evangelical church choir, Wat- erloo. will give a song service in the church on Tuesday evening, Nov. 15. Rev. S. M. Hauch, pastor ot the Waterloo Evangelical Church, preach- ed in Hywkeswille. Many loads ot sugar beets pass through Waterloo daily on their way to the sugar refinery. Rev. S. M. Hauch preached in Hes- peler Sunday instead of Hawkes inc, as stated in Monday's issue. We tMV derstand he is ill at the former place. The executive committee of Water- loo County Sunday School Associa- tion will meet at the Y. M. C. A. rooms next Tuesday evening to ar- range the programme for the annual eorrv'1atuori. ' - " - tr "I IA" TI! "LIV EARLY CROP Fall coughlu bu begun. Our mum? ob' Elm! ID, human] AND anleYNl Is (ramming to " Our old Customs“. who In." thmghly tried It. think a much on it " our. " W'Llnl, in an ex- edhm. round} for 00min, Golds. Ewan. um! Burmhith " dos. tho wart 'g,tqdellt Your money but it not. named. Don't tail to hear the election te- turns at the Waterloo Town Hall on Thursday evening. The band will be in attendance and furnish music tor the occasion. On account ot the school teache s' convention at Berlin the Waterl Central school was closed lor Thu - day and Friday, a fact which will not necessarily cause one to see I good mtny sad [noes among tho pupils. Mr. H. N. Huehn has sold another ot his houses in Waterloo, on Foun- dry street, to Mr. Dennis Manley for the sum ot $1,475. Mine host Ger- man, of the Market Hotel, Waterloo, was in town shaking hands with his many. Wellesley trictuir-Wellesley Maple but. The Book Cornrittee of the Water. loo Free Library 1tard is at pm sent tugs " m s Irvin; new “on to plate on the I hrary :h t v; Pea, den duixous ot hasirg (NH-1‘1 'tttst purchased tor ttu, library ll II I all.', have title of book and nan? at a" that with the librarian an: mm witht the next two wce's ant th 'propriety ot buying s " works nil be considered by the Dunn". 2 A decidedly new wins: in this sec- tion is the electric homo (hyper, one ot which our popular liieryman, Mr. Levi Graybill, has recently obtained. The horse clipper by means ot wire connections is attached to an electric motor. The power thus ototained when turned on works the clipper in the ordinary woy as by hand, and - much time. It is probably the Brat ot its kind in use in Waterloo. Rev. Dr. Armstrong ot Bad n took up the work of Home and Foreign Iluions in the Presbyterian Church, 'Ibexloo, Sunday, while the pastor, Rev. J. R. Gilchrist, 8A.. omciated h the urns capacity in Baden. This mums Vin general throughout the Guelph Presbytery. Mr. George Da, vidwn of Toronto, . tormer Superire unilu‘, wu . welcome visitor to an Interim Presbyterian Sabbath Echo! on 8ndâ€. Mr. and In. Stueblng, Erb street, tbteHoo, celebnted the Mth nnnl- m at their grunge on Tues- ttt Ther were tried In Wellesley , ip, Nov. m. IMO, tnd ue be: still In good health. They have an wildnn. all ot who!!! Are alive. It. 5mm; win he 811nm old on th.tth of ttovernter,atrtrite Mrs. tet',', In " your! old. The may T ttt tM ma couple wish than w you nun of - wedded my this... observed the “ma laid on“. on Hullowe'cn ot nu- _. Ill-mm“! outlines rem-elem, . Ill‘l in! dllplnyrd eonapiert- h “on at Mt boo-en. The r - VII Wt hm "which. ' mmhmuu on ' _ his. a omen-db A tbt m- tbe - It I m m. Iltt’s Drug Sara DEUTSCHE APUI‘HEhE INSURANCE. Local News. are any- TAtN8tBedttttt' w‘ at,"fU'itt: â€'55 2t _ .nud 7d.