‘ Wih Raymo Bros. every alarm of fire, and even fire it sâ€"if, will not cause undue worry. gou a«re secure againat loss. ims for dam+ges are paid promptâ€" ly and liberal treatment is wcon&d each policy bex Don‘t he â€" .. <ot It is cheap and in the saving [of anXiety alone is worth its cost. Fall informaticn furnished on reâ€" quest. CCUGHS and COLDS Devitt‘s Drug S.ore WATERLOO â€" â€" ONT. festactacts efecfectectecinaiediedisataatsatys dteataataatoat Gevieelectocts eleefecteateaDndloale QuaQuaToals afeceateatecls t sSyirur or | lirxs®Ep, LicoRicE AND CHLORODYNE is begianing to sel. Our old Customers. who haye thorougbly tried it, think as mu of it as ever, lt cerilaiuly is an ex cellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness «and Br nechius. _ It doe : the w ork every tims. _ Your n Sunday af If YPU MAVE TMK POLICY Mr. Chas. Ruby, of the Mutual Life staft, hasâ€"returned from a ten days‘ W St. Louis, Chicago and Milâ€" m’n. Mr. Ruby was very much with the magnificence and y of the World‘s Fair at St. . Afme of the chief features . of the exposition in his opinion was the o beauty of the grounds, which ‘ formetly & park, with here or there hills and valleys. _ This gre flkto the beauty of the exposil area covetmlsn oxâ€" ‘@ppds_cithét Chicago or Baflalo.. Anâ€" â€" feature of note was the surpasâ€" magnificence of the clectric light we\ was indeod..granmd and & fat lari _muuunp‘: GeeGecocte eooaleGedinaiaaPeelelleGecGnale Th 1 DEUTSOHE APOTIHENE Losai News. D INSURANCE. ition.. The area i"'"‘ Chicago feature of note magnificence of oughing has begun EARLY CROP le d at ts rk gate a coat hiie CI ciety A py Sat ly d 0 to B th t benetited 1d 1 and s cowere . t 11 *# nd 1 1d Our HIS ARTIC lon and bought out the Bowat w ag t ‘nn',i i m ""mo é"‘ cens e e : â€" ® P a i 1 fl‘\ï¬; r‘x_" y m wza-,‘n“‘:uaq“u “ ,&ï¬â€œa ocE raAaAy. the young W’Q and that Mr. Whitliock and will abundantly prosper in their business venture.~ . The show window of the enterpris ing firm of M.~Weichel & Son is atâ€" tracting a great deal of attention lately by the unique manner in which they display the different requisites of a hunter. Among the leaves is pitchâ€" ed a small tent in which may be seen a pack of cards, suggestive of the manner in which leisure hours are whiled away. On one side is a stump on which reposes a small revolver and near by stands & rifie. On the other side is a figure with a rifie in hand in the act of shooting a deer opposite, represented by a deer‘s head, and surâ€" rounding the window and side are real evergreen trees. The whole scene is very real and suggestive and as one gentleman remarked ‘"It really makes you feel like going out hunting your self." LIBERAL MEETING A public meeting in Mr. E. P. Clement, Li loo Town Hall on Friday evenirg Uctober 28th, at 7.30 o‘clock. Messrs J. D. Allan and R. McKay, of Toron to, and the candidate, will be preson and will address the electors. Every bogy welcome. in North Water Commons, will t ch Hastings Bros. exhibited Leicester sheep at St. Louis, winning eleven firsts, eight seconds, seven thirds, three fourths, eight fifths, three chamâ€" pionships, aftd â€" four reserved cliamâ€" pionships. Taking into consideration the fact that tgcy were competing against flocks purchased from breedâ€" ers in Canada and . imported stock their success is truly extraotdinary. They will also exhibit at the Chicago International, â€"Nov. 28, and at the Guelph Fat Stock Show, Deg. 5 to Oth. The stock was raised on their own farm at Cro and reflects the greater ¢tedit upon t ibitors:. .. . _ Miss A. K. Bonl ?“;: oi Mr. Hal under the direction Lavell, those prescnt the lecture room of refreshments of sand LMMI h T1 Mr ly n to TIRES.,FROM r. G.orge L. L m years the c th t OÂ¥ ated with fruits ar e season and maple short and interes ITC W LANN HOUSE HAS CHANGI mermann House los by ‘man . nde be tla U N W G. T. RK., has MOVED B n the interests c Liberal candidat for the House c M dwiches, « n1 a most Ladios‘ Ai 1d h th ided real pL D HANDS , of Water Mr. Marti lager at thi S1 LOUI M Wat progI al by t ake d (Ch \1DF d able h‘v t] able it h Af h Mr. Jacob Good, of Hillsbore, Kanâ€" sas, is visiting .. friends in Waterloo and vicinity. m Lo Mr. Joe. Boege!, a popular 5i. Cleâ€" ments boy,. left on Tuesday 4)¢.Wat erloo to take up the duties of & ritâ€" uation secured there. We wish Joe. luck and he has our best wishes in Waterloo.