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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 3 Nov 1904, p. 3

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75;..de V. Id ar trdhng . ost IV, V.” . and mow-y orlcrs. drasrs ale a mount-Ky rd; awn Inter .m an money wslibe only to the Hun party. ( . tellers can purchase Circular , us. which can be cashed every- ' without rh rtre.persontrl iden- ' at my kind oi trouble. V “N63 DEPm-BNT. safest wly to 1m can your man 4 to place u m ttus department 3m rite ot interest may seem ’1] when compand with tha V by Speculuors but the in. ' it It Watt cerium. ember that the moner IS per safe and that ynu can get tl iii? GAMBIA“ BANK ", or commence. 'tii Liver Pills Taria- n-.- nah-DE: NKOF HAMILTON “003W .PITAL......A .....8700,ooo.‘ HEAD OFFICE“ T080811). “ITEM-0° BRING“ A man! 8mm: Business 'f. Impact-m In nu. OFFICE. iiiii'i;pt;il td Authorized 364000.000 dip Gupta! - “.mooo a Fund - 88.000.000 T - Mann. bullio- done. Uot mm. mm Inn-d "r.taieirs . . the Dominion or In! when in 'h L-r-" lunar-It allowdn "FLtcts DEPARTIIENT MINES BANK EPARTMEN‘I' Eng, may and Saturday Btriitattr St, " and " 35;an mm, dun upochl attention. F. C. G. MIN ry, Mum“. “an“: Busiiiss mun-ml. I.“ current 3‘ W 3:0 PM“, Now Yorh . a nylon, in. may welcomed to out l'st Datum “I. - am. Sm. Anmtat fhstl Opening will be m In.“ Pom-auburn on lolsons' Bank. ”SIS nigiBlIllhllll, Millinery opening . 1tm(llill Mill IAOIIIIHS IL”! -rreLert, Mnatagtrrr wuarloo fir-non iitioe,ttoorur .3ch 37511“.th ig'gt,"al 3M- ,. 'mm IN11 f _ mm“ a: ' , 1!an I Sow-ml mn. '" artrtal re.etsettef min-MW (to rates atlowed on L SING, all part 0 'sehLiN 3?! Berlin Annual!!! _ 'd". =tt1"tT',',uNlllt1?tlhitt.', Whit“. Mil.“ ht“ all- honltinu and 2ttlMPll'. - In. Arthur R. Vanni. . B. W" m r- w T-ree'- 7v w“ ”httrulvw. . 1.. . Ct' “up' 'ua-et-ite. Pa'giiiii ”Hm lull d M a! I. m In " '."gal8l Ma my sun-um. 'ttttl - n. I . . In... and", Nov. 6th,.toratt. iriu"'iniii'iVi'fTirfitifef.Pt Subs-ct. “Th- unlu- " a...” u u "mats" sou-um. No eotteetimr. AM u. knit“. 'trt to I“ the an M PM! I. H. BMW”. ot tin Ttto h. tttgg" it mad! - Berlin and Rttrgtttq and In“. a! a. w, an a! body. Bridgeport Stmet Ml!" cw WI and. - In Ht.- ims,rniuattten"eom0nnoeel but. 3......uunolcm "hat the street an will in future." 0"...” a. can to Anode. In run on Ichoduled time. The old ‘wllsu. M in u“ mint-uric. boiler tor the gertemting ot mteetrie to t. tate Georg. Damn and my power to run the an)” been 'ltfylliLG to m on chhor 4a, "es. C/iTaTari- good u " our in“! My began supplying a. - lot ttte operation ot tht upset can. The can on the ticked line-i which have ot Into been running only I to Scott street, now run do" to 1 Albert Itreet, nod the Preston un. , which have been running up only on , In " the poltolllcn will agnip run down to Foundry street. The death occurred " the Home ot Refuge on Saturdny of John kuntnter. hxmr, hour the elects ot W’s discus, He was 81 years ot age and Wu n native ol Cumin. The [linen] took plane Monday, interns-t taking Wmhmen who were engaged on “voting and leveling the grounds ht the high school on Saturdny "hunt-l ed three skeleton. beside the new (collided Ichool building. The skele- tons were apparently ot n mm. wo. ' man and child, and nre believed to be ' the remains oi Indians. Several yours ago a number ot skeletons were dug up on the high school grounds, and ‘those bones are preserved in the lab- oratory at the school. York At a special meeting ot