- uttN.-_Bartt.andt= it m-swrm..mu "tevitbtagtr. 7|.wa datum» burl-(uh WM'IW. It men. III-TING d,u'tgt'n'll'gttUh2l',t one“ "tda' Btartttq Foundry ['li!iyGih eunu- tee tho â€It†at but “not u! for a. closing " at an». " In " and to adv-tir. the also! “I road, and it In when“: I!“ and it would I. sold to the Foundry Cour puny. ELECTION RETURNS. Armament: in. bun In. ttt sin an election return on the - iag of Novena!“ m in gu_'.g¢lqg Tdsrn Halt. The w. M. s be present to enliven the hml between receiving the return. from the dUterent pert: ot the country by 3 number at selections. No doubt the hell will be crowded end the an ot the band being there will add ir"iiu"il to the excitement nnd enjoyment at. this particular occasion. I 2t The regular meeting ot the Public “may Board wu had un My evening a the Library. There were present, Chairman Bean, Secretary Hacknel 3nd Messts. Stroh, Fischer and Schulz. A number of mounts on the building contracts, to which Mr. Moogk had cerxltted, also a tew other smgll accounts, were passed Ind odercd to be paid, The Secreta- ry wu instructed to place an insur- ance of $3,000 on the building as soon as the much contract is saus- lactorily performed. PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD The market Saturday morning was good and a large number ol both larmers and townspeople turned out. Butter still remains 20c a In, and eggs 250 a dot. Vegetabltir, such as cabbage, turnips, carrots, beets, our ions, celery, do, so'd at the usual prices. A good supply of apples, in- cluding Northern Spies, was on hand, and sold at. current Irrtces. Fowl, such as chickens, ducks and geese, were to be had in plenty, chickens selling at from 25 to 40c a piece and the other fowl in the same way, ac- cording to size and weight WEEKLY MARKET DOW WATERLOO SEPARATE SCHOOL Roll of honor: Senior Fourth Form: o. Spitzig, Barges. _ _ -- -jiaor Fourth Form: o. Sehi, F. Wnlz, C. Nihill, G. Soblsch, is" Ham-r W. Bierschbach. _ - service Senior Third Form: J. Fischer Seyler, E. Hartleib, G. Brandt, Gibbons, W. Bauer, E. Padden. Schlosser, C. Bauer, C. Dietrich, Ball. A. McDonald, B. Rafferty. Junior Third Form: C. Hartleib, N, Weinstein, l. Klahs. C. Brandt, l Gibbons, M. Berges, C. Martin, I, Meyer, C. Nihill. R. Hinschberper, l Huber, L. Mussel, L, Runerty, M Lauher. J. Weinstein, L. Sobisch, J Sehl, A. Hummel, Senior Second Form: R. Hayes, P. I Scherrer, W. Schlosser, M. RaWrtr, _ R. Huber, A. Scherrer, C. Straub, W. l Dietrich. G. Schlosser. L, Reinhart, ‘ J. Uchrtarr, R. Sobiseh, A. Lorentz, C. Prandt, o. Hummel. Junior Freond Form: M. Mrycr, A. Wall, M. Padden, G. Flynn, F, Flynn L. Strauh, E. Heidel, R. Lorentz, E, Schl. R Rarerty, A. Bierschhach. L. Wall, ll. Weinsttin, L. Hioschberger, J, Bauer, ll. Bauer, t Srhlosser, l First Form: S. Eckert, c. Ball, C. Fischer, B. Gibbons, H, Snbisch, R. Soblsch, n, Sehl, F. Rum. c. snohl E. LaCourse, L. Borges, T. “forty! l. Loren†A., rxttiy that wm win: you the brat n Ms, spend a low days in the Temaaami District, rcath:ui via Gum! Trunk Runway. Thil district wound: in Moose and other Inge “the. Call on Grand Trunk “mu, or “dress J. D. McDonald', District than“: Agents, Toronto, for dere crlptlve and illutnwd tookket, en- tltted "Haunts of Fish 3nd Tune," which gives lull Informstlon as oo - In", and the but districts to no to. TWIN CITY POULTRY - There are over 400 entries n the poultry show n the muket mane. The exhibit! ot leghorm, barred rock: and orphan»! m unpack“, strong In “an†to the Twin-City ctr "In than m an“. In. mm. It ' Pittman, W, In“, Ml- - L ter, A â€4.