‘<€ T.i€ sANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE i 5 Viiâ€"s BANK _ GEPa@TmMENT O.‘Qnulno .. Carter‘s C ittle Liver Pills. r) A genera. baoking business done. Col ‘ ’g ons made, drafte lssued payable in a i:ï¬ho!tl. Dominion or any place in ‘h \ ~ g14. Highest rates of interest allowed for w deposited n Savings Bank or «pecial Money can be seat to all parts o the world at trifling cost by our drafts and money orders, _____ _ _ © Bank draits are absolutely rafe and we.gwamee that the money will be paid only to the right party. . BANK OF HAMILTON _ Travellers can purchase Circular Notes, which can be cashed everyâ€" where without ch«rge,personal idenâ€" tification or any kind of trouble. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. The safest way to in\vest your mon sy is to place it in this department. _The rate of interest may seem mall when comparcd with tha romised by speculators but the inâ€" come is at least certain. Remember that the money is per fectiy s«ie and that you can get it when you want it One dotiar and upwards received. Interest added twice a year, _ JOHN RITZER, CA PIT AL...... . _ .... $8 700,000, R&31%.... ....... ... $8,000,000, HEAD OFFICE TORONTo, gr se BERLIN BRANCH. "ZEMITTANCE DEPARTMENT. Highe de osits HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL COapital Authorized $5.000,000 Paidâ€"Up Capital â€" $8.200,000 Reserve Fund â€" $2,850,000 The MoiSons Bank. Fall Millinery Oponing ~ The Annual Fal‘ held at the Misses F jory email end as cany to take as sugan Thorsday, F September " The Models are un i Canadiin styles _ You are opiming. â€"Phe MISSES FEHRENBACH, i# sz.' :i.lor, the only agent in _ qaymon E@ SEWING MACHINES poiite Must Bear S.gnature of GURE SICK HEADACHE Sce Facâ€"Simile Wenppor DBetow, most popular sewing machines the market. A perfect machine _as & handsome pisce of ~A complete set of attachâ€" with svery machine. Call stand. _â€"â€"~ RITZER‘S, given special attention F.C.G. MiNTY, Mamacsr. he<t current rates allow»d on FARMERS BUSINESS WATERLOO 8RANCH BERLIN Next to Smyth Bros. Store Incorporated in 1856. an«ra) Banking _ Business cordialy JACOB HESPELER, Manager Waterioo Branch Frnday and P 22, 28 C. L. LAING, 1‘ Opening will Febrenbach on Paris welcomed 28 and 24 W LTERLOO Now Saturday BERLIN y |i| Berlin News ork be FORMAL â€"OPENING OF CLUBâ€"ROOM ‘The formal opening of the new club rooms and gymnasium of the Cathoâ€" lis Young Men‘s Society in what was formeriy‘ St. Mary‘s church, took place on Thursday evening. The event was a most delightful one and the at An attractive programme was givâ€" en, including musical numbers, adâ€" dresses and gymnastic work. â€" in the latter, the young men showed excepâ€" tional ability considering the brief inâ€" struction they have had. # Mr. F. Robleder presided in a very capable manner. The musical programme included a piano solo and a vocal number by Miss Amelia Mueller, a duet by Miss Mueller and Mr. William Rau, and a song by Mr. C. Donovan. Mr. George Kioepfer gave an exhibition of club swinging and Messrs. J. Armold and H, Dantzer furnished considerable amâ€" usement in a ‘‘blindfolded‘" boxing match. * Catholic Young Men‘s Society. A Pleasant Event Took Piace Thursday Last Mr. W. H. Ridell made an eloquent speech in which he expressed his pleaâ€" sure upon having an opportunity to say in public what he had often said in private conversation, that the good Catholic people of Berlin had many substantial reasons to feel thankfal ior the many great advantages they enjoyed both of an educational . and religious character. He spoke of the ior the many great advantages they enjoyed both of an educational . and religious character. He spoke of the growth of the Separate School, â€" of St. Jerome‘s College and of the magâ€" nincent new St. Mary‘s church, and referred to the different Catholic orâ€" ganizations which had all shown great progress. ; The annual mecting of the Berlin Racycle Company, Limited, of Berâ€" lin, was held on Thursday and was attended by nearly all the shareholdâ€" ers. Manager A. Pequegnat submitâ€" ted