_ if?“ mun-nu.- â€a!“ -o.FIM"- Olbnllu, Nov. 1.-1td0 p. III. - VEcrAdninl Bare-lord's my, the Mulch“; Cm. bu in". Aged A gun mulling all the ollleen ot “In Chanel squadron on board their re.- pectlvo shim. All the shun no dated for action. British wuahips strictly patrolled the mm: All night. long. They intercepted a collier, the London Bridge, bound from Barry (or Port Slid, and brought her in here u noon. LATEST WAR NEWS Burundi-qty Naval Activity at Glbnltu‘. London, Nov. 1.-4,?,i.', p ni.-.-) is no explanation yet to the appu- ently alarming telegrams lrom Gite nltar, but both at the foreign once and ut the Rania“ .udtasay it was positively shied that there was no hitch in the negotiations except Rul- Iin'l hilure to notify the British Government or the names at the ol- llcers detached trom the Russian “MIDI. GIBRALTAR GARRISON London, Nov. l.--A Gibraltar des- patch says: The garrison has been mobilized and the artillerymen have been ordered to take their positions at the dillerent batteries ol the rock. The Channel squadron has been or- dered to be in readiness at an hour's notice. Up to two o'clock this after- noon no explanation was obtainable of the above despatch, which had the eBect ot starting rumors of a hitch in the negotiations between Great Brib- ain and Russia for a final settlement ol the North Sea incident, Count Beucketuiorir, the Russian ambassa- dor, was received in audience by King Edward this aiternoon. It is assumed that the ambassador was the bearer of a message from Emper- or Nicholas. A Vigo, Spain despatch says: All the Russian warships left here at 8 o'clock this morning. A St. Petersburg despatch says: It is reported that Great Britain con- sented to the Baltic tteet proceeding on its way, provided the oiricers rus- ponsihle for the North Sea incident are left behind as a sort of hostage pending the investigation of the firing on British frshing vessels. Lundun, Nov. 1.-A despateh hum Gen. Kuroki's headquarters dated fee terday says the Russians took advan- tage of the bright moonlight last night to cannonade the Japanese from positions on the left wing ot the cen- tral army, but were repulsed after an actitn which lasted _sitviTisl, hour} The Japanese to-day for the first time replied to the Russian bombard- ment, which has been frequent for several days. LATEST N EWS aaaTaai.G; is - - tun" can. “dd-wit“ II. '-'“'..‘ . The Board of Health held ii lar monthly meeting on 3; night. Sanitary Inspector Mr, ported that there were at pron cases of diptheria and five (w scarlet fever in Berlin. Accounts to the amount of were passed. The London Standard, the leading Conservative newspaper in Britain, in an editorial on the Dominion elections says: “WI may be sure that the gen- eral success which has attended Sir Wilfrid Laurier's policy and his per- sonal eminence will count lor much with his fellow-countrymen." DAVID I'll. The Aberdeen Free Press, Liberal- Unionist, one at the chief papers in Scotlsnd, snys editorially: "The posi- tion ot Sir Wiltrid Laurier's govern- ment is in fact as strong as that at Mr. Bullour‘s seems weak, and he has appealed to the country, not because he has to but because he deems his prestige such as to ensure his return tor another parlitunent. Apart altoge- ther trom his policy.Sir Wilfrid Lsur- ler commands the respect at his tel, low-countrymen in a remarkable de- gree sud no estimate of a Canadian election would be complete which ig- nored this personal consideration." The editorial atltes that the Grand Think Paeiftc is the main issue and then adds: "The Opposition have knight it