the Police] Committee held on Friday evening on- other charge spins! Chief ot Police Winterhall of having been drunk while on duty was investigated and as tr re- sult the chief was suspended until the next meeting ot the town council, 3 week trom Monday. The aldexmen dis. ‘cussed the advisability ot looking for a new man for the post, Mr. W. J. Woollard had a $l5 over mat. stolen [tom 3 ptg in hont ot his store. The this! has not yet been apprehvnded. tr, Mr. J. B. Weaver has received a', tolezram from Mr. Menno Clemcns. oi. Bridgeport, Alabama, “mounting the', d all: :here of Mrs. A. B. (mammal nee Miss Belle Weaver, daughter ol' the late Levi Weaver, lormerly of Ber- lin. Deceased had been visiting her rviister, Mrs. Menno Fleming in Bridge port. Her husband resides in t4crto-l ton, Pa. Mrs. Clemens had hwn ill tor ghout two years, but the news of her death came as a surprise to her, relatives here. She was here on a visit for a few days with her sister, ‘Mrs. (hirles Carton. ot Bridgeport, Ala., a lew by: in the summer. The luncrel took place In Berlin on Friday. The remains were irterred beside those of decrased's 'ttthtr at Mount Hope cemetery. a! MRS. A. B. CLEMENS DEAD lMiss Alice M. Smith, of Min-‘5 napalm Minn, tells how wo- man’s monthly suffering any iiie,i'ggttvttllge'l! by Lyaa E. i,'iiiiiri'iivjit,elefi.o,irt't,l, "mu Mu. IIIAI::-X In": “DI: I”. 'mr-ef'" "a; never tom ". may ”do“ for my ',at2rl', but w. E. 'tttr-gt'. Vegetable Col-round bu Giarrie' gob-y Re Ind ' l - - an an Pull... I V ".m'r"'"T"' v-.. _ bu and no much to my irm “a happine- that I 1001 like mug an ”caption in this one. for hm year. every no.“ I would In" “to daft of map!- GieGiduarytri.u Jam one 'i'Eilii' ii.aiiiiiiftat', I an new. 'adSt B. Pk " Jun-.8 ---" - - n Itn-l-l u__._,, the "if,iiirtii"ididitht bad M“ " with the ""1" “d “1"“ -otrrth. lWMI‘WmM Vanda-with no; ImurW" iiiiiiiiia2iii2,ie.thrtge'iii 'GTG'iRtrTitiiyeett2l an... I a I. Mud” I!" 'ii'iirieieiEeihr.%t'gttl iiS.'jiiiliNhtt,'fi my“ I tiiit2ltgMlt ' u M” all 2i'i','i'".iiEt,ktAtmllfa1 L i .411 when all has [but - duet. OI m as.» ”an tout and". Th" m: 000:9. oi Bulb; Funk. In. E. J. In)!“ and In. s. C.' Diets. d! ot Chicago; In. Atuet PM“. ot Btutlotd, uni In. Philemon Wt, at Berlin. The hum! uh. um Morrov‘ n m B.M., Iron a. "silence ot Mr. George DoBul, And will be pn- vne. humus trund- ot the [any my all there to View the rennin- sltot tour pan. 10-day. T Next Sunday morning . memorial sermon will be preached at the Ge!- mnn 31min church by Rev. P. Fried- rich. F out!“ ?ligh'lf?t'E.'iiii Dbl-011.4% l mun-pundit“ cpl-loo w w' .A iiiiritPLiiet."t2gtlMtg Vmwmu~"=nhdatmupuhnb i.-i'Gii7iiiia,Viidiithtt9r' ammumwwm ad I‘m lingual " u." I... it‘ll ttref, no I'M”.- 1'u2ir;"iuTTiii'uFtrktyee".d1t maturity” ”Wuflfl‘dnmthmmliunmuvwldp- run: It. in but“ n pe-ation “my - all ti. Metamucil th- »---. m... “mm. m.ouucn¢0 Mn woulluguin,&eun ---- _ an L“..- In. Fourth Senior: Genuine Hindu. l' Reinhold Lang, Wilhelmina Rohleder, 1 Anthony Ruth. Helen Wellhemer. ' Christin: Wey, Cherie: Now", Hugo Huber, Isidore Hottsrth. l Junior Fourth: John Mueller, Lor- etta. Humcl. Louise Litmus, Minnie Turner, [Align Kay, Annie Dow, ‘Kntie Martin, Eugene Braniit, Olive you Neuhron. Mary Knin, Gertrude lMcGinnis, Antoinette Levnndowske, Rosie Pstrong, (ll-dye anel, Meryl ‘Koehel, Leo Datum George mlllck,' Herbert Henderson, William Nova. 5 Senior Third: Irene Knit, Non iBriek, Olive Knit, Gregory Pollin, ‘Ida Zuber, Tillie Wendling, Thecklo Schneider, Minnie Anton, Annie Volt, Mary Kaiser, Della Querin, Vinwnt Furguson, Ignatius Way. Frank Syllin, Herbert Zinger, Fred Arnold, Edwin Weistein, Jerome Lung, Olive Bur- bach, George Zinger, James Adhold- er, Sarah White. , Junior Third: Regina Dopp, James u. a-.