a very encouraging report, notâ€" withstanding the unusually poor seaâ€" son for bicycling, and a sufficient surâ€" plus was on hand to declare a neat dividend. It was also reported that before the next annual meeting . the clock industry would be in operation in connection with the manufacture of bicycles. The officers elected were:â€" President, Paul Pequegnat; vicepresiâ€" dent, Leon Pequegnat, New liamburg; manager and treasurer, Arthur Pequeâ€" gnat; secretary, R. D. Lang, director, Joseph Pequegnat, Guelph. The Catholic Young :Men‘s Society was organized last March and is doâ€" ing good work. The gymnasium work is under the direction of Mr. P. J. Padden. A 1 rge number of young trees are b:im: plented on Short street, which has recently been macadamizcd. This is going to be our banner year. Our school is perfectly equipped, our attendance is larger than ever. . It means a good deal to surpass . Our remarkable record of last year, but we are doing it. We are in a posiâ€" tion to do more for our students than ever bofore. A business education is an excellent investment for . young people to make. Berlin Business Colâ€" lege. Catalog free. At the monthly meeting of the Free Library Board on Thursday evâ€" ening a iccc‘ution of condolence was passed sympathising with Mr. R. Reid, one of the members, in his reâ€" cent bercavement. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs Henry A. Froman died on Friday. C . y cG es st)<.J ie on "‘%i“‘ £4 *4 perarcn Jiss* ‘{,-‘x t h ;‘fhr *4 a Ts & e ts Las: \fl&v" ~ { Ly s & ‘\‘ M):,_ E s 2 ¢ + NP tan: £ 4 ) ;, / Â¥e \'4 ‘\‘ C ,.-/é/‘ o 1 > i â€" /â€"/' C /"' ; Z+ /1 M Mice Nettie Rlackmaore. Min. 8 Miss Nettie Blackmore, Minâ€" ® neapolis, teils how any young woman may be permanently cured of monthly pains by takâ€" hzhLydil E. Pinkham‘s Vegeâ€" t Compound. "Youre Wowrx:â€"I had freq=ont headaches of a sovere :utum, dork before my cyes, and at rmenâ€" :m godo { suffered nntol?z!"n!» A member of the lode advised_me to Toi. crnisintn == Nt BiAQe hore. 20 Goniest Are . Minnespolin M ons Nerdl e Aroguees, **** * 1f there is anything about Of The |NBW’ OFFICERS WERE ELECTED Encouraging Reperts Presented at the W.C.T.U. Convention â€"Public Meeting Wedâ€" convention, a largely attended public meeting was held in the Benton St. Baptist church on Wednesday evening. Rev. F. Friedrich occupied the chair. ‘The chief speaker ol the evening was Mrs. Gordon Wright, of London, whose subject was ‘‘The Responsibilâ€" ‘ity of the Christian Voter.‘" Her adâ€" dress was a forceful one and many convincing points were brought out. Rev. Nr. ! eacon, of Port Colborne, was iv ua.« been present to speak, but could not make the necessary train connections. Rev. D. W. Snider then gave gn address on "Statistics of Corruption," _ demonstrating by statistics that out of 1,000 temperate men only 17 could be bribed, whereas out of 1,000 intemperate men â€" over half could be bribed. "Lhe election of officers took plac« this morninz and resulted as fcllows Pres‘dontâ€"Mrs. W. H. Becker. Viceâ€"Pres.â€"Mrs. 1‘. E. Shan‘z, Presâ€" Uorresponding Sec‘yâ€"Miss E. F Bawtenbeimer. ton Rccording Sec‘y.â€"Mrs. Wm. Elliott, Central Dumfries. Treasurerâ€"Mrs. J. Knechtel, Ca‘t The various reports presentco were of a highly satisfactory nature, showâ€" ing the past year to have been (n* of progress im all departments ol the work. wWEDNESDAY AFTEPYNCN. (Cn Wednesday afternoon the address of we‘come by Mrs.J. S. Bingeman of Berlin, was replied to by Miss Pawtcnheimer, of Galt. Interesting papers were read by Mrs. A. G. King, of Galt, on "Parâ€" lor Meet‘n:s‘; Miss Mary Taylor, Cuntral Ddmifries, on "Lord‘s Day Observances"; Mrts. C. B. Dunke, of Betlin, on ‘"Prison Work"; Mrs. P. E. Shantz, Prestcn, on "Juvenile Wotk"‘; ind Miss Fulton, of Ayr, on "SYySâ€" tematic Giving". The present membership of the Covnty lnicn is 148 active members and 23 honorary members. The presidcnt‘s address was read this moin ng, Mrs. Knechtel, of Galt, and Mrs. Roat, of Berlin, gave Bible readâ€" ings, and Mrs/ William Elliott sing a pleasing solo. The