. It is sinus Kind EM _,il. Weather t '0 THE WOMAN trouble‘ with cold feet I pair of our Felt Shoes Or _ 8 lppere will he lound irdlepeneeble. Driving, Inning. or at work tr, Hound the noun, they keep the fe, t eomfornble and enzv, emd impart 'fn'de'gtee of wermth not to be had in e leather ehoe. Onr luck of Felt Shoes - men thin: anon has been a lectei with you one. Neat in appearance. 'v'v>mtslet In weer, end roe-meme In mite, they make friend. wherever they In em, end once worn thor ere elven sought that. Jan I " prlcee to give , an ides where to buy : _". Women’s pm House Blippen, Wom en‘s Felt Guitar, plain or if In line, for WU e mix. __ - I wlth leetber taxing. tor $1.00, WWW/WWW :: We are still iiustling l Felt Footwear Iqttos.g!toos,Rattr,camt tnd Monk Pumhbingn. Next to PM! omu.HERLIN -- Womob’h Fol: Emu Shoes, {at bound Bad laced over who, 106100 , py. -- -.. - Wouldn’t Kid Home Slippers, fesit lining, for ra, a unit -- r - Women’a' Felt 1Tnuge t5liptrrs, far bound and toxed with huh", Ate 81 00 I pair. ȠW$â€â€œâ€ W in“ Special Sale of ' China and Cut Glass BOEHMER'S m Just u word warding Underweur. w. M." ham jun opened . apecisl lina trf f. W ' -u'. _ '0 control In Berna. Hue I look B', um “no in: g t oar s':" 'emo. " - “MMMMM - Sign of the Gold Star Waterloo County's Greatest Store. That m sktra you feel that it in high time to get . fail an ugly of warm vacuum; We haw made ample pip- vision for thin Swwn's trad, with as larger stoek sad th larger lme than ever before. We tried to profit by former _ experienve and avqu-re a hnpplv that should endure practioA-ly unbroken u til Dneembor. Ttst the early (lewd this yet: is tieepoouou), strong and gives plumb» of a NoVember rash that WI†break stocks, a well " records , ON THE MARKIiis And have succeedul in was†the Newmt of the new to be hnd-uot the sloppy kind, bar, the perfect in make, fit, material rm! firfush, And, by the number of pinged 'unlomertr, it kecps us hustling to keep the guppy up to the dommd. "and: qttediet invitation mun Mio- of WW ma 'ritttt on Ibo! too-a, when" nanny-ninth. hum-amnion, dur prieeisGe it " to 822.00 for me In, :-nd in boys' and youths' our stock in tromplete the prices in each use are bottom. dquartersforStylish Illlillinery At The Old Reliable . WESELOH & CO., F in '.-. M. wILDFhNG AFTER THE BEST VALUES IN OVERGOATS Women‘s Felt (Miter, plain or with 193th" taxing. tor $1.00, 81 25 and} M? , part. A Women'u Felt Slippers, fu- bound, high md low out, " $1.00 . pdr. Children',, Felt Slipper! at Me. MUsett' Pele slippers It Me. Men’s Felt Blippors " 500 to 1,60 8.0 our new winter slippers, This Week , Berlin v 0.... t Rm .0001 Mr. F "on: the shout m' who ure that com pk, spenl 'satal It lord, pm lately, y farms w Mg, Wm moved a 'wberc hc months l Aaron S tilliug t Spies' g: Mr. and obs, spt here.--Mt and Wed! tiirtgv--M; have ta furmerly father, I reader will mm sorry to hood, be - hum? w, Mr. Rob. roaster has returned from the Northwest. when he spent about six weeks with his brothers, who no progressive business men in that country-Ir. Wm. Steins. Guel- ph. spent Sunday last under the par- utal roof.-Ir. Albert Heipel, Clif- lord. paid this locality a short visit lately, viewing some of the beautiful farms which are olered tor sale. - Ir. Wm. Moiser, Sr., St. Jacobs, he: moved some at his enacts to our burg where he intends to spend the winter months with his son, Curler-. Mr. Aaron Schweitzer is at present tut- Mhsg the position of clerk at Mr. Spies' general store, llawkcsville. - Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Smith, St. Jac- obs, spent Sunday with his father here.