with energy And persistence but the niternstlve schemes which have been submitted have lacked com- 'retttsmlvertemt, and no single one oi than united in its favor such 1 wide nun ot interests a the government as. The Ornnd Trunk P.eifie is as popular in Quebec u it is in Mani- toba; In the near out as In the Ur M." . Spotting ot the ttttcat question, the m Press up that the Opposition" m no no Better on this question In on the nilwny have. "In this m u in others, the government MM. t my um; position 1nd to m on this an or an Atlanta 'thdtghtsettto-reh-thedmroM- a on m Milly and! an m W “I II. My." CONTAGIOL'S DISF:A SIR WILFRID LAL'RIER HAS BEEN MOBILIZED MW DO YOU KNOW FROM THE FRONT may. MI] and on p " t'ard a m. ko+rih0_,0f0 I503 ‘ll legu- .nday 350 ot sh.- -tettaMt. nib-Md mime-bulimia- \mmummm-h- 1 will“ 1Ql$,'tutt1lt',')"ll a! “may Mum pt WWI-guanine!“- Personal-Miss Robinson and Mrs. Trent of Toronto paid a short visit Ito the lutter's sister, Mrs. John Tan- ner, last week.- Della Stone visited friends in New Hamburg Sunday. - IRev. and Mrs. Cunningham returned trom their trip abroad last week and Iwill IAve shortly lor Toronto-Mr, .and Mrs. Simon Cruikshank spent ISunday at Lebanon.-Mrs. Morgan, vwho visited her sister, Mrs. E. L. IBice, returned to her home in London tlast weeh.-Fannie Ballard is visiting 'lriends in Conestoga at present. - :Mr. E. L. Dice attended the Teachers [Convention in Berlin last week.- On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Albert Proud- love celebrated their china wedding by inviting a tew at their friends to spend a few hours of amusement and social chat with them. After supper was heartily pnrtaken of, the gather- ing dispersed and Mr. and Mrs. Prot1dlove received the well wishes of their lrientls for many years of happy 'wedded life. They were the recipients .of some nice china.-ie special ser- vices, that were announced for. this week, are postponed " two weeks. ) 'r. " - u only child to u a] In. In «In _ uni-nu 1'tl'Nt/', " ho I. thet .0 I.- d- " a but u and work a m in. " II m. an: and “- m " mm, M val and.“ cl a m anon ox- .†ol tho also. to no In“ “an." no Mugged _ iron' you! All loud I!!!“ mind with wood may. Tho speed od the mo- ‘dtu II “and only by no mm, od his owl-tor to dateet tho spurious eotnn.istumaehineuinoe “on the com m Ind upon . tatslc to 'aeilitato nomination. III-l any ‘uo drorred into I happen whence they slide through I conduit dow- into the Active mum, when may no pushed into A row. When Ile [at coin bu been [creed into its place by I [commenting push bar Ute coinl ue tu1tomaticaUy "minted 'lrom . hunchcr to tho wrapper while in new row is being brought into poni- tion. Al the coins reach the wnpper I roll ot paper is fed by three driving rolls placed Mound the bundle ot some. By I rolling motion the purer is “rapped new the wins twice. when it is cut on by B v-auped knife. The next And ttailing process is turning in the projecting - oi the wrapper, which in done try mean: of crimpers, darling, the edges, in op- posite directions, and finally turning out a smoothly rolled package held firmly in plus without the use ol paste. Personal.-- Mr. and Mrk, Rimes Wisrner, Preston, and Mr, P). ll. Ad- ainson, of Winterhocrn", a Ioruter teacher of this place, were the g: eats ot Mr. F. Latsch last tiuntlay.- Mr. F. Latsch, who has born co1tlirwri to the . house for the last three weeks was: A a-brown-lug, is, NEVA“: 42cass ed to state, thin; as well as can be expected under the care of Dr. Hons» berger.