â€"Wellesley ‘Maple Leal. Miss Blanche Bean and Messrs. Fred Snider and Roy Bean left Thursday evening lor _ St.*Louis, where they wil}l attend: the Exposition. A dow â€" John 8. Meyor, ol St. _ Wd in o oo aenieai‘s UCB « time was spent, Mr.â€" m Berlin, acting as tostmaster of the feast, which was 4 feature of the ocâ€" Cas1OD. Mr. . Fred Treblecock, of Bowmanâ€" ville, left Friday morning after spendâ€" ing a tew days, a guest at the home of Mrs. Simon Snyder, George street. Miss Elizabeth Bean, who has heen spending the past few months in Michigan, has returned to Waterioo. Miss Irene Fry, of Kurtzville, has returned to Waterloo to resume her musical s («~. Mrs. Lydia Fry of Elmira is spendâ€" ing some time with friends in Waterâ€" loo. Mrs. Edgar Laschinger, of Jolan nesburg, South Africa, nee Miss Kate Thomas, formerly of Waterloo, is visiting fricnds in th8 vicinity. Mrs. C. Specker is visiting in Desâ€" boro for a few months. Mr. Willie Brill has accepted a sitâ€" vation with Mr. J. M. Scully. | t 11 & Mr. W. . with frient Mr. and Sunday at brother, in awbly as can be expec in the interests of Mr Nee ues y W wenP °C wOoLLEN MILLS MU3T _ BF RESOLD. The sale of the factories, sites aud pants of the Canada Woollen Mill> Compans to William D. Long.of Han ilton, was illegal. This is the fnding ol Mr. JusticeMacMahon, and the assets of the company must be offerâ€" ed for sale afresh. It will be remembered after the difâ€" ferent dry goods men had declined to make any bids for the properties thy were sold to Mr. Long, one of the inâ€" spectors of the estate, for $253,000. The sale was mate against the wishâ€" es of the liquidator, and Mr. G. F. Benson, of Montreal, cne of the largâ€" est creditors, brought the matter up again before the official referee, Mr. Cartwricht, â€" who, however, decided prov‘dent â€" is Lordship has sustained the ap peal and sct aside the sale. NEW BANK DIRECTOR. Mr. W. K. MceNaught, who has just been elected a dircctor of the Soverâ€" egn Bank of Canaha is on" of the best known men in the Dominion. He is President of the American Watch Case Company, one of the largest inâ€" stitutions of its kind on the Continâ€" int, President of the Toronto Indusâ€" tral Exhibition, Chairman of the Tariff â€" Committee of the Canadian Manu‘acturers‘ Association, and a diâ€" rector of the Gore Mutual Fire Inâ€" surance (Co., and other important conâ€" cetns. lie is a gentlemcn of high perâ€" sonal character and exceplional bisâ€" mss alility, end takes an active inâ€" terest in every enterprise with wh h he is conn cled. Mr.= NeNaught‘s practical â€" experience, round common sense and conservatism _ eminently qualify him for the responsible posiâ€" ticn as director of a chartered bin‘, and he will be a valuable member of the capable and progressive Board of the Sovereign Pank. Personal.â€"Nr. Gcorge Slipper, of German Nills, made a {rierndly call hore last week.â€"Mrs. David Clemens, of Galt, was the guest cf Mrs. Sam Nilborn over Sunday.â€"Â¥essrs. Elmer and S. Snyder, of D>riin, imil Nr and Mrs. Will Bedford. of Blcomingâ€" dale, were visitors at the home of Mr. W. Wirgand on Sendag!iâ€"Miss Elsic Hillotn has retvrned home after a few days‘ visit with relatives in Berâ€" lin.â€"Miss Edna Weber has taken a position with the, Star Whitewear Co. of Berlin. and commenced her new duties Monday.â€"We regret to hear that Miss Serema Eby is on the sick list.â€"Mrs. Fd. Rictzcl, late of More‘â€" ton, now of B:lil! was the guest of her cousin, Mi mma Farrow, this week.â€"Mr. Jacob Gottesicten, of Berâ€" lini made a business trip through here this wees.â€"Mr. Herb Detweiler enterâ€" ed the Gait C. 1. ast Monday mornâ€" ing preparatory to tak q1 a course that will t him for the teaching ptoâ€" fession. Herb‘s many fricnds all unite im vmw unhounded success. â€" We are sed to bear that Mr. F. Latorh whao is ornfined to bed with Personal.â€" N German Nills, hore last week. of Galt, was t Hilborn over & and S. Snyder hrok . 