-Mr, Ed. Huehn spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Harriston at a wed- dirt-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scheiily have taken possession of the farm formerly accupied by Mr, Seheifiy's father. Mr. Seheitiy, Sr, has bought a residence in Conestoga. where he will now live a retired lite. We feel sorry to see him leave this neighbor- (hood, being he always was a genial host. We extend our hearty wishes to Mir. and Mrs. Scheifiy for future hap- " days and a long life in their new home. - Mr. Aug. Throo, a former resident of our burg, and still a large property owner, has purchased the tarm of the Schnarr estate, situated near Erbsville. Mr. Thuroo intends taking possession next spring.-- Mr. John Schlickler. who has been tilting the farm about one mile north of our town on the town line and owned by Fred Foerster, moved his household effects, farm stock, no. to the old homestead, where he will now reside. --Mr. Louis S. Weber. in far renowned farmer neér our burg. has sold his tarms, consisting of 350 acres. to Mr. E. J. Shantz. merchant, of Berlin, for the handsome sum of 819.500. Mr. Weber having been a resident here for many years. has derided to turn the tide and enter town lite. His depart- ing from the farm will be in the near future and we wish Mr and Mrs. We. her and family many more days of sunshine-Mr. James Meyers, a labor- er, having lived near llawkesville, moved his family to town. occupying the house of the G. D. lluehn estate. - It is rumored that Mr. Philip Kreutzweiser, our prosperous hotel keeper, will leave our hdrg and egter, the saddlery business again. His in- tentions are of opening a stand in Linwood, where he has already bought a shop. Several buyers have been here to purchase his business, but no .sntislactory bargain has as yet been made.-Mr. C. R. (lies has dis- posed ot his property. consisting at 31 w-res, situated near St. Clements, to some German family. who have hr cently journeyed Irom the old Coun- try in this province-h public meet- ing in (he interests of the Conseru- live eandidaie, Mr, Jos, E. Seagrun, Ka',' “H in Sieisu' Hall on Tuesday evenimp. The seating capneiiy WIS taxed am the addresses given by Dr. Laekner, the candidate himself and oihers were eagerly listened to9ev. Air, Petschke commenced this year's Lutheran confirmation class on Tuesday last. - Messrs, Hshn and Good are sway on another tour to purchnse smokers They have lately disposed ot nhout. 400 head, Only Good are away on another tour to purchnse Btockers. They have lately disposed of about 400 head. Only we!l seleMc-rl stock is hartdtod, and that Is the reason they have no dim- culty in dispWirtg of therm--The Lu- theran Sunday school is preparing in! a Children's Day. The date has not yet been nnnovnced, - Mr, Fred Braendle, is doing A brisk business in cider making. The apple yield being heavy this your. a large Amount ot cider is bring made - Our public school held its cumin-Lion on Friday lust. In the allermmn a goodly num- ber of visitors were present. Beveral classes were called to the Boot sud hearings given by some attending teachers. The Utter part of the day was spent in speeches, recitntions and singing by the pupils. All spoke high- ly of the good work carried on by the teuhers. A hockey muss meeting in: been un- nounced tor Tuesday ol this week in Spain's Full. Retreatugtertta will be serred.--The Luther“ chunk I: being rapidly erected. The brick work will soon be completed. - It. L. layer- Iouo in being rushed do“. The mun. lean. King, Anna-on and Lattts, no buy " it not-Tb lune-E. L. DWI-MLMBQ- m ot hali- - Saturday a! 8n- day In t.,m.-ttr. and 3mm _ol MWI‘IMIIIINICIV‘W mad [or 11mm. His phat will be an: by Mr. J. Vin. cl “"ht- Mitt.9tan M. Man, at St. a- - 'th', ch my use d I. link a msrs6.9r. H. with! ?m__9-s [>wa -.-rr. B. P. cling“ - " m on 'e., '2hfg'grg,t"ed,u'T -. .A.Mmm News "one We! by new Correspondence ' ll Com and Mitt. t "q-q-oe-tft-q-." HEIDELBUEG. Methodist and In“ - inan- - ing. The ow muting will beheld Mr. Rob. Foam: he. returned an sum-y ttn-et. Ming u ton: the Northwest, where he upent "th-tumm, WW|M in [my shout nix week- with his brothers, greening very mastectomy. The no ere progressive Maine-I men in Sir-Hard upon noth in sta- hat eountrr.