Preston W. C. T. U. wa awarded the barner for having scour cd the largest number of new mem bers during the year. There was also a Round Table Cc ference _ on â€" ‘"Difficulties . of Un‘ Work". A largely attended mceting of Libâ€" erals was held on Friday evening, at which a thorough system of organiâ€" zation was arranged and chairmen for the various wards were appointed. A spirit of confidence pervaded the meetâ€" ing and no stone will be left unturnâ€" ed to roll up a big vote for the popâ€" ular candidate, Mr. E. P. Clement. The candidate was in attendance and addressed the workers. This afternoon the first meeting of the new executive was held inl the reports of County Superint ndcnts were received. In connection with the W.C.T.U Mr. Clemeat â€" left on Menday morning for Woolwich township where he will remain during next week. The Court of Registration for Berâ€" lin completed its labors Saturday at the Judge‘s Chambers, Regisâ€" trars J. McDougall, Judge Chisholm and J. J. A. Weir being present. One of the appeals was withdrawn, . and the second was dismissed, as the apâ€" pellant did not put in an appearance. A peculiar feature of this registraâ€" tion is that neither party can estiâ€" mate how many of their respective appointed Primate of all Canada by supporters were registered. tion is th mate how appointed supporters Now that the battle is on, electors ate warned to be on the lookout for what may be callcd the campaign li@r. Beware of the canvasser who goes on the still hunt instead of taking the public platform for a fair and open discussion of the questions of the day. Overzealous canvassers, in order to gain support for their candiGate, or injure theit opponent, sometimes reâ€" sort to faischoods concerning the canâ€" didates and their policies. Most of these party workers will no Goubt be found to be honest men, but in ordetr rot to be deceived every elector should carefully study the questions of the day for himsel{, contrast the policies of the two great mulul parties as enunciated by the me Minister, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and the Hon. R. L. Borden, and the merits of the local candidates, anc thin vote for that which his reason tells him is in the best interests of his country and his electorial district. In Mr. Clement the Liberals of North Waterloo have in the present election of ~well Teel proud, a sup porter of MW ada has ever known, and yr 4 i“’ es Te ngimine elecâ€" LIRERALS ARE ORGANIZING al, young and old, sh him, and means o in (Mkies tion work, a* member of | COURT OF REGISTRATION * â€" The Happenings at the Gounty Soat Oars oal and Personal items THE nesday Evening. CAMPAIGN s on, elect ie lookout | campaign 1i r who goes f taking 1 LIAR BJ Sy Soudesrany Srrgd y fong AP e .5. «*4 .‘tw-w l thes !Nkuz"’ : the P se »u\*: rink sare K fhring plant. . Maror K ,,..&i 2eent hok ahith se aatinfnghien s ns at the all ; but the m:&.ï¬nnflm-‘o f all. muu::llhut suitable to run the and conâ€" sequently they cannot do the satisâ€" factory work they could with coal gas, and sufficient water gas cannot be made for the supply of power ~to factories, furnish light to the town and power to the street railway, so when it is found that the gas is runâ€" ning short the street railway powet is shut off in order to let the holder fill up again so that the town . will not be left in complete darkness. The work of putting in borizontal retorts to replace the useless vertical retorts is now proceeding and it is expected that they will be in operationâ€"in Noâ€" vember, and the mayor assured the aldermen that when that time came there would be no further trouble in regard to light and power. Ald. Weber created some amuseâ€" ment at this meeting by his anxiety lest the representatives of the press should be within earâ€"shot. He â€" apâ€" parently was not in earnest when, at the last meeting of the council, he drafted a motion which included . a welcome to the press to be present at committce meetings, for he made repeated trips to the various doors opening inte the council chamber in the fear that scribes