1# Tinly se ohn be chpe h W. J. Krueger spend Sunday friends in Ayr. and Mrs. John Ritzer spent y at the home of Mr. Ritzer‘s er. in Brantford. FREEPORT on as favor In our Dress Goods Deparment all the nowest fabrics are to be found. Our Mi linery Department is better : quijped than ever und has on display the Anest array of head gear we have ye. shown. ean boast of the fijest range of Fall and Wintar Mintles and Carpets over shown in Waterloo. Oir Children‘s aud Missca‘ Jackets and Ulsters are specially attractive. _ ____ _ _ C Sph x oo . Carpets, Flcor Oil Cloths, Curtains, Uaderwear, Hosiery, Gloves and all Staple Dry Gonds at quick selling prices. The Shortest Route | There are toâ€"day more students atâ€" tending the high grade business colâ€" leges of Ontario than ever before. And still these schools cannot supply the demand for competent office help. So rapidly is business expanding that the field for stenographers and office help will not be overâ€"stocked for ‘years to come. | _A school which in particulat | is growing remarkably fast as the reâ€" Suitâ€"of this demand, is the Rerlin Business College. Last year its daily attendance was some seventy . stuâ€" dents. This year it bids fair to reach Llhe hundred mark, with an aggregate attendance for the year of from 150 to 175. It is thus one of the largest ‘schools in the country. The success of lils graduates is too well known for Opposite Zimmerman House Cornell will on Wednesday besome the bride of Mr. R. Watford, of uan.‘ Miss Emma Farrow will be bridesâ€" maid, and Mr. Wesley Cornell, oi Blve ale, brother of the b.ide, wil. assist the grcom. More particulars later.â€"Miss Lena Gootzke, who ha: been staying at Mr. E. Cornell‘s the past sumimer, left for her home near New Germiny some time ago, and she too will be married on Wednesday of this week to Mr. €. Babcock, of Galt. Con sratulations. Poth couples will resice in Galt, whore the respective grooms hold lucrative positions. comment A Pablic Meeting in thy interests of Mr. c P. Clemen®, Liberal Canclâ€" date in North Wats loo for the House of Commars, wi‘l be held io the Torn Hall, Wateâ€"ion, toâ€"moâ€"reaw evenit g (Friday October "S:b, 19M4), at 7.30 o‘clock. v'ï¬;pâ€"sr& J. D. Allan and R. McKay of Toronto and the C4ndidate will be present and will add ess the El etove. The Hing Kâ€"e Loa diy has mored twn doors north of its fcrmer prenust8 on King Sireet. OUTI PRICKES will henceforth h chargedâ€"Shirts 5>, Collars 1¢, Onffi ce will be made. â€" Parce‘s calied for and delivece. Work done on short st notice. Oct. 20â€"imo WEDDING GIFTS, LIBERAL MEETING Everybody We do only firâ€"t cla=allâ€"! an 1 work. If work is not suitisfa tory, no â€"| arge The abuadance of artistle and suitâ€" able gifts to be had at®our establishâ€" ment â€"all of assared quality, exelusive in designaâ€"appeals to your taste for _ Our conalstent prices ahould also at« trast vam If you ore Istereated in apâ€" HING KEE LAUNDRY CUT PRICES DEMAND CAUSES SUPPLY We se‘l you shoes as low as the lowest Yours for square dealing JOHN SCHONDELMAYER J. Uffelimann. Our Mantle Department 4ATot Cheap Shoecs BEBut Shoes Cheayp THIS FALL‘S TRADE Welcome clooks, ailverware, cat na are ansurpassed for To Public Favor is through Quality and Big Value. You always find both at Schondelmayer‘s Up toâ€"date Shoe Store. ist year its daily ne seventy . stuâ€" bids fair to reach ith an aggregate ear of from 150 nING KtP of new Fall Dress Goode, Mantles and best and leading manufaciurers of Great every d partment in the bouse is fuil of "OUR JUST RIGHT" H. B. DUERING So far as we can learn no Business College in Canada graduates so many and at the same time such a.lar%e perâ€" centage of its students as does the Our courses are upâ€"to date, in: tructâ€" ors experienced and facilities unsurâ€" paesed. Students may enterat any time. â€" Write for free catalogue, WESTERN ONTARIO UNEQUALLED AND METAL CLEANER COMBINED The oll*htem«l Polish in the World. No Dust, No Dirt, NoSmoke, No Smell Contains no benzin« or other explosives. PULVQ makes more polish and lasts lonwer than an‘y other. PULVO "rouss PRICEK 106. AT ALL GROCEARS J. DOERSAM, Agent, yENiFaAr > / mX Tess , _ Do Your friend to remember forever? 