-Mr. Wm. Stein, Ouel- ting that n brutal! trom thole). P. R. A, spent Sunday lat under the pnr- is ... .c built to that city Mun Core mm mot.-arr. Albert Heipel, Clil- .surgo through Walledâ€. The pro- ord, paid this locality n short visit posed branch may go throw Wellne- ntely, viewing some of the beautiful Icy but owing to the impoldbility ot arm: which are odered tor sale. - construction nround Conestogo owing b. Wm, Moiser, Sr, St. Jacobs, has to no nanny hills tt will uMoubtedly noved some ot his enacts to our burg be built Irom Linwood, which wiu rhere he intends to spend the winter shorten the branch and give a route' Booths with his son, Charles,-- Mr, ireer horn been gmdstc--A very luc- baron Schweitzer is at present ful- cesslul wedding reception wnn given liling the poiion of clerk nt Mr, Mrr and Mrs. E. A. Berle: on their 'spies' general store, llawkcsville. - return " Dr. Met%etternu. The young It. 1nd Mrs. Oscar Smith, St Jeo- people prenented nu extension table lbs, [pent Sunday with his father und a handsome net ot dishes to the tere.-Mr, Ed. Huehn spent Tuesday newly married coupler-Mr. P. B. Ed- md Wednesday in Harristott It a wed- mundI end Miss E. A. Leather " ling-Mr. 1nd Mrs. Albert y'sctteitiy ltendod the Tmhcn' Convention in raw: taken possession ot the farm Berlin on Thundny and Fridnv: WATER“, otrr JUUG THURSDAY “MING NOVEMBER s, ur Busy Neighbors; LiNWUOD, Personal.--" Tuhberry. of To, route, in mending sen-n1 dnys with her mm, In J. A. McAllister, 1terq.-Mi" Gertrude Bedlam left on Monday tor Shelbnme, where the in- tendl spending seven! wee" with her mm, In. MeMarmy,-Mr. Chum! Mord ha been ens-get] tor the lat two week. " ".srh-tlle.-T'tre Mi.. In Joanna ad Innate Hum-tn ot Guelph were moving mus-m In th- may I In as" In." mi. -Mr. Show: ot Guelph, In. lur- doek All Mr. launch, ot Bet- ITod, r. AK In. 1mm ‘0'! mm vm. m mu.- t" M at the add-e. of In. lube-Ir. Jqu ft,',,"',',',"',? lentil: In 3 wt on.» In M- . t'l'tut'tlt"J5 at m.- - a OI - $dt " m D Slik11"lth't'diieki','htt . In in T l _, _ public school teacher, attended the Teachers' Convention at. Berlin Inst. week. - The Bible Society meeting held in the Methodist church on Wed- nqsdny evening was very interesting. Rev. Mr. Hamilton guz- an address on the work of the society. Mr, Dom aid Bemis, Bloomit'igdale, called on his aunt, Miss K. Bemis, Friday, BRESLAU, Briefs-Mr, J. Shoemaker has mov- ed into his brick residence on Sunny South Blope.-Mr. Jerry Break is on the sick list-Mr. N. Tilt, ot Doon, called here this weck.-The brick and me ynrds Are busy clothing up tor the -n.--Mrtr. Lydia Thompson died At her home ttear Everett on the 18th inn, ht the use of " years. She in the lost. member ot the pioneer iomily of the late Joseph Shirk, ot boon. Briettr,-Most oi the lumen at this vicinity are through [investing their root crops, which were Met ite jured by the wet Bear-n.--.-.. H. Wilkinson, A. Gordon and A. Cle- mnns hue taken the contract of fiir. in; the uppronches of the bridge across the Grand river.--The Reform meeting held here on the 4th Ins lar- gely attended.--" Conservlliw meet- ing was held here on the 3Nt.-Mr. and Mrs. John Hemmerich oi Paisley Block spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Hem- merieh's.-Mr. and Mrs. Yoder ot De- troit, Mich., were the guests tte; and Mrs. Nelson Snider, on eir honeymoon. last weee.--Mrs Wm. Ariss, who has been very ill, is un- proving.