-“ .9.____" Junior Third: Regina Dopp, James Runway. Annie Rey, Florence For- well, Rosie Longo, Pcter Iioturttt, Herman Boegel, Alfred Michal, May Fehrenbach, Lizzie Krean, Irene Beck- ner. Alex Reinhnrt. Martha Trojan, ner, Alex Reinhnrt. Marina 'itolul, Pearl Brick, Loyola McCullough. Senior Second: Irene Decking, An- I nie Felbaum. Leo Rejo'ski, Rose I Salm, William Starr, Eva Frank, , Clara Riedi, Kathleen Ruby, Leo l Heit, Joseph Wey, Frank Barth. Hil- " Schwartz, William Frank, Rose 1 Pttite, Joan McCallum, William Con- l way. Mary Baumann, Marguériie l ‘Lang. Oscar Schicbel, Alex Schell, l Edna Sehl, Gilbert Hummel, Linus l IHuberger, Frank Johnson, Fred Pol- I your“); Becker, Joseph Lang, Meta I Huber, Artli‘u'r O'Neii, Florence their {rich, Winnie Hall,‘George Riedl, 'dei',?,' Boinowska, Katie German, Holm Querin. Junior Second: Harold Dnubcrger, John Krug, Beatrice Turner, Bea- trice Knipicl, Eicnnora Arnold, Fran- cis Marlin. Georgina Beckner, Arthur _ Huber, llo Sing. Lawrence Dietrich, 1 George 1toinowski, George Knit. l Farl L'rrsmahann, Maggie Conway, C l’nih‘ron Slumpi. 'l l in“: ."Cconrl: Lena Kieswetrter, or. I ivia llnegel. Clayton Moser. Marie , Quigley, Linn Wer, Edward Foilncr. Pearl Hickey, Lucas Forwcll. Oscar t Fischer. George Kargos, John Reiow- , ski, Irrne Hanger. Mabel Ludwig, B Non. Saucr. Kalle Kalb, Olga Mute selmann, Edward McCullough, John » Harmon, Albert Kath, Mary Lang, Ir- ma Schl, Euphemla. Querin, Oscar Ficlch. Loo Ferguson, Louise Hell, lrcnc Bannmnn, Elects. Booking. Roll ot honor tor petoter. Ite R. C. SEPARATE SCHOOL The Berlin Vocal SWiuy at Tum- day night's mowing elected Mr. D. S. "ckman " mosidcnt; Tum-n Rieder, vice-president; J. R. Hill- man, "estrus Executive commit- tee, L. R. Clarke, ll. Hrmmen, H. Teller, I. Snider. Flynn. "In E. Zeller. ... . ._.___ n- 'or Ial'IIL'I. The music that wlll be liken up " this slcicty will not. be or-torlo. u stated in these columns Inst nigh. but will consist ot tour-part trthtir' ot acted and meal“ minim, "load by F, J, Gilbert, the conductor. Wellesley Maple Led. tht exam oi the election. new: ot the building ot the electric med to Wellnley is quiet just BOW. The pm!" pseta lot getting the to“ no very bright, bow. Prune“ O‘Shsu- nee-y. f the (LEN... he maul tor A meeting with Mr. Clue u no: u the voting in over, the Mr. Rei- ‘mneI-o inborn-en. uni " which meeting». plen- will likely be developed. Beside- thle the c. P. R. be” “may united lot an out!“ in. Inmloojlughs . was: cl on o! Mr. J. E. Mun“- "e may!" variant" In one: to - "be ceo-tt the Elnln‘ - ot an G. T. K, " um was as only Mlle outlet. Mr. the - - We -ertr In. on - fur. mt a» [in val in ”JD mum h “no u a tlNrW'd'l' Mt . at In - b Tttt [m F "t'itrllfffattet'd, BERLIN VOCAL SOCIETY RAILWA Y PROSPECTS at Tucs- - w ' ~ V, . - can a Id It w to M'rgttaq a! “an; s T m II . mt “an at at but " "gtatmt " t "In! - ull. W! a -- could not than will! bind - ‘W a: tho - u ot-tami-tr ‘u the will It..." can. an objection all“ - tto mum ulo Int- lot ion- on I [up nah n til - time, which It ul not. noes-u! M so M11 into. ‘ t " u. how“. can“ on Mt gides "" the branding o! hon- our" to be one ot the India; In- dustriel M the Tainan“. tad Alto that the dimeulty In obtain-g I ut- tslwtoty ash mum, " but for "the thm clam ol homo. " one . -c_4--E- Inn‘.’ - I. _..--" -- __ "e Made?! and win. a I.“ tor the light” clam ot W. in one ot the man "efoetn out-alc- unto: which the Minsky is at pro-ant lab. orhg. um: tho nixuuumum the - -. -._--..t-, Har- VII“ w "mu“, .- V, . orug. Under the ulmnmiunm the i director. ot the Territorial Hone MW Allocation. " I meeting recently held, had another plus under eoetsideraUon, which " it believes” will hilly meet the out. Anymo- rnents hue been completed tor the holding " Wary, in the third week ot Much, 1905. ot A three days' I l“Houe Petr." under the “spices oi the Association aid the Dominion end Territorial Department: ot Agricul- tare. The event will be thoroughly advertised in Eutern Cumin, Maui- taohu and the Territories, and not the slightest dlIIlculty in anticipated in gnthering buyers enough to absorb Ul the horsel entered for the lair. Over one hundred horses ere already in sight. and every ellort will be made rto have " least three hundred on the sight. and every anon win or mm... to have " least three hundred on the grounds. The object ol the hit is to bring buyer And seller tugether. and all deals will be made privately in the same manner u " all the large live stock centres in the United States. ‘Outside buyers ere generally deterred from purchusing in the West owing to I luck ot knowledge oi the country and the time, trouble and expense in- volved in visiting individual "nclurs to make up carluads. The unnuul (air will solve this ttutieutty effectively and is, therefore, with the support ot the breeders, bound to be u success. possibility of developing A trade in live stock with Argentina is given by Mr. W. S. Spark, the weu-kttown English horseman. in a letter to Mr. F. W. Hudson, live -stoek Commis- sioner. Soon alter his arrival in that country Mr, Spark wrote: “I find all cattle landed here must, besides the certificate of breeding, have a certift- cate (or richer the shipper must pro- >- -.. . -A_ .4 A...»;, u“. w. We--- -""" .. duce it) from the Minister ot Agri- culture, or his deputy, of the country i trorn which they sent, to declare 1 that there like Bee?no’ inleollmls ttis-t ease in thnt country tor six monthn' previous to shipping. " the said doc- _ ument is not produced the cattle He not allowed to lend. In my case, all cattle must he inept in quarantine tor ‘ " deyu. titer which they are tested end it they do not pass are slaughter- ed and the owner has to bear the en- tire loss. Notwithstanding ell this ‘trouhle. " will my breeders to send really pure-bred Shorthorn bulls and better: here to sell. You can't sell grade tattle at my price." In a later letter Mr. Spark says: "The more I see at this country the more convinced I am that the Cam- F dim: an do u very large trade here L in live stock. end agricultural much- _ lnery, neither or which there is my , duty on here. I enclose you an ar- count ot a sale ot imported bulls I which took place lest week, which show: thnt the twelve animals alien ed brought $79,900. or en average.ot nearly $6,600 nth. These prices Ire - in Argentine dollars, equal to 44 centl. Cnnadlnn money. I have at- ' Gav-dud night almilu sales end the Some intormatiort _regtrrfint Live Smell Trade with Argentina count of ' sale ot Importer' nulls ' which took place ltrst week, which I show: that the twelve animals olters 1 ed biought $79,800. or An average.of 1 nearly $6.600 nth. These prices In In Argentine dollars, equal to 44 can“. Cnnadhn money. I have at- tended eight “mun ales and the Henge prices paid hue been 1400 Conadinn dollars etch. The bulls mid I I mu told by good judges who lave been to Toronto show. would act be wood “can: Mt win Ptyu'2t 0:11 ' _.. k“‘ - - an.