- Our teacher. Miss C. M. Bride". attended me 'rcairs' Con- vention held in Berlin last “uh. She has bun re-rngegvl for next year, and an assistant for the pimiary room will be engaged. Notes.--A Liberal meeting waleld n the Township Hall on Saturday crerrng last, in the intersts of th: Liberal candidate, Mr. Clemcnt. Mr. August Jansrn moupied the (hair and made an appropriate address. Thin [allowed addresses by Messrs, L'lemrnt, and L, J. llreithaupt, Ber- lin, and J. C, Hatght, Waterloo.--- Mr. (in) Latsch's house which has hero in u'chun during the summer is nearing completion, The painter is-now busy at “qu putting an the this nullity are nearly all out and finisnmg touches-Sugar hens In this vicinity are nearly all out and [armers are now drawing them to the factory. Like a breath of com“ pl quility is the November l NOVEMBER CAN ADI h ZINE. Magazine which shows nu c excellent illutntlont The (Yunnan ream Celebrity ot the month is Mr. noun ot am Main. mother mot who has Carr at Mu ed I I" to prominence by name For th â€If“. not "tutr. Then an uplca- been“, did mm. ot Sir Wittrid hum Gun! , att6 Mr. m,oll1ul any mm LII! Grey, aluminum“ atlTttermt. “all M: The mod. all iamly ere not in harmony Wtttt In? "--- --"-:- -~n-~- -""'e, -r. -eeee V - mm...†opinion “I other writers world is interested and nations are , I " This loo is prolusvly mustraicd represented with when. "tinny" There is . short. hieiory of the Irrptr- tutti cxhibill. etc, Through Pullmm ndier Guuds, the oldest regiment of sleepers leave tor tho World's Fur . the Britt}; Army, with snmn more dtiiy. Remember thnt in addition to Th b lk f h P h C . k xi: b a . net-Hem, illustrations The (‘Inndisn tr,'t'g,', ma. £0331": 't frir‘iiege e u o t e eac Top IS mar ete ' ut we are r C 1 h it tthe nth In Mr, Robert tr I p out A cagoh e to ,0. . . . . 'iii?? ao,,'ol'l'i'rm/,',l,',' who har “w u intermedieto awn“ “won cexvmg small daily shipments oft.he Fine-t y"',,',:,',?,,:,',:", _ ed " my to prominence by netlive Forl ttu"ult't,',','1'u ““33“: season right now; if you require one or two more as ets . mar end ntriiitr, There Are up en- bode , tt own on. n . . . T did ‘gmuu of 8., mm... “we, 2g12'."td 2,tt or mum. J. D. leave your order with us and we willtake care of tt for you. Gun "" ADVII‘I'ISIIEIT I. a. mm Of _ ' tfa, "33% running. C', FirGTir' rtet P-tgee Agent, GRAPES» Don't be deceived by purchasing inferior mm...“ t'd'."adtl'8, 'thuh',',',? mm“... Mltth m“ iGiGd The "trite "' graduand varieties; experience has taught us to be a judge In..,u,a“.m¢g. um. “um ' y "tet..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.?.'.."-. "el?"'"" of same and we handle only the best; and know wheii we ge tf M m “n," n, _ ‘quVV'°"“‘ st-ttet,.--),---. V . . e ulr, 'ii,f'itiiitjNtttcL'iltl'b'b"g dllltututit1'5' L, _ _ . The Mon will we 1,, 'l'." . _ V T , . J, T i ’ _ ' r T " r _ii',, -, 'rwft _srr-,a_ , ' A n. a...» A .m " J", gE,A.Anairlt1gra1ldiiL â€we. " ._.-. = " _,.,,. = 'fs ae: 'r,ciS' count-mm “an“ HAWKESVILLE t'ryNTREVllAA; my M AGA d tran ,xnawlim 1' Ir 3; Do you know that the Grated Ex- ,g position ever held close- in iour 1.", weeks, nod that it you this: it you the will than regret doing to. All thu ma world is interested 1nd notion: ore cd represented with palaces, “nutty _ett- And exhibiu. ete, Through Pullman , of sleepers leave for the World‘s Foil lore daily. Remember that in addition to lion reduced nun, you hue the privilege mg at “up on: n Chime†Detroit, or my. at humans. Candi“ nation. the For “on“. "ttet-te mum-ma l.- boolloi. on! NI biannual. all n riot Gull Tm clan. or Mural: J. D. .54 Ieau, DtMret PM Agent, Ttrttreei.mtiqht.tq_ttttttrq. hadn't-butt!