-Mrs. Andrew Brown, who his been visiting Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Brown of Medicine Hat, N. W. T., re- turned home rteerttlr-Wsss James, QWWWQ immm MMW‘ we will send the Cnnmlcuz- TILIGIAPH from now u til Janna] let, liltd to the address of an rolujvo " friend bu win In It mil be A Melly letter from home. It contains all the new- amend sad navy unnged gy our large out! of Corres- sondunu ln the county and ink-kt. PM. '0' BIT". JAN "T. ()llllllliItldM'Iiluilllh?ll For One Dollar . - C __ presented An extension table laud-owe at. ot dishes to the married eouphr--Mr. P. B, Ed- and Miss E. A. Lucille! " th Tuchan' Convention in on Thom†and “my: will be sent free for the balance of the yon to aim address in Canada†t a United 3mm to nu new tsalts/ters for 1905 WINTERBOURNE IUIIGIlIE NOW BLOOMtNGDALt: FREE THE 1tr.Tu1N'tld'l'Td F QJI’WM‘“ . Inr.ifii.uontijrmttiriad ) wont sumac. rum in. Inâ€! new we'd!“ Inn-0.1%. huh-In “dugout-pd: (tyetthiuy.EaiiiiLi 'rand-attest sâ€: t Ei number owned. a. entaMthqeAter4 were om £2: tibtt, .‘M‘ at Mr in. 'td1'Ndl= uni-(elm 1d a â€he Ill W the l'.:, It. to! In. a: " M: - W in; Tii In: Win; - a a lull at the up. new ed - el III M 3 net um. A huge number ot tried- at ' em.- a! the and vote - and I right to": welcome we: “and the pew poster. The "can; we: M utly spot in convolution All In excellent proxies-me In duoden- Ale.-' meeting ot " thou Inter- eeted in the Literary Society will be .held in the King Edvard Hall on sunny evening, Noe. Sth, to con- (al; the adviaatrility of "orgnaixinq tor the and“ you. A good attend- ,uce ot All intended in muutd, u .mtten ot importance will be brought. ibelore the meeting. Brieisc-Mr. John Thorns wishes us to announce that be 15.501 immun- ness to accept orders for carpet wea- ving and all orders entrusted to his care will receive prompt and careful tgttention.--We are glad to learn that the rumors that are Moat in our vil- lage that our principal ot the school, Mr. E. A. Richmond, is leaving our midst, are without loundation. Mr. Richmond since his arrival here has kept the school at a high standard pt omeiency and it would be a sad plight indeed to have him leave, Teachers at the present day are much sought " ter and it would be well tor our School Board lo stick to the motto, “What we have we'll hold." ‘, Htrllowe'en.-1n our last week‘s cor- respondence we gave the 'noto oi warning regarding Hellowe‘en, which was general all over the lend last Monday evening. Some were ctuttioutr enough to heed it and governed ac- cordingly, other: were unheedlul tutti the result was lost gates. etc. Though the boys were not out in great force, giving proof that they are exceptions of the rule, it was not nearly so Patient]. - Hm Little Moogk, ot 'nmloo. vu the no" ot m- Re beca ("a on $Tmt0r.-Mia Emma Bender ot Berlin mm: hot sutee, In. em Danes. tor u In "r.- lr. E. Bull: and (any ot mum spent Sun“) " no hone MILAN In. A. B. Be-r.--'" Wu aim“ . law that will. to up - ot on your. ad win an“: of the rule, it was not nearly so noticeable us in former years. We were afraid that since we were lore seeing enough last week to give the hint, the youths would be out in greater numbers, by it shows Main- ly that they Ire settling down lo citizenship Ind forget the cape" that. were in vogue in former years. Quarterly Sereites.-Ust Suturulay And Sundny quarterly services were held in the Evangelical church. Pre- Iiding Elder ot the North District oi the Cumin Conference, Rev. M. L. Wing, conducted the services A large congregnllon listened to an able ser- mon in English on Sundny evening. A Growing mmineaa.,-A vord in rtr- said to the Murishing hardware busi- ncas at Mr. Henry Gilles might per- hm not be agnittr Mr. Gilles makes it a point in his business to look ai- in his miomers' interests in An oillging And geniul manner and no- thing else but the beat results will spring thereimm. We speak tor Mr. Gillan still increasing trade. Novombu Dare. "Th Dela-choir in" m‘wm. h- m at no nu. . m with. vb. all - m M “In. Inn pip-u? Retnarks.