“. ._ M. "ariAa-ttite "trib" is . sum but-II w“. A I!!! chh mu: m- a n. gt ' w. TH: mu In 933.3% It. D. P. that. 1L3“; =,tuu., .gugl"... FOR A IIUNT1yitf u "roGk'ri'"uiiiaFiil- pa 1.0 we if drrCom- a. hut cl In. Lt Shah lor‘ - or“. Then "out Inn and in can JmaqtnaMo style (In null on! Inn All a jolly an. I“. h In arent. During the waning to- un".- kahuna ot nun-Icha- m colon Numim and uni " I ttste boll! tho Bud will my “usual. “and" II. C. te. Form“, inspector ot u tmm [M lor The Mutual Lite ol Clu- mtty by ada, hu returned from . three douhttha months’ trip through the Northwest he an ot in the hares" ot the Compatty. d greatly‘ Hm". Bury Nether uni Jo- ymt " Snider Mt Hominy for Muskoku on [the .muul deer hunt. W - - q1t'Tl'lLTiGr G ttrate; “I, - M 'tg't'tgt?.t'gltett1 - - I“. a "0 lair. I LS.' tttttt '"ï¬â€˜b-hmmuru‘wwuu: trn M“! 'MI- ud Jar- t'diiftitimtutrdtifd'hr"' â€I“ Ind-mum: “In. This Inn-u ot has VII w odd ad but they promo . - no mm. in you titrN?f THIS FALL-8 TRADE iWj'iie'fieeifi'fj'2t,tit," . unmel! mn.uuvm.num- oh "itrarVtisrfosrrt"1A't my mun-sue: they and Ina-tool autumn“! {amnvtum-M we“. manning-o. Mn. Alt. Fischer hats been spending the past week in Waterloo. Mr. nnd Mm. Arthur Foster no spending som? time n the home ot the hunter's mm. Mr. Levi the? bill. The numerous [In n15 ol Ml once Snyder will regret to ber conaemcnt to the house severe cold. Mr. (in. Decher has gone to Bal- timore on his WAY to his home In Indiana, utter â€tending the lnzueral at his uncle, the late Henry Berber, o! Waterloo. The many friends ot Miss Annie Hortop, who has been eotttlned to the house with gn'attnck of Tyihoid lever, lot the past few weeks, will he pleased to hear that she is able to be out again. - "' --- _-.-'..- Mr. Abram B. Clemens, superinten- dent of the mechanical department of the Correspondence Schools. Fwrtrn- ton, Pa., and his brother, Mr. Merino B. Clemens, of Bridgeport, Alabuna. called on friends in Waterloo Mon- day and Tuesday. uuv an“ .-__‘._,, Miss Laura Ducting very pleasantly entertained a score of her Twm- City triends to a. llallowe "I party Monday evening. mun“, -.____V,u Messrs. A. G. llachnrl and Homer Zick left Tuesday mormng for a visit to Detroit and. St. Lou's. Mr. llaeh- nel will remain in the latter place. Messrs. William Snider and Abs. Merner have leit [or Muskuln, on Messrs. William Sunder anu an». Marne: have leit [or Muskukn, on their annual hunt tor deer. Mr. Fred Snider has returned from a visit to the World‘s Fair at St. Louis. Are all who have xisited the great' fifty million dollar World's Fair Would not have massul it [or twice the cost is the gcneul verdict. Don't neglect the advantage of being able to view all the best of the worldd ex- hibits at such a small expose, and with such a. comfort. Twice daily you can