might be there with their ears glued to the . key holes. _ However he failed to locate them. His crafty mind hit upon the 'prohahflity of the reporters baving gained some point of vantage at one of the windows but his confreres pointed out that this was altogether unlikely, it would be too cold out there and anyway the reporters could | not hear the proceedings. Ald. Weâ€" ‘ber didn‘t know about that. He opined that those reporters . could hear anything. But fortunately _ for them he did not climb the iron stairs in the back wall of the town hall. Iw the Home of His Daughter, Florence, Was All but Dead from Dropsyâ€"Her Doctor Had Given Her Upâ€"Dr. Wilâ€" liams‘ Pink Pills Were Then Used and Toâ€"day She is Well and Strong. JoOY SUCCEEDS DESPAIR e of Mr. Joseph Hiltor Thorold, Ont. sickness and suffering enters, new health and strength can be had through a fair use of this medicine Remember that substitutes can‘t cure â€"they make the patient worse, and when you ask for this medicine see that the full name, ‘"Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills for Pale People,"‘ is printâ€" ed on the wrapper around the boxâ€" then you are sure you have the genâ€" uine pills. Sold by all medicine dealâ€" ers or by mail post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by writâ€" ing The Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The coming provincial conycn{ion of the Ontario Sabbath School! Assoziaâ€" tion in Ham‘lton, Cct. 25, 26, 27, promises to be ane of the best con ventions in the history of the provâ€" ince. The place of meeting is admirâ€" ably adapted for a large gathcring of workers, and the hospitaiity for which Hamilton is noted will no doubt be submitted to a very considerable test. Th: program is â€"rich and varied, some of the chief features be‘ng Child Th: program is â€"rich and varied, some of the chief features be‘ng Child Study in Relation to Religious Life, by Principal Wm. Scott, of the Torâ€" c@to Normal School; The Influenze of the Sunday School on the Character of the Community, by Alfred Day, genral secretary of the Michigan Sabâ€" bath Schcol Association ; The Kingâ€" dom of God Symbolized, Idealized and Developed in Childhood, by Rev. L.S. lMughscn, B.D., Windsor; The Source of Our Inspiration, by Rev. F. E. tiowitt, Hamilton; A Profitable In. vestment of Time, Means and Influâ€" cnce, by Rev. J. J. Redditt, Barric ; ‘The Child‘s Growth, with its New Problems for the Teacher, by Dr. Tracy, Toronto University, How to Teach a Child Patriotism, by Rev.Dr. Specr, Toronto ; Some Elements in Sunday School work that Enter Into the Moral Character, by Rev. Alex. MacGillivray, Toronto ; Why Every Christian Sbould Engage in Sunday School Work, by Rev. Dr. Francis Perry, Toronto, The Fight for Instiâ€" tuticns and a Nati@nal Environment that will Aid in the Development of Moral Character, by Rev. T. Albert Moore, sccretary of the Ontario Lo: J‘ Day Alliance; Teacher Training. hy is Day Alliance; Teacher Training. hy is A. Hafdy. the recontly â€" appoinies teacher training secretary of the On tario Sabbath School Association In addition to the foregoing, Mrs. H. Elizabeth Foster, state primary superintend(nt, of New York, and pne of the best primary experts in Amerâ€" ica, will deliver several addresses, and Rev. W. E. Hassard will conduct sevâ€" eral conferences on the Home Departâ€" ment and Houseâ€"toâ€"House Visitation. Sunday School workers genâ€"ra‘ly are urged to make this the greatest convention in the history of the Onâ€" tario Sabbath Schoo! Association, and there is every indication of a record teing made. A‘ll Sunday Schools may appo‘nt represcntatives in the ratio of ons for éach hundred or fraction of Weak Hair a hundred on its roll. For billets and other information delegates should apâ€" ply to the secretary of the associaâ€" tion, reoms 99 and 100, Confederation Life Building, Toronto, before Oct. 20th. short bairr? Of r you don‘t, Do you :hla heavy, smooth hbair? course you do. Then why not be pleased? Ayer‘s Hair Vigor makes beautiful heads of hair, that‘s the whole story. gou for 60 