†My "In. “Dunn Wadi-“ambula- pupuludmlolun. “I! "out anti-tumult." presently-tummyâ€. “twill-CNN ttatertnt- " that: '11.»; nu hunk-hunt been “Kahlua-valued muuanMdn- pus.udmoup-I~ b "t'tortMrroo_. U -- , During the evening then were I ,number of promenadetr, which were Hhoroughly enjoyed. The Mina H. EDevilt, B. Detwetler, A. Hortop, 1(‘rowle 1nd Mr. Willie Clement ably ‘presidcd n the piano .nd furnished “he music for them. The praoidaat oi the My. It. Inâ€. - the comm-mus with a - ennui.“ wade oi "loom. and landlady tH pro gramme we: commenced. A my el- titled, "Wu." which In the out number on the programme, we; very well wind “I - with ep- plwu. “on Min; pen in " we the liuee H. m, 0. Shell. H. Dawson, end-lean. B. Green, ii) Collard. W. Clement. L. Reade all D. Colquhoun. A duet by line. Ber-, the Devin eel Myrtle Beehiel. a»; titled, “Hem ot the Winds," - sung in 1 very plain; manner. Next was e selection try the Glee Club, and ‘oonsiderieg that " he jun teeenily been formed, it did exceptionally well. A violin solo by Mr. Om: Wing In wen undead and celled forth much applause. A mle quextetue con-lu- ing oi Mean. Berger, HeKey, Juk- soe and Martin, elm eonttibuted A number in e pleasing tanner. Two excellent. pine solos by Miss Eloln Noecker and Mr. Hewhy. were use well rendered. Mr. Willie Clement very acceptably acted " accompanist tor the Glee Club, end Mr. Owe: Wing. The evening In: brought to tclose by a dance, and " a. lute hour the most happy entortainment was con- cluded. Relrcshmenta were Ilw waved .nd reticcted credit upon the new house hold science department It the Bcht?ol. Upon the conclusion of the enter- tainment the pupils formed a. proces- sion and mnrched to Waterloo and then back to Berlin, gathering in front ot the town hall, where they had quite a, lively time. They made their presence known to the natives all along the line and wound up with one grand jubilation in from: of the town hall in the wee small hours. Ttr. marriage took place on Md- nesulay morning in St. James' Chapel of Muss Mary Agnes Higgins, daughter " the late Chas. Crooks", manager If 1h: Merchants' Bank, Berlin, to Mr. Hrnry Kavcnagh, K. C., Montreal, Rev. sadorc Kavanagh, S. J., cou- drctul the ceremony, the rector of 'lt. Mary‘s Cathedral, Father Mea lunlEJZECSent' 83,,‘79'1 gs _.ir,cttlsitrhop. dam.) w, ielii, gave the newly mar- ried fair his blessing. Mrs. Kaun- agh Wore her travelling dress. and there were no attendants, those pres- ent bring immediate relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Kavanagh have gone to St. Loulr--T'oronto Globe. At the close of his memorial ad- dress on Sunday morning the rector of Trinity chunh informed the con- grégation as to the mode at proced- ure in the mrtttcr.rming election ot a new bishop. A special meeting at the Synod will be convened in the last week in November for the purpose, composed of the clergy and lay rep- resentatives oi the various parishes throughout the diocese, who will elect by ballot a successor to the late bishop. Il ‘\HRXAGE OF A FORMER Dial: LINITE. The clergy and laiety vote sepur‘ atcly, a majority of T) order be- ing necessary to an e tion. Before the ballot is taken there are no nom- inations, nor are any names mention- ed, so that whatever rumors may be circulated as to probable ramlivlatcs. they have no oitieitu sanction what- ever, as it cannot possibly be known until utter the first ballot is lnkm whose numee will be ofr1cially mm- tioned. As . member of the executive com- mittee ot the diocese he was present at a special meeting held " the Syn- od Hall in London on Friday evening lut.when measures were duly ettect- ed for the trunnion oi Ml the busi- neu main ot the diocese during the vacancy until 3 bishop in unpainted. HALLOWEEN PRANKS A WEEK T0 ELECT A BISHOP‘ AT ST. LOUIS." 