start on the Grand Trunk and go through without change. Mr. G. D. ,q,aCourse, city ticket agant..xill be â€leased to give all information, at- Kany: tor accommodation. an. 29-3t. Items of Interest. - Farmers In making tlys best of the Me weather in cirat they are getting their turnip. housed and sugar beets shippedJSev- eral cars have been loaded " Gow-) insmwm The crop has been a [only good one-The election in this sec- l , 't I [ passing on very quietly, which leads one to believe that both par- ties are pursuing the still hunt. Sev- eral meetings hue been held in this sution. We are confident Mr. Mabce, the Lihbnl candidate, will meet with success. The only plea the opposition have against him is that he is a law- yer, but at the some time they urge people to support Mr. Borden, bar be is an able lawyer. This is splendid consistency, is it noC-The new sheds for the new church hare been ,raised, and when tu1ished will he a very com- modious and controllable place for horses. it being MI In! by 46 loot. - Mr. Amsy Ithtin, rt Lwen Sound, spent Sunday at his hum in Mary borough. He intends going to Lis- towel, where he has secured . posi- tion.-4hving to your correspondent bring extremely busy, the new- In brie! this wcck. SURPRISED AN D DI'ILIGHTED Personals. - Mr, Andrew 'hhmer and daughter Jennie returned trom the Northwest on Friday-tUma nnd north: Kaiser, of Waterloo, are visit- ing here for A few duys...Mrs. Jon. Birth and daughter Lora of Preston, [mid a visit to Doon kind: on Sun- -- -- .. _ --- -......-a r-.- .. -.ee__ V- -"e dar-. Mr, Henry Hnmm returned from White Fish int. week um working in the brickynrd therre.--Mr. Albert Morriston ot White Fish wu visiting triads here for . lei! ttart' in.» ,rei.-Mi" sun L. Jnmiuon, ot anioo, spent. Sande] in Dao-- Mr. Harry Lam went to lie-peter with e party trom Berlin on Friday ttwit.--'". Leslie lemon we: to . party in Berlin on Wedneodny even- ing 1aat_--Misa Elam. Leuon ot Bet- " use the put oi unfurle- um- ou Sunny. Pamnnl.~lr J. Wingtetder lett on Thrill†for Shalom toltin the you»; party tor A We weekl' do: but In .Illokt.-lr. H. m. of him. up.“ My V“. - In up was...“ L. Win all N. â€on to h. m. at " 'r,tttdlt2, it†'tt - L? - _ " " WALLACE! [Innis ot Miss For H regret to hear 0! to the house with n ROSTOCK DOON mung. I...†â€Eat-.huhm hummmmm tt-ee"stoeomt._tef. ooirtariiuia%it0ui'uLia9iui---oF" Mmdll‘wnhnyum about! a. but Inna! Win-dilution“ In! Cum an! MI In In")... Ode GIMM- ud - July- und Oman no â€any Mu. - -. __- All _,AL_ L4_1_- n_4-__... "_- Alan-“ll all ' 2G7G7iiGr on mom, Cum». (Imam, Hosiery, Glnul an m ml. Dry Gondl a quick “In" - d. Uffalmann. Opposite Zimmerman House HING KEE The Hing Kn Laundry bu muted two doors north of ite {minor premxles on King Street. lv l‘vPRlCES will t-torth be eltartrd--Bhirtts Ire, Collars le, Cul‘h 2c. wi; do only lint elm All~hand work. If work in not "titoetory, no charge will he made. Purcell called for and delivered. W01) done on shortest. notice. Oct. 204mm WEDDING GIFTS. The wand-nos of trunk: and cult- nblo gift: to be bad " our establish- msnvnll of mum! gag-HQ, exclusive In doatgrta-topesls to your lute for We chant: . ' -Gr%Giutent price! would also It- traett you it you are Momma In Ip- prguchjpg weddings. r66rjin2: of oloéu. diverts", cm. tttsa' And china urn unanrpuud for balmy and low pioes. Wnuhmnker and Jeweller, Centrd Block . Opp Snider"- Mil) November 17th. SINGLE FARE ROUND TRIP Rowena all canon- ln Cnnndn, also to Pet "won and Detroit, Liv-h , Su-mns‘on "ridge, Nbgan Pala, and Btstrdo, N Y G wd gnlng N IV. 10 h tad 17dt. Valid returning until Nov. 21 t, 100+ LAUNDRY CUT PRICES li - buaTi “TN“ HM ' hon! “drift to". Blltbl I wt in Fiji.