years. Our Busy Farmers. Any grist for the mill ? The jolly farmer packs His wagon with a heavy load Saanly ps toys pereanepnernd iet‘eemé hewo, (o dhe Mtiniena n 40. d 5. "Dr. Leonhardt‘s Hemâ€"Roid cured me of a very bad dase of Piles of over ;;nh;n:mtdu(. I had tried everyâ€" t got no t cure antil I used Hom lldk: I had Blind sni Riseding Pie#s, and soffered everything. _ Olatments and local troatments falled, bot Dr. Leonhardys Hewm Rold cured me parfectly." _ COXVYENTION AT HAMILTON 3A ir Vigo for 4 To iThe Mercantile Fire § TT T TT TT TT TT TT TT $0O0¢ QOGCHGSg+0+e casae caeC resacsdcsnsccscacsense A BERLILN HUNTING FATALITY Alton Young Man Shot Dead by His Companion. GUN CAUGHT IN THE BUSHES "Christy" Beet Topper Hammond . Dodds, _ Aged _ Twentyâ€"Two Years, Received the Whole Charge of Shot in His Brain While Out Huntâ€" ingâ€"Comrade‘s Gun Was At Malfâ€"Cock and Victiin Was a Few Feet Behind. Alton, Oct. 17.â€"Hammond Dodds, of Alton, a young iman about 22 years of age, was accidentaily shot while out hunting Saturday â€" afterâ€" noon. _ One of his comrades was passing through some bushes with his gun at halfâ€"cock and the barrel pointing _ backward, _ when some branches caught the trigger, and the whole charge was lodged in the brain of the unfortunate young man, who was only a few foot in the rear. Mediâ€" cal aid was summoned, but he dicd while he was being brought home. The deceased was a young man of exceptional character, much respected in the community, and sympathy for the bereaved friends is expressed on all sides. Alton is in Cardwell, townâ€" ship of Caledon. Drowns At Lindsay, Lindsay, Oct. 17.â€"Napoleon Duoait, aged 55, m laborer, was drowned Saturday at noon. He was fishing and evidently met with an accident and fell out of his canoo to death. This is the third drowning this year Killed By a Train. Fort William, Oct. 17.â€"While tryâ€" Ing to mount the tender of a moving engine, John Drummond Saturday morning slipped and fcll and was lit erally cut to picces, in the west ond ®f the Canadian Northern yards. Deâ€" ceased was unmarriod. Tew Year 0| . Cremated. Marmora, Oct. 17.â€"A little boy, 10 years old, the son of William Jones, at Deloro Mincs, was burned to death Saturday forenoon in his fath» er‘s barn. His mother, hearing h# cries, made frantic offorts to get the :Ilh fellow o'\:. but co{x:::t. :: was p wi Mm barn was burned. son, aged 60, diod at th House . pere yestorday m BUBSCRIBED CAPITAL â€" _ â€" â€" = $250,000.00 DEPOSIT WITH DOMINION GOV‘T = * 117,140.41 All Policies Guaranteed by the Lownow & Lixcasire® Firs . SURANCE COMPANXY with Assets of $16,306,638. Dies At Napanee Napanes, Oct. 17. â€"Tho The Proper Kind. Away down In Price. C. E. POTTER. DO YOU NEED BEET TOPPERS ? BE Altre. Wright, Secretary T. H. Hall, Inspector, BUCKBERROUGII & CO., Agen:s, Waterloo. ‘Phone 244 TINSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporsated 1875. IT‘3 LIGiiT. _ IT‘8 BALANCED. IT‘S CHEAP. P ETE R HY M ME N HEAD OFFICE â€" WATERLO , ONT. WE CAN CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE BEET KNIVES Thomas Anderâ€" WE HAVE ALSO . . SUGAR BEET FORKS t for the ampbell ‘These Dyos = ill ye Wool, Cottom, SDM Jute or Mixed Gooda in one bathâ€"they z (he latest aod most improved Dye im world. Try a package, . All ectors at RBXALL k.M. DEVITTB. __ GEO, A. BOWMAN __ Druggis‘, Waterioo, Conestogo PETER F SOHUMMER St. Cloments, Ont o444++444+4++4++ Anyone sanding a skitah and na e rniy apainegt twv‘.'mtï¬;:mï¬. landbook on '.I“ onte taken : .’nm " C THE DOMINION LIFE + fowr e ‘ 2 q 80 1Broadwan x pandvomety tthmatratod KEAD OFFICE,* WATERLOO, ONT. 4 o b o o 6 b4 444 6 4 6 44444444 klippert Undortaking Gu.f Thore!s 4 policeman in C Kampf. klippert Undertaking 60 CUndertakers and AEmbalmers. Ialls aaswored1 day and 1igh 1 An Endowment Policy Secures more New Businees in Waterloo County than any other company. In a wellâ€"managed and popularCompany such as The Dominion Life omommmmmery se im pF. Thos. Hilillard P esident. Managing Director F1ed Halstead. Buat. of Agencie. Will Pay You HOUSE HOLD ONTARIO DYBS