'dh “an Inn-u. on: an. , a. - I... a.†W. "my 'Witt It.“ on ra. to! . an In. “It: 11tt A A: “m . '.l. I. a u tle.' Allan In... a no. _ 1ktio.-At sum-l. (vs. no. u M‘ and In. Au. In.“ I ball mu...†m... as. an. m In. “In. J. J. A. H..m. HARRIAGZS. If.†" “on, In. ttNat', a “who. " In, _ cl m. . "o-gk-J-at m M. Iâ€, “not A. Kai-u " Non W. both cl Bulb. _ - km-WllMpM Hui-to. Oct. MI, Elva! lulu. Ill LII- Vood. to Junk wink-Ion. a! Rar- Intel. AtusrAnte.-.At Gull. tut. It“. by Rev. Raul Dan “by, doâ€. Shin Allen to Lemma lull Ante, you-gut "setter at It. and In. um." Ante. both ot out. 10ilorsbCoemell.-At out, Oet. mu, by Rev, M. C. KcLann, Robert war lord, at out. to Mabel McConnell, I ol Prserort. Pttfoct-Peita' Gut, Oat. 20th, l by Rev. M. C. McLean. Willis!) Henry Bullock. at out, toten Gaul-i, ot and“. Morris-Smith-At Mount Forest, by Rev. Dew O'Connell, Pntrick Mot It: to Sarah S. Smith. l McMcckin - Shot nan, - At Preston. Oct. Mth, by Rev, F. J. Ethan I Caroline Minnie, yomgelt daughte: of Mrs. C. Shornan, to Robert McMedln, ot Durban Schleger-wiltortg.-At Prestm, 011 ttth, Michael Schleger to Minn“ Willong, both ot Doon, MurphrNuirk.-At Guelph. Oct. 27m, by Rev. Father O'Hoane. Panic! Murphy, ol Htapeler, to I'll-Mn Quirk, of Pualineh, Campbell - McMichael.-At Land. In Oct. 25th, by Ree. (its Mishap, Pe Samuel J, Pamptra'., D.D s. 'I-l-_' Dr. C. T. Campbell, lormcrly ot Elullord, to May licWiisael. st v'er-Calder.-At DAM»: 'kt. lwh lhua. Winter, of Stratum, lo PM Ihua. Winter, cl Stf'in'Ubl, to Iâ€! attetlt Cnlder. McLaughlan - McVigar.--At Stratford, Oct. Mth, by Rev. E. J. Bridgman, D. A. McLaughlnn, to Christina, Mc- Visa. shantz-WoW--At Boon, Oct. Mth, by Rev. J. B, Bowman, Samuel S, Shantz. ot Berlin, to Sarah Woltt, ot Doon. Clarke-Lake-At Berlin, Oct, 27th John Clarke to Laura Lake, both ot Berlin. PEACHES . and _ ‘GRAPES Stteath.-At Gait, Oct, 27th, Robert Gordon Sheath, infant son of Das id Sheath. McEwen.-At Stratford, Oct. 30th, Albert Lorne McEwen, son of Leon- ard McEwen, aged 6 weeks. Tuylor.--At Jamestown, N. C., Annie Tayior,daughter ot Mrs. A. taylor, and formerly ol Guelph. Young-Mt Guelph, Oct. Hill. AP.- drew Buchanan Yorng, strwaid of Priory Club, Guelph. aged 37 years. Webater.-At Guelph, Oct. 24th, Mar- garet, second daughter of the late James Webster, Sr, aged 62 years. Anderson.-At East Zorra, Oct. 22nd, William Anderson, aged 60 years. Gibson.-At Stratlord, Oct. 13th, Mrs. John Gibson, aged 25 years. Pachs.--At Doon, Mary Facts, aged _..1.!5 mm -, 're -,---t r .. - Tappendem--At Guelph, Oct. 27th, Gregory Tappenden, aged 77 years. Eekert.-ht Berlin, Oct. 26th. Julia Eckert. wife of Edward Krkert, aged 51 years. Clemens-At Bridgeport, Alabama. Mrs. A. B. Clemens, nee Miss Bella Weber, daughter ot the late Levi Weber, of Berlin. Zinkanm-At New Hamburg, Oct. Mth, Elizabeth Zinkann. aged 82 Wall Paper W. R, Becker & Go. years. Kunsunhauser.-At Berlin House of Relug'e, Oct. 29th. John Kunsun hauser, aged " yarn. Schaeider.-At Waterloo, Oct. 30th, Nichelws Schneider, aged M year, 2 months and 14 days. Straaaer.-At Berlin House ot Refuge, Oct. 20th, Joseph Strasser. aged 67 years Otrtg large assortment " Wall Pup" we no nnv toning " " granny redneed prion . . Enndnd. ot am: It HALF PRICE. . . . ... .. Other: " :0 to 262 LESS thnn regular price- . . . 