“ $an'l'l 'tta In; Iq'i 11:42.!an A"... at!“ at all! a uni mm tut, Mpl',itttt s'i:ititEh'S.',irt'i', 'm - out It" "I130". IAuplym' mm _. A. a Milka GO NOW TO THE HUNTERS’ EXCURSION a ‘od going until Nov. 4 b, relu'n In; Doc. 10 h. The number In human. Three returning are morn min ml tVd, Macon rate- In (an Include at p our pnvlltgu n cumâ€, D-mm, And lulu-Indian Canadian main: 3 -iriuiGUuikrated Monet free on sppllcnu'n to Agent... . G. D. Luzon“, Town Aunt. D, B Dov“, Depot Twist Agent wllmu I; an“ WM» 2'thtat . 1errg, M... II " m- an“ at.'", in who I“?! 'G'th'Ari1"hrt'kli'7EiE.iiTty Ire"." Mm a'lte12littttidl),f M45,» Thanksgiving Bay We no" you shoes In tow M the lowest Yours for square dealing JOHN SCHONDELMAYER WORLD'S PAIR, 8T. L"Ul3 Our Mantle Department Briekyard for Sale Teacher tlhtttttttt Net Cheap Shoes But Shoes Cheap Shortest Route in- m." .ea9.gr.ng8tu , "WW vs I n - E. J. ROOS To Public Furor in though Quality and Big Value. You Alinyl find both st Schoudplmnyer'l Up to-date Shoe Store. KING REE. I!“ la. "OUR JUST RIGHT" So in u we can learn no Businou College in Canada graduate, so many and at the lune time such Hug: per- centage of its students as does t e H. B. DUERING Our courses Ire up-w-date. instruct- nrs expelianoed and facilities unsur- puaed. Students may enter at any Hme. Write for free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, UNEQUALLED tr..".i.2..T..rd.'"t.ec5, Ci2ii1'i-f'i'?iScA, WESTERN ONTARIO l J/ge, NlW"k'G"i? In. '"Y" CLIANCl COIUIIID The on!“ Putt-med Polish In the - No but. o Dirt, NoSnoke. No “I. Cmndm no benzine or other up!†PULVO mm mon punt nd but longer the any other. name. "M. " Au. MOO!†J. DOERSAM, Agent, iDo DISTRICT IANAOER 'tl7dl'c ' mama; rm um T - all M; tttil tF In. a chm; “In Ar JARGEIT All! Br " Your r'P'ht',gz.",',tiul'g fem? lfyoudonnnhe oeher-isxtofa . . . . BABONS Mil HAMS pt,gg2qs",e,; mu Mane-dd. rm M anthem-macaw intttematraairtm. We“ _t1tes-cliaathernaUr. STRATFORD, ONT. PARKER rift/ iAIN WATERLOO, ARE Waterloo, Ont WT, Principals. The Dress Goods The Staple Department The Ready-to-Wear Department S I O Pl I and see our Men’s * ttt a . 5 O _ Shoes in Patent I Lather, Vice Kid 1 and Cadet Calf. _ They're the greatest _ value " 83.50 ever I shown in the Twin i), tity. _ SEE WINDOW j ZICK’S SHOE HOME PHONE aty-------WATERLOO Repairing neatly done. BERLIN ERNST & CO. yet devised.' Théy look As well as they fool You come in to-morrow and have a look at thpse special $10.50 out. tor $7.95 at least. Perhups gou'lt find they are superior coats to the or- dinuy $10.50 coats you've seen else where. _ . - .. I I 'aB - 1.5;; _L_l__ The list for this Thursday is of special interest. The dollars to be saved on purchases you have to make right away, This will mean . busy thy in every department. Such sterling bargains deserve a