-m If .ww nun...- _.. “m T “me to no" hate II In September (the tre" month). October at] Nov- ambor. BO they would hue to be ship. rd In June tttd July from Cum“. on rally should attend nut yarn exhlhmou at Daemon Ayn: In trepV, embet. whlch VI“ be lnIumtIonnl. I hope Cumin. VIII make tn Irstttittlt, tot I it the .1] the stock could he told M. m uhumlou u my nmunentlvel “at” It doesn't help . pick “by re give " “soothing" any. (in the con- uny. " lessen: tmtr's chat" of re- conry. It you mm we: show shy lulu of m. unwell promptly give Baby’- thrtt hum an! are bow speedily may will he bright, tbeetr- M. “I! “I my. This medicine lanolin-lawman!” am " mun Ito who!” mull; null ciGGrttiaru,astter'rt.ttl tbe mu. m: oi Who! ad mum l In. 1.11. Aittt, Fumw. trl 8., an: “Info on TM In at my um um. “a w U! m W M , [tt'ihri I i" I. ., L, 'PSI,'..' ' m. Mi. AN AID TO MOTHERS the Penn-u. - In. It! ll viaitietg tmnl- in te-ttoo.-). vin. Bros moved into NI - Ion-o but - ~lr. ud In. Eva: (mum-on. o' mtmunerhw-l mommy um! iiciiur,krt,rtaetft' "Ayah. MMW. Dark Hair " nun-u.-.“ _. __,,, ' Briets.--The 5mm shovel in ranking progress on its way to Wellensteinr The Thanksgiving service held in St. June- Lutheran Church on Sunday evening was largely attended. The church was elnbontely decorated. The programme was lengthy and well rendered. - iiEi'i'ii A Model Shops-Mr. Nicholas Hed- rich's new butcher shop is now com-l meted and is one of the tutest and most utrtodiste shops in the county} It is a credit to Mr. “which and the town. The opening night (Thursdnyl‘ was largely attended by ladies “ml gentlemen ol the town, and all were highly pleased with the nut LS") ance of the place. l With girls, as some one hes beaut- ilully writtin. “You must be their l comply. The love between a moth- reridttrdattrhtrr tie a Jury lair and gracious tie, but to gain it you must rm] ths golden mean between prig- gishness and went at dignity, lor you ‘must enjoy life without being triva- lous; you must guide unconsciously, so that the check is unnoticed ; you must learn the art oi making new friend ships, to nppreclnte new impressions, e to mme with the “ma; and, above _ all you must never nppenr dowdy t" i It is 3 great mistake; but, .118 l too 1 common a one, to neglect dress ; it is absolutely imperative that the mid- : d‘engtd womnn be sub“! becomingly , and well. Dress to n woman is like - the setting to . jewel. It in n duty , we owe to ourselves and to the world - in gmeral. We .re alwnyl intiuenced y by our surroundings, and a. well-drew ', sed woman has the Same elect on our , sense: " n churning picture or a h melodious strain of music, Believe , me, there is n dignity, gs well es 3 ll grace. in dress which does much to ‘e iMuence those about us. It is the 4 duty ot every woman, at nil times oi b- her lite, to look gs benutiiul " pos- ie sihle.