1f you go.mmï¬ or her a present of a . . . . Prices $1.50 to $10. Let us put one aside for you. These :“:-pm,..w warrant e lhuvfllum-‘b. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, LARCEST ANI B/ $T BACONS AND _ HAMS STRATFORD, ONT You Want FOUNTAID Y MANAGER WANTED WATERLOO ARE â€" IN â€" Waterloo, Ont. Prin«ipals, BERLIN Try us for your nex‘ pair ELECTION CETTING HOT ZICK‘S SHOE HOME PHONE 31G =â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"=== WAT that won‘t keep your feet warm all winter. You naturally want the best in Footwear to protect you from the wet and cold, & shoe with a shoddy inâ€" sole won‘t do, you get them wet once or twice and they will fall to pieces. $RHHHHv 0 Seeedeeeecdrececrcqeredrrrpq Mo hers who wait tor the |râ€"bs 10 say "cod" b. fore buving Mastr Haum Scarim :n cvercoat will lose the opporâ€" tuniy our clsthing â€" man exteads to th« m toâ€"mcirow. He is going to disâ€" ourt C114 Probs and sell overcca‘s whâ€"ther its co‘d or not. If you care to <ave from 1 to 2 dollars on tne to,‘s coat, j t glance at the fellowing pir .; ta; h. 50 POYS‘ OVERCOATS TO CLEAR AT $4.49. S.R E RNS ou.> EOYS $7 P TT IIITIIIIIITIIIIIIIIIIITIIIII] The lot consists of boys‘ lonz raglanette overcoats, Oxford and black, made from a soft cheviot, finished frieze, good wearing material, well lined and perfect fitting, sixes 25 to 30, regular price $5 up to $7, On Sale LOâ€"HNOLFOW NROFRINE @b... .â€".â€":+ 2« secscerensen neveroronns coamonenens olennonanrino 9lb 50 only men‘s heavy frieze cloth Reefers or Pea Jackets, suitable for a bicycle overcoat, in dark Oxfor d grey shade, made double breastâ€" e@ with storm collar, good warm che cked tweed linings, . thoroughly sewn and perfect fitting, sizes 34 to 4 4, regular price $5.00, special toâ€" TEDEEOWLisi i+ cevesvuce veriinecs HEBSIYETHTEIENILE L 0re00ee anrracoen ‘usoafiees nvprinbss oveasronseilt SEVERAL HUNDRED PAIRS OF BOOTS Men‘s fine goft finished imported winter overeoats, a black ground in fashionable stripe, made up in the new single breasted Chesterfield style, broad concave shoulders, elegantly tailorcd, with narrow, close fitting collars, finished with A 1 linings and trimmings, sizes 35 to 44, SOâ€"IIOEEOW BDBCLRI KB..:..â€".1 ccseilcrsccrcc! 9t erecce aensvipevens noinnoniniclohe nncricce Sres ol 200 pairs of Men‘s Boots, compri sing box calf, vici kid and patent enamel leather, Goodycar welt, heavy extension and single close -mw-mumuy.-to-au.mnwlo.mlunh- ( axtension edges, with standard sorew of so good black buft leather, regular :“hm $1.50 G. B. RYAN & CO., A spectial line of youths‘ buff lace d boots, made P % f mm . l Our House Furnishing Department . Carties a very compleic :sange ifut&-.-&.: < l l‘. uI‘"I.I # *.g::vw: Our display of inlaid Linoleums is well worth wï¬ befcre you buy elsewhere We give you a (ee sdvantage . QUALITY AND LOW PRICES. ~36 Tap § Whetiter you Mmtmpm not, ask to see our special values shown in Tapestry at 50 to 75¢ a yd. Axminster, Velvet or Tapestry Ru We have nearly every size, and the quality to ‘:ow from. These are very largely used at present. : Lace Curtains (Imported Direct) = Two large orders are placed Semiâ€"Annually by our THREE $TORES at Nottingham, England Only through euch advantage can lace curtains be laid down before the public at the prices we quote ours. _ See our special lines at $1.00, 1.35, 1.50, 1.75 and $2.00 a pair. Window Shades We employ aun expert at making window shades, who ean furnish you with the best prices. And any large quantities needed will also guarantee you perfect satisâ€" faction in them. Draperies Of every sort are kept on the 3rd floor such as Art Muslins, Denims, Cretones, Silkelines, Spot Muslins. are solid leather all through, they are made to : wear, made to fit the feet and please the eye, of course our profits are sm iller thanâ€"the dealers who sell the inferior grade, but we have the satisfaction of knowing that the shoes we sell are all of the COME AGAIN QUALITY OVERCOATS , New YOUTHS* $i.50 BOOTS 2145 Repairing neatly done New To BE SOLD AT BIG . REDUCTIONS, $4.49 BUT ! pait ....; RBELIN ONT or New SE WATERLOO : _ with . double ONTARI O $4.49 $12.00 $3.98. $2.69,