thoughtful " men's heavy winter Overcoals, made Irom a dark Oxford grey Chg viot finished frieze. made up in the long loose ngium‘iiv style, with ver- tical or squarr pockets and culls on sleeves. Italian linings' to match and sutnrttuttially scwn. sizes 36 to 41, regular to, and $10, Thursdly $195, 100 men's {all and winter suits, msonuble weight, in English and domestic Weeds, made up in single would style, duh grey, brown 1nd grey all Muck mind shudes, in neat stripe. and checks, strong Italian cloth lining: and trimmings. And upland“ fitting, all" 84 to H, "gre tar tt, 87.60 Md th Thundny 84.05. That's one reason-the saving price. But there's plenty ot reasons tot a. min coat and tor buying one to-morrow. at that. Men's swell tall rain coats, medium grey shade, with a taint stripe. made up in the correct raglanette any le, with vertical pockets, halt cloth sleeve, linings guunnteed waterproof, sizes 85 to 44, regular $10.50, Thursdny while they last, $7.95 A $10.50 RAIN COAT FOR $7.95 riading A BARGAIN LIST Men‘s winter weight sanitary wool taco lined “Menu". elastic qrtb all! and miles, well made, in". â€I warn. slug null, medlnm And km. on we Thrill". pu- ntmu as In'l - alum rib wool Into:- an it". and than". “Mak- an and color well I“. .4 II- and. - Fiatytre will. as, First, they're fashionable. No young fellow any way is complete um season without a rain coat. Second, they are the most sensible} all or 'tween seasons overeat: G. B. RYAN & CO., Iatutrtyrt-oitttiouhhuu-' am. at be. in lid-I. I. out In. and only a plnln "G'aGa",G"Gli"t' In; out values have w. can our reputation and m our name famou thmughout tho County. 2.",tgt"grt,1lt Rl, be uliodupon. To‘hmvhomootn tamilurwithourst- extend I cordial in“ oomeintuve-tim-uit"BerrkHin." ' tueioatusuar-dtrellaaoo.tadons mu _.., Ssh-men Masha-gob! this Wt And All ' your lervioeloahow you tho many nut than for [t Wear. ,ji' Also uautunuawir lime meat of Hannah. V Sheetings, Wnppereua, Tuble Hanna. etc. A aw , easily be made hem "f.'f, {’33 ortiseeondf1oor,iathosenaot I great dad of m t present Cold weather prevailing brings in a My . for Furs, Mmtlee, Catt, Open Clocks, Flannelom mail war, Wrappers, ete. _ Our advice would be to make your selection only. tsi,, “Emily put my Every Item Here A Bargain MEN'S mnmsnmus fashionable. No young fellow any way is complete this . Wit.' 180 flne silk and satin necktien, light, medium and dark shades, neat patterns, good quality silks, the styles are four-in-tttUtd and bows, well mide, regular price Mc,, on sale on Thursday two for 25c. A - Men's Umbrellas, ttHK size, lawn! wood handles, with neat German itil- var trimmings, wool cloth, beat roll- ing frames, regular ttstr, Thundty, Mc. Men's Cardigan .Inckeu, Eighth imported, fine eluuc web, black “my knit front and can“. two poeHtr, buttoned culls. paint mung. mal- ium aim, speck! Thursdny, u. A speck! line of youths' we lad boots. made with double solo. on. Ilon edge, with swam! In" M tuning of nole and upper: ot and Nut ml lath“. "tttag print in “.15. the. M,18 all tt, - to: Thur-In, per pair, we. __ YOUTHS' $1.26 BOOTS, Mk 175 pairs len'a Boon. buy db :t,utuutr't,e,u"td't "tteAed,eateetsitttt, lc "aus- m an Idea. u my which... nttt'htrk' he III 'tttttt no“. m.m a: i'if,ift ONTARIO E;