--Vote for Clement and the Ladder Admtaistmuon. The day tor deciding is Thursday and every person who has a vole should not fail to cast it tor the support ot the Gov- ernment that has reigned supreme for the past eight years. It is a matter of no small nccount and we trust that every voter who goes to the poll will feel it his duty to support Sir Wilfrid Laurier. . Note-The political ligttt will be practically over by the time this new: will reach the many readers ot this pnper, but hope try all means the Liberal Government will have n handsome working majority and that Ontario has sent 1 good representa- tion to Ottawa in order to represent u nt the House ol Commonsw'l‘he joint " itical meeting held at Liar bon int Tuesday in Mr. Hottl's hall in the intent: at less“, cure of Preston and McLaren oi Stratford, muat have new very interesting as two at their political lriends were so taken up with their "speeches that they didn‘t know whether they drove home with a horse. a mule, or n sawhorse, but Emily when arriving at the livery stable discovered it was a strange horse and had to be returned next day and get it excha- ed.,..Apple picking Is the oider ol the day with our farmer friends,,..,.... Mr. Joseph Kennal‘s auction sale last Tuesday drew a large attendance and good prices were obtained. 'lhe farm, however, was not sold. Mr. Joseph Miekus wielded the hammer. ...Mr. [Cpl]. ZinLnnn was a visitor at the Twin-tity for a. few days last “cc'LMJUI ot our teachers at the Public School attended the Teachers' convention last ween. " ST. JACOBS WELLESLEY n nil-moo unman- THE GROCER 1lltsicMl'sllleekly Store News Venom h r! but"... . Ma tub-96? umhza’whg‘vulshmd‘mh in»... ttetotuietmmsurdii.atrtrriiiiiid Wyndham-mp“ "utueutiiiiiGirri.' Chlldren’o Long Coats To the " 400. Ladle! any f'J,',ftt?gtt: '1 No. 181. LVN-J [new Jon-y not». w No. 1.5.. In. I.“ - York mks. 'r mus-{w} bett 5t.te.a?, if. tuggin- input in: huh-d up.) iiiiiii -. iGiiGGiiTGGine, 815. Lind Nut an: breaded bribed upon, would .30. d bathed but Wm) junta, high norm 'reliar, nun tNiatgt, â€,3?†no 835. lulled PM lamb jackets, mg. callus, ttno mm “Imp, “0 In. 363. 03mm long on“ with up, I", ml M. in! in“ dm2w7,p Iournmmu.“wup. No. 300 Children’s long can I". up, blue In.“ cloth, - will blue when an. 2 to 7, print 05.50, . 76 up. ' No 307 Bloc Bauer long ecu, trimmed with It!“ “a, that , to T. pa... ts. us M, to, a M. ' No. 409. new Nut sud "ite Iain. lined throughout, 5. .5 d" 274. Land black but“ cloth not», with†up, good thing, " 400. Land any (ttttttg. with up, Mod] M. "-6.. No. 181. Lulu? he“ Jam] In". lulu “at.“ with onâ€, .12 " I up. 18Fa-??t'rittttilr Yuri may. on T083131? and: at am F , BERLIN - “WWMMMMMM jiitiiiariii'"d/iiiri"irri" "llillrrnllllu." Portland cement “wuummm Lots of other remarhble things about this ramble Shoe Store. Come sad we Zl EGLERB, THE SHOERS where you can GE ior 7Gfiriiiii Vi, gra, tiGiil desirable and good, and have the salesman say "Here it is "? shining New Styles? count on one store for -tTie best possible values, the best possible qualities, and the best pos- sible service in Fitting Your Foot Correctly, Stylishly, Comfortably P _ that never asEs you more -ior-UsiiortuG FG are willing to pay ? Cash and one Price Mort New JACKETS AND GAPES WHY REMARKABLE? . _ Isn't " Bum-rhino to find a shoe store --tu finest sad beat grade of ttomtsnt undo in Cami. andâ€. The popuhrity '0! this can»: ism-g only ar suing Contractors and rumors who W tummy whoa we, we. the good mules ottatrsed by .'tinre "NM" Cheap Portland “newbhpad ' . ' . ' . . WE ordered another car lot of cement on Saturday. It you can, you mil Rad it berm We stock nothing but A. S. HALLMAN, !sn’t It Btt,',e,.rAeee to find a big stock of Isn’t It Remarkable to find a shoe store Isn’t It Remarkable that you a_re ablts to We wish to draw your attention to the fact that we have made arrangements to have the choicest, of ftuit in stock for the fall trade such as raisins, entrants, prunes. dates, figs, Sic, new raisins have already arrived and they are very fine, our aim is togive you the very best value for the money. Out new prunes at 20 lbe. for 81.00 are special value. SMYTH BROS. Housewife Hi RFC.“ Tl IRT WHOLE NUMBER M Cheap Cub Store. F,k"ifg'S' BERLIN My}?!