1..me - Ran-contain Price- DEATHS BBBLI N -- 2rd'i",27cfi',t was“: =ptrI'ttritt,tt,"Nggtn1t 'ltiiitillfl?t!l i d b h- h h M In. a ' - I of " - II Kiss-n they an“ out. "ttne I. â€can In. b -.ed d RU cumin cord: that In- u-t in unta- mhh‘ud " . The - d the and 1berter0, a met. ion of the V . i'i7i'c.i'l?hl.1tit ot Dr. md". nun-“m any. a)“: Iattee to um: "" to luv you ot the - to. scald-u an an: uni-u out I. can: may not.“ Mr all“. When the 4W any! In In - mi that in In good " Dr. Hunt'- Pam- "iii"hF'i'ih5,'; in: tl him. â€line'- Iot In: I: e to he up". to umbewwm trm m mixtur- hvclot and no It. cl but “perigee: M - that but»: Piem'u medicines In". Then. tom any patent medicine. dunked " min. my bin Urge :1quth {geeky PI._’ifm laugh Michal, Auctiocoor. iit%riirii as 'Pnlcrl -- . 'ia 2,rt,',',',tTtt, u ttite, of the†Dr. Pierce's own-on Sni- Hedi“! Ad. .uer--setrt on receivt of}: angels! guns for am y in parry. vita-1w hi doth bin In . Wat',' ‘1 .Picm.3ul|lo NN. fi is . good thing to keep Dr. Home. Pleasant diet: in the have. 0n nun In a Inxative, two I did 3mm No7. 4-3Mck and lmplemenu of Bonan- Brnhecher, 1 1-2 miles North went of " heel». Nov. tr--. B'ock end lmplemenu of Menno B. Richen. 2 who not of Berlin. Nov. 8- Smch 3nd lmplemen'n of Carl Weidrrattmrner, 6 mike North of Drum on Salem load. Nov. IO-Rwek and implement-I of Edward M. Brenner, 1 1-2 miles north of Linwood. Nov. 12-Boueettold effects Ind Red Pat ve of "on Huneporger " our Dundee. f Nov. 15- SLcch and implement: on U In Snyder, 1-4 mile tooth of Gem n Hills. Nov. M-- Farm stock and implement of Albert Hobetmehl, 3 when north on (Rodeo. Nov. 22- Btoth end Implements of Philip Wopplor. 2 mlleo out of Petenburg. Nov. 29-Smck Ind implements of the late Eugene Saab, 3-4 mile _ can of St. Agnlho. ‘Dcc. l - Stock and Implement: of . John May, between Berlln and "iidetsport. Dre. 6--stoese Ind Implements of Moses g. Boom“), Con. 13, Well“. ley Township, 2; llllol north-west of Howhlvllle. Dre 15-Moek e d Implement.- of Dnnlel Ritter, nenr Flared-1e. A. th TRUMAN, Berlin, Ont. BUGGIES OUR STOCK " School Books Slates A-d Gone“! School Buppllu " oom- pleto. Wntch for Diem-yin Wlndov. School Opening Raymo Bros’. Great Bargains In order to make room for a car of Cutters and Sleigha IN BOTH NEW All) sicoununn was». mama‘s. BOOKSTORE AUCTION SALES. All! SUIIEYS --POR-- Lead Pencils {AND FU F omu'leruiTh'ge.Yi%t a. mum ii'it,'Mt r u o “no“... you can 11.. - m “in the Monoloudtho‘l'wh cm. no; '" M if m - ttkiiui.ru--'.th"oett"ur-"hV _ . Irmmmmnytuk, _ LhDrEsy MANTLES _ Our Stock of Fur-II mung annuals. We Inn tho but I! have» “110' In Petr Bum, Sou!- and Collar-tron, tho For Jun". '0 about any wttat In roll-bl. (out, and all good Fur- u one†a mag an cold of Infant qnuuu 800 our Call-n sud Ruth a Q 00, tll 06.7.60, '10.00, sad that “no! " .12 oo, $16 oo, .17 00 m N III aue rut com up...» " 325.00, 090.00, $35 00, $37.50. LANG BROS. & co. FURS - FURS - FURS - FURS Don't let these thing: berrler in the future, we hue one th bet aa-ted noel of In lee In or] We henna be“ iittintt eons, the bean king one“, an! the lowest priced; end, when. more. you any come here end look, end try on out Cory Wuhan“ feeling the: you have go bug. r u loot Into mr mum. D-tmart'.- Yon may hive the inure-lion that boo-u. we m . young nun Io don't any much of a k, or you may but; uvoldod with: for " you will he promdwbny. ' _ We the. .11 "ra-tor Hum Ladus a Ill-u And Cttildrstt-both Ulnar. nod iiiia Costs; and our prion no the In.“ in our! imam. At LANG BROS. & CO., Berlin lERHAPS Yoo HAVE now" Mon If} When in Berlin See Our Coats tiii .0000! Llt';