-Alice E. Argente. blessing. and we could do this by aurrounding ourselves with interests, and especially the interests of the young. We must have, indeed, the young of both sexes about us, those Iresh, innocent live: who never look upon us as old as long as we love and care for them. but always take us on trust. With boys, you may keep the ever- lasting secret ot youth by tutoring into their lessons ftrtrt, then their play or sports; mud lastly, the absortr ins, interest of their business or pro- Icssioo With girls, as some one "s beautr ... A”. ._.. ”mar To keep young in mind is n Dr. Loonhudv, of Lireolr, Nebrnhe Imam» physician In um Weuern Shut. tau put forward . r." lbonry I! to tho - of dim-us. [In up: _ ' - A-v. Inn- who: I! In - -- v. ..._V __-_" - “Tim. on M no doubt. from an “Mono as hand. tttat ma (nomad: In and has than boon me that an» or nlxmy pet tmtt. d Bll the Hum ot null“. Tb. {mm n the new»): I. dig.» the (and ttrotterlr remu- itiir uranium “a decommmou, nod the who” this. from m ton! and tom»: and not In" thr mood um! a». ant viva sod breed (ll-cu. at on" kiqd." _ .4 " - mun. Dr. Leonhard! bu {can} . rowdy} tot Tttdt-tleo, lunatic, nnmem and Condpmu Re in t m It itti manna. " can vim“ a dub} Mitts no call. It Attti Pitt. " ‘0 cold u an... .n m. or The Whom n. all: It not! Pill. u n mu m “and! W. or The Wilm- Pptt on., um, - hm, thtt Isl. can M - How To KEEP YOL m North Sea shit - ”Mon. mu m Dom ttt - w m 'KmAst t$irHht mm'd tm New Mu winch man- s are» deal in the Treatment. Ind Cur. 01mm... TH E THEORY PROVE!) ELIIRA 'iirurtiript pe, for loud: i mind is a great could do this by c. All" ll ill I ctytTV on. Brit“ VIC”. M an Baum. ttate l 'irHhrtrr m‘. tue- Ch. (to t " sen, -al, M tqgteqNq m a m I 'ee N, 2 NG 'Glo-----""".. _' 300.000.000.000.me "Ohristr" Beet Topper The trio r ad. A 'IT, grim. PETER HYMMEN BERLIN - - f-- - ONTARIO Tha Mercantile Fire IWHBID CAPITAL - " . - - “0.0”.“ 082061! WIT; 00mm! 00" . - 111.1041 m Poudu tNt-ttte" by a. "rattr. & W Pm. h Inac- may with A“ a! on,“ A]!!! Wright. ','trN, s. I. Hall. We. - lawman: . ..u-m. Valli- Tim‘- Thes: are The- . » RUBBEB‘S G. E, POTTER; King 81 Briels -Wo are pleased to be able to gute that Mrs. Ephraim Case], mho wu serioully ill, has been much better during the put few days, - Our lumen report a good yield of up! treetr-Tttoe. B. Puddlcomhe bu returned trom the West,-- Politi- iod meetings no the order at the dar. Both parties consider proqteeur .md.-Mrs. Kraft, ot Toronto, ii the at" of the Mines Wather.- Mr. Joni. at Toronto, iatteered . it! “who lecture on (Bumping - in - at the Angina Yong Punk’- Anochuol in the Buy-ville Hall on sunny mm. flu um math; rm b. he“ on Min- us“. Ha. teh, " GIVE In . c-ll trnd get one of our nice Calendars for 1905,-T he Pritut ofohooa one “I“ don. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY \OUE WINTER SUPPLY " SHOES. Never behre have we ban this to give the people not: tit a llr ai " 5 t9 as we ale oftering this fall. It will pay you to come miles to buy your winter supply of . G. W. Hagen, THE SHOE MAN _ M YOU NEED BEET TOPPERS? 1N5 buxom 130119;”- {Soho the My? " unto-Yul. in. - '0' 'ttt '" - no! A?? 993m” IT’S ”GIT. IT'S IAlAIcED. IT’S CHEAP. H . EVERY PAIR REPLACED IF NOT SATISFACTORY W ms BRAD O'HCI . WAKE” Wharton. iii/iarer-pe't.rtttttIt " . pd III hm, WE CAN CAN‘SUPPLY YOU WITH THE “A YSVIIJJ‘ "0N EST The noun is we know that 'hey are good. Don’t ”a them, they will do you good. You can save moocy by coming To an Stoee. WE HAVE ALSO . . SUGAR BEET FORKS THAT PLEASE US TO SELL THE Ilillllllili)li Igrlt nun omit? IA‘l’illOO. m. Moll my other company. 0 “.13...- -itr,rgrgat tu"ti Ali-t3! ': __ --- Secures more Now Business in Wnberloo County than In a well-Inumged Mid popular Compmy such an The Dominion life Ind " n ttA Policy PATENT It}! ot Wlit Pu You has mu.) _ . In. mil"!- if} BERLIN

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